Few Showers 51/32
Contributing Writer
University Information Technology (UIT) is on track to bring universal wireless coverage to all three of Tufts’ campuses by the summer of 2013 and has plans to install wireless in South, Miller, Lewis and Tilton Halls and other residential facilities this summer. UIT last year acquired funding for a three-year project to implement broad wireless coverage and over winter break last year began the installation process, according to UIT Director of Communications and Organizational Effectiveness Dawn Irish said. Seven new residence halls over the summer acquired wireless Internet access, including Carmichael, Metcalf and Houston Halls. “We are working aggressively toward the goal and making great progress,” Irish said, confirming the department’s aim to establish universal wireless by June 2013. UIT can only work in residence halls while students are on break, according to Irish. The department plans to install wireless in 10 additional residence halls this summer, including Hodgdon, South, Miller, Tilton, Lewis and Stratton Halls, as well as the Wilson, Richardson, Davies and Bartol Houses. The university is currently focusing its attention on administrative buildings and classrooms along Boston and Talbot Avenues. Technicians are also
UIT plan to install wireless proceeding smoothly this semester working to implement the technology in Pearson Laboratory and Eaton, Dowling and Ballou Halls, among others. The project has yet to encounter any major setbacks, Irish said. “It’s been running as smoothly as can be expected,” she said. But rewiring an entire university does come with complications, Irish conceded. Many of the older campus buildings pose challenges to renovation plans due to their thick brick walls and the use of heavy steel in their foundations. “The buildings are very old, which makes them hard to retrofit,” Irish said. The layout and placement of a building can also make a difference, according to Tufts Community Union (TCU) President Sam Wallis, who has been involved with the wireless instillation project since he was a freshman. “Some dorms cost more to install [wireless in] because of their orientation,” Wallis, a senior, said. UIT proceeded cautiously while setting up the new wireless system due to the large number of network users, Irish said. Technicians use a tool called AirMagnet Survey to conduct a preliminary analysis of signals to optimize network configuration and design. “We really do our best to make sure the coverage is consistent,” Irish said. Discussion surrounding the spread see WIRELESS, page 2
Tufts alumna, DNC executive director, talks Obama 2012 BY
Daily Editorial Board
Though the next election is still two years away, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon (LA ’98) has been pegged to be President Barack Obama’s deputy campaign manager after the president officially announces his re-election bid in the next few months. The Daily sat down with O’Malley Dillon to discuss politics and her career.
Matt Repka: As a Tufts alum, how did you get into the world of politics? Was it always something you were interested in doing after graduation? Jennifer O’Malley Dillon: I would say I think I was always interested in politics. My family was pretty active locally in the Democratic Party and thought it was very see O’MALLEY DILLON, page 3
DNC Executive Director Jennifer O’Malley Dillon (LA ’98), will serve as Obama’s deputy campaign manager after he announces his bid.
Area Man pokes fun at local university newspaper
Freshman wins medal in civilian youth air force org BY
MICHAEL MARKS Daily Staff Writer
Seth Reiss and Carol Colb, head writers for the satirical news source The Onion, presented material from their print and online outlets of “America’s Finest News Source” last night in an event sponsored by Tufts Lecture Series and Programming Board.
Inside this issue
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
Freshman Alecia Hagman last month received the highest award for Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets in a ceremony in her home state of New Hampshire. Cadets qualify for the General Carl A. Spaatz Award after they complete the entire CAP program and pass a rigorous examination. Receiving the award leads to a promotion to the rank of cadet colonel. Only one in every 500 CAP cadets receives the award. “It’s a pretty big honor. I was only the 1,768th nationwide ever to win the award, so it feels pretty special,” Hagman said. The Civil Air Patrol is a civilian auxiliary branch of the U.S. Air Force that trains youth cadets and provides education about aerospace and military leadership. Many CAP cadets go on to join the United States Air Force or other branches of the military. Hagman was also the first cadet from her squadron, the Seacoast Composite Squadron, ever to win the award, she said. Founded in 1941, it is the oldest continuously run CAP squadron. Hagman’s former CAP com-
mander, Captain Blain Cote, praised her accomplishment. “Every CAP commander wants to see their cadets succeed, and you cannot do any better than Spaatz, so it was a big deal not just for me, but for our entire squadron,” Cote told the Daily. The Spaatz Award examination consists of written tests on aerospace and military leadership, an essay exam and a physical assessment. It is named for Carl Spaatz, the first Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force and the first chairman of the Civil Air Patrol National Board. Spaatz during World War II led the Allies’ air campaign and commanded the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hagman said she took the exam in August and was notified that she had won the award shortly thereafter. The ceremony was held Jan. 13 because Hagman was at Tufts and could not return home to attend before then. New Hampshire State Rep. Chris Nevins (R-Rockingham) presented her with the award at an official ceremony in Portsmouth. Hagman said her participation in CAP was a formative experience. see HAGMAN, page 3
Today’s Sections
Stress levels surge among college freshmen, a UCLA study finds.
Chaim Potok’s “Asher Lev” takes the jump from novel to stage.
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Emotional health among college freshmen at an all-time, nationwide low BY SARAH STRAND
Mick Brinkman Krever Saumya Vaishampayan Managing Editors
Daily Editorial Board
Papers, internships, reading, clubs, studying — the list of common sources of stress for college students is all too familiar. According to a recent University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) survey, however, first-year college students now report poorer emotional health than ever before. The survey, “The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2010,” annually charted the emotional health of students matriculating at four-year colleges and universities throughout the United States. In this year’s matriculating class, only 51.9 percent of students responded that their emotional health was “above average,” representing an 11.7 percent drop since the study began in 1985. The results of this study can be slightly misleading. Stressed individuals express their stress in different ways, and not all types of stress are necessarily unwanted, Silas Pinto, a lecturer in the Department of Education at Tufts, said. There are two main kinds of stress, he said: eustress — short-lived stress that has the potential to improve performance — and distress — a more aversive form of stress. “It is important for people to know that there is such a thing as ‘positive’ stress,” Pinto said in an e-mail. “It is about striking a balance, not running away from the whole category.” The UCLA study is concerned primarily with distress rather than the often-beneficial eustress. According to Pinto, distress can cause anxiety, depression, bodily pains, sleep problems, heart disease and skin problems. Why does distress seem to be on the rise? Part of the reason could be that students are more comfortable reporting their stress than in years past, Erin Seaton, a lecturer in the Department of Education, said in an e-mail. “It may be that current students are more aware of stressors and have an increased ability to talk openly about mental health than students in past generations who may have felt a greater sense of stigma surrounding mental health,” Seaton said. The survey also revealed that reports of lower levels of emotional health were more common among female participants, which could also stem from society’s perception that women are more
The competitive job market may increase stress levels among college students. in touch with their feelings, according to Julie Jampel, staff psychologist and training director at Tufts Counseling and Mental Health Service. “Women report a lot of symptoms in greater numbers than men do,” she said. “Part of that is comfort in reporting and part may be self-awareness. Women are taught to note what they feel and men are not.” However, the poor emotional health documented in the survey likely has causes other than gender differences. The report suggests growing academic drive and financial concerns as two potential causes of lower levels of emotional health in students. Seaton added that the Internet’s ability to connect students and the world may also relate to emotional health levels. “Having such exponentially increased access to the world can be overwhelming,” Seaton said. “I think that being constantly connected to others through new forms of social networking adds a whole other layer of stress to students’ interpersonal experiences and ability to effectively manage time.” Jampel said the current economy is
one component of increased levels of stress but added that younger generations’ tendency to constantly multi-task can also be a significant stress factor. “Some of it is economic. Some of it is more the way culture is going,” Jampel said. “No one just walks down the street anymore. Everyone is doing a bunch of things.” The uncertainty of employment after college and the fierce competition for jobs and internships are key factors in economic-related stress, Jampel said. “What I do hear is the stress of students feeling like they might have to go back home after college instead of launching themselves into a job,” Jampel said. “People always used to think they could get a job after college, but now with the economy it is not as secure a feeling.” Junior Winnie Hu agreed with Jampel’s observation, explaining that now, more than ever, expectations are high and prospects are low. “My teachers, mentors and family friends always say ‘You’re going to be such a success when you grow up,’” she said. “And every day I’m wondering, what if I don’t?”
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University on track to go completely wireless by summer 2013; UIT currently focused on administrative buildings WIRELESS continued from page 1
of wireless access on campus began in the Senate in 2007, led by Wallis and then-TCU senator Chas Morrison. Morrison, a senior, said the project was driven by the realization of how important wireless access is for academic purposes. “Wireless access encourages student collaboration and cooperative learning,” said Morrison in an e-mail. Wallis and Morrison in 2007 conducted a review of wireless access at Tufts’ peer academic institutions. They found that wireless installation at other colleges and universities was done in a manner designed to promote collaborative learning. “We realized that residence halls, common areas and campus centers were focus points,” Morrison said. The Senate submitted its findings that year to the administration, which according to Morrison fully recognized the need for wireless access but was unsure about the speed at which it could be successfully implemented. “We got it on the radar, which was exactly our goal,” Wallis said. Wallis is pleased with the progress UIT has been making installing wireless across campus. The Senate will continue to monitor the progress of wireless expansion, though Wallis said it has lessened its
involvement now that administrators are actively implementing the technology. “It’s great to know that future genera-
tions of students will be able to enjoy expanded wireless throughout their time on the Hill,” Morrison said.
Carmichael Hall was one of seven dorms to get wireless Internet access last summer.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Alumna pegged for Obama deputy campaign manager position credits Tufts Dems experience, political atmosphere on the Hill for jumpstarting career O’MALLEY DILLON continued from page 1
important to teach us at a young age how important it was to be part of the Democratic Party. But the first formal role that I filled in politics came when I was at Tufts. I was part of the Tufts Democrats and in ’96 — back in the old days — I actually went for a weekend trip with the Tufts Democrats. … We all took a bus up to New Hampshire to campaign for the Clinton/Gore campaign, and we spent the weekend and held signs and knocked on doors and made phone calls. It was like four degrees below zero and I slept overnight in a YMCA underneath the parallel bars — there was no heat in the gym — and was able to meet President Clinton and he talked to us volunteers and thanked us. It was a pretty amazing experience, and I couldn’t believe that just by volunteering I was able to meet the president … really, my interest in campaigning started at Tufts. I interned when I was there, volunteered on a governor’s race and so, really, I owe a lot to Tufts in terms of getting me excited about campaign work in particular. MR: Did your experiences here prepare you for that world? What was the transition like? JOD: Well, I would say it did a lot. In particular, I played softball at Tufts, and I’ve always felt that playing sports and playing softball in college helped prepare me for the team aspect of what we do on a regular basis in particular working on cam-
paigns. You’re in a close-knit community with people mostly that are young that all believe in the same thing, a shared goal, and you have to work together. There’s never enough resources, there’s never enough time, and you really have to rely on people. And I really credit all the time I spent in sports: the great leaders, coaches and teammates ... who helped prepare me for lots of things, but in particular the kind of work that I did. I owe a great deal to Tufts for that as well. MR: You’ve also spent time away from the campaign trail, most recently as the executive director of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). How is that job different from campaigning? JOD: Well, it’s different in that this is the longest job I’ve had in my life. We just cracked the two-year mark … I think that the thing about politics and political work in general is that it covers almost every aspect of different kinds of work, and I do that in campaigning and also at the DNC. It’s talking to voters, it’s working with community leaders and activists, it’s managing a staff, it’s managing volunteers, it’s communicating policy and raising money. At the DNC, we’re a pretty large organization; we fill a pretty important role for the Democratic Party and are able to really build a deep foundation because it exists long after campaigns come and go. And it’s been really great to be a part of something that has such deep roots in what I believe in, certainly. But on the whole, there’s
a lot of continuity between the work that I’ve been doing over the last decade since I left school and what I’m doing now, and certainly those experiences helped prepare me for this job currently and certainly for the campaign moving forward. MR: With the primaries still months away, have you begun work in your new job? JOD: No — I am still the executive director of the DNC and there is no reelection campaign yet. The president has not declared his candidacy to run for re-election — he has a lot of work going on in his own right, so I’ll continue to be running the day-to-day here at the DNC until a re-election campaign is formalized. And at that point we’ll dig in 100 percent on that. But obviously, the work that we do every day is closely aligned with what the president’s doing in helping support his agenda and supporting Democrats up and down the ticket. So we’ll continue to do that in the coming months as well. MR: Is there a timetable for that announcement? JOD: The public reports have said … somewhere in the March-April timeframe. But nothing’s really set in stone — again, that will be up to the president to decide when it’s time to announce his candidacy. At that point, when it starts, I’ll be moving to lovely Chicago, and hopefully I won’t get too much of the winter. MR: What do you predict is going
to be different about the 2012 campaign compared to [the campaign in] 2008? JOD: So much — obviously on our side, we’re going to see the Republicans have a very healthy primary season that is already up and running; whereas a lot more of the spotlight in the primaries was on the Democratic side [in 2008], I think it will be more focused on the Republican side. I also think that every campaign is incredibly unique, so no matter what similar philosophies … we’re going to have a lot of different priorities.
being the nominee, but it will certainly be interesting to watch as this process unfolds. It’s just too early to tell who ends up at the top of the list. MR: Any advice for juniors and seniors who might be thinking about following in your footsteps and getting into politics?
MR: What Republican candidate would you least like to face in the national election?
JOD: The most important thing you can do is go participate and be part of the process. Whether you have a weekend or you want to do an internship or you just are really interested in politics, there [are] just so many places you can get engaged and involved, especially at a place like Tufts. It’s very easy to get in a car and head up to New Hampshire, hear from candidates — just being part of the process and being so close to New Hampshire, where you’re going to have every Republican candidate speaking … it really is an experience, and I would encourage everyone to participate, even if they’re not 100 percent aligned with one party or another. Just seeing that, being part of that process and being that close to it really will pay huge dividends for folks.
JOD: [laughs] I believe that there are a lot of Republicans out there that have expressed interest or who are pretty clearly saying that they’re running. I think time will only tell who ends up as the Republican nominee, but I’m very interested and excited to watch how this is fleshed out on their side. What I can tell you is that we’ll be prepared for whatever Republican ends up
Campaigns always need young people who believe in what they do and are willing to work hard. So anyone that has the interest to get involved — there will always be an outlet and always be a need. I built my career starting in one weekend experience that Tufts Democrats afforded me. I couldn’t recommend more strongly how important that’s been to me.
Obviously, the president is president, and that’s a very different place to run from as a candidate. So it’ll have a look and feel based on those different demands. And we have a different country than we had in 2008. The economy, the work that we’re going to be talking about and the struggles that many Americans are still going through, will be really prevalent in what we’re focused.
Freshman wins top Civil Air Patrol award HAGMAN continued from page 1
“I was a Civil Air Patrol cadet for five years and it really helped me learn and develop my character. It’s a really empowering program,” Hagman said. “Where else can sixteen-year-old kids have such a big impact?” Hagman is currently enrolled in the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program at Tufts, for which she said the CAP program left her well prepared. “It was definitely great training,”
Hagman said. ROTC is maybe a little more intense than CAP was. However, I feel like CAP gave me a leg up in terms of just understanding what military culture is about.” Cote said Hagman’s success in the Civil Air Patrol and her current involvement in AFROTC came as no surprise. “Alecia is very focused. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. She doesn’t hang back,” Cote said. “She always said she was going to go to Mars someday, and I don’t doubt it one bit.”
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com Breaking news, editorial cartoons, multimedia content and tons of material that just doesn’t make it into the print edition COURTESY ALECIA HAGMAN
Freshman Alecia Hagman was last month presented with the General Carl A. Spaatz Award for her outstanding participation in the Civil Air Patrol.
Friday, February 18, 2011
SUDOKU Level: Explaining this week’s Sudoku theme to Salman Rushdie
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Arts & Living
Despite slow start, ‘My Name Is Asher Lev’ a thoughtful and clever adaptation of Chaim Potok’s famous novel BY
Daily Editorial Board
Chaim Potok was an incredibly gifted writer. “My Name Is Asher Lev,” an intricate story of
My Name Is Asher Lev Adapted by Aaron Posner Directed by Scott Edmiston At the Lyric Stage Company of Boston through March 12 Tickets $25 to $52 conflicts in morality and social acceptance versus personal desires, is one worth telling to an audience. But Aaron Posner’s adaptation of Potok’s novel, now playing at the Lyric Stage Company of Boston, does a rather clunky job of bringing Potok’s narrative to life. “My Name Is Asher Lev” follows the life of a boy born into a Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn, the only son of two very complex parents. When he discovers his talent and passion for art at the age of six, conflicts between his values and the traditional values of his parents and his community immediately begin to surface. From the beginning, it is a little too obvious that the play is an adaptation of a written nar-
rative. A considerable amount of time is taken for Asher (Jason Schuchman, LA ’99) to set up for the audience exactly what the nature of his community is — where the play is set, who his parents are and what their relationships are like. There is far too much telling instead of showing. The first segment of the play follows Asher as a young boy, and the constant back-and-forth between narrator and child seems awkward at times. The narrative and pace pick up, however, as Asher matures and his story becomes more complicated. When his father leaves for Vienna and he stays behind to be mentored by a famous artist in Manhattan, the intrigue increases. The fundamental problem with the first half of the play is that it is simply overwrought. Tension and emotions run high and are represented in borderline melodramatic ways through a combination of misguided writing and plaintive acting. As the pace and plot pick up, though, the play’s humor and emotions begin to make sense and become more believable. As the show progresses, the conflict that Asher’s parents face between having specific goals for their son and wanting him to be happy becomes more fleshed out and intriguing, and the audience is sufficiently pulled in and rewarded. There are several instances of well-done adaptation from
novel to stage. For instance, starting when he is a child and weaving throughout his life, Asher recalls nightmares he has of the looming shadows of his ancestors, which are exacerbated by the domineering presence of his father and the omnipresence of the Rebbe in the community. Asher’s tales of these nightmares are accompanied by clever shadow work offstage, offering moments of successful adaptation from book to play. By lifting a very visual scene from a narrative and showing it aesthetically, the play does an excellent job of adding to Potok’s story. Another clever moment is when Asher’s father (Joel Colodner) sits down to lecture his teenage son about his responsibilities and their mutual exclusion from painting. It is a brilliant scene, with the father stoically delivering his wisdom while Asher gets up from his chair and circles his father. Asher tells the audience, “I was listening, but I was also wondering ‘how can I draw that fire?’” It is a poignant moment well-rendered in physical form in a way the novel cannot do. The three-person cast of “My Name Is Asher Lev” performs well in this complicated and uneven piece. Though the narrative is still perhaps most comfortably at home in the written word, Posner’s play provides a thoughtful rendition that deserves to be seen.
‘My Name Is Asher Lev’ explores the fraught tension between family loyalty and personal desire.
‘Conversations’ a careful arrangement of diverse photography BY
Daily Editorial Board
On the morning that the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) sent out its “Conversations: Photography from the Bank
“Conversations: Photography from the Bank of America Collection” At the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, through May 1 465 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 617-267-9300 of America Collection” press release, a representative from the bank stepped up to
a podium at the MFA to present the new exhibit. Her speech began with, “Don’t you love waking up early in the morning to hear from a corporate sponsor?” While normally our answer would be no, Bank of America’s broad and beautiful collection of professional photography is difficult to resist. Drawn from the thousands of images that make up their archives, “Conversations” includes 100 photos carefully chosen and arranged by MFA curators Anne Havinga and Karen Haas, ranging from portraits to landscapes and even fashion photography. The wealth of material that the curators had at their disposal can be largely attributed to the number of mergers Bank of America has been involved in. With each new bank acquisition came artistic acquisitions as well. Luckily, the corporation has been loaning out pieces to museums at zero expense.
Garry Winogrand, ‘World’s Fair, New York City’ (1964).
Upon entering the exhibit, it is immediately apparent that the pieces were installed in an organized, sensitive manner. The exhibit begins with portraiture, followed by landscape, followed by social documentary photos. The center of the room is left to the genre of art portraying art, and the hallway includes the less-easily defined realist and abstract photography, as well as industrial photography. The issue with an exhibit such as this is how to categorize it. On the surface, there is no over-arching theme, technique or time period. It is not even limited to American photographers — though the majority of them are American. This broad range makes it difficult to analyze or critique. But the curators insist that the exhibit is not random, and that their intention to create intellectual dialogue among viewers, once experienced, becomes more apparent. The title, “Conversations,” comes from the juxtapositions and pairings of the photographs, which are meant to provide interesting contrasts and comparisons for the viewer to discuss. Upon entering the exhibit, one is immediately struck by a large-scale photograph by Thomas Struth, a photographer who spent much of his time examining how groups of people and individuals view art. His documentary photography often depicts colorful, unstaged images of visitors in a museum gazing at grandiose and famous pieces of art. Struth’s image at the entrance of “Conversations” is no different, and its context here could not be any more fitting. We are visitors in a museum looking at an image of other visitors. It sets the tone for how we should interact and relate to the photography in the rest of the exhibit. After the entrance come the interesting pairings of photographs that characterize “Conversations.” One set particularly worth mentioning is William Eggleston’s “Untitled (Memphis)” (1970) and Lee Friedlander’s “T.V. in Hotel Room, Galax, Virginia” (1962). While there are clear differences between the works — Eggleston’s work is in color and features a
tricycle; Friedlander’s is black-and-white and focuses on the edge of a bed and a television — there are also interesting comparisons that can be drawn from the works. They each depict a typically harmless object that becomes eerie and menacing when transferred through the camera lens. The photograph of the tricycle, taken from a low angle on the ground, suddenly makes the harmless children’s toy powerful and dominating. The houses in the suburban background are easily dwarfed by the looming quality of the blue bike. Meanwhile, Friedlander’s photograph catches the television in a moment when it is broadcasting a close-up of an infant. The image comes as a shock, and the child is close to ghostly because of the way it shines luminescent in opposition with its darker setting. Taken from the point of view of someone watching the television in bed, the unassuming setting suddenly becomes creepy and disquieting. Perhaps the most recognizable photograph in the collection is “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” (1945), an iconic American image that has frequently been used to garner patriotic sentiment. The black-and-white photograph by Joe Rosenthal depicts four soldiers struggling to raise a flag on Japanese soil during World War II. The diagonal structure of the image slowly draws your eyes upward from the four soldiers working with one another to the top of the flagpole. Rosenthal won a Pulitzer Prize for the photograph. “Conversations: Photography from the Bank of America Collection” is more than just a random congregation of well-regarded art. At the very least, it serves as an interesting and informative primer on various types and styles of photography from the world’s leading photographers; at the most, it is a visual experience meant to incite the open flow of conversation and ideas. The MFA is certainly lucky to have access to such a wide and powerful collection, and we are certainly lucky to have the opportunity to view it.
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Underclassmen will be counted on at New Englands MEN’S TRACK continued from page 8
this year consists mainly of underclassmen. According to Barron, only six combined juniors and seniors make up a group of over 30 competing athletes this weekend. “Our goal is really to just make some noise,” co-captain Sam Read, a senior, said. “We have a really young team ... so we want the young guys to send a message to New England and show them what they’re about.” No analysis will be able to predict this weekend’s results, because Tufts has in the past earned major points from unexpected sources. Barron hopes his young squad will yield similar results this season. “Meets like this you’re always surprised in some ways,” Barron said. “Last year [freshmen] Jeff Marvel and Sam Haney had breakout performances, and three years ago Sam Read had a breakout performance, so it will be exciting to see who wants to be the person to really breakout this weekend.” The event will kick off this weekend with the pentathlon at 4 p.m. The Jumbos hope to earn big points and momentum out of the competition. Freshmen Andrew Osborne and Daniel Lange-Vagle, the only two freshmen in the region to qualify, will run with sophomore Michael Blair in the event. The rest of the squad will compete tomorrow, beginning at 10 a.m. “I would say [our strengths come from] our pole-vaulters — we have four guys in it, which is the most we’ve ever had — and our middle-distance guys,” Read said. “Our 600-, 800-, 1,000-meter guys are pretty strong. It will be interesting to see what someone like [freshman] Jamie Norton can do. He is our fastest seed in the 1,000.” Sophomore Vinnie Lee is also expected to contribute in the 55- and 200meter runs. “We’re a young team with a young coach. … Like most youth; don’t tell us we can’t do something,” Barron said. “It will just piss us off and we’ll do everything we can to prove you wrong. We’re a balanced team and we’re a team that has a lot of heart and fire, so we’ll see if we can put that together on Friday and Saturday.”
Jumbos looking for big games from Anderson, Quezada MEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 8
Freshman Michael Blair plans to give the Jumbos a boost in the pentathlon on Friday night.
Mumbo Jumbo
Just put my name in there with a pronunciation key and ask people never to call me ‘Q’ again.
” —Tufts junior Amauris (ä-mau-de) Quezada, on the frustration of having his first name repeatedly pronounced incorrectly This season, there’s nothing funny about Quezada, a perennial jokester, who is averaging 11 points in 23.6 minutes per game and has a NESCAC-best 65 steals. After two frustrating seasons on the Hill marked by a lack of playing time, Quezada has exploded to the tune of two conference Player of the Week honors and has given the men’s basketball team its first playoff appearance in four seasons. Fifth-seeded Tufts will visit fourth-seeded Trinity this weekend in the first round.
ond opponent in as many days, making it harder for the Jumbos to game plan, coach Sheldon has now had plenty of time to prepare his team for the Bantams. “We’ve had all week to get ready for them,” Sheldon said. “We’re not going to give them an open three. There’s much more of an emphasis on that. We’re going to switch everything — we’re going to do some different things on defense so they don’t get an open three. Will they get a couple? Probably. But not as many as they had the first game.” Tufts is also looking to make a couple of changes on the offensive end. Anderson, the team’s leading scorer, who netted 19 points and grabbed eight rebounds in the first matchup, will be called upon even more than usual in this game, as the Jumbos look to take advantage of a Trinity defense that has sometimes struggled defending in the paint. “We’re just going to change the game plan a little bit,” Sheldon said. “We’re going to jam the ball inside, go to our bigs and take advantage of it.” The Jumbos are also hoping that junior guard Amauris Quezada, who is second on the team in scoring, can snap out of his mini-slump and provide the type of offense that has made him a two-time NESCAC Player of the Week honoree this season. Quezada struggled in the first matchup against Trinity, shooting just 1-for-10 from the floor, and followed that up with a 3-for-14 shooting display in the final NESCAC game against Bates last Saturday. “We need a big game from Amauris,” Anderson said. “He’s been playing good defense and still getting all the steals he usually does, but we still need someone to step up for us and be another scorer.” On the bright side, the Jumbos will receive a shot in the arm from freshman guard Oliver Cohen, who will be back in the starting lineup after missing the first Trinity game with an illness. Cohen, along with fellow freshman guard Kwame Firempong, has provided much-needed backcourt depth, which allows Sheldon to create more dynamic line-up combinations. “We missed Oliver [Cohen] in the first game,” Sheldon said. “Kwame [Firempong] did a great job, but at times in the games we want to play Kwame and Oliver together, so Amauris [Quezada] can come out. We couldn’t do that. Having Oliver back changes Amauris a little bit because if he’s struggling we can take [Quezada] out and let him rest a little bit.” Though they’re heading into uncharted territory, the Jumbos seem poised and relaxed. For his part, Sheldon has kept a light mood around practice, letting his players settle down and feel comfortable in the week leading up to the program’s biggest game in four years, a game that many people around the league probably didn’t think Tufts would be in. “We’ve been trying to keep it a little loose in practice and we’ve been doing some shooting games,” Sheldon said. “We’re looking at this like a bonus. We’re playing longer than we were supposed to. Last year we didn’t make it; we were tied for ninth. This year we’re tied for fourth. This is frosting on the cake.”
Tufts must control tempo and hit free throws in order to win WOMEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 8
of the Jumbos in recent years, taking three of the last four matchups. If Tufts hopes to turn the tide, they could very much use a repeat performance from Rocchi. Though she has struggled a bit of late, Rocchi had no such problems against the Ephs back in January, totaling 13 points and 8 rebounds on 6-of-9 shooting. “The girl I had on me [senior Chessie Jackson] let me do a lot [of things] that I like to do,� Rocchi said. “I was able to hang out highpost, which got me into a groove. They also allowed me to get in there and crash the boards.� Yet while the Jumbos need to establish themselves in the post, they also need to prevent Williams from doing the same. Williams senior Taylor Shea and sophomores Danny Reiner and Clair Baecher — all of whom stand at six feet or more — combined for 40 points on 18-of-28 shooting in the first meeting, including Reiner’s game-winning tip-in. The Jumbos will need to rely on help defense to counter Williams’ size, a risky prospect with sophomore guard Grace Rehnquist — a 40 percent shooter from long-range — waiting for open-outlet passes. “Coach [Carla Berube] wants us to help in and pound the forwards when the ball is put inside,� Kornegay said. “We just need to do a better job of scrambling out to the shooters so they don’t get open looks. Most importantly, we need to communicate.� The Jumbos can also counteract the Ephs’ height with speed, turning their NESCAC leading +8.65 turnover margin into points on the fast break. This will make it harder for Williams to add to the
5.5 blocks it averages per game. “We are definitely faster than them, so I think that is going to be a huge part of our game, to just get it and go and not settle for the set offense,� Kornegay said. The first matchup between the two teams was a defensive standoff, ending with the underwhelming score of 61-59. But one difference for Tufts is the emergence of sophomore forward Collier Clegg, the reigning NESCAC player of the week, who played just 13 minutes and had two points in that game, but is averaging 19.7 points per game during the team’s threegame winning streak. Clegg may just be the injection of offense the Jumbos need to get ahead of the Ephs. Tufts can also look forward to a much healthier game from senior guard Colleen Hart, who finally looked more like herself Monday against Endicott, leading the team with 16 points. Hart hit two 3-pointers in the final minute of regulation to draw even with Williams in their last meeting, and will likely be just as important down the stretch on Saturday. If the game does go down to the wire as the teams’ earlier tilt did, things could get ugly on both sides of the ball, with the NESCAC’s two worst free-throw shooting teams out on the court. The team that can get the mental edge at the line will have a considerable advantage in the game. “It’s really all mental,� Kornegay said. “We need to have the confidence at the line that we can make the free throw, and if we do miss one, we need to be able to blow it off and make sure we make the second one. Once we start making a couple in a row, as a team we build confidence.�
Jumbos look to dominate at Div. III New Englands Coming off a strong performance in its last home meet of the season, the Tufts Invitational III, the women’s track and field team is looking to continue its fine form at the most important team-scoring event of the season, the Div. III New England Championships at MIT. The meet marks the beginning of the closing stretch for the squad, who in the coming weeks will hopefully send some team members to the AllNew England Championships at Boston University and the ECAC Championships in New York City. But New Englands are also important to the team for another reason: They give the Jumbos a chance to take on their closest rivals. “It’s the biggest team meet, and MIT and Williams are the most similar teams to us in terms of size and stature,� senior tricaptain Kanku Kabongo said. “This meet gives us a chance to see where we stand against other schools, and to beat those teams would be a validation of all we’ve done this year.� Kabongo, who provisionally qualified for Nationals with a triple jump of 37-2 1/4 at the Tufts Invitational III, is not the only athlete looking to improve on already remarkable results from earlier in the season. Sophomore Kelly Allen, for example, posted personal bests while winning the weight throw and shot put at the Tufts Invitational III — and breaking her own school record in the former event. The 4x400 relay team will be looking to qualify for Nationals after barely missing the provi-
Senior tri-captain Kanku Kabongo, pictured above in the Tufts Invitational II on Feb. 5, is looking to continue her strong performance this weekend. sional standard last week. “This is one of the last chances we have [to qualify for Nationals],� Kabongo said. “I just want everyone to realize their potential and recognize that this is one of the most important moments of the season.� New Englands also mark the beginning of the end for the winter season, as just three more weeks will remain before the NCAA Div. III National Championships at Capital
University in Bexley, Ohio. Thus, it is one of the last times the team will be together as a whole, a fact not lost on the athletes competing. “That’s another reason why the New Englands are so important, it’s the team dynamic,� Kabongo said. “Hopefully people will come out and support us, and we’ll be able to perform to our capabilities as a team.� —by David McIntyre
Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Department of Biology at Tufts University May 31 – August 8, 2011 The Department of Biology at Tufts University offers a NSF funded summer research program entitled, “Integrative approaches to studying recognition systems in cells, organisms, and populations� in which 10 students will work closely on a collaborative, interdisciplinary project. Students in this 10week program will receive a stipend of $4800, a $1000 allotment for food, and on-campus housing. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates should have a strong academic record. Application target date is March 1; Announcements: March 31 Information and Applications available at: http://ase.tufts.edu/biology/undergrad/research/reu.asp
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INSIDE Women’s Track and Field 7
Tufts heads to Trinity with confidence for first playoff game since 2006-07; Jumbos look to stunt Bantam offense BY
Daily Editorial Board
When the fifth-seeded men’s basketball team takes the floor in Hartford, Conn. on Saturday for its first-round NESCAC tournament matchup against fourth-seeded Trinity, it will mark the Jumbos’ first postseason appearance since the 2006-07 season, before any current Tufts player even arrived on the Medford campus. And though the lack of playoff experience might make some teams nervous, the Jumbos seem anything but. “I don’t know if we’re looking at it in a nervous way; I think we’re looking at it in an excited way,” coach Bob Sheldon said. The Jumbos realize they will have their hands full with the Bantams, a team that beat them 66-61 on Feb. 5. In that game, the Jumbos owned a 30-23 lead at halftime and extended the margin to 11 early in the second half, only to see their lead slip away. The loss has never strayed far from the Jumbos’ minds. “A couple weeks ago when we lost to Trinity, we wanted to work hard to give ourselves a chance to get back and play Trinity,” Sheldon said. “They’re excited to go down and prove they can beat them.” During this week’s practices, the Jumbos have dwelled on the mistakes that led to that loss and are focused on correcting them. “We want to come out with a lot more intensity this time,” sophomore forward Scott Anderson said. “We need to lock down on key guys and play with a lot more intensity. We need to be smarter with the ball; we had a lot of turnovers against them last time.”
Senior Sam Mason hopes to extend his Tufts career with a win Saturday at Trinity. One of the keys in this game will be Tufts’ ability to limit Trinity’s 3-point shots. The Bantams lead the league in 3-point percentage, shooting a
robust 41.5 percent from behind the arc; their two leading scorers, forward Luke MacDougall and guard Brian Ford, shoot 42 percent and 44 percent from
long distance respectively. But whereas in the first game Trinity was Tufts’ secsee MEN’S BASKETBALL, page 6
Jumbos look to avenge loss against Williams
Tufts heads to Springfield for New Englands
Daily Editorial Board
Daily Editorial Board
As the NESCAC quarterfinals approach, the women’s basketball team is looking ahead to its matchup in the 4 vs. 5 game with No. 22 Williams. Unfortunately, that means looking back over and over again at the game film of a heartbreaking overtime loss to the Ephs earlier in the year that came on a simply miraculous tip-in just before the buzzer. “It is definitely an adding-fuelto-the-fire kind of thing,” freshman forward Ali Rocchi said. “It is something we can rally off of and get pissed about.” The Jumbos enter Saturday’s game knowing that a win is the only way to guarantee that their season goes on. While Tufts sits in a decent position to secure an atlarge bid to the NCAA tournament at No. 8 in the regional rankings, it is far from a sure thing. A win at Williams would go a long way toward solidifying the possibility. “Right now, we are taking it one game at a time,” junior guard Tiffany Kornegay said. “But we do realize that losing in this game could be the end of our season, which is plenty of motivation. Also, we want to do it for the seniors. This is the end of their career, so we want to give it all we’ve got.” Williams has gotten the better
Months of hard work will culminate this weekend in the most important team meet of the season for members of the men’s track and field squad. The Jumbos will travel to Springfield College for the Div. III New England Championships, starting tonight and continuing tomorrow. The Jumbos narrowly earned third place at Div. III Championship last year, finishing just ahead of Bowdoin and Southern Maine, while MIT and Williams dominated the event. These two teams again look strong going into the competition, as they do most years. Either MIT or Williams has claimed the title every season since 1991, with the exception of a Tufts victory in 2008. “MIT, Williams and Bates are probably the top-three seeds going into this weekend’s meet, with MIT being the favorite,” coach Ethan Barron said. “We go in most likely as the sixth seed ... I think we’re capable of fighting for something better than that. How high we can claw and battle will be up to our guys.” Tufts’ championship squad
Sophomore Collier Clegg, shown here in Monday’s game against Endicott, has averaged 19.7 points per game over the team’s recent three-game winning streak.
see MEN’S TRACK, page 6