The Pulse- Revival Edition 2019

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31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019


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See one of the Most boved coµples of Mt. Hope. Need Inspiration? Check out our Stud_ents' Corner! bess Stres~~ , More Sporting! Get the on ------ latest scoop ---- .. Fun Da~, Mt. Hope Events and-m-uch more! ~


31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019

I ief Editor Amrika Rohan, 1sio,n for The Pulse from this / to future publications.

The pulse serves as a major portfolio for the Faculty of Medical Sciences and its respective staff and students. The Pulse grants us as students a platform and a window to produce and view the variety of opportunities and new innovations of the medical community. We as a faculty of an everchanging and ever improving field need an outlet to vocalise and learn new concepts with regards to culture, technology, research and innovation in medicine - which The Pulse is striving to bring to our students. I have intent to incorporate aspects of both academia and extra- curricular of all the medical disciplines; I am eager to deliver quality productions with unceasing ambition and passion. As a medical based platform, we can now exhibit our very own local medical professionals and encourage discussions on progress in this common journey. There is intention now that The Pulse provides opportunities to learn and display skills and talent, expertise, and virtuosity; thereby improving and making our students holistically apt in vocational skills other than/ along with academics. For this publication, from the design of the logo, to articles, to graphic art have been accomplished by purely a student-based team. We are proud that on our team are students with previously hidden talents are given the opportunity to be trailblazers of new accomplishments in a traditionally academic driven faculty. Our major goal is to be a consistent publication, continuously appealing to the secretly skilled medical student; to empower them to redefine a medical professional as an aggregated, multi-faceted professional. I motivate each of our readers to allow yourself to learn and not limit your potential within medical school, take opportunities to diversify your capabilities!


"I motivate each of our readers to allow yourself to learn and not limit your potential within medical school, take opportunities to diversify your capabilities!"


31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201 812 019

What's the Pulse? "The Pulse," its name alone captures everything that our faculty stands for. It boldly gives our fearless pride in the Medical Sciences. It is upbeat, nonstop and fast-paced , synonymous with the day of a medical student. It reflects life intrapersonal and within medicine, and good character is something that we choose to embody!



(;~:~_It is g.-pcbeat, nonstop and

;: :. · ~\: .f;it 2paced, synonymous w'ith th~,day of a medical

This issue of the pulse is meant to be a resurrection; given that it has been dormant for the past year, the new executive team has produced a magazine with a fresh, new face . It gives readers the opportunity to familiarise themselves with all things Medical Sciences. From the Miss Mt. Hope Pageants to The Rotaract Club events, it accommodates for all.


in Conclusion •••

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A message I'd like to leave you with is one shared by our esteemed lecturer, Dr. E. M. Davis. It was a stressful day for some colleagues and myself when Dr. Davis shared -which stands to me as invaluable advice"Have something to look fo rward to every day". At a first analysis, it may seem confusing, but when it is put into practice, its true relevance peaks! I have adapted this ever since I learned of it and I promise that it has been one of the things that have kept me sane. It does not have to be anything major we have to look forward to; it can be something as simple as a cup of coffee, a rela xing hot shower, or even going home to our families, children, and pets. Having this provides us with a healthy determination and makes us more goal-oriented; on the other hand, when this daily event is met, it gives a great feeling of fulfilment. A simple routine that can make the world of a difference, I Thank-you Dr. Davis. In closing, I hope my experience can reach out to everyone and help you in times of stress and fru stration; which I might add, this degree does not lack! I look forward to the participation of the entire faculty in the future publications of The Pulse and I do wish that every one of you enjoys this release. Thank you! Warm regards and best wishes, Neval Ragoonath Lead Journalist

31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201 812 019


motivation? Motivation, inspiration, desire, and impulse. It has multifarious names, and what you choose to call it is completely up to you. The definition for this energy however remains constant. Motivation can be defined as the driving force or reason for your actions. To put it simply, it's the "why" behind a decision . Why do you want to become a doctor, or drive the latest model of Mercedes Benz? Maybe your dream is to give back to the world, or it's._simply to live a1healthy and balanced life. Whatever the endeavor m~y be, there must be a reas~r, _):>eh ind pursuing it~ , I ) ,, : -~






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o r e can cJerive motivatio_n fr?m IJ;apY diff~re Qt : l; ~ ,sources. Its under constant chan ge as there are~ :·· ,; .__._ ·' many different things that can motivate-a"'n' individual. 1, y'r 1t's especially astounding .how peop le can beJ n the same faculty, go to the 'same job, ;and_do/ ,he same , things, with compl e_tely' diffj~ent 'p urposes'. Ther~ is however in my opinion, 1 pervasive misunderstanding · between being in a·:_motivate~ ~tat~. and achievin g, one's goals. Motivation is often a~ so1 iate"d with 'f ... passion, and is most times considered to be the salient component of great success in .any"'capa'city. H i,gn~ l_ , ~ levels of motivation and high levels of success are ·) often seen as one and the.same. W~ile mar:iy_. may agree that in order to achieve anything, especially _ something arduous that requires a great deal of~ffort, there is some level of motivation that is necessary. I \ concur with this opinion, however just like being happy or sad, motivati~n, is an!~mot_ional state. The belief ,~...._ that great success.or the achievement of anything oft '-' · significance, must be -matcb.ed with an equal amount I \ ' '..;. of motivation is w~ re rrV 'o piriion diff,e ri·~1 _ __

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belongs, in my chest ~~ . . ~~\'". And not in your hands ... :/ '\'i.



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McGuire'Pinder, MBBS 202J.;i\ ,


My soul will always be ~,'·~ , closer to your soul. .. Than your shadow is to your body...

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MBBS 12022,.

Sou IITICltes,/..-




Emotions can be '.p latile; they can change de~ending1 on the situation and th·e~circumstances~So how does'"'· ~ one 1 ely on an emotion that is consdntly subject to !t. ' """ "change, in acquiring success - something that requires continuity and consistency. The answer is simple, you can't. Simply watching a video on line to get an emotional high about exercising won't be enough to get you to your summer body goals. It takes discipline. Discipline exists where motivation doesn't. Discipline is the fulfilling of an obligation, regardless of your emotional state. Of course, there are many other factors that go into one being successful, but discipline is one characteristic that is quite undervalued . Motivation has its place, and I encourage you not only motivate yourselfbut others as well. I do, ' enq)urage you to cultivate yo~ r sense of discipline and consistency. These traits !i ,ill carry you to places where , motivation is sc_:>metimes just not in the n:,9od to go. ) ; ·_" '

Pra~eep Samaroo,




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31ST FRIDA~ M~Y {ql 9• . . ... :


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II 201812019 YOU AR E ll·JVIED TO


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31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019

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31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201 812 019

pro;ect H.O.P .E According to the World Population Review of 2019 thus far, Trinidad and Tobago places at number 36 in the world for Suicidal Rates with 13.6 suicides per 100,000, as the highest in the region (out of 176 countries). Experts such as Professor Gerard Hutchinson, Head of Clinical Medical Sciences at U.W.I., tell us that suicide is multifactorial, that is, there is never a single reason as to why one may think that ending their life is the only way to end perpetual pain and suffering. Suicidal ideation and suicide are regarded with stigmas such as that the person is cowardly or does not care about their family. These irrational statements cannot be further from truth. RCMH in collaboration with the Peer Counselling Association (PCA), sought to create a greater awareness of suicidal ideation, suicide and its stigmas through the pro;ect H.O.P.E initiative (Hold On, Pain Ends) and our Suicide Survivor Stories. Suicide Survivor Stories were real-life accounts of persons who struggled with suicide, sharing their experiences of coping with Suicide and Depression that were published leading up to event. We started with the U.W.I Community, where Dr. Chin Yuen Kee, counsellor of CAPS (Counselling and Psychological Services) explained that a more rigorous protocol has been instituted for suicidal risk checks, as there was a 40% increase from 2016/2017 to 2017 /2018 amongst U.W.I. students. Pro;ect H.O.P.E was held in the Food Court Greens in U.W.I on January 31st, 2019. It aimed to create avenues of support in the forms of art, music, poetry, drama and presented resources (Suicide Hotlines, Lifeline, PCA, CAPS) for persons who may be struggling with suicidal ideation or suicide. They may be simply neglected, passed in the street, taken for granted when missing from class or are often dissolved in desensitized conversations of merriment and fun, not actively seeking out help for themselves.

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Pro;ect H.O.P.E provides a forum of support to let them know that they are not alone, there are others in similar situations, and to make them aware of people, resources and organizations available to help. With the help of many willing hands, the day was an immense success. From beautiful art pieces depicting both pain and hope in suicide, to spoken words that rocked us to our core, challenging the aforementioned stigmas, to dances that melded our hearts with empathy and understanding; they all coalesced to create the powerful message, Hold On, Pain Ends. It all climaxed as the founder, Anne Marie Ming Hon, of the RCMH Executive, shared her personal struggle with suicide, pain and her strength in overcoming. The audience and even those huddled in nearby food courts listened attentively as our message was made clear. The night ended with a vigil where candles were lit and shared amongst those present, in memory of those we have lost to suicide.

Follow us at lnstagram: @rotaractclubofmounthope Facebook: The Rotaract Club of Mount Hope Youtube: The Rotaract Club of Mount Hope , Lifeline: 1-(868)-645-2800 6

31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019


We asked Medical Students ...

N A V A K 7•

Where's the best place to wear your skills clothes?

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' • S There's 5 Dr Naya ks in this •image.1 ee

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Jonathon Edwards, , a typical red man/ TTMSA's VP of External Affairs MBBS 2019


"I can't say Grand


Bazaar ent? Anywhere people don't know that you're a med student."

. "f you can fin · dh,m!


"From Grand Bazaar to skills lab to • main campus to the nearest sma II .1e... "






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oma u1 ~11111:1 ·~•:J:ffl•fil Any smallie hotspot, my personal favorite is Starbucks Xtra Plaza.

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"The Flea Market."

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.. "Well from what i see you go engineering Undercroft, to steal the people them man."





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Any and everywhere, morning till evening on the day you have skills.

Main campus to show off yuh in med; That's what we used to doMake a Iii pass in main campus with the fresh white shirt before skills.


31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019

Dr. Geeta Kurhade

Dr. Arvind Kurhade MBBS, MD Me dical

B.Sc., MBBS,

Microbiology, Lecturer

MD (physiology),

in Unit of Pathology and Microbiology,

DGO (Since 2009, UWI), Winner ofUWI/Guardian

Department of

Group Premium

Paraclinical Sciences,

Teaching Award.

Mt Hope


DR. ARVIND AND DR. GEETA KURHADE The Pulse chose the Kurhades for this edition as they are one of the most admired couples of the faculty. The Kurhades have been married since June 6th, 1984 making it 35 years of marriage in 2019. Dr Geeta and Dr Arvind have been in the same fields from the very beginning of their career, "We had joined as lecturers in our respective fields of Physiology and Microbiology in the same Institution- the Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur India in 1985, as gazetted officers (Government Medical Institute). Later we both were made in charges ofladies' hostels and boys' hostel as well in 1995," and now as respected lecturers in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. "We have [always] loved working together." This was not the first time the Kurhades have been featured as an ideal couple in the work field; they have both won favourite lecturer awards and most loved couples by their previous students back home, India. Dr Geeta Kurhade came to the University of the West Indies, Faculty of Medical Sciences in 2009 and Dr Arvind Kurhade followed her in 2011. The Pulse admires the brilliance and support this Doctor- Doctor relationship embodies in their academics.

31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019

Recipe to Try TIME-BROKE LENTIL PATTIES by VegVision's President Aliceson Narine 'im'mlmmmmnr!ffllUlbm Mh44•t.:Yii¥bijjnJ tbIP i1111111411h11 t.ibfi••• 1@6i44hi4€~••• 11 •l+J 11 0him mm1.dihk9It,f¥bi44hiitMm.i4 11i:ln'iimi measurements Minlnr-arNJ4&M4411 iuhfM'l!l 11ml mmar;mlrawawrsn.mlltmu•will l&thib1b~liiml ffl!ffll~~li¥hQ:nl\wmlfflfflhwDflffllt;;m tttm.t,t4i';ffflLGJmJ [ffii■l 1;t."b & flrnmlnm


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31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019

·~~ BBQ really

Br.ought us


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together as o_r.i e big MED FAMILY! "



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Divine Contestants and judges of the event, from left to right: Javanna Smith, Samara Tahira Khan Mohammed (Miss Congeniality), Prishni Rampersadsingh, Chanta l Ju man Uudge), Tiffany Mohan (The 2nd Runner-up & winner of People's Choice), Charlene Nivet, Kharishma Maharaj (Winner), Saudah Ghany Uudge}, Amanda Francis (1st runner up), Marcus Ling Uudge), Shania David and Hannah Thompson

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31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019






31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019






MBBS 2O22'S winning match on March

Darius Henry (Goalkeeper), Jaren James (#2), Avides h Birbal (#8), Diego Conochiari (# 22), Ronaldo Kassie (# 7), Nikhil Hassranah (substitute goalkeeper), Jeremiah John (Black shirt), Haile Ellis (#5), Vikash Rampersad (#14), Jabari Lander (#99, stafftt·ansfer), Josiah Ambris (#12, optometrist transfer), Joshua Scoon (Year I Transfer, Qrc Jersey), Moesha Felix (# ll, sole female player, extremely valuable to the team). Seth Knight(# IO Team Captain)


A WOMAN IN MEDICINE AND SPORTS BY MB BS 2022 ' S CRISTAL BERNARD '41i4tnn 'fflnlffl;fft:dlmi ~ ~lmmilm»"21H1-1-.ft,1■1.1, iii 111lQDhlffl4Mm Pf\a 11 t 111~ fill bl ctmD~ ~DmD ~u:~11:a.:•:.11Dmlll!l Bt•i ■H•-i#J r.mlh~m'.fml71P4i-1111 tl'lki,i . mt44 t4kamrBmffllhwmfl rnDllil ndml mwq..1-1r.imtm1ii4,Qhm htMM4Gh4-iJ fnm'liml ~ iiiuill11111¥11111 tniijjlw{iL

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Cristal Bernard and her team- 2nd row, 3rd from the right


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31ST FRIDAY MAY 2019 II 201812019 The Leadership Council was built to encourage Diversification, Innovation and Empowerment. The club is an active dynamic network that seeks to include everyone by appealing to a multitude of interests. Our LC family participates in championing events that range between entertainment, charity and growth. The traditional events are as follows:The Leadership Council's Christmas Dinner, LC's Brain Cooler, For the Love of Charity (FTLOC), LC's Health and Wellness Fair, LC WEEK, Carpe Noctem, Need To Feed and active membership meetings. Reach us on facebook @leadershipcouncilTT!

The Rotaract Club of Mount Hope •




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A non-profit organization, that strives within its efforts, to accomplish one simple task - Service Above Self. We have worked hard to realize the potential of this club through the Rotary Mandate of Ending Polio, Peace and Conflict Awareness, Meeting Community Needs and of course lastly, Mental Health in the areas of Suicide Awareness and Autism. Hit us up at facebook @rotaractclubofmounthope for questions!

CARP.E! Mt . HoP.e Clu~s ~ave it all! Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Mt. Hope


A non-denominational, non-sectarian, Evangelical fellowship of all Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to know Christ and to make Him known, through weekly meetings which consist of worship, prayer and discussions on biblical lessons on societal issues which are related to the Word. One event of our own was a discussion on Heaven and Hell which was a joint meeting involving both Mt. Hope and Main Campus IVCF members.

The Art Society of Mt. Hope A Non-Governmental Organisation that promotes artistic expression and creativity. Our events consist of the annual Art Gala which provides a platform for artists to showcase their art to the public that would otherwise be exorbitantly costly. Furthermore, "the Bed Time Stories" Initiative seeks to improve the health care experience of the patients at the paediatric wards by providing entertainment and unstructured learning through puzzles, crosswords and games . HAP is a fresher's party that uses several art themes to initiate year 1's into medical school. Find us on facebook @ArtSocietyofMountHope

Mt Hope Islamic Society (MHIS) Formed in 1997 in order to provide a welcoming environment where the Muslim population of Mt Hope could unite to practice Islam and foster strong relations. The club engages in many activities throughout the year, including hosting fundraisers for the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society, organizing educational events for Islamic Awareness week on campus, and our annual fund raising banquet and graduate awards ceremony. Daily prayer is also conducted at Mt Hope and members of the public are always welcome to join. For any questions you can get us on facebook @mthopeislamicsociety.

Veg Vision VegVision represents future healthcare professionals in Trinidad and Tobago who wish to be a force of change towards a Plant-based Lifestyle. Since its establishment in 2017, VegVision has focused on green initiatives, healthy plant-based lifestyle choices and ethical treatment towards animals. Our signature event is a yearly eco-friendly vegan/vegetarian food festival and concert, Soul Fest. The membership is not limited to vegetarians or vegans only, and is open to anyone willing to assist in positive societal changes. Hit us up on facebook!

Movement for Encouragement of Dharmic Services It is an organization that was established in 1989, that is dedicated to the promotion of Hindu culture and traditions. Our main events include the annual Diva Ii Play, Phagwa celebrations, Dandiya Raas and Garba, Christmas Paeds Treat, Mt. Hope Idol and our annual Free Health Fair. We also host weekly Shaka and Satsang, in addition to our biannual puja ceremonies. Persons wishing to be a part of our organisation can email us at

Expect our Grand Publication of The Pulse next semester! Our team is dedicated to bringing quality content showcasing YOU!


We are always looking for volunteers in any fields, Want to submit an article? Have ideas as to what our next publication should feature? Send your ideas to!

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/ ~di tors -Amrika Rohan, A:.1fanne Buf{ ra11ee Lead Journalist-Neval Ragoonatn



Graphic Artists - Nelisia Noel, J\l5igail Rama.ass ; i Public Relations Officer - Keneisha Achap Marketing Director - Nirvana Maharaj Art Director /reporter - Saudah Ghany ...,., -




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Want to be a sponsor? Send in inquiries to to set up a meeting?

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