View onl ine Ap r i l 2016 I ssu e 51 N á h abai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai t h é!
Pictured on a recent visit to Croke Park for a Flag Presentation to commemorate the 1916 Rising are students from St. Brendan's College, Belmullet. L-R Anthony Walshe, Chloe Dunleavy and Niamh Hegarty, with members of the Air Corps
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Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Welcome to issue 51 of the Erris Eye for April 2016. Tá fáilte roimhe go léir. With your help and support we are delighted to bring you a free community magazine for Erris. If you missed a copy or want to share it with people who are away, have a look at where you can view current and past issues. This month brings you details on the launch of local book, Turas Siar go Cill Mór, Ballycroy National Park, our local secondary schools, Seirbhisí Curam, Rossport, and much more. Congrats and best of luck to Noelle Murphy who opened her new hairdressing business on Main Street, Belmullet, BelStyle Hair. Also to Emer Walsh who opened her new dental surgery, Erris Dental, recently also on Main Street. We look forward as always to your feedback and comments. Your opinions and ideas are welcome on what you would like to see published. The Erris Eye is your local free community magazine. Use it! Slán agus beannacht. Get in touch - 086 0651704, email, contact us on Facebook or call in to T&T on the Square, Belmullet.
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Erris Mass Times Kilmore Our L ady of L ourdes church Aughleam ; Sunday 9.45am/weekdays 10.00am St. Joseph's Church Binghamstown ; Sunday 11.00am/weekdays 10.00am St. Brendan's Church Tirrane; Saturday Vigil 6.30pm/weekdays 10.00am Church of the Holy Family Carne; Sunday 12.00noon/weekdays 10.00am Our L ady of Dolours church Shanahee; Saturday Vigil 8.00pm. Parish Office 097 82350. Fr John L oftus 097 82350. Fr Kevin Hegarty 097 81011 Belmullet Church of the Sacred Heart, Belmullet Sunday 10.30am, M onday 8.00pm, Tuesday to Friday 9.30am, Saturday Vigil 8.00pm Church of Our L ady of L ourdes, Glencastle Sunday 12.00 noon, Wednesday and Saturday 10.15am Fr. M ichael Reilly P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Parish Office, Chapel Street, Belmullet, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-mail Ballycroy Sunday 11am Saturday 8pm I nisbiggle I sland 2pm Saturday weather Kilcommon permitting, requested by famililes (every 2 ? Aughoose Sunday M ass 12noon 3 weeks) Fr. Chris Ginnelly, Parochial I nver Saturday Vigil 8pm House 098 49134 Cornboy Sunday M ass 10.30am Kiltane Geesala & Doohoma alternates Carrowtigue Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Parish office Aughoose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Sunday 11am & Saturday 7pm Winter, 8pm Winter Bangor 7.00pm Saturday Hogan 086 734860. Sunday 11.00am Ballymunnelly 9.30am Sunday
25 Card Drive
takes place Good Friday night (Friday 25th March) at 8pm in the IWA Centre, Logmore. Tea and boxty on the night. Entry ?10 and tickets can be got from the IWA Centre. Please support.
The TY students from Saint Brendans College would like to thank everybody who supported their recent bag pack in Eurospar Belmullet in aid of their upcoming trip to the Goridische orphanage in Belarus. A total of 705 euro was raised. Thank you also to Annette Howard for allowing them to fundraise.
Memorial Cards Available in Belmullet T&T Print The Square, Belmullet
The Noel Reilly St Stephen?s Day Memorial Dip
in Belmullet raised an amazing ?5770 this year. The annual dip is in aid of Inis Aoibhinn Cancer Care West. Noel's family would like to thank everyone who took part and the sponsors for their generosity. If you'd like to donate your one and two cent pieces, please drop them into the Builin Blasta on the Main Street and we'll send this money off to Cancer Care West as well. The support centre in Galway provides small apartments for cancer sufferers who are undergoing radiotherapy in University Hospital Galway.
The Erris Children of Chernobyl Group
are holding their annual bucket collection in Belmullet and Bangor Erris on Holy Thursday next the 24th of March. This is one of our main fundraisers during the calendar year and your support would be greatly appreciated. Anybody willing to help out on the day please contact Tisha @086-1735329
The Annual Easter Monday Cross Loop walk
takes place again this year on Monday the 28th of March in aid of Erris Children of Chernobyl. Come along and join us to work off those Easter eggs and support a worthy cause. Contact Tisha @086-1735329 for info
086 065 1704
Sean Fhocal Cuir an breac san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é. Put the trout in the net before you put it in the pot
Keep an Eye on What's On
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LAUNCH OF BOOK AT TURAS SIAR On behalf of Turas Siar on the Mullet Peninsula we would like to thank everyone who came to our book launch (Turas Siar go Cill M贸r), we appreciate your support. We would also like to thank the ladies who made the tea and served the food. Books are on sale at our centre in Cartron near Clogher post office at ?20 each including 3 cd?s. They are also available at T & T Printing on the square, Belmullet and available throughout the Belmullet and the general Erris region including Bangor Post Office. They are also on online to buy and downloadable on our website A follow up book will be ready soon. For further information please contact Kathryn and Pap on 097 85011
New 4 Week Course Discover your interests The aims of this course are: To give participants a relaxed supportive environment to explore and rediscover their interests and have the experience of being in a group setting. Find something you might like to get involved in and the steps to make it happen. Participants may have an option for one to one assistance on completion of course. Learn practical stress management & self care techniques. To enquire or book a pl ace Tel ephone 087 1857280 email : Shraigh Sports Easter Raffle, in The Full Shilling, Glencastle. Easter Sunday night 27th March music by The C茅ide Boys. 1st prize is a lamb!! Please Support. Some Dates for the Diary: Friday 25th March - 25 Card Drive in IWA Centre, Logmore 8pm start. Sunday 22nd May - IWA Fundraising Walk, Cross Loop at 2pm. Saturday 20th August - IWA Annual Golf Tournament, Doohoma Golf Course.
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Keep an Eye on Services
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Late opening every Thursday until 8pm Evening appointments by request
It's dog chipping Month!
This year National Dog Chipping month is taking place in March to encourage dog owners to get their dogs chipped, registered and certified before dog chipping becomes compulsory for all dogs in Ireland from 31 March. Every microchip contains a unique 15-digit number. When you register with an authorised database, this number will be recorded on it along with your name and address details. This means that, if your dog goes missing and is found, you can be identified and reunited with your dog. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and can only be implanted by a vet, a veterinary nurse or a person who has been trained by one of the authorised databases. Speak to one of our local Vets for more information.
The ISPCA is calling on our supporters to join The Big Stop campaign and help us in calling for a
complete ban on the use of wild animals in circuses in Ireland. The ISPCA believes that the complex welfare needs of wild animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, zebra and sea lions, cannot be met in the travelling circus environment. The ISPCA is opposed to the use of wild animals in travelling circuses. Circuses serve no conservation purpose and fail to educate their visitors about the animals used by them. Instead, sentient, intelligent wild animals are held for their lifetimes in substandard and wholly inadequate conditions for the sole purpose of performing for circus audiences. Animals can suffer from long-term psychological and physical problems as a direct result of their use in circus shows and many spend the majority of the year caged in beast waggons. Animals used in travelling circuses are subjected to constant travelling, cramped and barren accommodation, regularly forced to perform unnatural behaviours, as well as being denied the natural space, climate and social opportunities that their species requires. he ISPCA is launching the Big Stop Campaign in response to the serious welfare concerns associated with the use of wild animals in circuses and are calling upon the Irish government to implement a complete ban on the use of wild animals in circuses as soon as possible. go to
Keep an Eye on Your Money
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Talk to us about a wedding loan today!
?FREE l oan p r ot ect i on ?N o ch ar ges ?N o d ocu m en t f ees ?Fl ex i bl e r ep ay m en t s ?N o u p -f r on t ch ar ges ?N o ad v an ced p ay m en t s ?N o p en al t y i n t er est f or ear l y set t l em en t s
Te l: 0 9 7 8 2 3 8 8
Ba r r a c k S t r e e t , Be lm ulle t . *Terms & Conditions Apply
Comhghairdeas mór le Ghaelcholáiste Chomain, Ros Dumhach a thainig sa chead áit sa chomórtas, Clár Comhlachta Éachtaíochta Sóisearaigh. Sa phictiúr ó chlé: Moltóirí Seán Ó Coisdealbha (Údarás na Gaeltachta) agus Clár Nic Oireachtaigh ( Coláiste Uisce) agus na daltaí Jason Ó Déagánaigh, Saoirse Ní Léanacháin, Jack Ó Muirithe agus a múinteoir Bean Uí Mhaoildomhniagh.
Mayo North East LEADER Mayo North East is an
integrated LEADER Partnership company serving North and East Mayo. We now have an office base in Erris, located on Main Street, Belmullet, above the Tourist Office in the old CDP. MNEL manages various programmes on behalf of various Government Departments and the EU for the collective benefit of the people and communities in North East Mayo. Our core purpose is to promote rural development and tackle social exclusion. We do this by securing, managing and administering a range of Development Programmes, including the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme, Local Employment Service, Rural Social Scheme, Community Employment Schemes, Local Training Initiative and Rural Development Programme. Our office is open to all individuals and groups, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. If you need support, assistance, advice or more information about our programmes please drop in or call us on 097-20828.
Keep an Eye on Local Services
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ERRIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND ERRIS BEO, IN CONJUNCTION WITH FÁILTE IRELAND, ARE HOSTING A ?MANAGE YOUR Online Reputation? workshop on Thursday 21st April. This will be a great opportunity to find out more about the workings of social media business channels, e.g. TripAdvisor. We will be in touch with more details in the coming days, so please keep Thursday 21st April, free in your diaries.
THE ANNUAL EASTER MONDAY CROSS LOOP WALK T ON MONDAY THE 28TH MARCH IN AID OF ERRIS CHILDREN OF Chernobyl. Come along and join us to work off those Easter eggs and support a worthy cause. Contact Tisha at 086-1735329 for further info. ANNUAL BELMULLET ST PATRICK'S DAY PARADE WILL TAKE PLACE
The Home Renovat ion Scheme
Question We plan to extend our home and hope to claim the Home Renovation Incentive. How does this scheme work? Answer The Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) scheme enables homeowners to claim tax relief on repairs, renovations or improvement work carried out on their homes. Landlords can also avail of the scheme. It is paid in the form of a tax credit at 13.5% of qualifying expenditure, which can be set against your income tax over 2 years. You must be paying income tax to avail of the HRI. You must also be up to date with your Local Property Tax (LPT) obligations. Your contractor must be registered for Value Added Tax (VAT) in Ireland and be tax compliant. They also have to register the work on the HRI online administration system. If you use several contractors, such as a builder, a plumber and an electrician, you can combine the cost of the works to make up the minimum qualifying expenditure of ?5,000 excluding VAT at 13.5%. Repair, renovation or improvement work subject to VAT at 13.5% all qualify for the HRI, including extensions and attic conversions; supply and fitting of kitchens, bathrooms and built-in wardrobes; fitting of windows; plumbing, tiling, rewiring and plastering. Work subject to VAT at 23% is not covered. Neither are items such as furniture, white goods or carpets. The work must be carried out and paid for by 31 December 2016. In general, the tax credit is paid over the 2 years following the year in which the work is carried out and paid for. If you are a PAYE taxpayer, the credit will be included in your annual Tax Credit Certificates. If you are a self-assessment taxpayer, it will be incorporated into your tax assessment. After work starts you should log in to HRI online to check that your contractor(s) have entered details of the work. You will not be able to claim the HRI tax credit if the details have not been entered onto HRI online. Once the work has been completed you can claim the HRI credit. You access the HRI online system through Revenue?s my Account service or through the Revenue Online Service (ROS) if you are registered for ROS.
THE ERRIS TRIP THIS YEAR IS TO CLONMEL, CO. TIPPERARY. LEAVING MONDAY 4TH JULY AND RETURNING THURSDAY 7TH 2016. We will be staying in the Clonmel Park Hotel. It will cost ?190 per person sharing and ?225 for single (a nonrefundable deposit of ?50 is required to book). Please book as soon as possible. Contact Carmel 086-8488266, Mary 087-9232327 or Peggy 086-1019169 to book your place.
QUALIBUILD FOUNDATION ENERGY SKILLS TRAINING COURSE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PLACES ARE STILL AVAILABLE ON THIS 3 day Course at Údarás na Gaeltachta, Béal an Mhuirthead commencing 5th April, for further information or to book a place see: or 097 27204.
086 0695441
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FREE brendanf l eming@hot mail .com 086 0668921 11am -6pm Fridays
Keep an Eye on Wellbeing Your l ocal f riendl y cl ass meet s Wednesdays 7.00pm new members 6.45 Bel mul l et (over t he Co-op) With Easter upon us and summer fast approaching once again, if you're in need of losing some weight or indeed you just need to change your eating habits, then now is the time to do so. Unislim have now been around for 44 years with the Belmullet class open 43. Our track record is good. We focus on your health not just what you weigh. Trying to discover what actually leads you to overeat and learning to deal with difficult situations is vital. Pop along and gain support on your journey, not just from me your leader but also from your fellow members. Call me at 0863132340 for a chat.
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Call M aureen 086 313 2840
Spicy Garlic Fries Serves 4 0.5 yums per serving Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Peel and slice your potatoes into skinny chips. Pat chips dry on kitchen paper, then lay in a single layer on a large baking tray. Spray with oil and season with salt, pepper and paprika and oregano. Cook for 40 mins, turning after 20 mins, so they cook evenly. While fries cook, add the butter into small pouring jug and melt in microwave. Add the chopped garlic pieces to the butter and stir. When fries are removed from oven, pour the butter over the fries evenly and then toss gently. Serve hot and enjoy.
4 200g Pot at oes, Low cal spray oil , Sal t and pepper1 t bsp Paprika 1/ 2 t bsp Oregano2 t sp But t er1/ 2 cl ove Garl ic, f inel y chopped
Call Maureen Is your home drafty? Does your home feel damp and cold? The No 1 solution is Fusion Sprayfoam, the only insulation that stops drafts, makes your home airtight and gives you fantastic U values. Fusion Insulation is the only insulation company based in Erris and so many Erris homes are now enjoying the benefits of an airtight warm home. The added bonus is our foam is made right here in Mayo. So make this winter different and stop those drafts. Phone us today for a FREE quotation on:
086 3132340
Phone 1890 818838 or 087 241 6181
Over 1000 jobseekers and employers set to team up for Job Shadow Day 2016. The Irish Association for Supported Employment (IASE) is pleased to announce the ninth annual Job Shadow Day (Wednesday 27th April) which will see hundreds of people with disabilities take the opportunity to shadow a workplace mentor as he or she goes about a normal working day. Job Shadow Day brings people with disabilities and local employers together to highlight the valuable contribution people with disabilities can, and do make in the workplace. Last year, close to 800 individuals with a disability shadowed at over 500 employment sites in Ireland, with 55 securing a permanent job placement as a direct result.
Keep an Eye on Events
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Keep an Eye on Community
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Meal s-on-Wheel s Geesal a Del ivering in t he parishes of Kil t ane, Bel mul l et & Kil more. Our meal s are f reshl y prepared dail y, in our premises in Geesal a. Al l diet ary needs are cat ered f or, shoul d you or someone you know be int erest ed in receiving meal s l ong t erm or short t erm Pl ease cont act 097 86868. We al so provide a Communit y Laundry Service t hat is open t o al l members of t he publ ic *New del ivery & col l ect ion now avail abl e* Pl ease cal l 097 86781 f or f urt her Inf ormat ion.
FLAT TO RENT 1 mile from Barnatra 7 Miles from Belmullet Town Fully furnished 2 bedroom All utility bills included in price. Well decorated and fully equipped Enquiries to 097 84005
Congratulations to Saoirse Lally, Katie Howe, Ciara Walsh & R贸ise Hurst, Redmond Academy of Irish Dancing (Belmullet Class) who were all winners at the Ballina Feis recently.
Keep an Eye on Services
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Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock SALE EVERY TUESDAY ALL on Tuesday
BOOKING FROM THURSDAY ON 096-22555 & 22558.
SALElive EVERY TUESDAY AS FOLLOW: WatchUSUAL our Sale on ?BULLOCKS STARTING AT 10.30 FOLLOWED BY BULL WEANLINGS. ?HEIFERS STARTING AT 11.30 FOLLOWED BY HEIFER WEANLINGS. ?SUCKS AT 10.30 FOLLOWED BY CULL COWS & SPRINGER FROM 12.00. ?SHEEP START AT 10.15. Yard opens at 7.30am Seller please note - Important that all stock BOOKED is in the yard by 9.30 or no guarantee of booking number.
W an t t o w at ch t h e sal e l i v e or bu y st ock on l i n e ? see ou r w ebsi t e w w w .m ay osl i gom ar t .i e f or d et ai l s.
Keep an Eye on Services
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The National Women?s Council of Ireland Commemorates Women?s role in the 1916 Easter Rising The National Women?s Council of Ireland will commemorate women?s role in the 1916 Easter Rising on the 12th March from 2pm ? 4pm at the Bandstand in St. Stephen?s Green Park. At the centenary of 1916, NWCI will bring their custom made Soapbox to the streets. The location of this year?s Soapbox holds special significance as the bandstand at St Stephen?s Green was held by rebels led by Constance Markievicz in 1916. NWCI believes the best way to commemorate women?s role in 1916 is to reflect on the key themes of 1916, and whether they are still relevant today. Ellen O?Malley Dunlop, CEO of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, and NUI Seanad candidate, will reflect on these themes of Equality, Politics, Labour, Health, Creativity, Republicanism and Pacifism. Feminism will be a crosscutting element. O?Malley Dunlop said the themes of 1916 are still very relevant today and while many women were politically active, we need to encourage more women in leadership and introduce a gender quota to the Seanad, as this year?s gender quota in the Dรกil proved successful with an increase of 50% of female TDs ?I?m honoured to be speaking at the NWCI Soapbox in Stephen?s Green about women?s role in history 100 years ago and how it has changed today.? Ellen O?Malley Dunlop said ?Ireland has a long history of strong female leaders, like Granuaile (my ancestor), Mary Robinson, Mary McAleese and 1916 powerhouses like Constance Markievicz ? all who fought for justice, equality and had strong roles in politics. Women are still fighting for equality in Ireland. If elected to the Seanad, I will work for legislative reform for women?s and victim?s rights. Health, particularly mental health, is underfunded, misunderstood and often mistreated in Ireland. I want Ireland to have a robust mental health system including expanding counselling and psychotherapy services, particularly for suicide prevention. The feminism movement has certainly seen a rising in the past few years. Campaigns like #HeForShe, #AskConsent and women speaking out against ?slut shaming?, objectification and inequality have helped in terms of gender balance and empowerment, but we need to continue the feminism movement until true equality is reached.? The official hashtag on the day will be #NWCISoapBox.
Keep an Eye on Business
Students set to undertake the ?Achill Experience?The Achill Experience brochure was
launched at a reception in CFテ、 (Comhlacht Forbartha Aitiuil Acla) attended by officials and councillors from Mayo County Council on Monday last, 22nd of February 2016. Cllr. Michael Holmes, Cathaoirleach of Mayo Co. Co. outlined that ?it was great to see this type of a badly needed facility being developed in Achill and that anything he or his colleagues in Mayo County Council could do to support it they would?. The brochures that were launched were specifically designed for schools and to attract school tours in the coming months. A package has been developed that will see teachers and pupils undertake a guided tour of the deserted village, learn about fish native to Achill and further afield in Mayo?s first Aquarium experience which is onsite as well as a rebuilt deserted village boley house which children will then try to build themselves in a specially designed tutor led workshop. The Achill experience is due to open mid-March with an official opening sometime afterwards and it has been developed by CFテ、 with the support of BIM, Udaras na Gaeltachta, Failte Ireland, Mayo County Council, the Achill community and the Achill Diaspora. Fundraising is still underway and any individual or group that would like to support the project can do so by contacting Terence Dever at 098 43292.
Launch of the ?Achill Experience? brochure Left to right - Dermot Langan Mayo Co Co; Tom Gilligan, Director of Services, Mayo Co Co; Cllr. Paul McNamara, Cllr. Gerry Coyle, Cllr. Michael Holmes, Cathaoirleach of Mayo Co Co; Cllr. Christy Hyland, Cathaoirleach of the West Mayo Municipal District, Cllr. Brendan Mulroy, Cllr. Teresa Maguire, Martin Keating & Padraig Brogan, Mayo Co Co. in the Aquarium of the Achill Experience at CFテ、.
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Keep an Eye on Community Teach Gr eannai. Ph ot ocop y i n g/ Pr i n t i n g Ser v i ce av ai l abl e at Teach Gr ean n ai Ph otocopyin g & Pr in tin g Ser vice avail abl e at Teach Gr ean n ai. Con tact 097/ 88935 for m or e in for m ation . Com p u t er f or Far m Fam i l i es Tr ai n i n g at Teach Gr ean n ai : Com pu ter for Far m Fam il ies Cou r se is n ow fu l l . Pl ease con tact 097/ 88935 to book you r pl ace on th e n ext cou r se Saf ep ass at Teach Gr ean n ai : Next Safepass cou r se wil l be h el d in Teach Gr ean n ai on 7th Apr il . Cost is ? 100 in cl u din g l u n ch . Pl ease con tact 097/ 88935 to book you r pl ace. M an u al H an d l i n g Tr ai n i n g at Teach Gr ean n ai : Next M an u al H an dl in g Tr ain in g cou r se wil l be h el d in Teach Gr ean n ai on Tu esday Apr il 5th fr om 10.00am ? 1pm . Cost is ? 50. Cer tification val id for 2 year s. Pl ease con tact 097/ 88935 to book you r pl ace. Occu p at i on al Fi r st Ai d Tr ai n i n g at Teach Gr ean n ai : Next Occu pation al Fir st Aid Tr ain in g cou r se wil l be h el d in Teach Gr ean n ai on Apr il 18th , 19th & 20th . Cost is ? 190. Cer tification val id for 2 year s. Pl ease con tact 097/ 88935 to book you r pl ace. East er K i d s Cam p f or East er at Teach Gr ean n ai W e wil l be del iver in g a k ids Easter Cam p 29/ 30/ 31 M ar ch at Teach Gr ean n ai fr om 10 ? 1 each day. Cam p wil l in cl u de cook in g, ou tdoor activities, gr ow you r own vegetabl es/ fl ower s, h an d cr afts, tr easu r e h u n t & l ots m or e. Cost is ? 5 per ch il d per day,fam il y discou n t avail abl e. Pl ease con tact 097/ 88935 to book you pl ace M eal s-on -W h eel s del iver ed in th e par ish of Kil com m on 6 days a week Special dietar y r equ ir em en ts cater ed for. Or der th e pr eviou s day or by 10.00 am on th e day r equ ir ed. 1 Cou r se ? 5 / 2 Cou r ses ? 6 / 3 cou r ses ? 7 Teach Gr ean n aĂ Din er Open 7 days a week M on day ? Satu r day 9.00 ? 6.00 W eek en d Tak e-Away/ Din er Fr iday,Satu r day,Su n day Even in gs & Ban k H ol idays fr om 6.30 ? 10.00pm Fu n ction Ven u e & Cater in g Ou r Fu n ction Room facil itates al l types of par ties; bir th days, ch r isten in gs, com m u n ion s an d con fir m ation s etc, com pl ete with fu l l r estau r an t l icen se, wh eel ch air accessibl e & W IFI avail abl e in al l r oom s W e al so cater an d del iver food off-site for you r fu n ction s Com m u n i t y L au n d r y Open Tu esday W edn esday & Th u r sday 1 ? 4pm each week . Con tact 097/ 88935 for m or e in for m ation .
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Keep an Eye on Erris Services Eye Ti ps
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Test egg freshness.
Even though eggs have a ?use by? date, they often are perfectly fine beyond that date. You can test their freshness simply by seeing if they sink or swim. Fill a bowl with enough water to cover the eggs, and then gently place them in. If they sink, they?re fresh. Dry out a wet cell phone. If your cell phone winds up in the wash or toilet, immediately remove the battery and memory chip. Place both the battery and phone in a bowl filled with enough uncooked rice to completely cover the items. Leave for two to three days. Remove and use an old toothbrush or pastry brush to gently brush away any remaining rice dust so that it doesn?t get trapped in any portals or openings. You might have saved your phone! Fix a wood scratch with walnuts. For small scratches on your dark wood furniture, gently rub a walnut in a circular motion several times over the scratch. Let the natural oils seep into the scratch for five to 10 minutes. Buff with a clean cloth.
Clean a toilet bowl with Alka-Seltzer. Drop two Alka-Seltzer or Polident effervescent tablets into the bowl. Let them fizz and remain for 15 to 20 minutes. Clean with a toilet brush scrubber and flush.
Remove bubble gum from hair with creamy peanut butter. Before you snip those locks, reach for peanut butter? the oilier, the better! Put a dab on a toothbrush, and brush the gummy area. Use a little at a time. Repeat if necessary, and then shampoo. Plain oil works, too, but kids tend to get a kick out of peanut butter.
Quiet squeaky doors with cucumber. Take a slice of cucumber, and rub it up and down several times all around the hinge. Have a clean cloth handy to wipe away any excess. I am not sure why it works? it just does! Clean car tyres with mayonnaise. To rid your tyres of tree sap and road tar, dab a bit of mayonnaise onto the marks. Leave on for 10 minutes. Wipe away residue with a clean cloth. The vinegar in the mayo acts as a natural cleaner, and the oil and eggs add shine.
Shine shoes and plants with bananas. Banana peels contain oil and potassium, key ingredients in store-bought shoe polish. Wipe shoes with the inside of the peel (discard the stringy parts of the peel first). Then buff with a clean cloth. You also can use the peels to clean the dust and debris from leafy houseplants.
Pictured are 6th year students with Marie O Donnell and Colette Corless after they talked to the 6th Link Modules Class in Our Lady's Secondary School, Belmullet on local employment issues. They are pictured with their teachers Mrs Hough and Mrs Lynch.
Our pic of the Month by Pam NĂ Thaidhg
Keep an Eye on Erris Sports
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Our Lady's All Ireland champions bringing the cup into Erris
Well done to 30 of the Transition Years from St Brendan's College who cycled the Great Western Greenway on Thur 25 Feb. On a rainy, cold day, half the students succeeded in cycling all the way from Achill to Westport - a distance of 45kms - while the other half made it all the way to Newport - a distance of 31kms.
Mr Reilly with some of the TY students who cycled the Great Western Greenway recently.
Sports clubs send your fixtures and results Editorial is FREE for Clubs & Sports Organisations Charities and fundraising groups, send us your events dates and details. It's FREE! Stories, pictures and any news from around Castlebar you would like us to consider for publishing please send them to us - it's FREE!
or 086 065 1704 3rd Year students are pictured with Maira O Shaugnessy from ICTU? after they completed "Trade Unions Workshop"? They are pictured with their teacher Mrs Hough.
Keep an Eye on Education SEACHTAIN NA GAEILGE 2016 Áras Inis Gluaire i gcomhar le Leabharlann Béal an Mhuirthead Tráth na gCeist / Table Quiz Mar chuid de Seachtain na Gaeilge, tá Áras Inis Gluaire agus Leabharlann Béal an Mhuirthead ag eagr? Tráth na gCeist ag comóradh 1916. The quiz was attended by over 150 students from Our Lady?s Secondary School, St Brendan?s & Geal Cholaiste Chomain
pa g e 17
Fr ee onl ine access t o t r easur e t r ove of Ir ish par ish r ecor ds Cat hol ic Par ish Regist er s 1655- 1915 can be sear ched in Mar ch wit h ?r esul t s in seconds? Ten million historic Irish Catholic records dating from the Cromwellian era to the first World War, including baptismal, marriage and death records, will be available online free of charge throughout March. In English or Latin, the records are a mine of information for historians and those tracing family trees, such as names, dates, family relationships, maiden names for mothers and wives, even the names of godparents and witnesses. A translation of frequently used Latin terms ? which number, for example, the baptismal certificate of James Joyce ? are translated on Indexed from digital images created by the National Library of Ireland, the Catholic Parish Registers 1655-1915 holds 373,000 images and files from more than 1,000 parishes across the island and in excess of 3,500 registers. Handwritten information from the original records has been transcribed so each name can be easily searched and accessed. Online parish records a boon for researchers The Éamonn Ceannt papers: ?I am calmly awaiting the end? ?It makes searching so much easier,?said Rhona Murray, family historian at ancestry. ?Previously you would need to browse them image by image which can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Now it is possible to search for a name and have the results presented within seconds.? Irish roots In all, now offers access to more than 55 million Irish records ? making it a substantial resource globally for those tracing their Irish roots, she added. Joyce?s name is recorded in Latin as Jacobus Augustinus Joyce, who was baptised on February 5th, 1882. It also includes the baptismal record of Sinn Féin founder, and president of Dáil Éireann until August 1922, Arthur Griffith. Also included is James Hobanwho designed the White House in Washington. He was baptised at Callan, Co Kilkenny, on April 18th, 1755. Before now the year of his birth was a cause for speculation as a consequence of his obituary. But this has finally been established with the discovery of the original baptismal record. ?It is the single most important collection for tracing Roman Catholicancestors in Ireland from the 17th to the early 20th centuries,? said Ms Murray. Ancestry is the world?s largest online family history resource, holding17 billion records available to more than 2.2 million paying subscribers. It has offices in six countries and employs approximately 70 staff at its Irish office in Dublin. However, the free access is limited to March only. From April 1st the Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers 1655-1915 collection can be accessed on a subscription basis only. Rates are from ?18 a month. The Irish Times
Pictured above with County Librarian, Austin Vaughan & Ian Mc Andrew, Aras Inis Gluaire 1st place ( Image 2) Cian Togher Darragh Dixon Naill Murphy From Colaiste Bhreandain Naofa / St Brendans College Belmullet 2nd place ( Image 3) Chloe Winters Ailish Maloney Matthew Walsh From Colaiste Bhreandain Naofa / St Brendans College Belmullet 3rd Place ( Image 4) Cíara Ní Dhéagánaigh, Micheál Herbert & Ruairí Ó?Domhnaill Gealcholaiste Chomain, Ros Dumhach
TY students from Our Lady's Secondary School attending a GOAL workshop with Louise Melling. Included are Ms Moran, Principal and Ms Hough.
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Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend)
Dr Loftus Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848
St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390
WestDoc 1850 365 000
Tyre Services
Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei
' DRI VE TO TH E M AX ' As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library operate a musical instrument lending service. There is a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or or call into the library.
Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y.
Cleaning Services
For m or e detail s on th e M u sic Gen er ation l en din g system an d a l ist of in str u m en ts avail abl e con tact Kate on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m or cal l in to th e Libr ar y.
M ayo Wi ndow Cl eani ng Servi ce Domest i c, Commerci al & I ndust ri al
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