Erris Eye issue 41

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M ay 2015 I ssue 41 N á habai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai th é!

F RE E View online

Willie Joe Padden pictured during an All-Ireland Semi-Final against Tyrone in 1989

Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Fáil te r oim h go dtí an Er r is Eye. Issu e 41 of th e Er r is Eye con tain s l ots of in ter estin g l ocal n ews an d in for m ation . Al on g with ou r r egu l ar u pdates th er e ar e m an y addition al n ews pieces th is m on th . M ayo Day wil l be cel ebr ated on Satu r day 2n d M ay 2015. Th is is th e fir st an n u al cel ebr ation of th is day th at wil l tak e pl ace al l over th e wor l d an d al l over Ir el an d bu t especial l y in Cou n ty M ayo. Ou r cover ph oto th is m on th is fittin g for th e M ayo cel ebr ation sh owin g Er r is n ative M ayo footbal l er W il l ie Joe Padden pictu r ed in Cr ok e Par k du r in g th e Al l Ir el an d sem i fin al again st Tyr on e in 1989. If you h ave been in vol ved in an even t cel ebr atin g M ayo we wou l d l ove to h ear abou t it an d see th e pics too! W e ar e del igh ted to br in g togeth er n ews an d n otices fr om ar ou n d th e Bar on y of Er r is for you to en joy. Th e M ay issu e in cl u des th e IASE u pdate on Job Sh adow Day, r ead abou t th e activities tak in g pl ace with th e team at Bel m u l l et Tidy Town s an d n ews fr om Ion ad Deir bh il e Éach l éim . Th e or gan iser s of th e Cl an n Lir festival wan t to sh ar e pl an s to cel ebr ate th e festival with th e peopl e of Er r is. Th is is on e of m an y even ts tak in g pl ace du r in g th e su m m er ar ou n d Er r is. Th er e is a gr ou p of peopl e in Bar n atr a pr epar in g to cel ebr ate th e Nation al Sch ool 's 120th year th is Au gu st. Th e Kil m or e Dr am a Gr ou p ar e pu ttin g on th eir pl ay at Ár as In is Gl u air e, 'Al l th e W ay Back ' by Ber n ar d Far r el l . See in side for fu l l detail s. M ar y H egar ty fr om Bel m u l l et wh o was n om in ated Er r is Per son of th e Year 2015 h as wr itten a l ovel y piece. Al so Joan n a Lal l y fr om Sh r aigh W est, Bu n n ah owen h as wr itten abou t h er exper ien ce in Eth iopia. Th is an d m or e in side your Er r is Eye. Keep th e com m u n ity n otes com in g r em em ber th e Er r is Eye is you r com m u n ity m agazin e so u se it to spr ead you r m essage. Th e deadl in e for each issu e is th e 15th of ever y m on th for distr ibu tion on e week l ater. Con tact u s on 086 0651704 in fo@ er r . View ou r n ew website at r .

yeTeam Er r i s E

Call & Collect your order 097 82889

Erris Mass Times

Kil m or e Ou r Lady of Lou r des ch u r ch Au gh l eam ; Su n day 9.45am / week days 10.00am St. Joseph 's Ch u r ch Bin gh am stown ; Su n day 11.00am / week days 10.00am St. Br en dan 's Ch u r ch Tir r an e; Satu r day Vigil 6.30pm / week days 10.00am Ch u r ch of th e H ol y Fam il y Car n e; Su n day 12.00n oon / week days 10.00am Ou r Lady of Dol ou r s ch u r ch Sh an ah ee; Satu r day Vigil 8.00pm . Par ish Office 097 82350. Fr Joh n Loftu s 097 82350. Fr Kevin H egar ty 097 81011 Bel m u l l et Ch u r ch of th e Sacr ed H ear t, Bel m u l l et Su n day 10.30am , M on day 8.00pm , Tu esday to Fr iday 9.30am , Satu r day Vigil 8.00pm Ch u r ch of Ou r Lady of Lou r des, Gl en castl e Su n day 12.00 n oon , W edn esday an d Satu r day 10.15am Fr. M ich ael Reil l y P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Par ish Office, Ch apel Str eet, Bel m u l l et, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-m ail bel m u l l etpar ish @ gm ail .com Kil com m on Bal l ycr oy Bal l ycr oy Su n day 11am Satu r day Au gh oose Su n day M ass 12n oon 8pm In isbiggl e Isl an d 2pm Satu r day In ver Satu r day Vigil 8pm weath er per m ittin g, r equ ested by fam il il es Cor n boy Su n day M ass 10.30am (ever y 2 ? 3 week s) Fr. Ch r is Gin n el l y, Car r owtigu e Satu r day Vigil 6.30pm Par och ial H ou se 098 49134 Par ish office Au gh oose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Kil tan e Geesal a & Dooh om a al ter n ates H ogan 086 734860. Su n day 11am & Satu r day 7pm W in ter, 8pm k il com m on par ish @ eir com .n et Su m m er Ban gor 12.15pm Su n day

Kevin Kennedy Mot or s Belmullet 097 82082

Ballina 096 70777

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Hundreds of Quality Used Vehicles in Stock 2010 Audi A3 SPORTBACK

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Trade Ins Welcome & Finance Arranged KENNEDY MOTORS BINGHAMSTOWN BELMULLET CO. MAYO Kevin 086 2425790 3- Erri s Eye


Ciaran 086 8870776

Keep an Eye on Working Together Job Shadow Day 22nd of April Belmullet organisation asks Irish employers to support equal employment rights for people with disabilities Job Shadow Day 2015 to promote an inclusive workplace Ireland, Monday 14th of April 2015: The Irish Association for Supported Employment (IASE), based in Belmullet, has launched the eighth annual National Supported Employment Week which will run from Monday 20th ? Sunday 26th April. Job Shadow Day (Wednesday 22nd April) is the highlight of the week and will see hundreds of people with disabilities take the opportunity to shadow a workplace mentor as he or she goes about a normal working day. A national project, Job Shadow Day brings people with disabilities and local employers together to highlight the valuable contribution people with disabilities can, and do make in the workplace. Last year, over 625 individuals with a disability shadowed at 501 employment sites in Ireland, with 34 securing a permanent job placement as a direct result. 113 jobs have been secured through the initiative since 2008. Local services getting involved in Job Shadow Day 2015 are Employability Mayo and Western Care, which last year had over a dozen people out job shadowing a workplace mentor in a local businesses for the day. Commenting on her involvement, broadcast presenter and publishing entrepreneur Norah Casey said: ?I am delighted to lend my support to such a worthwhile initiative, particularly after our positive experience participating in Job Shadow Day last year. I would encourage as many employers as possible to get involved and join us in promoting an inclusive workplace and equal employment opportunities for those with disabilities. ? Job Shadow Day is designed to give people with disabilities the unique opportunity to get a close up look at the world of work for one day or one week in April each year to discover and learn about the skills and education required to compete and succeed in the work place., Ireland?s number one recruitment website, is the main sponsor of National Supported Employment Week and the Job Shadow initiative.

Orla Moran, General Manager at said: ?Initiatives like Job Shadow Day are important, not only for those with a disability but also as a first step for an employer who may have a suitable vacancy in their organisation. The increasing number of participating businesses and permanent job placements are testament to the work of the IASE with supported employment agencies and the beneficial experience of the Job Shadow initiative for all involved. We urge employers throughout Ireland to join us this Job Shadow Day and experience the positives firsthand. ? This year, the IASE is inviting the public to play a more active role by joining the conversation on social media - tweeting a workplace selfie under the hashtag # workie, taking a 60 second video explaining why you support Job Shadow Day, or by nominating a company you know to get involved under the hashtag # JSnominate (@IASEemployment). Greg Barry, IASE Chairperson & Coordinator EmployAbility Mayo concluded: ?This event has grown, year on year, since it started in 2008. It?s been a real success in capturing people?s attention and bringing people from all walks of life together to celebrate and promote the very worthwhile contribution people with disabilities make to the workplace. Having people the calibre of Norah Casey (Harmonia), Orla Moran ( and our Taoiseach Enda Kenny, amongst others, champion this initiative is an endorsement of the business case of employment for people with disabilities. ? ?We want to build on this success and continue to break down barriers to the workplace which, despite much progress in recent years, still remains a significant issue for people with disabilities. ? Employers and job seekers interested to learn more about local supported employment services are invited to read on at

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Erris Directory & Diary on sale now at T&T Clothing, The Square, Belmullet and other outlets. All your local residential and business numbers. Includes diary.

4- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Your Community

By the time this issue goes to print the UniSlim Slimmer of the Year competition will have taken place and a winner chosen. There are 10 entrants from all over Ireland and one of whom is from our Belmullet unislim class. Mary McGinty-Murray has lost 5st 6lb and has given herself a healthier fitter life in the process! On behalf of myself and all the class I want to wish Mary the best of luck. All 10 entrants are winners anyhow regardless of the outcome on the day. Summer is lurking just around the corner so now is the time to get rid of those excess pounds. Get yourself into class to pick up your copy of our new weekend plan TGIF, which is aimed specifically to help you through those weekends which can do so much damage! Class is over the Co Op on Wednesday in Belmullet at 6.45pm and in Crossmolina on Thursday at 8pm. Contact Maureen @ 086 3132340 for more details.

Meals-on-Wheels, Geesala Delivering in the parishes of Kiltane, Belmullet & Kilmore. Our meals are freshly prepared daily, in our premises in Geesala. All dietary needs are catered for, should you or someone you know be interested in receiving meals long term or short term Please contact 097 86868. We also provide a Community Laundry Service that is open to all members of the public *New delivery & collection now available* Please call 097 86781 for further Information.

ADVERTI SE ON OUR WEBSI TE WWW.ERRI SEYE.COM We get 50 0 plus r ea ds of our m a ga zi ne onli ne ever y Vi si t Us Onl i ne m ont h, r ea ch your www.erri Get your di gi t al Ver si oncust om er s for only ? 50 per yea r 0 86 0 65 170 4


%5- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Community Baile Slachtmhar BhĂŠal an Mhuirthead Kilmore Drama Group Over the past few weeks we have been busy with our Gardening and Cookery classes. We would like to thank Patricia Mc Andrew, Western Care and Damien of Langan's Garden Centre Belmullet for hosting the gardening evenings. Also John Conmy, Fun Bobby's Bistro for the cookery demonstration. These evenings were organised as part of our on-going project Sustainable waste and resource management. Judging for the National Town?s competition will be starting. Judges will come unannounced so we need to keep the town clean and tidy. Our volunteers are always doing extra work to ?Let?s go for Gold? give them a helping hand. Also Mayo Litter Action league has already begun. So use the bins for your butts, clean up after your dog and put all litter in the bins. We have worked with SOLAS Multimedia Course Aras Inis Gluaire on a you tube clip watching the people of Belmullet using the street bins coming to your screens soon.

Kilmore Drama Group are back this year with a hilarious comedy "All the Way Back" by Bernard Farrell. The play tells of the turmoil that ensues in the Ryan household in an upmarket residential area of Dublin's Southside, when the ever practical Sheila Ryan decides on a course of action to boost the family's depleted income. Her husband Brendan, a middle aged redundant executive, has been out of work for eighteen months and there is a big household to support as they strive to keep up appearances. Aras Inis Gluaire, Belmullet Fri 24th, Sat 25th, Sun 26th April 8.00pm Adm ?10.

Som e of th e cast of "Al l th e W ay Back " by Ber n ar d Far r el l .

The Erris Care & Repair Service Now that Summer is on the doorstep and the sun is starting to shine, it?s the time of year when we want to get started on all those little jobs we have been putting off. The Erris Care & Repair Service is available to all those over 60 who may need a helping hand in the garden or around the house with these little things. Grass cutting, hanging curtains, installing smoke alarms, small painting jobs and so on. Now in our third year, we are delighted to be able to continue offering this service to help out the older and vulnerable people in the local community. So if you, or anybody you know, may need this kind of help, please get in touch. This service is free & confidential and all our volunteers are Garda vetted. Contact Lorraine, Community Officer at Ă ras Inis Gluaire, on 097 81079 for more information or to request a job.

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Al l t he Lat est Erri s News www.erri NEW W EBSI TE 6- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on What's On 2015 Bealtaine Festival at Áras Inis Gluaire ?The Bealtaine Festival?is an annual event on the calendar at Áras Inis Gluaire and it runs throughout the month of May. Bealtaine is an Age & Opportunity initiative, part-funded by the Arts Council and delivered by hundreds of organisations around the country. It is a ?Celebration of Creativity as we age... ?This year we are hosting the following events as part of Bealtaine: Friday 1st May: Mayo Concert Orchestra 8.00pm. Free Admission. All welcome. An evening of first class music with the Mayo Concert Orchestra. A group of musicians from all over Mayo & all walks of life, who come together to play, enjoy and perform music. Friday 8th May: Launch of 'Art in the Afternoon' Exhibition. 4.00pm. Free Admission. Light Refreshments served. A delightful collection of works by our over 55?s Art Groups who meet at Áras Inis Gluaire every Monday. An exhibition not to be missed, it will be opened by the renowned artist Seosamh Ó Dálaigh of The Danlann Yawl Painting School and Art Gallery in Achill. This exhibition will remain on display in our Gallery for the month of May. All are welcome to come along and see these colourful creations. Date & time TBC: Readings from the Creative Writing Group at Áras Inis Gluaire. For further information on any of the above, please contact Lorraine on 097 81079.

The Wild Atlantic Way Take a walk on the wild side, or maybe on a hand glide. There is Craic beo from Sligo to Mayo. With music and song that is so strong. Take a dive and feel alive. People come from far away places to have a bet on the Galway races. Make sure you have a few jigs and reels. You can also explore birds and seals. You can have it your way any day with a lovely cupain tae. Take a walk from sea to shore for all there is to Explore from Litir Mor to Falmor. Get on the Wild Atlantic way today. It will make your day.

Written by Stephen Donoghue

Seanfhocal Is Is tr eise dú ch as n á oil iú in t. Fearr

In stin ct is str on ger th an u pbr in gin g.

The Western People Women's mini marathon will take place on Sunday the 3rd of May in castlebar. Anyone wishing to take part in the Mini Marathon on behalf of Cara Iorrais (Belmullet/ Erris Cancer Support Services) please contact us on 097-20590 or e-mail

%7- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Culture

The Redmond Academy of Irish Dancing (Belmullet class) who performed at the St Patrick's Day parade.

Bangor Erris NS Scór na bPáistí local winners.

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The WeddingBand Specialists %8- Erri s Eye



For St. Brendan?s College in Belmullet, the 26th of April will be long remembered as a significant date in the school?s 2015 sporting calendar. The meteoric rise of boys?basketball within the school has been rewarded with Basketball Ireland?s decision to host their All-Ireland semi-final playoffs in the school?s sports hall. The honour of hosting such a prestigious sporting event is credited to the success of the school?s U15 C boys?basketball team in this competition. On Sunday, schools throughout Ireland including Coláiste na Coiribe, Co. Galway, Ard Scoil Na Tríonoíde, Athy, St. Ciarán?s Community School, Kells and Admastown Community College will converge in Belmullet for what promises to be a wonderful basketball occasion. For each team, including the boys of St. Brendan?s College awaits an opportunity to secure a coveted place in the All-Ireland semi-finals and final on May 7th in the National Basketball Arena, Tallaght. Sincere gratitude is expressed to all those who have worked tirelessly in preparation of Sunday?s proceedings. Best wishes to St. Brendan?s College and their coaches as they attempt to take one step closer to All-Ireland glory.

Back row (L-R) Damian Lavelle (Coach), Fionnán Ryan, Padraig Monaghan, Eoin McDonnell, Seán Lavelle, Luke O Reilly, Odhrán Ó Murchú, Mr. O Reilly(Coach). Front row (L-R) Oisín O Donnell, Aran Reilly, Ronán Barrett, Dylan Walker, Dara Lennon, Anthony Walshe, Ms. Carolan (Coach). Absent from photo: Shane Togher and Evin Ivers.

COMMUNITY HALL GETS A NEW LEASE OF LIFEComharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile Eachléim are delighted with Minister Michael Rings announcement that we have been awarded funding from North East LEADER Partnership to renovate Halla Naomh Bhreandáin community hall in Eachléim, An Fód Dubh, Blacksod, Co. Mayo. Halla Naomh Bhreandáin was built in 1961 by local people giving their time freely for the good of the community. The hall was held in trust for the people of the parish by three local men Patrick Conalty, Thomas Ruane, and Seán Gallagher. In the 1970?s the ownership of the hall was held in the Diocesan Trust. Ten years ago in 2005 ownership of the hall was transferred from the Diocesan Trust to Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile Eachléim Teoranta. Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile - the local community development Co-op are registered with the Registrar of Friendly Societies since 08/ 01/ 1996. The Comharchumann launched this community hall renovation project late in 2013 and are delighted to see the project now developing at a rapid pace. After years of fundraising they have been successful in securing ?30,000 from Community Gain Investment Fund, they

Al l t he Lat est Erri s News www.erri NEW W EBSI TE themselves will be contributing ?70,000 towards the project and now the remainder of the funding ?301,000 has been awarded from North East LEADER Partnership. This project is broken up into three areas: 1. a new portable main stage with drama pack (?20,000) 2. the renovation of current underutilised space and the provision of public restrooms for tourists and Wild Atlantic Way users (?320,000) and 3. classroom, linguistic and multi-purpose equipment (?42,000). The completion of this project will be of huge benefit to the local community, tourists and Irish language learners. Halla Naomh Bhreandáin will now function as a Lár Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga. The addition of a linguistic lab and multi-purpose classrooms will provide a centre of learning for local families who wish to raise their children ?As Gaeilge?, facilities for ?Coláistí Samhraidh?, ?Cúrsaí Gaeltachta?and adult Irish language learners. This Lár Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga will also facilitate the continuation of Pleanáil Teanga and the revival of the Irish language in Paróiste na Cille Móire and the Maigh Eo Thuaidh Gaeltacht region. Jacqui D. Uí Mhonacháin, Bainisteoir Forbartha with Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile Eachléim explains: "The project will ensure the sustainability of an important legacy to the community. It will allow the community hall to live on into the future? The portable stage and the project as a whole will serve numerous clubs, organisations, tourists and companies in ensuring a top class facility is available on the Wild Atlantic Way route. This project will attract new visitors to the area and will have a positive impact on the local economy. Erris was voted # 1 place to go wild in Ireland, An Eachléim can now meet the rising demand for facilities and services in the area. FURTHER INFORMATION: Jacqui D. Uí Mhonacháin Bainisteoir Forbartha, Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile Eachléim +353 (0) 97 85727 / +353 (0) 87 9942716

%9- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Services Kilmore Community Sports Field Committee held it's AGM in the clubhouse on Monday 23rd March 2015. Chairman George Geraghty thanked all the committee ( secretary, assistant chairman, treasurers, PROs and all members) for its hard work during the year. He also thanked the bingo crew, the card game organisers, and the ground keepers & the staff who take care of the clubhouse. A big thanks was also given to the bingo sponsors and all the other sponsors throughout the year - The Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Rural Social Scheme and BrĂ­an McSuibhine. The committee all wished the Kilmore FC lads, The Rugby Club and GAA best of luck for the new season. Also congratulated Kilmore Ladies on winning the first game

of the season 3-0 v Castlebar town. The new committee for 2015 2016 was elected: Chairman; George Geraghty, Assistant Chairman; Ritchie Flannery, Secretary; Ann Geraghty, Treasurers; John Flannery & Jimmy Donoghue, PRO Joe McNulty.

American Street Belmullet


Keep an Eye on Erris "Barnatra 120th year Community Celebrations" At a public meeting on Tuesday the 7th of April it was decided to hold a celebratory weekend in Barnatra from August the 7th-9th 2015. The celebration will mark the 120th Birthday of both Barnatra N.S and Healys Post Office. The strength and unity of Barnatra will be celebrated and built upon. The date for the next meeting is yet to be confirmed. Please feel free to get involved in anyway. Find us on Facebook "Barnatra Celebrations". Photos and memories are been collected. They can be sent through our Facebook page or dropped into the school, shop, or pub.

Look out for the new Barnatra National School commemorative booklet and the reprint of the original 1895 to 1995...available soon.

On the Square Belmullet every Saturday We deliver to your door.

Erris Agricultural Show It's nearly that time of year again for the Erris Agricultual Show, which will take place on Sunday, July 26th this year. Preparations are well under way, we will be visiting the businesses in Erris in the next 3 weeks in the hope that you will continue to be a sponsor of the show. We would love to see more National School and Secondary pupils take part in the any section, be it vegatables, flowers, cakes, jam making, knitting, handmade arts and crafts, photography, showing cattle, sheep. There is something there for everyone. If there are any young lads or girls out there who would like to get involved in the show come along to our meeting in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel. See local press or facebook for meeting time. It's a wonderful organisation, great craic, lasting friendships, a little hard work now and again but with your help it could be a little easier.

%12- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Business

SALE EVERY TUESDAY OF BULLOCKS, HEIFERS, COWS, Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock onSPRINGERS, Tuesday


Yard opensat 7.30am?Sellerpleasenote- Important that all stockBOOKEDisintheyardby 9.30ornoguaranteeof bookingnumber. Want to watchthesaleliveorbuystockonline?seeourwebsite for details.

%13- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Erris Community Seirbhisi Curam Chill Chomáin Teo, Greannaí, Rossport 097 88935 Monday evenings Unislim with Maureen @ 6.15 Tuesdays from 2.00 pm our usual social get together for activities, demonstrations, games and exercise. New visitors always welcome. Fáilte Roimh Cách! Toddlers Play-dates:Tuesdays 11.00 - 1.00 . This gathering is for those toddlers/ wobblers not yet going to naíonra/ playschool. Activities are supervised by the parents/ guardians and the children are introduced to new little friends while the grown-ups can enjoy a coffee and a chat. Visitors to the area, occasional participants, All welcome. Inquiries by private message on facebook, email or by phoning 097 88935. Thursday: Boxing in Teach Greannaí - for boys and girls (71/ 2 - 14 yrs) . Sessions run from 6.30 - 8.30pm. Changes to scheduled classes are posted on the Teach Greannaí Facebook page and by text. Thank you all for participation. Teach Greannai Weekend Diner/ Takeaway is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings and Bank Holidays from 6.30-10.00. 087-3383349 for orders. Free Book Borrowing @Teach Greannaí Why not have a read of one of the books from our leabharlann beag over a cup of tea or coffee or lunch in our diner. You can borrow a book and take it away with you to finish at your leisure. You can pass books to others on or return them to our shelves. Most of the books have been donated for you to enjoy (- we accept books in good clean condition for this recycling exercise. Childrens books, fiction, biographies and autobiographies, quiz books science and technology, self help, cookery etc) Some books are on loan to us and we ask that you kindly return those. There will be a sticker on these books and we rely on your honesty. We also have a selection of information leaflets on medical conditions, services in the area, nature and general information. Please feel free to drop in and use this free service! Teach Greannaí, Greannaí Rossport 097 88935 We cater for birthdayparties,christeningsandall kindsof familyget together.If youarevisitingthearea,whynot drop intous.Wecanarrangepacked lunchesfor walkersandvisitorshereviewingour beautiful local scenery. Training/ meeting rooms available to hire, please phone in 097 88935 or email Morning Call is aimed at helping older people to live independent lives within the community. The confidential phone service has staff calling people at an agreed time to check on their well-being. Those who want to get a call from us simply decide what time of day they would like to receive a call ? not just morning - and let us know. The whole aim of the service is to make sure that people are safe and well in their own homes. Recipients can chat to our callers and we can give them information about services in the community. There is also an alert element to the service. If a call isn't answered, we will have the number two people supplied by the individual and family so we can ring them to check that everything is okay if we have concerns about the person. At the moment, our Morning Call is making regular phone calls to several people living alone and some of which have mobility problems, some are just home from a hospital stay and most of them are living on their own. Anyone who wishes to receive Morning Call, from Monday to Friday, please call 097 88935 to register. Currach Building Workshops - well done to all who are attending the currach building workshops run by Seirbhisi Curam Chill Chomain Teo. Keep up the good work! Also, thanks and well done to all who attended the Easter Kids Crafts Workshops in Teach Greannaí. Teach Greannai Weekend Diner/ Takeaway is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings and Bank Holidays from 6.30-10.00. 087-3383349 for orders. Seirbhisi Curam Chill Chomain Teo Meals on Wheels Service 09788935 Meals on Wheels service is provided from Monday to Friday in the Kilcommon area. There is no waiting list or pages and pages of forms to fill and special dietary requirements accommodated. If you have any inquiries or you would like to avail dinner to your door on a full time or part time basis, please phone Mary on 88935 to discuss. Feile Clann Lir - as part of the first Feile Clann Lir, Teach Greannai are inviting you to join us for a guided walk on Sunday, May 24th 2015. Meeting point is Teach Greannaí (- time to be confirmed so check in on our Facebook Page) Guided Walk and Refreshments to take along ?10.00 Booking : Please call 097 88935/ email or private message on Facebook.

Totally Locally Calls on Erris

Members of Erris Chamber and Erris business people gathered at the Talbot hotel for the Totally Locally workshop given by Marc Briand. The concept received a warm welcome by all. Working with the Mayo Rural Alliance Team resulted in bringing over Marc Briand from the Totally Locally Group in the UK to deliver this workshop. On a recent Rural Alliance visit to Wales with Mary Hegarty, Eimear Holmes and Jacqui O?Mongain got to see how this initiative has worked in small towns. The group felt it would be good to bring it to Erris, so working with the Rural Alliance Team and Erris Chamber of Commerce hope to bring it here. To note this is their first visit to Ireland and their only project here so Erris will be the leaders of this in Ireland! What it?s all about: Totally Locally is an award-winning social enterprise and shop local movement. We support independent retailers with a free branding and marketing campaign for their town. Teams of volunteers use the campaign to promote the value of local shopping, celebrate their high street, create community events, and ultimately lift their local economy. Totally Locally is more than a shop local campaign, it?s about working together to lift a whole town. Since we put the Town Kit online in November 2012, Totally Locally has gone crazy. It?s in over 50 towns in the UK and many in Australia and New Zealand, with loads more telling us they are starting it in their town. It?s about people power. Totally locally has inspired huge local markets , co working, Pop Up shops, Sunday openings in towns where it never happened, award winning events, produce swaps and much more. It?s up to you. And when people do something great we ask that they share the knowledge and give it away to all the other towns. That way we all thrive.

Blacksod Pontoon Cumann na mBádoirí, Fód Dubh At a recently held meeting in Ionad Deirbhle, Aughleam a new Boatmans Club was formed with the intention of taking over the ownership, maintance, supervision and the launching, anchoring and retrieval of the pontoon at Blacksod slipway. The 30 boatmen and interested parties who attended all agreed that the pontoon was a valuable infrastructural development that needs to be managed and maintained for the use of all types of boat owners including, commercial, passenger and pleasure crafts. All boat owners are invited to become members of Cumann na Mbádoirí Fód Dubh on the payment of an annual fee of ?100. It was also agreed that fundraising and grant aid would be sought to help upgrade the pontoon for its continued use as a valuable infrastructural community facility. A number of fundraising events will take place during the summer boating season. The officers elected were. Chairpersons T. J. Lennon/ John Gallagher, Secretarys Thomas Heneghan/ Pat Murphy Treasurers Josephine Geraghty/ Andrew Howard.

%14- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Festivals Now it's Time to Celebrate with the People of Belmullet and Erris. The Clann Lir Festival announces four days of exceptional region-wide events to celebrate one of Ireland?s most famous legends from 22nd to 25th of May. The festival is a fantastic showcase for the area while embracing Ireland's cultural heritage. This four-day programme is packed full of unmissable events, many of them free to attend, taking place throughout Belmullet and the Erris region and will run for four days from May 22nd to 25th. Kicking things off on Friday afternoon 22nd May the bell will toll as it did in the legend at the local heritage centre, Ionad Deirbhila. The story will be told from a giant handwritten book and the festival felt artwork will be unveiled. The local golf club will host the Clann Lir Challenge and with special offers on menus and local seafood throughout followed by traditional music is Una's, Blacksod it's sure to be a great way to start the weekend. Saturday is packed with activity in Belmullet starting with Kayaking and Coasteering, Guilded Walks, Storytelling, Craft Workshops, Facepainting and much more. The Festival Treasure Hunt in association with Belmullet Adventure Centre is a free, fun-filled and novel trail through the area that takes in landmarks and places connected with the Children of Lir and is a great way for all ages to discover the area. Some free cycle hire is available or people can bring their own. The evening promises to be just as entertaining with the play 'Cupid Wore Skirts' by the Mullet drama group and Children of Lir cocktails and entertainment available in all the bars. Sunday starts with a performance of the legend by the renowned Moffat School of dance. There is a boat trip out to the deserted islands, a special event at the Ballycroy National Park and a guided walk on a section of The Children of Lir trail. Sunday night gather with the locals for tradional music

events and seanscĂŠalta (old stories)across the region of Erris from Connolly's in Carrowteige to Holmes' in Doohooma. Monday offers a guided walk of the complete Children of Lir loop walk, special craft sessions and a Children of Lir pub quiz. Not only does it promise to be an amazing weekend but one lucky winner will also get back the cost of their travel. This fantastic prize with a value of up to ?400 will be drawn from all the people that attend any event over the weekend. There is also a chance to win tickets to some of the events in the build up to the festival. Facebook page ClannLirFestival and Twitter Clannlirfest. Chairman of the Erris Chamber which has organised the event said 'We are very excited about delivering four days and nights of world class events. There are all the traditional things people love about Ireland mixed in with modern activities. With music, song, dance, theatre, water adventure, walks, crafts and more, there really is something for everyone.' Rosaleen Bond, owner of Lunasa craft shop in Belmullet is running a special workshop for the weekend. 'I am delighted to be involved. I heard the story many times as a child and was amazed to find the local connection with the legend when I moved back here. The line-up for this year?s Festival looks fantastic and I?m looking forward to checking out a few of the events myself over the weekend.'

%15- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Erris "Little Stars Group" Brothers Bernard And Seamus McDermott, Pupils of Fiona Bourke School of Speech, Drama & Casting, Belmullet winners of the Tullios cup and Yeats Cups at Ballina Feis April Lavelle and Iarlaith Reilly Fiona Bourke School of Speech, Drama and Casting, Belmullet -Winner at Ballina Feis Goldilocks-"Little Stars Group" Belmullet

Ballycroy National Park Visitor Centre Has reopened for the 2015 season. We are delighted to welcome visitors to Ballycroy National Park Visitor Centre for the 2015 season with a series of FREE EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Ballycroy National Park covers 11,000 hectares in area and is comprised of theNephin Beg Mountain Range and theOwenduff Bog, the largest intact active blanket bog in Ireland. The Visitor Centre houses an interactive exhibition on the special landscape, habitats and species of the national park. There is a short nature trail (Tóchar Daithí Bán) with a viewing point which offers stunning panoramic views of Achill Island to the West and theNephin Beg Mountain Range to the East. Ginger and Wild Tearoom serve a range of coffees and homemade treats. The centre is located in the village of Ballycroy along theN59 betweenMulranny and Bangor Erris. OPENING HOURS 2015 3rd April - 30th September OPEN 7 Days October - OPEN 5 DAYS (Closed Friday & Saturday)

Photo of Eamonn Maloney of Our Lady's Secondary School, Belmullet chatting with Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny TD, on their way into the Student Leadership Conference 2015. Included is Ceist CEO Dr Marie Griffith. The students were addressed by an Taoiseach on his experience of leadership both at home and worldwide.

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%16- Erri s Eye


Keep an Eye on Erris People inErriswouldn?t happen. Would you believe that one spot prizedonated by heartily congratulated me.It is an honour and a privilegefor me our local businesses has the potential to to have this great title bestowed upon me by the people generate up to ?200 of Erris. for a voluntary group. I have been given the highest accolade any Errisperson could On that note I would achieve. I should admit I was a bit stunned when I heard. This like to encourage you moment is much bigger than me just receiving this award. I all to think and shop believe it is a testament to all our community groups within local. theErrisarea who do fantastic work on a daily basis. I have Our festival has gone accepted this award fully aware of the support and work that from strength to fellow volunteers have done for and with me over the past strength and our number of years especially the Belmullet Festival Committee, heritage day is classed the Tidy Towns groups, The Erris Chamber group our Fàs and by Artisantraders as a Rural Social Scheme participants whose contribution to our MUST attend event on communities has been immensely important. Over 12,400 their calendars. I wish people engaged in voluntary work in Ireland in 2014 clocking to expressmy up 470,000 hours of volunteering. profound gratitude to Thank you to the ErrisLions Club, Western People and the our core committee that have tirelessly worked to bring our festival to the success it is ShevlinFamily for this great recognition.To my fellow recipientsEamonand Nathan heartiest congratulations.A special today. I wish our new committee every success. And as once said: ? When you learn teach, When you get give.? word of thanks to those who nominated me taking precious time to fill inan application. I feel so humble and I thank you all I commit to do this with any group I?m associated with for the betterment of our great community. most sincerely. I would sincerely like to thank my family, neighbours, work and business colleaguesfor Thank you to all the groups and committees I am associated their continued support in all I do. Sometimes I volunteer themunknowingand they nearly with. I did not decide to engage in voluntary work/ activity in order to gain recogination. I do it firstly and foremost because I always step up to the mark!! Thank you to all who came to celebrate with me in the wonderful Broadhaven Bay Hotel, love where I live, I am very proud of Erris and Belmullet and I love to see my area progress and develop into a great place to all who sent me heartfelt messages, cards, presents and flowers. I am overwhelmed and very grateful. live, work and play. The ingredients of my social and professional commitment are I wish to thank my 3 brothers and 8 sisters and their partners and families for their encouragement and support. I am so proud of them. faith in the capacity of people to take action for their own To my stronghold and my rock myFather and Mother. Two of the most wonderful people future combined with conviction and perseverance in what is anyone could ask for. Always there to support,adviseand my greatest critics which I think is good for their community. great as it makes you stop and think and maybe change course or maybe not! As once was said: I think I got my negotiating traits from Dad and my-organisational skills fromMam. ? Each one of us needs to give energy freely to something which strengthens our ties to our community? I wasn?t raised in a mansion, I have come to the understanding that voluntary activity is as Or fed with a silver spoon, much a dimension of a personsoccupation as work, leisure and I wasn't brought up to think money is everything activities of daily living so I would like to take this opportunity Because only fools believe that?s true! to encourage all no matter what your abilities are to get I wasn?t raised to live out my parents dream, involved share your skills with a voluntary group. Your But to proudly dream my own, community will be a better place with your participation. I wasn?t raised with material things, My receiving this award I believe is evident of a climate of But something great indeed. respect towards what has been put in place by voluntary I wasraised with love, groups in our community and it is my desire to make more And love is all one needs! room for the youth of our society "our future "to get involved So I finish saying Love where you live, help out where you can in your community because and we are achieving this through networking with local everyone benefits. schools. I would like to encourage those of you who are

Mary Hegarty Erris person of the Year 2015 would like to thank all who have

leaders, mentors, educatorsin our communities to transmit that spark of your ideas and willingness to our youth the importance of community involvement. ?Mól anóigeagustiocfaidhsí?. I am well aware that we are facing challenging times in our society but I remain absolutely convinced with the good will and support of theErrispeople we will strive to make ?Erristhe very best place to live, go wild or visit in Ireland and Europe? Along with volunteers, committees, independent bodies, local council and government bodies we must now all work together to strive for the continued survival of our great community. The main employment opportunities in our area are retail, tourism and IT so we need to be aware that ErrisandBelmullet now need to put pressure on local and international powersthat be, to get us connected not alone improving our roads infrastructure and signage but more importantly our connectivity via high fibre broadband. One of the main reasons for the setting up of Belmullet Festival was to create a week of events for every age to enjoy and that our diaspora, friends and touristswould come to the area and experience anErriswelcome. (I think when you come toErrisonce you either never leave it or will never forget it.) Belmullet festival and indeed all our local festivals and Agricultural show and Sheep Shows are great for the area they create a great buzz, generate income and jobs and memories for all to talk about for years to come.I wish to thank the continued support physically and financially of our local businesses without their support a lot of events

Thank you most sincerely,


Foxford Co. Mayo

%20- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Business

%19- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Community My volunteering experience in Bulbula, Ethiopia My name is Joanna Lally. I come from Shraigh West. I had the most amazing, unforgettable experience in Bulbula, Ethiopia. I met the most wonderful and kind people that I could ever possibly meet. From the very first moment we landed in Bulbula we were welcomed into the house that a Sister lived in. She and two other girls were excited to see us and welcome us with open arms. They hugged us and they had food prepared for us. We introduced ourselves and we talked and talked for such a long period of time. Their English was amazing. They began to introduce us to the Amharic language which was the dominant language people spoke in Bulbula along with Aromic. We learned words such as ?Salam?which means hello. However it is said in many ways depending on who you?re talking to for example ?Salamnish?for greeting a woman. It was great to learn some of the Amharic language to use with the children in class and also to show them that you as a teacher want to make the effort to learn some of their language also. They had a coffee ceremony also for us to welcome us which involved roasting coffee beans and we smelled the coffee beans after they were roasted. Then we had small cups of coffee. It was such a lovely welcoming ceremony to be part of. Then we met the children. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was raining (and it doesn?t rain very often in Bulbula). The children ran to us and gave us hugs. All we could see were these lovely bright smiles looking up at us. We introduced ourselves and we all went into the classroom. At first I was nervous and teaching in a new teaching context and I knew there would be quite a language barrier however we worked out ways to deal with it. The class sizes were much bigger in the afternoon when we had the younger classes. I had up in the numbers of 40 children some days ranging from kindergarten to 4th class. However I adapted to it. Every day I got to know the children further. I learned about their lives and the responsibilities they had at home. Some days the children would even tell me that they wouldn?t be in due to work they had to do in the house but this really showed me how much they cared about me coming there to teach them. They wanted me to know that they would be in school if they could be. The older classes especially were writing all their notes in their copies that you taught them. They focused so hard in the lessons and seeing by the end of the four weeks what the children learned from you really was the most rewarding feeling in the world. People were so welcoming in the village also. In a way we felt like celebrities. People were calling us and wanting to talk to us wherever we went. We talked to many people. Some people didn?t have

English but they just wanted to greet us and shake our hands. It was a great feeling being greeted from all different people, young and old. Also there was a football team in the village of teenage boys. They were in need of a football so I had eight footballs so I gave them one. The manager of the team was very grateful. At that moment when I handed over the ball I felt very excited as it was a nice moment as I was getting involved with the community in the village as well as the children I taught in the school. One day we went into the market. Children were running towards us to say hello. It was great to see how excited they are. However because of our skin colour everyone got overexcited to see us, children that didn?t see us before that didn?t attend the school was pulling us all because they were fascinated with our skin colour and because they thought we were so different to them. Many people asked us for money as they thought because of our skin colour we may be rich. However when we explained we were volunteers in the school many stopped asking as they respected the work we were doing. That stereotype exists all due to skin colour which we found shocking. We wanted them to know we were equals. We shook hands with and hugged everyone we met. And as we did this people in the village wanted to just know about us, they wanted to talk to us and some people wanted just to walk with us. It was an amazing feeling to be appreciated by people in this way. When we were in the school every day we played many games with the children. Such as one day we played games the children played in the yard. They didn?t need things to play with, they just used their imagination. It was great to take part in games they did. Also the other volunteers and I played different games with the children every day such as football, there was tag rugby that a volunteer gave us, and I had tennis rackets so we played a game of rounders with them. The children were excited to have things to play with and to learn new games that we could teach them as well as

learn yard games off them in return. We had so many fun moments. I laughed so much with the children and there are so many moments that will stay with me for a lifetime. Then when leaving day came it was a very emotional day. That morning when I woke up I felt already upset at the thought of leaving Sister Elsa who took care of us when were there, and really became our adopted mother. Over the four weeks we developed such a strong friendship were her and the other two girls that were in the house. The children all gathered in the hall where the other volunteers and I said a few words each. We found it difficult to finish off what we were trying to say. As I looked around at the children?s faces all I could think was ?please God I will come back here again to teach and see these wonderful children again?. Some of the children said a few words also thanking us. It was so nice to hear them say a few words to show how grateful they were but I was just as grateful to them. I was grateful to them for welcoming us into their school, for respecting us and for letting us get to know them over the past four weeks. The

children brought in small little gifts to give us. I got prayers in Amharic, necklaces etc which I thought was so kind because the families there didn?t have very much money but they wanted to still give us something to say goodbye and thank you. Some children gave me flowers and I hugged them one by one. I was supposed to hug them once but some children were so upset to say goodbye (just as upset as me) that I had to hug them several times and I promised I would try my best to make it back to Bulbula to see them again. I am hoping I will fulfil that promise and that I will return to Bulbula and continue the work we started in Saint Joseph?s School. I highly recommend to anyone that if you have an interest in volunteering please go and do it. It is the most rewarding experience and I learned and received so much off other people in Bulbula just as much as I gave to them. Every small step you make in helping others makes a difference. It may seem like a small step but it is one of the best steps in life you can take.

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%22- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Business

Coinnigh Súil ar Iorras Feachtas ?Oscail Do Bhéal?- a resounding success! Maith sibh! Mar a déarfadh Hector, tá meas mór ag dul amach chuig gach duine, gnólacht agus eagraíocht a ghlac páirt i bhfeachtas ?Oscail Do Bhéal? le déanaí, mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge 2015. 35 businesses and organisations in Béal an Mhuirthead agus Paróiste na Cille Móire, Erris, participated in this exciting and innovative campaign which aimed to make Gaeilge more visible in the area and create more opportunities to speak Gaeilge in a relaxed and fun way. We asked for help chun cabhrú linn an Ghaeilge a choinneáil beo agus ár stádas Gaeltachta a choinneáil. Ever since Minister Joe Mc Hugh launched the feachtas, participants embraced ?Oscail Do Bhéal?with enormous enthusiasm, proudly wearing their greamáin, displaying campaign posters agus ag labhairt nó ag baint triail as an nGaeilge. Even Tommy Marren of Mid West Radio decided to give Gaeilge another go, d?oscail sé a bhéal agus tá sé ag coinneáil leis. At our first lón Gaeilge (Déardaoin 2.4.15, in Óstán an Western Strands, Béal an Mhuirthead idir 12 agus 1in) we will present duaiseanna to the winners in each ?Oscail Do Bhéal?competition category. After a very tough and lengthy adjudication process, is iad buaiteoirí na bliana seo: (i) Careys Béal an Mhuirthead, don fhuinneog is fearr, duais ?100 agus agus 3 lá tacaíochta teanga. (ii) Brogans Hardware, Béal an Mhuirthead don fhlóta is fearr, duais ?100 agus 3 lá tacaíochta teanga. (iii) the overall winner, mórbhuaiteoir na bliana seo was ? Hegarty?s Giftshop. Comhghairdeas ó chroí le chuile dhuine agus eagraíocht a ghlac páirt. Tús maith, leath na hoibre. We now hope to build on the success and experience of ?Oscail Do Bhéal?. If you or your organisation would like to get involved, please get in touch with us, cuirfear fáilte is fiche romhat. For more information on our upcoming comhrá classes, our lón Gaeilge uair sa mhí, or our next campaign keep an eye on our Facebook page at Ionad Deirbhile or our webpage

Ré Úr Nua do Halla Pobal Naomh Bhreandáin Tá Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile , An Eachléim i mbun chéiliúradh tar éis fógra an Aire Michael Ring inniu chun maoiniú a chinntiú do halla pobail Naomh Bhreandáin. Bronnadh maoiniú ar Chomharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile ó chomhpháirtíocht LEADER Oirthuaisceart Mhaigh Eo le haghaidh athchóiriú Halla Naomh Bhreandáin, Eachléim, An Fód Dubh, Co. Mhaigh Eo. Tógadh an halla pobail i 1961. Thóg muintir na háite é agus thug siad a n-am saor in aisce ar son mhaitheas an phobail. Fágadh an halla i seilbh shealadach triúr fir áitiúil Patrick Conalty, Thomas Ruane agus Seán Gallagher. I 2005 tugadh seibh an halla do Chomharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile Eachléim Teoranta. Chláraigh Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile, an comharchumann forbartha pobail le Cláraitheoir na gCara-chumann ag tús i mí Eanair 1996. Seoladh an tionscnamh athchóiriú an halla ag deireadh 2013 agus tá an áthas orthu chun dul chun cinn tapa an thionscadail a fheiceáil. Tar éis blianta ag bailiú airgid ar son an halla d?éirigh leo airgead a fháil ó Community Gain Fund. Cuirfidh an Chomharchumann í féin 70,000 leis an tionscadail agus tiocfaidh an fuílleach 301,000 ó Chomhpháirtíocht LEADER Oirthuaisceart Mhaigh Eo. Roinnfear an tionscadail i dtrí chuid 1. Ardán iniompartha nua le trealamh dramaíochta (?20,000) 2. Athchóiriú an spáis atá ann agus athchóiriú na leithreas do thurasóirí - turasóirí An Atlantaigh Fhiáin san áireamh (?320,000) 3. Seomraí ranga, seomra teageolaíochta agus trealamh uilefhóinteach don phobal (?42,000). Cuirfidh críoch an tógra seo go mór le saol mhuintir an phobail. Chomh maith le sin cuirfidh sé áiseanna ar fáil do thurasóirí agus d?fhoghlameoirí Gaeilge. Feidhmeoidh an tIonad pobail mar Lár Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga freisin. Mar gheall ar an tsaotharlann teangeolaíochta agus na seomraí ranga uilefhóineacha beidh ionad foghlamtha ann do chlanna áitiúla atá ag iarraidh a bpáistí a thógáil le Gaeilge. Úsáidfear na háiseanna nua do ?Choláistí Samhraidh?, ?Cúrsaí Gaeltachta?agus d?fhoglaimeoirí na teanga. Cinnteoidh an Lár Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga go leanfar ar aghaidh le Pleanáil Teanga agus athbheochan na teanga i bParóiste na Cille Móire agus sa cheantar Iorrais. Dar le Jacqui D. Uí Mhonacháin, Bainisteoir Forbartha le Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile: ?Cinnnteoidh an tógra seo go bhfuil áis pobail feiliúnach againn atá in ann riachtanais an phobail a chomhlíonadh sna blianta amach romhainn.? Freastalóidh an t-ardán iniompartha agus an tógra ar riachtanias na gcumann éagsúil, na n-eagraíochtaí áitiúla, na dturasóirí agus na gcomhlachtaí. Cinnteoidh an tógra seo go bhfuil áis den chéad scoth ar fáil ar an mbealach an Atlantaigh Fhiáin ar an leithinis Iorrais. Meallfaidh an tógra seo cuairteoirí nua don cheantar agus beidh tionchar dearfach aige seo ar an eacnamaíocht áitiúil. Votáladh Iorras an áit is fearr chun dul fiáin in Éirinn. Anois is féidir le Eachléim freastal ar an méadú san éileamh atá ar áiseanna agus seirbhísí sa cheantar.

Jacqui D.UíMhonacháin Bainisteoir Forbartha, Comharchumann ForbarthaIonadDeirbhileEachléim +353 (0)97 85727 / +353 (0)87 9942716 (Grianghraf - L to R- Órla Ní Slaic, Paula Ní hÉigeartaigh, Grainne Ní Chonaire, Máire Ní Chorragáin, Micheál Mac Giobúin, Sorcha Ní Chatháin, agus Laoise Ní Dhúda)

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%24- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Erris

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Business Directory Arts & Entertainment

Aras I ni s Gl uai re Bel mul l et Exhi bi t i ons & Ent ert ai nment 097 81079 www.arasi ni sgl uai re.i e

Home Heating

J&E Hughes Oi l Heat i ng oi l , Road & agri di esel , pet rol , l ubri cant s, t ank s Dai l y Del i veri es

Accountancy Services

M angans Furni t ure

Cake & bakery Speci al i st s Bri dge Rd Bel mul l et 097 81082

Carpet s, vi nyl , wooden f l oori ng, beddi ng, 3 pi ece sui t es, bedroom & di ni ng set s Barrack St Bel mul l et 097 81084 jmancon@hot mai l .com

Sharkey & Co Accountants

Cacai Al ai nn


Book k eepin g & Accou n ts Payr ol l & Vat - Sol e Tr ader Accou n ts Tax Retu r n s - Far m Accou n ts Lim ited Com pan y Accounts The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo

www.l ovel ynat ural Weddi ng Cakes, Novel t y Cakes, Bi rt hday Cakes al l made wi t h nat ural i ngredi ent s St ephani e Fal l on 086 852 8681

Chart ered & Cert i f i ed Account ant s Regi st ered Audi t or s Quay St , Bel mul l et , Co M ayo Bel mul l et 097 81507 Bal l i na 096 79780 Fax 097 81744

Tel: (087) 7978643 Pharmacy

Lavel l es Pharmacy

M cGrat h Sk i p Hi re Need t o cl ean out t hat At t i c or Garage? Sk i p hi re i s t he answer Turl ough Cast l ebar

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Wal t er M oran I nsul at i on

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Wedding Services "Tullylens Photo" Wedding and Family Photography Wedding Video and Photo Booth. 087 2079776

Cleaning Services

Cakes By Angel a Cakes for al l Occasi ons Per sonal i sed Cakes

086 402 5521 angel ageraght y57@hot mai l .com www.cakesbyangel a.i e

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Print & Embroidery


T&T Cl ot hi ng

Ji mmy Donoghue Hack ney

Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e 086 065 1704

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086 315 2051


Ardagh Agri Servi ces M owi ng,Teddi ng, Rak i ng,Bal i ng

At t i c & Wal l I nsul at i on Grant Ai d I nfo 15 year s experi ence 087 6297979 0949038681 www.wmi i nsul at i on.i e

Agri cul t ural M achi nery 096 72803- 087 626 2727 Crossmol i na Rd, Bal l i na

Prendergast Construction & Civil O'Raghallaigh Agricultural, Construction & Civil Engineering

Erris Directory & Diary on sale now at T&T Clothing, The Square, Belmullet and other outlets.


O'Donoghues Bakery

Thomas M cHugh & Co

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086 811 9256 Auctioneers Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer Property Valuations - Sales -Auctions For all Your Auctioneering Needs Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee 086 8459414 or 09670854

Erris Tour Trip - we are off to Kilkenny on Monday 29th June and returning on Thursday 2nd July. Cost is ?190 per person sharing and ?225 single. ?50 deposit non-refundable. Contact Mary 087 9232327, Carmel 086 8488266, Peggy 086 1019169.


W e get 500 pl u s r eads of ou r m agazin e on l in e ever y m on th , r each you r cu stom er s for on l y ? 50 per year 086 065 1704

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri

Business Directory Doctors Dr J V Flynn Church Rd, Bangor Erris 097 83486 Dr Swanick, Church Road, Belmullet 097 82434 Dr Molloy, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156 Dr Hussain, Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848 WestDoc 1850 365 000

NOTICES Erris Sunday Monthly Market In ร ras Inis Gluaire Tables supplied - Tea and coffee available LIVE MUSIC Sunday 26th April 12- 4pm Fashion, gourmet foods, jewellery, handmade chocolates, nail design, The Olde Sweet Shop

NOTICES Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend) As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library will operate a musical instrument lending service in 2015.There will be a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or or call into the library.

Car Sales & Service


M i chael Conroy M ot or s

Rory Qui nn Jewel l er s

New & used car and van sal es & servi ce NCT Prep & Val et i ng 24hr Recovery Servi ce

085 778 5268 Wal shes Garage Sal es & Servi ci ng of al l makes Acci dent & Breakdown Recovery NCT Prep Body Shop Repai r s 24hr Recovery Servi ce Chapel St reet , Bel mul l et 097 82260 / 087 224 6176

Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei

Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b

Pub Quiz Kilcommon Ladies are holding a Pub Quiz in McGuire's Pub Barnatra on Friday the 1st of May at 9pm Please Support.

Im ages of Er r is agesofer r br ian @ im agesofer r 087 2233403 Irish Wheelchair Association are having a 5km Sponsored Walk at The089 CrossLoop Sunday 3rd 480 on 8507 May at 2pm. ?10 entry, sponsorship cards are also available. No dogs allowed andrefreshments servedafterwards in O'Raghallaigh's Binghamstown. Please support.

If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y. For m or e detail s on th e M u sic Gen er ation l en din g system an d a l ist of in str u m en ts avail abl e con tact Kate on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m or cal l in to th e Libr ar y.

St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390

"25 Card Drive" Card game in McGuire's Pub Barnatra on Sunday the 26th of April at 8.30pm all proceeds go to the Barnatra 120th year Community Celebrations ADVERTISE ON OUR W EBSITE


W e get 500 pl u s r eads of ou r m agazin e on l in e ever y m on th , r each you r cu stom er s for on l y ? 50 per year 086 065 1704



Financial & Insurance


096 71744 Engagement ri ngs Weddi ng bands Wat ches, gi f t s & much more


M i chael G Bohan & Co Sol i ci t or s No 6 Church St , Bel mul l et No 7 Teel i ng St , Bal l i na 096 78000/ 79699 emai l bohanl aw@ei

Bourke Carri gg & Lof t us Sol i ci t or s Rear of Lavel l es Pharmacy Bel mul l et 096 21455/ 086 028 6000 marc@bcl l aw.i e Gi l varry Sol i ci t or s & Associ at es

Empl oyment Law, Li t egt i on Probat e, Commerci al Law Uni t 9 M oneen Ret ai l Park Cast l ebar 0949023366 i nfo@gi l varrysol i ci t or s.i e


Speci al of fer s on Li fe Cover & al l your i nsurance needs

American. Street Belmullet County Mayo Open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm 097 81014 / 086 315 9485

094 902 0677


T&T Cl ot hi ng

Established 1882. Beside Tim Quinn?s office American Street, Belmullet

M &C Fi nanci al Servi ces I nsurance, Pensi ons, I nvest ment s

Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e

IWA Needs Your Support - Become a Friend of IWA! fundraising/ Friends-of-IWA-Draw/ register Be an Angel, Buy an Angel - Text DONATE to 57802Each text cost ?2 with proceeds to IWA.For more information visit: fundraising/ angels IWA receives a minimum of ?1.40 from Vodafone, 02 and Meteor texts. For further information or if you experience any problems please call the Text Donate helpline 0818 217100.

Seanfhocal Is

Bri dge St , Bal l i na

096 21122/ 21424 Wills, Litigation, Commercial Law, Title to land, Purchases, Sales & Farm Settlements.

Take Away

Is fearr obair nรก caint Work is better than talk

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri

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