Volume 58 : Oct  Dec 2011
One Year On... Volume 58
High Commissioner Garvin Nicholas completes one year in office
Photos and Montage: Darrin des Vignes
The 5th of December, 2011 marked one year since His Excellency Garvin Nicholas assumed as High Commissioner at the London based High Commission. By far the busiest of all Trinidad and Tobago Missions, the London Mission regularly hosts His Excellency the President, the Honourable Prime Minister, the !"#"$%&'()* +,-).* /$012)3* +&'-#)4* 5-#-04)%0*&#6*"4,)%*0)#-"%*"72)%08
'""D* (&$#2,)03* :(=* #-@,403* &%4* )E,-'-1"#03*4%&6)*2"#.)%)#2)03*F-63* A-<&(-3*G%%-<&(*A&>**2)()'%&1"#0*&#6* many other ceremonies hosted by this High Commission to the 6)(-@,4*".*2-1C)#08 5"#4,(>* =))1#@0* ;-4,* #&1"#&(0* &H"%6* 4,-0* "72)* &#6* 04&H* 4,)* "??"%4$#-4>* 4"* ?%"@%)00-<)(>* )#@&@)* ;-4,* -#6-<-6$&(0* -#* 4,)* 2"==$#-4>* &#6* 6)<)("?* %)(&1"#0,-?0* 4,&4* 0,"%4)#* 4,)* '%-6@)* ')4;))#* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"*&#6*4,)*IJ8*!-0*FE2)(()#2>* ,&0* '))#* )E?(-2-4* -#* ,-0* &21"#0* 4"* )#0$%)* 4,&4* #&1"#&(0* <-0-1#@* 4,)* 5-00-"#* .))(* &4* ,"=)* &#6* ()&<)* ;-4,*$#6"$'4)6*?%-6)8
<-0-4"%0* .%"=* &((* &%"$#6* 4,)* ;"%(6* and further enhances the mission’s "$4;&%6* 2"==$#-2&1"#* ;-4,* #&1"#&(0*.&%*&#6*;-6)8 External to the High Commission’s 2"%)* 6$4>* 4"* -40* #&1"#&(03* !-0* FE2)(()#2>* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&0* ,&0* embarked on a journey to enrich and place Trinidad and Tobago in good stead in the realm of 4%&6)* &#6* -#<)04=)#48* M"* .&%3* 4,%"$@,* 0$22)00.$(* -#-1&1<)03* His Excellency has harnessed the ?%"0?)24* 4"* >-)(6* "<)%* N8O* '-((-"#* 6"((&%0*-#*6-%)24*."%)-@#*-#<)04=)#4* ;-4,*4,)*?"4)#1&(*".*2%)&1#@*"<)%* POQ*#);*R"'08
9#* ,-0* :%04* 4;)(<)* ="#4,03* !-0* Excellency has sought to transform the image of the London Mission 4"* &* ="%)* 6>#&=-23* ?%"@%)00-<)* =)2,&#-0=* ."%* A-&0?"%&* &21<-1)0* -#<"(<-#@* 2$(4$%)3* 4"$%-0=* &#6* His Excellency has marketed 4%&6)8* B,)%)* ,&0* '))#* &* .)%<)#4* *G*#);*?%".)00-"#&(*;)'0-4)*&("#@* Trinidad and Tobago brands '$CC* ".* &21<-1)0* ;-4,* #&1"#&(03* ;-4,* 0"2-&(* =)6-&* 4""(0* ;)(2"=)* 0$2,* &0* G#@"04$%&3* S&4* PT3* J+* Volume 58
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to the interests of Trinidad and B"'&@"8* !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* L-2,"(&0* ,&0* &(0"* '))#* )()24)6* 4"* +,&-%* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* \"$#6&1"#*K%&#40]*+"==-^))8 Trinidad and Tobago’s presence -#* 4,)* IJ* ,&0* '))#* &66-1"#&((>* )#,&#2)6* '>* 4,)* ."%=&1"#* ".* &* ?";)%.$(* &#6* -#Y$)#1&(* G((* _&%4>* Parliamentary Group for Trinidad &#6* B"'&@"W* &#"4,)%* -#-1&1<)* ".* !-0*FE2)(()#2>*L-2,"(&08
V-4,* &6<&#2-#@* %)(&1"#0* ,-@,* "#* his agenda, His Excellency has met ;-4,*#"#`4%&6-1"#&(*M4&4)0*0$2,*&0* 4,)*J-#@6"=*".*5"%"22"8*a)2&$0)* ".* ,-0* )H"%40* 2-1C)#0* ;-0,-#@* 4"* 4%&<)(*4"*5"%"22"*#))6*"#(>*0$'=-4* 4,)-%* &??(-2&1"#* 6)4&-(0* <-&* 4,)* London Mission to the Moroccan F='&00>*-#*b"#6"#*."%*?%"2)00-#@8 His Excellency has put the Trinidad and Tobago stamp back into pan &#6* 2&%#-<&(8* B,)* 9?0;-2,* G%40* \)01<&(* 0&;* 4,)* ')#):4* ".* 4,)* High Commissioner’s patronage &0* %)2"%6* #$=')%0* ;)%)* )E?"0)6* to steel pan and a cohort of cB%-#'&@"#-&#]* %)<)(()%0* '&0D-#@* -#* 2$(4$%&(* 6)(-@,48* !)* &(0"* ,"04)6* 4,)* NQPP* (&$#2,* ".* 4,)* cL"Z#@,-((* +&%#-<&(]* &4* ,-0* "72-&(* residence and incorporated many 2$(4$%&(* 4,)=)0* -#* ,-0* %)2)?1"#* for London based Diplomats for 9#6)?)#6)#2)8
X<)%* 4,)* #)E4* 4;)(<)* ="#4,03* His Excellency expects to see 4,)* %)&(-0&1"#* ".* &* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"* 04>()6* +&%#-<&(* -#* +&%6-H* V&()0*&("#@*;-4,*4,)*?%)0)#4&1"#* of Trinidad and Tobago’s culture, fashion, cuisine and other trade "??"%4$#-1)0* &4* &* :<)* ;))D* ("#@* B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"*S-((&@)*6$%-#@* 4,)*NQPN*X(>=?-20*-#*b"#6"#8 !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* L-2,"(&0* ;-((* $0)* )<)%>* "??"%4$#-4>* 4"* 4&D)* .$((* &6<&#4&@)*".*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"]0* OQ4,* &##-<)%0&%>* 2)()'%&1"#0* -#* NQPN*4"*?%"="4)*4,)*)E2-1#@*4%&6)* &#6* 4"$%-0=* 6)01#&1"#* 4,&4* -0* B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"8**
!-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* L-2,"(&0* ,&0* ')2"=)* 4,)* <-%4$&(* 5_* ."%* 4,)* UK but states that if there is one 6%&;'&2D* 4"* ,-0* ?"01#@3* -4* -0* 4,)* fact that he cannot represent the ‘eight thousand and more’ =)=')%0* ".* ,-0* 2"#014$)#2>* -#* !-0* FE2)(()#2>* ,&0* '%"$@,4* )<)#* B%-#-6&6*4,&4*<"4)6*."%*,-=*&4*4,)* more sustainable, economy NQPQ*@)#)%&(*)()21"#8 6-<)%0-.>-#@* ?%"R)240* 4"* 4,)* ."(6* -#* 4,)* ."%=* ".* 0?"%4* 4"$%-0=8* G'"$4* L)<)%4,)()003*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"* to be put in place is a bilateral in London has indeed come a long &@%))=)#4*."%*&#*-#4)%#&1"#&(*@"(.* ;&>*-#*4,)*(&04*4;)(<)*="#4,0d 4"$%#&=)#4*-#*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"8
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<."8($="*"#3(.$2>$?4#3.-)"-$31($!2*;$@4)"-$,"))-.:$A()'28(#$<."8($="*"#3(.$2>$B."*":-:$-*:$B2C-52$31($!2*;$ D-8)-$<(.#-:EF"##(##-.$32$?4#3.-)"B,)* !"#"$%&'()* J&=(&* _)%0&6` Bissessar, Prime Minister of the [)?$'(-2* ".* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"* &#6* "$4@"-#@* +,&-%* -#* X72)* ".* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,3* &#6* 4,)* Honourable Julia Gillard, Prime 5-#-04)%* ".* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* ".*G$04%&(-&*&#6*-#2"=-#@*+,&-%*-#* X72)*".*4,)*+"=="#;)&(4,3*,)(6* 4&(D0*"#*NO*X24"')%*NQPP*-#*_)%4,* G$04%&(-&8* B,)* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%0* ;)(2"=)6* 4,)* "??"%4$#-4>* 4"* )E2,&#@)* <-);0* "#* &* %&#@)* ".* -=?"%4&#4* -#4)%#&1"#&(* &#6* '-(&4)%&(*-00$)08 Both Prime Ministers &2D#";()6@)6*4,)*@%)&4*.%-)#60,-?* ')4;))#* G$04%&(-&* &#6* B%-#-6&6* and Tobago underpinned by shared =)=')%0,-?*".*4,)*+"=="#;)&(4,* &#6*4,)*IL3*#);(>*)04&'(-0,)6*(-#D0* through the Caribbean Community, +G[9+X53*&0*;)((*&0*("#@`04&#6-#@* 1)0*&#6*=$4$&(*%)0?)24*)04&'(-0,)6* Volume 58
4,%"$@,*2%-2D)4*"<)%*4,)*>)&%08*B,)* I#6)%04&#6-#@8 4;"* ()&6)%0* (""D)6* ."%;&%6* 4"* further strengthening of bilateral Both Prime Ministers noted the %)(&1"#08 progress by members of the United L&1"#0* 4";&%60* &#* G%=0* B%&6)* In recognising the strength of B%)&4>*&#6*2"==-^)6*4"*2"#1#$)* Trinidad and Tobago’s economy 4"* ;"%D* 4"@)4,)%* 4"* 2"#2($6)* 4,)* and its success in becoming a 4%)&4>* -#* NQPN8* F<-6)#2)* ".* 4,)* =&R"%* %)@-"#&(* :#&#2-&(* 2)#4%)3* &'0)#2)* ".* &@%))6* -#4)%#&1"#&(* 4,)* 4;"* ()&6)%0* &??%)2-&4)6* &* 04&#6&%60*"#*4%&6)*-#*2"#<)#1"#&(* <-'%&#4* &#6* @%";-#@* '-(&4)%&(* &%=0* -0* &* 2"#4%-'$1#@* .&24"%* 4"* 4%&6)*&#6*-#<)04=)#4*%)(&1"#0,-?8* 2"#Y-24* &#6* 2%-=)3* $#6)%=-#-#@* Trinidad and Tobago is currently 4,)* ?)&2)* &#6* 6)<)("?=)#4* ".* G$04%&(-&]0* (&%@)04* 4%&6-#@* ?&%4#)%* =&#>* 2"$#4%-)08* * B,)* 4;"* ()&6)%0* -#*4,)*+&%-'')&#*&#6*,&0*&^%&24)6* )E?%)00)6* 2"#:6)#2)* 4,&4* 4,)-%* 0-@#-:2&#4* -#<)04=)#4* '>* a!_* @"<)%#=)#40]* R"-#4* 2""?)%&1"#* Billiton (a global mining, oil and "#*4,)*/&#$&%>*NQPP*&%=0*2"#4%"(* gas company headquartered in ;"%D0,"?* -#* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"* 5)('"$%#)e8*_%-=)*5-#-04)%*K-((&%6* had built further support for highlighted the gained momentum 4,)* 4%)&4>* -#* 4,)* %)@-"#8* B,-0* -#* %)(&1"#0* @)#)%&4)6* 4,%"$@,* 2"#:%=)6*4,)-%*0$??"%4*."%*.$4$%)* 4,)* "?)#-#@* ".* G$04%&(-&]0* !-@,* 2"((&'"%&1"#*6$%-#@*4,)*$?2"=-#@* +"==-00-"#* -#* _"%4* ".* M?&-#* &#6* 5&%2,* NQPN* +G[9+X5* %)@-"#&(* -=?()=)#4&1"#* ".* 4,)* G$04%&(-&` ;"%D0,"?*-#*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"8 +G[9+X5* 5)="%&#6$=* ".* 5
News Prime Minister Gillard pointed out 4,)*-#Y$)#1&(*&#6*2"#04%$21<)*%"()* Trinidad and Tobago played as Chair -#* X72)* ".* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* &#6* &0* 4,)* ?%)<-"$0* ,"04* ".* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* !)&60* ".* K"<)%#=)#4* 5))1#@8* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%* _)%0&6`a-00)00&%* congratulated Prime Minister K-((&%6* &#6* )E?%)00)6* 2"#:6)#2)* 4,&4* +!XK5* NQPP* ;"$(6* ')* 0$22)00.$(*-#*4&D-#@*."%;&%6*-00$)0* ".*2"#2)%#*4"*4,)*+"=="#;)&(4,8* The Prime Ministers agreed that a 2"==-4=)#4*4"*%)2"==)#6&1"#0* in the Eminent Persons Group report commissioned in Trinidad &#6*B"'&@"*;"$(6*')*&#*-=?"%4&#4* ()@&2>*."%*'"4,*2"$#4%-)08 G0*4,)*?&04*&#6*-#2"=-#@*2,&-%0*".* 4,)* X72)* ".* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,3* 4,)* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%0* 2"==-^)6* 4"* ;"%D-#@* 4"@)4,)%* 4"* .$%4,)%* 04%)#@4,)#* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* &#6* 4"* 6)(-<)%* =&R"%* "$42"=)0* "#* issues such as food security, natural %)0"$%2)*=&#&@)=)#43*%)=-^&#2)0* &#6* 2(-=&4)* 2,&#@)8* B,)* 4;"* leaders considered it important that any such outcomes should =))4*4,)*#))60*".*0=&((*04&4)08 They both recognised that this -0* 4,)* 2%-12&(* 6)2&6)* ."%* &21"#* 4"* 4&2D()* 2(-=&4)* 2,&#@)8* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%* _)%0&6`a-00)00&%* 2"==)#6)6* G$04%&(-&]0* +()&#* Energy Future package as an -=?"%4&#4* 6)="#04%&1"#* ".* ,";* a country can play its full and fair ?&%4* -#* 4,)* @("'&(* 2(-=&4)* )H"%4* ;,-()*=&-#4&-#-#@*04%"#@*)2"#"=-2* @%";4,* &#6* ?%"<-6-#@* #);* "??"%4$#-1)0* ."%* '$0-#)008* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%*K-((&%6*;)(2"=)6*B%-#-6&6*
and Tobago’s engagement in the B,)*4;"*()&6)%0*&2D#";()6@)6*4,)* ;"%D*".*4,)*K("'&(*+&%'"#*+&?4$%)* ;"%D* ".* +"=="#;)&(4,* !)&(4,* &#6*M4"%&@)*9#014$4)*4"*&22)()%&4)* Ministers to promote the outcomes ".* 4,)* I#-4)6* L&1"#0* !-@,* b)<)(* 5))1#@* "#* #"#* 2"==$#-2&'()* 6-0)&0)0* fL+A0e* &#6* 4,)* ()&6-#@* role played by members of the +&%-'')&#* +"==$#-4>* -#* 6%-<-#@* @("'&(* ="=)#4$=* &#6* &21"#* 4"* &66%)00* L+A08* * a"4,* ')(-)<)6* 4,&4* @"<)%#=)#40* =$04* 2"#1#$)* to emphasise strategies aimed at 4,)* -#6-<-6$&(3* 4,)* .&=-(>* &#6* 4,)* 2"==$#-4>*-#*"%6)%*4"*?%)<)#4*&#6* 2"#4%"(*%-0-#@*%&4)0*".*L+A08 Prime Minister Gillard updated deployment of technology to _%-=)* 5-#-04)%* _)%0&6`a-00)00&%* on discussions leading up to the <."8($ ="*"#3(.$ 2>$ ?4#3.-)"-$ 31($ !2*;$ @4)"-$ +&##)0* KNQ* M$==-4* -#* L"<)=')%* ,"))-.:$ 3."(#$ 1(.$ 1-*:$ -3$ 31($ #3(()G-*$ A1"'1$ NQPP* &#6* ()&6)%0* &@%))6* "#* 4,)* A-#$G.(#(*3(:$32$1(.$-#$-$5"H$C+$<."8($="*"#3(.$ importance of ensuring that D-8)-$<(.#-:EF"##(##-.$-3$31($I4&32*$!23()$2*$ +"=="#;)&(4,* 2"$#4%-)0* ,&<)* J'32C(.$KLM$KNOO 4,)-%*<"-2)0*,)&%6*'>*KNQ*()&6)%08 %)6$2)* 2&%'"#* ?"(($1"#8* B,)* 4;"* leaders agreed on the importance Prime Minister Gillard applauded ".* &22)00* 4"* '%"&6* &#6* ;)((` _%-=)* 5-#-04)%* _)%0&6`a-00)00&%]0* .$#21"#-#@* -#4)%#&1"#&(* 2&%'"#* 1%)()00* &6<"2&2>* ".* ;"=)#]0* =&%D)40* -#* &00-01#@* 2"$#4%-)0* 4"* )=?";)%=)#4* &#6* ?"(-12&(* 2"==-4*4"3*&#6*&2,-)<)3*&='-1"$0* ?&%12-?&1"#8* B,)* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%0* =-1@&1"#*"'R)21<)08 &@%))6* 4"* ;"%D* 4"@)4,)%* 4"* encourage all leaders yet to do The Prime Ministers emphasised 0"* 4"* 0-@#* 4,)* /"-#4* M4&4)=)#4* 4,)* -=?"%4&#2)* ".* ?%-"%-10-#@* X#* G6<&#2-#@* V"=)#]0* _"(-12&(* 4,)* ?""%)04* &#6* ="04* <$(#)%&'()* _&%12-?&1"#*&4*4,)*+"=="#;)&(4,* 2"$#4%-)0*."%*&00-04&#2)*-#*&6&?1#@* !)&60* ".* K"<)%#=)#4* 5))1#@* 4"* 4,)* -=?&240* ".* 2(-=&4)* 2,&#@)8* -#* _)%4,8* B,)* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%0* 9#* 4,-0* %)@&%63* 4,)>* &7%=)6* 4,)-%* 2"==-^)6* 4"* ?%"="4)* ;"=)#* -#* 2"==-4=)#4*4"*)#0$%-#@*4,)*<"-2)* ?"(-12&(*()&6)%0,-?*&0*&#*-=?"%4&#4* ".* 0=&((* -0(&#6* 6)<)("?-#@* 04&4)0* -00$)* -#* '"4,* 4,)* _&2-:2* &#6* -0*,)&%6*&4*4,)*IL*2(-=&4)*2,&#@)* +&%-'')&#*%)@-"#08*G*<-0-4*4"*B%-#-6&6* 2"#.)%)#2)* -#* A$%'&#8* B,)* 4;"* &#6* B"'&@"* -#* NQPN* '>* G$04%&(-&]0* ()&6)%0* 2&(()6* "#* 4,&4* =))1#@* 4"* K("'&(* G='&00&6"%* ."%* V"=)#* 4&D)*2"#2%)4)*04)?0*4";&%6*4,)*#);* &#6* K-%(03*50*_)##>*V-((-&=03* ;-((* global climate regime by taking ')* &* ;)(2"=)* "??"%4$#-4>* ."%* ."%;&%6*4,)*+&#2$#*G@%))=)#408 .$%4,)%*2""?)%&1"#8
Account Number: 50927848 Sort Code: 204734 The Fund was Created and established in November 2010 by the Government Trinidad and Tobago High of Trinidad and Tobago, the Children’s Life Fund’s aegis is to provide urgent Commission relief for children, assisting those who live in the shadow of disease and (Children’s Life Fund) illness. The Fund has also received support from the renewed charity medical Barclays Bank, West Halkin Schriners Children’s Hospital. In addition, all Cabinet Ministers and Members Street, London SW1X 8JE of Parliament contribute 5% of their salary to the Fund. London Mission
B,)*=))1#@*4"$2,)6*"#*&*#$=')%* ".*4"?-20*6)&(-#@*;-4,*4,)*@&0*&#6* energy sector in Trinidad and B"'&@"8
Photos: Darrin des Vignes
The Minister of Energy and !"#$%&' ()*+$,' -.#' /0"01$*23#' Kevin Ramnarine and High Commissioner Garvin Nicholas 4#-' 5+-.' 6$7' 6*$8"' /01,-0"9' :.+#;' <=#$*8"%' <>?#$' *"@' !A#?18B#' C+$#?-0$9' DE' E$01=9' 0"' Thursday 17 November 2011 at DE'.#*@F1*$-#$,'+"'G0"@0"7
G(0"* ?%)0)#4* &4* 4,)* =))1#@* ;)%)* Mr Derek Hudson, President BGTT, 5%8* M)(;>#* b&0,()>3* A-%)24"%3* bLK* g* K&0* FE?"%40* &#6* 5%8* [-2,&%6* /)%)=-)3* M)#-"%* F#)%@>* G#&(>043* bLK* &#6* K&0* FE?"%40* A-<-0-"#3* (above) !"51$7288"##"2*(.$,-./"*$0"'12)-#$!"#$%&'()%*+,-$-*:$B1($="*"#3(.$ 2>$ %*(.5+$ -*:$ %*(.5+$ ?P-".#$ 31($ !2*24.-C)($ D(/"*$ Q-8*-."*($ (2nd from 5-#-04%>*".*F#)%@>8 right) 8((3$A"31$=.;$=-.R*$!24#32*M$71"(>$JG(.-R*5$JS'(.$-*:$%&('4R/($ BGTT is a key gas producer in I".('32.M$ F,$ ,.24G$ (3rd from right)$ =.$ I(.(T$ !4:#2*M$ <.(#":(*3$ F,BBM$ =.;$ Trinidad and Tobago and has U()A+*$9-#1)(+M$I".('32.M$90,$V$,-#$%&G2.3#$-*:$=.;$Q"'1-.:$@(.(8"(M$U(*"2.$ '))#* "?)%&1#@* -#* 4,)* 2"$#4%>* %*(.5+$?*-)+#3M$90,$-*:$,-#$%&G2.3#$I"/"#"2*M$="*"#3.+$2>$%*(.5+; 0-#2)* PThT8* B,)* 2"=?&#>* ,&0* %)-#."%2)6* -40* ?"0-1"#* -#* 4,)* 2"$#4%>*&#6*4,)*%)04*".*4,)*;"%(68** @%";-#@* ."00-(* .$)(* ."%* 4,)* #)E4* &#6* ;"%D-#@* ;-4,* 2"==$#-1)0* BGTT supplies gas to Trinidad and 6)2&6)* ;-4,* )E?("%&1"#* 0$22)00* for sustainable planning and B"'&@"3*G4(&#12*bLK*;-4,*&%"$#6* )E?)24)68* B,-0* -0* 6):#-4)(>* @""6* 6)<)("?=)#48 4;"* 4,-%60* ".* ?%"6$21"#* ')-#@* #);0*."%*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"8 )E?"%4)6*&0*bLK8* a"4,* 5-#-04)%* J)<-#* [&=#&%-#)* Other topics discussed at the &#6* !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* K&%<-#* G4* 4,)* =))1#@3* aKBB* %)-4)%&4)6* =))1#@* -#2($6)6* 4,)* -=?&24* ".* L-2,"(&0* )E?%)00)6* 4,)* 6)0-%)* 4"* its commitment to its future in climate change and its importance ;"%D*4";&%60*&*?%"0?)%"$0*.$4$%)* B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"8**B,)*#&4$%&(* -#* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"8* * aKBB* $0-#@*)#)%@>*)72-)#4(>8* @&0*-#6$04%>*;-((*2"#1#$)*4"*@%";* places huge importance on and is expected to be the fastest )#<-%"#=)#4&(* =&#&@)=)#4*
The Tourism Development Company Limited (TDC) is a state )#4)%?%-0)*".*4,)*K"<)%#=)#4* ".*4,)*[)?$'(-2*".*B%-#-6&6*&#6* B"'&@"3*=&#6&4)6*4"*6)<)("?* and market Trinidad and Tobago’s 4"$%-0=*?%"6$24*&#6*-=?%"<)*4,)* ("2&(*4"$%-0=*0)24"%8*
Address: b)<)(*P3*5&%-1=)*+)#4%)3*i*NT*B)#4,*G<)#$)3* a&%&4&%-&3*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"3*V898 Tel: 5&%-1=)*+)#4%)*fhjhe*jkO*kQlm`k*3*_-&%2"*9#4](* G-%?"%4*X72)*fhjhe*jjT*OPTjnjQmm3*fhjhe*hQQ`mBLB
The Trinidad and Tobago’s booth at World Travel Market was truly $#=$#,#"-*80"*3'5+-.'@+,8"%1+,.#@' %1#,-,9' ,=0$-,4#"9' 2#*1-&' F1##",' and others on Wednesday 09 November 2011 at the Excel Centre in London, for Trinidad and Tobago’s LMN'3*1"?.'$#?#=80"7 B,)* !-@,* +"==-00-"#* ;&0* represented by His Excellency K&%<-#* L-2,"(&03* !-@,* High Commissioner Garvin Nicholas with cricketer Brian Lara, fashion designer Anya Ayoung‐Chee and footballer Dwight Yorke at the World travel Market 2011 in +"==-00-"#)%*&#6*04&H8**
Photo: Darrin des Vignes
London’s Excel Centre.
V"%(6* B%&<)(* 5&%D)4* fVB5e* -0* 4,)* ()&6-#@* @("'&(* )<)#4* ."%* 4,)* 4%&<)(* -#6$04%>* 4"* =))43* #)4;"%D3* #)@"1&4)3* 0,";2&0)* &#6* 2"#6$24* '$0-#)008* 94* -0* &#* )<)#4* ;,)%)* B"$%-04* a"&%603* G-%(-#)03* !"4)(03* X#(-#)* B%&<)(* &="#@* "4,)%03* &%)* all gathered to share ideas and ?%"<-6)* "??"%4$#-1)0* ."%* ;"%D)%0* -#* 4,)* -#6$04%>8* * B,)%)* ;)%)* "<)%* eight thousand industry specialists ?%)0)#4*&4*4,)*VB58
greatest sportsmen produced by Trinidad and Tobago in the form of A%8*a%-&#*b&%&*&#6*5%8*A;-@,4*r"%D)* &("#@*;-4,*4,)*;-##)%*".*G=)%-2&]0* _%"R)24*[$#;&>*M)%-)0*T3*508*G#>&* G>"$#@`+,))8 A%8* B,)* !"#8* [$?)%4* K%-74,3* 5-#-04)%* ".* B"$%-0=* &#6* 04&H* ".* the Ministry of Tourism formed 4,)*6)()@&1"#*4"*4,)*V"%(6*B%&<)(* 5&%D)48
4,&4*!-@,*+"==-00-"#)%*L-2,"(&0*-0* ?%"="1#@* -#* 4,)* I#-4)6* J-#@6"=* &#6* 0))0* ')#):40* 4"* B%-#-6&6* &#6* Tobago and the Caribbean as a ;,"()8* * M?"%40* 4"$%-0=* ;-((* '%-#@* &66-1"#&(*')#):40*4"*4,)*B%-#-6&6* and Tobago economy and he has 0&-6* 4,&4* c;)* &(%)&6>* ,&<)* 4,)* infrastructure for this and the ?"4)#1&(3*&#6*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"* =$04*6-<)%0-.>*&#6*"H)%*="%)*4,&#* 4,)*4%&6-1"#&(*0&#63*0)&*&#6*0$#]8
B,)*)<)#4*#"%=&((>*(&040*."$%*6&>0* !-@,*+"==-00-"#)%*K&%<-#*L-2,"(&0* B,)* )<)#-#@* )#6)6* ;-4,* &* 04%))4* &#6*(&04*>)&%]0*)<)#4*;&0*,)(6*.%"=* ,)(6* &* #$=')%* ".* -#4)%<-);0* ;-4,* parade that, as High Commissioner k4,*q*PQ4,*L"<)=')%*NQPP8 &^)#6))0* &4* 4,)* F<)#4* ;,-2,* K&%<-#*L-2,"(&0*2"==)#4)63*2"$(6* -#2($6)6*?)%0"#0*-#<"(<)6*-#*0?"%40* %-<&(*L"Z#@,-((*+&%#-<&(*&#>6&>]8 G4* 4,)* )<)#4* 4,)%)* ;&0* 4,)* 4"$%-0=* &#6* +&%-'')&#* (-.)04>()8* ."%=-6&'()*?%)0)#2)*".*4;"*".*4,)* M?"%40*4"$%-0=*-0*"#)*".*4,)*&%)&0*
EU TOURISM AWARD ‘AN INCENTIVE’ FOR TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Trinidad Guardian December, 2011 ('"#5'*5*$@';0$'-01$+,4'%+B#"'-0'H$+"+@*@'*"@'H02*%0'5*,'4#*"-'*,'*"'+"?#"8B#'-0'#"?01$*%#'-01$+,4' ?3*+4,'B+?#I=$#,+@#"-'0;'-.#'H$+"+@*@'*"@'H02*%0'/0-#3,9'J#,-*1$*"-,'*"@'H01$+,4'(,,0?+*80"'K#B+"'K#""&7 G* ($#2,)"#* 4"* 2)()'%&4)* 4,)* 2"$#4%>]0* V"%(6]0* a)04* B"$%-04* A)01#&1"#* NQPN* &;&%6* ;&0* ,)(6* &4* 4,)* !>&^* [)@)#2>*fB%-#-6&6e*,"4)(*-#*_"%4*".*M?&-#8* B,)*)<)#4*;&0*,"04)6*'>*B"$%-0=*5-#-04)%*A%8*B,)*!"#"$%&'()**[$?)%4*K%-74,3*."((";-#@*&#*&;&%6*?%)0)#4&1"#* 4"*4,)*5-#-04)%3*'>*%)?%)0)#4&1<)0*".*4,)*F$%"?)&#*+"$#2-(*"#*B%&6)*&#6*B"$%-0=*fF+BBe*8* G22"%6-#@*4"*4,)*F+BB]0*;)'0-4)3*4,)*=&-#*"'R)21<)0*-#2($6)*o?%"="1#@*#"#`FI*2"$#4%-)0*&0*&^%&21<)*&#6* 0&.)*4"$%-04*6)01#&1"#0W*&00-01#@*#"#`FI*#&1"#&(*4"$%-0=*"%@&#-0&1"#0*4"*)E2,&#@)*D#";()6@)*&#6*;"%D* 2"((&'"%&1<)(>W* ?%"<-6-#@* -#6$04%>* ?&%4#)%0* &#6* "4,)%* -#4)%)04)6* ?&%1)0* ;-4,* )&0>* &22)00* 4"* %)0)&%2,* &#6* 04&10120*%)@&%6-#@*"$4@"-#@*4"$%-0=*.%"=*4,)*F$%"?)&#*I#-"#p8* a$6@)1#@*."%*F+BB*-0*:#&#2)6*'>*=)=')%0]*2"#4%-'$1"#0*&#6*;-4,*&66-1"#&(*:#&#2-&(*0$??"%4*."%*0?)2-:2* 2&=?&-@#0*%&-0)6*"<)%0)&08* 8
London Mission
The Caribbean Market Place, the Caribbean Hotels and Tourism (,,0?+*80"O,' P:/H(Q' =$#4+#$' annual business event will take =3*?#' +"' R*,,*19' D*.*4*,7' H.+,' very large gathering brings together the industry in the region 5+-.' -.0,#' +"-#$"*80"*33&' 5.0' buy and sell the region’s tourism product: the tour operators, airlines, cruise companies and the sector’s allied industries. B,)*"22&0-"#3*;,-2,*-0*&^)#6)6*'>* the region’s tourism Ministers and -#2($6)0*=))1#@0*".*4,)*+&%-'')&#* B"$%-0=* X%@&#-0&1"#* f+BXe3* &66-1"#&((>* "H)%0* 4,)* -#6$04%>* -#* the Caribbean the opportunity to take stock of the challenges that it .&2)08 a"4,* 4,)* ("2&1"#* -#* L&00&$* &#6* 4,)* )2"#"=-2* '&2D@%"$#6* &@&-#04* ;,-2,* 4,-0* >)&%]0* )<)#4* 4&D)0* place, emphasise the changing nature of the industry, its centrality to the Caribbean’s future economic ."%4$#)03* &#6* 4,)* )H)24* 4,&4* 4,)* @("'&(* )2"#"=-2* 6";#4$%#* -0* ,&<-#@*"#*4%&6-1"#&(*=&%D)408 +&%-'')&#*4"$%-0=*-0*#";*&*("#@*;&>* .%"=* -40* "%-@-#08* \%"=* &#* -#6$04%>* "%-@-#&((>* %$#* '>* @-U)6* &=&4)$%0* &#6* =&<)%-2D0* -4* -0* #";* &* ,$@)(>* -=?"%4&#4* ?%".)00-"#&(* &21<-4>* at the centre of the Caribbean )2"#"=>*;,-2,3*-%%)0?)21<)*".*4,)* &<)%0-"#* 4,&4* 0"=)* -#4)%#&1"#&(* :#&#2-&(* -#014$1"#0* &#6* #"#` @"<)%#=)#4&(* "%@&#-0&1"#0* ,&<)* 4"* -43* #";* ?(&>0* &* <-4&(* %"()* -#* +&%-'')&#*)2"#"=-2*6)<)("?=)#48 9#* 4,)* a&,&=&0* 4,)* K"<)%#=)#4* .%"=* 4,)* _%-=)* 5-#-04)%* 6";#3* the media, the unions and the ?%-<&4)* 0)24"%* &((* $#6)%04&#6* 4,-0* and accept tourism’s centrality to 4,)*-0(&#60]*)2"#"=-2*0$%<-<&(8**G0* a consequence tourism has for &* ("#@* 1=)* #";* '))#* &* =&^)%* Volume 58
&'"$4* ;,-2,* <-%4$&((>* )<)%>* member of the Bahamas Cabinet &#6*"??"0-1"#*,&0*&*?"0-1<)*<-);8 I#1(* %)(&1<)(>* %)2)#4(>* 4,-0* 2"$(6* not be said about much of the rest of the region despite the fact that 4"$%-0=3* -40* &((-)6* 0)%<-2)0* &#6* -40* )<)%* -#2%)&0-#@* 6)=&#6`0,&6";* #";*(-)*&43*"%*2("0)*4"3*4,)*2)#4%)* of the modern Caribbean economy -#*&((*'$4*&*<)%>*.);*#&1"#08 B,&#D.$((>* ="%)* #&1"#0* ,&<)* -#* 4,)*(&04*.);*>)&%0*2"=)*4"*%)&(-0)* that tourism, unlike any other ."%=* ".* -#<)04=)#43* 2&#* 4$%#* economies around rapidly and in %)&(*1=)W*?%"<-6)0*&*#"#`#&1"#&(* source of income to support social commitments at hopefully
%)&(-012* ()<)(0* ".* 4&E&1"#W* &#6* ,&0* &* ;-6)%* 2&0,* -=?&24* 4,&4* 2&#* ')#):4*)<)%>"#)*.%"=*4,)*.&%=)%* producing eggs to the accountant "%*R$#-"%*?,>0-2-&#8 In an approach that ought to be ="%)* 2"=="#* &="#@* :#&#2-&(* -#014$1"#0* &2%"00* 4,)* %)@-"#3* 4,)* Barbados Central Bank Economic [)<-);* -#* A)2)=')%* ?%"<-6)6* a detailed focus on the tourism -#6$04%>8* B,-0* -6)#1:)6* 4%)#60* -#* <-0-4"%* 0?)#6-#@* &#6* ,-@,(-@,4)6* the impact of the global recession "#* 0?)#6-#@* '>* <-0-4"%0* .%"=* 4,)* United Kingdom, the island’s (&%@)04*0"$%2)*=&%D)48*B,)*[)<-);* also contained a useful study )01=&1#@* 4,)* &<)%&@)* ()#@4,* ".* 04&>* ".* <-0-4"%0* "<)%* &* 0)<)#* year period, an approach central 4"* 6)4)%=-#-#@* ,";* =$2,* 4,)* tourism sector contributed to GDP and by extension its long term role -#*4,)*)2"#"=>8
G* .$%4,)%* -#4)%)01#@* )E&=?()* ".* &* #&1"#* 4,&4* ,&0* .$((>* %)2"@#-0)6* the dynamic role tourism has -#* $#6)%;%-1#@* @%";4,* -0* +$'&8* B,)%)3* <)%>* 0)#-"%* =)=')%0* -40* @"<)%#=)#4*$#2"##)24)6*;-4,*4,)* -#6$04%>* 0?)&D* ?"0-1<)(>* &'"$4* 4,)*2)#4%&(*)2"#"=-2*2"#4%-'$1"#* they intend the industry making &0* -4* ="<)0* $?=&%D)4* &#6* K"<)%#=)#4* )#2"$%&@)0* -#<)04"%0* 4"*("2&4)*.&2-(-1)0*-#*#);(>*2%)&4)6* 6)<)("?=)#4*C"#)08* The key as Barbados, Cuba , /&=&-2&3* G%$'&* &#6* "4,)%0* -#* 4,)* %)@-"#* ,&<)* * ."$#6* -0* 4,&4* 4,)* Caribbean has to make tourism sustainable, professionally run and ="#-4"%)6*-.*#&1"#0*&%)*4"*')*&'()* 4"*2"=?)4)*@("'&((>8* This is an important step ."%;&%6*.%"=*4,)*0"=)1=)0* @%$6@-#@* 0$??"%4* @-<)#* '>* 0"=)* K"<)%#=)#40* &2%"00* the region to an industry that parts of the public sector and &2&6)=-&*01((*0))=*$#;-((-#@* 4"*&22)?48 !&<-#@*0&-6*4,-0*-4*-0*2()&%*4,&4*NQPN* ;-((* #"4* ')* &#* )&0>* >)&%* ."%* 4,)* -#6$04%>8 A)0?-4)*4,)*2"#1#$-#@*<-);*4,&4*&* %)@-"#&(*?)%0?)21<)*-0*%)s$-%)6*"#* =&%D)1#@* 4,)* +&%-'')&#* 4"$%-0=* product, the likelihood is that NQPN* ;-((* 0))* @%)&4)%* 2"=?)11"#* ')4;))#* +&%-'')&#* 6)01#&1"#08* B,-0*-0*')2&$0)*4,)*)<)%`-#2%)&0-#@* need to cut public expenditure =)&#0* 4,&4* 0)(.`-#4)%)04* ;-((* 2"#1#$)*4"*%)-@#8* B,)* .&((* "H* -#* <-0-4"%* &%%-<&(0* .%"=* F$%"?)* -#* 6)01#&1"#0* (-D)* a&%'&6"0* &#6* M4* b$2-&* -0* (-D)(>* 4"* 2"#1#$)8* B,-0* ;-((* =)&#* 4,&4* 0-@#-:2&#4(>* ="%)* ;-((* ,&<)* 4"* ')* 0?)#4* "#* IJ* =&%D)1#@* &#6* "#* 2"=?)1#@* -#* =&%D)40* (-D)* +&#&6&* &#6* 4,)* IM* &@&-#04* &((* "4,)%* %)@-"#&(* 6)01#&1"#08* B,-0* ;-((*-#2($6)*+&%-'')&#*#&1"#0*(-D)* 9
Tourism +$'&* ;,-2,* -0* ."%)2&01#@* &#* h8N* ?)%* 2)#4* @%";4,* -#* NQPN* &#6* 4,)* A"=-#-2&#* [)?$'(-2* ;,-2,* (-D)* -40* Hispanic counterpart is trying to ="<)*$?02&()*%&?-6(>8 +&%-'')&#*6)01#&1"#0*6)?)#6)#4* "#* F$%"?)* &#6* 4,)* (";)%* )#6* ".* 4,)* IM* =&%D)4* ;-((* ,&<)* 4"* ="<)* 4,)-%* "H)%-#@* $?02&()* &0* (";)%* )#6* 4%&<)(()%0* .%"=* F$%"?)* &'&#6"#* 4,)#* %)@-"#* ."%* &* .);* >)&%0* &#6* 0)()24* #)&%)%* ;&%=` ;&4)%* 6)01#&1"#0* "%* (-D)* (";)%* )#6*IM*<-0-4"%0*2,""0)*4"*<&2&1"#* #&1"#&((>3*"%*0,-U*4"*2%$-0)0*"%*&((` -#2($0-<)0* ;,)%)* 4,)>* .))(* ')^)%* &'()*4"*2"#4%"(*4,)-%*0?)#68 A)<)("?-#@* 2&=?&-@#0* -#* #);* 0"$%2)*=&%D)40*;-((*')*&*#);*."2$08* B,)* %&?-6(>* @%";-#@* 6-0?"0&'()* -#2"=)*".*2-1C)#0*-#*a%&C-(3*[$00-&3* +,-#&3* G%@)#1#&* &#6* "4,)%* #"#* 4%&6-1"#&(* =&%D)40* ;-((* "H)%* &(4)%#&1<)0* &#6* #);* 0"$%2)0* ".* -#2"=)*6)<)("?3*)0?)2-&((>*&0*&-%(-U* =&D-#@* $0)* ".* @&4);&>0* 0$2,* &0*
Panama and Mexico City come on 04%)&=8 G-%(-U* ;-((* %)=&-#* 2%-12&(* &#6* K"<)%#=)#40* ;-((* :#6* 4,)=0)(<)0* ("2D)6* -#4"* ?%"<-6-#@* 0-@#-:2&#4* &#6* ="%)* 2"=?()E* ()<)(0* ".* 0$??"%4* 4"* %)4&-#* 4%&6-1"#&(* .$((` 0)%<-2)* 2&%%-)%0* ;,"* 6)?)#6* "#* &* 0?)2-:2* =-E* ".* .&%)0* &2%"00* 4,)* ?(&#)8*9#2%)&0-#@*()<)(0*".*4&E&1"#* "#* &-%* 4%&<)(* ."%* )#<-%"#=)#4&(* "%* other reasons may further reduce &-%*0)%<-2)0*.%"=*F$%"?)8 b"2&((>* ";#)6* 0=&(()%* ,"4)(0* ;-((* 2"#1#$)* 4"* 6-02"$#43* 0&6(>* 4"* 4,)-%* ("#@)%* 4)%=* 6)4%-=)#48* B,-0*;-((*2"#1#$)*4"*)&4*-#4"*4,)-%* ?%":40*&#6*4,)-%*&'-(-4>*4"*$?@%&6)* ?%"?)%1)0*-#*2"#4%&04*4"*4,)*'-@@)%* '%&#60* &#6* 2,&-#0* 4,&4* ,&<)* emerged in the region and are ')^)%* )s$-??)6* 4"* 6-02"$#4* &#6* =&%D)4*@("'&((>8* M?&2)*6")0*#"4*?)%=-4*="%)3*'$4*-4* -0*2()&%*4,&4*4,)*2"=?)11"#*.%"=* @("'&(* 6)01#&1"#0* ;-((* ')2"=)*
:)%2)%*&0*K"<)%#=)#40*)<)%>;,)%)* %)2"@#-0)* 4,)* ?";)%* ".* 4"$%-0=* 4"* %&?-6(>*4$%#*)2"#"=-)0*&%"$#68 M-#2)* 4,)* 04&%4* ".* 4,)* 4;)#4>* :%04* century the industry in the region has undergone structural change, 4,)*-=?(-2&1"#0*".*;,-2,*,&<)*#"4* .$((>*'))#*&2D#";()6@)68 This is not because the region is &#>*()00*&^%&21<)*&0*&*6)01#&1"#3* '$4*')2&$0)*#"4*)#"$@,*&^)#1"#* has been paid to the need to adapt 4"$%-0=]0* "H)%-#@* &#6* &??%"&2,* to ensure that the industry in the +&%-'')&#* %)=&-#0* 2"=?)11<)* &#6*0$04&-#&'()8* The tourism sector needs to be #$%4$%)6t*;-4,"$4*-4*4,)*+&%-'')&#* )2"#"=>*2&##"4*@%";8 A&<-6* /)00"?* -0* 4,)* A-%)24"%* ".* the Caribbean Council and can ')* 2"#4&24)6* &4* 6&<-68R)00"?u 2&%-'')&#`2"$#2-(8"%@ _%)<-"$0*2"($=#0*2&#*')*."$#6*&4* ;;;82&%-'')&#`2"$#2-(8"%@
THE COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES LEAGUE’S FAIR 2011 X#* M&4$%6&>* Pl4,* L"<)=')%3* NQPP3* * B,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* +"$#4%-)0* b)&@$)]0* f++be* &##$&(* \&-%* ;&0* ,)(6* &4* J)#0-#@4"#* B";#* !&((3* b"#6"#8* B,-%4>* 0)<)#* +"=="#;)&(4,* 2"$#4%-)0* 4""D* ?&%43* -#* &66-1"#*4"*&*#$=')%*".*%)(&4)6*+"=="#;)&(4,*&#6* ?%-<&4)* "%@&#-0&1"#03* 0,";2&0)6* 4,)-%* &%43* 2$(4$%)* &#6*2$(-#&%>8 The Trinidad and Tobago booth promoted and sold =&#>*".*4,)*("2&(*?%"6$240*0$2,*&0*G#@"04$%&*&%"=&12* '-^)%0*&#6*PTPT*%$=3*A-&#&*+&#6>*+"8*0;))403*b-"#* a%&#6* 0?(-4* ?)&0* ?";6)%* &#6* '&D-#@* ?";6)%* &#6** 5&4"$D0*?)??)%*,"4*0&$2)*&#6*@%))#*0)&0"#-#@8*B,)* Trinidad and Tobago stall also had a number of local 6-0,)0* ;,-2,* -#2($6)6* %"1* &#6* ?)(&$8* B,)0)* 6-0,)0* ?%"<)6*&*.&<"$%-4)*;-4,*4,)*2%";6*&#6*;)%)*0"(6*"$4* <)%>*s$-2D(>8 G4* 4,)* )<)#4* 6-@#-4&%-)0* -#* &^)#6&#2)* -#2($6)6* !8F8* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&03* !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* ."%* 4,)* [)?$'(-2* ".*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"*&#6*,-0*0?"$0)*A%8*L-2"(&*G(2&(&3* a&%"#)00*a""4,%">6*X583*_8+8*_&4%"#*".*4,)*++b3*B,)* V"%0,-?.$(3*B,)*5&>"%*".*[">&(*a"%"$@,*".*J)#0-#@4"#* and Chelsea, Councillor Julie Mills and consort, the M?"$0)* ".* _%-=)* 5-#04)%* ".* 5&(4&3* 5%08* +&4,)%-#)* K"#C-3* )02"%4)6* '>* !8F8* /"0)?,* v&==-4* B&'"#&3* !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* ".* 5&(4&* &#6* ,-0* 0?"$0)* 5%08* M$0&#* v&==-4*B&'"#&8 10
(above) B1($=-+2.$2>$31($Q2+-)$F2.2451$2>$D(*#"*532*$-*:$ 71()#(-M$724*'"))2.$@4)"($="))#$-*:$#G24#($A"31$B."*":-:$-*:$ B2C-52$3(-8;
(pictured) L‐R:$ UG24#($ 2>$ !;%;$ ,-./"*$ 0"'12)-#M I.;$ 0"'2)-$ ?)'-)-M$ !;%;$ ,-./"*$ 0"'12)-#M$ F(/(.)(+$ ?A2*-+-M$ <4C)"'$ ?P-".#$ -*:$ =#;$ W(*:+E?**$ ?4#R*M$ X"*-*'"-)$ ?Y-'1Z$ G.(G-."*5$.2R#$>2.$G-3.2*#$-3$B1($X-".;
HIGH COMMISSIONER CELEBRATES EIDULFITR WITH NATIONALS IN LONDON On Saturday 17 September, 2011, the Trinidad and Tobago High Commission in London hosted its (""1*3'!+@I13IS+-$':#3#2$*80"7 !-0* FE2)(()#2>* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&03* !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* ."%* 4,)* [)?$'(-2* ".* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"* %)&6* 4,)* _%)0-6)#4]0*F-6`$(`\-4%*=)00&@)*4"*#&1"#&(0*?%)0)#48 5&04)%* ".* 2)%)="#-)0* ."%* 4,)* )<)#-#@* ;&0* A%8* XC&-%* !&0#&-#8*B,)*"?)#-#@*?%&>)%*;&0*@-<)#*'>*!&R-*GCC&=* 5",&==)6* ;-4,* <)%0)0* .%"=* G(* w$%&#* %)&6* '>* 5%8* G6&=*5",&==)68 5%0* G0)(&* 9'%&,-=`F(* 5"%0>* /_* bba* @&<)* 4,)* .)&4$%)* &66%)00*&#6*508*v&-%&*M&:>&*5",&==)6*2("0)6*;-4,* 4,)*<"4)*".*4,&#D08 GU)%*4,)*."%=&(*0)@=)#4*".*4,)*2)()'%&1"#3*#&1"#&(0* )#R">)6*4%&6-1"#&(*2$-0-#)*."%*4,)*"22&0-"#*&#6*0?"D)* ;-4,*!-0*FE2)(()#2>*K&%<-#*L-2,"(&0*"#*<&%-"$0*4"?-20* -#2($6-#@* 4,)* ;"%D* 4,&4* ,)* -0* 6"-#@* -#* 4,)* I#-4)6* J-#@6"=8**
L‐R: Master of ceremonies, Dr Ozair Hasnain, Mr. Adam Mohammed, High Commissioner Garvin Nicholas, Ms ./0'/%1/23/%4(5/))+$6%4'7%87+*/%9:'/50);<*%4('73%=>% LLB, and Haji Azzam Mohammed
DIVALI CELEBRATIONS AT THE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO HIGH COMMISSION, LONDON The Trinidad and Tobago High Commission, London .#3@'+-,'C+B*3+'?#3#2$*80",'0"'U*-1$@*&'VW-.'<?-02#$' 2011. B,)* )<)#4* ;&0* ;)((* &^)#6)6* '>* =)=')%0* ".* 4,)* A-&0?"%&8* 5%0* a)<)%()>* G;"#&>&3* _$'(-2* GH&-%03* +$(4$%)*&#6*B"$%-0=*;)(2"=)6*#&1"#&(0*4"*4,)*!-@,* +"==-00-"#8**M,)*6)(-<)%)6*&*0,"%4*=)00&@)*"#*'),&(.* ".* !-0* FE2)(()#2>* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&0* ;,"* ;&0* &;&>* "#* 6$4>* &4* 4,)* +"=="#;)&(4,* !)&60* ".* K"<)%#=)#4* 5))1#@*-#*G$04%&(-&8 B,)*_%)0-6)#4]0*5)00&@)*;&0*%)&6*'>*4,)*G21#@*!-@,* +"==-00-"#)%3* 5%0* [)0,=&* a-00""#`A)"D-)8* * B,)* =)00&@)* ;&0* ."((";)6* '>* 4,)* (-@,1#@* ".* 4,)* 6)>&0* '>* 2,-(6%)#8* * B,-0* 0>='"(-2* &24* ".* (-@,1#@* 4,)* 6)>&0* 0-@#-:)6*4,)*)00)#2)*".*A-<&(-*&#6*"#)*".*4,)*;"%(6]0* ="04*$#-<)%0&((>`,)(6*')(-).0*q*4,&4*".*(-@,4*2"#s$)%-#@* 6&%D#)00*"%*@""6*2"#s$)%-#@*)<-(8 B,)*.)&4$%)6*&66%)00*"#*4,)*)<)#-#@*;&0*6)(-<)%)6*'>* 5%8*L&%-#)0-#@,*b&(3*9==-@%&1"#*G^&2,x*&4*4,)*!-@,* +"==-00-"#8**9#*,-0*6)(-<)%>3*5%*b&(*?(&2)6*)=?,&0-0* "#* 4,)* 0-@#-:2&#2)* ".* A-<&(-* (-01#@* 4,)* 4,%))* )<)#40* 2"#2)%#-#@* 4,)* 2)()'%&1"#* ".* A-<&(-3* &0* "22$%0* -#* B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"* &#6* 4,)* +&%-'')&#8* * B,)* :%04* being the emergence of Mother Lakshmi from the churning of the ocean, the second being the return Volume 58
?0@/*0% A+*+:'/B(#7% :+0#C% 5+*$% 0#% D5+% E+F+GB(#% '(()% /D% D5+%H0C5%A())0770(#I%>'()0#+#D%2CJ'+7%0#%D5+%F())J#0D3% can be seen performing the Bhajan above.
".*b"%6*[&=&*4"*G>"6,&*&U)%*6).)#6-#@*J-#@*[&<&#&* -#*b&D,&*&#6*4,)*4,-%6*')-#@*4,)*"'0)%<&#2)*".*&*L);* r)&%*."%*!-#6$08 B,)%)*;&0*&(0"*4,)*0-#@-#@*".*a,&R&#0*'>*#&1"#&(0*-#* 4,)*2"==$#-4>8 G* 4%&6-1"#&(* F&04* 9#6-&#* 6-##)%* ."((";)6* 4,)* ."%=&(* ?&%4*".*4,)*)<)#-#@8 11
H.E. GARVIN NICHOLAS PRESENTS CREDENTIALS TO H.M. QUEEN MARGRETHE II B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"]0*G='&00&6"%* to the Kingdom of Denmark, !-0* FE2)(()#2>* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&03* ?%)0)#4)6* ,-0* +%)6)#1&(0* 4"* !)%* 5&R)04>* w$))#* 5&%@%)4,)* 99* "#* \%-6&>*L"<)=')%*NO4,3*NQPP*&4*4,)* G=&(-)#'"%@*_&(&2)3*A)#=&%D8* !-0* FE2)(()#2>* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&0]* <-0-4* 4"* 4,)* J-#@6"=* ".* A)#=&%D* "22$%%)6* "<)%* 4,)* ?)%-"6* L"<)=')%*Nl%6*4"*Nk4,3*NQPP8 G='&00&6"%* L-2,"(&0* &(0"* ,)(6* &* #$=')%* ".* ,-@,* ()<)(* =))1#@0* ;-4,* ?%"=-#)#4* '$0-#)00=)#* -#* A)#=&%D* -#* ;,-2,* &* #$=')%* ".* -00$)0*;)%)*%&-0)6*&#6*6-02$00)68 A$%-#@* ,-0* <-0-4* 4"* A)#=&%D* G='&00&6"%* L-2,"(&0* ,"04)6* &* dinner for members of the Trinidad &#6* B"'&@"* A-&0?"%&* (-<-#@* -#* +"?)#,&@)#8
Members of the A-&0?"%&* ;)%)* exc e p t i o n a l l y pleased to meet ;-4,* 4,)* #);* G = ' & 0 0 & 6 " %* and took the opportunity to ?%"<-6)* -#0-@,4* -#4"*4,)-%*(-<)0*-#* A)#=&%D8* B,)-%* e x p e r i e n c e s ,&<)* '))#* e x t r e m e l y L‐R: H.E. Garvin Nicholas and spouse of H.E. Garvin ?"0-1<)* &#6* P0F5(*/76% ?'I% P0F(*/% 8*F/*/% /D% D5+% 8)/*0+#:('C% >/*/F+6% ;,-()* 0"=)* Denmark =)=')%0* ,&<)* '))#* &'()* 4"* 04&>* 4,)* .&24* 4,&4* ,)* ;&0* #"4* %)0-6)#4* -#* 4"$2,3* -4* ;&0* &@%))6* 4,&4* 4,)%)* -#* +"?)#,&@)#8* !)* )E?%)00)6* 4,)* ;&0* #))6* 4"* %)`)#)%@-0)* 4,)* ,"?)* 4,&4* 4,)%)* ;"$(6* ')* .$4$%)* "22&0-"#0* 4"* <-0-4* +"?)#,&@)#* 2"==$#-4>8 &#6* 4,&4* ,)* ;"$(6* ;)(2"=)* G='&00&6"%* L-2,"(&0* -#<-4)6* 4,)* "??"%4$#-4>* 4"* =))4* ;-4,* the members of the Diaspora to members of the Diaspora on those contact him on issues, despite "22&0-"#08
In 1492, what had only months before seemed an unlikely event, actually took place in Seville. Through the cobbled streets, Christopher Columbus on his -$+14=.*"-' $#-1$"' *X#$' .+,' Y$,-' voyage to the ‘Indies,’ paraded ,#B#"' #A08?I300Z+"%' M"@+*",' 5.0' 5#$#' *??04=*"+#@' 2&' #F1*33&' strange‐looking green and yellow parrots. Imagine the confusion in the minds of these Indians as they walked through the city and the curiosity this spectacle had aroused among the people of U#B+33#';0$'*-'-.+,'84#9'!1$0=#*",' Z"#5' 3+[3#' *201-' -.#' =#0=3#' 0;' Africa and Asia, except through what they had read from the travel literature of the 15th century. We should remember however that 12
Photo: Darrin des Vignes
BOOK LAUNCH ISABELLA’S LEGACY by Ron Ramdin November, 2011
K;EL%4'7I%M+@+'*+3%8N(#/3/6%>J:*0F%8O/0'76%4'I%E(#%E/)$0#6%4'I%EJ$(*G5% Walker, Dr. Margaret Busby, and Dr. Clem Seebarran London Mission
Events these ‘Indians’ were not from India, the place which Columbus had set out to discover and mistakenly believed he had reached. \&04*."%;&%6*&(="04*:<)*2)#4$%-)0* 4"* PTTQ* ;,)#* 9* f4,)* K%&#60"#* ".* an indentured labourer from India ;,"*,&6*4%&<)(()6*4"*4,)*V)04*9#6-)0* 4"* ;"%D* "#* 4,)* 0$@&%* ?(&#4&1"#0e* ;&(D)6* 4,)* 04%))40* ".* M)<-(()* "#* =>* ;&>* 4"* 6)(-<)%* &* b)24$%)* &4* 4,)* I#-<)%0-4>* ".* M)<-(()* )#14()6t* cB";&%60* PTTNt* A-02"<)%>y* &#6* 5-#"%-1)0*-#*F$%"?)8]*9*;&0*'"%#*-#* B%-#-6&6*;,-2,*;&0*c6-02"<)%)6]*'>* +"($='$0*"#*,-0*4,-%6*<">&@)*4"*4,)* L);*V"%(63*'$4*9*2"$(6*#"4*0?)&D* M?&#-0,8*V,>z*B,)%)-#*(-)0*&*4&()*".* 4,)*2"##)21"#*')4;))#*(&#@$&@)* &#6*F=?-%)8*M?&#-0,*B%-#-6&6*@&<)* ;&>* 4"* a%-10,* B%-#-6&6* &#6* 0"* 9* migrated to the ‘Mother Country,’ &0* a%-4&-#* ;&0* D#";#8* a$4* &0* 9* ')2&=)* ="%)* D#";()6@)&'()* &'"$4* w$))#* 90&')((&3* +"($='$03* b&0* +&0&03* M)<-(()* &#6* K%&#&6&3* 9* %)&(-0)6* 9* ;&0* "#(>* ?&%1&((>* )6$2&4)6* ."%* a%-4&-#* &#6* M?&-#* ;)%)*'"4,*-=?"%4&#48
of Christopher Columbus, it is a <">&@)* ".* 6-02"<)%>3* &* ?&-#04&D-#@* &#6* -#0-@,{$(* 0)&%2,* ."%* 2$(4$%&(* %""40* 4,&4* %&-0)0* s$)01"#0* &'"$4* 2$(4$%&(* ')("#@-#@* &#6* 4,)* )H)240* ".* 2"("#-0&1"#8* 94* -0* &(0"* &* 4&()* ".* ,";* ?)%0"#&(* .%-)#60,-?03* 2,&#2)* =))1#@0*&#6*2&0$&(*&2s$&-#4&#2)0* ,)(?* 4,)* ;%-4)%* 4"* )E?("%)* &#6* appreciate the land he so desired to D#";8*G(4,"$@,*4,)*6-%)24*"'R)24*".* [&=6-#]0*=$0-#@0*-0*="6)%#*M?&-#* f=&-#(>* G#6&($0-&e3* ,-0* B%-#-6&6-&#* "%-@-#0* ?%"<-6)* 4,)* &#2,"%* ?"-#4* and the historical pointers that help ,-=*4"*#&<-@&4)*(&%@)*@)"@%&?,-2&(* )E?&#0)0* &#6* "<)%* :<)* ,$#6%)6* >)&%0*".*,-04"%>8*9.*+"($='$0*.&-()6* 4"*6-02"<)%*9#6-&3*90&')((&]0*b)@&2>* 0,";0* ,";* &* +&%-'')&#* V)04* 90&')((&]0* b)@&2>* ;-((* ')* ."((";)6 9#6-&#*;&0*&'()*4"*=&D)*,-0*4%&<)(0* '>*4,)*?$'(-2&1"#*".*["#*[&=6-#]0* 4"*M?&-#*-#4"*&*?)%0"#&(*&6<)#4$%)* extraordinary autobiography Turning 4,&4* ;"$(6* ,)(?* 4"* 0,)6* (-@,4* "#* _&@)08 4,)*+"($='$0*-#,)%-4&#2)8 5>* :%04* <-0-4* 4,)* >)&%* ')."%)* =>* b)24$%)3*,&6*0)4*-#*4%&-#3*&*@%";-#@* desire to see and learn more about M?&-#8* B,)%)&U)%3* 4,)* -6)&* ".* ;%-1#@* 90&')((&]0* b)@&2>* )=)%@)63* took hold and propelled me to 4%&<)(*4,%"$@,*G#6&($0-&*&#6*(&4)%* 4"*+&4&($#>&8*90&')((&]0*b)@&2>*-0*&* $#-s$)*'""D3*&*%&%)*-#4)%;)&<-#@*".* 4%&<)(3*=)="-%3*,-04"%>3*2$(4$%)0*&#6* -6)#11)0W* &* R"$%#)>* ".* 0$%?%-0)0* `* 04$##-#@*-=?%)00-"#03*&*=)6-4&1"#* "#* ;"%(6* ,-04"%>* &#6* 0-@#-:2&#4(>* "#* 2"#4)=?"%&%>* F$%"?)8* G'"<)* &((3*-4*-0*&*#&%%&1<)*#"4*"#(>*".*=>* 6-02"<)%>* ".* M?&-#* ;,-2,3* -#* 4$%#3* ,&0*()6*4"*0)(.`6-02"<)%>3*'$4*&(0"*&* '""D*;,-2,*;-((*,"?).$((>*)#(-@,4)#* &#6*)#2,&#4*4,)*%)&6)%8
["#*[&=6-#3*,-04"%-&#3*'-"@%&?,)%* &#6* #"<)(-043* &#6* #";* 4%&<)(* ;%-4)%3* "H)%0* 4,-0* 2&#6-63* -#1=&4)* &#6* ,"#)04* ?"%4%&-4* ".* ,-0* 4%&<)(0* -#* M?&-#8* \"((";-#@* -#* 4,)* ;&D)*
Available from Compass, _8X8*aX|*jjllP3*b"#6"#* LVj*Tww*fIJe Telephone: QNQk`jQm`lPTO*fIJe
H.E. GARVIN NICHOLAS GIVES THE LONDON DIPLOMATIC COMMUNITY A TRUE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO CHRISTMAS !-0* FE2)(()#2>* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&0* ,"04)6*=)=')%0*".*4,)**A-?("=&12* Corps to a Trinbagonian type +,%-04=&0* %)2)?1"#* &4* ,-0* [)0-6)#2)* "#* M&4$%6&>* PQ4,* A)2)=')%*NQPP8 !8F8* K&%<-#* L-2,"(&0* $0)6* 4,)* occasion to say thank you to the =&#>* 6-?("=&403* "72-&(0* .%"=** 4,)* \"%)-@#* &#6* +"=="#;)&(4,* X72)* &#6* "4,)%* -#4)%#&1"#&(* "%@&#-0&1"#0* ;,"* ?(&>)6* &* ?&%4* -#*=&D-#@*,-0*:%04*>)&%*&0*B%-#-6&6* &#6* B"'&@"]0* %)?%)0)#4&1<)* 4"* 4,)* +"$%4* ".* M4* /&=)03* &* 4%$(>* =)="%&'()*&#6*0$22)00.$(*"#)8 K$)040* ;)%)* 4%)&4)6* 4"* 6)(-2-"$0* .""6* &#6* (-<)(>* )#4)%4&-#=)#48** B,)%)*;&0*(-<)*_&%&#@*&#6*M4))(?&#* =$0-2**"#*4,)*#-@,48**F#4)%4&-#=)#4* ."%*4,)*)<)#4*;&0*?%"<-6)6*'>*b"0* Volume 58
P a r a n d e r o s 6)* b"#6%)08** B,)* -#.)21"$0* sounds of the parang music ;)%)* <)%>* a p p r e c i a t e d '>* 4,)* -#<-4))0* ;,"3* -#* =&#>* cases, did not D#";* &'"$4* _&%&#@* =$0-28* G* =)6()>* ".* (pictured) K(7%>/'/#$+'(7%$+%K(#$'+7%0#%G*/30#C% parang classics G/'/#C%)J70F%/D%D5+%A5'07D)/7%'+F+GB(#%/D%D5+%H0C5% Commissioners residence. ;)%)* ?(&>)6* '>* 4,)* '&#68* 5$0-2* ;&0* &(0"* ?)&03* M?&#-0,* %-2)3* @-#@)%* '))%3* ?%"<-6)6*'>*&*A/8 0"%%)(*6%-#D*&#6*?"#2,)*6)*2%}=)8* K$)040* ;)%)* &(0"* 4%)&4)6* 4"* &* !-@,* +"==-00-"#)%* K&%<-#* ="$4,* ;&4)%-#@* 0)()21"#* ".* L-2,"(&0* ,)(6* 4,)* )<)#4* 4"* &(0"* 4%&6-1"#&(*+,%-04=&0*6-0,)0*;,-2,* 0,";2&0)* 4,)* <&%-)4>* ".* B%-#-6&6* -#2($6)6* ?&04)(()03* 04);)6* ?-@)"#* &#6* B"'&@"* 2$-0-#)* 0)%<)6* -#* 13
Events Trinbagonian homes on Christmas A&>* &#6* 4,%"$@,"$4* 4,)* .)01<)* 0)&0"#*".*+,%-04=&08 B,-0* )<)#4* &(0"* @&<)* &* 4&04)* ".* 4,-#@0* 4"* 2"=)* -#* NQPN* &4* 4,)* B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"*S-((&@)*;,-2,** ;-((* ,"04* &* #$=')%* ".* )<)#40* 4"** highlight the culture and cuisine ".*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"8
(pictured) H.E. Garvin Nicholas and /Q+#$++7%/D%D5+%A5'07D)/7%'+F+GB(#
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ommissioner took the opportunity to let the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oB%-#-p* Christmas dishes including Pastelles, Ham, Pelau, ["13*+$%%>3*a(&2D*2&D)*&#6*M"%%)(*A%-#D8*B,)*)<)#4*;&0* )#R">)6*-==)#0)(>*'>*&((*?%)0)#48 B,)*!-@,*+"==-00-"#*;&0*?()&0)6*;-4,*4,)*#$=')%* ".* 04$6)#40* ;,"* ;)%)* &'()* 4"* &^)#6* &#6* 2"#1#$)0* 4"* )#2"$%&@)* &((* #&1"#&(0* 2$%%)#4(>* 04$6>-#@* -#* 4,)* I#-4)6* J-#@6"=* 4"* %)@-04)%* ;-4,* 4,)* =-00-"#8* \"%=0*2&#*')*."$#6*"#*"$%*;)'0-4)*&4*.[=T\\5557 --.+%.?044+,,+0"7?071Z\+"@#A7=.=\@05"30*@,\ !/:(@+-%HI<I%S/'@0#%P0F5(*/7%C'++B#C%7()+%(&%7DJ$+#D7% forms. N5(%/Q+#$+$%D5+%8##J/*%1DJ$+#D7R%A5'07D)/7%>/'D3I
London Mission
ANNUAL NATIONALS’ CHRISTMAS PARTY X#* 4,)* Pm4,* A)2)=')%* NQPP3* 4,)* G##$&(* L&1"#&(0]* +,%-04=&0*_&%4>*;&0*,)(6*&4*4,)*B%-#-6&6*&#6*B"'&@"* !-@,*+"==-00-"#3*b"#6"#*fBB!+e8*B,)*)<)#4*;&0*;)((* &^)#6)6* '>* &* (&%@)* #$=')%* ".* #&1"#&(0* %)0-6-#@* -#* b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cB%-#-]*04>()*&0*4,)>*4""D*4"*4,)*6&#2)*Y""%8*
Need to send money.
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Peace of mind.
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Event Round Up
(pictured) B1($!2*; D-8)-$<(.#-:EF"##(##-.M$<."8($="*"#3(.$ L‐R: B1($ !2*;$ D-8)-$ <(.#-:EF"##(##-.M$ <."8($ ="*"#3(.$ #1-T(#$ 1-*:#$ A"31$ 31($ #2*$ 2>$ =.;$ =-.)2*$ 7122$ ["*5M$ 5.((R*5$ "*/"3(:$ 54(#3#$ -3$ -$ .('(GR2*$ -3$ 31($ !"51$ \88"5.-R2*$?Y-'1Z$$A1")#3$"*$31($C-'T5.24*:$=#;$7)-4:"-$ 7288"##"2*(.]#$.(#":(*'($"*$12*24.$2>$31($<."8($="*"#3(.; 74G":M$ 0-."*(#"*51$ 9-)M$ \88"5.-R2*$ ?Y-'1Z$ -*:$ ="'1-()$ ,.-1-8$2>$31($BB!7$)22T$2*;
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Publication of the High Commission for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, London 42 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NT / Telephone: 020 7245 9351 / Fax: 020 7823 1065 / Website: www.tthighcommission.co.uk