Ju l y 2015 I ssu e 43 N á h abai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai t h é!
Ch r istian an d M er k o, two Ger m an k ayak er s, wh o l ost th eir way on e Ju n e m or n in g en r ou te to Bel m u l l et fr om Bal l ycr oy pictu r ed h er e in th e r iver at M u in gtr ean a n ear Geesal a. Ph oto com pl im en ts of M ar k Len egh an .
View onl ine www.erriseye.com
Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Dear Er r is Eye Reader s, Fรกil te, wel com e to th e Ju l y issu e of th e Er r is Eye. Ou r cover ph oto th is m on th is of Ch r istian an d M er k o wh o wer e k ayak in g ar ou n d Ir el an d an d visted Er r is al on g th e way. If you h ave a ph oto th at you wou l d l ik e to see in th e Er r is Eye pl ease sen d it to u s at th e Squ ar e, Bel m u l l et or to in fo@ er r iseye.com . W e ar e del igh ted to l et you k n ow th at we wil l issu e th e fir st edition of Th e Castl ebar Eye m agazin e in Ju l y. It wil l be based on th e sam e m odel as th e Er r is Eye, bein g a fr ee com m u n ity m agazin e. If you wou l d l ik e to adver tise in th e Castl ebar Eye pl ease get in tou ch . Th e aim of th e Er r is Eye is to br in g togeth er al l th in gs l ocal . Th e Er r is Eye is a pl atfor m for com m u n ity gr ou ps to u se, a way to pr om ote you r activities an d to pu bl icise you r even ts. It's fr ee for an y com m u n ity gr ou p, ch ar ities, sch ool s, spor ts cl u bs to u se so pl ease add u s to you r m ail in g l ist. Again , th e m agazin e is pr ovin g popu l ar with bu sin esses in an d ar ou n d th e Er r is ar ea, with m an y adver tiser s in dicatin g good r esu l ts fr om ads. You r su ppor t of th e Er r is Eye is m u ch appr eciated. W e h ope you en joy th e Ju l y issu e. Rem em ber to k eep sen din g you r n otes an d ph otos, com m en ts an d r ecom m en dation s to in fo@ er r iseye.com . Deadl in e for each issu e is th e 15th of th e m on th , for distr ibu tion on e week l ater. Ch eck ou t th e on l in e ver sion at www.er r iseye.com . W e wor k fr om T&T on th e Squ ar e, Bel m u l l et, 086 0651704. Sl รกn go fรณil l .
Erris EyeTeam
Memorial Cards Available in Belmullet
T&T The Square, Belmullet 086 069 5441
Call & Collect your order 097 82889
Erris Mass Times
Kil m or e Ou r Lady of Lou r des ch u r ch Au gh l eam ; Su n day 9.45am / week days 10.00am St. Joseph 's Ch u r ch Bin gh am stown ; Su n day 11.00am / week days 10.00am St. Br en dan 's Ch u r ch Tir r an e; Satu r day Vigil 6.30pm / week days 10.00am Ch u r ch of th e H ol y Fam il y Car n e; Su n day 12.00n oon / week days 10.00am Ou r Lady of Dol ou r s ch u r ch Sh an ah ee; Satu r day Vigil 8.00pm . Par ish Office 097 82350. Fr Joh n Loftu s 097 82350. Fr Kevin H egar ty 097 81011 Bel m u l l et Ch u r ch of th e Sacr ed H ear t, Bel m u l l et Su n day 10.30am , M on day 8.00pm , Tu esday to Fr iday 9.30am , Satu r day Vigil 8.00pm Ch u r ch of Ou r Lady of Lou r des, Gl en castl e Su n day 12.00 n oon , W edn esday an d Satu r day 10.15am Fr. M ich ael Reil l y P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Par ish Office, Ch apel Str eet, Bel m u l l et, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-m ail bel m u l l etpar ish @ gm ail .com Kil com m on Bal l ycr oy Su n day 11am Satu r day 8pm Au gh oose Su n day M ass 12n oon In isbiggl e Isl an d 2pm Satu r day weath er In ver Satu r day Vigil 8pm per m ittin g, r equ ested by fam il il es (ever y 2 Cor n boy Su n day M ass 10.30am ? 3 week s) Fr. Ch r is Gin n el l y, Par och ial Car r owtigu e Satu r day Vigil 6.30pm H ou se 098 49134 Par ish office Au gh oose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Kil tan e Geesal a & Dooh om a al ter n ates H ogan 086 734860. Su n day 11am & Satu r day 7pm W in ter, 8pm k il com m on par ish @ eir com .n et Su m m er Ban gor 12.15pm Su n day
Kevin Kennedy Mot or s Belmullet 097 82082
Ballina 096 70777
New & Used Car Sal es - Ser vice - Repair s - Recover y
Hundreds of Quality Used Vehicles in Stock 2013 Audi A6 2.0 TDI S
2011 BMW 5 Series
2013 Ford Focus
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2013 BMW 5 2.0
Trade Ins Welcome & Finance Arranged KENNEDY MOTORS BINGHAMSTOWN BELMULLET CO. MAYO Kevin 086 2425790 3- Erri s Eye
Ciaran 086 8870776
Keep an Eye on Business
Belmullet Sea Angling Club On his tour of the Wild Atlantic Way, John Creedon stopped and recorded for RTE a fishing trip with members of the Belmullet Sea Angling Club. Staying overnight in Belmullet the crew spent Tuesday morning boat fishing. Watch out for the programme entitled The Wild Atlantic Way to be televised early August. To contact the club and for info on membership, club outings and upcoming competitions contact Michael John Nallen or Robbie Barrett 097 82093 . Find us on Facebook @ Belmullet Sea Anglers.
%5- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Community Cill Chomรกin GAA Bord na nร g Presentation
%6- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Your Community
NOW OPEN IN BELMULLET American Street Belmullet
Great Deals Available On Facebook @Salmans Speedy Specials
S H O G IE er i an t e g e V Meal s
s r e g r Bu K
Wr ap s E BAB
S *Order Take Away 097 82797* %7- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on What's On
Transition Year Students from St. Brendan's College, Belmullet who raised ?1,000 for Pieta House by organising Strictly Come Dancing. Pictured with Donna Burke, Pieta House, Ms. Flynn (Music teacher) and Mr.Walshe (Principal).
%8- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Erris Business
Padraig McDonagh, captain of the winning team in The Eddie Cuffe Memorial Tournament held at St. Brendan's College recently. Pictured with Mr. O Reilly, Mr. Walshe, Joe Cuffe and Mr.Togher.
Be f ound on search engines SEO PACKAGE TO SUIT ALL POCKETS
uot e f r ee q
086 065 1704
Three Mobile Store
For all your mobile phone & broadband needs! NOW LOCATED AROUND THE CORNER ON
BRI DGE STREET 9- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on What's On The Erris Branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association travelled to Dublin on the 16th of May for the national AGM and conference of the IWA. While there Erris Branch were delighted to be chosen as National Branch of the Year. The Branch has been in existence since 1982 and service Coordinator Rosaleen Lally said that this award is in a testimony to all the great work done by the branch over the years. I think about the people who started the Erris Branch back in 1982 when there was very little or no funding available, volunteers gave freely of their time to insure that people with disabilities in Erris were give equal rights and opportunities. The Branch has grown from strength to strength and working closely with the Centre staff have supported the building of the new Resource and Outreach Centre in Belmullet. The branch also support the centre with respite holidays for Members, social outings and activities in the centre. Rosaleen Lally says it is wonderful to be acknowledged on a national level for the work being done in Erris, IWA have 57 centres all over the country with over 2500 staff working in direct services, it is great to see the national award coming to Erris and well deserved. Volunteers are the back bone of the organisation nationally and locally and this award is belong to everyone who has volunteered in the past and who continue to support
Back Rosaleen Lally Service Coordinator Belmullet PJ Ruddy Branch Chairman Front left Branch PRO Aine Mc Donnell Front Right Nicolle Geraghty Branch member
Children enjoying a musical storytime adventure with Colm de Bhรกldraite at Belmullet Library. For more information on Mayo Library Services, events in the Library and our new music generation project contact Kate on 097 28555 or khealy@mayococo.ie Mayo library service operates a free service for children & school students up to the age of 18. *Terms & conditions apply to all loans
10- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Business
Tá Coláiste UISCE ag ofráil scolaireachtaí 75% dóibh siúd a bhfuil lonnaithe sa Ghaeltacht chun freastal ar an gCúrsa Ceannaireacht a l eibhéal 1 - ón 29ú Iúil 2015 go dtí an 12ú Lúnasa 2015. Má tá tuilleadh eolais uait, tá muid brea sásta aon ceisteanna atá agat a fhreagairt. 097 82111, claire@uisce.ie nó http:/ / www.uisce.ie/ Coláiste UISCE are offering 75% to students that are living in the Gaeltacht area to attend the Cúrsa Ceannaireachta leibhéal 1 - on the 29th July 2015 ? 12th August 2015. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate in contacting our office on 097-82111, claire@uisce.ie nó www.uisce.ie
Coming soon
Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri seye.com www.cast l ebareye.com
Get your di gi t al Ver si on Cast l ebar Eye 086 065 1704 FREE 11- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Services Belmullet Tidy Towns WesternCareCommunityGarden Tucked away modestly at the end of Fr Mulhern Crescent is an amazing project that Western Care and Belmullet Tidy Towns have been jointly developing this past few months. The project started in 2014, when we were approached by Anne and Carmel from Western Care to see if there was a small undertaking that would be suitable as a shared project. It was at this point that Patricia McAndrew became involved and the result was the wonderful herb garden on Church Road. We felt that this fulfilled the brief and both Tidy Towns and Western Care were delighted with our much admired herb garden. But in 2015 the project developed even further. Western Care secured funding for a tunnel in the grounds of their residence. With Patricia and Eva heading up the project and with help from the very enthusiastic Western Care service users and some volunteers it grew and grew (pardon the pun!) and the result is an abundance of plants and flowers (in excess of 3,000!)of a huge variety which are now ready to plant out ? an amazing achievement. With all this going on, Patricia also found time to deliver gardening classes ? which we hope will become an annual feature on our Tidy Towns calendar. This would never have been possible without the initial idea from Western Care, the keen interest of the service users who are always eager to help out with maintenance and watering, and most especially without the hard work and enthusiasm of Patricia who has given so much of her time and expertise to this project. We, Belmullet Tidy Towns, are delighted to be associated with such a wonderful project.
Al l t he Lat est Erri s News www.erri seye.com Meal s-on-Wheel s, Geesal a Del ivering in t he parishes of Kil t ane, Bel mul l et & Kil more. Our meal s are f reshl y prepared dail y, in our premises in Geesal a. Al l diet ary needs are cat ered f or, shoul d you or someone you know be int erest ed in receiving meal s l ong t erm or short t erm Pl ease cont act 097 86868. We al so provide a Communit y Laundry Service t hat is open t o al l members of t he publ ic
Advert i se your busi ness or servi ce onl i ne 086 065 1704 i nfo@erri seye.com
*New del ivery & col l ect ion now avail abl e*
Pl ease cal l 097 86781 f or f urt her Inf ormat ion. %12- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on What's On Erris-London Reunion 2015 Fundraiser for the Irish Wheelchair Association Belmullet
097 82405
Conway?s 3, Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgeware ?
Music Saturday 10th by ?Martin Ruddy? All proceeds raised will go towards seven new independent living houses for those with physical disabilities in the Erris area located beside our Resource and Outreach Centre in Logmore, Belmullet. A great weekend guaranteed!! For more information contact Rosaleen on 097 81728 ?
Taoiseach, Enda Kenny pays a visit to the Erris branch of the Irish Wheelchair association.
Call David for Details 087 2347424 %13- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Community A Tribute to Noel from Belmullet Tidy Towns Noel was chairman of Tidy Towns for almost 30 years. One of our first projects was to level and plant the canal banks. Before that he would cut the grass on the bumpy uneven surface with a push lawnmower. That was Noel - problems were seen as challenges, not obstacles. He loved the town and everything about it and wanted it to be the best that it could be. He would be so overjoyed at every award we won, every milestone we reached, every difficulty we overcame, every assistance that was offered to us, every positive comment made by visitors. He never stopped ? planning, preparing, improving, upgrading, lobbying, coming back from holidays with ideas and always ready to get stuck in to any task himself. He was straight-spoken, hardworking and always generous. He did so much and yet there was so much more that he wanted to do. He had the respect and admiration of all who worked with him and we hope we will do him proud in the future. But we will miss him. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to his grieving family. Noel with An Taoiseach Enda Kenny in Áras Inis Gluaire, September 2014, at the Noel, ní bheidh do leithéid ann arís. Ar dheis Dé go raibh d?anam caomh dílis. launch of the Edward Ardizzone exhibition - yet another project to which Noel contributed greatly.
Pop into your local UniSlim class to pick up your copy of our new summer plan, Slimmer for Summer. It contains lots of tasty easy to do recipes which will leave you feeling full and help shed those pounds! Remember UniSlim class continues all throughout summer. It's important to keep up attendance during those months as there can be a lot of damage done during those weeks while the kids are off school etc. Class is Belmullet 6.45pm Wednesday over the Co Op. Crossmolina Thursday at GAA pitch 8pm 086 3132340 for details.
PORRIDGE BREAD Ingredients Large tub (500ml) Low fat Natural Yogurt 180g Porridge oats 2 tsp Bread soda 1/ 2 tsp Salt 1 Egg 1 tbsp Semi skimmed milk Serves 12 FC per serving Preheat oven to 180°C Place bread soda, salt and the yogurt in a mixing bowl and stir. Next add in your porridge oats and stir thoroughly till all ingredients are well mixed. Crack the egg into a separate bowl and beat. Add the egg in with the rest of the ingredients along with the milk and stir. Line a bread tin or oven tray with parchment paper and add ingredients in. Sprinkle with some extra ground porridge oats. Cook for approx 50 mins. After 50 mins, remove the bread from the tin and cook for another 10 mins. Remove from oven and leave to cool.
Ballina, Co Mayo. %14- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Community Erris Special Olympics The athletes enjoyed a few weeks of athletic training with the thanks to Brenda O'Donoghue. This training included working with their balance, improving their agility and motor skills. Over the course of the training sessions there was a huge improvement in all athletes and their ability to participate, in particular their speed and confidence. Erris Special Olympics are currently now taking part in swimming lessons. The club meets on Wednesday evenings usually in Belmullet Sports Complex at 7.30pm. We will be soon finishing for the summer holidays but will be back in September, so come along then for some fun and games, the club also competes in Bocce and Basketball. Watch out for our return date in September!!
* ORDER TAKE AWAY 097 82797*
%15- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Erris
MEGA BINGO RESCHEDULED.... The Chamber of Commerce have rescheduled our next Mega Bingo for Friday the 26th June in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel starting at 8.30pm Sharp. We guarantee a minimum pay-out of ?4000 and our Jackpot game will be at least ?1000. There will be spot prizes, all lines and corners on every game. Come along to a great nights Bingo where we guarantee if you PLAY WE PAY....
Transition year students from St.Brendan's college, Belmullet on their recent trip to Barcelona.
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FREE %16- Erri s Eye
We get 50 0 plus r ea ds of our m a ga zi ne onli ne ever y m ont h, r ea ch your cust om er s for only ? 50 per yea r
0 86 0 65 170 4
Keep an Eye on Business
Yard opensat 7.30am ?Sel l er pl easenot e- Import ant t hat al l st ock BOOKEDisin t heyard by 9.30or noguarant eeof bookingnumber. Want t o wat cht hesal el iveor buy st ock onl ine?seeour websit e www.mayosl igomart .ie f or det ail s.
%17- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Erris Community
Tel:094 9256421 Fax: 094 925 6672 info@craftsmanfurniture.ie Swinford Rd, Foxford, Co Mayo.
Foxford Co. Mayo
Orlaith McGrath, Fiona Bourke School of Speech & Drama Belmullet, who was awarded a gold medal by Irish Board of Speech & Drama for outstanding performance in recent Irish Board of Speech & Drama Exams..Orlaith was commended for an outstanding performance in both Acting and Grade exams.
Northwest S P C A Erris Branch Hi everyone. We have just finished our church gate collections in Erris for this year, and again we must thank you all for a great response, and can we give a special thanks to all our collectors. We have collected badly needed funds for animals in distress and who need to be re-homed. We are always in need of volunteers and you only do what can do. Remember, if you know or hear of any animal who needs help or for anyone who no longer can care or feed their animal, help is is just a phone call away, we might need a bit of time, but we will respond. As well as our shop on Pearse St Ballina, we also have a shop on Linenhall St in Castlebar, and they will except all kinds of things that they will sell in the shops, from spoons to spin dryers, and all proceeds go to help the animals. Contact number, Christine 087 2956201
Eircode is the new postcode system for Ireland. Eircode will be launched in June 2015, a letter will be sent to all addresses inCounty Mayo notifying them of the Eircode which will be unique for that address. Your address does not change, you simply include the Eircode at the bottom of your address. There are many benefits to using Eircode, including making it quicker and easier for medical emergency services and others to locate addresses. It is safe to give an Eircode to anyone you would normally give your address to. The Eircode Community Outreach Programme involves local organisations and volunteers inCounty Mayo in helping reach out to various groups particularly older people living alonewho may need further information on Eircode. The programme is committed to ensuring that the target group are reached through people that they already know and trust and are well-placed to advise them. Caroline Wilson, the Eircode Outreach Champion for County Mayois leading efforts across the county and would be delighted to hear from people who are interested in the programme for themselves, or who may help to identify people in their area who might need assistance.Caroline Wilson can becontacted at wcaroline79@gmail.com. Further general information on Eircode is available at http:/ / www.eircode.ie/
%18- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Environment
%16- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Foróige Belmullet Foróige Club - Our First Year Belmullet Foróige Club was established in October 2014 by staff of Iorras Le Chéile Community Development Project. It is now run by a group of adult volunteers/ Club leaders. We currently have 7 leaders and 32 members at the club. Members are aged between 12 and 15 years and are from all over the Erris area. We meet every Friday evening from 6pm-7.30pm in the Belmullet Sports Complex. As part of the club we do various activities such as sports, games, movie nights and quizzes. The club has a committee made up of elected members all with specific roles to help with the running of the club. The committee discusses upcoming events and club plans, as well as finance and projects. The club runs alongside the academic year and we have now finished up for the summer holidays but we will be recruiting new members and leaders for September. Over the last few months we have been very busy. We attended Foroige discos hosted by nearby clubs where we got to meet other clubs in the county and lots of new people. We went bowling at Gateway Leisure, attended movie nights in Iorras Le Chéile and had a Christmas party. We also entered Foróiges Got Talent which was hosted in Knockmore. Our club entered a 6 piece singing act named ?The Bellettes?. One of our biggest activities was planning and hosting our own club disco in April at the Haven Night Club. Seven clubs attended the disco and we all had a great night! We have recently gotten involved in some community projects with Belmullet Tidy Towns and hope to continue working with them in September. We went out on a clean-up with them before the club finished and also began to build a Bug Hotel. We hope to enter this project into the Foróige Youth Citizenship Awards. We would like to get involved in more community projects next year. In order to run the club we need to raise funds; we pay ?2 membership
Members enjoying our Christmas Party- very festive! each week which helps with costs. We also held a church gate collection in December and recently done bag packing at local shops to fundraise. We are really grateful to all the people who supported us. We are attending Foroige?s BIGGEST event of the year on 27th June - Band on the Strand down in Lacken. We can also bring our friends to this event as part of Foróige?s buddy system so there will be over 40 of us attending with several other clubs across the country. The club has allowed us to meet lots of new people and we have made lots of new friendships. Attending the club each week means we have some where to meet, we can learn new skills, have fun and get involved in our community. If you would like to join the club or you are an adult interested in volunteering contact Leanne on 086-3313882.
ers embers & lead Some of our m ub disco in April cl r enjoying ou
sf own idy T T t e ull Belm with p u n Clea
ts Coas aner e l C e or th
Parents Michael Hurst & Denis O?Donnell helping out at our club disco in The Haven nightclub
Debut of our brand-spanking new Club hoodies! %21- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on History Downpatrick Head Sitting majestically in the wild Atlantic Ocean, Downpatrick Head is an area of unrivalled coastal beauty and historical importance? Just a few miles north of Ballycastle village, County Mayo, is the the windswept outcrop of Downpatrick Head. This is the perfect place to park up and stretch your legs with an invigorating coastal walk. The name Downpatrick is derived from a time when St Patrick himself founded a church here. You can still see the ruins of the church building, a stone cross and holy well here today. This was once a popular pilgrim destination, and today the crowds still gather here on the last Sunday of July ? known as Garland Sunday ? to hear mass at this sacred site. The St Patrick connections don?t end there though. Gazing out to sea, you?ll no doubt spot the small collection of islands called the Staggs of Broadhaven, but you?ll also see a lone sea-stack standing close to the edge of the cliffs. This sea-stack is called DĂşn Briste (broken fort). Local legend says that when a pagan chieftain refused to convert to Christianity, St Patrick struck the ground with his crozier, splitting a chunk of the headland off into the ocean, with the chieftain on top! The sea stack is beautiful to behold because you can see the layers upon layers of multi-coloured rock strata. Fast-forward through the centuries and Downpatrick Head became a lookout post during WWII. You can still see the stone building there today. Another intrigue of the area is Poll Na Seantainne: this is a spectacular blowhole that plummets down to the tempestuous ocean below.
Downpatrick Head caught on a postcard in 1910, Postcard kindly passed to us by Mary Caulfield & recent photo by Arthur O'Donnell.
%22- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Education Junior Entrepreneur Programme The Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) is a 10 week entrepreneurial education programme for primary school pupils. This innovative programme opens the minds of primary school pupils to the joy of entrepreneurship at a time in their lives when they are full of imagination and open to new possibilities. The programme helps participating pupils to develop a number of skills including literacy, writing, presentation, drawing, technology, research skills, numeracy, financial, consumer awareness, storytelling, listening skills, creative thinking, problem solving, team building and collaboration skills. The senior pupils with members of the special class of Glencastle N.S. recently participated in this project. This involved us the pupils exploring the world of entrepreneurship. We had to research various entrepreneurs around the world and in the local community. We invited local entrepreneur Ms Christine Gillard founder of ?Mariko Sparkling Green Tea?, to our classroom to learn about the world of business and entrepreneurship through the eyes of an experienced and successful business person. From interviewing Christine we gained a valuable insight into the Dragons: Mr William Sullivan, MsChristine Gillard, MsLisa Carolan business world and we thank her for taking the time to visit us. We came up with various business ideas which we pitched to a panel of Dragons whom included Ms Christine Gillard (local entrepreneur), Ms L Carolan & Mr W Sullivan. ?Loom It?was the successful business idea that was chosen as the class project. The next few weeks were busy making loom band pencil and pen grips as well as loom band bracelets for sale. We sold our products in Carey?s Newsagents and Bookstore (A big thank you to Lorraine & staff for selling our product), and at our showcase event in our School Hall. Our products ?flew of the shelf?we were amazed they sold so well. We learned that our research and marketing of the product paid off. At the end of the 10 week programme we attended the County Showcase event with 16 other schools from Mayo who partook in the programme. CMS distribution are the sponsors of this event in Mayo. At the county showcase event Managing Director of CMS Distribution Mr Frank Salmon gave us an insight into how he became a successful entrepreneur. He told us that ?honesty and good old fashioned hard work are essential to succeed. Our class teacher Ms Ruddy was presented with a plaque and a JEP Flag for our school. The profit raised from our ?Loom It?business project part funded our adventure trip to Dublin City on the 21st of Glencastle NSpupilswith MsRuddy at Dรกil Eireann May last. We had a super day out, we visited the GPO, Dรกil Eireann, The National Museum of Ireland ? Archaeology, and the best till last A Viking Splash Tour around Dublin City where we were like true Vikings!
%23- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Leisure Erris Beo has been approached and requested to create a weekly information leaflet on what is on in Erris for our visitors and locals alike. This is a pilot project and we hope to work with a number of businesses in Erris to act as information points from where these leaflets would be available. Details are as follows: · The leaflet will be updated weekly · Information must be provided one week in advance · We have planned briefly that the information will be received on Monday, the leaflets would go to print on a Wednesday and finally, distributed on the Friday. · Any business in the area may promote any upcoming events for the week on the brochure regardless of how big or small. Again this is a pilot project so any ideas or thoughts on the leaflet are more then welcome and encouraged. We would like to get this project up and running as soon as possible as so to be able to provide it to our tourists as well as the locals. If you would like to be included in the leaflet please contact Ashley Mahon at Erris Beo, 097 82292.
Majella, Linda, Ann and Fiona would like to thank everyone who sponsored them in The West of Ireland Mini Marathon. We raised ?1,500 which was divided between Aughalasheen N.S. and Erris HeartBeat Defibrillator. Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.
W h en t h is w on't
w or k !
you c an d ep end on us....
?No ch ar ges ?No docu m en t fees ?Fl exibl e r epaym en t ter m s ?Fr ee l oan pr otection ERRI S ?No u p-fr on t ch ar ges ?No advan ced paym en ts r equ ir ed ?No pen al ty in ter est for ear l y settl em en ts Te l: 0 9 7 8 2 3 8 8 Ba r r a c k S t r e e t , Be lm ulle t *Terms & Conditions Apply
%24- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Business
%25- Erri s Eye
Business Directory Arts & Entertainment
Aras I ni s Gl uai re Bel mul l et Exhi bi t i ons & Ent ert ai nment 097 81079 www.arasi ni sgl uai re.i e
Home Heating
J&E Hughes Oi l Heat i ng oi l , Road & agri di esel , pet rol , l ubri cant s, t ank s Dai l y Del i veri es
Accountancy Services
James M oran I nsul at i on & Dry Li ni ng Ext ernal Wal l 087 6180276 jmoranpl ast eri ng@gmai l .com
Fusi on I nsul at i on St op t he col d t hi s wi nt er M ayo's Spray Foam Expert s Erri s based cal l for quot at i on 1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.f usi oni nsul at i on.com
M angans Furni t ure
Cake & bakery Speci al i st s Bri dge Rd Bel mul l et 097 81082 www.odonoghuesbakery.com
Carpet s, vi nyl , wooden f l oori ng, beddi ng, 3 pi ece sui t es, bedroom & di ni ng set s Barrack St Bel mul l et 097 81084 jmancon@hot mai l .com
Sharkey & Co Account ant s
Cacai Al ai nn
Book k eepin g & Accou n ts Payr ol l & Vat - Sol e Tr ader Accou n ts Tax Retu r n s - Far m Accou n ts Lim ited Com pan y Accounts The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo
www.l ovel ynat ural cakes.com Weddi ng Cakes, Novel t y Cakes, Bi rt hday Cakes al l made wi t h nat ural i ngredi ent s St ephani e Fal l on 086 852 8681
Chart ered & Cert i f i ed Account ant s Regi st ered Audi t or s Quay St , Bel mul l et , Co M ayo Bel mul l et 097 81507 Bal l i na 096 79780 Fax 097 81744
Tel: (087) 7978643 Pharmacy
Lavel l es Pharmacy Bel mul l et 097 81053 K i l l al a 096 32465 Bangor Erri s 097 83911 l avel l espharmacy@gmai l .com
Doocey M et al Recycl i ng We buy & col l ect al l t ypes of scrap met al , sk i ps avai l abl e.
Cakes By Angel a Cakes for al l Occasi ons Per sonal i sed Cakes
086 402 5521 angel ageraght y57@hot mai l .com www.cakesbyangel a.i e
T&T Cl ot hi ng Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e 086 065 1704
085 129 3864 087 690 5283
Cleaning Services
Belmullet ErrisLions Club Two day open event Doohoma Golf Club 10th & 11th July Eddie Cuffe Memorial PJ Carey 0872324683 Ronnie McDonell 086 1034169 Sean Gaughan 087 2398461 Kenny 097 81034
+353 (0)87 1035 227 stephen@oracce.com
J.P.Caf ferkey & Son 097 83028 086 319 4368 Taxis
Ji mmy Donoghue Hack ney Tal l agh Road, Bel mul l et 8 & 14 Seat er M i ni Bus
086 315 2051 Cast l ebar, Gal way, Sl i go Hospi t al runs K nock Ai rport I nvoi ces Avai l abl e Fitted Kitchens
Agri cul t ural M achi nery
Barcastle Retail Park, Castlebar, Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 -18:00 Sat: 10:00 - 17:00
* Trial Holes * Infrastructure Development * Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land Reclamation * Bulk Earthworks * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Effluent Treatment Systems * All Ancillary Site Works
Tarmacadam Dri veways, Car Park s, Farm Roads Bl ock Pavi ng K erbs Suppl i ed & Lai d No Job t oo Bi g or Smal l 15 Year s Experi ence For Free Quot e Cal l
M owi ng,Teddi ng, Rak i ng,Bal i ng
Crossmol i na Rd, Bal l i na
O'Raghal l aigh Agricul t ural , Const ruct ion & Civil Engineering
Erris Directory & Diary on sale now at T&T Clothing, The Square, Belmullet and other outlets.
Ardagh Agri Servi ces
096 72803- 087 626 2727
Construction & Civil
Er r i s Gr ou p Sp eci al i st s
Print & Embroidery
097 86805
Calling All Golfers
O'Donoghues Bakery
Thomas M cHugh & Co
Denni s on 086 264 4600
Cake Specialists
Agri cul t ural Consul t ancy Advi ce on al l f armi ng mat t er s GLAS & AEOS Appl i cat i ons M i cheal Prendergast Chapel St Bel mul l et
094 90 26100 www.symphonykit chens.ie inf o@symphonykit chens.ie We will beat any price on a like for like basis
086 811 9256 prendergastagriconsultancy@gmail.com
Auctioneers Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer Property Valuations - Sales -Auctions For all Your Auctioneering Needs Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee 086 8459414 or 09670854 www.theoptimumgroup.ie
Maireann croí éadrom a bhfad. A light heart lives a long time.
Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri seye.com Get your di gi t al Ver si on
FREE ADVERTISE ON OUR W EBSITE W W W .ERRISEYE.COM W e get 500 pl u s r eads of ou r m agazin e on l in e ever y m on th , r each you r cu stom er s for on l y ? 50 per year 086 065 1704
To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri seye.com
Business Directory Doctors Dr J V Flynn Church Rd, Bangor Erris 097 83486 Dr Swanick, Church Road, Belmullet 097 82434 Dr Molloy, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156 Dr Hussain, Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848 WestDoc 1850 365 000
NOTICES Calling All Golfers Belmullet ErrisLions Club Two day open event Doohoma Golf Club 10th & 11th July Eddie Cuffe Memorial PJ Carey 0872324683 Ronnie McDonell 086 1034169 Sean Gaughan 087 2398461 Kenny 097 81034
A summer camp for8507 3-8 year olds 089 480 will take place from Monday the 29th June to Friday the 3rd July and Monday the 6th July to Friday the 10th July @Barneys Playgroup Belmullet. 10am to 1pm daily. Contact Tisha @086-1735329 for details .Pri bookong is essential as places are limited. The weekly Tidy Towns group clean-up will now take place every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., meeting at the Bank of Ireland on the square. Please try and come along! We'll be doing litter picking and pulling up unwanted weeds, so bring along a spade or hoe if you have one, and a friend or two! Also Friday evening at 7pm we're meeting at Belmullet National School to the docks area to do a 'Cleaner Coast' tidy up so if ye can come along and help in any way that would be great. Keep Belmullet beautiful!
M ayo Wi ndow Cl eani ng Servi ce Domest i c, Commerci al & I ndust ri al
086 2220099
i nfo@mayowwi ndowcl eani ng.i e www.mayowi ndowcl eani ng.i e
NOTICES Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend) As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library will operate a musical instrument lending service in 2015.There will be a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or khealy@mayococo.ie or call into the library.
Car Sales & Service
M i chael Conroy M ot or s
Rory Qui nn Jewel l er s
New & used car and van sal es & servi ce NCT Prep & Val et i ng 24hr Recovery Servi ce
085 778 5268 Wal shes Garage Sal es & Servi ci ng of al l makes Acci dent & Breakdown Recovery NCT Prep Body Shop Repai r s 24hr Recovery Servi ce Chapel St reet , Bel mul l et 097 82260 / 087 224 6176
Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei rcom.net
Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m ayococo.ie for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y. For m or e detail s on th e M u sic Gen er ation l en din g system an d a l ist of in str u m en ts avail abl e con tact Kate on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m ayococo.ie or cal l in to th e Libr ar y.
Bri dge St , Bal l i na
096 71744 Engagement ri ngs Weddi ng bands Wat ches, gi f t s & much more
M i chael G Bohan & Co Sol i ci t or s No 6 Church St , Bel mul l et No 7 Teel i ng St , Bal l i na 096 78000/ 79699 emai l bohanl aw@ei rcom.net
Bourke Carri gg & Lof t us Sol i ci t or s Rear of Lavel l es Pharmacy Bel mul l et 096 21455/ 086 028 6000 marc@bcl l aw.i e Gi l varry Sol i ci t or s & Associ at es
Empl oyment Law, Li t egt i on Probat e, Commerci al Law Uni t 9 M oneen Ret ai l Park Cast l ebar 0949023366 i nfo@gi l varrysol i ci t or s.i e
Financial & Insurance
Speci al of fer s on Li fe Cover & al l your i nsurance needs
American. Street Belmullet County Mayo Open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm 097 81014 / 086 315 9485 kathleen@doocey.net
094 902 0677
M &C Fi nanci al Servi ces I nsurance, Pensi ons, I nvest ment s
Established 1882. Beside Tim Quinn?s office American Street, Belmullet
St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390
096 21122/ 21424 info@machales.com Wills, Litigation, Commercial Law, Title to land, Purchases, Sales & Farm Settlements.
Take Away
IWA Needs Your Support - Become a Friend of IWA! www.iwa.ie/ fundraising/ Friends-of-IWA-Draw/ register Be an Angel, Buy an Angel - Text DONATE to 57802Each text cost ?2 with proceeds to IWA.For more information visit: www.iwa.ie/ fundraising/ angels IWA receives a minimum of ?1.40 from Vodafone, 02 and Meteor texts. For further information or if you experience any problems please call the Text Donate helpline 0818 217100.
To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri seye.com