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Goodbye, Blackboard — say hello to Sakai BY


Daily Editorial Board


Junior defensive lineman and tri-captain Donnie Simmons watches from the sidelines in the Jumbos’ 21-20 loss.

In Homecoming clash, Bates beats Tufts for first time since 1985 BY


Daily Editorial Board

Call it a curse or just call it old-fashioned dumb luck, but wherever Tom Beaton goes, he just winds up on the losing side of the rivalry. A defensive assistant for the Tufts football team, Beaton graduated from Bates in 2009 after finishing 10th in the NESCAC in receiving yards per game and ninth in all-purpose yards per game, good enough

for all-conference honors. But the one obstacle the 5-foot-9 former wide receiver could not hurdle was to finally get the Bobcats that elusive win against the Jumbos. Heading into Saturday’s Homecoming tilt at Zimman Field, Bates was trapped in a 24-game losing streak against Tufts, stretching back to 1986. That consequently put Beaton on the wrong end of things for four years. Given the streak, things were looking up for

Beaton as he made the move to Medford. But just as Joe DiMaggio did not get a hit after 56 games, Cal Ripken finally took a break after 2,632 contests and Johnny Unitas stopped throwing touchdown passes after 47 games, so too did the Jumbos’ winning streak come to an end in spectacular fashion this weekend with a 21-20 Bobcats triumph. It was a historic loss for Tufts see BATES, page 14

Tufts students starting next year will log onto Sakai instead of Blackboard to access resources for their classes, from readings to discussion boards and assignments. University Information Technology (UIT) expects the open-source learning management system (LMS) Sakai to replace Blackboard in Fall 2011, according to Director of Educational Technology Services Gina Siesing. The move, which will affect undergraduates first, comes after several years of deliberations on updating the university’s LMS to replace the outmoded Blackboard system. Sakai boasts improved capabilities, from “e-portfolios,” which offer remote file storage, to support for blogs, scheduling tools and calendar tools, according to Neal Hirsig, assistant director of instructional services at Information Technology Services. UIT began researching alternatives to Blackboard three to four years ago, according to Siesing. The drive to replace Blackboard with a new LMS took off a year and a half ago, following official university endorsement of the project. The change is necessitated by a desire to upgrade the educational tools available to students and faculty, according to Hirsig. “We looked at Blackboard and the tools available and looked at what we thought

would be the future, and it was very clear to all of us that we needed a different platform,” Hirsig said. But there was another, more pressing reason to switch, Hirsig said. “In another sense, we were forced to make the move, some move, because we expect sometime this year our version of Blackboard will no longer be supported,” he said. Tufts currently uses four different kinds of LMS across its undergraduate and graduate schools, including Blackboard, ANGEL Learning, TUSK and Moodle. The move to Sakai will streamline and simplify Tufts’ LMS usage, Siesing said. “One of the major goals was to get to a common platform, or at least to reduce the complexity across the institution, and to be able to do more interdisciplinary work across schools,” she said. Sakai will be configured for Tufts by January 2011. The following month, UIT will host workshops and orientations for faculty to help them adjust to the new system first, according to Siesing. “In the nine months between January and the new school year, we’ll be migrating the old course information to the new environment,” Siesing said. Sakai, an open-source program, is more flexible than Blackboard, allowing the university to modify it to better suit the needs of faculty and students, Siesing said. “We will have the potential see SAKAI, page 2

Career fair draws prospective employees to Gantcher Center BY


Daily Staff Writer

Over 100 prospective employers met with hundreds of students at a Career Services-organized career fair in the Gantcher Center Friday afternoon. One hundred and five companies, organizations and other groups representing areas including consulting, communications, education, government and law sent representatives to the annual event, which drew over 800 people, according to Director of Career Services Jean Papalia. Yet while some students were able to make use of the fair’s resources, others felt that the event’s scope was unsuited to political science and International Relations (IR) majors. This year’s fair attracted a greater number of employers overall, an increase from last year’s 95, according to Papalia. “This is my first time at the fair, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised,” Ellen Hall, who represented the Perkins School for the Blind, told the Daily. Hall said she

came to the fair with the aim of recruiting teaching assistants for the school. “Everyone warned me, ‘Oh, you’re not going to get any interested students. Tufts is a technical school,’” Hall said. “But I’ve spoken with many students with majors such as psychology and sociology, which is great for working in this field.” Some companies sent Tufts alumni as their representatives. Erin Young (LA ’07), who represented Invensys Operations Management, became interested in her employer after attending a Tufts Career Fair during her senior year, she said. “Someone else from our company came last year, so I’m not sure about how this year’s turnout has been compared to previous years, but we’ve seen a lot of interest,” Young said. “These events are great and will hopefully give students more insight on what they want to do.” Companies present at the fair ranged from private firms Abt Associates and Fidelity Investments to nonprofits like Teach for America. Government entities see CAREER FAIR, page 2

Inside this issue


Dean Lynne Pepall hopes to bring her experiences to the GRE Board.

Graduate dean named to GRE Board BY SMRITI


Daily Staff Writer

Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Lynne Pepall has recently accepted a position on the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) Board, where

she will be one of a panel of academics to review and consider changes to the graduate admissions exam. Pepall will begin her four-year term on the board starting in January of next see PEPALL, page 2

Today’s Sections

The life experiences of the de Monteiros have informed the FrenchCambodian cuisine of The Elephant Walk.

‘The Event’ tries to channel ‘Lost’ but falls short with forgettable characters.

see FEATURES, page 3

see ARTS, page 5

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Monday, October 4, 2010


Visiting the Hill this Week MONDAY “Israel 101: Meir Javedanfar” Details: Middle East analyst Meir Javedanfar will speak about continuing regional tensions in a discussion titled "Iran and Israel: Domestic Challenges and Foreign Policy Ambitions." When and Where: 12 to 1 p.m.; Eaton 206 Sponsor: Tufts Friends of Israel

viable methods for high school science education as part of Tufts' Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics (STEM) Lecture Series. When and Where: 4 to 5:30 p.m.; Nelson Auditorium, Anderson Hall Sponsors: Department of Education, Center for Engineering, Education and Outreach (CEEO)

“Education Lecture Series: Andrea diSessa” Details: Andrea diSessa, professor of cognition and development at the University of California, Berkeley, will discuss

“Breaking the Poverty Cycle” Details: Professor of Social Psychology Susan Pick and health services researcher Jenna Sirkin (LA '04) will discuss sustainable community

development in a talk centered on their new book, "Breaking the Poverty Cycle." When and Where: 7 to 9 p.m.; Cabot 205 Sponsor: Institute for Global Leadership WEDNESDAY “Religion in America” Details: Anne Gardiner (A '87), a history teacher at Tabor Academy in Marion, Mass., will discuss the controversies of religion in high school history curriculum. When and Where: 6 to 7 p.m.; Goddard Chapel Sponsor: Office of the University Chaplain

Sakai to offer greater flexibility than Blackboard, administrators say SAKAI continued from page 1

to enhance it, to configure it to meet our needs,” Siesing said. By contrast, Blackboard’s proprietary nature limited the university’s ability to modify it. Blackboard’s features have remained static since the university’s initial acquisition of the program in 1998, Hirsig said. Rather than integrating new tools into Blackboard over that period of time, the university instead developed complementary tools in order to meet faculty and students’ evolving needs, according to Hirsig. UIT developed “Spark” tools, including blogs, wikis and podcasts, to expand upon the Blackboard feature set. These will not disappear with the move to Sakai, according to to UIT Instructional Design and Technology Specialist Hannah Reeves. “Faculty will have all the opportunity to get whatever they want,” Siesing said. Tufts will also have access to the tools of other Sakai users, which include universities nationwide, according to Reeves. “You’re free to participate in a much larger community of universities and corporations that are developing software for education,” she said. Within the Sakai system, students will have their own workspaces that could potentially allow them to keep work past the end of a course, according to Siesing.

“You’ve got your learning experience that you’re constructing over time, and you can draw artifacts from courses and bring them into your personal environment and save them, and that travels with you,” Reeves said. Siesing said that Sakai’s portfolio capabilities were beneficial for students. “We had done a three-year pilot here with the open source portfolio environment and that is now integrated into Sakai,” she said. “It will help with accreditation at the university, and it also helps individual students to track their learning and accomplishments over time and showcase their work.” Reeves added that student organizations will also be able to use Sakai to communicate between members. “We’re really thinking about this not just as our own course management system, but as a collaboration and learning environment, so you can do all sorts of collaboration, from courses to your dissertation in 10 years, research projects to Habitat for Humanity,” Reeves said. Siesing said the move to Sakai reflects the general educational shift toward greater collaboration between faculty and students. “Initially, learning management systems were very one-dimensional,” Siesing said. “Now, the paradigm is that students can actually contribute and share resources with each other, and the tools represent that change and facilitate that new way of working.”

“Free Speech on Campus: Will Creeley” Details: Will Creeley, director of legal and public advocacy at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), will speak on the freedom of expression on college campuses, with a particular focus on private universities. When and Where: 6 to 7:30 p.m.; Barnum 008 Sponsors: Tufts Republicans, The Primary Source “Beyond Devastation: Recovering from Floods” Details: Two Pakistan experts will discuss the ramifications of

the floods that swept Pakistan this summer. Professor of History Ayesha Jalal will moderate the discussion, featuring Boston University Professor of International Relations Adil Najam and Pervez Hoodbhoy, professor of physics at Islamabad's Quaid-e-Azam University. When and Where: 6:30 to 8 p.m.; Braker 001 Sponsors: Center for South Asian and Indian Ocean Studies, South Asian Political Action Committee —compiled by Alexandra Bogus

Pepall to help with GRE review process PEPALL continued from page 1

year, and beyond assisting in formulating format and content changes to the GRE, is most looking forward to analyzing statistics and issues related to the GRE and test-takers, including those pertaining to demographics. “I like data analysis and making correlations,” she said. “I think it will be interesting to see the variations in data that showcase topics such as the gender gap between testtakers. … I’m really excited to work with the GRE board, especially in interpreting the correlations between GRE scores and different categories.” The GRE Board, composed of 16 members, aims to increase the effectiveness of the exam for both students and graduate schools. In particular, it is looking to adapt the test to better fit into the graduate admissions process and quantify students’ abilities. “The Board seeks to better understand the needs of graduate school admissions,” Pepall said. “I believe the GRE should be structured in a manner that allows students to accurately demonstrate their knowledge in the verbal and quantitative realms.” Pepall believes that her experience as a dean at Tufts will translate well to her new position on the board. She emphasized the importance of the exam in linking an undergraduate to a fitting graduate school. “The serving purpose of the GRE test is to help graduate schools and students make a perfect match,” she said. Pepall started at Tufts as an assistant professor of economics in 1987; the department named her a full professor in 2003 and chair of the department in 2005. She

became dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 2006. Professor of Economics Daniel Richards, who co-authored an economic theory book, “Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice” (2001), with Pepall and colleague Professor George Norman, said that she has the experience to contribute meaningfully to the board’s work. “Dean Pepall will be an asset to the board as she has the judgment to connect the make-up of the test with the objectives of the test; in other words, linking strategies and outcomes,” Richards said. Joanna Xylas, a graduate student in the School of Engineering and president of the Graduate Student Council, said that Pepall has worked extensively with the council to advocate for several policy changes benefitting students. These skills, she said, will make her a valuable member of the board. “Dean Pepall is an enthusiastic, smart and truly inspirational woman,” Xylas said. “She is supportive and passionate. I am excited to see her join the GRE board and believe she will do an amazing job as a member because of her effective leadership and organization.” Educational Testing Service, which administers the GRE, plans to release a revised format of the exam next August to more closely align with the qualities sought after by graduate and business schools. The GRE Board is broken up into five standing committees, which meet roughly three times a year. These committees cover issues such as minority graduate education, research and finance. Pepall does not yet know which committee she will serve on and will be assigned to one at a preliminary meeting scheduled to take place within the first two weeks of this month.

Career fair brings students and prospective employers together in Gantcher CAREER FAIR continued from page 1

like the Department of State and the Peace Corps also sent representatives. “Students who had researched the organizations ahead of time felt wellprepared and confident in approaching employers,” Papalia said. “The employers were pleased with the students they met and impressed with their experiences, level of preparation and questions.” Rohit Biswas, a senior majoring in IR and Middle Eastern studies, hoped to establish contacts with potential employers. “I came to get started on networking and to explore my opportunities for after graduation,” he said. Biswas spoke to representatives from the State Department booth and the Federal Bureau of Investigation but said he had hoped to find more opportunities for IR majors at the fair. “I think it would be great to have more think tanks and other companies with an IR focus, especially considering Tufts is so big on IR and political science,” he said. Junior Tarik Watts, an IR major, said it appeared to him that companies focusing on engineering or consulting had

the largest presence at the fair. “All the others are busy with interested students, but there most likely will only be a couple of positions available.” Senior Peter Corey, a double major in IR and French, did not attend the fair due to a class conflict. “I looked online before at the different people that were attending,” he said. “Of the few that [I] was interested in, I would apply anyway” to those organizations and saw no reason to attend the career fair, Corey said. Chris Nolop, a double major in architectural studies and international letters and visual studies, said he decided not to attend the fair because it did not match up with his postgraduation plans. “I checked out the list of all the companies that would be there,” Nolop, a senior, said. “There were a ton of engineering companies, but not many that were related to design as much as I’d like.” Senior Steve Kang, who is majoring in economics and psychology, was surprised at the large number of companies present. “I’ve learned about a lot of interesting positions at various


Students speak with a representative from Abt Associates at Friday’s Career Fair. firms,” he said. “I think Tufts did a great job finding companies with opportunities in consulting and finance.” Kang said that many of the fair’s offerings seemed limited to local companies. “A lot of my

friends have been saying that too many of them are located in the Boston area,” he said. Papalia said students interested in further career opportunities should attend upcoming Career Services events, includ-

ing the Job Search Boot Camp at the end of the month and the Resource Fair for Seniors in early November. Matt Repka contributed reporting to this article.




Hispanic Heritage Month educates Americans about the country’s largest minority group BY


Contributing Writer

By 2050, more than a quarter of the country’s population will be individuals who selfidentify as Hispanic or Latino, according to the United States Census Bureau. Despite the demographic’s sizable presence in the United States, some feel that the contributions of Latinos in America are not widely recognized and that their history, culture and academic and political achievements are underappreciated — which is why this month, the country is celebrating its 22nd National Hispanic Heritage Month (NHHM). Established by Congress and President Ronald Reagan in 1988, NHHM — the 30 days between Sept. 15 and Oct. 15 — provides Americans with an opportunity to celebrate Latino heritage and, perhaps more importantly, educate citizens about the accomplishments of Latino individuals. Freshman Kenia Estevez, a frequent visitor to the Latino Center, feels that the effort to highlight the history of the largest minority group in the United States is central to the country’s education and also to the sense of camaraderie that connects many American Latinos with one another. “The celebration of Latino Heritage Month is very important because all 45 million of us here in the United States can share our Latino heritage and culture with others,” she said. At Tufts, the month is celebrated with a variety of events, including a poetry café, dance party, music recital with many other activities sponsored by the Latino Center and the Association of Latin American Students (ALAS). These events, open to all members of the Tufts community, will provide both Latinos and non-Latinos the chance to explore and experience some elements of Latino culture, Estevez said. “It’s very important to celebrate it here at Tufts so that students of other ethnic backgrounds can participate and learn about our culture,” she said. Associate Professor of Art History Adriana Zavala, director of the Latino Studies program, believes that NHHM provides Latinos with the opportunity to take pride in their Latin American heritage — and for others to realize Latinos as a major


National Hispanic Heritage Month, from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, celebrates Hispanic heritage, culture, art and achievement. component of the United States. “[It’s] important from both a celebratory and a didactic standpoint,” she said. “You can feel passionately American and still feel

very proud of your community. … The point is that the United States is extremely heterosee HERITAGE, page 4


Daily Editorial Board

Nadsa de Monteiro and her mother Longteine de Monteiro, chef-owners of the Massachusetts restaurant chain The Elephant Walk, claim that their family was the first to bring Cambodian cuisine to Boston when The Elephant Walk opened in 1991. The restaurant gained renown almost immediately — Esquire Magazine named it one of America’s Best New Restaurants in 1992 — but the de Monteiros attribute the restaurant’s success to the decades of hardship they experienced before its establishment. Nadsa, who oversees operations of the restaurant’s three branches, said The Elephant Walk’s menu, which she calls “three parts Cambodian and one part French,” derives directly from her family’s background. Though she was born in Cambodia, her father’s work as a diplomat and ambassador brought her to Yugoslavia, the Philippines and Taipei before her family was finally forced to take asylum in France to escape massacres brought on by the Khmer Rouge’s takeover of the Cambodian government in 1975, she said. Nadsa’s grandmother and uncle were among the fatalities in the country’s infamous “Killing Fields” period. It was in France where her affinity for French cuisine developed, Nadsa said, and where her mother began cooking. “Before France, my mother has always been the ambassador’s wife, so she see ELEPHANT, page 4

Oh no … not yet


The Elephant Walk chefs share their history in the restaurant business and an easy family Ecuadorian-style soup recipe BY JON


The Elephant Walk’s Chilled Avocado Citrus Soup (serves 4) Ingredients: 1 small onion, chopped 1 tablespoon salt, regular 1 quart orange juice, freshly squeezed 1 cup lime juice, freshly squeezed 1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons salt, regular 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon garlic, chopped 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or soybean oil 3 avocados, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 2/3 cup button mushrooms, sliced 1/4 inch thick 2 cups plum tomatoes, diced without pulp 1 tablespoon per serving cilantro, chopped Instructions: Cover the chopped onion with salt for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse the salt completely off the onion, drain and squeeze off excess water. Mix salt, black pepper, orange juice, lime juice, garlic and sugar. Stir well. Add olive oil and mix well. Add the diced avocado, mushroom, tomatoes and onion. Stir gently until fully mixed. Let chill for 1 hour before serving. When serving, add 1 tablespoon of chopped cilantro to soup and stir to mix.

terrible thing just happened. I went for a little drive in the early hours of yesterday morning. Sitting in the driver’s seat of my luxurious 2002 Subaru Outback with the dance-tastic beats of David Guetta blasting, I surveyed the Tufts campus. It was a beautiful day. A pleasant ocean breeze danced along the hill. The sun cast soft West Hall-shaped shadows across the quad. Birds chirped; squirrels scurried. All was well in the world. And then I saw something so vile and horrible that it shocked me out of my pleasant contemplation and threw me into a deep depression. As I rounded the turn onto Packard Avenue, I saw the sad first of the season. A North Face-clad, UGG-wearing female. Now don’t get me wrong; I do like the look. It’s cute. But oh no! I thought. How can this be? It is only early October. A few weeks ago, I sat on a sandy beach on Rhode Island, casually applying sunscreen across my arms. I was stretched out on a towel waving lazily at sand fleas and watching Labor Day revelers frolic in the surf. And now this? I was struck by the terrifying truth I had worked so hard to ignore. Winter hits Boston approximately 24 hours after we all get back to school. UGGs and North Faces are about a week away from becoming the de facto dress code. The hoodies and sweatpants are right behind them. And again, don’t get me wrong; I do kind of like the winter dress code. In a matter of days, the school will turn into a modern-day version of Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter,” where an uncovered ankle becomes the ultimate in sexual exposure. And to think we were all duped into this. Remember when you visited Tufts? It was probably the late spring, summer or very early fall. When I visited, it was early June. The campus was warm and sunny. I stood on top of the library roof and gazed out at a city that seemed right next door. “I could get used to this,” I thought. Good luck motivating yourself to travel to Back Bay or the North End when there’s a foot of snow, 25 mph wind and a wind chill appropriate for penguins. And no, Morgan Freeman won’t come and narrate your march down to Aidekman. If you’re a seasoned veteran on the Hill, you know what I mean. If this is your first year in the frozen tundra of Medford/ Slumerville, consider this your warning: Winter is coming. It’s coming fast. And it sucks. A lot. “Oh no! What can I do to survive this horrible catastrophe?” you ask. Good question. There are solutions, and don’t worry, only half of them involve Zoloft. A) Take a good, hard look at yourself right now. You still have the remnants of that summer tan. Fix this image into your mind. It will serve as a reminder that better times will come. B) Winter is coming, and it is futile to resist it. Try — and this is no easy task — to plan some trips off of the Tufts campus. Go snowboarding or snowshoeing. Throw snowballs at Harvard students. Go to the Loj (the wood stove is a godsend). Visit that buddy of yours in New Hampshire. Holing up in your room on campus and weathering the storm doesn’t work. Believe me; I’ve tried it. Three times. Finally, C) Act fast. Southwest.com still has flights out of the frigid cold of the Northeast. Book a one-way ticket to Florida for the winter. E-mail Bruce Reitman, and tell him you have seasonal depression. I think it’s technically illegal for them to expel you then. In the meantime, I urge the campus to fight it out a little longer. Please, shelve those UGGs a little while longer. I’m not ready yet. Stephen Miller is a senior majoring in English. He can be reached at Stephen.Miller@tufts.edu.




Monday, October 4, 2010

Hispanic Heritage Month underway

Chefs encourage students to broaden culinary horizons


didn’t have to cook,” Nadsa said, but when they moved to France, her mother taught herself how to cook in order to preserve the family’s standard of living. “My sister and I, when we came home from school, had an amazing spread of food that she prepared.” Soon after her move to France, Nadsa moved again — this time to the United States to work as a travel agent — while her parents stayed in France, hoping to immigrate eventually but having been denied refugee status. In the meantime, Longteine quickly became a skilled culinarian and decided to turn cooking into a profession. She pawned her jewelry to open up a restaurant, Amrita, which saw success during its 10-year run. After Nadsa became a naturalized citizen, Longteine and Nadsa’s father were finally able to move to the United States and they left Amrita behind. Upon their reunion, Nadsa was drawn

continued from page 3

geneous and has been almost from the beginning. We need to be committed to teaching students about that history.” And Zavala pointed out that national recognition should not be limited to the realm of American popular culture — one of the few cultural areas in which Latinos are prominently recognized. Rubén Salinas Stern, director of the Latino Center, explained that while some feel that creating an “awareness month” limits the appreciation of a group’s history and culture to a short period of time, it is critical to bring awareness of Hispanic achievement to mainstream America by whatever method possible. “We do it because we have to,” Stern said. “We are doing it because, if not, no one would know about Latinos.” Stern said that NHHM is a good opportunity to share ethnic food and art, but education should be the primary focus of the month. Latino studies are either entirely missing from or only minimally included in most academic settings, he said, and Latin American literature is rarely taught, while the history of Latinos in America is typically left unexplored. As a result, few are aware of the significant historical, literary, political and scientific contributions that individuals of Latin American origin or descent have made in the United States, he said. “Latino students are very visible on campus; I want to let the school know what the Latino community is about,” Stern said. But, most importantly, he said, people should take care to realize that there exist differences within Latino communities and that even members of Hispanic cultures have much to learn from one another. “Latinos are multicultural and multiracial,” Stern said. Most, but not all, Latinos speak Spanish, Estevez reminded. “Latino Heritage Month gives the Latino students the opportunity to learn about each other and the countries they come from,” Estevez said.

ELEPHANT continued from page 3

into the culinary world, “mostly by necessity and mostly by chance,” she said. “Until my parents moved here, I never cooked. Then, I got sucked into the restaurant business,” Nadsa said. “So I went to get culinary training in France [under Michelinstarred chef Yves Thuris], but I also learned from eating my mother’s food.” After graduating from the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts and working as souschef at The Elephant Walk for two years, Nadsa succeeded her mother as executive chef. From then on, the restaurant’s success has been overwhelming, she said. “We’ve been receiving the Best of Boston award every year for the last 10 years. Just last year we were inducted in the magazine’s Hall of Fame,” she said. “We have also published an ‘Elephant Walk’ cookbook that is being sold in bookstores and on Amazon.com.” Once a week, Nadsa holds a Saturday morning cooking class with her mother and brother-in-law chef Gerard Lopez that usually draws in eight to 18 people.

“We’ve had couples, even teenagers take the class — the youngest one being nine years old and the oldest one 81 years old,” she said. Due to the establishments’ proximity to nearby colleges, the classes and restaurants alike tend to attract a lot of students. But the family still strives to further spread the culture of their food to younger generations. “Don’t be afraid to taste new things; be adventurous. Hamburgers, fries and pizza aren’t the only things — Boston now has tons of ethnic foods. If you’re limiting your scope, that’s your own problem,” Nadsa said. To help, she offers a simple recipe for a chilled avocado citrus soup, which students can easily whip up in their own kitchens (see page 3). “This is a recipe that was inspired by one of my trips to Ecuador,” Nadsa said. “I brought it back, played with it, recreated it and put it on the menu five years ago. It’s just a big hit and everybody just loved it. I get requests for it all the time. Anybody can make this. If you can’t make it, you’re an idiot.”


Nadsa and Lonteine de Monteiro prepare French-Cambodian cuisine at Boston’s renowned The Elephant Walk.

Arts & Living





‘The Event’ attempts to corner ‘Lost’ market with mystery and suspense BY

Putting baby in the corner


Contributing Writer


Nick Wauters, the creator, writer and co-executive producer of NBC’s new series “The Event,” seems painfully unaware that he is not, in fact, J. J. Abrams.

The Event Starring Laura Innes, Jason Ritter, Sarah Roemer, Blair Underwood Airs Mondays at 9 p.m. on NBC Not to completely dismiss the show’s frequent-flashback narrative structure or the way five new mysteries pop up around every corner, but hasn’t America had enough? Everyone is still recovering from “Lost” (2004-10) — viewers may not be prepared for lackluster but mildly intriguing rip-offs yet. There are, of course, fundamental differences between “The Event” and its spiritual predecessor from which it borrows so heavily. For one, the characters are less interesting in “The Event.” After careful scrutiny, three general character groups emerge from the tangle of flashbacks and seemingly random murders. First we have Sean Walker (Jason Ritter) and his girlfriend Leila (Sarah Roemer), an above-average couple exchanging aboveaverage lines with each other on a cruise


In ‘The Event,’ Jason Ritter, right, hijacks planes in a mysterious twist. in Antigua. It is unclear why these people are important, but before the cruise ends, Leila’s been kidnapped and there is no record of either of them ever boarding the ship. How mysterious. Sean and Leila’s unfortunate tale is told entirely via flashbacks; in the present, Leila is tied to a chair and Sean is hijacking planes and getting framed for murder —


‘False Priest’ does not break new ground but is enjoyable BY


Contributing Writer

Kevin Barnes is back, and he’s up to his same old tricks. Thirty seconds into “False Priest,” it’s obvious that you’re listening to an

False Priest Of Montreal

Polyvinyl Records Of Montreal album. The quick pop hooks, the tight harmonies and the driving electric beats all signal another well-crafted album in the same vein as 2008’s “Skeletal Lamping.” In fact, listen to any Of Montreal album since “Satanic Panic in the Attic” (2004) and you will find something very similar to their latest set. However, the consistency of the product does nothing at all to detract from the quality that shines throughout this album. Barnes, the band’s frontman, has brought Of Montreal a long way since their first album. They now occupy a comfortable niche where Barnes can delve into his

psyche within the confines of the electronic pop that the band is known for. This album, especially, focuses heavily on relationships and Barnes’ perception of them. It is nearly schizophrenic in its view of women, and nowhere is its internal dichotomy more emphasized than in the two opening tracks. “I Feel Ya’ Strutter” is an ode to the ideal relationship that transitions almost seamlessly into “Our Riotous Defects,” a song which revolves around the lyric, “You are such a crazy girl.” In exploring this emotional territory, Barnes continues to rely heavily on his sardonic wit as a shield against sincere emotion. All of his lyrics, maybe more than on any album in the past, rely on a pseudo-free association and a veneer of erudition that disassociate the singer from the subject matter. “Enemy Gene” is a perfect example of this. The song does a good job of trying to transmit the feeling of an emotional stunting following a break-up; however, Barnes cannot truly expect us to take him seriously with lyrics like, “There’s zombies licking your see OF MONTREAL, page 6

you know, the usual. The story almost makes sense if viewers are agile enough to piece together the show’s perplexing timeline, but not really. The next group includes U.S. President Elias Martinez (Blair Underwood), who basically serves as a carbon copy of David see EVENT, page 6


Neil Young moves in a new direction with ‘Le Noise’ BY


Contributing Writer

Neil Young’s new album, “Le Noise,” is a medley of confusion, angst and more self-aware lyrics than his listeners have heard from him in years.

Le Noise Neil Young Reprise Working for the first time with Daniel Lanois, a producer behind a number of albums by both U2 and Bob Dylan, Young lends a unique sound to even his distinctive drawling vowels and clawhammer acoustic guitar. As Lanois told NPR, there is “just a man on a stool and me doing a nice job on the recording.” Neil Young has had a long and fruitful career, releasing records regularly for over 40 years. While the subject matter and style of his music may have changed slightly from album to album, Young manages to always add a unique touch to his songs that makes them easily accessible for each generation. “Le Noise’s” opening song, “Walk with Me,” is an in-your-face opener based around strong distorted electric guitar. Young’s voice echoes over it throughout. The guitar used in the recording of this album played a large role in the album’s sound quality; Lanois gave Young an electric/acoustic guitar that he had been perfecting the sound of for years. The guitar’s sound is definitely noticeable and interesting, adding to every song. Even the album’s ballad, “Love and War,” gets a hint of ferocity from the guitar’s distinctiveness, complementing the underlying poignancy and lucidity that Young does so well.


If you need Halloween costume ideas, you know who to ask.

see YOUNG, page 6

ay Sean is a wonder of modern commercial music. A British citizen of Indian descent signed to Cash Money Records (the hip-hop label that also claims Lil Wayne, Drake and Nicki Minaj), Jay Sean is globalization personified. He’s broken barriers and crossed not only genre lines but also oceans in the process. He’s also written the most homoerotically charged song ever. Let’s let that one sink in for a second. “Down” (featuring Lil Wayne) sounds like a normal pop song on first listen, but go ahead and watch the video; put this song in context and the layers fall away. The video for “Down” is interesting for a few reasons: Everyone in it has E.T. fingers, Lil Wayne makes an appearance in which he looks like Lisa Bonet (of “The Cosby Show” (1984-1992) fame) and it looks like it takes place in the most depressing nightclub ever. But that’s not what interests me. What I find so bizarre is the appearance of Bryan Williams in the video. Bryan Williams, also known as Birdman, is the co-founder of Cash Money Records. It would only seem natural that the founder of a record label would appear in his newest artist’s breakout music video, but in the case of the “Down” video, it’s just weird. If you’re unfamiliar with the song, the lyrics go, “Baby, don’t worry/You are my only/ You won’t be lonely/Even if the sky is falling down.” Here’s where it gets fun: Remember Bryan “Birdman” Williams? Well, Birdman is his nom-de-rap. His nickname? “Baby.” And then the video just gets creepy. Try watching it now. Every time Sean says “baby,” you’ll hear “Baby.” It’s subtle, but it makes all the difference. And then in the second half of the video, every time anyone says “baby,” they actually cut to Bryan “Birdman”/”Baby” Williams himself! The creepy faces and “okay” signs he has on display just help to underscore the fact that the track is a love ballad to him. “Baby, are you down-down-down-downdown?” Sean croons.“Yes,” Baby nods, smiling and rubbing his hands together. Birdman is one of the strangest figures in hip-hop today. Besides being absolutely terrifying (he looks like a combination of a skinny Cee Lo Green and pure evil) and the founder of what is quite possibly the most influential record label around, he has this incredibly strange, often gossiped-about relationship with his protégé, Lil Wayne. Wayne’s appearance in “Down” lends unequivocal support to my cretinous theory. Lil Wayne tells a lot of stories about Birdman, mainly about how Williams is something of a surrogate father to him: Wayne was brought into Williams’s inner-circle in his early teen years and has been closely associated with him since, often referring to himself as “Birdman Jr.” (or simply “Junior”) or “Weezy F. Baby,” and to Birdman as “Daddy.” What makes this close “father/son” relationship weird rather than touching, though, is that there is a picture, widely available, of Wayne and Birdman doing just that: touching. Touching lips, to be specific. That is a thing that exists: a picture of Lil Wayne and Bryan Williams kissing on the mouth. In the super homophobic world of hip-hop, Wayne has not only been seen kissing his mentor, but he’s actually rapped about it — pulling the popular “no-homo” card, of course. “Damn right I kissed my daddy/I think they pissed at how rich my daddy is/And I’m his kid, I stunt with my daddy,” he raps on “We Takin’ Over (Remix),” a track from “Da Drought 3” (2007), one of his most popular mixtapes. But it’s cool, because Wayne can literally do whatever he wants and no one can say anything: He once successfully rhymed “theme park” with “scream for.” So first Weezy and Baby, now Jay Sean and Baby. And the kicker? Check out Sean’s new video for “2012 (It Ain’t the End).”

Mitchell Geller is a senior majoring in psychology and English. He can be reached at Mitchell.Geller@tufts.edu.




Monday, October 4, 2010

Boring characters and tangled timeline hinder promise of NBC’s ‘The Event’

Despite jarring sound, Young’s new album proves a success



continued from page 5

Palmer from “24” (2001-10), and all of his probably evil political lackeys who do not want him to reveal the titular event to the American public. A few rather large events have already occurred in two episodes (for example, an airborne plane kind of just disappears), so viewers are left unclear about what the singular event really is. Ultimately, “The Event” should not be applauded for its specifics. And at the heart of all this, of course, are aliens. Yes, unbeknown to Martinez until 13 months ago (as illustrated by countless flashbacks), the United States has been harboring 97 extra-terrestrial

fugitives — who conveniently look exactly like humans but have a few special powers — in a remote Alaskan internment camp for six decades. They refuse to explain where they came from or why they are here, which follows the show’s irritating preoccupation with mystery. The only thing that head alien Sophia (Laura Innes) can say is, “We mean you no harm.” Time will tell whether Sophia (easily the only interesting character in the entire show) means what she says, or if she, in fact, wants to destroy Earth and all humankind. Either way, Innes is a great actress and definitely a reason to continue playing along with “The Event’s” nonsense.

Unfortunately, the other actors are not as compelling. In other news, Wauters and a handful of producers have promised that they will not leave all of the show’s mysteries suspended for eternity the same way “Lost” did. This promise could prove heartening for frustrated fans who love a little suspense and uncertainty in their television, but also prefer having their questions answered before their grandkids have grandkids. What viewers need more than anything right now is a few answers, and if Wauters and his team understand this, then “The Event” just might be able to pull through and stave off cancellation for a few months.

Spoken interludes are album’s only drawback OF MONTREAL continued from page 5

window/For black body radiation, oh.” This distancing and sarcasm provide an effective mirror to the attitudes and disposition of the hipster generation, yet here they do detract from the emotional heft that could be achieved with a little more sincerity. Emotions aside, however, the lyrics throughout the album do confirm that Kevin Barnes is one witty individual. The music itself dabbles in traditional Of Montreal territory with few twists. The music provides a danceable infrastructure to the lyrics that are clearly Barnes’s focus. Of course, Barnes’s favorite trick is back and can be found on almost every track in the album: He has become inordinately fond of abruptly and drastically changing the pace and tone of a song before

returning just as abruptly to the original tone. The guest vocalists on the album also contribute successfully to shaking up the pattern of the album, counterbalancing Barnes’s rock and electronica background with R&B and jazz influences. Despite a few issues with the lyrics and predictability of the track progression, this is a fantastically listenable album. Many of the upbeat tracks make the listener want to do nothing more than jump out of his or her seat and dance. In fact, even on the slower, downbeat songs, it is hard to listen to this album without a smile on your face. I have only one serious reservation: More so than at any point in the past, Of Montreal relies on spoken-word interludes in this album. These portions break the

flow of the album, and Barnes uses them predominately as a platform for his true beliefs. This is especially true in the closer to the album, “You Do Mutilate?,” where Barnes expounds at length on his disdain for organized religion and his general dissatisfaction with humanity. As much as I appreciate the rare sincerity expressed in these portions, the moralizing detracts from the smoothness of the album. In the end, this album is smooth and listenable, and one of the better offerings in Of Montreal’s body of work. However, they went out of their way to avoid reinventing the wheel with this album. For old Of Montreal fans, there might not be enough new here to warrant the investment; however, for potential new fans, I can’t think of a better starting point for introducing yourselves to this band’s work.

continued from page 5

“Le Noise” is concerned mostly with pain and loss, with some songs acting as introspective looks back through Young’s own life. The recent deaths of Young’s steel guitarist and friend Ben Keith in Young’s home, and of filmmaker Larry Johnson, who worked with Young on his film “Journey Through the Past” (1974), evidently stirred up strong emotions in Young. These emotions seem to have inspired songs such as “Angry World,” a contradictory, somewhat pessimistic view of the world as a whole, set over jarring chords. With lyrics such as, “Some see life as hope eternal/ Some see life as a business plan/ Some wish some would go to hell’s inferno/For screwing with their life in freedom land,” Young wastes no time in getting to the root of the issues he wants to sing about. “Hitchhiker” takes a complete U-turn, providing a little more variation to the themes of the album. While it is a rumination on the various drugs Young has indulged in, it is also a statement on the difficulties of living on the road and the losses one experiences living that lifestyle. Like all of Young’s music, the songs on “Le Noise” are often draining to listen to if one pays careful attention to the lyrics, since the artist deals nonstop with heavy political and social issues. “Hitchhiker” succeeds in providing a welcome break from these topics, with lyrics like, “You didn’t see me in Toronto/ When I first tried out some hash/ Smoked some then and I’ll do it


again.” “Hitchhiker” was actually written at the same time as “Harvest Moon” (1992) but still seems to fit with the emotional turmoil present in every song on “Le Noise.” “Love and War” and “Peaceful Valley Boulevard,” meanwhile, are slower and more emotional. The former chronicles Young’s confusion with his possible misunderstanding of the subject matters he has been singing about for years. The latter is a mournful, gloomy ballad with a chorus of questions to which Young has no answers. The song hits home hard with the final line, “Politicians gathered for a summit/And came away with nothing to decide/ Storms thundered on, his tears of falling rain/A child was born and wondered why.” While “Le Noise” has a different sound than that which longtime fans might expect, the album is an enjoyable deluge of frenetic, distorted guitar and Young’s unmistakable drawl, resonating over a joyful frenzy of pain and clarity.


Neil Young continues his 40-plusyear career with ‘Le Noise.’


Monday, October 4, 2010












SUDOKU Level: Getting into a Theta Chi party

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Stop pervasive homophobic speech


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Monday, October 4, 2010


The recent, tragic death by suicide of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, one of five deaths by suicide among gay youths around the country reported in the last few weeks, has stirred up conversations about the importance of tolerance on college campuses. Homophobic bullying has played a prominent role in some of the deaths, which have left some scratching their heads, wondering how homophobia and bullying are still rampant when so much energy has been dedicated to eliminating them. While we might think we’re ready to put an end to these tragedies, our society has not yet eliminated the culture of insensitivity and hate that permits such bullying to take place. The root of incidents such as these is not the social media websites where the bullying takes place or the parents who abhor homosexuality. On college and school campuses, we often use our words and cameras irresponsibly, forgetting just how out of control our actions can get. Whether or not someone puts up a video

or spreads a rumor out of vengeance or simple carelessness, our society’s recklessness with words and ideas will remain toxic and even deadly until we internalize their potential for harm. We can never know what will get to someone, so why take the risk? Whether it’s spreading seemingly innocuous rumors or equating disgust or disdain with homosexuality by using the word “gay” as a synonym for stupid or “faggot” as a common insult, we must realize that our words are not only insensitive but also incredibly offensive to those about whom we do not necessarily think when we say them. It is also appalling that in a society that devotes considerable attention to homophobia and other gay rights issues, we are not by now acutely aware of the potentially major harm our utterances can have on someone’s life. People have never been more exposed to the existence of gay rights issues than they are today; there is no longer an excuse for ignorance. Actions like those

taken against Tyler Clementi last month must therefore be labeled as malicious so that people will be made to realize the injury they are capable of causing. Strong measures must be taken to deter further acts so that no one can make a claim of ignorance or social acceptability. It might be convenient to blame the resurgence of teen suicides related to homophobia on social media sites, digital cameras and other technology that give bullies new methods to spread hate. But these are just modern tools that aid the spread of a problem that is not new. Rather, we need to be cognizant of our own actions, fierce in our criticism of others’ harmful words and devoted to establishing a counterculture to social carelessness and viciousness. We need to ask ourselves not why these kids died by suicide there and then, but why it hasn’t yet happened here. We must encourage ourselves, our peers and our university leaders to crack down on recklessness and insensitivity.


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Support the troops, but don’t cover up for them “Support our troops” is an American mantra. It is a phrase plastered on our SUVs and stamped on our front yards. To a politician, these three words are hallowed ground. The U.S. military defends our freedoms, protects our borders and makes sacrifices for our country: These phrases form the current U.S. military narrative. Although these truths are undeniable, they have also sometimes led to the imposition of narrow limitations on dialogue concerning the military. This past month, five U.S. soldiers were accused of the murder of three, unarmed Afghan civilians. The five accused — Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, Cpl. Jeremy Morlock, Pfc. Andrew Holmes, Spc. Michael Wagnon and Spc. Adam Winfield — were part of the 2nd Infantry Division’s 5th Stryker Brigade stationed in the Kandahar province. The killings were reported to have taken place between January and May of this year. The first of these attacks occurred on Jan. 15. As an Afghan civilian approached the

EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials that appear on this page are written by the editorialists, and individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

alleged killers, a soldier threw one of his own grenades in order to simulate an attack and the group opened fire. Morlock also admitted to a military investigator that the soldiers were under the influence of hashish. The news is troubling for many reasons. On a very basic level, it shows a stark and blatant disregard for human life. This case in particular demonstrates a severe lack of leadership from commanding officers. It also taints the image of a group that is supposed to be winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. In this sense, it represents a significant departure from official military strategy – Gen. David Petraeus’s counterinsurgency strategy relies on winning popular support for the U.S. military in order to combat the Taliban’s influence in the region. In losing the lives of three innocents, we also risk losing a much larger battle. Killing for sport. In the wake of Abu Ghraib, the Pat Tillman cover-up and the closing of controversial Guantanamo Bay

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters must be submitted by 4 p.m. and should be handed into the Daily office or sent to letters@tuftsdaily.com. All letters must be word processed and include the writer’s name and telephone number. There is a 450-word limit and letters must be verified. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, space and length.

detention camp, it is surprising how little media coverage this story is receiving. The growing list of U.S. military errors and abuses is alarming because it makes us question the standards of one of our most trusted institutions. Perhaps its most damaging consequence is that it shatters our collective faith in the men and women that defend our country. While the vast majority of servicemen and women carry out their orders with an incredible quality of character, we must dispel the myth that each and every one is a paragon of virtue and beyond reproach. It is time we look at our military in a different light. They are individuals who wield great power and who carry the reputation of the United States abroad in their hands. In this light, the actions of these five soldiers should be more than just a second-page news story. The tragedy should be on the front page of each of our minds — supporting the troops should not mean whitewashing their failures but holding them to the high standards the military professes. ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.


Monday, October 4, 2010




Privacy threatened in the digital age BY

ALEXANDRA BORTNIK Arizona Daily Wildcat

On April 7, 2009, about 10,000 young Moldovans charged forth, weapons in hand, and set flame to Moldova’s parliament building, after a Communist Party victory. With the utilization of Twitter, e-mail and Facebook, the young people were able to assemble quickly and leave authorities stunned by the seemingly sudden appearance of thousands of protestors. In reaction to the “Twitter Revolution,” as it was called in [the] Washington Post, Internet service in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, was immediately cut off. The United States, while free of Communist reign for the moment, intends to emulate this practice of tapping into virtual methods of communication. According to a recent article in [the] New York Times, “officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking [websites] like Facebook and software that allows direct ‘peer to peer’ messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order.” Idealistically, if taking this step would aid the U.S. government in more successfully wiretapping and monitoring criminal and terrorism suspects, as it argues that its ability to do so is suffering, then inviting the government into all Blackberry conversations might be acceptable to U.S. citizens. However, just like Communism, the idea may appeal on paper but, in practice, presents a dangerous opportunity for the government to abuse its power and step on the rights of its citizens. Video chats, [BlackBerry Messenger], text messages, Twitter, Facebook and e-mails have become as personal as letters once were, if not more so — by tapping into their content, the government would be changing the relationship people have created with these methods of communication. College-aged students trust their gadgets, thereby burdening them with photographs, conversations, letters and intimacies that, if exposed, would create the same feelings of violation as if a stranger rummaged through their bedrooms and read their diaries. This uninhibited trust that the younger generation has developed with cell phones, computers and online social networks widens the generational gap between them and government officials, who see it fit to gain unlimited access to the virtual world.


Many students can attest to exhausting arguments with their parents about cleaning up their Facebook profiles, using variations of their real names when registering online and being wary of what they do and say online. Although the younger generation may understand the potential dangers of the Internet, it’s difficult to feel at risk

when our society entrusts something as intimate as dating to the online world. While the government argues the safety benefits of wiretapping the digital world, allowing it to take this initial step presents the constant fear that it could exploit this new power, attacking the most minute of issues such as locating parties with underage drinking, as many [University

of Arizona] students can imagine from their experience with [the University of Arizona Police Department]. Although there are clearly larger issues the U.S. government needs to tackle, it boils down to holding onto the small shred of privacy, real or imagined, that is possible in today’s interconnected world.

Love thy neighbor (if…) BY


The face staring up at me from my Internet homepage was not a celebrity. It belonged to a boy my age, barely out of high school, who should be enjoying his first month of college. Yet Tyler Clementi was not wandering his new campus. His body had just been dredged up from the bottom of a river. The Rutgers University freshman had killed himself after his roommate posted a video of Tyler’s private sexual encounter with another male student online. Clementi is one of several gay students known to have committed suicide this month. The article I read about his death included several links to memorial groups on Facebook. Their walls were cluttered with words of kindness and compassion for the bullied teen, support that could have done so much good a mere 24 hours prior. But right alongside the memorials, I found another group formed in support of Clementi’s tormentors. One post on the page stuck out: “Nothing of value was lost.” Nothing of value was lost. A human being, a talented musician, a unique soul

full of promise was nothing. In a country presided over by a black president, a gay college student is … nothing. In a culture where queer characters make up the starring cast of some of TV’s most popular shows, a bullied gay boy is still … nothing. This tragedy serves as another painful reminder that while gayness may be in vogue on TV, homophobia did not disappear with the birth of our generation. Tufts has always seemed to me to be a bastion of hope, a shining example of the spread of tolerance and understanding. On campus, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Center’s “Guess the Straight Person” was so popular that interested audiences gladly hustled through the rain and sat on the auditorium floor just to watch. And yet, at a college a few states away, a gay student cannot find peace in his own dorm room. Such disdain is difficult to understand. Even more so is the common connection between religion and homophobia. Religious justifications covered the antiClementi Facebook page. Religious groups are often the first to protest any increase in rights granted to gays. They point to the source of their anger in the Bible. To them

I would point out that there is no asterisk next to “love thy neighbor.” LGBT students ask for tolerance. What they deserve is so much more than that. Tolerance demands only a lack of criticism. It entails no positive action. According to the response to this tragedy, it seems that most of Tyler Clementi’s fellow students did not mock, or likely even know about, his sexual orientation. Yet that was not enough to stop the effects of the hate of one other person. What Tyler needed was support and love, not silence. Not tolerance. Within the next four years, this student body will have left this idyllic campus to make its way in a world that we will define however we choose. Will we enter in silence? Or will we become active protectors of human dignity? It’s our choice. We decide if we use the word “gay” as a metaphor for stupid and if we stand idly by while our friends do the same. We decide if we will prolong the lives of slurs like “fag” and “dyke.” We decide if we will step in when we see harassment and humiliation. Action or silence. We decide. For those who cannot believe in the rightness of gayness, believe in the right-

ness of love. One does not have to support a person’s choices to support his or her dignity as a human being. Fighting for gay rights is not tantamount to advocating for homosexuality but rather to recognizing and respecting the rights of every person. Religion does not call upon us to be judges on this earth; it demands that we love equally. The Bible may call a gay woman a sinner, but the same title is given to the one who hates her. No amount of grief or anger can right the wrongs against Tyler Clementi. All that is left for us to do is make his suicide the last. As students we can keep Tufts a sanctuary for all orientations, and as people we can make sure that the plague of homophobia preys on our country no longer. Let us be bastions of hope and love on this Hill. Staring at Tyler Clementi’s smiling face, I wondered if he would have met a better fate had he come to this campus instead. I decided that the answer was yes. I hope Tufts proves me right. Elizabeth McKay is a freshman who has not yet declared a major.

OP-ED POLICY The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in theThe Op-Ed section do of notthe necessarily represent opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international should be 600 to 1,200 in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for OP-ED POLICY Op-ed section Tufts Daily, an openthe forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. Op-edissues welcomes submissions fromwords all members of the Tufts community. Opinion articles thecampus, Campus national Canvas feature. All materialissues is subject to editorial discretion and in is not guaranteed to appear in thetoDaily. All material should submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than p.m. onshould the day to the desired day on and international should be 600 to 1,200 words length. All material is subject editorial discretion, and be is not guaranteed to appear in The Tufts Daily. All12 material beprior submitted by no later of publication; their telephone numbers and day-of must availability for editing Submissions may notattached be published elsewhere to their appearance in the Daily, including but not to other on- The and than 1 p.m. on authors the day must prior submit to the desired day of publication. Material be submitted viaquestions. e-mail (oped@tuftsdaily.com) in .doc or .docxprior format. Questions and concerns should be directed tolimited the Op-ed editors. off-campus newspapers, blogsdo and online news websites, well as Facebook. of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article. opinions expressed in themagazines, Op-ed section not necessarily representasthe opinions of theRepublishing Tufts Daily itself.




Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010




I love reading the Daily so much that the content in the paper just isn’t enough for me! I wish there was a way for me to see more photos and articles than what I can see in the paper.

Now there is! Check out Jumbo Slice and The Score, the Daily’s blogs that offer up-to-the-minute breaking news, photos, cartoons, sports coverage and more!

Jumbo Slice: blogs.tuftsdaily.com The Score: blogs.tuftsdaily.com/thescore




Monday, October 4, 2010


Monday, October 4, 2010



Write to Us! We want to hear from you! Send an opinion piece 600 to 1,200 words in length or an op-ed cartoon to oped@tuftsdaily.com and/or a letter to the editor at letters@tuftsdaily.com. For full op-ed submission policies, see page 9.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007



Dear Tufts Daily,

Bare feet: just watch what you eat


I am currently sitting in the Tower Café mortified and surrounded by bare feet. There is a girl to the left of me bobbing her head to the music surrounding her ears. She is completely oblivious to the fact that her bare, wiggling toes are less than two feet away from my face. She’s not even comfortable. She keeps adjusting, readjusting and moving around. Perhaps it’s a new trend? To my right there is another young girl resting her bare feet on the marble table. On the table. The very same table upon which this girl’s feet are splayed is one where I ate many a time last semester. I’m not alone in my repulsion; I see the girl sitting next to her eyeing her feet as well, but she’s just oblivious. That’s two people in a five-foot radius with zero consideration for their fellow neighbors. When I sit on an airplane and the person (usually a kid) next to me has his or her bare feet on the tray table, I get the same feeling of disgust. I don’t understand why anyone

would think that it is okay to throw their feet about in public. Do people like the thought of licking other’s people feet? (Let’s leave kinky cases out of this.) How about the thought of smelling other people’s feet? No, no, no! In our society, feet are known to be dirty, smelly and unpleasant; I mean come on, I don’t even want to be close to my own feet. By the way, as I type, the girl next to me just moved her foot even closer to me! Why don’t people get it? It is just plain common sense! You would think attending Tufts University would be enough to figure out that being barefoot in a café is not only rude, it’s despicable. It says, “I don’t care about anyone but me and my own comfort.” Imagine going into work and putting your bare feet on your desk or going to a client’s job site, or anywhere else professional. Imagine walking into your dean’s office and he or she has his or her bare feet on the desk. It would never happen, because it’s not okay. We are here to get ready for the real world. Speaking from experience as a Resumed Education for Adult Learners student, you

can trust me, people: No one will take off his or her shoes in a professional atmosphere. My rampage has turned into concern; these kids need to understand it’s not okay. When their rude habits leave Tufts, they’re in for a big surprise. Is it that unreasonable to ask that people keep their shoes on in obvious places? Take ‘em off at the beach, at home or in a Japanese restaurant — I don’t care! But please keep them on when you’re next to the poor girl on the couch trying to concentrate. And for crying out loud, please keep them off the table! I came in here just to eat my lunch and read some books for class, but I got too distracted by disgust. To vent, I decided to write this piece. I’m not the type of person to say, “Can you please get your feet out of my personal space?” I’m shy, hate controversy and I can’t go around telling everyone I see with bare feet that they are rude and inconsiderate. I see enough people reading the paper that I figure if my rampage does get published, the bare feet people might read and understand what they are doing wrong. And just in case you are someone who

I really like the panini machines at Dewick. They make my sandwich so delicious... Obama for (vice) president


On Monday, Will Ehrenfield voiced his support for Sen. Barack Obama in the coming Presidential campaign (“Obama for president”, Sept. 10). I too, at one point, supported Obama in his bid for the White House. He is an intelligent, charismatic man whose greatest political asset is indeed his criticism of the war from the start. And he may be the harbinger of great change to Washington. That’s why he’d be a great vice president for Sen. Joseph Biden. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that many people are not familiar with Sen. Biden; in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that many people are not familiar with most presidential candidates, Democrat and Republican. The media, in their attempt to focus on Obama, Sen. Hillary Clinton, former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, have allowed candidates such as Sens. Biden, Christopher Dodd, Sam Brownback, and former Ark. Governor Mike Huckabee to fall through the cracks. However, attention needs to be paid to these “also-rans,” because among them lies the best man to lead our country. It is true, Biden did vote to authorize the war in 2002. When asked about this vote, Biden says that, as President, he too would have asked for the authority to go into Iraq. He simply would not have used it. It is also true that he voted for the special funding bill earlier this year, while Obama and Clinton did not. He explained this in a debate soon after, saying that he “knew the right political vote.” But he also knew that a large portion of that funding would be going to better equipment for our soldiers. Biden is the only candidate with a viable, possible plan for post-Bush Iraq. N. M. Governor Bill Richardson wants to leave within 6 months of being inaugurated. Unfortunately, that’s physically impossible. There are simply too many men to be withdrawn in 6 months. If all of the troops are withdrawn right now, as soon as possible, we’re going

“I would like to tell you that the war is for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever as the wind blows in this direction with God’s help. If you win it, you should read the history. We are a nation that does not tolerate injustice and seek revenge forever. Days and nights will not go by until we take revenge as we did on 11 September, God willing, and until your minds are exhausted and your lives become miserable.” (Osama bin-Laden, January 19, 2006) If you feel a slight rumbling beneath you at this very moment, do not be alarmed. It is simply the collective reverberation of proud Americans from previous generations turning over in their respective graves. Our nation has lapsed into a fit of defeatism and self-proclaimed declinism as our politicians and, more tragically, our citizens have forgotten the courage, values and resolve that propelled our country to greatness. Even worse, we have betrayed our forefathers’ confidence in the righteousness of fighting on freedom’s behalf — a confidence that once instilled courage in the hearts of American revolutionaries despite the seeming impossibility of victory and later invigorated Allied forces fighting fascist enemies in Europe and Asia. We are assured of America’s defeat daily in Iraq, not by our enemies on the battlefield, but by a growing contingent within the Democratic Party. It is this lot — led by Sen. Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. John Murtha and the party’s presidential candidates — who insist on the futility of U.S. military and Iraqi political efforts alike. They insist on the rapid withdrawal of troops from battle. They insist that staying in Iraq to fight extremism, to deter Iranian interference, to run with the current wave of military momentum and to build on popular uprisings against alQaeda throughout the country (or, what residents of the now famous Anbar province call the “Great Awakening”) is contrary to American security interests.

Sean O’Loughlin is a freshman who has not yet declared a major.

Nadia C. Di Marco is a sophomore majoring in clinical psychology.

It’s time to wake up: Iraq, jihad and America’s choice


to need a lot of helicopters. Saigon told us that much. We cannot simply up and leave. But it’s clear that staying the course and continuing the surge is not working. The notion of a “strong, central, democratic” Iraqi government is simply naïve. It will not happen in our lifetime. The Biden plan is the only option. The Biden plan is simple. Imagine a country with a national government, but also with distinct regions, each with certain jurisdiction, that is complementary to, yet still subordinate to the national government. If this sounds familiar, you may live in the United States of America. This is also what it says in the Iraqi constitution. The Bush administration has said that for the Iraqi constitution to be implemented, the national government needs to be strong enough to enforce security throughout the country. But as the success of al-Anbar province has shown us, security is built from the ground up, not the top down. The Biden plan does just that. Biden was elected senator in 1972. He has served as chair of both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Foreign Relations Committee. What our country needs most right now is foreign relations experience, and Biden’s got it. He is the best man, Democrat or Republican or Green or Bloomberg, to sit in the Oval Office. For more info, please visit joebiden.com.


doesn’t notice the barefoot problem, be aware they are out there, so think twice before eating on a table on campus.

It is in this certainty of defeat, however, that the broader implications of a precipitous retreat — and make no mistake, bloodthirsty terrorists aching to extend their jihad would understand our withdrawal as nothing less — are lost. What is remarkable is how salient these consequences are, yet how obfuscated they become in the midst of political posturing and rhetorical pandering. There is little question within American military circles, and on the streets of Baghdad, that U.S. forces are the dam preventing unmitigated sectarian violence and the Talibanization of Iraq. To leave now, to abandon the progress that our troops have recently made on the security front, to simply throw the country into the wind, is to condemn hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to unfathomable misery. For the sake of comparison, think Rwanda, Darfur or Bosnia. Interestingly enough, these are thoughts that seem to weigh insignificantly on the conscience of Sen. Obama, who indulgently lauds himself as a champion of hope. His hope is an audacious brand indeed. The reality is that we are in the midst of the first great war of the 21st century. It is a war of ideology as much as it is a contest to be won on the battlefield. And whereas Iraq may not have been the frontline of this struggle in 2003, it is the theater of the conflict today. On one end of the spectrum is the United States, defending the rights of ordinary Iraqis and committed to the creation of a stable ally in a region otherwise defined by dysfunctional government. While American-style democracy may never take root, Iraq still clings to the prospect of representative politics. Amazingly, after four years of devastating violence, Iraqis continue to show resolve and an admirable determination to emerge from the shadows of despotism and terror. At the other end of this spectrum are the existential enemies of human progress. Peddling an antiquated ideology of extreme Islam and preaching a virulent message of hatred, the warriors of Islamism draw on a totalitar-

ian vision of societal order that is, at its most basic level, a fantasy. Their unrelenting pursuit of a long-dead caliphate is glaring in its denial of modern political realities and the overwhelming power of the Western world. However, this delusional ideology sanitizes indiscriminate violence and brutality, deeming them obligatory within a framework of “defensive” jihad against Islam’s enemies. In fomenting civil war in Iraq, al-Qaeda and its proxies seek to engender despair, inefficiency, insecurity and resentment — the air to their militant fire. We must realize the simple truth that just as Iraq is our frontline against terror, so too is it the terrorist’s against Western civilization. After turning back the “effeminate superpower,” their next step is cleansing the Holy Lands of infidel blood and ousting a Saudi regime that is, unbelievably, inadequately Islamic. From Mecca to Egypt to Jerusalem and beyond, the caliphate is to be extended and its enemies destroyed. Thus, looking to those among us who frown at American military gains and find a perverse vindication of their anti-war politics in every truck-bomb that claims innocent Iraqi lives, we find a segment of our country definitively unprepared to face civilization’s enemies. It is true that our predicament is a frightening one. Armed with a dangerous irrationality and a passion for martyrdom, the jihadists are decisive and resolute. There is no appeasing this enemy. There is no reasoning with it. There is no compromising and there is no coexistence. Surrender or Persevere. These are the only options and the choice is ours to make. In choosing the path to victory, however, one thing has become increasingly clear. In November 2008, American voters will have to send the Democrats the very same message that must thunder in the ears of those extremists who dare to wage war against the United States of America: “You cannot win and you will not prevail!” Matthew Ladner is a junior majoring in international relations.


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Monday, October 4, 2010




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Bobcats ride high after 24-game losing streak snaps BATES continued from page 1


In the Jumbos’ 21-20 Homecoming day loss to the Bobcats, senior wide receiver Greg Stewart had a career-high 13 catches for 126 yards.


Senior wide receiver Billy Mahler and the Jumbos were unable to stage a last-minute comeback and fell to the Bobcats for the first time since 1985.

and a groundbreaking win for the players clad in garnet. “It’s like a win-lose no matter what,” Beaton said with a laugh. “I’ve got friends on each side. Ultimately, I wish the outcome could have been different, but I’m happy and proud of the guys at Bates because I know they worked real hard.” The Bobcats, historically, have been one of the perpetually underperforming squads in the NESCAC. Since the inception of Tufts’ streak in ’86, Bates has won three games in a season just twice. Moreover, they have had five winless seasons and 10 with just one victory. The last time the Bobcats finished at .500 was in 1999 and, perhaps more importantly, the last time they defeated the Jumbos was in a 24-6 decision in 1985. “It’s unreal,” Bates junior defensive back Cam Evans said. “I’ve been here for three years and it’s been an up-and-down thing. To get a win like this against a program like Tufts is unbelievable. I’m speechless. The streak’s been put in the back of our head every time we play Tufts.” Evans snared one of senior quarterback Anthony Fucillo’s four interceptions. Heading into 2010, Bates installed a new triple-option offense, switched from a 4-3 defensive formation to a 3-4 and poured in $2.6 million to renovate Garcelon Field in Lewiston, Maine. Change seemed inevitable. “Hopefully this could be the turnaround,” junior wide receiver John Squires said. “We’ve had a couple of tough years since I’ve been here, but we were really fired up … so to come in here and win was just huge.” Squires had a career- and game-high 149 yards and two touchdowns. Bates entered Saturday’s game on the heels of a 44-0 season-opening loss to Amherst, the defending NESCAC champions. In that game, the Bobcats had just 143 yards of total offense while turning the ball over four times. This week, Bates had 362 yards — one more than Tufts — and forced four turnovers. According to Bates coach Mark Harriman, neither playing spoiler on Tufts’ Homecoming day in front of 2,500 fans nor ending the streak was nearly as important to the team as simply getting a much-needed win. “It’s huge for us,” Harriman said, denying any notion that the Bobcats were concerned about history. “Tufts is one of the perennially not only good teams but most physical teams in our league, and to be able to come in and swing with them for 60 minutes means a lot.” On Bates’ athletics website, the headline to the article recapping the team’s victory begins with the phrase, “IT’S ALL OVER!” But perhaps Squires summed it up best. When asked what was going through his mind when Fucillo threw his fourth interception of the day with 12 seconds left to solidify the win, the 6-foot-7 wide receiver responded with just one word: “Finally.”

Jumbos fail to contain Bobcats’ triple-option offense in unexpected defeat FOOTBALL continued from page 16

The Jumbos responded on their next possession with a 69-yard scoring drive, capped by a 9-yard connection from Fucillo to senior wideout Billy Mahler. Senior receiver Greg Stewart was essential on the drive, converting a critical third down on a 21-yard catch-and-run after a knee-buckling fake on a Bates defender. Stewart finished with a game-high 13 catches after having just one reception in all of 2009. But Bates responded, marching the ball 68 yards down the field on a scoring drive later in the quarter.

On the possession, junior quarterback Ryan Katon found junior receiver John Squires three times, including on an 8-yard slant route for a touchdown. The key play of the drive featured the 6-foot-7 Squires catching a high-arching Katon pass for 49 yards over 5-foot-9 sophomore cornerback Evan Parker. “Height helps,” said Squires, who frustrated the Jumbos’ secondary all day and finished with nine catches for 149 yards and two touchdowns. “It helps a lot. It was a big catch, and it was a good win for everybody.” The Jumbos took a 13-12 halftime

lead into the locker rooms, thanks to a 41-yard field goal from Auerbach. They extended the margin just minutes into the second half, after a poor kickoff gave them the ball at the 50. Sophomore Dylan Haas then caught a sharp pass across the middle and took it down the sideline for a 24-yard score. Another Squires touchdown in the third quarter, however, made the score 20-18 and pulled Bates within one score of the Jumbos. Tufts had resorted to playing cornerbacks 10 to 15 yards off the line in an attempt to contain Squires, but that simply allowed him to consistently gain yards through

short slants or hooks. “It’s his time to shine,” Bates head coach Mark Harriman said of Squires. “He played for us last year but was behind a couple of veteran receivers. It’s nice to go to 6-foot-7.” Part of the problem from Tufts’ standpoint was the Bobcats’ new triple-option offense, which featured one or two wingbacks in the game on every play. This forced the Jumbos to have the box loaded up at all times, leaving defensive backs to match up 1-on-1 with receivers. “That wishbone is very effective assignment football,” Jumbos defensive coordinator Scott Rynne

said. “[They] spread you out — you have to make sure you’re disciplined in your approach, and I thought we were. We made some plays, but they made more plays.” Tufts controlled the Bobcats for much of the afternoon — Bates rushed for an average of under 3 yards per carry — but three long scoring drives of 68, 71 and 85 yards were the Jumbos’ undoing. “We had them scouted,” Tufts senior linebacker Matt Murray said. “We came out, they didn’t do anything differently. Just a tough game. I thought we played well on some drives, and some other drives we just fell apart.”


Monday, October 4, 2010




Homecoming win keeps field hockey record untarnished BY


Daily Editorial Board

The expectations were high on Saturday when the field hockey team took to Bello Field to face FIELD HOCKEY (6-0 OVERALL, 4-0 NESCAC) Bello Field, Saturday Wesleyan Tufts

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Bates in a Homecoming showdown. The national No. 2 Jumbos, still holding on to an undefeated season, played host to a struggling 1-5 Bobcats squad and, with a definitive 7-1 victory that saw goals from five players, didn’t disappoint the lively Homecoming crowd. The win moved the squad to 6-0 overall and 4-0 in the NESCAC. “I think that our team had expectations to finally go out and play our best game in the first half,” senior co-captain Amanda Roberts said. “We are undefeated, but I don’t think we had played our best game yet. We were excited to come out and give 110 percent for the full 70 minutes and play good clean Tufts hockey. … I feel like we did that on Saturday.” Senior Tamara Brown led the way once again, scoring a first-half hat trick in under 11 minutes between the 4:21- and 15:21-minute marks. The Jumbos’ victory, though, seemed inevitable even earlier. “Right before the game started, one of our assistant coaches took us aside and said that he wanted three goals in the first 15 minutes and there’s no reason why we couldn’t do it,” Roberts said. Just 50 seconds after the starting whistle, Tufts earned its first penalty corner and lined up on the circle. The ball came out to junior

Sarah Cannon, who flicked a higharching shot through the air toward the goal. The ball fell into the net over Bates senior keeper Katie McEnroe’s head, and the Jumbos never looked back. “After Sarah scored, we all just said, ‘Okay, one down, two more to go,’” Roberts said. “We all just wanted to put two more in as soon as possible.” Less than five minutes later, Brown went to work, scoring three times in rapid succession. Leading 4-0 early in the half, Tufts then pulled the starters. The reserves continued the high level of play for the remainder of the half, denying Bates any shots or penalty corners while themselves racking up 18 and 11, respectively. “I think because [assistant coach Craig Rowe] said that going into the game, we had the attitude that we wanted to keep scoring,” Brown said of the challenge to score three goals in the first 15 minutes. “I think that was my favorite part of the game, when he pulled us aside, and I think that is an attitude — of being relentless — that we really want to take with us going forward.” After the break, the Bobcats showed some fight, getting on the board on a combination between sophomore Michelle Brady and junior Lyndsay Beaton. The goal came after sophomore Missy Karp, assisted by Brown, struck first, leaving the score 5-1 with under 25 minutes left to play. Bates then continued to show some offensive spark, nearly matching the Jumbos’ second-half shot and corner totals. The Bobcats were denied, however, by freshman goalie Katie Stuntz, who relieved junior starter Marianna Zak for the remainder of the game. Roberts went on to score unas-


Senior co-captain Amanda Roberts scored a goal and added an assist as part of the Jumbos’ 7-1 assault on the Bobcats on Homecoming day. sisted and feed first-year Chelsea Yogerst’s first collegiate goal to complete the game’s scoring with the Jumbos on top 7-1. The game marks the team’s largest margin of victory of the season. In 2009, it wasn’t until mid-October that the Jumbos started exerting their full offensive power. It seems a similar run may be beginning this year. Last season, against their next three opponents this year — Wellesley, Colby and Conn. College — the Jumbos notched 24 goals, including a 7-0 Homecoming victory against Colby in which Brown scored a hat trick. “I think this is just a huge con-

Molofsky’s return caps triumphant Homecoming weekend for Jumbos MEN’S SOCCER continued from page 16

outstretched hands of Bernstein but hit the crossbar and continued over the net. Though Bernstein made only one save in the game, Tufts’ defenders were called upon to make numerous saves on the goalline to keep the lead intact, similar to last week’s game against Wesleyan. Green, who is off to a successful start to the season with three goals and an assist, arguably had his best performance of the year. He led a creative and poised Tufts attack that threatened throughout. Defensively, Tufts stymied a Bates attack that was coming off a four-goal performance against Thomas College. The Bobcats had trouble stringing passes together against the Jumbos as they extended their pressure well into the opposing team’s defensive end. The Jumbos were also buoyed by the “twelfth man” — a crowd estimated at 550, which was by far the largest of the season. “We’ve been lucky to have pretty good attendance so far this season, but this was by far the biggest crowd we’ve had,” Flaherty said. “It helped a lot. They had a lot of good energy.” The Jumbos also got a boost from the return of senior quad-captain Josh Molofsky, who saw his first action in nearly a year after tearing his right ACL in a game against Springfield College last season. He spent the last five minutes of the game on the field — an emotional time for Molofsky and the whole squad. “It obviously meant a lot to me,” said Molofsky, who is also an editorialist for the Daily. “I’ve been working for so long without a reward for all the efforts put in, so to finally have a moment where you can look back and think about all the things I’ve done to prepare for it and have everything come to fruition at once was incredible. The

build up is what made it all the more important. I’m really thankful for how hard the training staff have worked to help me get back, and how hard all my teammates have been pushing me in practice to help me get back. To hear all those words of encouragement and have a tangible result is what made it so meaningful.” “It was really exciting to have Josh come into the game,” Flaherty said. “To have another senior on the field, and to come back for his last Homecoming, is really emotional, and it’s just a testament to all the hard work he’s put in to come back.”

“I’ve been working for so long without a reward for all the efforts put in, so to finally have a moment where you can look back and think about all the things I’ve done to prepare for it and have everything come to fruition at once was incredible.” Josh Molofsky senior quad-captain

The win was the third straight for the Jumbos, who improved to 4-2-1 overall and 2-1-1 in the NESCAC, putting them in sole possession of fourth place in the conference. The Jumbos on Tuesday night will try to exact revenge at home against Plymouth State, a team that defeated the Jumbos 2-1 last season.

fidence booster that we can come out against a NESCAC team and dominate for the full 70 minutes,” Roberts said. “I feel for the first time we put numbers on the scoreboard that reflect our level of skill … and I think that’s going to put a lot of confidence in the team for the games coming up.” If history is any indication, Tufts should continue to roll over the NESCAC until the team’s Oct. 29 meeting with what will be its biggest obstacle to a repeat shot at the conference crown: Bowdoin. For now, the Jumbos will focus on what lies directly ahead: a mid-week, non-conference meeting with the Wellesley Blue on

Thursday. Although the Blue took a talented Babson team into overtime earlier this season, they sit at 3-6 on their season and 0-4 against NESCAC teams. “We talked a lot about it last week that we need to go into games with more attitude,” Brown said of the team’s expectations heading into its next game. “While we’re not taking teams for granted, we’re not taking teams too seriously and we’re going into games realizing we’re the No. 2 team in the country for a reason. “I think things are starting to click,” Brown said, “so we just want to take advantage and keep our momentum going.”

POWER RANKINGS compiled by the tufts daily

Look out NESCAC — heretook comethe thebiggest Lord Jeffs. The Middlebury Panthers hit in this week’s installment of the NESCAC Amherst traded places withsecond Williams, leap-frogging 2 Tuftsdue to move thein-confertop spot power rankings, falling from overall to fourth, No. primarily to theinto 1-2-1 in thisrecord week’s of the conference rankings. The Jeffs up hold thesecond, top spot in ence ofinstallment their women’s soccer team. Aspower a result, Amherst moved into with both footballinto andthird. women’s soccer and top-fi ve composite rankings in the Tufts sliding The Williams Ephshave still sit comfortably in first place, and stillremaining hold the three sports. Themen’s Ephs, and whowomen’s were in fisoccer. rst place since the beginning of the season, slid down top spot in both intoAfter third, thanks in part to its fiplace, eld hockey whichitsholds average ranking eighth. a brief stint in seventh Trinityteam, reclaimed spot an in the middle of theof pack, setThe Bowdoin Polar Bears vaulted fromshowing sixth to in fourth, Middlebury Trinity tling into fifth place after a seventh-place Weekbumping 2. The bottom four -- and Wesleyan, down the and process. In this--week’s top eight, only Tufts is in the same spot it was last week. Colby, in Bates Hamilton all remained unchanged. THIS THIS WEEK WEEK










1.25 2.2

4.13 1.6

1.38 1.2

4.75 7.4

5.00 4.2

3.30 3.32

3 1



7.25 1.4

4.38 3.0

3.75 2.0

1.38 5.8

1.13 6.6

3.58 3.76

2 3



1.88 5.8

1.88 6.0

3.25 4.2

8.00 1.4

4.75 1.4

3.95 3.76

1 4



8.50 4.2

3.25 2.0

5.00 6.8

1.63 5.4

2.63 4.0

4.20 4.48

6 2



5.00 2.4

1.88 8.4

6.13 3.4

5.63 3.4

3.38 5.6

4.40 4.64

4 7



3.13 6.6

9.00 5.8

2.13 6.2

5.38 2.0

6.88 4.2

5.30 4.96



5.00 —

8.75 6.4

7.00 9.4

3.13 5.8

8.13 2.2

6.40 5.95

8 6



— 5.8

7.25 6.0

9.38 5.4

6.13 4.8

4.25 8.0

6.75 6.00

7 8



6.00 8.4

6.38 8.2

8.75 8.4

9.00 9.0

10.13 9.6

8.05 8.72




6.88 10.0

8.13 7.6

8.25 8.0

10.00 10.0

10.00 9.2

8.65 8.96




9.38 8.2

9.75 11.0

9.56 9.60



poll was wasdevised devisedasas follows: Each voter ranked all NESCAC schools insport, each The poll follows: Each voter ranked all NESCAC schools in each sport, andscores thosewere scores were to averaged to create ranking a composite ranking for comeach and those averaged create a composite for each sport. The sport. The weretothen averaged determine each school’s overall rankposites werecomposites then averaged determine eachtoschool’s overall ranking. Note that Haming. Note Hamiltonindoes compete field or hockey, men’s soccer or women’s ilton does that not compete field not hockey, men’sin soccer women’s soccer in the NESCAC, soccer in the NESCAC, andcompete Conn. College does not compete in football. and Conn. College does not in football. This week’s week’slist listwas wasdetermined determined polling Amro El-Adle (Amherst Student), This by by polling Amro El-Adle (Amherst Student), James James &Reedy & Seth(Bowdoin Walder (Bowdoin Orient), NickEcho), WoolfNick & Mike (Conn. Reedy Seth Walder Orient), Rob Yee (Colby WoolfFlint & Mike Flint CollegeCollege Voice),Voice), Ann Curtis and Emily Gittleman (TrinityAnn Tripod) (Conn. Katie Siegner (Middlebury Campus), Curtisand andAlex EmilyPrewitt Gittle(Tufts(Trinity Daily).Tripod), Alex Prewitt (Tufts Daily) and Whit Chiles (Wesleyan Argus). man DESIGNED DESIGNED BY BY STEVEN STEVEN SMITH/TUFTS SMITH/TUFTS DAILY DAILY



INSIDE NESCAC Power Rankings 15



Jumbos top Bobcats 2-1 in Homecoming comeback BY


Daily Editorial Board

With alumni packing the bleachers at Kraft Field for a Homecoming match-up with Bates, the men’s soccer MEN’S SOCCER (2-1-1 NESCAC, 4-2-1 Overall) Kraft Field, Saturday Bates Tufts

1 1

0 1

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1 2

team showed that players of past years have no need to worry about the direction of their former program. With a gritty 2-1 win over the Bobcats, the Jumbos appear to be on the rise with their third straight victory. “It was a big win,” senior quadcaptain midfielder Chris Flaherty said. “It was our third straight win, and we’re definitely feeling very confident. It was also great to win on Homecoming, something we haven’t done since I’ve been here.” The Jumbos found themselves down 1-0 early, but managed to equalize before senior forward Ben Green netted the game-winner in the 71st minute on a free kick from 25 yards out, placing it perfectly in the corner. “We’ve all seen Ben do some incredible things with free kicks at practice,” Flaherty said. “From what I saw, the wall was nowhere to be found and he hit a perfect shot into the upper corner.” Though Tufts dominated possession in the first half and kept Bates bottled up in their own end, it was the Bobcats who got on the board first. Bates sophomore forward John Murphy dribbled through the Tufts defense and slipped a shot past junior goalkeeper Alan Bernstein, putting the Jumbos in an early hole. The Jumbos, though, as they have done much of the season, showed resilience and determination, increasing their pressure on the Bates net. “We have a whole new mentality and confidence, and that comes from the coach and from all the players.


Senior forward Ben Green’s free kick in the 71st minute made the difference as Tufts beat Bates 2-1 on Homecoming day, doubling the team’s 2009 win total. And we really believe that we can win every game, even if we go down a goal,” Flaherty said. The payoff came in the 34th minute, as freshman midfielder Sam Atwood collected the rebound of a shot by

Green and slotted it inside the near post for the first goal of his collegiate career. “He’s been playing really well so far,” Flaherty said. “It’s a lot of pressure to come in as a freshman and play on

National champion lacrosse team honored Saturday

Homecoming but he handled it well.” Bates nearly took the lead back in the 59th minute. A header by Bobcat freshman Dan Remillard snuck over the


Turnovers spoil tense Homecoming game BY


Thousands of optimistic tailgating fans carried the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers into FOOTBALL (1-1 NESCAC) Zimman Field, Saturday Bates Tufts


Mike Droesch (E ’10) and the rest of the 2010 National Champion men’s lacrosse team were honored at halftime of the football team’s Homecoming game against Bates. The Jumbos held a special ceremony later in the afternoon at Cousens Gym, where they received their championship rings.

see MEN’S SOCCER, page 15

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Ellis Oval on Saturday to watch the football team face off against Bates in its Homecoming game. Yet despite winning their past 24 games against the Bobcats, the Jumbos relinquished a fourthquarter lead and could not manufacture a late drive, falling 21-20 in front of a crowd of 2,500 at Zimman Field. Tufts regressed on offense after its strong season-opening win against Hamilton. Senior quarterback Anthony Fucillo threw four interceptions, including two late in the fourth quarter. In the first nine games of Fucillo’s career with the Jumbos, he only threw five. In the new, pass-happy offense that the Jumbos installed before

the season, Fucillo shattered team records with 71 passing attempts — including 44 in the first half — and 35 completions. The tri-captain also finished with 341 yards, 14 short of the single-game record, and two touchdowns. “In practice, we had three offenses set up at one time,” Bates junior safety Cam Evans said of preparing for Tufts’ fastpaced offense. “They’d run a play and they’d immediately come on and we’d have to get set. It was like conditioning, but it definitely paid off.” The Jumbos got off to a sloppy start offensively in a first quarter that featured three false start penalties, an intentional grounding penalty that resulted in a turnover on downs and a missed 43-yard field goal by junior kicker Adam Auerbach. Bates took the game’s first lead on a 3-yard, second-quarter run by sophomore running back Patrick George. The score came after sophomore cornerback Kenn Starr intercepted an overthrown Fucillo pass to give the Bobcats the ball on the Jumbos’ 24-yard-line. see FOOTBALL, page 14

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