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Lawyer Referral Service
a specific sponsorship of Foundation events. You can join in a fundraising effort, encouraging your peers to contribute as well, or earmark cy pres funds to the Foundation. Whatever the source, those funds are distributed to deserving recipients to advance justice, legal education, and improve our communities in myriad ways.
Just as they always will, lawyers see ways to change the world for good and are acting to make it so. Every single day thousands of lawyers help people, through actions large and small, both public and imperceptible. Your support and gifts to the Foundation can be a part of those efforts, and they need not be on a grand scale. As French author Paul Carvel said, “He who wants to change the world should already begin by cleaning the dishes.”
Happy Thanksgiving.
The LCBA Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is a valuable member benefit as well as a public service. LRS provides member attorneys with an opportunity to build business through client referrals. The service benefits the public by helping callers quickly find an attorney in the area of law in which they need help.
The LRS program is designed to assist persons who are able to pay normal attorney fees but whose ability to locate legal representation is frustrated by a lack of experience with the legal system, a lack of information about the type of services needed, or a fear of the potential costs of seeing a lawyer.
Cost is only $200 annually for a Standard listing or $350 for a Premium listing. Download the application at www.lakebar.org/ page/LRS or contact the LCBA office for more information.
• Administrative • Bankruptcy • Commercial • Consumer • Employment • Environmental • Estate Planning, Wills,
Trusts and Probate
Visit lakecountylawyer.info for a complete list of available categories.