Erris Eye Issue 42

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Ju n e 2015 I ssu e 42 N á h abai r ach beagán , ach abai r go m ai t h é!

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Thady Reil l y wit h Lassie rounding up t he sheep at Carnrock

Keep an Eye on Erris Editor's Note Dear Er r is Eye Reader s, Fรกil te, wel com e to th e Ju n e Er r is Eye. W e h ad a gr eat r espon se to th e M ay issu e with m an y r eader s com m en tin g on th e cover ph oto of W il l ie Joe in Cr ok e Par k . Th is fr on t cover featu r es a wel l k n own l ocal far m er, Th ady Reil l y with h is dog Lassie r ou n din g u p th e sh eep in Car n r ock . If you h ave a ph oto th at you wou l d l ik e to see in th e Er r is Eye pl ease sen d it to u s at th e Squ ar e, Bel m u l l et or to in fo@ er r . Th e aim of th e Er r is Eye is to br in g togeth er al l th in gs Er r is. Com m u n ity is th e l ife bl ood of ar eas l ik e ou r s an d it is eviden t th er e is a weal th of com m u n ity activity h er e in Er r is. Th e Er r is Eye is a pl atfor m for com m u n ity gr ou ps to u se, a way to pr om ote you r activities an d to pu bl icise you r even ts. It's fr ee for an y com m u n ity gr ou p, ch ar ities, sch ool s, spor ts cl u bs to u se so pl ease add u s to you r m ail in g l ist. Again , th e m agazin e is pr ovin g popu l ar with bu sin esses in an d ar ou n d th e Er r is ar ea, with m an y adver tiser s in dicatin g good r esu l ts fr om ads. You r su ppor t of th e Er r is Eye is m u ch appr eciated. W e h ope you en joy th e Ju n e issu e. Rem em ber to k eep sen din g you r n otes an d ph otos, com m en ts an d r ecom m en dation s to in fo@ er r . Deadl in e for each issu e is th e 15th of th e m on th , for distr ibu tion on e week l ater. Ch eck ou t th e on l in e ver sion at r . W e wor k fr om T&T on th e Squ ar e, Bel m u l l et, 086 0651704. Sl รกn go fรณil l .

yeTeam Er r i s E

Memorial Cards Available in Belmullet

T&T The Square, Belmullet 086 069 5441

Call & Collect your order 097 82889

Erris Mass Times

Kil m or e Ou r Lady of Lou r des ch u r ch Au gh l eam ; Su n day 9.45am / week days 10.00am St. Joseph 's Ch u r ch Bin gh am stown ; Su n day 11.00am / week days 10.00am St. Br en dan 's Ch u r ch Tir r an e; Satu r day Vigil 6.30pm / week days 10.00am Ch u r ch of th e H ol y Fam il y Car n e; Su n day 12.00n oon / week days 10.00am Ou r Lady of Dol ou r s ch u r ch Sh an ah ee; Satu r day Vigil 8.00pm . Par ish Office 097 82350. Fr Joh n Loftu s 097 82350. Fr Kevin H egar ty 097 81011 Bel m u l l et Ch u r ch of th e Sacr ed H ear t, Bel m u l l et Su n day 10.30am , M on day 8.00pm , Tu esday to Fr iday 9.30am , Satu r day Vigil 8.00pm Ch u r ch of Ou r Lady of Lou r des, Gl en castl e Su n day 12.00 n oon , W edn esday an d Satu r day 10.15am Fr. M ich ael Reil l y P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Par ish Office, Ch apel Str eet, Bel m u l l et, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-m ail bel m u l l etpar ish @ gm ail .com Kil com m on Bal l ycr oy Su n day 11am Satu r day 8pm Au gh oose Su n day M ass 12n oon In isbiggl e Isl an d 2pm Satu r day weath er In ver Satu r day Vigil 8pm per m ittin g, r equ ested by fam il il es (ever y 2 Cor n boy Su n day M ass 10.30am ? 3 week s) Fr. Ch r is Gin n el l y, Par och ial Car r owtigu e Satu r day Vigil 6.30pm H ou se 098 49134 Par ish office Au gh oose 097 87701. Fr Joseph Kil tan e Geesal a & Dooh om a al ter n ates H ogan 086 734860. Su n day 11am & Satu r day 7pm W in ter, 8pm k il com m on par ish @ eir com .n et Su m m er Ban gor 12.15pm Su n day

Kevin Kennedy Mot or s Belmullet 097 82082

Ballina 096 70777

New & Used Car Sal es - Ser vice - Repair s - Recover y

Hundreds of Quality Used Vehicles in Stock 2013 Audi A6 2.0 TDI S

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Trade Ins Welcome & Finance Arranged KENNEDY MOTORS BINGHAMSTOWN BELMULLET CO. MAYO Kevin 086 2425790 3- Erri s Eye


Ciaran 086 8870776

Keep an Eye on Business

Keep an Eye on Your Community

%5- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on What's On

Feachtas Gnóthaí as Gaeilge to begin in Erris this May. Bí linn. Beatha teanga í a labhairt ? a language lives by being spoken. With this in mind, albeit with a modern twist, Feachtas ?Gnóthaí as Gaeilge?is to be launched in Erris this May. Tá deis againn anois to build on the enormous success and experience of Oscail do Bhéal, nuair a d?éirigh linn tús iontach a chur le hathbheochan na Gaeilge sa cheantar. Tá muid ag leanúint ar aghaidh leis an smaoineamh céanna - Oscail do Bhéal (. i. úsáid do chuid Gaeilge), ach an uair seo beidh an fócas ar chomhrá Gaeilge in eagraíochtaí éagsúla. Over the coming weeks, participating businesses and organisations in Erris will be busy preparing short but fun filled voice recordings as Gaeilge. Their brief is to make a short spraíúil taifead as Gaeilge which is unique to their business and based on gnáthchomhrá Gaeilge ? almost like an advertisment as Gaeilge ? so that customers and muintir na háite will have a better idea of how to déan their gnóthaí as Gaeilge san eagraíocht sin. The aim is to have some fun leis an gcomhrá Gaeilge, maybe pick up some Gaeilge along the way, have a chuckle at the intended jokes and even déan do ghnóthaí féin as Gaeilge the next time that you visit that place. Tá an Ghaeilge beo beathach in Erris ach ba mhaith linn a léiriú níos soiléire go bhfuil fáilte mhór roimh an nGaeilge sa cheantar, an dea-scéal a scaipeadh that there are plenty of chances to oscail do bhéal and also chun aitheantas and well deserved publicity a fháil for participating businesses and organisations on local and social media. If you or your organisation would like to get involved, please get in touch with us, cuirfear fáilte is fiche romhat. New recordings will be uploaded to Ionad Deirbhile?s Facebook page each week. So keep an eye out on our page for regular updates. The top 5 recordings as Gaeilge which get the most ?likes and shares?on Facebook will be played on the Tommy Marren radio show. So go on, give Gaeilge a go. Má labhraíonn muid an Ghaeilge, mairfidh sí. For more information on this campaign, our upcoming comhrá classes, our lón Gaeilge uair sa mhí, keep an eye on our Facebook page at Ionad Deirbhile or our webpage Tuilleadh eolais Órla: labhair. linn. 097-85727

Belmullet unislim class has a little bit of glamour added to it when 8 of the members (including myself the leader) modelled at a recent fashion show for charity! The event was in aid of Erris Chernobyl children's project arranged by Tisha Gallagher. With a total of 24st lost so far between the 8 the results were only fabulous with lots of glamour on show!

St. Brendan's College U-15 Golf team who participated in the 2015 Connacht School's Championships at Castlebar Golf Club recently. Seán Lavelle, Ronan Barrett, David Gaughan. Mr.O Carroll.

%7- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Erris Business


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Three Mobile Store



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BRI DGE STREET 8- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on What's On ?Art in the Afternoon? Exhibition Launch for Bealtaine Congratulations to all the participants of the ?Art in the Afternoon? programme which runs throughout the winter months at Áras Inis Gluaire. The wonderful exhibition of their work is now on display until the end of May and is well worth a viewing. Call in and have a look around the gallery when you are passing. (Pictured are some of the artists with Joe Murray - Facilitator, Joe Daly ? Artist, who officially opened the Exhibition & Lorraine Wilson, Coordinator of the programme.) The Erris Care & Repair Service Spring and Summer are our busiest times of the year and we try very hard to get through all the Job Requests as they come in. Please remember that the people carrying out these jobs are volunteers and are giving their time and commitment to this community service for free. Occasionally, there may be a delay in getting jobs done due to the time and resources that are available to us. However, we endeavour to get to everybody that has asked for help so please be patient. The weather has not been kind to us for most of May but hopefully the sun will begin to shine soon! We work under the guidelines and policies of Age Action Ireland in delivering this very valuable service to the older people of Erris and each year the service becomes more popular. Volunteers are now urgently needed to join the Erris Care & Repair Service team. You should have a positive, caring attitude, a little spare time on your hands and a willingness to help older people in your community with small tasks around the home and garden. We need people with a reasonable level of DIY skills and an interest in helping older people. The time commitment is not large: on average we would hope that you could carry out one to two jobs in a week with each job being approximately two hours. If you are interested and would like further information, please contact Lorraine, Community Officer at Áras Inis Gluaire on 097 81079. Erris Care & Repair Service - Appeal for volunteers Volunteers are urgently needed to join the Erris Care & Repair Service team. You should have a positive, caring attitude, a little spare time on your hands and a willingness to help older people in your community with small tasks around the home and garden. We need people with a reasonable level of DIY skills and an interest in helping older people. The time commitment is not large: on average we would hope that you could carry out one to two jobs in a week with each job being approximately two hours. We hold a Community Partnership with Age Action Ireland and we adhere to their strict guidelines and policies in working with older people. All our volunteers are Garda Vetted. This is our third year in operation and the service is in huge demand across all parishes in Erris. Spring and summer are our busiest months. If you feel that you would be interested in joining our team, please contact Lorraine, Community Officer, at Áras Inis Gluaire on 097 81079 for further information.

%9- Erri s Eye

*Terms & conditions apply to all loans

Keep an Eye on Business

LCVP students from Our Lady's Secondary School, Belmullet. They raised ?1000 for the Roisin Ransey Fund by taking part in the Moygownagh Mud Run. Included in the photo is their teacher Ms Tighe

Trip t o Bl oom Phoenix Park, Dublin Baile Slachtmhar BhĂŠal an Mhuirthead / Belmullet Tidy Towns will be going to Bloom on Sunday 31 May. Ticket price ?40.00. This includes Bus, Entry to Bloom, Breakfast in Feericks en route. Pick up at Belmullet Civic centre, Full Shilling Glencastle, Brogans Eurospar Bangor Erris. Places are limited Contact Karen on 097 20977or call at our office.

Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri

Get your di gi t al Ver si on

FREE 10- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Services Meal s-on-Wheel s, Geesal a


Del ivering in t he parishes of Kil t ane, Bel mul l et & Kil more. Our meal s are f reshl y prepared dail y, in our premises in Geesal a. Al l diet ary needs are cat ered f or, shoul d you or someone you know be int erest ed in receiving meal s l ong t erm or short t erm Pl ease cont act 097 86868. We al so provide a Communit y Laundry Service t hat is open t o al l members of t he publ ic *New del ivery & col l ect ion now avail abl e*

Pl ease cal l 097 86781 f or f urt her Inf ormat ion.

Al l t he Lat est Erri s News www.erri NEW W EBSI TE

Amy McWilliams of Golden Gloves Boxing Club Belmullet who won her boxing final (31kg Girl 1) at the National Girl Championships on Saturday 9th May in the National Stadium, Dublin, beating Andrea Leer of Castleblaney Boxing Club, Co. Monaghan, making her 2015 All Ireland champion. Amy made her confirmation at 6pm in Tirrane church the evening before with her classmates from Corclough National School. After the ceremony there was a quick wardrobe change, and it was off to Dublin for the contest. Well done to Amy and her coaches at Golden Gloves, John Gibbons, Martin McIntyre, Paddy Joe Gibbons and Michelle Lynch.

%11- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Services Chicken Curry In a hurry

Belmullet Unislim class has a little bit of glamour added to it when 8 of the members (including myself the leader) modelled at a recent fashion show for charity. The event was in aid of Erris Chernobyl Children's project arranged by Tisha Gallagher. With a total of 24st lost so far between the 8 the results were only fabulous with lots of glamour on show! Summer for some people can be a hard time to lose weight. Kids are on holidays and the weather can be quite warm which means not eating much during the day but being absolutely starving come the evening! It can take some preparation but it is very possible to still lose weight despite any distractions. This is where coming to class and getting support comes into play. Remember UniSlim is no diet. It's making lifestyle changes! Contact Maureen for more details.

086 3132340

FC + 0.5 Yums per serving. Add the low cal spray into a non stick pan and heat over medium heat. Add in the finely chopped onions. Cook and allow to soften. Throw in the clove of crushed garlic, 4 diced chicken breasts, 2 tbsp of curry paste, 1/ 2 the tin of chopped tomatoes, frozen spinach and lastly the chicken stock. Let cook for approximately 15-20 minutes and add more stock if needs be. Meanwhile, boil the Basmati rice in a saucepan. Serve the chicken curry with a 1/ 4 plate of Basmati rice.

Low cal spray - 1 Finely chopped onion - Clove of garlic - 4 Chicken Breasts - 2 tbsp Curry Paste - 1/ 2 a tin Tin of chopped tomatoes Frozen spinach - 3/ 4 of a cup Chicken Stock - 1/ 4 of a plate Basmati rice

Marquee Solutions hire marquees for Weddings, family functions, christenings, agricultural shows, birthdays and anything needing temporary covering in the Mayo area and beyond. They also provide for all associated services including furniture hire, luxury loos, caterer recommendations and aux entertainment so all areas of your events can be looked after! Based in Ballina Co Mayo, Marquee Solutions have been in business since 2006. With changes in legislation Marquee Solutions are having more and more requests for marquees to be erected on private lands to accommodate wedding ceremonies and receptions. Contact Michael or Philip from Marquee Solutions if you are thinking of planning a wedding at home or indeed they have a wide variety of structures suitable for all kind of events. Luxury Toilets are also provided by Marquee Solutions as a stand alone or as part of a package. Wedding marquees can be set up in a dance/ dinner setting, sitting anything from 40 people to 250 people, or alternatively in a bar setting ? YOU DECIDE! Speak with one of the team at Marquee Solutions to see what they can do for you. Email or call 086 850 9595 to discuss requirements and arrange a site visit. All the info you need is on their website or check them out on facebook!

%12- Erri s Eye

American Street Belmullet


Keep an Eye on Erris

Mayo Day was celebrated with 1A Maths Class from Our Lady's Secondary School on 1st May. All students had to pick a famous Mayo person and base their research on those people and do a presentation (but we are fortunate enough to have Ciara Ginty, Ronan Murray and Henry Coyle some of our past and present students picked) Students had to have all red and green on display and great efforts were made. Absent from picture from 1A are: Maisie, Rory, Patrick G, Aoibhe, Emma and Finian.


Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri Get your di gi t al Ver si on

FREE %14- Erri s Eye

We get 50 0 plus r ea ds of our m a ga zi ne onli ne ever y m ont h, r ea ch your cust om er s for only ? 50 per yea r

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Keep an Eye on Business

SALE EVERY TUESDAY OF BULLOCKS, HEIFERS, COWS, Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock onSPRINGERS, Tuesday


Yard opensat 7.30am ?Sel l er pl easenot e- Import ant t hat al l st ock BOOKEDisin t heyard by 9.30or noguarant eeof bookingnumber. Want t o wat cht hesal el iveor buy st ock onl ine?seeour websit e www.mayosl igomart .ie f or det ail s.

%15- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Erris Community Erris Children of Chernobyl Group hosted a "Style in the Afternoon " event in the beautiful Boutique Talbot Hotel on Sunday the 3rd of May. The afternoon began at 3pm with a wine reception followed by local businesses showcasing their wonderful products. These included handmade jewellery by Joe, Cakes by Angela, Natural Cakes by Stephanie, Unislim by Maureen, Aloe Vera by Cathryn, Oriflame by Patricia, Mariko Sparkling green tea by Christine, Cosmetics by Annie and hair by Lisa. Karla Shevlin photography was also in attendance with her photo booth which was great fun. This followed by homemade scones provided by Stephanie and a cuppa. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Rita Mylette from Atir Shapewear. Having worked for many years with a multinational company and carrying an obsession for fashion and designing from an early age, Rita Mylett began her career in the fashion business having studied Fashion Design and Styling 7 years ago. She then worked in the styling industry for 2 years. This invaluable experience gained from working in the styling industry inspired Rita to fulfill her lifelong dream and so she launched her eponymous line, ATIR SHAPERZ. When Rita is designing, she is inspired by shape, curves, and angles. Every design focuses on flattering a real woman's body. Her technical knowledge of a garment?s proper fit and design, combined with her innate creative abilities, results in an effortless and wearable line that reflect the kind of woman she believes every woman should be: strong, fearless and driven. Atir Shapewear is now stocked in 125 boutiques throughout Ireland and has been introduced to the French and English markets. Rita's presentation was amazing and was received with great enthusiasim. The afternoon concluded with a fashion show modelled by 8 members of the Belmullet Unislim class who between them have lost an amazing 24 stone weight. Those models were Carmel Gaughan, Lorraine Keane, Bernadette Clarke, Sandra Granahan, Eilis Leneghan, Maureen Gallagher class leader, Mary Keenaghan and Bernie Dunne. The shops who took part in the fashion show were Ellie's Belmullet, Mary H Killala, Dunnes stores Ballina , Penneys Ballina, Gerard's Castlebar and Pamela Scott Castlebar and Specsavers Castlebar. Thank you to Grace and her team at Beautified for make-up on the day and to the girls from Sheer Elegance for providing the hairstyles. Best Dressed Lady on the day was Mary Reilly from Mullaghroe who received a beautiful cosmetics hamper sponsored by Stephen Padden from Cois Cuain Restaurant and Takeaway and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The committee would like to thank the management and staff of the Talbot Hotel for all their help and assistance and for providing us with the premises and the teas and coffees. They would like to extend a huge thank you to our main sponsors for the event, Lennon Quarries, Henry Gaughan transport, Barretts quarries Bangor Erris, Belcross Ltd. Also to the businesses of Erris who donated raffle prizes for our raffle on the day. These included hampers , vouchers , gifts etc. On the day Belmullet was delighted to welcome Vika Laboda who was here from The Gomel region of Belarus. Vika has spent the past 3 months in rehab in The NRC in Dun Laoghaire receiving rehabilitation and returned home to Belarus on May the 16th. Vika was overwhelmed by the welcome she received by the people of Belmullet and has personally asked to thank each and everyone of the public who welcomed her. She even tried the crabs claws afterwards in the Talbot restaurant with her new friends Karla and Christine and that was a great experience.Following numerous requests the committee hope to run a similar event in December with lots of fashion for the Christmas season. The Erris Children of Chernobyl Group will welcome 12 children and an interpreter to Erris on the 19th of July for 3 weeks for a rest and recuperation holiday. These children are living in appalling conditions often with no water or sanitary condition. While in Erris they are hosted totally voluntarily by local families who the committee are very grateful to. While here they receive medical and eye examinations and are provided with glasses if needed free of charge by Specsavers Castlebar. The committee also send badly needed aid to homes, institutions and hospitals in Belarus annually. We are at present collecting aid which will be driven to Belarus in September. On Saturday the 25th of July a truck will collect this aid from Belmullet. 100% of monies raised is spent on our projects in Belarus. Your continued support of our work is very much appreciated. Please feel free to contact Tisha 086-1735329 for any information .

Vika Laboda with new friends Karla Shevlin & Christine Mcgrath.

Best Dressed lady Mary Reilly with daughter Katelin and event organisers TishaGallagher& Sarah Turner Oaradise.

Vika Laboda & Tisha using photo booth provided by Karla Shevlin Photography

Tel:094 9256421 Fax: 094 925 6672 Swinford Rd, Foxford, Co Mayo.

Foxford Co. Mayo

Sixth Class Pupils from Aughalasheen N.S. were lending a hand at the launch of the Broadhaven 10K run, jog or walk in conjunction with Shanahee Community Council which will take place on Saturday 13th June at 1.00pm starting at Aughalasheen N.S. You can register on the day or online registration is now open using this link: http:/ / event-reg/ select-race?e=17748651

%16- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Environment

%16- Erri s Eye

%19- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Community The Irish Wheelchair Association Belmullet wish to extend our sincere thanks to Linda Conway and her team for choosing IWA to be one of the charities to benefit from this year?s Belmullet Rose . Linda recently handed over a cheque of ?1,000 to the IWA Belmullet, which was part proceeds of the wonderful night. We are so grateful for the support of people like Linda and we wish her all the best in future fundraising events. We also wish to thank all who joined us for our sponsored walk on the 3rd of May at the Cross Loop, we hope you all enjoyed the magnificent scenery at Cross and we wish to thank the wonderful committee who created this walk and thank them for their support also. The IWA are planning a car boot sale and ask the for donations of bric a brac, and pre loved clothes. Donations can be dropped off at the IWA centre Logmore. Above: representing the IWA, Alannah Lavelle, Shanaghee. Pictured on the night, with Rosaleen Lally and her Mum Majella. Below :The Roses and escorts.


?No ch ar ges ?No docu m en t fees ?Fl exibl e r epaym en t ter m s ?Fr ee l oan pr otection ?No u p-fr on t ch ar ges ?No advan ced paym en ts r equ ir ed ?No pen al ty in ter est for ear l y settl em en ts U p p e r Ba r r a c k S t r e e t , Be lm ulle t , Co Ma y o.

Te l: 0 9 7 8 2 3 8 8 %20- Erri s Eye

Keep an Eye on Business

%21- Erri s Eye

Business Directory Arts & Entertainment

Aras I ni s Gl uai re Bel mul l et Exhi bi t i ons & Ent ert ai nment 097 81079 www.arasi ni sgl uai re.i e

Home Heating

J&E Hughes Oi l Heat i ng oi l , Road & agri di esel , pet rol , l ubri cant s, t ank s Dai l y Del i veri es

Accountancy Services

M angans Furni t ure

Cake & bakery Speci al i st s Bri dge Rd Bel mul l et 097 81082

Carpet s, vi nyl , wooden f l oori ng, beddi ng, 3 pi ece sui t es, bedroom & di ni ng set s Barrack St Bel mul l et 097 81084 jmancon@hot mai l .com

Sharkey & Co Account ant s

Cacai Al ai nn


Book k eepin g & Accou n ts Payr ol l & Vat - Sol e Tr ader Accou n ts Tax Retu r n s - Far m Accou n ts Lim ited Com pan y Accounts The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo

www.l ovel ynat ural Weddi ng Cakes, Novel t y Cakes, Bi rt hday Cakes al l made wi t h nat ural i ngredi ent s St ephani e Fal l on 086 852 8681

Chart ered & Cert i f i ed Account ant s Regi st ered Audi t or s Quay St , Bel mul l et , Co M ayo Bel mul l et 097 81507 Bal l i na 096 79780 Fax 097 81744

Tel: (087) 7978643 Pharmacy

Lavel l es Pharmacy

M cGrat h Sk i p Hi re Need t o cl ean out t hat At t i c or Garage? Sk i p hi re i s t he answer Turl ough Cast l ebar

094 90 31609 Fusi on I nsul at i on St op t he col d t hi s wi nt er M ayo's Spray Foam Expert s Erri s based cal l for quot at i on 1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.f usi oni nsul at i

Bel mul l et 097 81053 K i l l al a 096 32465 Bangor Erri s 097 83911 l avel l espharmacy@gmai l .com


Doocey M et al Recycl i ng We buy & col l ect al l t ypes of scrap met al , sk i ps avai l abl e. 085 129 3864 087 690 5283 097 86805

Wal t er M oran I nsul at i on

Cleaning Services

Cakes By Angel a Cakes for al l Occasi ons Per sonal i sed Cakes

086 402 5521 angel ageraght y57@hot mai l .com www.cakesbyangel a.i e

Ji mmy Donoghue Hack ney

Pri nt & Embroi dery Speci al i st s The Square Bel mul l et sal es@t t cl ot hi ng.i e www.t t cl ot hi ng.i e 086 065 1704


Ardagh Agri Servi ces

Crossmol i na Rd, Bal l i na


* Trial Holes * Infrastructure Development * Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land Reclamation * Bulk Earthworks * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Effluent Treatment Systems * All Ancillary Site Works

+353 (0)87 1035 227

J.P.Caf ferkey & Son 097 83028 086 319 4368

T&T Cl ot hi ng

096 72803- 087 626 2727

O'Raghal l aigh Agricul t ural , Const ruct ion & Civil Engineering

Tarmacadam Dri veways, Car Park s, Farm Roads Bl ock Pavi ng K erbs Suppl i ed & Lai d No Job t oo Bi g or Smal l 15 Year s Experi ence For Free Quot e Cal l


Agri cul t ural M achi nery

Construction & Civil

Er r i s Gr ou p Sp eci al i st s

Print & Embroidery

M owi ng,Teddi ng, Rak i ng,Bal i ng

At t i c & Wal l I nsul at i on Grant Ai d I nfo 15 year s experi ence 087 6297979 0949038681 www.wmi i nsul at i on.i e

Erris Directory & Diary on sale now at T&T Clothing, The Square, Belmullet and other outlets.


O'Donoghues Bakery

Thomas M cHugh & Co

Denni s on 086 264 4600


Cake Specialists

Agri cul t ural Consul t ancy Advi ce on al l f armi ng mat t er s GLAS & AEOS Appl i cat i ons M i cheal Prendergast Chapel St Bel mul l et

Tal l agh Road, Bel mul l et 8 & 14 Seat er M i ni Bus

086 315 2051 Fitted Kitchens

SYMPHONY KITCHENS Barcastle Retail Park, Castlebar, Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 -18:00 Sat: 10:00 - 17:00

094 90 26100 www.symphonykit inf o@symphonykit We will beat any price on a like for like basis

086 811 9256

Auctioneers Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer Property Valuations - Sales -Auctions For all Your Auctioneering Needs Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee 086 8459414 or 09670854

Erris Tour Trip - we are off to Kilkenny on Monday 29th June and returning on Thursday 2nd July. Cost is ?190 per person sharing and ?225 single. ?50 deposit non-refundable. Contact Mary 087 9232327, Carmel 086 8488266, Peggy 086 1019169.

Vi si t Us Onl i ne www.erri Get your di gi t al Ver si on

FREE ADVERTISE ON OUR W EBSITE W W W .ERRISEYE.COM W e get 500 pl u s r eads of ou r m agazin e on l in e ever y m on th , r each you r cu stom er s for on l y ? 50 per year 086 065 1704

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@erri

Business Directory Doctors Dr J V Flynn Church Rd, Bangor Erris 097 83486 Dr Swanick, Church Road, Belmullet 097 82434 Dr Molloy, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156 Dr Hussain, Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848 WestDoc 1850 365 000

NOTICES Erris Sunday Mont hl y Market In Áras Inis Gluaire Tables supplied - Tea and coffee available LIVE MUSIC Sunday 24th May & 21st June 12- 4pm Fashion, gourmet foods, jewellery, handmade chocolates, nail design, The Olde Sweet Shop

NOTICES Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome. Opening hours are : Tuesday 12noon til 7pm Friday 11am til 4pm Saturday 11am til 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend) As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library will operate a musical instrument lending service in 2015.There will be a wide range of musical instruments available. If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on 097 82555 or or call into the library.

Car Sales & Service


M i chael Conroy M ot or s

Rory Qui nn Jewel l er s

New & used car and van sal es & servi ce NCT Prep & Val et i ng 24hr Recovery Servi ce

085 778 5268 Wal shes Garage Sal es & Servi ci ng of al l makes Acci dent & Breakdown Recovery NCT Prep Body Shop Repai r s 24hr Recovery Servi ce Chapel St reet , Bel mul l et 097 82260 / 087 224 6176

Breaf fy Road Cast l ebar Co.M ayo 094 902 3531 t oghert yres@ei

Ch il dr en ?s book cl u b As part of Féile Clann Lir, Bel mul l et Library will be having a 089 480 8507 storytelling folklore adventure with Colm de Bháldraite. Why not bring the children along for a mythical afternoon of Ceol, Craic agus Spraoí. 12.30 Sat urday 23rd May All welcome No admission fee The weekly Tidy Towns group clean-up will now take place every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., meeting at the Bank of Ireland on the square. Please try and come along! We'll be doing litter picking and pulling up unwanted weeds, so bring along a spade or hoe if you have one, and a friend or two! Also Friday evening at 7pm we're meeting at Belmullet National School to the docks area to do a 'Cleaner Coast' tidy up so if ye can come along and help in any way that would be great. Keep Belmullet beautiful! You are cordially invited to an open public Forum Hosted by: Deliberative Democracy Mayo At: Irish Wheelchair Association, Logmore, Belmullet. On: Monday 25th of May at 7-30pm -9-30pm Topic: Social Inclusion Deliberative Democracy Mayo is an educational initiative led by Tóchar Valley Rural Community Network in collaboration with Kettering Foundation, Ohio. Refreshments will be served, so please come along and share you views on this important topic.

If you r ch il d is a k een r eader an d wou l d l ik e to join a ch il dr en ?s book cl u b (age 8 to 11) pl ease con tact Kate in Bel m u l l et Libr ar y on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m for m or e detail s. Bel m u l l et Libr ar y is du e to l au n ch a l en din g system for M u sical in str u m en ts. Th is is a fan tastic oppor tu n ity for Ch il dr en to h ave access to a wide r an ge of n ew m u sical in str u m en ts. If you ar e in ter ested in l ear n in g to pl ay or teach in g m u sic pl ease con tact Bel m u l l et Libr ar y. For m or e detail s on th e M u sic Gen er ation l en din g system an d a l ist of in str u m en ts avail abl e con tact Kate on 097 82555 or k h eal y@ m or cal l in to th e Libr ar y.

St Vincent de Paul Confidential Helpline 085 1305390



Financial & Insurance


096 71744 Engagement ri ngs Weddi ng bands Wat ches, gi f t s & much more


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Empl oyment Law, Li t egt i on Probat e, Commerci al Law Uni t 9 M oneen Ret ai l Park Cast l ebar 0949023366 i nfo@gi l varrysol i ci t or s.i e


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Take Away

Bíonn caora dhubh ar an tréad is gile. There tends to be a black sheep even in the whitest flock.

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