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Giving Back
This is why I give back to TTF
Board Members
— Maria Kiernan, TTF Board member
TTF is proud of our 15 dedicated members of our Board of Directors and ten enthusiastic Board Advisors! Members are responsible for governance, making sure we have adequate resources and serving as Ambassadors for our mission across our watershed. Both Maria Kiernan and Luanda Morris have served on our Board since 2016. Maria and her family generously support our work. She is a Streamkeeper on the Policy & Planning Committee and serves as a hands-on volunteer. Luanda Morris has also served as a Board Director since 2016. She and her husband and two daughters have participated in Tacony Creek Park events like the Healthy Trails 5K, Fitness Walks, and the Tacony Creek Park Keepers for many years. This year, Luanda was instrumental in the establishment of a TTF Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee which includes Board Directors, Advisors, and staff.
— Luanda Morris, TTF Board member
We are grateful that we have increased the number of Sustainers this past year. These dedicated contributors support us with monthly donations that provide a consistent source of income for us year-round.
— Phaedra, TTF Sustainer
Partner Alliance member
Our Partner Alliance is made up of businesses that support the financial health of our programs. AECOM is a new Partner Alliance member and has increased their level of engagement! AECOM staff volunteered at numerous clean-ups and ran in our Tacony Creek Park Healthy Trails 5k. They have reached out to us to learn more about our projects and how they can help. We appreciate their retweets and likes of our social media posts, too!
— Nicole Brown, AECOM
Board of Directors and Advisors
Rosanne Mistretta, President
Director of Experiential Learning, Abington Friends School
Joanne Dahme, Vice President, Philadelphia
General Manager, Public Affairs, Philadelphia Water Department
Bryan Havir, P.P., AICP, Vice President, Montgomery County
Township Manager, Cheltenham Township
Edward Furman, Treasurer
Partner, Maillie
Susan Myerov, AICP, Secretary
Member, Abington Township Environmental Advisory Council & Senior Program Director, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Maria Kiernan, At Large
Board of Directors
AeLin Compton
Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
Michael Connor, PE, LEED AP BD + C
Lissette Goya
Nate Johnson
Roofmeadow Services, Inc.
Luanda Morris
Urban Affairs Coalition
Matt Pappajohn
Pappajohn Woodworking
Elizabeth Rosario
Health Promotion Council
Marilyn Torres
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Donna Wray
Marketing Consultant
Board of Advisors
Laura Craig, PhD., Co-Chair
American Rivers
Stefanie Kroll, PhD., Co-Chair
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Glen Abrams
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
Susan Harris
Cerulean, LLC
Gerald Kaufman
Christopher Kircher
Metcalfe Architecture & Design, LLC
Ken Kolodziej
Jon Lesher
Montgomery County Planning Commission
Lara Roman, PhD
U. S. Forest Service
Patrick Starr
Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Robert Thomas, AIA
Philadelphia Parks Alliance & Campbell Thomas & Co. Architects
Michael Thompson
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
Donors and Partners
Individuals and Businesses
Paul Albergo / Leigh and Carol Altadonna / Anita’s Guacamole / Anonymous / AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals / David Bell / Birchtree Catering / Judith Bishop / Carol Brandt / Bernard Brown / Greta Bunin / David Burke / Susan Byer / Lois and Mark Cardillo / Pete Carter / Chick-fil-A Aramingo / Virginia Christensen / Sarah Clark Stuart / Robert Collings / AeLin Compton / Michael Connor / Richard Conroy and Marlene Morano / Herb and Barbara Cooper / Eileen Cooper / Laura Craig and Michael Cloud / Joanne Dahme / Mary Grace DiGirolamo / Vincent DiGirolamo / Lisa Donahue / Mark Dougherty / Alysse Einbender / Robin Eisman / Dr. Julius and Elaine Ellison / Janet Everly / William Ewing / Jen and Rob Eyre / Katherine Falso / Anne Fields / Matthew Fritch / Ed Furman / Kevin Gallagher / Howard and Susan Gallop / Sharon Garfield / Brian Giniewski / Marla Gold / Good Spoon Soupery / Great Circle Communications, LLC / Ed Grusheski / Linda Grutzmacher / Elizabeth Haegele / Kimberly Hamm / Mary and William Hangley / Marc and Susan Harris / Gerald Hathaway / Bryan Havir / Bonita and Jim Hay / Brenda Hayes / Judy and Steven Heath / Mark Heere / Tammie Heineman / Helen’s Pure Foods / Jeffrey Henstenburg / Hans Hesselein / Stephen and Erica Heverin / High Point Catering / Catherine Hirsch / John and Ruthanne Hoover / Donna Hunt /Elisabeth Hurley / Adam Hymans / Milta and Robin Irizarry / Irizarry Woodcraft / John Jensen / Mary Jimenez / Nathaniel Johnson / Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. / Tim Johnston / Maria Kiernan and Salvatore Rotella, Jr. / Ken Kolodziej / Tyler Krechmer / Em Kullman / Pete LaVerghetta / Gregory Lech/ Jon Lesher / Donna Levin / Ells Lotozo / John McCabe / Stephen and Deborah McCarter / Connie McGeorge / Kimberly Mehler / Alan Metcalfe / Michele Miano / Stephanie and Christopher Miano / Jeff and Karen Miller Mignone / Rosanne Mistretta and Steve Miano / Luanda Morris / Sandra Mraz / Nora Mullen / Dan Muroff / Susan and Benjamin Myerov / Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company / Lynn Nicholson / Daniel Norris / Original 13 Ciderworks / Deborra Pancoe / Matt Pappajohn and Catherine Recker / Linda Pascale / Constance Perry / Lauren Perry-Holland / Philadelphia Brewing Company / Philadelphia Distilling / Philadelphia Insurance Companies / Suzanne and Jeremy Pitcairn / Deborah Pizzi / Anna Post / Steven Raulfs / Phylicia Reyes / Rodman Ritchie/ Rival Bros Coffee Roasters / Louis Rodriguez / Elizabeth Rosario / Kim and Bob Rose / Lorna and Murray Rosenberg / Carmella and Al Sames / Jeffrey and Mary Satterthwaite / Joan Saverino / Aaron Segall / Martin Selzer / Elaine Shanahan / ShopRite of Bridge & Harbison / Teri Simon Walters / Julie Slavet and John Walber / John Sorrentino / Shirley Spirk / Phyllis Stickney / Dr. Neale Stock / Ronald Stoner / Lynn and Bill Thames / The Dovetail Artisans/ Robert Thomas / Phaedra Tinder / Marilyn Torres / Kenneth Warren / Weckerly’s Ice Cream / Caroline West and Jonathan Sprague / Keith Wetzel / JanetWetzel / Peg Wetzel / Whole Foods Market Jenkintown / Sheldon and Betsy Wolf / James Wolf / Donna Wray / Cecile and Jonathan Zorach
Partner Alliance
A.D. Marble & Company / Abington Friends School / AECOM / Aetna Better Health of Pennsylvania / Allegheny Iron & Metal Co, Inc. / Aqua America /Arcadis US Inc. / ArcheWild / Bassman, Adelman & Weiss, PC / Cardone Industries, Inc. / Cedar Run Landscapes, Inc. / Cerulean, LLC / Collins Nursery/ Domenick & Associates Inc. / Gilmore & Associates, Inc. / Globe Dye Works / Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller / I.U.P.A.T. District Council21 / Langan / Liberty Tree & Landscape Maintenance / NativeScapes, LLC / North Creek Nurseries, Inc. / NV5 / Octoraro Native Plant Nursery, Inc. /Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Inc. / PECO / Pennoni / Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc. / Pennsylvania Horticultural Society / Philadelphia Federal Credit Union / Philadelphia Insurance Companies / Portfolio Associates / Primex Garden Center / Promatech Inc. / Riverfront North Partnership/ Roofmeadow Services, Inc. / Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia / Sustainable Choices, LLC / Teamsters Local Union No. 169 / The Communication Solutions Group / University Of Pennsylvania Master of Science in Applied Geosciences / Villanova Center for Resilient Water Systems / Weeds Inc. / Wyncote Audubon Society
Foundations and Government
Abington Township / Cheltenham Township / Corporation for National & Community Service / Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission / Jenkintown Borough / Joseph Robert Foundation / Montgomery County Planning Commission / National Fish and Wildlife Foundation / National Wildlife Federation / Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation / Philadelphia Parks & Recreation / Philadelphia Water Department / Rockledge Borough / Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development / Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection / Philadelphia Committee, Garden Club ofAmerica / Scattergood Foundation / Springfield Township / Spring Point Partners / Stroud Water Research Center / University of Pennsylvania / William Penn Foundation