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LCBA Fall Member Luncheon
Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 18, 2022
President Devine called the meeting to order at 12:09 p.m.
Roll call indicated a quorum was established,
Tara Devine President Katharine Hatch First Vice President Daniel Hodgkinson Second Vice President Kevin Berrill Treasurer Jeffrey Berman Secretary Joseph Fusz Past President Hon. Jacquelyn Melius Director Craig Mandell Director Jeffrey O’Kelley Director Sarah Raisch Director Jeremy Harter Director Judy Maldonado Director Greg Weider Executive Director with the following individuals present: Tara Devine, President; Katherine Hatch, First Vice President; Daniel Hodgkinson, Second Vice President; Jeffrey Berman, Secretary; Craig Mandell, Director; Hon. Jacquelyn Melius, Director; Jeffrey O’Kelley, Director; Sarah Raisch, Director; Jeremy Harter, Director; Greg Weider, Executive Director. Judy Maldonado, Director, joined by telephone.
ACTION ITEMS Consent Agenda Items • July Board of Directors Minutes
The Draft minutes from the July meeting of the Board of Directors was included in the agenda packet. There were no requests for additions, corrections, or changes to the draft minutes.
• July New Members
The July new member report was included in the agenda packet.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Consent Agenda is approved.
• Treasurer’s Report
The July 2022 Financial Report and supporting materials were included in the Agenda packet. Discussion followed. Total revenue and expense numbers for the first month of the fiscal year are consistent with the prior year and in line with the budget. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurers Report. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Treasurer’s Report is approved.
Meeting Minutes
OLD BUSINESS • LCBA HR / Employee Handbook Review
Executive Director Weider and President Devine made a presentation regarding the effort to review and update the Employee Handbook. The Board also was advised that Board members would be required to complete an on-line anti-harassment training module. A motion was made and seconded to authorize the Executive Director to engage specialty counsel to assist with the Employee Handbook update, in accordance with the cost proposal included in the agenda packet. Discussion followed. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried.
• Prairie State Legal Services – Volunteer Lawyer Program
Executive Director Weider and President Devine made a presentation regarding the proposal from Prairie State Legal Services for closer coordination between the LCBA and the Volunteer Lawyer Program. Discussion followed. President Devine will follow up with Prairie State.