View onl ine Au gu st 2016 I ssu e 55 N á h abai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai t h é!
August Festivalsof Errisinside! Learn to sail! Bellacragher Boat Club
Suit, Shirt and Tie
from only
?1 4
Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Fรกilte! Welcome to the Erris Eye for August 2016. We hope you enjoy the 55th issue of the Erris Eye - your free local community magazine. With your help and support we are delighted to bring you a free community magazine for Erris. If you missed a copy or want to share it with people who are away, have a look at where you can view current and past issues. This August edition includes the programmes of the many events and festivals taking place locally throughout Erris in the coming weeks. Our front cover is the the action image from Bellacragher Boat Club. We look forward as always to your feedback and comments. Many thanks to our regular advertizers for your ongoing support, without you it wouldn't happen. Your opinions and ideas are welcome on what you would like to see published. And remember, The Erris Eye is your local free community magazine, so use it! Slรกn agus beannacht. Get in touch - 086 0651704, email, contact us on Facebook or call in to T&T on the Square, Belmullet. The Erris Eye Team Garry & Frances Todd
Erris Mass Times Kilmore Our L ady of L ourdes church Aughleam ; Sunday 9.45am/weekdays 10.00am St. Joseph's Church Binghamstown ; Sunday 11.00am/weekdays 10.00am St. Brendan's Church Tirrane; Saturday Vigil 6.30pm/weekdays 10.00am Church of the Holy Family Carne; Sunday 12.00noon/weekdays 10.00am Our L ady of Dolours church Shanahee; Saturday Vigil 8.00pm. Parish Office 097 82350. Fr John L oftus 097 82350. Fr Kevin Hegarty 097 81011 Belmullet Church of the Sacred Heart, Belmullet Sunday 10.30am, M onday 8.00pm, Tuesday to Friday 9.30am, Saturday Vigil 8.00pm Church of Our L ady of L ourdes, Glencastle Sunday 12.00 noon, Wednesday and Saturday 10.15am Fr. M ichael Reilly P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Parish Office, Chapel Street, Belmullet, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-mail Ballycroy Sunday 11am Saturday 8pm I nisbiggle I sland 2pm Saturday weather Kilcommon permitting, requested by famililes (every 2 ? Aughoose Sunday M ass 12noon 3 weeks) Fr. Chris Ginnelly, Parochial I nver Saturday Vigil 8pm House 098 49134 Cornboy Sunday M ass 10.30am Kiltane Geesala & Doohoma alternates Carrowtigue Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Parish office Aughoose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Sunday 11am & Saturday 7pm Winter, 8pm Winter Bangor 7.00pm Saturday Hogan 086 734860. Sunday 11.00am Ballymunnelly 9.30am Sunday Legal Disclaimer Clickaround Ltd has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this Publication is accurate on the stated date of publication or last modification. We take the utmost care however it is possible that the information may be out of date, incomplete or the opinion of the author. It is advisable that you verify any information from this publication before relying on it. Clickaround Ltd accepts no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by readers of any of the information and material contained in this publication. Materials contained within are subject to copyright and other proprietary rights. Further information- Clickaround Ltd ,The Square, Belmullet, Co Mayo. 086 065 1704.
A fundraising climb of Tower Hill will take place on Saturday 20th of August at 1pm. All monies raised going to Glencastle Special School. You can register at Aughalasheen N.S. from 12.30pm. Donations on the day. Lovely walk and easy climb.
Babysitter/ Childminder Available days and nights to mind children over summer months. Experienced; references available on request. For more information contact Lisa @ 085-1517791
ERRIS BRANCH OF SUICIDE PREVENTION Meetings held in the Broadhaven Bay every Thurs at 6.30pm. All welcome. Leaving Blacksod Pier May 1964 with 7 cattle on board, the property of Father Moore of Aughleam bound for Inniskea South. Half decked boat St Patrick, owned by Padraig Monaghan of Glosh (Na Burcaigh), the man on the tiller. The man with his right hand on the mast is his brother, John Monaghan (Na Burcaigh). There are 3 other men on board to assist with moving the cattle. Picture taken by Kevin Grealis of Dooniver, Achill with a Kodak 127 camera. Check out Kevin's song on You Tube, Achill Island Busker Sings Skibereen -
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Are you a Togher? Do you have Togher connections then why not come to the Togher reunion at Turas Siar on October 2nd 2016 at 3 p.m. There will be music and singing on the day and a short slideshow and you will be able to meet others and chat. Food and refreshments will be served. Do you have any photos for us for this special occasion then why not scan them to us so that we can put them on display at our centre. Scan photos to us on also see our website for updates; we are on facebook turas siar or give us a call on 097 85011/087 6990505
JOBSEEKERS. ARE YOU CURRENTLY ON A DISABILITY PAYMENT OR FEEL THAT YOU NEED THAT EXTRA HELP WITH SEEKING EMPLOYMENT? Have you considered the notion of working and keeping your Disability Payment? Employability Service Mayo (Belmullet) can offer you support to look for that job in your local area. Call Colette on 086 3418643 for more information.
086 0695441
086 065 1704 Your own photographs & design
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MindSpace Mayo...With mental health
being the primary health concern affecting young people today, the development of accessible and appropriate services has never been more important. Access to early and timely support is the key to resolving many of the difficulties that young people experience. Mindspace Mayo is that early intervention. It is a free, non-judgemental and confidential service for young people aged 15 ? 25. 1-in-3 young people will experience mental health distress. Mindspace Mayo will assist young people meet the demands of life. The aim is to ensure that when young people are struggling, they get the support they need, when and where they need it. Mindspace offers a support service to young people presenting with anything from common concerns (e.g. dealing with break-up, exam stress) to young people with emerging mental health difficulties such as mild depression and anxiety. Mindspace Mayo is about building resilience at this pivotal stage of life. It?s about supporting young people when and where they need it. We are very excited to announce that Mindspace Mayo have launched our first outreach service in Erris. This service will make it more accessible for young people in the Erris region to get the help they need where and when they need it. The outreach service will run one day a week (Wednesday) and is based in the Health Centre in Belmullet. The outreach service will be used for pre-arranged appointments only with no drop in facility available in this centre.
Crinnish Weekend 2016 -
Glencastle Special Class thank you. The board of management, staff & organisers of the Crinnish Weekend 2016 would like to thank everyone who attended & supported the annual mass, cake sale, 25 Card Drive, bucket collection, raffle & finally all who turned up for the Glen Loop Walks. The winners of the Card game were 1st Prize Mary Gallagher & Tommy McGuire, 2 2nd Prize Sheila Deane & John Murphy. Raffle winners were: Load of Turf-Elissa Hefferon, Glamping in Claggan-Katie Gaughan & Voucher for Western Strands-Kathleen Harwood, Thank you as always to Mrs Ina Murphy who was joined by Tommy Lennon, the two old friends greeted walkers as they signed in at the half way point along with Gráinne & Caroline Kearns. Thank you to the Lennon & Whelan family for hosting the events & all at the The Full Shilling for their continued support. Thank you to all the local businesses who donated water, spot prizes, confectionary and vouchers for the raffles and auction. The walk could not take place without the presence of the Ballyglass Coast Guard and An Garda Síochana. Thanks to the neighbours in Glencastle, Patrick Rowland, John McAndrew, Mags Lennon, Peter Carey, Stephen Gaughan, Tommy Joe Murphy and the Carolan Family for their help and support for the weekend. 1st woman home on the 6.3km loop was Linda McAndrew Togher & 3.5km loop was Ruth Walsh. 1st man home on the 6.3km loop was Leo Howard & 3.5km loop was Seamus Howard. This wonderful heritage route took walkers past the wildflower garden & path planted by the N.S. pupils, old stone wall of the old graveyard, past Danny's rock & John M. Synge's poem, Leac na gCath (druidical / cromleach battle slab), the old stone bridge, Dun Domnaill, then up 230m / 755ft across the top of Glencastle Hill where the walker can see the Cilín, remains of Atkinsons old glencastle road & miles of wonderful views of the surrounding countryside. The weather started bad that day & over 70 people took up the challenge! This is nothing compared to the challenges & determination the pupils in Glencastle Special Class display each & every day as they strive to reach their full potential. A special thank you to past pupil David Barrett, son of P.P. and Mary Barrett, he presented principal Catherine McIntyre, staff and BOM with a cheque for ?320 on the Sunday night. David had recorded an album & donated the proceeds to the special class. The entire weekend raised over ?8958.05 which will be allocated towards upgrading the Multi Sensory Room to meet the changing needs of the pupils. The class accommodates pupils with special needs from across the length & breath of Erris, all within a unique, dedicated & specialised learning environment. This October 2016 Glencastle Special Class will celebrate 25 years serving our special children in the Erris Community so watch this space.
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Tel : 094 925 6421 em ai l : cr af t sm an k i t ch en s@h ot m ai l .com Sw i n f or d Road , Fox f or d
Erri s Eye Cast l ebar Eye
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Bangor Area Reunion
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Broadhaven Bay Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme 2016 Risso?s Dolphin Tracking
On the 4th of June 2016 the Broadhaven Bay Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme had both research teams working on either side of the bay. One team was situated on Erris Head and the other team was situated near Slugga rock. The team on Erris Head first spotted a pod of Risso?s dolphins in the bay early in the morning. They saw at least four animals close to Erris Head, as these dolphins were travelling inside the bay. The team on Slugga soon found the same pod of animals and were able to track their movements for one and half hours. The pod was very spread out and small groups of animals could be seen right across the bay. The dolphins were first observed at a distance of 7km from Slugga and they were tracked as they moved across Broadhaven Bay towards the team. The animals came within 300 meters of Slugga and the team were able to get some close up photos of the entire pod, all 25-30 animals, as they passed close to the cliffs. Risso?s dolphins as seen from Slugga, 54m above sea level. Note how pale some of the animals are. This is caused by scarring from other dolphins. Risso?s dolphins engage in ?social scratching?and their large sharp teeth leave permanent scars. The scars become extensive with age, the older the animals are, the more scarred they become. Risso?s dolphins (Deilf Liath) (Grampus griseus) are medium sized dolphins (2.6-3.8 meters) found in the waters around Ireland. Risso?s have been recorded at all times of the year but it is thought that they move inshore, to more coastal waters, during the summer months. These dolphins have a large, round bulbous head, and a very large sickle shaped dorsal fin mid-way along their backs. Risso?s have a lot of scaring on their bodies and can appear almost white. These pale scars are quite normal for this species as they are caused by interactions between individuals.
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Our teams working in Broadhaven Bay use a specialised computer programme called VADAR (Visual Acoustic Detection and Ranging software) along with a surveyor?s theodolite, to pin point the precise location of the dolphins. The information from the theodolite is sent to VADAR via a series of cables, and the positions of the dolphins are plotted on the screen in real time. We record information such as the distance of the animals from the teams, their traveling speed and course, and their behaviour, which can all be determined using our equipment and software. Risso?s dolphins are relatively slow swimmers and are sometimes seen spread out in a long line when hunting. They can be quite surface active, leaping clear out of the water and slapping their tail flukes at the surface. Fun Fact: Risso?s dolphins breed in Irish waters, there is record of a calf born in Blacksod Bay from the 1930?s ( For more The Team based in Erris information about the Broadhaven Bay Marine Mammal Monitoring Programme please contact Aoife Foley (085 8276984)
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LiveMusic for August Fri 12t h August Jason Travis/ John Glenn (In marquee ) 10pm-late
Sat 13t h August JP Ruddy Followed by Declan Nearney (In marquee) 10pm- late
Sun 14t h August The Duets from 4-6pm (in lighthouse tavern) Sean Fahy & Chantelle Padden Followed by Lisa McHugh (In marquee) 10pm- late
Mon 15t h August Gerry Carney (in lighthouse tavern) 10pm- late
Sat urday 27t h August DJ Barry Molloy 9pm- late
Li ght house Tavern I nver
Census 2016 The census is a detailed account of everybody who is in the country on census night. On Sunday 24 April 2016 everybody in Ireland was required to enter their details on a census form. The first results of the 2016 census were released today and show that the preliminary total of the population enumerated on census night was 4,757,976 persons. This compares with 4,588,252 persons in April 2011, an increase of 169,724 persons since 2011 or 3.7 percent. This release also contains first results on housing and vacant dwellings and show the number of occupied houses has increased by 49,285 since April 2011 while the number of vacant dwellings has fallen by 29,889. Further results will be released in different phases as they become available during 2017, commencing with ?This is Ireland, Part 1 ? Principal Demographic Results? due to be published in March 2017.
Cill Chomรกin u12 team with Ciaran Whelan (Dublin) on their visit to Croke park recently
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Meal s-on-Wheel s Geesal a Del ivering in t he parishes of Kil t ane, Bel mul l et & Kil more. Our meal s are f reshl y prepared dail y, in our premises in Geesal a. Al l diet ary needs are cat ered f or, shoul d you or someone you know be int erest ed in receiving meal s l ong t erm or short t erm Pl ease cont act 097 86868. We al so provide a Communit y Laundry Service t hat is open t o al l members of t he publ ic *New del ivery & col l ect ion now avail abl e* Pl ease cal l 097 86781 f or f urt her Inf ormat ion.
Wild Rhubarb (Gunnera)
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FREE Call Maureen
Belmullet Tidy Towns in conjunction with Mayo County Council & all concerned are putting together a database on Wild Rhubarb (Gunnera). We are mapping all areas if you have a plant in your garden farm or adjacent land let us know as we can add it to our map. We hope to have a stand at the Erris Agricultural Show so visit us there or contact us by phone 097 20977, email or call to our office Chapel Street across from the Parish Office.
Call M aureen 086 313 2840 Belmullet Unislim class has had some amazing success in the last few years with 5 members reaching the final in 4 years. This year's final includes 2 members from the class. Husband and wife Andrew and Amanda Baylan are among the final 10 from throughout the country. The final which takes place in Dublin will be held in October. Amanda has lost 7st 10lb and Andrew 5st in just a year! The whole class want to wish them the very best of luck! They're winners already regardless of the result having changed their lives so much for the better.
Your l ocal f riendl y cl ass meet s Wednesdays 7.00pm new members 6.45 Bel mul l et (over t he Co-op)
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Jul y IĂşil / August LĂşnasa
Golf Events at Carne August - Wild Atlantic Way Scratch Cup and Junior Scratch Cup This inaugural event is scheduled to run at Carne on the weekend of August 27th and 28th. The Scratch Cup is open to golfers with handicaps of 4 and lower while the Junior Scratch Cup can be played by golfers with handicaps between 5 to 10. October - The Friends of Carne The Friends of Carne will be held again at Carne during the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd. This event was a tremendous success last year attracting 4 person teams from all over Ireland. Over 30 teams participated and we could have accommodated many more if not for the shorter daytime hours. This event will fill quickly so please contact our team at 097 82292 ext 2 for further information. More Golf events coming soon to Carne.
Carne Golf Links Partners with The Tony Jacklin Partnership Carne Golf Links was recently invited to become one of the exclusive partners to The Tony Jacklin Partnership. The aim of the partnership is to offer its members a selection of Europe?s finest courses and it has attracted celebrity and sports personalities throughout the UK. We look forward to seeing some of its members playing soon at Carne.
Targeting the UK Golf Market
Carne Golf Links is working with a range of golf clubs in the West of Ireland including Westport, Enniscrone, Co Sligo and Connemara to promote West of Ireland golf packages to the UK Golf Market. We have an initial focus on the UK?s most affluent golf region, Surrey, which has over 115 golf clubs. Several hotels in the west of Ireland, including the Broadhaven Bay Hotel and the Talbot Hotel are also working with us to provide excellent value golf packages to the West via Ireland West Airport Knock.
The team at Carne are working on new Golf events for 2016 including a ladies only event aimed at lady golfers throughout Ireland as well as a society challenge. Further details to follow. Please call us at 097 82292 for more information.
Lady Captain Margaret Parsons
celebrated her day on Sunday 10th July. Unfortunately the weather wasn?t on their side but that didn't stop the club members enjoying their day. Pictured left to right: Pauline Mangan, Marie Cuffe, Lady Captain Margaret and winner Kay Keogan.
Syrons at Carne Syrons at Carne Golf Links is open 7 days a week and serves a fantastic range of food. Enjoy a wonderful meal while you overlook the Atlantic Ocean and Carne?s dramatic Golf Links.
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Keep an Eye on Community
Summer Camp at Teach Greannai: We will be delivering Summer Camps throughout July & August, ?25 per week per child, from 11 ? 2 each day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Camp will include cooking, sports, outdoor activities; grow your own vegetables/flowers, hand crafts, treasure hunt, sports & lots more. Ages 4-12 welcome, please contact 097/88935 to book you place. Meals-on-Wheels: delivered in the parish of Kilcommon 6 days a week, all special dietary requirements catered for, contact 097/88935 for more information. Teach Greannaí Diner: Open 7 days a week, Monday to Sunday 10am ? 5pm (including Bank Holidays), Weekend Take-Away/Diner: Friday, Saturday, Sunday Evenings & Bank Holidays from 6.30 ? 10pm. Community Laundry at Teach Greannai: Open Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday 1 ? 4pm each week, contact 097/88935 for more information. Teach Greannai Active Retirement Group; meets each Wednesday Afternoon for bingo, exercises, lunch & chat. New members always welcome. Call 097/88935 for more information. Senior Alert Scheme ? Personal Monitoring Alarm Grant support is now available through Teach Greannai for purchasing & installing monitored personal alarms and pendants, enabling older people without sufficient means to continue to live securely in their homes. Please contact 097/88935 for more information. Cornboy Animal & Agricultural Display & Show Day? Sunday 21st August : A day of entertainment for young & old, display and show of all types of farm animals, pets, fowl, handcrafts, vintage items, along with bouncy castle, face painting & magician show. Refreshments and Entertainment on the day. Annual Sports Day? Sunday, August 7th The Annual Sports Day will be held at Rinroe on . This will be an all day event with Sports, Curragh Racing, Refreshments, Entertainment, Children's Activities, Home Baking, Farmers Market, Irish Dancing Exhibition and lots more? . Looking forward to seeing you there! Coláiste Chomáin Dinner Dance : Thursday, August 11th A Coláiste Chomáin Dinner Dance will be held at Teach Greannai on Thursday, August 11th at 8.30pm. A great night of entertainment guaranteed; sit down meal served, please see local press for more information? . Training Courses for Autumn 2016: A range of courses will be delivered in Teach Greannai in Autumn 2016; please see local papers and newsletters for more information. To date, Teach Greannai has delivered training to over 160people in the past 12 months Daniel Doherty Memorial Fundraiser? Friday 21st October A memorial fundraiser will be held in the Anglers Rest Glenamoy, on Friday, October 21st at 9pm. All funds raised will go towards erecting a memorial in memory of the late Daniel Doherty, with balance proceeds to the RNLI and Coast Guard. Music by a range of local artists, raffle on the night, a great night not to be missed!
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Eye Gar deni ng Ti ps
Mid-summer has arrived and the garden is now full of colour. Summer bedding will be at its best and hopefully you will have the time to relax and enjoy your garden. Things to do in July: Water hanging baskets and planted containers. This will need to be done most days. They should also be fed about once a week. Deadhead flowers regularly. This will encourage more flowers. Plant autumn flowering bulbs. Keep roses sprayed to keep pests and disease at bay. Prune late spring flowering shrubs immediately after flowering. Plant out seedlings and rooted cuttings. Harvest fruit, vegetables and herbs. Feed perennials and shrubs with a granular fertiliser. Trim hedges. Continue to mow your lawn frequently. Clean paving slabs. Water newly planted shrubs if conditions are dry. Fences and exterior woodwork should be treated. August August is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour in the garden. There are still tasks to be completed but these are generally light. Things to do in August: Check your hanging baskets and planted containers for watering dailyFeed plants which need it-Hanging baskets etc. should be fed once a weekDeadhead roses and spray them regularly Water camellias regularly. Deadhead regularly to encourage more flowers. Water newly planted shrubs and perennials. Harvest fruit and vegetables as the ripen Continue to mow grass regularly. Weed regularlyKeep an eye out for pests and diseases and spray if necessary, continue to sow salad plants in order to continue getting fresh crops. Feed your garden using a granular feedPrune rambling roses after flowering.
Austrian Open Title for Blacksod's Maguire Blacksod native
Eddie Maguire made golfing history in Vienna last week when he became the first Irish person to win an Austrian Golf open at any level. The event was staged at the iconic Sussenbrunn GC outside Vienna, and featured an elite field competing for the Austrian open for blind and visually impaired golfers. Eddie has been visually impaired following a serious accident some years ago,and only started to play golf again in recent years. British Open Next on the Agenda - Eddie's final winning margin after 3 days was 3 strokes over local favourite Austria's Karn Becker,and Gerhart Berghant of Germany. Maguire is also the current italian Open champion and leads an Irish team of 5 golfers to next week's British open at Telford,Shropshire. The British Open for visually impaired golfers has yet to be won by an Irish golfer so fingers are crossed that an Irish golfer will prevail,in Shropshire. The opposition will be powerful with at least 6 former scratch golfers competing and countries such as Sth Korea, USA, China, Israel, Australia, GB,and many other countries. BBC TV will be doing a highlights on the Championship.
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Kamara Acupunct ure
Clinics at Irish Wheelchair Association, Belmullet & Westport
085 7647485
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VintnersWe don?t like to single out any group but we, Tidy Towns, are being ?fined? every month - ?130 lost each month so far - in the Mayo Litter League. Our biggest problem is cigarette butts being discarded on all the streets but most blackspots are outside pubs. We have provided (using our anti- litter grants from Mayo Co Co) outdoor ash trays throughout the town but the problem persists. We are appealing to pub owners/managers and to smokers to please support your town BIN YOUR BUTTS
Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock SALE EVERY TUESDAY ALL on Tuesday
BOOKING FROM THURSDAY ON 096-22555 & 22558.
SALElive EVERY TUESDAY AS FOLLOW: WatchUSUAL our Sale on ?BULLOCKS STARTING AT 10.30 FOLLOWED BY BULL WEANLINGS. ?HEIFERS STARTING AT 11.30 FOLLOWED BY HEIFER WEANLINGS. ?SUCKS AT 10.30 FOLLOWED BY CULL COWS & SPRINGER FROM 12.00. ?SHEEP START AT 10.15. Yard opens at 7.30am Seller please note - Important that all stock BOOKED is in the yard by 9.30 or no guarantee of booking number.
W an t t o w at ch t h e sal e l i v e or bu y st ock on l i n e ? see ou r w ebsi t e w w w .m ay osl i gom ar t .i e f or d et ai l s.
Keep an Eye on Erris Learn to Sail!
Bellacragher Boat Club ISA Training Centre
Courses to suit Beginners and experienced sailors Start Sailing, Basic and Improving skills courses as per Irish Sailing Association Syllabus Experience the thrill and excitement of sailing a catamaran on the Atlantic! Enjoy the experience of learning an ancient skill on a high tech craft! Boost your confidence and ability! Mon 25th July Fri 29th July 10am to 4pm Mon 8th Aug Fri 12th Aug 10am to 4pm Mon 15th Aug Fri 19th Aug 10am to 4pm Mon 22nd Aug Fri 26th Aug 10am to 4pm All courses will be run by ISA certified instructors Course rates ?150 per person. National, Advanced Powerboat and coastal navigation courses also available. If interested call Seamus 087 657 9348 or see our facebook page or our Webpage
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Exciting Announcement!!
*JOIN US for the Grand Opening of Reilly?s totalhealth Pharmacy Friday 29th July, 12pm *
Have you spotted our new dolphin statues adjacent to the roundabout in Belmullet?
Reilly?s will be celebrating our opening as Reilly?s totalhealth Pharmacy in style on Friday 29th July! We have decided to take the opportunity to thank our amazing loyal customers by having a party! Mid-West Radio will be broadcasting on the day from Barrack Street. To help celebrate there will be plenty of fabulous prizes to be won including a weekend away in the beautiful Knockranny House Hotel in Westport, amazing hampers and lots more free gifts. Ribbon Cutting will take place at 12 noon! Special Offers: Enjoy 50% OFF ALL Jewellery and HALF PRICE on a selection of GIFT SETS plus loads more offers in-store. Also enjoy Double VIP Loyalty Points when you shop this weekend during our Opening Celebrations. For more information and updates on the Grand Opening Day call into the pharmacy or check out our Facebook page.
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Business Directory Construction & Civil
Arts & Entertainment
Aras I ni s Gl uai re Bel mul l et Exhi bi t i ons & Ent ert ai nment 097 81079 www.arasi ni sgl uai re.i e
Home Heating
J&E Hughes Oi l
O'Raghal l aigh Agricul t ural , Const ruct ion & Civil Engineering * Trial Holes * Land Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land Reclamation * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Effluent Treatment Systems
Servicing The Erris Area
Heat i ng oi l , Road & agri di esel , pet rol , l ubri cant s, t ank s
087 1035 227
Dai l y Del i veri es
John 086 4403350 Insulation
Accountancy Services
Fusi on I nsul at i on St op t he col d t hi s wi nt er M ayo's Spray Foam Expert s Erri s based cal l for quot at i on 1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.f usi oni nsul at i
Thomas M cHugh & Co Chart ered & Cert i f i ed Account ant s Regi st ered Audi t or s Quay St , Bel mul l et , Co M ayo Bel mul l et 097 81507 Bal l i na 096 79780 Fax 097 81744
Sharkey & Co Account ant s Book k eepin g & Accou n ts Payr ol l & Vat - Sol e Tr ader Accou n ts Tax Retu r n s - Far m Accou n ts Lim ited Com pan y Accounts The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo
Cake Specialists
O'Donoghues Bakery
M angan's Furni t ure
Cake & bakery Speci al i st s Bri dge Rd Bel mul l et 097 81082
Carpet s, vi nyl , wooden f l oori ng, beddi ng, 3 pi ece sui t es, bedroom & di ni ng set s Barrack St Bel mul l et 097 81084 jmancon@hot mai l .com
Cacai Al ai nn www.l ovel ynat ural Weddi ng Cakes, Novel t y Cakes, Bi rt hday Cakes al l made wi t h nat ural i ngredi ent s St ephani e Fal l on 086 852 8681
Cakes By Angel a Cakes for al l Occasi ons Per sonal i sed Cakes
086 402 5521 angel ageraght y57@hot mai l .com www.cakesbyangel a.i e
ERRIS PEST CONTROL Environmental Services
Providing a professional and discreet Pest Control Service to the Erris Area
087 287 4589
Print & Embroidery
T&T Cl ot hi ng
Rural Transport Service Seรกn's Hackney
Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e 086 065 1704
Attawalla, Bangor Erris Now available - Keen rates Tel. 087 2860525
Tel: (087) 7978643 Pharmacy
At McAndrews
Building Services
Main St, Belmullet. Suit Hire for every occasion
Lavel l e's Pharmacy
Bel mul l et 097 81053
Agri cul t ural Consul t ancy Advi ce on al l f armi ng mat t er s GLAS & AEOS Appl i cat i ons M i cheal Prendergast Chapel St Bel mul l et
087 243 5468
K i l l al a 096 32465
086 811 9256
Kieran McDonnel l Const ruct ion Lt d Attycunnane, Belmullet, For all building requirements House / Garage / Sheds Walls Repairs / Renovations Grants / Insurance Work Extensions & Chimneys FREE QUOTE
Bangor Erri s 097 83911 l avel l espharmacy@gmai l .com
Doocey M et al Recycl i ng We buy & col l ect al l t ypes of scrap met al , sk i ps avai l abl e. Bri dge St , Bal l i na
085 129 3864 087 690 5283
DiamondsOf Distinction
097 86805
096 71744
Hair & Beauty
Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer
For Appointment Call 089 447 0859 Main St, Belmullet
Property Valuations - Sales -Auctions For all Your Auctioneering Needs Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee 086 8459414 or 09670854
Ardagh Agri Servi ces M owi ng,Teddi ng, Rak i ng,Bal i ng Agri cul t ural M achi nery
087 236 1611 or 097 20395
096 72803- 087 626 2727 Crossmol i na Rd, Bal l i na
Fitted Kitchens
SYMPHONY KITCHENS Barcastle Retail Park, Castlebar, Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 -18:00 Sat: 10:00 - 17:00
094 90 26100 www.symphonykit inf o@symphonykit We will beat any price on a like for like basis
Jon at h an Sw een ey Carpentry & Construction New Builds Renovations Insurance Work For all your general building requirements 097 84928 0r 086 1972 440
Cont act Us or t o Advert i se Wi t h Us
cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri
Business Directory Doctors
Dr Penzes Church Rd, Bangor Erris 097 83464 Dr Swanick Church Rd, Belmullet 097 82434 Dr Ruane, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156
Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend)
Tyre Services
Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei
Dr Loftus Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848
As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library operate a musical instrument lending service. There is a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or or call into the library.
WestDoc 1850 365 000
Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y. For m or e detail s on th e M u sic Gen er ation l en din g system an d a l ist of in str u m en ts avail abl e con tact Kate on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m or cal l in to th e Libr ar y.
Dr, Emer Walshe
BALLINA 096 21888 CROSSMOLINA 096 31966
Home Improvements
Shevl i ns
Erri s Home I mprovement s Carpet s & Rugs Wooden Fl oor s Fl oor Ti l es & Wal l Ti l es 097 20802 087 2427388 Barrack St , Bel mul l et
Take Away
M i chael G Bohan & Co Sol i ci t or s No 6 Church St , Bel mul l et No 7 Teel i ng St , Bal l i na 096 78000/ 79699 emai l bohanl aw@ei
Bourke Carri gg & Lof t us Sol i ci t or s Rear of Lavel l es Pharmacy Bel mul l et 096 21455/ 086 028 6000 marc@bcl l aw.i e Gi l varry Sol i ci t or s & Associ at es
Empl oyment Law, Li t egt i on Probat e, Commerci al Law Uni t 9 M oneen Ret ai l Park Cast l ebar 0949023366 i nfo@gi l varrysol i ci t or s.i e
KM DOOCEY SOLICITORS American. Street Belmullet County Mayo Open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm 097 81014 / 086 315 9485
Financial & Insurance
M &C Fi nanci al Servi ces I nsurance, Pensi ons, I nvest ment s
Speci al of fer s on Li fe Cover & al l your i nsurance needs
Established 1882. Beside Tim Quinn?s office American Street, Belmullet
094 902 0677
Main St, Belmullet, Co Mayo.
Cleaning Services
Home Insulation
096 21122/ 21424 Wills, Litigation, Commercial Law, Title to land, Purchases, Sales & Farm Settlements.
Stone & Paving
Paving Centre
Ballina, Paving Sealers/Cleaners, All types of paving, Chippings, Ornaments, Wall Cladding 096 78609 - 086 2622199 Property Abroad
M ayo Wi ndow Cl eani ng Servi ce Domest i c, Commerci al & I ndust ri al
086 2220099
i nfo@mayowwi ndowcl eani ng.i e www.mayowi ndowcl eani ng.i e
Tom Tighe
Diamond Properties Algarve
From Mayo to Faro Property Sale, Rental & Management
St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline
085 1305390
+351 289 362 130 +351 919716 846
Cont act Us or t o Advert i se Wi t h Us
cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri