Singapore Patient Action Awards 2015 Brochure

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Members of the TM

The inaugural Singapore Patient Action Awards (SPAA) is a dedicated platform to honour individuals and groups who are passionate about making a positive difference to healthcare. These are extraordinary role models who have demonstrated exemplary qualities of care, courage, empathy, resilience, generosity of spirit, emotional and mental strength.

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This platform is created to acknowledge individuals and groups who had made significant and notable contributions in enhancing the healing journey of patients - from witnessing their personal triumphs of recovery to celebrating the joys of restored health and getting a new lease of life. They are our ordinary folks who are passionate about giving back to the community they live in - bringing with them a wealth of life experiences, contributing their precious resources and motivating others to move forth to achieve extraordinary things. SPAA will make its debut at the annual Singapore Patient Conference (SPC) on 30 October 2015 in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Now in its third installment, SPC is a dedicated patient conference involving a community of passionate patients and healthcare professionals; coming as one to share experiences and co-create healing journeys as patients, healthcare workers, volunteers and caregivers. We invite everyone to embark on this purposeful journey of transforming patient experience and to celebrate the wonderful spirit of giving support, hope and love.









helping patients address their care needs and overcome their emotional and/or physical challenges

actively partnering and supporting the healthcare team in improving care experience and delivery

leading patient improvement initiatives and projects to enhance care delivery

leading patient improvement initiatives and projects to enhance care delivery


Award winners will be acknowledged and honoured at the annual Singapore Patient Conference on Friday, 30 October 2015 in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. These four award categories honour exemplary patients, caregivers, patient support and volunteer groups and healthcare team who are involved in the 3Es (Empower, Engage, Experience) of transforming patient experience, right here in Singapore. Common Traits and Characteristics of Singapore Patient Action Award Nominees are: 1. Proactive Care Champion - going beyond the call of duty to advocate the noble cause of transforming healthcare delivery, based on their personal experiences and stories in navigating the journey of healing.

2. Compassionate Care Provider – demonstrates exceptional care and empathy towards other patients and caregivers by lending a helping hand to those in need. 3. Dedicated Care Partner – partners with the community and healthcare team to help our needy community; and in doing so, inspire other volunteers and community partners to step forward and contribute.


Nominators may belong to any of the following categories and must be based in Singapore: 1. Primary Healthcare Services

2. Hospital Services (Public and Private Hospitals and Specialty Centres) 3. Community-Based Intermediate and Long Term Care Services (Home-based Services and Centrebased Services) and Residential Intermediate and Long Term Care Services (Community Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Inpatient Hospice, Respite Care and Chronic Sick Hospitals) 4. Healthcare Agencies and Voluntary Welfare Organisations 5. Any Healthcare Professionals, Workers and Team such as Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals


We invite all healthcare professionals/institutions (based in Singapore) to submit your nominations no later than 14 August 2015 (Friday), 5pm. Nominations received after the above deadline will not be considered for the awards. You may submit via the designated SPAA website at


By submitting an application for this award, you agree to comply with the Award Terms and Conditions for this application; all information provided by you in this application is true and accurate.




This award honours the caregiver who has demonstrated strength, resilience and unwavering dedication in caring for their loved ones, amidst healthcare challenges. The caregiver takes on the role as an active care partner with the healthcare team, to overcome these healthcare hurdles with a positive attitude. Criteria A caregiver is anyone who provides help and care to another person in need, such as an ill spouse or partner, a disabled child or an ageing relative. This award is open to any person (including a family member) who provides care and assistance to a person who is ill. The nominee should embody the following attributes: • Demonstrated exceptional courage, strength and resilience in the face of adversity. • Identified as an active partner of the healthcare team in offering constructive feedback to improve healthcare delivery so that their dependents and other patients will benefit from the improvements. • Actively reached out to help others who are in need of support and help. Note: Award winner who had won an award of similar nature in 2015 is not eligible for this category. Supporting Documents • Nominators must clearly describe the behaviours and actions that distinguish the nominated caregiver from other caregivers. • Please include tangible evidence to substantiate the nomination (e.g. testimonials, media reports etc.). • Please provide illustrative examples of said caregiver in action, such as photographs of the outstanding caregiver behaviour and interactions etc.



This award honours an outstanding Patient Support Group or Patient Volunteer Group that has led the way in helping others in need and has contributed significantly to improving care delivery and services. Criteria Open to any patient support group / volunteer group which is registered under a healthcare institution, voluntary welfare organisation, community care provider or step-down care establishment.

The nominee should embody the following attributes: • Initiated improvements in healthcare delivery and led the way in helping others in need. • Identified as an established and active partner in collaboration with any healthcare team/institution for sustainable benefits to our healthcare landscape.

Note: Award winner who had won an award of similar nature in 2015 is not eligible for this category. Supporting Documents • Nominators must clearly describe the behaviours and actions that distinguish the nominated patient support group / volunteer group from others. • Please include tangible evidence to substantiate the nomination (e.g. testimonials, media reports etc.). • Please provide illustrative examples of said patient support group / volunteer group in action, such as photographs of the engagement in action and interactions etc.



Scan the QR Code using your smart phone to view and nominate for this award or visit

Scan the QR Code using your smart phone to view and nominate for this award or visit



This award honours an individual who is very passionate about advocating for meaningful healthcare causes and has contributed significantly to improving care delivery in partnership with the healthcare team/institution. Being personally involved in the healthcare journey as a patient, a volunteer and/or a caregiver, this individual uses his/her personal experiences to provide valuable learning for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and other healthcare workers. Criteria The nominee should embody the following attributes: • Contributed significantly to healthcare delivery. • Led the way in improving healthcare delivery and service. • Appointed as the patient’s dedicated caregiver and/or chaperone – someone who is empowered to find solutions for treatment plans in partnership with healthcare professionals, educates patient about his/her condition and/or keeps patient and the family informed of the latest treatment plans and new developments.

Note: Award winner who had won an award of similar nature in 2015 is not eligible for this category. Supporting Documents • Nominators must clearly describe the behaviours and actions that distinguish the nominated patient advocate from other patient advocates. • Please include tangible evidence to substantiate the nomination (e.g. testimonials, media reports etc.). • Please provide illustrative examples of said patient advocate in action, such as photographs of patient engagement and interactions etc.



This award recognises an outstanding patient engagement project or initiative that is a collaboration with the healthcare team, contributing to the improvement of care and overall health well-being for public, patients and caregivers. Only projects involving active participation from public, patients, caregivers and/or volunteers, together with the healthcare team may apply. Criteria Applicable to any project or initiative requiring active participation from members of the public, patients and caregivers. Project or initiative that has delivered improvement(s) to healthcare delivery and overall well-being of patients and caregivers. Project or initiative should be established and/or ongoing in the past 3 years. Only healthcare institutions, community establishments involved in patient care or caregiving resources and patient support/volunteer groups may apply. Note: Award winner who had won an award of similar nature in 2015 is not eligible for this category. Supporting Documents • Nominators must clearly describe the behaviours and actions that distinguish the nominated team from others. • Please include tangible evidence to substantiate the nomination (e.g. testimonials, media reports etc.). • Please provide illustrative examples of said patient engagement project in action, such as photographs of patient engagement and interactions etc.



Scan the QR Code using your smart phone to view and nominate for this award or visit

Scan the QR Code using your smart phone to view and nominate for this award or visit

APPLICATION Submit online at CLOSING DATE 14 August 2015, Friday, 5pm. Nominations received after the above deadline will not be considered for the awards. ENQUIRIES Email: • Enquiry Line: 6357 2518 (10.00am to 12.00pm and 2.00pm to 4.00pm) AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS

1. All materials submitted in connection with the entries shall become the joint property of Tan Tock Seng Hospital Pte Ltd and Singapore Patient Conference (SPC); hereinafter referred to as the “organisers of the Awards”. 2. Unless otherwise informed in writing to the organisers of the Awards, award recipients are required to attend the award ceremony held in conjunction with SPC on Friday, 30 October 2015 from 11.00am to 1.00pm. 3. Award recipients are required to share information on their outstanding achievements with the organisers of the Awards. This sharing of information shall take the form of presentations, videos, interviews, conferences and/or exhibitions as directed by SPC. 4. Unless otherwise informed in writing by the award recipient or nominator, all submissions received will be considered public information. The organisers of the Awards are not responsible for protection of the nominees’ intellectual property rights contained in the materials submitted in connection with the entries.

5. The organisers of the Awards reserve the right to use, for an indefinite period of time, any materials submitted in connection with the entries in any way it deems fit, without payment or royalties and regardless of the results of the Awards. This includes, but not limited to, the publication and/ or exhibition of photographs, materials and /or names. 6. Nominators agree to fully indemnify the organisers of the Awards and hold them harmless, against any claims, liabilities, responsibilities or damages which may result from their use of the materials submitted by nominators in connection with their entries. 7. Nominators shall seek their respective Nominees’/Owners’/Clients’ written consent with regards to any project mentioned, prior to making the submission. 8. Nominators shall seek copyright licensing, where necessary, to cover all submission materials. 9. The organisers of the Awards reserve the right to withdraw an entry from the judging process at any time if the entry is deemed inappropriate for any reason.

10. The Awards Secretariat reserves the right to defer the judgment on any shortlisted nominee if at any time during the assessment process, any development or incident arises concerning the said nominee, which is likely to result in adverse publicity to the Awards, the organisers of the Awards and /or Tan Tock Seng Hospital Pte Ltd. 11. Award submissions will be assessed by a distinguished panel of judges, whose decisions are final and shall not be subject to any challenge, appeal or review. 12. The organisers of the Awards reserve the right not to award a category at its own discretion and without recourse to the entrants of said category. 13. The winners of the Awards may state in advertising and promotional material and on their stationery that they are a winner, but must state the winning category and year clearly. 14. The organisers of the Awards reserve the right to request from the nominee additional information, materials, clarifications or any such other things as may be deemed necessary by the organisers, at their absolute discretion, for the proper evaluation of the nominee’s submission.

1 Calling for nominations 10 July 2015




Deadline for submissions 14 August 2015

Review of all submissions August - September 2015

4 Final judging session September 2015

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Winners will be notified via phone and email September 2015

7 Award Ceremony at Singapore Patient Conference 30 October 2015

6 All results will be published on the official Singapore Patient Conference Website October 2015

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