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Decades Reunion 2019
The Hurlingham Club in London proved a fitting venue for our annual Tudor Hall Decades Reunion in May last year. The sun shone, the grounds looked immaculate, and the clubhouse made a wonderful backdrop for the event. Around seventy Old Tudorians, former and current staff and sixth formers gathered at the Club with the Classes of 1989, 1999 and 2009 being well represented. Decibel levels were high as former classmates reconnected and reminisced, and school and team photos from those years provoked much amusement.
You can see more photographs from the evening by visiting the Galleries in the ‘Events’ section of our website: tudorhall.alumni-online.com

Goodbye to John Jackson, Clare Macro, Amanda Brauer and John Field.

At the end of summer term last year, we were joined by OTs and parents to bid farewell to some of our wonderful staff members as they headed for pastures new.

We were delighted to welcome seventeen of ‘Nesta’s Girls’ back to Tudor Hall for a very special reunion on 8th June 2019. Nesta’s Girls are OTs who attended Tudor between 1939 and 1960, and for some, it was the first time they had revisited Tudor since leaving fifty years ago. It was fascinating to hear tales of Tudor from times gone by, and for our OTs to see for themselves how much has changed at Tudor over the years, while making sure the heart of the School remains the same.
Nesta’s Girls Reunion

A sunny summer’s day and a delicious meal prepared by departing Head Chef Darren provided the perfect setting to give thanks and share memories of their combined forty-six years at the School.
Leavers’ Day 2019
The weather couldn’t have been more perfect for Leavers’ Day 2019. After celebrating the diverse achievements of the girls at Mark Reading, families picnicked together in the glorious summer sunshine. The moving Leavers’ Service was followed by the day’s finale: the Leavers’ Ball, with fabulous food, dancing, dodgems and fireworks.

Recent Leavers Drinks in London

An entire floor of The Admiralty, Trafalgar Square, was taken over by OTs (2005-2019 leavers currently studying or working in London), staff, former staff and Sixth Formers, who had gathered on a brisk February evening for this informal networking drinks event.
The buzz created by more than 100 Tudorians was fantastic and it was a joy to see so many OTs and teachers sharing such pleasure at being reunited.

Tudor on Tour: Oxford
A lively gathering of Tudorians met at the Oxford Wine Café on the 21st November 2019. OTs, parents, staff, students and friends of the School gathered for another enjoyable evening celebrating our shared community.

Tudor on Tour: Nottingham
An increasingly popular destination for Tudor leavers, Nottingham was the latest destination for our ‘Tudor on Tour’ programme of events. The Alchemist was the perfect destination for this intimate gathering where OTs currently studying in the city caught up with their Tudor teachers.
Maggie’s Girls
On Saturday 29th February, Tudor hosted one of the biggest ever gatherings of Old Tudorians for a very special reunion lunch. It was a delight to welcome over 100 of ‘Maggie’s Girls’ (OTs who studied at Tudor under Margaret Blyth, 1969–1983) back to school for a day of joyful reminiscing and catching up. Following a delicious lunch, guests were taken on a tour of the School, to see how much has changed here, and how much remains the same Tudor they knew and loved. R