What makes our brand unique ▶ Rare, Unique, Scarce ▶ A water that has a journey ▶ A source not commonly found ▶ An amazing backstory; Family operated, inaccessible by the public ▶ ▶
What separates our product ▶ Unique mineral composition intrinsic to volcanic filtration ▶ only 2 steps between the source and the consumer ▶ A mouth taste that has been proven in competitions ▶ Naturally pH Balanced ▶ Bottled at the source
Benefits of Silica ▶ Aluminum and Silica in Drinking Water and the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease or Cognitive Decline: Findings From 15-Year Follow-up of the PAQUID Cohort ▶ Why everyone should drink silicon-rich mineral water ▶ “Yes, the science is definite that regular drinking of a silica-rich mineral water will help to remove aluminium from the body, including the brain”
- Dr. Christopher Exley ▶
Source ▶ Reliable (for many years) and solid water flow ▶ True artesian aquifer ▶ Water passes through 3 stage process of mineral collection, creating a unique blend ▶ Ensured sustainability through federal protecion
Certifications ▶ Certification completed in Jan 2018 ▶ GSFI certification FSSC 2200 NSF , the equivalent of a ISO 22000-2005. ▶ US Water testing is completed by IBWA approved National Testing Laboratories ▶ FDA Approved
Relevant Links ▶
Monterreal Mineral Water Brochure
Monterreal Data Sheet
Laboratory Water Study
Geological Summary translated
Monterreal Factory
Questions and Sales information Reach out to our sales line 407-300-1491 , 972 -523-9489 or email sales@monterrealmineralwater.com Â