Erris Eye issue 52

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View onl ine M ay 2016 I ssu e 52 N á h abai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai t h é!

This picture was found by Monica Henry in Bangor recently! Can anyone tell us who this man and woman are?


Suit, Shirt and Tie

from only

?1 4


Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Welcome to issue 52 of the Erris Eye for May 2016. Tá fáilte roimhe go léir. With your help and support we are delighted to bring you a free community magazine for Erris. If you missed a copy or want to share it with people who are away, have a look at where you can view current and past issues. This months front cover features a fantastic old photo that was found by Monica Henry on the street in Bangor Erris, if you can shed any light as to the owner Monica has it ready to be returned. We welcome our new advertisers Queenan Kitchen, Woodhill Hardwood, congratulations to Leonard Shevlin and all the staff at Cheflen's Bistro on the Square Belmullet on the resent opening. We look forward as always to your feedback and comments. Your opinions and ideas are welcome on what you would like to see published. The Erris Eye is your local free community magazine. Use it! Slán agus beannacht. Get in touch - 086 0651704, email, contact us on Facebook or call in to T&T on the Square, Belmullet.

Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri & www.cast l

Get your di gi t al Ver si on


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Erris Mass Times Kilmore Our L ady of L ourdes church Aughleam ; Sunday 9.45am/weekdays 10.00am St. Joseph's Church Binghamstown ; Sunday 11.00am/weekdays 10.00am St. Brendan's Church Tirrane; Saturday Vigil 6.30pm/weekdays 10.00am Church of the Holy Family Carne; Sunday 12.00noon/weekdays 10.00am Our L ady of Dolours church Shanahee; Saturday Vigil 8.00pm. Parish Office 097 82350. Fr John L oftus 097 82350. Fr Kevin Hegarty 097 81011 Belmullet Church of the Sacred Heart, Belmullet Sunday 10.30am, M onday 8.00pm, Tuesday to Friday 9.30am, Saturday Vigil 8.00pm Church of Our L ady of L ourdes, Glencastle Sunday 12.00 noon, Wednesday and Saturday 10.15am Fr. M ichael Reilly P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Parish Office, Chapel Street, Belmullet, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-mail Ballycroy Sunday 11am Saturday 8pm I nisbiggle I sland 2pm Saturday weather Kilcommon permitting, requested by famililes (every 2 ? Aughoose Sunday M ass 12noon 3 weeks) Fr. Chris Ginnelly, Parochial I nver Saturday Vigil 8pm House 098 49134 Cornboy Sunday M ass 10.30am Kiltane Geesala & Doohoma alternates Carrowtigue Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Parish office Aughoose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Sunday 11am & Saturday 7pm Winter, 8pm Winter Bangor 7.00pm Saturday Hogan 086 734860. Sunday 11.00am Ballymunnelly 9.30am Sunday

CILL CHOMAIN LADIES PUB QUIZ IN MCGUIRE'S, BARNATRA FRIDAY THE 29TH OF APRIL AT 9:30. MC FOR THE NIGHT Michael D. McAndrew. Please support. THE CHILDREN OF LIR FESTIVAL WILL TAKE PLACE AGAIN ON THE 27-29 MAY. LOTS OF EVENTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY including 3 course meal and storytelling with Eddie Lenihan only ?25 on the 27th and a boat trip to Inis Gluaire. Contact the Erris Chamber of commerce for tickets or more details on 097 20977

Memorial Cards Available in Belmullet T&T Print The Square, Belmullet

086 065 1704

A mass to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster will take place in the Sacred heart church Belmullet on Monday evening the 25th of Apri{l the eve of the explosion.} at 8pm. Erris children of Chernobyl would like to invite all the families who have hosted children over the past number of years and all those who have volunteered with them on an annual basis to attend the mass. Also the general public who have supported the organization over the past 13 years in Erris. After mass 30 red and green balloons will be released in the Church yard. (the Belarussian colours) Refreshments will be served afterwards. Please let Tisha know if you can attend @086-1735329

THE ERRIS BRANCH OF IRISH WHEELCHAIR ASSOCIATION (IWA) WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL WHO ATTENDED and supported our very successful fundraising 25 Card game which was held on Good Friday night March 25th 2016. We would like to thank all those who sponsored and donated spot prizes and we would like to extend a special thank you to the winners of 2nd and 3rd places who donated the prize money back to the IWA. Sincere thank you also to Catherine Mc Nulty and Richie Flannery for organising the event

Sean Fhocal Is mait h an scát hán súil charad. A f riend's eye is a good mirror.

Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri Get your di gi t al Ver si on


Legal Disclaimer Clickaround Ltd has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this Publication is accurate on the stated date of publication or last modification. We take the utmost care however it is possible that the information may be out of date, incomplete or the opinion of the author. It is advisable that you verify any information from this publication before relying on it. Clickaround Ltd accepts no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by readers of any of the information and material contained in this publication. Materials contained within are subject to copyright and other proprietary rights. Further information- Clickaround Ltd ,The Square, Belmullet, Co Mayo. 086 065 1704.

Keep an Eye on What's On

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Late opening every Thursday until 8pm Evening appointments by request

097 85011 or 087 6990505




e mm

nd s

On behalf of Turas Siar on the Mullet Peninsula we would like to thank everyone who came to our book launch (Turas Siar go Cill M贸r), we appreciate your support. Books are on sale at our centre in Cartron near Clogher post office at ?20 each including 3 cd?s. They are also available at T & T Printing on The Square, Belmullet and available throughout the Belmullet and the general Erris region including Bangor Post Office. They are also on online to buy and downloadable on our website A follow up book will be ready soon. For further information please contact Kathryn and Pap on 097 85011

Mick Healy of Bingimstown presenting Tara & Johnny Carey with a Easter Hamper from the Jack & Jill foundation.

Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri www.cast l Erri s Eye Get your di gi t al Ver si on Cast l ebar Eye 086 065 1704 FREE

Keep an Eye on Services

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Bangor Area Reunion ERRIS / BELM ULLET *Mayo Day Treasure Hunt*

To mark "Mayo Day" The Bangor Area Reunion Committee will be hosting a ?Mayo-themed Treasure Hunt? for children. The hunt will take place around Bangor Erris on Saturday The 30th of April @ 3pm, meeting at the band-stand on the river walk! There will be games, activities and a disco in the Parish Hall after the hunt. Everyone welcome, the more the merrier and don?t forget that Mayo themed attire is compulsory! Cost per child is ?5 *It is important to note that Parents or persons over the age of 16 must accompany children during the hunt!*

London Fundraiser

5k Walk & Run Aras Inis Gl uaire, Civic Cent re, Bel mul l et 4.15 am Sat urdaymorning 7t h May, 2016 Register online at

We are really excited to announce that we are having a fundraiser in London, the night before the Mayo Match over there. The fundraiser will take place in St Anthony's club Edgware, (HA8 9AN) On Saturday the 28th May 2016 @ 8:30pm Music on the night by Seamus Moore. Ticket Entry fee: ÂŁ10 Your continuous support is greatly appreciated and let's make this night a big success! So if you are going over for the match, or already living there, come along for a good night's entertainment!

Keep an Eye on Your Money

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A Gift for Tidy Towns

?1,000 This year Mayo County Council has decided to make some changes to the Litter Action League. The main change for 2016 is that we start the competition with ?1,000 prize money already awarded to us! Each month judging will take place as in previous years but the pieces of litter found on our streets will result in a deduction from our ?1,000 prize money ? each piece of litter could cost us up to ?2. The message is clear. Litter on the streets ? money down the drain! Judging begins this month (April).

Meeting re Community Futures Belmullet Tidy Towns with support from

several other voluntary groups in the Belmullet area have applied for the 2016 Community Futures Programme. The aim of the programme is to support and strengthen our community and to help and sustain all participating groups and the wider community also. The programme aims to encourage the interest and participation of more people in community issues, and to involve all sectors in the process of preparing a community action plan. There are many benefits to be derived from this approach as can be seen from other communities who have already participated. You are invited to attend a meeting with Mary Wrafter who is the coordinator of the Community Futures Programme in Mayo and who will tell us all about the programme and answer any queries that you might have. Everybody is welcome to attend. The meeting will be held in Talbot Hotel on Tuesday 26th April at 8.00pm.

Photo of the planting of native Irish Hedgerow at Logmor. Before and after, we look forward to watching them grow

Sports clubs send your fixtures and results Editorial is FREE for Clubs & Sports Organisations Charities and fundraising groups, send us your events dates and details. It's FREE! Stories, pictures and any news from around Castlebar you would like us to consider for publishing please send them to us - it's FREE!

Keep an Eye on Local Services

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car park. Materials will be provided. Please wear hi-vis vests. Be Safe. Be Seen. Contact Dervilia on 086 1068454 for more info.

Sunday 24 April 2016 is census night

Children under the age of 6 are entitled to free visits to a GP

family Doctor. They are not entitled to free visits to hospital emergency departments. All children aged under 6 who live in Ireland or who intend to live in Ireland for at least one year are eligible.The doctor must be taking part in the free GP care for children under 6 scheme. You must register your child for a GP visit card. You will need your Personal Public Service number (PPS number), your child(rens) PPS numbers and your choice of participating GP You can get a list of GPs who are taking part in the scheme at The list also tells you whether your chosen GP accepts online registrations. If they do, you can apply online at If a GP doesn?t accept online registrations, or if you prefer to use a paper form, you can download the registration form from, bring it to the GP to sign, and then send it to: GP Visit Card ? Under 6s, PO Box 12629, Dublin 11. Your child will be included in this scheme until the end of the month of their sixth birthday. The expiry date is shown on the card. You will be notified approximately three months before it is due to expire. If you have any questions about registering for the scheme, you can phone Lo-call 1890 252 919.

086 0695441

Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri Get your di gi t al Ver si on


The next census will take place on Sunday 24 April 2016. The census is a detailed account of everybody who is in the country on census night. On 24 April everybody in Ireland is required to enter their details on a census form.Census enumerators are currently visiting every home in Ireland to deliver census forms. You must fill in your form on Sunday 24 April and your enumerator will return to collect it.

Roaming charges from April 2016

From April 2016 mobile phone service providers will move from a regulated unit price to a domestic charge plus a margin for roaming services. You can find more information about roaming charges from April 2016 on the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources website. There is an EU agreement to abolish roaming charges from 15 June 2017.

Keep an Eye on Wellbeing

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A basic computer course has been organised for people who are unemployed in order to gain the I.T skills necessary to search and apply for jobs. Training will be provided in essential Internet skills, Email and Microsoft Word. One-to-one support will be provided to individuals in order for them to meet their education, training or employment needs. It will take place for 3 hours a week for 4 weeks. Venue: Aras Inis Gluaire, Belmullet Start Date: 12th May Time: 10am ? 1pm Places are limited and early booking is advised. For further information or to register for the course please contact Niamh Charlton at 0876662340 or email This training is delivered by Mayo North East and is funded under The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme


Naonria Ballycroy who took part in the St Patrick's parade. They were representing children from 1916. they are pictured with their teachers Muinteoir Grainne and Bernie.

PRESENTS WHITE COLLAR BOXING ?BLUE LIGHT FIGHT NIGHT? ON FRIDAY 22ND APRIL IN THE Broadhaven Bay Hotel. All proceeds going to Pieta House, Ballyglass RNLI and Ballyglass Coast Guard. Your support would be greatly appreciated

Keep an Eye on Community

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ÁRAS INIS GLUAIRE EVENTS The Erris Players present the

hilarious comedy 'Caught in the Net', written by Ray Cooney, at Áras Inis Gluaire on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th April at 8.30. If you think your life is stressful, imagine the life of John Smith, a taxi driver who keeps two separate families in different houses. When his teenage children (a girl from one family and a boy from the other) accidentally meet on the Internet and plan to see each other in person, John?s already complicated life becomes absolutely hectic! Patrons are asked to be seated at 8.20pm. Tickets ?10 on the door Erris Indoor Sunday Market with stalls of fashion, foods, local craft, photography etc. If you are interested in having a stall contact Arlene on 097 81079. Come and join us Sunday 24th April 12-4pm All welcome! Áras Inis Gluaire presents the new film 'Atlantic' directed by Risteard O'Domhnaill (The Pipe) Narrated by Brendan Gleeson following the fortunes of three small fishing communities as they struggle to maintain their way of life! Sunday 1st May @ 8pm

Meal s-on-Wheel s Geesal a Del ivering in t he parishes of Kil t ane, Bel mul l et & Kil more. Our meal s are f reshl y prepared dail y, in our premises in Geesal a. Al l diet ary needs are cat ered f or, shoul d you or someone you know be int erest ed in receiving meal s l ong t erm or short t erm Pl ease cont act 097 86868. We al so provide a Communit y Laundry Service t hat is open t o al l members of t he publ ic *New del ivery & col l ect ion now avail abl e* Pl ease cal l 097 86781 f or f urt her Inf ormat ion.

Keep an Eye on Services

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Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock SALE EVERY TUESDAY ALL on Tuesday

BOOKING FROM THURSDAY ON 096-22555 & 22558.

SALElive EVERY TUESDAY AS FOLLOW: WatchUSUAL our Sale on ?BULLOCKS STARTING AT 10.30 FOLLOWED BY BULL WEANLINGS. ?HEIFERS STARTING AT 11.30 FOLLOWED BY HEIFER WEANLINGS. ?SUCKS AT 10.30 FOLLOWED BY CULL COWS & SPRINGER FROM 12.00. ?SHEEP START AT 10.15. Yard opens at 7.30am Seller please note - Important that all stock BOOKED is in the yard by 9.30 or no guarantee of booking number.

W an t t o w at ch t h e sal e l i v e or bu y st ock on l i n e ? see ou r w ebsi t e w w w .m ay osl i gom ar t .i e f or d et ai l s.

Pupils of Aughalasheen N.S. who performed the very successful play The Easter Rising of 1916 in ร ras Inis Gluaire. The play was written by School Principal Seรกn Conroy and Co Directed, Screen Design, Editing, Music by Jessica O'Donnell.?

Call Maureen

Thai red chicken curry

Your l ocal f riendl y cl ass meet s Wednesdays 7.00pm new members 6.45 Bel mul l et (over t he Co-op)

a wok or deep frying pan lightly with oil. Place the pan Paste-2 shallots, chopped3 garlic Spray over a medium heat and add the chicken. Stir-fry for 4 to 5 cloves4 chillis, minutes, until sealed and golden. choppedThumb-sized piece ginger, Meanwhile, make the paste by simply placing all the chopped1 lemongrass stalk, ingredients in a blender and blitzing until smooth. chopped1 tsp ground cumin1 lime, Stir in about 2 teaspoons of the Thai red curry paste and cook zest and juice- Curry -low cal spray for 1 minute. Pour in the coconut milk, lime juice and add all of the vegetables, then bring slowly to the boil. oil300g chicken breast fillets, Reduce the heat to simmer gently for 5 minutes, until the diced65ml reduced fat coconut are just cooked and slightly tender. milk1/2 lime, juice40g mangetouts, vegetables Stir in the chopped coriander and serve immediately with halved40g baby corn1/2 red boiled rice. pepper, chopped2 tbsp coriander, Refrigerate the rest of the paste, where it will keep for 3-4 chopped120g brown/basmati rice days.

Call M aureen 086 313 2840

Keep an Eye on Services

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The Union of Students in Ireland is calling for a change in the way Irish is

Taught in School The Union of Students in Ireland is calling for a change in the way the Irish language is taught at primary, secondary and third level. The union?s annual congress, held from the 21st ? 24th March in Ennis, passed the motion that the VP for the Irish Language will direct a study, in collaboration with the relevant Irish language organisations and teachers?unions, teacher-training colleges, between students, teachers, and others, to publish a collaborative report that would set out a progressive, comprehensive, and multilateral strategy regarding the teaching of Irish at primary and post primary level. USI spoke about the long-term failures surrounding the teaching of Irish at primary and post primary level, as well as he lack of a united and collaborative effort to find a solution to these failures. Congress condemned the impact that this has had, in the absence of clearly defined policy that would improve the teaching of Irish, which the relevant Irish language and educational groups could support. ?The way Irish is taught in schools isn?t working,? Kevin Donoghue, USI President, said, ?There needs to be more of an emphasis on the spoken language. Fluency is best reached through submersion, which is why we?re recommending all students go to the gaeltacht. USI is concerned about the teaching of the Irish language at secondary level in Ireland and noted that many students believe that the Irish language is not ?taught as a language? and that too much focus is put on literature instead of the oral practice. Congress believed that the teaching of Irish ?as a language? would aid greatly in the enjoyment of the language at secondary level and that students would have a greater degree of fluency in the language leaving secondary level. While congress acknowledges the changes recently made to the Leaving Certificate Irish curriculum which places a greater focus on the spoken element of the course, they mandate that the VP Irish Language should build a strategy for the teaching of the Irish Language at secondary level with a view to having more students confident in the Irish language, with verbal fluency achieved through submersion by time spent in the gaeltacht.? The Common European Framework for Languages (CEF) provided a guideline as to the proficiency of language learners across Europe which emphasised the importance of the oral side of a language to improving fluency. USI said the changes in the leaving certificate in giving a higher emphasis and ratio in the examination process on the spoken word and the changes in the teaching structure are going in the right direction but need to be improved to be a more attractive subject to students. ?While Irish students across the country are patriotic and proud of their native language, it is not as widely spoken across the Ireland as it should be,? Donoghue said, ?Gaeilge is a vibrant expression of our unique national culture, history and identity. The most essential differentiating characteristics of a culture are oftentimes contained within its language. Gaeilge, therefore, plays a paramount, pivotal role in the Irish cultural identity and it is a cherished core of all that is truly Irish. USI acknowledges how vital it is for us to do everything we can to preserve, nurture and extend the Irish language to students across Ireland. Because of this, we voted in Congress in favour of the Vice President for the Irish Language to lobby the department of Education and Skills to implement the CEF guidelines in relation to the examination of the Irish language at post-primary level.?

This picture was found by Monica Henry recently! Can anyone tell us who this man and woman are? As no one seems to recognise them! Please contact Monica in Bangor Erris if you can shed any light on this mystery.

Keep an Eye on Business

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TEN GOALS AT CARNE Is your home drafty? Does your home feel damp and cold? The No 1 solution is Fusion Sprayfoam, the only insulation that stops drafts, makes your home airtight and gives you fantastic U values. Fusion Insulation is the only insulation company based in Erris and so many Erris homes are now enjoying the benefits of an airtight warm home. The added bonus is our foam is made right here in Mayo. So make this winter different and stop those drafts. Phone us today for a FREE quotation on:

Phone 1890 818838 or 087 241 6181

Iorras Aontaithe are still chasing their first three points in the new Super league season, after a second defeat at home to Claremorris on April 17th on a 4-6 score-line. Goals for Erris were: Kyle O?Reilly (8 minutes & 58 minutes). Ivan Barrett (67 minutes). Micheal Garrett (90 minutes his first for Erris since joining from Kilmore). At half-time the score line was 1-4 to Claremorris. Erris Keeper Gary Keane saved a penalty on 68 minutes. TEAM- Gary Keane, Micheal Meeneghan, David Reilly, Eamon Carey, Richey Hanley: Jamey Flannary, Jason Boylan, Brendan Nallan, Ryan Ruddy: Kyle O?Reilly, Ivan Barrett. SUBS USED: EinrĂ­ Healy for Jamey Flannary (on 9 minutes when Jamey suffered a terrible two footed tackle which went unpunished by the referee). Padraic Doherty for Richey Hanley (on 53 minutes). Gareth O?Malley for Eamon Carey (on 78 minutes) Micheal Garrett for Ivan Barrett (on 84 minutes).

Keep an Eye on Community Teach Greannai. Training at Teach Greannai:

Pesticide Training (Knapsack) in Teach Greannai on May 9th & 16th. Few places remaining, ?150 per course. Please contact 097/88935 to book your place Pesticide Training (Boom) in Teach Greannai on May 27th & 31st. Few places remaining, ?150 per course. Please contact 097/88935 to book your place. Pesticide training will resume again in Teach Greannai in September 2016

Teach Greannai Community Laundry:

Community Laundry at Teach Greannai open Tues/Wed/Thurs from 1-4. Drop in or call 097/88935 for more information

New Opening Hours at Teach Greannai Diner:Teach Greannai Diner is now open Monday - Friday 9-4, Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 11.30-4. Call 097/88935 for further information Teach Greannai Takeaway open Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday Mondays from 6.30 - 10 pm. Call 087/3383349 to place your order.


Unique gathering of music, song, story and dance taking place in Geesala / Doohoma on weekend of 27th, 28th & 29th May. Further details will follow over the next few weeks in local papers, newsletters & Facebook. Phone Micheál 086 8336242 or Bernie 097 86767.

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Keep an Eye on Community

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Eye Gar deni ng Ti ps


April is one of the busiest months of the year in the garden. There are seeds to be sown, lawns to be moved, shrubs to be pruned, vegetables to be sown, plants to be feed. Things to do in April: Cut your grass. Your lawn will require regular mowing from now on. Keep the blades of your lawnmower high for the first few cuts. Feed your lawn with a good lawn feed, weed and moss killer Re-seed any bald patches in your lawn Pot up young seedlings Sow your vegetable garden if you haven?t already done so. Potatoes, leeks, summer cabbage, turnips, parsnips and lettuce can be planted outdoors Start hardening off bedding plants Fertilize Roses. You can also begin spraying roses for pests and diseases Control pests and diseases especially slugs and snails Feed plants in your garden using a slow-release fertiliser. May Summer is nearly upon us. There are signs of summer everywhere. The days are getting warmer and more and more flowers are coming into bloom. Things to do in May: Start hardening off bedding plants. It is tempting to plant out summer bedding at this stage but it may be wise to hold off until at least the middle of the month as there is still a likelihood of late frost Clear out spring bedding and fertilize the soil Dead head spring bulbs Control pests and diseases especially slugs and snails Prune spring flowering shrubs Position supports around perennials that required staling e.g. Lupines Plant hanging baskets ( but keep in the glasshouse until the risk of frost has passed) Apply a slow release fertiliser to your pots and planted containers Water newly planted fruit trees & bushes Plant the main crop of potatoes. Early potatoes can be earthed up Feed your lawn with a good law feed, weed and moss killer if you haven?t already done so.

Belmullet Cycling Club Ladies out and about this week.

St Brendans First year Boys Basketball team

Keep an Eye on Erris Sports

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Keep an Eye on Education

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Business Directory Construction & Civil

Arts & Entertainment

Aras I ni s Gl uai re Bel mul l et Exhi bi t i ons & Ent ert ai nment 097 81079 www.arasi ni sgl uai re.i e

Home Heating

J&E Hughes Oi l

O'Raghal l aigh Agricul t ural , Const ruct ion & Civil Engineering * Trial Holes * Land Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land Reclamation * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Effluent Treatment Systems

Servicing The Erris Area

Heat i ng oi l , Road & agri di esel , pet rol , l ubri cant s, t ank s

087 1035 227

Dai l y Del i veri es

John 086 4403350 Insulation

Accountancy Services

Fusi on I nsul at i on St op t he col d t hi s wi nt er M ayo's Spray Foam Expert s Erri s based cal l for quot at i on 1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.f usi oni nsul at i

Thomas M cHugh & Co Chart ered & Cert i f i ed Account ant s Regi st ered Audi t or s Quay St , Bel mul l et , Co M ayo Bel mul l et 097 81507 Bal l i na 096 79780 Fax 097 81744


Sharkey & Co Account ant s Book k eepin g & Accou n ts Payr ol l & Vat - Sol e Tr ader Accou n ts Tax Retu r n s - Far m Accou n ts Lim ited Com pan y Accounts The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo

Cake Specialists


O'Donoghues Bakery

M angans Furni t ure

Cake & bakery Speci al i st s Bri dge Rd Bel mul l et 097 81082

Carpet s, vi nyl , wooden f l oori ng, beddi ng, 3 pi ece sui t es, bedroom & di ni ng set s Barrack St Bel mul l et 097 81084 jmancon@hot mai l .com

Cacai Al ai nn www.l ovel ynat ural Weddi ng Cakes, Novel t y Cakes, Bi rt hday Cakes al l made wi t h nat ural i ngredi ent s St ephani e Fal l on 086 852 8681

Cakes By Angel a Cakes for al l Occasi ons Per sonal i sed Cakes

086 402 5521 angel ageraght y57@hot mai l .com www.cakesbyangel a.i e


ERRIS PEST CONTROL Environmental Services

Providing a professional and discreet Pest Control Service to the Erris Area

087 287 4589

Print & Embroidery


T&T Cl ot hi ng

Rural Transport Service Seรกn's Hackney

Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e 086 065 1704

Attawalla, Bangor Erris Now available - Keen rates Tel. 087 2860525


Tel: (087) 7978643 Pharmacy

At McAndrews Main St, Belmullet. Suit Hire for every occasion

Lavel l es Pharmacy

Bel mul l et 097 81053

087 243 5468

K i l l al a 096 32465

Fitted Kitchens

Prendergast Agri cul t ural Consul t ancy Advi ce on al l f armi ng mat t er s GLAS & AEOS Appl i cat i ons M i cheal Prendergast Chapel St Bel mul l et

SYMPHONY KITCHENS Barcastle Retail Park, Castlebar, Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 -18:00 Sat: 10:00 - 17:00

086 811 9256

094 90 26100

www.symphonykit inf o@symphonykit We will beat any price on a like for like basis

Bangor Erri s 097 83911 l avel l espharmacy@gmai l .com



Doocey M et al Recycl i ng We buy & col l ect al l t ypes of scrap met al , sk i ps avai l abl e. Bri dge St , Bal l i na

085 129 3864 087 690 5283

DiamondsOf Distinction

097 86805

096 71744

Hair & Beauty

For Appointment Call 089 447 0859

Ardagh Agri Servi ces M owi ng,Teddi ng, Rak i ng,Bal i ng

Building Services

Agri cul t ural M achi nery 096 72803- 087 626 2727 Crossmol i na Rd, Bal l i na

Auctioneers Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer Property Valuations - Sales -Auctions For all Your Auctioneering Needs Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee 086 8459414 or 09670854

Kieran McDonnel l Const ruct ion Lt d Attycunnane, Belmullet, For all building requirements House / Garage / Sheds Walls Repairs / Renovations Grants / Insurance Work Extensions & Chimneys FREE QUOTE

087 236 1611 or 097 20395

Main St, Belmullet

Cont act Us or t o Advert i se Wi t h Us

cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri

Business Directory Doctors


Dr Penzes Church Rd, Bangor Erris 097 83464 Dr Swanick Church Rd, Belmullet 097 82434 Dr Ruane, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156

Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend)

Dr Loftus Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848

St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390

WestDoc 1850 365 000

Tyre Services

Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei


' DRI VE TO TH E M AX ' As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library operate a musical instrument lending service. There is a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or or call into the library.


Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y.

Dr, Emer Walshe Main St, Belmullet, Co Mayo.

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