A Thanksgiving Inter-Faith Service to Celebrate the 52nd Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
"Harmony in Diversity"
Sunday 31st August, 2014 at 2:30 pm St. Peter’s Church, 119 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AL
H.E Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, SC, President of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Order of Service Congregation stands Procession of the National Flag of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago The National Flag is placed in its stand at the altar
Congregation remains standing
Forged from the love of liberty In the fires of hope and prayer With boundless faith in our Destiny We solemnly declare; Side by side we stand, Islands of the blue Caribbean Sea This our Native Land, We pledge our lives to thee Here every creed and race find an equal place, And may God bless our Nation Here every creed and race find an equal place, And may God bless our Nation
Congregation sits
Harmony in Diversity by Fr. Edmund Cargill-Thompson Congregation stands
Led by Dave Marcus We have gathered in his house So let’s concentrate on him and worship him
Worship him, Jesus Christ the Lord Forget about yourself Concentrate on him and worship Christ the Lord Worship him Jesus Christ the Lord. Congregation remains standing
GOSPEL MELODY led by Dave Marcus
Congregation sits
Reading of the Message from H.E. Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, SC, President of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the Occasion of the 52nd Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago by Mrs. Reshma Bissoon-Deokie, Acting High Commissioner, Trinidad and Tobago High Commission, London Congregation stands
HYMN - 'TO GOD BE THE GLORY' To God be the glory, great things he hath done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son. Who yielded His life in atonement for sin, And opened the lifegate that all may go in. Refrain: Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, and give him the glory, great things he hath done.
Great things He hath taught us, Great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing thru Jesus His Son; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see. Refrain
Congregation sits
THE FIRST READING A contribution on behalf of the Muslim Community Excerpt from the Holy Qur’an read by Master Adem Zein Ghany Chapter 2, Verses 21 - 22, Chapter 6, Verse 151, Chapter 17 Verses 15, 23-24 O mankind! Worship your Lord Who has created you and those before you, so you may ward off evil. Who has appointed the earth a resting-place for you, and the sky a canopy; and causes water to pour down from the sky, by it producing fruits as food for you. And do not set up rivals to Allah when you know better. (Ch. 2: 21-22). Say: Come, I will recite to you that which your Lord has made a sacred duty for you. That you ascribe nothing as partner to Him and that you do good to parents, and that you slay not your children because of destitution – We provide for you and for them – and that you draw not near to lewd things whether open or concealed. And that you slay not the life which Allah has made sacred, except in the course of justice. This He has commanded you, in order that you may discern (Ch.6: 151). Whoever does right, it is only for the good of his soul, and whoever
errs, errs only to its detriment. No soul can bear another’s burden. We never punish until We have sent a messenger. Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both attain old age in your lifetime, say not to them a word of disrespect, do not shout at them, but address them in terms of honour and lower to them the wing of submission and mercy. And say, “My Lord! Bestow Your mercy on them as they cherished me and brought me up when I was little”. (Ch.17: 15, 23-24). We have enjoined on man goodness towards both his parents. His mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his utter dependence on her lasted two years. Hence, O Man, be grateful to Me and to your parents and remember that with Me is all journeys’ end. (Ch. 31:14).
Congregation remains seated
MUSICAL ITEM - ‘Sing unto the Lord/Wave your hand’ sung by The B.I.G Choir THE SECOND READING A contribution on behalf of the Hindu Community read by Mrs. Omadaye Sawh 1.
Om Vishvanni deva savitar duritaani paraa-suva Yadbadran tanna aasuva. O Radiant Divinity, Cause of all manifestations in the universe, remove all evils from us, and endow us with all that is noble. Om Hiranyagarbhah samavartataagre bhootasya jaatah patireka aaseet Sa dadhaar prithiveem dyaamutemaam kasmai devaaya havishaa videhema
Wisdom and unwisdom dwell in the heart of all: so declare the Purānas and Vedas, my lord. Where there is wisdom, prosperity of every kind resigns; and where there is unwisdom misfortune is the inevitable end. 3. Om asato maa sad gamaya Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya Mrityor maa amrutan gamaya Lead us from falsehood unto truth; from darkness unto light; and from death to immortality.
The bearer of luminous bodies and Lord of all beings was alone present in the beginning. He sustain the earth and all radiant regions. May we contemplate the nature of that Blissful Divinity of devotion
May all be happy, may all be free from disease,
sumati kumati saba kӗ ura rahahī, nātha purāna nigama asa kahanī.
May all realise goodness and may no one suffer sorrow or pain.
Om sarve bhavantu sukhinaah, sarve santu niraamayah; sarve bhadraani pashyantu, Maa kaschit dukha bhaag bhavet.
jahā sumati tahā sampati nānā, jahā kumati tahā bipati nidānā
Congregation remains seated
MUSICAL ITEM - 'Total Praise' sung by The B.I.G. Choir Congregation remains seated
THE THIRD READING A contribution on behalf of the Spiritual Shouter Baptist Faith read by Reverend Patricia Stephens Congregation remains seated
HYMN - 'HE IS LORD, HE IS LORD' He is Lord, he is Lord He is risen from the dead and he is Lord Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord..... He is my Lord........ He is our Lord........
Congregation stands
GOSPEL LESSON Excerpt from the Holy Bible read by Father Robert Christo Mathew, Chapter 16, Verses 13 - 20 New International Version (NIV) Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still 8
others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
Congregation remains standing
HYMN OF REFLECTION - 'THY WORD IS A LAMP' led by Dave Marcus Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my path Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light on to my path
Congregation sits
THE HOMILY Fr. Robert Christo Parish Priest of Gran Couva and Tabaquite, Trinidad
Congregation stands
‘WE THOUGH MANY’ led by Dave Marcus One Bread, One Body, One Lord Chorus We though many form one body Joined together by the one bread we share One bread, one body, one Lord None the same Each made in his own way Each as different as the night from day Yet we agree, we're all of one accord We're all the children of The Lord Chorus Far and apart We live our lives each day In different lands We go our separate ways Yet all can see the love, the unity We share as God's own family Chorus We gather here One and all to celebrate To spread the joy and love Born of our faith The bread we share The body of The Lord Makes us one In communion with our God.... Congregation sits A collection will be taken at this time for the Marion House in Trinidad and Tobago. 'Marion House' a socially displaced boys - second chance community committed to social, spiritual and moral formation. 10
'GOD BLESS OUR NATION' written by Marjorie Padmore Led by The B.I.G Choir
God bless our nation Of many varied races May we possess that common love That binds and makes us One. Let it be known around the World That we can boast of Unity And take a pride in Our Liberty. God bless our isles of tropic beauty rare Of flaming Poinciana And shady immortelle The warm and sparkling waters That beat upon our shores Beat out a tune that seem to tell We take a pride in Our Liberty. God bless our leaders Give them grace to guide Bestow on them thy judgement wise To rule our land aright To keep the flag of freedom high that we may sing most lustily We take a pride in Our Liberty Congregation stands
Prayer - Fr. John Metivier Prayer for His Excellency Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, SC, President of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Prayer for The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Prayer for the Members of Parliament, Prayer for the Judiciary, Prayer for the Acting High Commissioner and Staff and Prayer for the People of Trinidad and Tobago. 11
Congregation remains standing and recites
I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life to the service of my God and my country. I will honour my parents, my teachers, my leaders and my elders and those in authority. I will be clean and honest in all my thoughts, my words and my deeds. I will strive in everything I do to work together with my fellowmen of every creed and race for the greater happiness of all and honour and glory of my country
Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve
BENEDICTION Congregation remains standing
‘BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC' Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on. Refrain ; Glory, glory, hallelujah! 12
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel: “As ye deal with my condemners, so with you my grace shall deal; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel, Since God is marching on.� Refrain He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat: Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. Refrain He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave, He is wisdom to the mighty, He is succour to the brave, So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave, Our God is marching on. Refrain
Flag Bearer, Officer Cadet Mc Inniss leads the Procession of the Celebrants down the aisle. The Congregation is asked to remain standing while the National Flag bearer proceeds down the aisle, followed by the Acting High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Celebrants.
END OF SERVICE A Reception follows at the Trinidad and Tobago High Commission, 42 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NT
Message From The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the Nation on the Occasion of the 52nd Anniversary of Independence of Trinidad and Tobago
Fellow citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. It is with great pride that I address you on the occasion of the 52nd Independence Anniversary of our great Nation. Much has been bestowed on our beautiful twin-island Republic over the past 52 years. Indeed our history, cultural legacy, resources, economic success and the contribution of our people in many international fora often appear inconsistent with the geographic size of our country. We boast world-class athletes, cultural icons, diplomats and academics, all of whom have ensured that Trinidad and Tobago maintains a positive and enduring presence on the world stage. We have walked many paths together in our journey of self-determination. As a country and a united people we have overcome threats to our freedom and democracy.
We have risen above the challenges posed by differences of opinion and partisan interests. And we have done all this without succumbing to fear and violence. We have celebrated together our many accomplishments. And we continue to stand as a beacon of harmony in diversity, religious tolerance and multicultural acceptance. The questions we must now ask ourselves are, “how do we as citizens of a maturing democracy approach our next 52 years of Independence?” “To what shall we continue to aspire?” “What do we want to achieve?” “How determined are we to walk the talk and firmly take control of our destiny?” This year, as we celebrate our independence, I believe that we now have a unique opportunity to demonstrate that we are the deserving inheritors of the courage, will and fierce determination that brought our ancestors out of bondage into the light of freedom.
Democracy is not merely a tepid concept that we should tout to raise our international profile. Rather, democracy should be an active, participatory reality in which each and every citizen holds the right to determine how they are governed and by whom. We cannot continue to solely wear national colours or sing a national anthem or declare to our friends around the world that we live in a democratic country without understanding the responsibility inherent in the words – “an independent, democratic Nation”. Seeking national independence meant that we felt confident enough in our ability to govern ourselves. Choosing democracy and democratic principles as our government structure meant that we believed that this system was the one best suited to effect the needs of all our citizens. It meant that we trusted our leaders, whom we put in place, to implement policies and develop laws in our best interest. Fifty-two years ago we took a bold and brave step into an unknown future. Fifty-two years later, with a more discerning, demanding and well-informed citizenry; it cannot be business as usual. My Government has noted the growing expectations of our people with regard to governance.
It is these expectations which propelled my government to move forward with the Constitutional reforms which we had promised the Nation. Independence means stepping out of your comfort zone. Independence allows an opportunity to embrace change. As a nation our creativity, innovativeness and enterprising spirit have brought us much recognition and success. Today I call on every citizen of this great Nation to truly live the ideals of independence and democracy. Let us grasp this opportunity to strengthen our democracy. You are being given the power to chart the future of our country. We stand on the threshold of an exciting era in our political history. Let us together make this 52nd Independence Anniversary a celebration which signalled the dawn of a new stewardship of our great Nation. May God continue to bless all of you and may God bless our country. Happy Independence.
Mrs. Reshma Bissoon Deokie, Acting High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Fr. John Metivier Fr. Edmund Cargill-Thompson Reverend Patricia Stephens Fr. Robert Christo Parish Priest of Gran Couva and Tabaquite, Trinidad Flag bearer: Officer Cadet Mc Inniss Ms. Achi-Kemba Phillips, Tourism Attaché Master Adem Zein Ghany Mrs. Omadaye Sawh CSI Steelband Dave Marcus The B.I.G. Choir (a project of British Gospel Arts, led by Andrea Encinas)
HIGH COMMISSION FOR THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 42 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NT Tel: 020 7245 9351 Fax: 020 7823 1065