Interfaith Church Service 2012 Programme

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A Thanksgiving Inter-faith Service to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Saturday 8 September 2012 at 1o:3o am St. Paul’s Church, Knightsbridge, London, SW1X 8SH


H.E. Professor George Maxwell Richards TC, CMTT, PhD, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago


Order of Service Congregation stands

The Procession of the Celebrants, led by H.E. Garvin Nicholas, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago The National Flag is placed in its stand at the altar Congregation remains standing for

THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Led by Ronald Samm Forged from the love of liberty In the fires of hope and prayer With boundless faith in our Destiny We solemnly declare; Side by side we stand, Islands of the blue Caribbean Sea This our Native Land, We pledge our lives to thee Here every creed and race find an equal place, And may God bless our Nation Here every creed and race find an equal place, And may God bless our Nation


Congregation sits

Welcome - Vicar of St. Paul’s Church Father Alan Gyle Congregation stands

‘God Bless Our Nation’ Led by Ronald Samm God bless our nation Of many varied races May we possess that common love That binds and makes us one. Let it be known around the world That we can boast of unity And take a pride in our liberty. God bless our isles Of tropic beauty rare Of flaming poinciana and shady immortelle The warm and sparkling waters That break upon our shores Beat out a tune that seem to tell We take a pride in our liberty. God bless our leaders Give them grace to guide Bestow on them thy judgment wise To rule our land aright To keep the flag of freedom high That we may sing most lustily We take a pride in our liberty. Congregation sits

Fr. John Metivier introduces the theme Pride in Our Liberty 4

Congregation remains seated

Reading of the message from H.E. Professor George Maxwell Richards TC, CMTT, Ph.D, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of Independence of Trinidad and Tobago by H.E. Garvin Nicholas, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Congregation remains seated


A contribution on behalf of the Christian Community King James Version: 1 John Chapter 1 Read by Ms. Natasha Clarke, representative of the Shouter Baptist Faith you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

1. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

6. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

2. (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

7. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

3. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

8. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

4. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

10. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

5. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto


Congregation remains seated


led by Mr. Ronald Samm and London Adventist Chorale ‘Battle Hymn Of The Republic’ Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on. Refrain: Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel: “As ye deal with my condemners, so with you my grace shall deal; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel, Since God is marching on.” Refrain He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat: Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. Refrain He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave, He is wisdom to the mighty, He is succour to the brave, So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave, Our God is marching on. Refrain


Congregation remains seated


A contribution on behalf of the Muslim Community Excerpt from the Holy Qur’an read by Master Adem Zein Ghany Chapter 1, Verses 1 - 7 and Chapter 17, Verses 22 - 25 (Chapter 1:)

(Chapter 17:)

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

22. Set not up with Allah any other god lest you sit down rebuked and forsaken.

2. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

23. Your Lord has decreed that you worship no one except Him, and that you show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with you, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.

3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 4. The Master of the Day of Judgement.

24. And lower to them the wing of submission through mercy and say: My Lord! have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little.

5. Thee alone we worship and Thee alone we ask for help. 6. Guide us on the Straight Path.

25. Your Lord is best aware of what is in your mends. If you are righteous then He was ever Forgiving to those who turn to Him.

7. The Path of those You have favoured, not the path of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who go astray.

Congregation remains seated


by Mrs. Rohini Kumar


Congregation remains seated


A contribution on behalf of the Hindu Community read by Mr. Lomas Persad that beings are constantly falling a prey to delusion.

Om Eka Dantaya Vidmahe, Vakra Tundaaya Dheemahi, Tanno Danti Prachodayaat.

The wise look with equanimity on all whether it be a Brahmana endowed with learning and culture, a cow, an elephant , a dog and a pariah too.

It has dawned on me that the one tusk Lord Shree Ganesh is the supreme Lord Himself.

Even here is the mortal plane conquered by those whose mind is established in unity; since the Absolute is untouched by evil and is the same to all, hence they are established in the Eternal.

Let us meditate on that Lord and offer obeisance with our body, mind and soul so that he will awaken our intellect and grant us supreme happiness now and here after.

He who, with reason firm and free from doubt , rejoices not on obtaining what is pleasant and does not feel perturbed on meeting with the unpleasant, that knower of Brahma live eternally in identity with Brahma.

Our Lord Shree Ram has stated in the Uttar Kand of the Ramayan, “Janam Bhumimama puri suhaawani.” “That place where I have been born is very auspicious.” Verses from the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 5) :

Om Twamava maata cha pita twamava,Twamava bandhu chha sakhaa twamav. Twamava vidyaa draveenag twamava,twamava saravam mam deva deva.

God determines not the doership nor the doings of men, nor even their contact with the fruits of actions; but it is Nature alone that functions.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

The omnipresent God does not partake the virtue or sin of anyone. Knowledge is enveloped with ignorance; hence it is

May God Bless Our Nation.

Congregation remains seated

MUSICAL ITEM - “You Can Tell The World”

sung by Mr. Ronald Samm


Congregation remains seated

THE HOMILY Father David Barrow Congregation remains seated

A collection will be taken at this time for the Children’s Life Fund Sing Unto the Lord A New Song sung by London Adventist Chorale Sing unto the Lord a new song Bless and praise and lift Him higher All ye chosen generation Dance and celebrate If we lift Him high, He will draw us Nearer, ever closer to Him day by day If we lift Him high, He will draw us Nearer, ever closer to Him day by day.

Jesus Is A Rock sung by London Adventist Chorale Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm I would not be a sinner, I tell you the reason why I’m afraid my Lord might call my name and I wouldn’t be ready to die Has He ever made a way, when you didn’t have a dime Has He ever stepped in just right on time Has He ever picked you up when you were down Has He ever placed your feet on solid ground Then you know He is a Rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land Then you know He is a Rock in a weary land, a Shelter in the time of storm


Congregation stands

Prayer - Fr. John Metivier Prayer for His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards TC, CMTT, Ph.D, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Prayer for The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Prayer for the Members of Parliament, Prayer for the Judiciary, Prayer for the High Commissioner and Staff, Prayer for the People of Trinidad and Tobago, Prayer for Her Majesty and the Diamond Jubilee, Prayer for the Commonwealth and Prayer for Peace. Congregation remains standing and recites

THE NATIONAL PLEDGE OF THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life to the service of my God and my country. I will honour my parents, my teachers, my leaders and my elders and those in authority. I will be clean and honest in all my thoughts, my words and my deeds. I will strive in everything I do to work together with my fellowmen of every creed and race for the greater happiness of all and honour and glory of my country Congregation sits

MUSICAL ITEM - “Portrait of Trinidad” by Mighty Sniper

sung by Alexander D’ Great 10

Congregation stands


by Vicar of St. Paul’s Church, Fr. Alan Gyle Congregation remains standing


by Ebony Steelband Flag Bearer leads the Procession of the Celebrants down the aisle. The Congregation is asked to remain standing while the Flag Bearer proceeds down the aisle, followed by the High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Celebrants.



Message from The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to Nationals Abroad on the Occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Independence of Trinidad and Tobago the first Leader of the Opposition of independent Trinidad and Tobago.

Fellow nationals of Trinidad and Tobago, This year we proudly commemorate our Golden Jubilee of Independence – fifty years of triumph and transformation, which have brought maturity and wisdom to our young Nation.

We remember Sir Ellis Clarke, the principal architect of our 1962 Constitution and the first President of Trinidad and Tobago. We remember Queen’s Counsel Tajmool Hosein, who played a key role in making the collective agreement on the 1962 Constitution possible.

While many of you may have left our shores several years ago, I know that in heart and spirit you join us in Trinidad and Tobago to observe this momentous occasion.

These were all people of vision who laid the foundation for an independent Trinidad and Tobago, and we gratefully acknowledge their indelible role in the growth and development of our Nation.

I know from my own experience abroad that when such national events occur the connection to home is even stronger. That is when you fully understand that you are never separated from the land of your birth, the land that shaped your unique identity.

As important and as necessary as it is to remember and reflect on our past, we now find ourselves at a significant juncture in the living history of our country.

On this day of our 50th Anniversary of Independence, as we stand together, at home and abroad - one people, one Nation - to celebrate this milestone, we remember those who came before us.

Yes, we uphold a long-standing commitment to the principles of democracy and the rule of law. We are blessed with abundant natural resources and the immeasurable talent of a culturally diverse people.

We remember Dr Eric Eustace Williams, our country’s first Prime Minister and Dr Rudranath Capildeo, 12

Our very own creation, the steelpan, continues to enthral audiences worldwide.

in full awareness that we are laying the foundation for the generations to come. I have full confidence in the potential of our people and our capacity to succeed beyond expectations.

We are renowned for our music - calypso, chutney and soca and our festivals. Our citizens and many of you, our nationals abroad, have brought recognition and honour to Trinidad and Tobago in the fields of literature, mathematics, medicine, the arts, international relations, politics and sport.

We only need to recall the achievements of our Olympic Team, at the recently concluded Summer 2012 Olympics in London, to realise that a small island nation of 1.3 million people can be a force to be reckoned with even alongside some of the largest nations in the world.

Yet what will be our legacy over the next fifty years? How will we be judged by our children and our children’s children?

We were reminded that it’s when ordinary people rise above expectations and seize the opportunity before them that milestones truly are recorded.

Let me assure you that my Government has a clear vision for the future of Trinidad and Tobago.

How absolutely awe-inspiring it was to see the red, white and black hoisted over the Olympic Stadium, as our National Anthem filled the arena. For a moment in time, with the eyes of the world on Trinidad and Tobago we, once again, fulfilled the hopes of those who had gone before.

We foresee a country of self-assured, productive citizens who are confident in the knowledge that they are an essential part of our social and economic development. We have set detailed goals, as evidenced by our seven interconnected pillars for sustainable development through people-centred governance as guideposts for the future.

For me, it served as a reminder of the talents and dedication of our people, and of what we can achieve on the world stage. We saw it in 1976 when Hasley Crawford won Trinidad and Tobago’s first Olympic gold medal, over the years as our athletes continued to do us proud and represent at the highest level of sport and athletics, and again this year 2012 with our second gold medal won by Keshorn Walcott and the outstanding performance of all of our Olympians. We are a people capable of greatness.

But more importantly we are mindful of the present social, political and economic environments which dominate the world stage. We plan for the future, yes, but the only moments over which any of us have control is now. Now is the time, now is our time and it is up to all of us to shape the present, 13

And we can do it again. But we must continue to work together to move our country forward if we are to prosper and thrive.

You, our nationals abroad, working in your new communities, as members of cultural organisations or through our Embassies and High Commissions, have an opportunity to share in and realise the collective vision for our country.

We must rise above our differences for the greater national good. Those of you resident abroad also have a key role to play in the future of Trinidad and Tobago.

In Trinidad and Tobago we are now setting our sights even higher. And we trust that we will see the fruits of our labours not only in the future, but right now!

You, the nationals of Trinidad and Tobago, are resident on every continent. Your adopted homeland may foster a different perspective on initiatives and developments taking place at home.

Together we face the future strong and unafraid. Our best days are yet to come. With the continued dedication, determination and loyalty of you, our citizens and nationals, we will rise together, in unity, one People represented by the Red, White and Black ready to re-define ourselves and deepen our influence in the region and the world.

We value and welcome your input. Not only do we want you to share and keep alive the traditions and culture of Trinidad and Tobago, we also need you to promote the attributes of our country as a business and recreational destination.

To you, our nationals of Trinidad and Tobago, separated by geography but always in our hearts, I wish you all a very happy Golden Jubilee of Independence.

Our overseas Missions have been actively engaging foreign nationals, creating an awareness of the investment opportunities available in Trinidad and Tobago.

May God continue to bless you and your families and may God bless our great Nation, Trinidad and Tobago.

As a proactive Government, we acknowledge that some of the key factors contributing to economic viability are entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness.

Happy 50th anniversary of Independence!

We may be at a disadvantage because of our small size, but our natural and human resources can be leveraged to work to our benefit. 14

(Participants) Vicar of the Church, Fr. Alan Gyle H.E. Garvin Nicholas, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Fr. John Metivier Fr. David Barrow Flag Bearer : Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) Grantley Dick, Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force Mr. John Medina Ms. Natasha Clarke Master Adem Zein Ghany Mr. Lomas Persad Mr. Ronald Samm Accompanist: Mr. Jonathan Gale London Adventist Chorale Mrs. Rohini Kumar Keyboardists: Mr. Ken Burton and Mr. Stephen Farr Ebony Steelband On 31st August 1962, when the United Kingdom had their celebratory ceremony to symbolize Trinidad and Tobago’s, Independence, Mr. John Medina was one of the officers escorting our national flag at Westminster Abbey. At the age of 24, he joined the RAF on the 25th November 1958, and left on

the 24th November 1967, with the rank of Corporal. Mr. Medina returned to Trinidad and Tobago in 1980 and joined the Teaching Service in 1982 and taught for several years before emigrating to the United Kingdom where he now currently resides.


Dr. The Hon. Eric E. Williams

The Hon. George Chambers

The Hon. A.N.R. Robinson S.C.

The Hon. Basdeo Panday

The Hon. Patrick Manning

The Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C.

Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve

Timeline of Prime Ministers from 1962 - Present 1962




Dr. The Hon.

Hon. George

Hon. Patrick

Hon. Patrick

Eric E. Williams






2010 - present

Hon. A.N.R.

Hon. Basdeo

Hon. Kamla Persad-

Robinson S.C.


Bissessar S.C.

HIGH COMMISSION FOR THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 42 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NT Tel: 020 7245 935116 Fax: 020 7823 1065

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