N ov em ber 2015 I ssu e 47
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N á h abai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai t h é!
Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Dear Readers, Fáilte! Welcome to the November 2015 issue of your local free community magazine - The Erris Eye. As usual there's lots happening in Erris. Inside see all the pics from local schools and read about their achievements. Our front cover photo this month is of the Doyle family from Lahardane with strong Erris links. Liam, Deirbhle, Ailbhe and Féilim feature in RTEjr show ,Out and About,which will be shown on RTE from October onwards. Their mother is Erris native Debbie Lavelle Doyle. In addition, the show has been nominated for an IFTA award. Best of luck to all involved! Thanks to all at our local schools for your photos and updates,especially to Tracey Nallen and her teacher Mr. Niall Reilly of St. Brendan's College who send us a moving and well written story this month. To anyone involved in community life in Erris keep the notes and articles coming in.
Erris Mass Times Kilmore Our L ady of L ourdes church Aughleam ; Sunday 9.45am/weekdays 10.00am St. Joseph's Church Binghamstown ; Sunday 11.00am/weekdays 10.00am St. Brendan's Church Tirrane; Saturday Vigil 6.30pm/weekdays 10.00am Church of the Holy Family Carne; Sunday 12.00noon/weekdays 10.00am Our L ady of Dolours church Shanahee; Saturday Vigil 8.00pm. Parish Office 097 82350. Fr John L oftus 097 82350. Fr Kevin Hegarty 097 81011 Belmullet Church of the Sacred Heart, Belmullet Sunday 10.30am, M onday 8.00pm, Tuesday to Friday 9.30am, Saturday Vigil 8.00pm Church of Our L ady of L ourdes, Glencastle Sunday 12.00 noon, Wednesday and Saturday 10.15am Fr. M ichael Reilly P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Parish Office, Chapel Street, Belmullet, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-mail Kilcommon Aughoose Sunday M ass 12noon I nver Saturday Vigil 8pm Cornboy Sunday M ass 10.30am Carrowtigue Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Parish office Aughoose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Hogan 086 734860.
Ballycroy Sunday 11am Saturday 8pm I nisbiggle I sland 2pm Saturday weather permitting, requested by famililes (every 2 ? 3 weeks) Fr. Chris Ginnelly, Parochial House 098 49134 Kiltane Geesala & Doohoma alternates Sunday 11am & Saturday 7pm Winter, 8pm Summer Bangor 12.15pm Sunday
Feedback from our advertisers continues to be positive and we are happy to say that after 47 editions produced, we have many customers who enjoy value for money and results from their advertising investment. If you would like to speak to us about advertising just call on 086 0651704 or email We are compiling the Erris Directory & Diary for 2016. If you or someone you know would like to have their home or business contact details listed, please get in touch. Slán go fóill.
Erris EyeTeam
Dear all, I met my third cousin yesterday, and he turned out to be a bit of a genius; well, maybe not, but he is certainly a polymath. It all started with a phone call from his wife, while I was whiling away some time in another lesser known Erris beauty spot called Annagh Head, to tell me that a rare book I was looking for - Logainmeacha Mhaigh Eo 4 - had become available. I had only taken a few steps over the threshold of their home, when we discovered that our great grandparents had parted on their separate ways in 1859, or thereabouts. Their house in Cartron, near Eachléim, on the Blacksod Peninsula, turned out to be a veritable Aladdin's Cave of treasures, which included a hand-made dash churn and a Tester bed, both made by Pap Murphy, my cousin: and no, his first name isn't a misspelling. As it happens, Pap is a musician and a shipwright to boot. There also, was a kitchen dresser that must have been a hundred years old, with a story all of its own. It transpired during the course of my visit, that Pap and his wife Kathryn, run a home-grown folklore/genealogy/local crafts cottage industry, almost exclusively out of their own resources, and it is well worth a visit. If you cannot get there in person, they have their own website on Given proper funding and resources, I am sure that their efforts could be translated into something that would benefit the whole area. The book, by the way, only had a print run of 36 copies, but there is a CD available, and it is fascinating to see the old Irish names properly translated into English. Sincerely, Liam Power
GMarsh TV ? two new children?s series for RTÉjr and an IFTA Nomination
Mayo-based television production company, GMarsh TV have two brand new children?s series coming out on RTÉjr Monday 19th October. OUR SEASIDE Starts Monday 19th October at 11am and is repeated at 17:50 every day. OUT AND ABOUT Starts Monday 19th October at 12:30 with repeat at 18:50 - every day. Meet the Lynn family from ?OUR SEASIDE?! Johnny (6) Anna (4) Katie (3) baby Sara and of course their mum and dad, who all live right beside the sea in Killala at the tip of North Mayo. With the shore as their back garden, the family enjoy all sorts of seaside adventures. Each of the fifteen episodes explores different fun things to at the seaside, from foraging cockles for dinner to roasting marshmallows at a beach campfire. ?OUT AND ABOUT?features the Doyle family so loved in the 2014 RTÉjr series ?OUR FARM?. Each episode follows their adventures on family days out and about in their local area in North Mayo. Where OUR FARM followed the day to day activities of Liam, Deirbhle, Ailbhe and Féilim around the family farm, this new series takes young viewers further afield as we follow the children on daytrips and field trips ? from fishing on Lough Conn to exploring Errew Abbey; handling birds of prey to picking fruit for baking; getting to grips with riding ponies to building a dam in the local stream. OUT AND ABOUT is a gentle observational documentary series which delves into the heart of rural family life and sibling fun. Finally, GMarsh TV are delighted to announce that their children?s series ?Our Farm?has been nominated for an IFTA in the ?Children?s and Young People?s?category. Filmed on the slopes of Nephin Mountain near Lahardane Co. Mayo, ?Our Farm?is a fifteen-part series of six-minute episodes exploring daily life on the Doyle family farm as seen through the eyes of the Doyle children, Liam (10), Dearbhile (8), Ailbhe (5) and Féilim (3). All of these series were filmed and Directed by Ballina native, Paula Rouse over the course of a year. ?All the crew at GMarsh TV are delighted that a rural children's television series like 'Our Farm' has been nominated, a series where real children are telling us all about their daily lives". Executive Producer Gillian Marsh The IFTA Awards Ceremony takes place on Thursday October 22nd in Dublin.
%2- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on What's On
Late opening every Thursday until 8pm
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Cill Chomain U14 team winners of the North Mayo Championship
Above winner of the mc grath cup ( u16 Breaffy Captain)with Paraic Mc grath sponsor of cup
%3- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Erris ?Someone That I Admire?
St. Brendan's College TY student Tracey Nallen through a class project with her teacher Mr. Niall Reilly wrote about her uncle Michael Gaughan. Speaking to my uncle, Michael Gaughan, you would never be able to tell that he has been through such a long sixty-five years of trials and tribulations. Despite all of the many struggles he has been through during his life, he always has a smile etched on his face. No matter how many times he has been knocked down by life, he has gotten back up again and remained positive and kind to everyone that he meets. That is why when I was asked to interview someone that I admire; my strong uncle was the first and only person to come to mind. Michael grew up in the village of Tipp, about five miles outside Belmullet, with his five brothers, six sisters, and his parents, Michael James and Agnes. They never had a lot money or luxuries, but in the humble cottage beside the sea, they made do and did the best with whatever they had. He recalls his father getting up in the early hours of the morning to work on the farm, before spending the day doing odd jobs to make a few scarce pounds, or going fishing to feed his children. His mother was just as hard a worker. She was never idle and could be seen making sure the house was spotless, baking and cooking for her family and helping out on the farm. At the tender age of thirteen, as one of the eldest, he left school and travelled alone to Scotland to pick potatoes, sending almost every penny back home to his parents. He recalls countless lonely nights, far away from home, sleeping on beds of straw in a large shed crammed full of wide-eyed children, as frightened as himself. ?The things I missed most were the comfort of my family, and the little sacred heart lamp always glowing in our bedroom at night.? After many rough years in Scotland he moved to London and began working on building sites in the growing city, far from his humble abode back on the quiet west coast of Ireland. Eventually, he met the love of his life, Anne,
whom he married and settled with in London to start a family. Their dreams came true when Anne gave birth to their first baby girl, Karen. After two fairy tale years with their little princess, their whole world came tumbling down when Karen was diagnosed with leukaemia. ?The hardest words I?ve ever had to hear in my life were when I was told that my little girl had a mere three weeks to live.?Although Karen didn?t know it, ahead of her lay chemotherapy-injections of six very powerful drugs-and the very real possibility of radiation treatment and bone marrow transplants in a bid to save her life. Her strength gave Michael hope, as three weeks passed, and many more, Karen still managed a frail smile with lips that were almost as pale as her skin. After five excruciating years, much to Michael?s joy, Karen was cleared of cancer. However, the gruelling treatment left Karen handicapped, unable to communicate, or able to care for herself. Michael, and his wife Anne, now devote all of their time to caring for their daughter, Karen, who is now thirty-one years old. The next blow for Michael was a couple of years later, when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. They all fought through this difficult time, and once again beat it with smiles on their faces. Things then started to look up for Michael. Life was back to normal, and their youngest daughter, Joanne, was developing perfectly. However, things took a turn for the worse again when he was doing a job on a building site in Dublin. ?I was working on the building site when I fell from the scaffolding and two industrial-sized gas cylinders fell on top of me. I don?t remember anything, but I?ve been told that I rolled down an embankment and all my mates thought I was a goner.? He was rushed to the hospital, and when they
discovered that not only had he broken almost all of the bones in his body, his lungs were crushed. His family was told the awful news that he only had hours to live. He was immediately put on life support. The hours and days went by and Michael continued to fight. He went from being told that he had hours to live, to being told he would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, to finally walking out of the hospital seven long weeks later. The doctors were astounded by his strength and courage and he remembers them saying to him: ?You should not be here?. Time passed, and not only have the physical scars of his accident remained, but the mental ones too; Michael started suffering from panic attacks, which made day to day life very difficult. Once again, Michael persevered and would not give up. With the help of medication and support from his family and friends, Michael overcame the panic attacks. But more knocks followed: Anne developed breast cancer once again, and Michael developed COPD, a lung disease. While speaking to my uncle, the thought popped into my head: ?How many knocks can one person possibly take?? I admire his strength and bravery, and his perseverance through all his troubles. If I could only be half as courageous as him, I would be proud. Every Sunday he visits my home and I see him with a smile on his face, despite hiding the pain of so many tough years behind his eyes.
Set d an ci n g an d Soci al d an ci n g cl asses wil l be h el d at 8.30 in Br oadh aven Bay H otel ever y W edn esday n igh t.Begin n er s ver y wel com e,par tn er s n ot r equ ir ed. Gr eat exer cise an d good fu n an d an oppor tu n ity to l ear n som e n ew steps in a r el axed atm osph er e. For fu r th er in for m ation con tact 086 8313692.
Ca ll us 0 8 6 0 6 5 17 0 4
%4- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Your Money ERRI S
Santa is already planning for Christmas!
Advantages of a Credit Union Loan
?N o ch ar ges ?N o d ocu m en t f ees ?Fl ex i bl e r ep ay m en t t er m s ?Fr ee l oan p r ot ect i on ?N o u p -f r on t ch ar ges ?N o ad v an ced p ay m en t s r equ i r ed ?N o p en al t y i n t er est f or ear l y set t l em en t s *Terms & Conditions Apply
Te l: 0 9 7 8 2 3 8 8 Ba r r a c k S t r e e t , Be lm ulle t
The Amateur International Boxing Association selected Mayo?s Ciara Ginty as the Best Junior Woman Boxer of the Year.
Ginty won four bouts inside a week to claim lightweight gold at the second AIBA World Youth and Junior Championships in Albena, Bulgaria recently. The 15-year-old Geesala BC stand out also scooped the Best Junior Boxer Award at the Black Sea resort. Dr CK Wu, President of AIBA, described Ginty?s performances as outstanding. "These achievements are a fantastic boost for the club and Mayo boxing" - Pat McDonagh. He said: ?I have the immense pleasure to inform you that Ms Ciara Ginty has been selected as the Best Junior Woman Boxer of the Year after her outstanding performances at the AIBA World Junior Women Boxing Championships.? The AIBA Awards ceremony will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on the evening of 26 October after the finals of the AIBA World Men?s Elite Championships in conjunction with the final Banquet. Geesala BC coach Pat Ciara Ginty as the Best Junior Woman Boxer of the Year. McDonagh, who was in Albena for the AIBA World Women?s Photogr aph: N iall M uckian Youth and Junior Championships, said that the club were honoured that one of its members was receiving this prestigious award. ?The club are absolutely over the moon. Ciara was magnificent in Albena. She won gold and the best boxer award and now the world award, absolutely brilliant,? he said. ?These achievements are a fantastic boost for the club and Mayo boxing. We get massive support here and this is a big thank you to all the people that support our sport in Mayo.?
o Fr
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086 065 1704
%5- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Our Community
WeClimbed theHill for Jack & Jill
A Fundraising Climb of Tower Hill in Belmullet was undertaken for The Jack and Jill Children's Foundation. Thank you to everyone who took part and gave donations and to all who called to make a donation on the day. Water, Tayto's and bar were sponsored by John at Gala in Belmullet. Thank you John for your support and to Paul & Sharon Reilly of O'Donoghues Bakery for sponsoring the juice. When we have a total raised we will let you all know.
%6- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Business Congratulations to Jack and Patricia Coyle, from Coyle's Top Oil Service Station, Belmullet, who have been awarded the Gala Gold Standard of Excellence, at the Gala Annual Conference. Well done to Jack and Patricia and their hard working Top Oil Team on a great achievement!
7- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Your Language The Men?s Community Initiative at Áras Inis Gluaire
?Computers for Farm Families Course?began on Tuesday 6th October at 8.00pm and will run for 5 weeks. This is now fully booked but if you wish to place your name on a waiting list you may do so. The programme is funded under the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme & there are no costs to the participants. ?Art in the Afternoon?takes place every Monday between 1pm and 5pm. These classes are now fully booked until Christmas. ?Men?s Joint Mobility & Strength Classes? began on Thursday 8th October at 8.00pm and will run for 6 weeks. Total Cost is ?25 and booking is essential as places are limited. The group will be facilitated by Michelle Healy. ?Men?s Basic Computer Skills Class?begins on Wednesday 14th October at 6.30pm and will run for 8 weeks. This course is designed for men who have little or no experience of using a computer who would like to start from the beginning & learn the basics. It will run over 8 Wednesdays & each class will be an hour long. Total Cost is ?40. For further information & to book a place on any of the above, please contact Lorraine, Community Officer at Áras Inis Gluaire on 097 81079. The Erris Care & Repair Service at Áras Inis Gluaire This free and confidential service is available to the Over 60?s living in Erris. If you have any minor jobs around the home or garden which you would like some help with, please do get in touch and we will be happy to provide assistance. Our team are Garda Vetted and work under the guidelines and policies of Age Action Ireland. Enquiries to Lorraine on 097 81079.
CIORCAL LÉITHEOIREACHTA Beidh Ciorcal Léitheoireachta ar siúl in Oifig Thogra Mhaigh Eo ar an Mháirt an 20 Deireadh Fómhair ag 8.00pm. Teideal an Leabhair a bhéas á phlé againn ná
Scéalta Ó Rós Dugáin Le Louis Mac an Iomaire. Tuilleadh eolais: Conradh na Gaeilge 094-90-22444/087-9781166 Fáilte roimh chách:
Answers page 18
Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri www.cast l
Erri s Eye Get your di gi t al Ver si on Cast l ebar Eye 086 065 1704 FREE 8- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Our Community Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation
launched their new Christmas Charity Ball with An Taoiseach and his wife Fionnuala Kenny on hand to do the honours. The newly named Mistletoe Ball will take place on December 12th in Breaffy House Resort. "We are thrilled that An Taoiseach and Mrs Kenny agreed to launch the Mistletoe Ball by posing for some fun photos in Breaffy House recently", explains Laurita Blewitt Mayo Roscommon Hospice. The Mistletoe Ball (formally known as the ICE Ball) promises to be a festive night of entertainment, food, music and fabulous company and will be in aid of the Mayo Roscommon Hospice new Hospice/Palliative Care Unit in Castlebar with some surprises on the night too.
We featured the launch on our front cover of the Castlebar Eye last month
Erris Indoor Monthly Market October 25 th, Nov 22 nd and Dec 20 th.
Meal s-on-Wheel s Geesal a
Inside Ă ras Inis Gluaire Sunday Tea & Coffee Available Local Crafts and Handmade Products Face Painting Family Fun Day Locally grown plants & shrub Cost ?20 To reserve your table call
Arlene 097 81079. Del ivering in t he parishes of Kil t ane, Bel mul l et & Kil more. Our meal s are f reshl y prepared dail y, in our premises in Geesal a. Al l diet ary needs are cat ered f or, shoul d you or someone you know be int erest ed in receiving meal s l ong t erm or short t erm Pl ease cont act 097 86868. We al so provide a Communit y Laundry Service t hat is open t o al l members of t he publ ic *New del ivery & col l ect ion now avail abl e*
Pl ease cal l 097 86781 f or f urt her Inf ormat ion.
%9- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Lifestyle
Transition Year students from St. Brendan's College, Belmullet, enjoying a Drumming Workshop recently.
BUDGET 2016 How it impacts parents and families. Here is a
ION T I ED soon W NE oming 6 c
2016 edition of the Erris Directory & Diary is under way. If you would like to advertise or have a number you would like to include, please contact us on 086 065 1704
summary of some of the main Budget 2016 points with particular relevance to families: Tax & USC Entry point to the USC will rise from ?12,012 to ?13,000 The three lower USC rates are to fall - the 1.5 per cent rate will be cut to 1 per cent, 3.5 per cent to 3 per cent, and the 7 per cent rate will fall to 5.5 per cent on income between ?18,688 and ?70,044. Threshold for family income supplement will be widened to allow more families avail of the weekly tax-free payment available to employees with children. Minimum wage to rise to ?9.15 per hour from 1st January next Childcare package will include a second year of free pre-school care for every child aged between three and five. Child benefit will rise ?5 to ?140 from January Two weeks paid paternity leave will be introduced. Free GP Care will be extended to all children under 12 (subject to negotiations) 15 million allocated to fund children with disabilities in early childhood settings 2,260 additional teaching posts to be provided in 2016, including 600 new resource teachers. Pupil teacher ratio will go from 28:1 to 27:1 at primary and from 19:1 to 18.7:1 at second level.
%10- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Local Services
Michael and Caroline Geraghty with Bressie.
Sports clubs
send your fixtures and results Editorial is FREE for Clubs & Sports Organisations Charities and fundraising groups, send us your events dates and details. It's FREE! Stories, pictures and any news from around Erris that you would like us to consider for publishing please send them to us - it's FREE! 086 065 1704
* ORDER TAKE AWAY 097 82797*
%11- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Our Community Wel l done Deir bhil e Dixon! This is our daughter Deirbhile Dixon. On Thursday 1st October Deirbhile competed in and completed the County Cross Country finals with her school (Corclough NS) in Beleek. Deirbhile has Special Needs and faces many challenges both mentally and physically. In addition, Deirbhile has a problem with her feet and has to wear orthotics and special boots. She was last in the race as she just jogged it, but was adamant that she was going to complete the course. We would never have believed that Deirbhile would have the stamina, strength or ability to do this. We would just like to thank all the stewards from Ballina Athletic Club for their assistance on the day and also to all the pupils and staff from Corclough NS for their kindness and care. Even though Deirbhile finished last, her resilience and will-power were the inspiration that carried her across the line. This is a prime example of what any individual can personally achieve in the face of adversity. Coming first or last didn't matter to Deirbhile, as long as she completed the course as best she could. Where possible, individuals with challenges of any type should be allowed to participate in a main stream event if they wish to do so. Deirbhile didn't make a fuss or show any excitement when she completed the course. But that is what she did - COMPLETE THE COURSE. Well done Deirbhile, we are so proud of you!!
What is Acupuncture?
Kamara Acupunct ure
Now Available at the Irish Wheelchair Association Belmullet
085 7647485
?Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ?It uses tiny needles that are inserted into pre-determined points in the body. ?This is done to promote the movement of a vital energy force called qi. ?It is believed that once qi is moving smoothly around the body then life is flowing smoothly. ?The selected points that are needled provoke the body in healing itself. ?Each person who decides to get an acupuncture treatment goes through a history taking and this looks at the person individually and how their condition effects them specifically. ?The treatment plan and specific points are selected following this individualised process. ?Acupuncture treatments can include Chinese herbs, cupping, Moxa, seeds and studs. ?Acupuncture treats the whole person not just the symptoms and it gets to the root cause.
10 reasons to try acupuncture 1. Each treatment brings an improved sense of well-being. 2. It boosts your immune system. 3. It increases your metabolism and improves digestion. 4. It improves sleep and increases mental and physical energy. 5. It improves mental and emotional health. 6. It treats chronic and acute pain conditions. 7. As a complimentary medicine it does not interfere with medications. 8. It is safe and effective. 9. It is a preventative medicine and will reduce your chances of colds and flu. 10. It is endorsed by the World Health Organisation. For more information or to make a booking contact? 085 7647485
%12- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Services
Sale of Weanlings every all other stockCOWS, on Tuesday SALE EVERY TUESDAY OFMonday, BULLOCKS, HEIFERS, SPRINGERS, SUCKS AND ALL SHEEP. WatchFROM our Sale live onON ALL BOOKING THURSDAY 096-22555 & 22558. Yard opens at 7.30am Seller please note - Important that all stock BOOKED is in the yard by 9.30 or no guarantee of booking number.
Want t o wat cht hesal el iveor buy st ock onl ine?seeour websit e
N O I T DI oon E s NEWoming det ail s c for 7 0 4 s u 1 l Cal 6 0 6 5 08
%13- Erri s Eye
www.mayosl igomart .ie f or det ail s.
Keep an Eye on Erris ARTHRITIS THE BIGGEST CAUSE OF DISABILITY IN IRELAND Today there are 26,000 people living with Arthritis in Mayo we are part of the 1 in 5 people suffering with the 100 different types of Arthritis living in Ireland. Today please do not make it 1 in 4 if something isn't done. A workshop for people living with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia in the Belmullet area. Pychotherapist & counsellor is confirmed to give course on the skills to help cope with changes that arthritis & fibromyalgia brings in your life and this course aims to devloping an acceptance to making these changes and accepting living with a chronic condition. This 4 week course in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel Belmullet starting 8pm will be 2 hour in length each night. It will cover CBT, (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Self talk, stress reduction, mindfullness, relaxation, pain management, dealing with change and devloping acceptance of having arthritis & fibromyalgia To book a place on the workshop email or call Mary on 087-2740248 for more information.
Tel:094 9256421 Fax: 094 925 6672 Swinford Rd, Foxford, Co Mayo.
Foxford Co. Mayo
Do you want to stay in the Gaeltacht?
The winds of change are blowing through the Gaeltacht since 2012. Haven?t you heard? Chun fanacht sa Ghaeltacht agus chun ár stádas Gaeltachta a choinneáil, beidh orainn a léiriú go bhfuil iarrachtaí ar siúl againn an Ghaeilge a chothú agus a chur chun cinn, de réir Acht nua Gaeltachta 2012. What does this mean for us in the Mayo Gaeltachtaí? This new Gaeltacht legislation (Acht na Gaeltachta 2012) signals a departure from the historic emphasis on geographic boundaries and puts the onus on each Gaeltacht community to decide for themselves (i) whether they want to remain in the Gaeltacht (ii) and if so, whether they want to come together to prepare and implement an Irish language development plan for their area. Beidh stádas Gaeltachta ag brath ar na critéir sin, seachas ar limistéir thíreolaíochta amháin as seo amach. Furthermore, Aire na Gaeltachta now has the power to withdraw Gaeltacht status from an area if the community don?t fulfil their requirements under this new legislation. If, for example, they don?t submit their language development plan when asked. Mar sin féin, tá i bhfad níos mó i gceist leis seo ná pleananna teanga agus staitisticí teanga amháin. Acht na Gaeltachta also presents enormous opportunities for each community to direct, promote and sustain their linguistic and Gaeltacht future on their own terms. So how does this actually work? The Mayo Gaeltacht has been divided into 3 separate language planning areas (i) Maigh Eo Thuaidh (Iorras) (ii) Maigh Eo Thiar (Acaill) (iii) Tuar Mhic Éadaigh has been coupled with Dúiche Sheoigheach i gCo. na Gaillimhe. Did you know that approximately 19% of the Gaeltacht is located in county Mayo? 10,886 people live in these areas according to Census 2011, which represents roughly 11% of the entire Gaeltacht population. Is teanga bheo labhartha í an Ghaeilge fós i gceantair áirithe i gcontae Mhaigh Eo. An interim working group has recently been formed in the Maigh Eo Thuaidh area under the guidance of an independent language planning specialist, an Dr Laoise Ní Dhúda. 7,575 people or 70% of the Mayo Gaeltacht population live in this area, which spans from Fód Dubh to Béal Deirg, Ceathrú Thaidhg to Dumha Thuama and everywhere in between. The aim of this group is to begin preliminary discussions and preparatory work required for Acht na Gaeltachta in North Mayo. Their overall goal is to maintain and develop North Mayo as a thriving Gaeltacht area. Instead of sitting back and expecting linguistic miracles to happen without any change, representatives from each parish in this Gaeltacht area decided to get the ball rolling
themselves. They hope that you?ll be happy to join them on this journey. Tá todhchaí na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta i Maigh Eo Thuaidh ag brath ortsa agus orainne. At the end of the day, the future of the Irish language and the North Mayo Gaeltacht depends on you and me. This group believes in a positive future for the North Mayo Gaeltacht. We are all well versed in the linguistic, cultural, social, educational, economic and associated benefits of the Irish language and Gaeltacht status ? or are we? Céard is fiú dúinn an Ghaeilge agus ár stádas Gaeltachta? Should we try to maintain our Gaeltacht status? An gcoinneoidh muid an Ghaeilge agus an Ghaeltacht slán? Will we secure the Irish language and our Gaeltacht area for future generations? Can we afford to let our Gaeltacht status go? What do you think? Is féidir leatsa difríocht mhór a dhéanamh ach is féidir linne, le chéile, an t-uafás a bhaint amach má sheasann muid le chéile. Tá rogha le déanamh ag gach duine anois. So it really is decision time for every person living in the North Mayo Gaeltacht, tá uair na cinniúna buailte linn. We?ve reached a point of historic significance regarding our Gaeltacht status and there can be no turning back. What can you do? Whether you?re young or old, a parent, a committee member, a cainteoir dúchais, or a concerned member of the community, we ask you to déan do mhachnamh féin, have a think about this and decide what you want. Please also come along to our public meeting in Áras Inis Gluaire, Béal an Mhuirthead on Wednesday 4th November 2015 at 8pm and have your say. Fáilte roimh gach duine. You can email us at chun breis eolais a fháil nó chun spéis a chlárú linn. Bí linn ar mhaithe le ár gceantar agus ár dteanga. Bíodh misneach againn, is linne an rogha agus is linne an Ghaeltacht. Together we have the power to secure a positive future for our Gaeltacht.
%14- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Business
%16- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Services
Belmullet Tidy Towns celebrate their awards ? and remember their late chairperson Noel Reilly. It
was a great cause for celebration recently in the Helix when Belmullet Tidy Towns won not only a Gold Medal award but also the Gaeltacht award and a county award (highly commended). The Committee, our scheme workers, volunteers and indeed the whole community were delighted and we are very grateful for all your words of congratulations and your good wishes. But thoughts of our late chairperson, Noel Reilly were never far from all our minds ? he would have been so proud and even though he is no longer with us so much of our success is due to him. He is still and will be for a long time sadly missed. Many thanks to all who have helped us ? FÁS, an Scéim Shóisialta Tuaithe, Tús, Mayo County Council, our loyal community scheme workers through the years, our amazing committee members who take on various projects each year, Western Care for their partnership with us, the traders and
residents of Belmullet who contribute so much to the appearance of our lovely town, the schools who keep the Green Flags flying, the TY students and youth groups so full of enthusiasm who have helped out so much and all our supporters and sponsors. Ní neart go cur le chéile! Many congratulations to Bangor, Ballycroy and Geesala on their results ? keep up the good work and we hope other communities in Erris will also enter the Tidy Towns competition ? you don?t have to be a ?town?? indeed the overall winners have often been villages. Huge congratulations to Westport, Ireland?s tidiest large town who are a great credit to our County and a fine example to us all. Agus ar ndóigh comhghairdeas le Leitir Ceanainn an Baile is slachtmhaire in Éirinn 2015. Our preparation for 2016 has started already! Ar aghaidh linn - Baile Glan Glas Gleoite agus Gaelach! 2 photos to be included. ?Our first visit to the National Awards Dublin Castle 2003 ? Bilingual Award ?National Tidy Towns Awards 2015 ? Gold medal, the Gaeltachtaward and a county award.
%17- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Country Living
Erris Indoor Monthly Market October 25 th, Nov 22 nd and Dec 20 th. Inside Ă ras Inis Gluaire Sunday Tea & Coffee Available Local Crafts and Handmade Products Face Painting Family Fun Day Locally grown plants & shrub Cost ?20 To reserve your table call
Arlene 097 81079. Answers to Irish Crossword
%18- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Erris Community To celebrate Children?s book festival - Children from National Schools throughout Erris attended Belmullet Library for a morning of fun with ?The Little Gem Puppet Show?.
Call Maureen
086 3132340 Low Cal Spray Oil1 Onion, diced1 Garlic Clove, crushed500g Pork Mince180g Fresh Wholemeal Breadcrumbs1 tsp Dried Oregano1/2 tsp Sea Salt1 tsp Black Pepper2 Eggs, beaten500ml Beef Stock Ingredient s Low Cal Spray Oil1 Onion, diced1 Garlic Clove, crushed500g Pork Mince180g Fresh Wholemeal Breadcrumbs1 tsp Dried Oregano1/ 2 tsp Sea Salt1 tsp Black Pepper2 Eggs, beaten500ml Beef Stock Preheat the oven to 190C/Gas 5.Heat low cal spray oil in a large frying pan and gently fry the onion for 5 minutes or until softened, stirring occasionally. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute more, stirring constantly.Tip the onion and garlic into a large bowl and add the mince, breadcrumbs, the oregano, salt and pepper. Mix everything well with clean hands, then add the beaten eggs and mix again. Form the mixture into a rough ball.Place the ball in the centre of a sturdy roasting tin and shape it into a long loaf, about 4cm/1½ in high. Sprinkle the remaining breadcrumbs on top and pat them lightly into the outside of the loaf. Pour 300ml of the beef stock around the base of the meatloaf.Bake in the centre of the oven for 20 minutes, then pour the remaining stock into the tin and return to the oven for 15 minutes until cooked through.Test it?s cooked by placing a skewer through the middle. If juices run clear, its done. Transfer the meatloaf a warmed serving platter and cover loosely with foil.Garnish the meatloaf with some parsley. Serve with free gravy or pepper sauce.
%19- Erri s Eye
With over 16 and a half years experience myself with Unislim both as a member firstly and then a leader, I understand the challenges and the difficulties faced by members trying to lose weight. I know what it's like to have been there and I know the steps that can be taken to get that weight shifted once and for all. Let me help you get started on that journey. Don't fear facing me or talking to me I don't judge. Roughly 9 weeks now remaining til Christmas so let's get started Classes are Belmullet Wednesday 640 til 750 over the Co Op. Crossmolina Thursday 730 til 9pm at the GAA grounds.
Keep an Eye on Education
Third Year Business Studies students from St.Brendan's College, Belmullet who took part in The CIMA Quiz at NUIG recently.
Pictured are the 3rd Year Junior Certificate Business Class who attended the BSTAI CIMA Quiz in NUI Galway recently. They were part of four teams who were placed in 5th, 7th, 9th and 13th class in Connaught. They did their teachers Mrs Hough and Miss Blake very proud. (picture marked quiz)
Transition Year students from St. Brendan's College, Belmullet who participated in a workshop with Alan Devine recently.
Pictured is Miss Moran (Principal) Roisin Healy, Shauna Gallagher, Aibhle Conmey and Mrs Hough Business teacher at the BSTAI Awards Ceremony in NUI Galway where the students who gained an A grade in Higher Level Junior Certificate Business Studies were recognized. Well done to all.
Transition year students from St. Brendan's College, Belmullet enjoying a Camping trip at Cross recently.
Transition year students from St. Brendan's College, Belmullet enjoying their recent trip to Killary Adventure Centre.
Congratulations to Our Lady's Secondary School first year boys GAA team who won their match against St Brendan's College recently.
Senior Boys Basketball Team form Our Lady's Secondary School, Belmullet, that defeated St Joseph's, Derry by 77 to 66 points after extra time at home.
%20- Erri s Eye
Keep an Eye on Farmer's Market
Mart in 'The Shore' Fresh Fish Available at the Farmers Market Belmullet every Saturday Morning
086 399 3029
Myles Carey Farm Supplies & Machinery
For all your Farm Supplies/ Machinery
Every Saturday Morning at the Farmers Market Belmullet
0 97 820 84
Bacstai Tire Country Boxty available at the Farmers M arket Belmullet Phil l ip McGr at h Rosspor t , Bal l ina, Co Mayo Free 087 262 5624 Gluten Available
Or d er n ow f or Ch r i st m as Or gan i c Tu r k ey s & H am s Eat H eal t h y
Business Directory Arts & Entertainment
Aras I ni s Gl uai re Bel mul l et Exhi bi t i ons & Ent ert ai nment 097 81079 www.arasi ni sgl uai re.i e
Home Heating
J&E Hughes Oi l Heat i ng oi l , Road & agri di esel , pet rol , l ubri cant s, t ank s Dai l y Del i veri es
Accountancy Services
Fusi on I nsul at i on St op t he col d t hi s wi nt er M ayo's Spray Foam Expert s Erri s based cal l for quot at i on 1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.f usi oni nsul at i Services
O'Donoghues Bakery
M angans Furni t ure
Cake & bakery Speci al i st s Bri dge Rd Bel mul l et 097 81082
Carpet s, vi nyl , wooden f l oori ng, beddi ng, 3 pi ece sui t es, bedroom & di ni ng set s Barrack St Bel mul l et 097 81084 jmancon@hot mai l .com
Sharkey & Co Account ant s
Cacai Al ai nn
Book k eepin g & Accou n ts Payr ol l & Vat - Sol e Tr ader Accou n ts Tax Retu r n s - Far m Accou n ts Lim ited Com pan y Accounts The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo
www.l ovel ynat ural Weddi ng Cakes, Novel t y Cakes, Bi rt hday Cakes al l made wi t h nat ural i ngredi ent s St ephani e Fal l on 086 852 8681
Tel: (087) 7978643
Cakes By Angel a
Cakes for al l Occasi ons Per sonal i sed Cakes
Lavel l es Pharmacy
086 402 5521
Bel mul l et 097 81053
angel ageraght y57@hot mai l .com www.cakesbyangel a.i e
K i l l al a 096 32465 Bangor Erri s 097 83911 l avel l espharmacy@gmai l .com
We buy & col l ect al l t ypes of scrap met al , sk i ps avai l abl e. 085 129 3864 087 690 5283 097 86805
Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e 086 065 1704
Ardagh Agri Servi ces
Cleaning Services
At McAndrews
* Trial Holes * Infrastructure Development * Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land Reclamation * Bulk Earthworks * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Effluent Treatment Systems * All Ancillary Site Works
+353 (0)87 1035 227
Ji mmy Donoghue Hack ney Tal l agh Road, Bel mul l et 8 & 14 Seat er M i ni Bus
086 315 2051 Cast l ebar, Gal way, Sl i go Hospi t al runs K nock Ai rport I nvoi ces Avai l abl e Fitted Kitchens
Crossmol i na Rd, Bal l i na
087 287 4589
Barcastle Retail Park, Castlebar, Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 -18:00 Sat: 10:00 - 17:00
096 72803- 087 626 2727
O'Raghal l aigh Agricul t ural , Const ruct ion & Civil Engineering
Providing a professional and discreet Pest Control Service to the Erris Area
Agri cul t ural M achi nery
Construction & Civil
ERRIS PEST CONTROL Environmental Services
M owi ng,Teddi ng, Rak i ng,Bal i ng
Main St, Belmullet. Suit Hire for every occasion
087 243 5468
Print & Embroidery
T&T Cl ot hi ng
Doocey M et al Recycl i ng
The l ast 10 copies of LOGAINMEACHA MHAIGH EO Iml eabhair 1-10 CD-ROM by Fiachra Mac Gabhann at ?20 each. An index of t he Townl and Survey of t he Count y of Mayo engraved at t he Ordnance Survey Of f ice, Phoenix Park, (Dubl in 1839). Anyone who woul d l ike t o purchase a copy t hen cont act Turas Siar, Language and Cul t ure Research and Geneal ogy Cent re on 087 6990505 or 097 85011 remember when t hey are gone t hey are gone so t ake t his opport unit y t o purchase a copy and see t he pl acenames of Mayo.
Chart ered & Cert i f i ed Account ant s Regi st ered Audi t or s Quay St , Bel mul l et , Co M ayo Bel mul l et 097 81507 Bal l i na 096 79780 Fax 097 81744
Thomas M cHugh & Co
Denni s on 086 264 4600
Cake Specialists
Agri cul t ural Consul t ancy Advi ce on al l f armi ng mat t er s GLAS & AEOS Appl i cat i ons M i cheal Prendergast Chapel St Bel mul l et
094 90 26100 www.symphonykit inf o@symphonykit We will beat any price on a like for like basis
086 811 9256
Auctioneers Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer Property Valuations - Sales -Auctions For all Your Auctioneering Needs Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee 086 8459414 or 09670854
Bíonn dhá insint ar gach scéal Therearetwosidestoevery story
Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri Get your di gi t al Ver si on
FREE ADVERTISE ON OUR W EBSITE W W W .ERRISEYE.COM W e get 500 pl u s r eads of ou r m agazin e on l in e ever y m on th , r each you r cu stom er s for on l y ? 50 per year 086 065 1704
To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri
Business Directory Doctors Dr J V Flynn Church Rd, Bangor Erris 097 83486 Dr Swanick, Church Road, Belmullet 097 82434 Dr Molloy, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156 Dr Hussain, Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848 WestDoc 1850 365 000
NOTICES The IWA fundraising card game advertised for the 23rd October has been cancelled as there is another game advertised for the same night. So our next date for the IWA card game is the 13th November in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel.
NOTICES Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend)
St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390 As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library will operate a musical instrument lending service in 2015.There will be a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or or call into the library.
Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b
Aughalasheen N.S. will be holding their 25 Card Game (Partners) on Friday 23rd October at 8.00pm in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel. Admission ?10 Raffle on the night.
M ayo Wi ndow Cl eani ng Servi ce Domest i c, Commerci al & I ndust ri al
086 2220099
i nfo@mayowwi ndowcl eani ng.i e www.mayowi ndowcl eani ng.i e Legal Discl aimer Clickaround Ltd has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this Publication is accurate on the stated date of publication or last modification. We take the utmost care however it is possible that the information may be out of date, incomplete or the opinion of the author. It is advisable that you verify any information from this publication before relying on it. Clickaround Ltd accepts no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by readers of any of the information and material contained in this publication. Materials contained within are subject to copyright and other proprietary rights. Further information- Clickaround Ltd ,The Square, Belmullet, Co Mayo. 086 065 1704.
If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y. For m or e detail s on th e M u sic Gen er ation l en din g system an d a l ist of in str u m en ts avail abl e con tact Kate on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m or cal l in to th e Libr ar y.
Car Sales & Service
M i chael Conroy M ot or s New & used car and van sal es & servi ce NCT Prep & Val et i ng 24hr Recovery Servi ce
085 778 5268 Wal shes Garage Sal es & Servi ci ng of al l makes Acci dent & Breakdown Recovery NCT Prep Body Shop Repai r s 24hr Recovery Servi ce Chapel St reet , Bel mul l et 097 82260 / 087 224 6176
Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei
Bri dge St , Bal l i na
096 71744
DiamondsOf Distinction Solicitors
M i chael G Bohan & Co Sol i ci t or s No 6 Church St , Bel mul l et No 7 Teel i ng St , Bal l i na 096 78000/ 79699 emai l bohanl aw@ei
Bourke Carri gg & Lof t us Sol i ci t or s Rear of Lavel l es Pharmacy Bel mul l et 096 21455/ 086 028 6000 marc@bcl l aw.i e Gi l varry Sol i ci t or s & Associ at es
Empl oyment Law, Li t egt i on Probat e, Commerci al Law Uni t 9 M oneen Ret ai l Park Cast l ebar 0949023366 i nfo@gi l varrysol i ci t or s.i e
Financial & Insurance
Speci al of fer s on Li fe Cover & al l your i nsurance needs
American. Street Belmullet County Mayo Open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm 097 81014 / 086 315 9485
094 902 0677
M &C Fi nanci al Servi ces I nsurance, Pensi ons, I nvest ment s
St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390
Established 1882. Beside Tim Quinn?s office American Street, Belmullet
096 21122/ 21424 Wills, Litigation, Commercial Law, Title to land, Purchases, Sales & Farm Settlements.
Take Away
IWA Needs Your Support - Become a Friend of IWA! fundraising/ Friends-of-IWA-Draw/ register Be an Angel, Buy an Angel - Text DONATE to 57802Each text cost ?2 with proceeds to IWA.For more information visit: fundraising/ angels IWA receives a minimum of ?1.40 from Vodafone, 02 and Meteor texts. For further information or if you experience any problems please call the Text Donate helpline 0818 217100.
To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri