1 minute read
Last Week’s Solutions SUDOKU

Difficulty Level: Deciding whether to hyphenate Courtney Bohl
You: eating a waffle in Dewick without any kind of liquid in sight. You were crying slightly but I don’t know why or what happened but in that moment I just wanted to comfort you. The person to your left kept looking to you in a judging way and it made me mad. I considered walking over to ask if everything was ok but my roommate told me it was time to leave. I couldn’t be there for you but there was something really beautiful about how you kept eating the waffle despite your tears. I know that sounds weird but it was beautiful. Me: I had several liquids but no food. We could have been a perfect match, you with your dry waffle, me without any food to go along with my cranberry juice, iced coffee, two types of milk, sprite, second thing of sprite, and gallon of water. When: April 2022. Where: Dewick. You: are the cashier Wednesdays 7-10pm, always tired, looking cute, sounding stoned, being awesome, sometimes watching football. Me: I buy gum from the Commons Marketplace every Wednesday night. When: every Wednesday between 7 and 10pm. Where: Commons Marketplace.