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Transformation 2013 Design Challenge Planning Form Guide Design Challenge Title: Making Waves Teacher(s): Pamela Miller School: Harlandale High School Subject: Wave Properties, Characteristics and Applications Abstract: Students will apply their knowledge of wave properties and characteristics to develop a communications device that will attract the outside world to an island of stranded travelers.


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last update 10.8.2008

Begin with the End in Mind The theme or “big ideas� for this design challenge: Students will apply their knowledge of wave characteristics and properties to develop a communications device. TEKS/SEs that students will learn in the design challenge: (8) Science concepts. The student knows the characteristics and behavior of waves. The student is expected to: (A) examine and describe a variety of waves propagated in various types of media and describe wave characteristics such as velocity, frequency, amplitude, and behaviors such as reflection, refraction, and interference; (B) identify the characteristics and behaviors of sound and electromagnetic waves; and (C) interpret the role of wave characteristics and behaviors found in medicinal and industrial applications. Key performance indicators students will develop in this design challenge: Vocabulary development (wave, crest, trough, compression, rarefaction, transverse, compressional, longitudinal, frequency, amplitude, wavelength, wave velocity, interference, polarization, refraction, reflection, diffraction, resonance); calculate wave velocity; calculate wavelength;, calculate frequency; describe applications of wave properties in the real world; develop a communications device based on wave properties/characteristics

21st century skills that students will practice in this design challenge: www.21stcenturyskills.org Collaboration, communication, problem solving, critical thinking STEM career connections and real world applications of content learned in this design challenge:

Career: Communications Connections: Students will recognize applications of wave properties in the world around them.

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The Design Challenge You and your family decided to go on a small discount cruise over the summer. While out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere, the cruise ship lost power and fuel and became stranded on a deserted island. All communication systems are down. Because you are the only person on the ship that has taken Physics recently, your fellow travelers put you in charge of developing a communications device to attract the attention of the outside world. Your communications device should take advantage of wave properties and characteristics to be the most effective.

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last update 10.8.2008

Map the Design Challenge Performance Indicators

Already Learned

Taught before the project

Taught during the project




rarefaction, transverse, compressional, longitudinal, frequency, amplitude, wavelength, wave velocity, interference, polarization, refraction, reflection, diffraction, resonance) 2. Calculate wave velocity



3. Calculate wavelength



4. Calculate frequency



5. Describe applications of wave properties in the real world



6. Develop a communications device based on wave



1. Vocabulary development (wave, crest, trough, compression,


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last update 10.8.2008

Team-Building Activity It is important that teachers provide team-building activities for students to help build the 21st Century Skills that are necessary for success in the workforce. Team-building helps establish and develop a greater sense of cooperation and trust among team members, helps students adapt to new group requirements so that they can get along well in a new group, serves to bring out the strengths of the individuals, helps identify roles when working together, and leads to effective collaboration and communication among team members so that they function as an efficient, productive group. Our students are often not taught how to work in groups, yet we assume that they automatically know how. Use team-building activities with your students so that you can see the benefits which include improvement in planning skills, problem solving skills, decision making skills, time management skills, personal confidence, and motivation and morale. Human Overhand This activity should be done in groups of 4. Allow one class period (50 minutes) for completion. Objective: For the group to tie an overhand knot in the middle section of rope without anyone releasing their ropes. Materials: Three four-foot lengths of rope per group Resources: http://www.firststepstraining.com/resources/activities/archive/activity_overhand.htm Activity Instructions: Distribute the ropes, and demonstrate an overhand knot (the kind that you start tying your shoes with). Now instruct the group to face you and grab on to the end of someone else's rope so that they form a connected line - with a rope connecting each person. The human configuration should be person-ropeperson-ROPE-person-rope-person. The center rope is the rope in which the group must tie an overhand knot without anyone letting go of the ropes that they are holding. Simply instruct the group to tie an overhand knot in the center rope without anyone releasing the ends that they are holding and step back. Facilitator Notes: 1.

This activity is challenging - folks will ask you several times if there are any "tricks" involved. And there aren't any. The "trick" if you will is simply for the group to consider themselves as one long rope, to get a clear picture of how an overhand knot is tied, and to follow through based on that vision and understanding.


If a you have several small groups and any one finishes early, you can 

ask them to assist other groups by coaching,


observe other groups and notice the dynamics for the debrief

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last update 10.8.2008

5E Lesson Plan Design Challenge Title: Making Waves TEKS/TAKS objectives: 8ABC Engage Activity www.brainpop.com Watch the “Waves” video. Have students take notes during the presentation or complete the quiz at the end of the video. Demonstrations: Standing Waves: Use a wave machine with one clamped end to demonstrate a standing wave. Review concepts from the video. Discuss whether waves carry matter or energy Interference: Demonstrate interference with the wave machine by starting waves at each end of the wave machine simultaneously. Observe the effects. Have students write a journal entry reflecting on the two demonstrations. Introduce Design Challenge: You and your family decided to go on a small discount cruise over the summer. While out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere, the cruise ship lost power and fuel and became stranded on a deserted island. All communication systems are down. Because you are the only person on the ship that has taken Physics recently, your fellow travelers put you in charge of developing a communications device to attract the attention of the outside world. Your communications device should take advantage of wave properties and characteristics to be the most effective. Students should work in groups of 3-4 to complete this challenge. Students should begin information gathering at this point. Possible solutions: light reflection device, AM radio transmitter, diffraction patterns in shallow water, etc.

Engage Activity Products and Artifacts BrainPop notes or quiz Journal entry © 2008 Transformation 2013


last update 10.8.2008

Engage Activity Materials/Equipment Computer with BrainPop access, wave machine, clamp Engage Activity Resources www.brainpop.com Explore Activity Students will work on “Waves Internet Activity” Students can work in pairs if there is an issue with computer availability. Students will work on “Making Waves” lab. Students should work in groups of 3. Students will work on the “Waves Station Lab”. Instruct students to only hit tuning forks with a rubber mallet or the rubber soles of their shoes. Be sure to give the Doppler station plenty of room so that the swinging buzzer does not hit anyone. Some scientific supply companies also sell foam “Doppler balls”.

Explore Activity Products and Artifacts Waves Internet Activity Making Waves Lab Wave Stations Lab sheet Explore Activity Materials/Equipment Waves internet activity: metric ruler, computers with internet access Waves station: golf ball, 4 tuning forks of different frequencies, 4 rubber mallets, plastic cup with water, sound cannon (toilet paper tube with balloon stretched across one end, secured with a rubber band), salt, cup with balloon stretched across the top to hold salt, Dancing Nancy (sound activated doll) Diffraction station: diffraction gratings Interference station: Moiré patterns Resonance station: resonance boxes, conch shell (or cardboard tube) © 2008 Transformation 2013


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Doppler station: electric buzzer attached to battery with long wires Reflection station: fiber optic device, mirrors, echo microphone, cardboard paper towel tubes, backgrounds for sound reflection (linoleum, carpet, egg carton) Refraction station: small plastic cup, penny, cup of water, half filled beaker of water with pencil/pen, large beaker filled with vegetable oil and small “invisible” beaker inside, magnifying lens and page with printed words Polarization station: Two polarized plastic squares Making Waves Lab: (per group) wave demonstration spring, slinky, meter stick, stopwatch calculators Explore Activity Resources http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/waves/wavestoc.html

Explain Activity Students take Cornell notes during “Waves” PowerPoint presentation. Students complete “Waves Practice Problems”. The next day, provide solutions and allow lab groups to peer tutor. Watch BrainPop videos “Sound” and “Light”. Have students take notes during the videos or take the quizzes at the end of the videos. Draw a Venn Diagram on the board. Label the left side light, the middle both, and the right side sound. Give the student index cards with vocabulary words. Give students time to discuss with each other where their term belongs on the Venn diagram. Have students come up and put their terms on the board. Review as a class once the diagram is complete. Students should add this diagram to their notes. Terms to use: carry energy amplitude wavelength can travel through matter frequency velocity/speed compression and rarefaction crest and trough medium moves perpendicular to wave medium moves parallel to wave compressional waves transverse waves need a medium to travel through don’t need a medium to travel through refraction

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last update 10.8.2008

reflection interference diffraction resonance Doppler effect faster in gases faster in solids loudness, intensity, pitch opaque, transparent, translucent electromagnetic wave color polarized Explain Activity Products and Artifacts Cornell notes Waves Practice Problems BrainPop notes/quiz Venn Diagram Explain Activity Materials/Equipment Computer with PowerPoint, BrainPop access, projector, index cards, dry erase board, dry erase markers Explain Activity Resources www.brainpop.com Elaborate Activity

“Wave Properties in a Ripple Tank Lab” Students work in groups of 3. This lab will take two days to complete. Elaborate Activity Products and Artifacts “Wave Properties in a Ripple Tank” Lab Elaborate Activity Materials/Equipment Wave Properties in a Ripple Tank: (per group) ripple tank, high intensity point light source, variable wave generator, screen, metric ruler, hand held stroboscope, protractor,

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last update 10.8.2008

wooden blocks, aluminum concave/convex barrier, glass plate, washers, water container Elaborate Activity Resources http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/waves/wavestoc.html Evaluate Activity

Students should complete their project prototypes and logs. Students should be provided with rubrics at the beginning of the project. Evaluate Activity Products and Artifacts Project Prototype: Communication Device Project Log Summary of wave properties/characteristics applied in device design Evaluate Activity Materials/Equipment Student gathered materials Evaluate Activity Resources http://sci-toys.com/scitoys/scitoys/radio/radio.html http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/waves/wavestoc.html

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last update 10.8.2008

Waves Internet Activity A wave is a disturbance that carries energy, and not just in the football stadium or in the ocean either. Both sound and light are carried by waves, although by different types. In this activity you will learn about the different parts of a wave: wavelength, crest, trough, amplitude, and frequency. You will also learn about the similarities and differences between two types of waves, transverse and longitudinal (a.k.a compressional). Materials: computer with internet access, ruler Procedure: PART 1 – Transverse Waves 1. 2. 3. 4.

Type in the URL: www.ngsir.netfirms.com/englishhtm/TwaveA.htm Begin the wave motion by clicking “start”. After observing the wave for one minute, press “freeze”. Draw a picture of the transverse wave in the box below.


Rest position

5. Identify and label the following: A. Crest – the highest point of the wave. B. Trough – the lowest point of the wave. C. Wavelength – one complete wave pattern (one up and down) OR the distance from one crest to the next crest OR the distance from one trough to the next trough. D. Amplitude – the distance from the rest position to the highest point of the wave.

6. Reduce the wavelength by sliding the wavelength bar all the way to the left. Press “continue”. Observe the wave for 30 seconds. Press “freeze”. 7. Draw a picture of the wave in the box below. BOX 2 © 2008 Transformation 2013


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Rest position

8. Label the wavelength of the wave in the box above. 9. Measure the amplitude of the wave in centimeters. ______________ cm. 10. Measure the wavelength in centimeters, by placing your ruler onto the computer screen. _______________ cm. Increase the amplitude of the wave to its maximum by sliding the amplitude bar all the way to the right. Press “continue”. Observe the wave for 30 seconds. Press “freeze”.

11. Draw a picture of the wave in the box below. BOX 3

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Rest Position

12. Measure the wavelength in centimeters. _______________ cm. 13. Measure the amplitude of the wave in centimeters. _____________cm. Increase the frequency and the amplitude to their maximum by sliding the amplitude and frequency bars all the way to the right. Reduce the wavelength by sliding the wavelength bar all the way to the left. Press “continue”. Observe the wave for 30 seconds. Press “freeze”.

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Draw the wave in the box below. BOX 4

Rest Position

14. Measure the wavelength in centimeters. ________________ cm

15. Measure the amplitude of the waves. ____________________ cm

16. Describe the direction in which the energy of the wave traveling. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 17. Describe the direction in which the particles are vibrating. ______________________

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PART 2 – Longitudinal Waves 1. Type in URL: http://www.ngsir.netfirms.com/englishhtm/Lwave.htm 2. Observe the longitudinal wave for 20 seconds. Press “freeze”. Describe the wave: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Reduce the wavelength to its minimum by sliding the bar all the way to the left and press “continue”. Observe the wave for 20 seconds. Press “freeze”. Describe the wave. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Increase the amplitude and the frequency to their maximum by sliding the bars all the way to the right. Press “continue”. Observe the wave for 20 seconds. Click on the link that says “whiten rarefaction”. Observe. 5. Compare this wave to the wave you described in question #4. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. List the parts of the longitudinal wave. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. Describe the direction the energy of the wave is traveling. ___________________________________________________________ 8. Describe the direction the particles vibrating. ___________________________________________________________

CONCLUSION: Compare and contrast transverse and longitudinal waves. List the properties and characteristics © 2008 Transformation 2013


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that you observed.

Transverse wave

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Longitudinal Wave


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Making Waves 1. In an area free of obstacles, stretch out a wave demonstrator spring without stretching it past its elastic limit. Mark the positions of the ends of the spring with pieces of tape on the floor. Measure and record the distance (m) between the pieces of tape. 2. Have your partner hold one end of the spring. With the spring stretched to the length of the marked area, grab the spring near the other end and flick it sideways 20 cm. Observe and record what happens. You have made a transverse pulse. a. In what direction does the spring move as the pulse goes by?

b. A dictionary definition of transverse is “situated or lying across.” How does this describe what you observed? c. The sideways distance that you disturbed the spring is called the amplitude. Record that here ________ 3. Now you can find the speed of the pulse you created. Speed is distance divided by time. Using a stopwatch, record the time it takes for the pulse to go the length of the spring (to the end and back). Take several measurements and average them to improve your accuracy. Record your data in the table below (don’t forget units). 4. Now change the amplitude (see #2) of the wave two more times and find the speed of the wave as it travels. Speed (d/t) Amplitude Time Average time Distance pulse travels (to the end and back)

Are the speed of the pulse and the amplitude dependent on each other?

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last update 10.8.2008

5. Frequency is the number of times the wave moves up and down each second. Frequency is measured in waves per second which is called a Hertz (Hz). Flick your wrist more several times to create waves. How many waves happen each second? What happens to the number of waves when you flick your wrist faster?

6. Swing one end back-and-forth continuously. Keep going until the waves look like they are not moving from one person to the other. These are called standing waves. Draw a standing wave that you created.

7. So far, you have only created transverse waves. Another type of wave is called a compressional (or longitudinal) wave. Obtain a Slinky and put it on the floor. Slinkys (another type of spring) have very low elastic limits because they are made of softer metal – please be careful not to stretch them too much! To make a compressional wave, pull back part of the spring and let it go. Measure the distance (length) of the Slinky and the time it takes for the pulse to travel down the Slinky. Calculate the speed (distance/time) of the pulse like you did in #4.

8. A dictionary definition of longitudinal is “placed or running lengthwise.” Why does this seem like a good definition for this type of wave?

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last update 10.8.2008

Wave stations Labels: Increase size and make one per page. Waves A vibration, a carrier of energy Resonance When frequencies match Reflection Bouncing of waves Refraction Bending of waves through different matter Interference Waves can occupy the same space and time Diffraction Bending of waves around corners and through small spaces

Doppler Pitch of a moving sound source changes as it moves toward and away from a listener

Descriptor(s) for “Waves” Station Bounce a golf ball. When it hits, a sound is made. Why doesn’t the ball bounce as high? Relate this to the energy of the ball. Strike the tuning fork on your heel and insert it into the water. Why does the tuning fork splash you? Dry off the tuning fork when you are done. Light the candle. Blow it out without touching it or using the air from your mouth (hint: use the sound cannon). How does this work? Use a tuning fork (strike it on your heel) to make salt move without touching the salt. What causes sound? What causes Dancing Nancy to dance? Explain. At this station, there are two tuning forks with different masses. Strike them with the mallot and bring them to your ear. Which one has a higher pitch (frequency)? Check your answer by looking at the number on the tuning fork. Musical instruments such as xylophones and guitars (strings) depend on this concept.

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Descriptor(s) for “Diffraction” Station Look through these lenses which contain diffraction gratings at the lights above. Record your observations. Descriptor(s) for “Resonance” Station Put the shell to your ear. Put the cardboard tube to your ear. What do you hear? Strike the tuning fork with the weights using the mallot. Hold it close to but not touching the other tuning fork so that the openings of the boxes are facing each other. Stop the first tuning fork from vibrating and listen to the second one vibrate. Record your observations. Descriptor(s) for “Interference” Station Overlap the Moiré patterns. Record your observations. Descriptor(s) for “Reflection” Station Look at the mirrors (please stop fixing your face) and at the tabletop across the room. What property allows you to see yourself and other objects in shiny surfaces? The strands at this station are called fiber optic strands. How do you think the light travels down each strand? Sing into the microphone. What do you hear? Try to bounce a sound to your partner by whispering into one tube while your partner listens to the other tube. Try a different background behind the tubes. Record your observations. Descriptor(s) for “Polarization” Station There are two polarizers at this station. Hold one in each hand and overlap them. Look into the light above. What do you see? Now rotate one of them. What happens to the light? Polarized lenses on glasses block out some light from your eyes this way. Descriptor(s) for “Refraction” Station Hold the lens above the page and move it closer and farther away. What happens to the words? There should be an empty cup with a penny in the bottom of it at this station. Look in the cup at the penny on the bottom. Have a partner slowly slide the cup away from you until you can’t see the penny. Then, have your partner slowly pour water in the cup until you can see the penny from the same location. Record your observations. There is a “hidden” beaker inside the larger beaker. What do you think is responsible for making the beaker “disappear”? Look at the pencil in water at eye level. Record your observations. © 2008 Transformation 2013


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Descriptor(s) for “Doppler” Station Connect the battery to the buzzer at this station until the buzzer makes a sound. Carefully swing the buzzer around your head while your partner listens. How does the pitch (frequency) seem to change for your partner. This is the Doppler Effect. Another example is sirens from an ambulance.

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last update 10.8.2008

Wave Practice Problems 1. A wave has a frequency of 46 Hz and a wavelength of 1.7 meters. What is the speed of this wave?

2. A wave traveling at 230 m/sec has a wavelength of 2.1 meters. What is the frequency of this wave?

3. A wave with a frequency of 14 Hz has a wavelength of 3 meters. With what speed will this wave travel?

4. Bats use echolocation to find their food at night by emitting ultrasonic (sound) waves. What is the wavelength of the ultrasonic wave if the wave has a frequency of 40000 Hz and the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s?

5. The crowd at the spurs game starts doing “the wave”. If the speed of the wave is 20 m/s and the frequency is 0.5Hz, what is the wavelength of the wave?

6. A wave has a wavelength of 87.02 cm and travels at a speed of 2572 m/s. What is the frequency of the vibration?

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last update 10.8.2008

Waves in a Ripple Tank Directions: Complete all work on a separate sheet of paper. Drawings should be neat and done in pencil. Organize drawings and data in the appropriate section. For each section write a summary of the procedure. Part 1: Reflection 1. Fill the ripple tank to a depth of 1.5 cm. 2. Level the ripple tank by placing the end of a ruler on the bottom of the tank to determine depth and adjusting the legs as necessary. 3. Make a paper screen by taping four sheets of white paper together. 4. Place the paper screen under the tank. 5. Adjust the light source so it shines on the center of the tank. 6. Place a wooden block barrier in the center of the tank. 7. Use the long edge of the ruler to generate waves. Draw what you see. 8. Adjust the barrier so it is at an angle. Measure the angle of barrier with the protractor. Draw what you see. 9. Replace the wooden barrier with the concave barrier. Draw what you see.

Part 2: Refraction 1. 2. 3. 4.

Make sure the water level is very shallow. Place washers on the bottom of the tank and place the glass plate on top of the washers. Make sure the top of the plate is covered with water. Set up the wave generator with the straight wave source. The edge should just break the surface of the water. 5. Set the frequency of the generator so that the edge vibrates slowly and produces waves consistently. 6. Hold the stroboscope with one slit open. As the disk rotates, you will see the object only when the slit is in front of your eye. 7. If the disk’s rate of rotation is equivalent to the frequency of the wave, then it will appear as if the wave has not moved. Control the time between views by rotating the stroboscope at various frequencies until this is true. 8. Measure the distance between two white lines on the screen. 9. Mark the edge of the glass on the screen. 10. Measure the angle between the incoming waves and the glass plate edge. This is the angle of incidence. 11. Measure the angle between the shallow water waves and the glass. This is the angle of refraction. Part 3: Diffraction 1. Make sure the depth of the water in the tank in 1.5 cm. 2. The wave generator should be set up as it was in Part 2.

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3. Position two blocks in the center of the tank with a 1 cm gap between them. 4. Observe the waves. Draw what you see. 5. Increase the distance between the blocks to 4 cm. Observe the waves. Draw what you see. Draw 4: Interference 1. 2. 3. 4.

Set up the wave generator with two point sources. Keeping frequency constant, vary the distance between the point sources. Observe the waves. Draw what you see. Place the point sources far apart. Vary the frequency. Sketch the waves at both high frequency and low frequency.

Analysis 1. For Part 1: Reflection, describe the relationship the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection.

2. Describe how the concave barrier affected the angle of reflection.

3. Describe how diffraction is affected by the width of the opening.

4. Use the concept of diffraction to explain why you can hear people speaking in the next room even when you can’t see them.

5. Describe the nodal pattern between the point sources in Part 4, when the distance increased.

6. Describe the nodal pattern between the point sources in Part 4, when the distance increased.

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Plan the Assessment Engage Artifact(s)/Product(s): BrainPop notes/quiz, demonstration journal entry

Explore Artifact(s)/Product(s): Waves Internet Activity, Making Waves Lab, Waves Stations

Explain Artifact(s)/Product(s): Cornell notes, Waves Practice Problems, BrainPop notes/quiz, Venn Diagram

Elaborate Artifact(s)/Product(s): Wave Properties in a Ripple Tank Lab

Evaluate Artifact(s)/Product(s): Project Prototype: Communication Device, Project Log, Summary of wave properties/characteristics applied in device design

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last update 10.8.2008

Rubrics Making Waves The Challenge: You and your family decided to go on a small discount cruise over the summer. While out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere, the cruise ship lost power and fuel and became stranded on a deserted island. All communication systems are down. Because you are the only person on the ship that has taken Physics recently, your fellow travelers put you in charge of developing a communications device to attract the attention of the outside world. Your communications device should take advantage of wave properties and characteristics to be the most effective. Important Information: As you research, keep a record of all information gathered. Keep a log for the entire project. Include all plans and sketches in your log. A prototype of your device should be built and tested. All test results should be recorded in your log. With your completed project write a summary of how your device relies on wave properties/characteristics to function (this can also be put in your log). Use the rubric below as a reference of the challenge expectations while you work.

Making Waves: Communication Device CATEGORY Information Gathering


Construction Materials

4 Accurate information taken from several sources in a systematic manner. Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for all components.

3 Accurate information taken from a couple of sources in a systematic manner. Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for most components.

2 Accurate information taken from a couple of sources but not systematically.

1 Information taken from only one source and/or information not accurate.

Plan provides clear measurements and labeling for most components.

Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways that made them even better.

Appropriate materials were selected and there was an attempt at creative modification to make them even better.

Appropriate materials were selected.

Plan does not show measurements clearly or is otherwise inadequately labeled. Inappropriate materials were selected and contributed to a product that performed poorly.

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Construction Care Taken

Journal/Log Content


Scientific Knowledge

Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately.

Construction was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Journal provides Journal provides a complete record a complete record of planning, of planning, construction, construction, testing, testing, modifications, modifications, reasons for and reasons for modifications, modifications. and some reflection about the strategies used and the results. Structure Structure functions functions well, extraordinarily holding up under well, holding up typical stresses. under atypical stresses. Explanations by Explanations by all group all group members indicate members indicate a clear and a relatively accurate accurate understanding of understanding of scientific scientific principles principles underlying the underlying the construction and construction and modifications. modifications.

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Construction accurately followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Journal provides quite a bit of detail about planning, construction, testing, modifications, and reasons for modifications.

Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product. Journal provides very little detail about several aspects of the planning, construction, and testing process.

Structure functions pretty well, but deteriorates under typical stresses.

Fatal flaws in function with complete failure under typical stresses.

Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.

Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.

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Story Board 

Day 1 Team Building: “Human Overhand” (50 min)

Week 1 Activities (based on 50 minute class periods)

Day 6 Explain PowerPoint with Cornell Notes (45 min)

Week 2 Activities

 

Week 3 Activities

Day 11 Challenge: research and design (45 min) Gather project materials for homework

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Day 2 Engage: BrainPop “Waves” with notes/quiz (10-15 min) Engage: Demons with journal entry (15 min) Introduce design challenge, allowing time to begin research (20 min) Day 7 Finish PowerPoint (10 min) “Waves Practice Problems (30 min) Go over problems in lab groupspeer tutoring (10 min) Day 12 Challenge: design and building (45 min)


 

Day 3 Explore: Waves Internet Activity (45 min)

Day 8 BrainPop “Light” and “Sound” with notes/quiz (20 -25 min) Venn Diagram with discussion (25 min)

Day 13 Challenge: building and testing Complete project for homework (not due next day)

Day 4 Explore: Making Waves Lab (45 min)

Day 9 Waves in a Ripple Tank (45 min)

Day 14

Day 5 Explore: Waves Stations

Day 10 Finish “Waves in a Ripple Tank” (45 min)

Day 15

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