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A Day in the Life, Cubed

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Join the Club

No day is alike for any two Tufts engineers—so we asked three Tufts engineers to share a day in the life, complete with classes, snacks, and shenanigans.



9:04 AM *Cue iPhone Alarm Radar Sound*... Snooze Count: 2

9:23 AM Time to get up—accept the fact that I will never be a morning person

9:45 AM Pick up my usual breakfast order from Hodgdon Food-on-the-Run: coffee w/ cream and sugar + Medford bagel (cream cheese, onion, dill & cucumber on a plain bagel)

10:30 AM Engineering Science 2: Introduction to Computing: Professor Cross in the Science and Engineering Complex Anderson Wing

11:43 AM Join my two friends Gaby & Tara on our short walk between classes

12:00 PM Physics 11: Professor Hammer

1:30 PM Social Psychology: Professor Remedios begins. We learn about famous social psychology research studies and how they relate to our real life—everything from love and attraction to prejudice and stereotypes.

3:00 PM Math 34 (Calculus 2) Recitation

3:50 PM Now the fun part begins! This semester, I’m working in Professor Kaplan’s Biomedical Engineering Lab with the Cellular Agriculture team on research projects regarding culturing cells and growing meat in the lab.

5:30 PM Walk back to Houston Hall to begin some homework so I can have most of my weekend free to hang out with my friends or explore Boston

7:00 PM Dinner at Carmichael Dining Hall with some friends on my Houston Hall floor

8:15 PM Club Volleyball practice in Chase Gym

11:00 PM FaceTime my family and friends from back home, then call it a day!


10 AM Wake up and make tea

10:30 AM Open laptop and start working on emails and to-do list

12:00 PM Lunch time!

1:30 PM Engineering Forensics: Professor Pollard & Stearns

3:00 PM Human-Machine System Design: Professor Intriligator

5:00 PM Make dinner with my roomie (challenge: college version of miso soup without miso)

6:00 PM Computer Aided Design: Professor Marshall

8:00 PM E-Board meeting for Wuzee (a Chinese fusion dance club)

9:00 PM Homework and Fun Fact Night with roomie (share random facts learned in class)

12:00 AM Time to sleep


8:55 AM Walk briskly up Packard Avenue to get to my 9 AM. Calves are burning.

9 AM Computer Science 170: Computation Theory in Cabot Center. Always get my mind blown on how a computer actually works!

10:15 AM Class ends. I call my friend to meet up at the base of the Memorial Steps.

10:20 AM Blast pump-up music with my friend to get ready for our swim class

10:30 AM Swim!

12 PM Go to Curtis Hall to attend the Redefining the Image of Science and Engineering (RISE) Alumni Lunch. Present peer leadership project!

2 PM Lunch with my friends! Begin working on homework so I don’t get swamped for the weekend

4 PM Nap time. Nap time is very powerful.

6 PM Grab Hodgon and get ready for my Senator Education Committee Meeting!

7 PM “Walk-in” in the senate office. Catch up with my senate friends and continue working on pushing for a diversity course requirement at Tufts

8 PM Meeting ends. I meet my whole suite downstairs at the Campus Center and get ready to work out!

9 PM Headphones in and ready to get pumped!

10:30 PM Gym closes; head back to Haskell Hall

11:30 PM Sit in the common room with friends and just talk about our days and how we feel

1 AM Yawn too much and decide to go to bed

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