3 Product Pitch Taylor Sparks
Idea 1: Watercolour iPad/iPhone Cases ❖ Watercolour designs ❖ Looks like an old style book from the side ❖ Could try silkscreen printing the designs onto the cases.
❖ Easy to post and deliver
❖ Need to consider that this has been done before
❖ Competitive market ❖ Might be overdone
Idea 2: Laser Cut Wooden Bookmarks ❖ Easy to cut geometric shapes ❖ Can do detailed lines and shapes ❖ After the design’s done the machine can cut it ❖ Easy to post and deliver
❖ Need to consider that this has been done before
❖ Can’r sell for much ❖ Cost more to make than to sell
Idea 3: Mug and Coaster Sets ❖ Print on Demand
❖ Need to check quality
❖ Can do detailed and colourful designs
❖ Need to consider protective postage
❖ After the design’s done services make it
❖ Could laser cut designs into coasters
❖ Easy to post and deliver