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Mostly Sunny 65/50


Monday, May 2, 2011


Osama bin Laden killed by US forces in Pakistan

Despite Ref 3, community rep process draws low interest by

Kathryn Olson

Daily Editorial Board

justin mccallum/tufts daily

Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaida and mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, was killed Sunday by American special forces in Pakistan, President Barack Obama announced last night in a nationally televised address. “On nights like this one, we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al Qaida’s terror: Justice has been done,” Obama said. Bin Laden had been one of the mostwanted men in the world for nearly a decade. He was killed during a firefight in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that was the result of an operation that began last August when American intelligence received new information about bin Laden’s whereabouts.

Following a lengthy process by which the Tufts Community Union ( TCU) Senate and the student body worked to modify the system that brings community representatives onto the Senate and increased up their responsibilities once chosen, only two candidates came forward for this semester’s election cycle. Last week, the LGBT Center and the Latino Center were the only two groups to participate in the new process, each putting forward only one candidate. Each candidate was approved to represent his or her respective community by a group of student leaders with their respective centers and passed onto the body without an election. The Africana Center and the Asian American Center are as of now unrepresented on next year’s Senate because each center failed to put forward a candidate for their designated seats. The Senate could fill the seats next fall

Outgoing Medical Center chief steered seven-year turnaround by

Ellen Kan

Daily Editorial Board

Just over seven years ago, the university faced the real very possibility of losing its connection to one of the institutions most integral to its mission: Tufts Medical Center, the principal affiliated teaching hospital where the School of Medicine’s approximately 700 students train to become doctors and where a sizable number of undergraduates gain research experience. Coming off a failed merger, the

hospital in 2004 was on the brink of collapse, hemorrhaging money to the tune of $18 million that year with potential repercussions for the center’s 5,000 employees, the university and its host neighborhood, Chinatown. Cue a fateful phone call from University President Lawrence Bacow to then-Network President of Partners Community Healthcare Inc. (PCHI) Ellen Zane. Explaining everything that was at stake, he asked Zane to take on the challenge of turning around the troubled hospital.

Where You Read It First Est. 1980

through a special election should more students express interest in the positions, according to senior Dan Pasternack, the TCU Senate parliamentarian. He expressed disappointment with the situation given the contentious vote and the efforts of the Senate to smooth over its constitution and bylaws in accordance with the passed referenda. “The interest that is currently shown in the community rep position has taken a 180-degree turn from last year,” Pasternack said. “I’m disappointed that no one took up the tradition.” Through a campus-wide referendum last fall, students voted by a one-vote margin to give community reps the ability to vote on financial issues and overhaul the selection process. Under the new rules, responsibility of selecting next year’s community representatives shifted from the four student groups who had representatives on the Senate this year — the Asian American Alliance (AAA), the Association of Latin American see COMMUNITY REP, page 4

Fewer TEMS transports at this year’s Spring Fling

As Zane tells it, it was in her blood to say yes to this immense challenge despite the fact that she had already built up an enormously successful career and had been planning to join her husband Peter in retirement. “I think most people in their careers want to do something important; after Larry explained to me what was on the line here, I often tell people half of me … was totally daunted — it almost took my breath away — and the see ZANE, page 4

2011-2012 Senate leadership finalized for next year The Tufts University Union (TCU) Senate last night held in-house elections for the body’s Executive Board, Allocations Board (ALBO) and committee chairs for next year. Rising senior and recently elected TCU President Tomas Garcia will lead the executive board, which consists of the vice president, treasurer, historian, parliamentarian and associate treasurer. Rising junior Wyatt Cadley will serve as vice president, alongside rising senior Matt Schuman as treasurer and rising sophomore Joe Donenfeld as historian and student outreach chair. Rising senior John Peter Kaytrosh was elected parliamentarian and rising sophomore Christie Maciejewski associate treasurer. Cadley said he looks forward

to helping lead a body dedicated to implementing the goals Garcia outlined in his campaign last month. “Tomas was overwhelmingly elected last week on a platform calling for improved facilities, improved Senate outreach and improved university pride,” Cadley said. “As Vice President, I plan on embracing this platform as well as improving Senate’s overall image.” The election also finalized the chairs for its committees. Rising senior Jonathan Danzig will chair the Administration and Policy Committee, rising junior Shawyoun Shaidani will chair the Education Committee and rising junior Jeremy Zelinger will chair the Services Committee. Rising sophomore Joe Thibodeau was elected the Diversity and Community Affairs (DCA) Officer, a position

created in a referendum vote this fall to manage diversity issues on campus. “We have a really strong batch of incoming committee chairs,” Cadley said. The body filled the six open spots on the ALBO, the board in charge of distributing the Student Activities Fee and budgeting for student groups. Schuman will oversee the board, which will next year comprise Maciejewski, Danzig and Kaytrosh, along with rising juniors Yulia Korovikov and Ard Ardalan and rising senior Tim Lesinski. The body voted Donenfeld and Lesinski to represent the Senate at the Boston Intercollegiate Leadership Council, a network of area college and university student governments.

Inside this issue

Today’s sections

are out but for

NBC’s “The Voice” flies in the face of the shallowness of “American Idol” by introducing blind auditions.

see FEATURES, page 5

see ARTS, page 7

Summer classes a great way to fill your transcript, they may not be everyone.

—by Martha Shanahan

justin mccallum/Tufts Daily

This weekend’s Spring Fling concert, featuring musical guests The Roots and RJD2, was relatively uneventful, with fewer medical emergency calls than in years past. Emergency services treated 10 students, seven of whom were treated for alcohol-related illnesses, according to Tufts Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) executive director Kayla Murdock. Five of the treated students were transported to a hospital for additional care, Murdock, a junior, said.

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The Tufts Daily



The Semester in Review

Monday, May 2, 2011

—by Amelie Hecht, Elizabeth McKay, Matt Repka and Martha Shanahan

Breaking ground Construction crews rolled onto the Tufts campus this spring, as work began on a new athletic center and a building to serve as the temporary headquarters for the university’s two-year project to replace the Student Information System (SIS) technology. Construction began on the 7,200-square foot building April 1. The building, to be located in front of South Hall, will house 50 Student Services and UIT staff members from across Tufts’ schools beginning this summer. Construction began in April on the new Steve Tisch Sports

and Fitness Center, a three-story, 42,000-square foot complex, which will be built between the Gantcher Center and Cousens Gym. The new center is planned for completion by fall 2012. The REZQuad Café, owned and operated by Tufts Student Resources since it opened last year, was forced to close its doors last week. The university, which owns the space in Miller Hall, decided to offer the area for use as rehearsal space for student performance groups and to house a new Tufts Institute for the Environment doctoral program.

meredith klein/tufts daily

News from the top University Information Technology (UIT) announced in October that a new universitywide learning management system (LMS), based on the open source LMS platform Sakai, will replace Blackboard in the fall. UIT in January chose “trunk” as the name for the new system from close to 300 submissions to the naming contest. Following the weeks of protests that brought an end to former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s rule earlier in the semester, students contemplating studying abroad in the Middle East next year were forced to reconsider their plans. No Tufts students were studying in Egypt at the time, and some Tufts students still plan on enrolling in the fall through Middlebury College’s program. Following a TCU resolution last fall supporting the creation of an Africana studies department and major, Dean of Arts and Sciences Joanne Berger-Sweeney in February announced the creation of a task force to consider options for integrating Africana studies into the Tufts curricula. The findings of the task force are expected to be presented to Berger-Sweeney for consideration this month. Citing safety concerns,

University President Lawrence Bacow in March declared that the university would no longer sanction the annual Naked Quad Run. The announcement prompted “NQRevolution,” a peaceful and sober student protest during which students, some of whom were partially nude, ran on the Res Quad. The Office of Residential Life and Learning for the first time conducted its housing process online, a departure from the previous process in which students

signed up for housing by filling out paperwork in Cousens Gymnasium. The online sign-ups ran relatively smoothly, with only a few technical glitches. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions saw the largest-ever applicant pool and lowest acceptance rate in Tufts’ history for the class of 2015. The university saw an 11-percent increase in applications, prompting the acceptance rate to drop from 24.5 percent last year to 22 percent this year.

ashley seenauth/tufts daily

Visiting the Hill

Courtesy alexandra blackman

Leaving the university Following University President Lawrence Bacow’s announcement last year to leave the university with the class of 2011, a number of high-level university

danai macriditufts daily

officials announced plans to step down at the end of this semester. Among them, Provost and Senior Vice President Jamshed Bharucha on Feb. 6 announced

meredith klein/tufts daily

his decision to leave the university to become president of The Cooper Union in New York City. Vice Provost Peggy Newell will assume the position beginning July 1 until a permanent replacement is found. Director of Tufts Medical Center Ellen Zane, credited with revitalizing Tufts Medical during her seven years in the post, announced on Feb. 17 her decision to retire from the position effective Sept. 30. Zane will continue to serve as a vice chairman of the Board of Trustees and a consultant to Tufts Medical for a year after her retirement. Associate Provost and Professor of Mechanical Engineering Vincent Manno will in July leave Tufts to join Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering as its next provost and dean of faculty. After serving less than a year at Tufts, Tanya McGinn Paolo vacated her post as Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life in February, leaving the Greek community once again without a permanent director. A search for a replacement began immediately following Paolo’s departure, but a new director is not expected to begin until the fall.

Several big-name speakers visited Tufts this semester, sharing their thoughts with the community on everything from children’s entertainment to the future of investigative journalism. Archbishop Demetrios, the head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, spoke Feb. 16 in Goddard Chapel on the universality of the messages of the Book of Psalms across many faith traditions. Entertainer Bill Cosby was honored Feb. 25 as part of the EliotPearson Awards for Excellence in Children’s Media, and former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric on April 11 discussed the rise of new media at the Edward R. Murrow Forum on Issues in Journalism. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

delivered the inaugural Alan D. Solomont Lecture in Cohen Auditorium April 8. At the lecture, the first of a series founded by Tufts alum and current ambassador to Spain and Andorra Alan Solomont (A ’70), Pelosi discussed issues ranging from the ongoing battle over federal budget to the involvement of women in politics. Famed political journalist and author Bob Woodward, best known for his coverage of the Watergate break-in and cover-up scandal, delivered the semester’s Richard E. Snyder Presidential Lecture, titled “From Nixon to Obama,” on April 25. In an interview with the Daily, Woodward emphasized the importance of investigative journalism in an age of increasing government secrecy.

aalok kanani/tufts daily

The Tufts Daily



Monday, May 2, 2011

courtesy mark rafferty

Rallying for a cause

virginia bledsoei/tufts daily

Following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and subsequent concern over radioactive leakage from nuclear plants, the university decided not to cancel the Tufts-in-Japan program in Kanazawa for its spring semester. The university did, however, authorize a voluntary departure and tuition refund for the five students who were studying in Japan for the semester. Two separate groups of Tufts students went down to New

Orleans over spring break to help revitalize the city nearly six years after Hurricane Katrina’s destruction. Students traveled with the Tufts Christian Fellowship to aid in city cleanup efforts, while others with the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service helped tutor local students. At last month’s ninth annual Relay for Life, Jumbos shattered expectations when they raised $115,000 for the American Cancer Society, an unprecedent-

ed sum for a Tufts Relay event. The event also boasted record participation rates, hosting 76 teams of donors and additional individual participants. The President’s Marathon Challenge fielded a team of 210 runners for the 115th Boston Marathon on April 15. Runners collectively raised $300,000 for the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. All but one of the registered runners finished the race.

Student movers and shakers A new Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate-funded bike-share program, Tufts Bikes, hit the Hill early last month with the aim of encouraging bike usage on campus. Students, who can rent the wheels for free from Tisch Library, flocked to the racks. On a more serious note, a group comprised of current and former students calling itself Jumboleaks released on a website a confidential document outlining what it alleged was a list of the university’s direct investments in the year 2010 after receiving the document from an undisclosed source. The group cited dissatisfaction with the university’s lack of fiscal transparency and investment in corporations the group considered socially irresponsible. This semester, Greek houses began efforts to reach out to the LGBT community after incidents concerning verbal abuse against members of the community occurred inside fraternity houses.

The two communities came together to host Shane Windmeyer, an activist for improving LGBT life on college campuses nationwide, and Theta Chi hosted an Ally Appreciation Soulfood Dinner. Last month, Greek-affiliated students donated blood on behalf of men who have sex with men, who are barred from donating by a federal statute. A group of students assembled on the Academic Quad during the year’s final April Open House events to discuss with attendees, including prospective students, what they perceived as a misrepresented racial climate at Tufts. Junior Tomas Garcia was elected TCU Senate President last week in a landslide victory against opponent Ben Richards, also a junior. Garcia, who has served on the Senate for two years, won with a platform of experience over Richards’ campaign for change after a relatively uneventful week of campaigning.

danai macridi/tufts daily

courtesy carolina ramirez

danai macridi/tufts daily

The Tufts Daily



Monday, May 2, 2011

Ellen Zane revived ailing institution; Medical Center now ranked sixth in the nation ZANE

continued from page 1

other half of me was totally juiced up wanting to do something really important,” Zane told the Daily. “And my own DNA is such that I’m not afraid of challenge, I’m not afraid of risks, I’m pretty fearless as a person … So I think I did it because it was important.” With her husband’s blessing, Zane accepted the job of CEO and has never looked back. Today, the hospital is not merely stable, but thriving even in the midst of a hugely uncertain economic climate. The University Health System Consortium (UHC) last year ranked the center sixth in the country out of 98 academic medical centers in terms of quality and safety, and the hospital brought in $6.9 million while increasing patient volume. “There was a time before she took it over when every time the [Boston Globe] mentioned the medical center, the word ‘troubled’ was before it, and it was always ‘the troubled New England Medical Center,’” interim dean of the medical school Harris Berman said. “I haven’t seen that word attached to Tufts Medical Center in a long time, because it’s no longer troubled.” Given the hospital’s success and personal circumstances, Zane will finally be retiring in September, she announced in February. “A lot of it is personal. My husband has been retired for almost 10 years and has been unbelievably supportive of me, but I’ve been AWOL,” she said. Many of Zane’s personal characteristics — including sharp communication and negotiation skills, prescience and a commitment to transparency — have been cited to explain her success in turning the hospital around. Above all, however, the real key to Zane’s success and a demonstration of her leadership has been her ability to assemble an exceptional team of workers, according to Chairman of Medicine Deeb Salem, who has worked at the hospital since before Zane’s tenure. “We’ve always had very good doctors and nurses and did very good research,” Salem told the Daily. “In terms of management of the hospital, she has brought in wonderful people, she has seen people already here and helped them grow.” Salem explained that Zane models her hiring practices on one of her favorite sayings — “nines hire tens, sevens hire sixes.” “She takes pride in hiring people that may know more than she does … instead of feeling threatened.

That saying of hers is very telling; if you know what you’re doing, she has great respect for you,” he said. It is no surprise, then, that Zane cites as her greatest accomplishment the team of people that make up the medical center. “I’m a firm believer that one is only as good as the people around you, and in spite of the fact that this hospital was almost gone, I was able to encourage really great people, both physicians and non- physicians, to come here,” she said. “If this whole hospital depended on Ellen Zane, I would have failed. But I’m going to retire and this place is going to go on with truly excellent people.” When Zane arrived at the hospital, “Rome was burning” and the center was months away from failure, requiring immediate troubleshooting. “I often tell the story where I pick up a glass and I look under that cup and I say, ‘You know, I’m going to put that cup right back down’ because there were so many problems under every rock,” she said. “I needed to look at the things that were going to bring us the most money the fastest.” Zane and a number of consultants set about identifying the hospital’s five immediate challenges, which she still remembers clearly and in detail today. The center needed an immediate injection of cash, so it sold a building to the university to raise $28 million. Then, it had to resolve a cash-flow problem — compared to the industry average, it was paying its bills too quickly and collecting revenue too slowly. Additionally, data revealed that because of inefficiencies, the length of stay for inpatients was one day too long. Finally, poorly negotiated contracts with various health plans meant that the hospital was being underpaid for its services. The biggest challenge, Zane said, was to mobilize everybody to tackle these problems. “The culture in this organization as a hospital is the best culture I’ve ever worked in. People here are more collaborative and they’re more team-like and they’re nicer than any place I’ve ever worked,” Zane said. “That positive is also a bit of a negative because on the negative side, people said, ‘Oh Ellen Zane will get us out of this soup.’ I needed people to understand that I’m not smart enough to do this myself and that I needed help and everyone needed to know that it wasn’t somebody else’s problem.” Beyond efforts to pull the hospital back from the brink, how-

Meredith Klein/Tufts Daily

Ellen Zane, left, who has served as director of Tufts Medical Center since 2004, will retire in September. ever, Zane has also strived to craft a long-term strategy for success, particularly to cope with an evolving health care scene that is pressuring health care providers to “do more with less.” Zane points out that while the health care reform law, first in Massachusetts and then on a federal level, has extended coverage to many individuals, it has come at the cost of reimbursements to providers. When the law was passed in 2006, the hospital received 80 cents for every dollar of care provided to Medicaid, and today the number is 60 cents and falling, according to Zane. “There’s no magical pot of money somewhere waiting to pay for those people … Our costs are all still there but the state is walking away from its responsibility to pay for it,” she said. “We’ve insured everybody, but the way we’re paying for it is on the backs of the providers. That’s the truth and we need to be honest about that.” Thus the hospital’s strategy for continued success has centered on improving quality while maximizing efficiency. “When we give great clinical care, it’s not to some people, it’s to all people irrespective of ability to pay,” Zane said. “That’s why management has a responsibility to continue to innovate … to constantly be more efficient, recognizing that there’s not going to be any new revenue stream and the demands on us are not going to go away.” These efforts have attracted

detractors, however, who claim that patient safety has been compromised by efficiency measures. The Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) last week called a strike to be held May 6 in protest of unsafe staffing levels. Zane, pointing to the hospital’s quality metrics, maintains that the union’s claims are unproven and part of a selfish national agenda. She has no intention of backing down, despite her impending retirement. “I feel more juiced up and more committed to deal with this firmly and head-on probably because I am leaving. … We saved this place; this place was almost gone and for some union to be coming in here for their own self-serving, selfish reasons — to me I find it offensive,” she said. “Leaders are supposed to lead, and it would not be very leaderlike of me if I left this for my successor,” Zane continued. “As part of my legacy, I refuse to wimp out, and I will not.” Berman and Salem firmly believe that the hospital will not miss a beat following Zane’s departure in September, expressing confidence that she has prepared the institution to succeed. “She’s done a great job, and frankly, I think the hospital will continue to do well because she’s set it on the right path,” Berman said. “Whoever her successor is has a good trajectory to begin with and should be able to bring it to new heights.” For such a tireless personality, retirement is unlikely to involve

much time spent in a rocking chair. Zane has agreed to stay on as a consultant and vice chairman of the Board of Trustees for a year. She added that she will continue serving on a number of boards and has been approached to teach at area universities. While the maze of politics fascinates her and she intends to be involved in matters of health care policy, running for office is not on the cards as it would be “the fast-track to divorce.” “[My husband] keeps saying to me, ‘I know you’re going to flunk retirement,’” she said. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Zane’s affection and passion on a personal level for the institution and its people is clear. She calls her seven-year tenure at the medical center her most joyful work experience. “There hasn’t been one minute when I’ve been here where I haven’t felt embraced and welcomed,” she said. The feeling appears to be mutual. To illustrate the personal impact Zane has left on him, Salem tells the story of how she helped him out of a tight spot. “One day she was taking a vacation with her husband to Italy and she heard that my wife and I had an anniversary coming up, and I’m sort of known to possibly miss anniversaries,” he recalled. “She called to say she could get hold a very nice purse and went out of her way to get it to me to give to my wife on my anniversary … that’s something you don’t forget.”

Despite fight for more powerful positions, only two reps step onto the Senate COMMUNITY REP

continued from page 1

Students (ALAS), the Pan-African Alliance (PAA) and the Queer Straight Alliance — to the four culture centers representing those communities. Student leaders from the Africana Center, the Asian American Center, the Latino Center and the LGBT Center, as well as other potential groups, now have the ability to select candidates from a pool of applicants. The student body, in the event of a contested vote, then may choose among the final candidates in a campus-wide election. The Senate this February revised its bylaws to reflect the referendum. Pasternack said the ability to vote on financial matters in the Senate gave a sense of heightened legitimacy to the station. “With the new bylaws, there’s no perception of difference between community reps and class senators. The fact that community reps previously weren’t able to vote on financial issues made them feel less important,” Pasternack said. Junior Tomas Garcia, who was last week elected as the president of next

year’s Senate, attributed the low numbers to a lack of advertisement about the available positions, instead of inherently low interest in participation. “I don’t see how, after so much interest in fighting for these rights, that this semester there could be low interest,” Garcia, a junior, said. Garcia said advertising open community rep seats falls under the Tufts Elections Commission’s responsibility. “These positions weren’t properly advertised,” he said. “It’s disheartening because I know the interest is out there. I’ve had tons of people come up to me and say that they wanted to run for but didn’t know about the opportunities.” Garcia added that the lack of attention to the elections marks a need for the Senate to reach out to the student body to make these positions attractive to students. Garcia, who promised in his election campaign to improve the Senate’s student outreach efforts, mentioned the possibility of a weekly newsletter to inform the student body of events and opportunities within the Senate. “Forums like these could bring the

student body together and keep people in touch,” he said. ALAS representative Eddy Santana, a sophomore, pointed to the Senate’s lack of transparency as a reason that students did not run for community rep positions. “There’s something wrong with Senate as a whole and how they communicate to the student body,” he said. “There was a lack of interest, not just in the community rep realm but in the Senate in its entirety. It’s not just that we fought so hard to get these positions and then just didn’t care.” Santana said the time commitment involved in serving as a community rep could also deter students. “You have to be in constant communication with your community and attend four-hour Senate meetings every Sunday. People have so much to do and this could turn them off of Senate,” Santana said. This year’s PAA representative, Jared Vallair, a freshman, agreed that the extensive time commitment could discourage students from getting involved with the process. In fact, he said, it was a factor in his decision not to return as a

representative next year. Vallair said that students often view the community rep position as irrelevant. “It seems like an unwanted task, a burden, something you don’t want to waste your time doing. It’s actually really beneficial, but that’s not well-known within the community,” he said. Vallair said he has faith that incoming freshmen would make good candidates for community rep positions next year because they are unaware of any negative associations with Senate. Junior Richa Batra, the 2010-11 AAA community representative, said that although students within her community are interested in the position, they were not aware of the opportunity to run in time for the election. Batra said she declined to put her name down for a seat next semester because she wanted to spend her time developing her role in other activities with which she is involved. “Part of our problem was that we didn’t reach the people who were interested,” she said. “There are definitely students interested in the position and we expect a good turnout in the fall.”




For those willing, summer session fills a gap

Stephen Miller | Counterpoint

As the spring semester comes to a close, students are wrapping up their coursework and preparing to evacuate campus, start internships, take on summer jobs or vacation — except for those who will stick around and continue their studies uninterrupted. While the notion of summer school might sound appalling to some, others turn to Tufts’ Summer Session as a way to make their schedules more manageable throughout the school year or repent for all the classes they dropped in favor of four-day weekends and Monday-night television. But can a semester’s worth of material really be squeezed into five short weeks and, moreover, still retain the academic value of a semester-long class? The answer, put simply, according to Lecturer of Chemistry Sergiy Kryatov, is “yes.” Kryatov, who teaches “Fundamentals of Chemical” (Chem 1) and “Principles of Chemical” (Chem 2) both over the summer and during the spring semester, said that he does not alter the course material he teaches during the Summer Session whatsoever to accommodate the time

s I slowly arise from my postSpring Fling coma with what feels like an army of West Virginia coal miners scraping away at the inside of my head, I’m realizing two things: 1) No one should ever put off any requirement until the day after Spring Fling, and 2) Seeing as the Daily finishes its regular publication today, it looks like, love it or hate it, I get the last word. Tough day, everyone else. And with it, I’d like to make a couple last points, as well as clear up a few misconceptions I’ve been guilty of propagating in this column.

Although the semester draws to a close, school stays open for some by

Romy Oltuski

Daily Editorial Board

crunch. Rather, he said, the syllabus is condensed into fewer, longer classes. “I teach Chem 1 and 2 during regular … semesters and the summer session, and I’ve been doing that at least five years, so I have enough data to compare them. I cover exactly the same material. I give out the same, or similar, assignments and exams, and the structure and content are all the same,” he said. “What differs in the summer semester is that it goes faster. The factor of acceleration is about two and a half times.” The worry, however, that students might not absorb as much information in such a short period of time is not wholly unwarranted. While summer school is doable with the right work ethic, because of the necessary speed of the classes, students must be both diligent and otherwise unoccupied in order to succeed, Kryatov said. Sometimes, a student will try to juggle a difficult summer class with a job or internship and, literally, fail. “What helps students do just as well in the summer is that they take fewer courses. If it’s a lab science course, I strongly suggest that students take just one class. If they take a non-lab course, they can probably take two at a time. I tell them at the beginning of the summer semester

that it’s very intense and difficult, and they should spend a lot of hours studying and probably not undertake any timeconsuming commitments if they’re taking something like Chem 1,” Kryatov said. Paul Leavis, an occupational therapy lecturer who teaches physiology during the summer, agreed. “It’s an immersion course. You kind of just have to bury yourself in it and you’ll come out fine, and I think most of the students do that,” he said. Time crunching, however, can have its upside, David Proctor, administrator of the Department of Classics, said. The summer’s longer classes and fewer interruptions between classes allow Proctor to present a more continuous historical narrative in his course, which is very useful, he said. “I run the course [Europe to 1815] on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 to 9:30 p.m., so they get three regular classes packed into one night, which is a little more challenging as far as making sure the information is presented in a way that keeps everyone interested and doesn’t lag,” he said. “The positive thing is that it allows for extended presentation see SUMMER SCHOOL, page 6

The last word


1. We’ve got a bit of a reputation here for having some of the fugliest students this side of Steve Buscemi. If you have been keeping up with my column, you’d think our faces all met the business end of a shovel when we were babies. Well, the other week I had the “pleasure” of traveling to both the University of Rhode Island (aka URHigh) as well as Conn. College. They have some people there who are mighty well put together, but after approximately 15 seconds of conversation, you want to stab them in the leg with a dining hall fork. Graphic, I know, but the point I’m trying to make is that Tufts people are wonderful, wonderful folk. As the spring sun comes back out, I’m remembering how superfly all of us are, too. Long story short, I can’t imagine a more beautiful and substantive group of people than the Tufts student body. You are great! 2. On a similar sentiment, I’ve done a whole mess of ragging on our house for being a complete dinge rothole. Well, the other day I found myself thinking, “I’m gonna miss this complete dinge rothole.” It was a weird realization, but appropriate. For the many folk who’ve shared a beer in our basement, you can understand my appreciation for the place. It’s hosted some great parties and is literally impossible to trash any worse than it already is. And so, caved-in ceilings, demolished staircase, zero-insulation, basement suicide, decade-old pot-growing paraphernalia and all, I love the place. 9 Fairmount, TEMS- and roofie-free since 2010.

courtesy erin o’donnell

Following its founding in January of 2008, Anchord has successfully made a dent into the world of Christian a capella.

Three years later, Anchord group continues to spread message of faith through song by Vicky


Daily Staff Writer

Senior Ben Hampson was a freshman when he sent an email to his friend Charles Skold, whom he met through the Tufts Christian Fellowship, asking if Skold was interested in joining a Christian a capella group at Tufts that Hampson wanted to start. “As soon as Ben suggested making a group, I definitely wanted to join,” Skold said. Anchord, Tufts’ only Christian a cappella group, began in January 2008 with nine members. Five of the group’s original members still remain and, after this semester, all of the founding members will have graduated. In fall 2008, Anchord became an official student group, and in 2009 it won the Office for Campus Life’s New Organization of the Year Award. Skold said the a cappella community at Tufts has always been very welcoming. “It has been a very nice community to come into, and other groups have grown to respect us as we have stuck around,” Skold said. Senior Erin O’Donnell, another found-

ing member of Anchord and the group’s current manager, said the high quality of the a cappella community at Tufts has pushed the group to improve musically. Christian a cappella groups at other universities around Boston, particularly Harvard’s Under Construction, were a great source of help to the newly formed Anchord, according to Skold. “[Under Construction] helped us through auditions and gave us our first music to sing,” Skold said. “They helped us out a lot.” Anchord’s purpose is to encourage conversation about Jesus Christ through the arts, according to O’Donnell. “[The Christian nature of Anchord is] really the core of the group,” O’Donnell said. “Ultimately, we feel that we are staying true to our mission statement; that is more important to us than concert turnout or having a great performance.” While the Christian nature of the group plays a large role in song selection, O’Donnell said it is not the deciding factor. “All of our songs do not necessarily have a Christian message, but they do have a love message,” she said. “God’s love is something we want to reflect in our music,

and hopefully pour out to other people.” Despite falling under the umbrella term of Christian a cappella, Skold said that Anchord’s members come from a variety of Christian backgrounds, and even includes some members that would not even necessarily call themselves Christian. “One of the interesting things about Anchord for me is that we have a variety of Christian faith in our group, from Catholic, Protestants, to even a few uncertain people, with all different levels of faith,” Skold said. “In fact, the differences between the group members have been a source of creativity for us.” Both Skold and O’Donnell said that over the course of their tenure in the group, Anchord has grown immensely both in musicality and in numbers. The group currently has 17 members. “The caliber of musicality has really increased,” Skold said. “We are continuing to grow in what it means to be a Christian a cappella group through concerts and skits and what we talk about as a group.” O’Donnell has observed an immense growth in the skill and professionalism of the group, which is a result of hard work. see ANCHORD, page 6

3. And while we’re on the topic of 9 Fairmount, apparently it’s not a good idea to publicize parties in the Daily. I’ve never seen so many people pour out of a place as I did last night when the cops showed up. For those who made it out, hope you had a good time, and for those who stuck around and filled it up again, couldn’t be happier to share a drink with y’all. 4. While we’re on the topic of yesterday, I was right. Spring Fling was great, and it didn’t matter a flaming flipper that the Roots were playing. 5. There are some really great opportunities at Tufts, and standing to the side and laughing at them is a pity. For those of you who are getting involved in everything you can here, I envy you. You will all go on to live happy, successful, fulfilling lives. Maybe one day one of you can hook me up with a job. 6. Lastly, Tufts, you’ve been good to me. If I’d pulled the same shenanigans we’ve pulled here for the past four years in the real world, then there would probably be some delightful mug shot of me on the web wearing a transvestite redneck alien costume. Thanks for that. And now, though the party may be winding down, remember, there’s always next year. The keg is dead; long live the keg! Stephen Miller is a senior majoring in English. He can be reached at Stephen. Miller@tufts.edu.

The Tufts Daily



Monday, May 2, 2011

Students and professors alike warn that summer school may be overwhelming

SUMMER SCHOOL continued from page 5

on topics that are interrelated to each other. I can connect topics together because I teach them all at the same time, so there’s more continuity. When I first started teaching summer school, I was concerned that they wouldn’t get it thoroughly plugged in, but the ability that I have in those three and a half-hour blocks to really weave information together and make a more cohesive narrative sort of compensates.� The problem that sometimes accompanies summer school is not so much the condensation of material into a couple of months at most, but certain students’ expectation that summer classrooms will be host to a more relaxed atmosphere. Those students are in for a surprise, Leavis said. “The challenge is to be a serious student when it’s 85 degrees outside and sunny. That’s hard for some people. It depends on maturity,� he said. Certainly, students who look forward to an easy summer “A� are bound for failure, senior Julia Carlson said, but maturity plays into a student’s readiness for summer school even if they are not expecting a breezy class. Carlson, who took organic chemistry during the summer following her freshman year, said that, as a first-year student, she was simply unprepared for the course’s level of intensity. While she might have enjoyed the class — homework and all — a year or two later, summer school is not for everyone, and it’s probably not appropriate or necessary for freshmen, she said. “When I took Orgo as someone coming out of their freshman year, I didn’t have enough experi-

ence as a college student to be able to handle the level and pace of the course I was taking. I know other people who’ve had a good experience later on in college, but I think a lot of that will play into what year the student is,� she said. “As an older student, you’re better equipped to handle summer school because you become a better studier over time.� The main problem, she said, is that there wasn’t really anyone around to tell her when it was not a good idea to take a course over the summer. Especially for freshmen — who are not as well acquainted with the Tufts system as older students are — that can be detrimental. “It’s a really tough issue for people who are young because they’re dealing with advisers who are not in their major and might not know about the specific classes they want to take. I got mixed advice from my professors, but there wasn’t really anyone to give definitive advice. That kind of advice should most likely come from the premed adviser, Dean Carol Baffi-Dugan,� Carlson said. “Summer school is not for everybody. A lot of classes need more time to digest. I think it needs to be carefully considered. Another option people overlook is auditing courses. A lot of places will let you come in and sit through the course for a reduced cost, and it’s a good way to find out whether you should take that class during the year.� Senior Sam Costello, who took genetics at Tufts over the summer, agreed that if a GPA boost is your goal, Tufts’ Summer Session is not the greatest help. In his case, he took the class over the summer to avoid getting stuck with its usual professor, he said. But there are ways to get around the tough work altogether; several of his friends

danai macridi/Tufts Daily

Summer school is not always the easy ride many students expect it to be.

With plans to release a CD, Anchord left in good hands in the future, founders say ANCHORD

continuedfrom page 5

“Before, we had to fit Anchord into our busy schedules, but now we have to fit other things around it,� she said. O’Donnell says that for the first couple of years, when she would mention Anchord, other students would not know what she was talking about. By this year, however, she believes Anchord has become widely known across campus. Anchord went to Break it Down Boston, a meeting of many Christian a cappella groups from the New England area, in its first year. Although they did not perform that year, it was so powerful to the group that they began to set goals around it. “We watched and were really inspired,� Skold said. “We saw where we had to go as a group. We left it saying it would be awesome to host it our senior year.�

“Orgo is a course where you want to be able to maximize your grade, and a lot of people are worried about their grade. People will take it at different schools in order to pad their GPA for medical school,� she said. Proctor acknowledged this problem but also pointed out that for some students who need to take summer classes in order to catch up, completing additional courses at Tufts is not an option, logistically or financially. It remains an issue with which each department has to deal on a case-by-case basis. Other schools do sometimes offer courses that Tufts does not, but because it is generally difficult to determine the comparative

who wanted to get a credit out of the way without having to miss out on tanning hours simply staked out the “easiest� Tufts classes or took summer classes at other institutions and transferred their credits back to Tufts. “A few friends of mine took English classes here and at U Mass-Boston, and in both cases it was pretty much a joke. There were only a couple assignments and they didn’t go to class too much. They just did it and got their credit for it,� Costello said. “Maybe that doesn’t happen as much at Tufts because you pay so much for it. But somewhere else, definitely.� Carlson saw a lot of her friends doing the same.

Anchord hosted this year’s Break It Down Boston in Goddard Chapel in April. Anchord also began recording this year, with plans to release a CD that will mark the group’s beginning years. Although after this semester all of the founding members will have left, both Skold and O’Donnell are confident about the group’s future. “I have a firm belief that the people who will follow will be more than capable of taking Anchord to new heights,� O’Donnell said. “It’s amazing to be able to leave Tufts with a group that is going to carry on,� says Skold. “It is nice to see something we worked toward, something that we saw as our mission, our goal and purpose on campus, become other people’s goal and purpose and will carry on beyond our physical presence on campus.�

level of courses, he prefers when students complete their summer courses on campus. “What we offer at Tufts is a very strong academic program, and sometimes courses at other institutions do not offer the same experience. Usually, the Tufts experience is a better one for the student. They tend to be a little more rigorous, a little more demanding, than other institutions,� he said. “Then again, some students live on the other side of the country and can’t stay at Tufts. And there’s also the occasion where a university will offer a course that’s not in our repertoire. Depending on what college they take it at, then we’ll transfer that in,� he said.

TAKE A STUDY BREAK - RELAX DURING READING PERIOD! Free Classes open to the Tufts Community.

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5/3 5/3




(Chase Gym)

10:30-11:30 am


(Jackson Gym)



Marlene Carr

Sharon Graves

(Jackson Gym)

12:00-1:00pm 4:00-5:00pm

Elliott McEldowney Zan Barry

5/4 5/4

11:00-12noon 3:00-4:00pm

Brenda Santora Elliott McEldowney



Erin Cooney

Breathe, Stretch & Shake

(Jackson Gym)


Sarah Hippert

3:00- 4:00pm




Arts & Living



TV Review

‘The Voice’ vocalizes against ‘Idol’ formula Blind auditions, compassionate judges allow new show to focus on talent

Even with the absurd amount of hype and publicity surrounding NBC’s new reality show “The Voice,” last Tuesday’s by

Andrew Padgett

Daily Editorial Board

The Voice Starring Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton Airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on NBC series premiere turned out to be a refreshing and entertaining spin on the typical televised singing competition. Unlike “American Idol” — from which this show desperately tries to differentiate itself, to varying degrees of success — judges in “The Voice” only consider the singer’s actual vocal skill; their backs are turned to the singers during their performances, so it’s impossible for them to judge the person based on physical appearance or body language. If the judges approve of the person’s voice, they simply have to press a big red button to turn their chair around and see the singer for the first time. This element of mystery fosters a sort of free-for-all environment in regard to who is allowed to audition. “American

Courtesy Lewis Jacobs/NBC

Cee Lo Green and Adam Levine chat during the blind audition process. Idol” generally doesn’t take anyone too far out of their early 20s, but “The Voice” has no age restrictions — or any limitations on who can audition, really. Just in the first episode, for instance, a 41-year-old bald, chubby lesbian tried out and made it. On the flip side, a stunningly beautiful woman also auditioned with the hopes that her looks wouldn’t overshadow her true vocal tal-

ent — and succeeded as well. The show makes it very clear that the only thing that matters is the singer’s voice, and not any exterior image they might be projecting. In addition to the show’s emphasis on pure vocal talent, “The Voice” also assigns much more significant roles to see VOICE, page 9

Gallery Review

Collection of Claudio Morra, Turin

Gabriel Kuri’s ‘Untitled (Double yellow wrapped outside-in bin)’ (2009), now on display at the Institute of Contemporary Art.

Ideas trump aesthetics at ICA’s Kuri exhibit

Contemporary art can be a confusing genre for individuals not interested in the art world, as it often pushes the by

Ashley Wood

Daily Editorial Board

Gabriel Kuri: Nobody needs to know the price of your Saab At the East Gallery, through July 4, 2011 The Institute of Contemporary Art/ Boston 100 Northern Avenue Boston, MA 02210 (617) 478-3100 boundaries of what we perceive to be beautiful and artistic. And while many contemporary artists still work with a traditional canvas and paintbrush, the

desire to envision and create something new frequently translates into unusual methods and atypical media. This is especially true for the work of Gabriel Kuri, currently on display at the Institute of Contemporary Art/ Boston (ICA). Grounded in conceptual art, Kuri’s pieces are perfect examples of aesthetics taking a backseat to ideas. While the items themselves may seem simplistic — his pieces include receipts, plastic bags, empty cans and old newspapers — the concepts behind them elevate them above simple, disposable trash. Much of Kuri’s work explores the relationship between consumerism and the transience of time in a manner that is both humorous and disheartening. Upon entering the exhibit, visitors are met with “Model for Parade” (2010), which features a conveyor belt with an empty aluminum energy drink can. The can bounces repeatedly at the end of

the conveyor belt, unable to move forward. The ceaseless use of energy and the dead end the can faces make the piece itself feel draining. Meanwhile, hanging from the ceiling is “Thank You Clouds” (2004), which features clusters of inflated plastic bags with polite phrases written on them that thank consumers for their purchases. The plastic bags reflect the large amounts of product we purchase and consume, as well as the disconnect between sincere thank-yous and a corporate printed cliche for purchasing. They also exemplify Kuri’s interest in advertising and packaging. This same interest can be seen in his piece “Complimentary Cornice and Intervals” (2009). The work features four large pieces of marble made for a kitchen or bathroom leaned against the wall. Sitting upon the edge of the marble slabs see KURI, page 9

Eugene Kim | Alleged but Not Convicted

Five (Eight) reasons to love


. I’ve been meaning to do a list column for weeks now, and since this is my last regular column before my super special commencement issue, this is my last chance. 2. People often ask, “Euge, you have such amazing taste in movies and television, what is your favorite movie? I want to be on you.” And after exchanging numbers (or fluids) I tell them that one of the most perfect movies ever made was “The Fifth Element” (1997). Wanna know why? Let me start my list at number three: 3. The number one (three) reason that this movie is fantastic is the cast. For you plebes that don’t know, “The Fifth Element” is a science-fiction, adventure, space-opera, end-of-the-universe, good-versus-evil romp. It stars Bruce Willis (before he went bald in 2007’s “Live Free or Die Hard” and after 1995’s “Die Hard with a Vengeance,” just for reference), Chris Tucker (one of my favorite actors: He increases the numerical score of this movie from a 7 to a perfect 12), Milla Jovovich (you’d know her from the “Resident Evil” franchise) and Ian Holm (BILBO BAGGINS). It’s a great cast, with actors who complement each other’s strengths (Bruce Willis is a fantastic comedic foil for Chris Tucker’s antics), but there’s one in particular that I must highlight with his own number: 4. This movie has Gary Oldman in it. Do you know who Gary Oldman is? No, of course you don’t, because you’re an uneducated goat herder. I could, and in retrospect probably should, write an entire article about my bro-love for Oldman. He’s been in every movie you have ever loved. Let’s start old school: “True Romance” (1993), “Leon: The Professional” (1994), “Air Force One” (1997) and skip another dozen or so movies to get us to “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004) where he was Sirius Black, or maybe jump to “Batman Begins” (2005) where he was that smooth talking badass, Jim Gordon. This chameleon is number one on my other list of men that could seduce me — my sexual kryptonite, if you will. In this movie, though, Bruce Willis tries to save life as we know it from an unknown evil, which uses Gary Oldman as its pawn. And he is a delightfully evil and charming bad guy. 5. It was directed by Luc Besson. You prejudiced dirt farmer! You don’t know who he is? He wrote “La Femme Nikita” (1990), “Kiss of the Dragon” (2001) and “The Transporter” trilogy (2002, ’05, ’08) and directed “Leon: The Professional” (1994). He’s like the French Nelson Mandela. 6. There are countless examples of symbolism and imagery in the film that go unnoticed during the first viewing, and so “The Fifth Element” rewards a second, third and sixteenth time around the block (kind of like my harlot ex-girlfriend — I will never forgive you, Catherine Middleton!). Bruce Willis’ shape, for example, is a square and you will see it on-screen with him once in almost every scene. In contrast, Gary Oldman’s shape is a circle. 7. It’s just plain awesome. Space battles, a literal space opera scene, cool aliens and Chris Tucker screams — it’s a movie you can tune into and start watching at any point. It’s the little things that make it great, like the super awesome weapons that look like Nerf guns, or the floating Chinese restaurant or the sweet soundtrack. 8. I don’t really have a number eight, I just think eight is a good number. Everyone should watch this movie, but there are others that everyone should watch, too, like “The Green Mile” (1999) or “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994), and even “Pootie Tang” (2001). It’s sort of like sex: you shouldn’t have to cry to think a movie is amazing.

Eugene Kim is a senior majoring in biology. He can be reached at Eugene.Kim@ tufts.edu.


The Tufts Daily

Arts & Living

Monday, May 2, 2011

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011 THE BACCALAUREATE SERVICE 3 PM FLETCHER FIELD A final salute to the Class of 2011 by President Bacow Also featuring The 2011 Wendell Phillips Speaker,

Brian Agler SENIORS: Please wear your caps and gowns and align at the baseball diamond on Fletcher Field beginning at 2:30 PM Sponsored by the Office of the University Chaplain, www.tufts.edu/chaplaincy


Monday, May 2, 2011

The Tufts Daily


Arts & Living

NBC’s ‘The Voice’ a surprisingly welcome entry to the singing competition genre VOICE

continued from page 7

the judges than “American Idol” does. Firstly, the judges are all accomplished singers — semi-fallen (but still cute) pop star Christina Aguilera, country hit-machine Blake Shelton, Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine and Cee Lo Green, the Soul Machine himself. Their talent serves as a welcome contrast to Randy Jackson or Simon Cowell’s lack of vocal ability. This is where it gets complicated: These four artists are competing with each other to assemble teams of eight singers. When a judge presses the big red button, it’s an invitation to join his or her team; this often creates a funny scenario in which multiple judges press their button and then have to woo the singer into joining their team instead of one of the others’. If no one presses the button, the judges briefly turn around and explain to the singer why they didn’t — but the likes of Simon Cowell’s bitter criticisms are nowhere to be found here. Bizarrely enough, all four of the judges are nice people. Granted, it’s easy to be nice when every single singer auditioning possesses a fantastic voice. In another attempt to break away from the “American Idol” format, “The Voice” has already preselected great singers to try out and doesn’t utilize bad auditions for comedic effect. It’s quite a daring move, especially considering the general consensus that watching terrible singers in the preliminary rounds is the most entertaining part of “Idol.” But while “The Voice” can get a bit boring as each singer hits every note perfectly, the show still entertains by generating suspense and conflict among the judges (who seem to simultaneously help and compete with each other). Once the “blind auditions” finish, the judges will proceed to the next stage of the competition, which involves whittling down each team until only one person receives the honorable title of “The Voice.” The winner will receive a

Courtesy Lewis Jacobs/NBC

Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton make up the panel of judges on NBC’s ‘The Voice.’ record deal and $100,000, which provides adequate stakes to keep the drama going. However, it’s debatable whether or not the show will be able to maintain its individuality as it moves into this phase. Once the initial gimmick

Thoughtful ICA exhibit considers everyday life, consumerism KURI

continued from page 7

are numerous travel-size bottles of shampoo, lotion and conditioner. The bottles — each from different hotels, some partially used and some brand new — represent various nights spent away from home. Despite the fact that the bottles are all designed and structured differently according to the hotel, they are essentially repetitious. Additionally, the transience of the disposable shampoo bottles contrasts with the permanence of the marble stone. The four slabs are separated slightly from each other, suggesting intervals of time. Time is explored further in works like “Recurrence of the Sublime” (2003) and “Untitled (Diario económico)” (2004). The latter piece features financial newspapers with squares of moistened moss layered in between the pages. The moss will inevitably cause the newspaper to disintegrate, demonstrating the transience of a daily newspaper through a visible, natural process. The temporary nature of the work also seems to contradict the normal instinct that art should be timeless — there is no way for a museum to preserve his piece. Kuri’s fascination with receipts is also prominent throughout the exhibit; he envisions them as diaries of a person’s day, as well as a form of individual affirmation. “Untitled (Superama I, II and III)” (2003-05) features three replicas of three receipts. These replicas are enlarged versions of the original, woven exactly into a tapestry. The artist went to the same Superama Wal-Mart store on the same day three years in a row, and purchased the same items, including tuna and Cheetos. While the actual receipts themselves are printed automatically and effortlessly, the woven tapestries required the manual work of very highly skilled weavers. Since Kuri did not physically create the tapestry himself, “Untitled (Superama I,

Courtesy the artist and kurimanzutto, Mexico City

Gabriel Kuri’s ‘Column 2009-2010’ (2010), currently on exhibit at the ICA. II and III)” also bring into question the relationship of the artist to his work, which comes up frequently in conceptual art. Overall, the tapestries aren’t particularly pleasant to look at, done in neutral beige and black and exactly replicating an actual receipt, but the minor discrepancies between each one are enough to hold the viewer’s interest, as they show how time has affected the purchases. While Gabriel Kuri’s pieces may not entice your aesthetic eye, the ideas behind his art are immensely attractive and relevant. The items he uses in his work are things we interact with on a daily basis and his exhibit will surely make you think twice the next time someone hands you a receipt and a plastic bag stamped impersonally with Have a Nice Day!

of “blind auditions” is through and the judges know the faces that match the singers’ voices, the show could easily transform into more of an “Idol” rip-off than an antagonist. But right now, “The Voice” exceeds

reality show expectations and offers a fresh, liberal perspective on becoming the next big singer. If it maintains its high production values and innovative competition strategies, this show pretty much has it in the bag.

The Tufts Daily




Alexandra W. Bogus Editor-in-Chief

Editorial Mick Brinkman Krever Saumya Vaishampayan Managing Editors Martha Shanahan Executive News Editor Michael Del Moro News Editors Nina Ford Ben Gittleson Amelie Hecht Ellen Kan Daphne Kolios Kathryn Olson Matt Repka Corinne Segal Jenny White Brent Yarnell Elizabeth McKay Assistant News Editors Laina Piera Rachel Rampino Minyoung Song Derek Schlom Executive Features Editor Jon Cheng Features Editors Sarah Korones Emilia Luna Romy Oltuski Alexa Sasanow Falcon Reese Assistant Features Editors Angelina Rotman Sarah Strand Amelia Quinn Ben Phelps Executive Arts Editor Emma Bushnell Arts Editors Mitchell Geller Rebecca Santiago Matthew Welch Allison Dempsey Assistant Arts Editors Andrew Padgett Joseph Stile Ashley Wood Rebekah Liebermann Bhushan Deshpande Larissa Gibbs David Kellogg Rachel Oldfield Jeremy Ravinsky Daniel Stock Devon Colmer Erin Marshall Alex Miller Louie Zong Craig Frucht Kerianne Okie Michael Restiano Joshua Youner

Executive Op-Ed Editor Op-Ed Editors

Editorial | Letters

Monday, May 2, 2011

Unrealized potential

After a nearly year-and-a-half-long effort to obtain more power for community representatives in the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate, individuals elected to the position finally are on par with senators in their voting rights. Referendum 3, following a year’s worth of debate, passed by a single vote this fall. Now that the contention is over and the Senate has spent this semester working to codify the process, it is disappointing that two of the four seats open for community representatives remain unfilled. Blame has been pointed at various organizations, but it seems that the real problem goes far beyond one or two student groups not pulling their weight in advertising and instead highlights a case of unrealized potential across student government. Several have cited the large time commitment as a possible reason for why people chose not to run for community representative positions. Yet a weekly four-hour meeting does not seem to be a sufficient reason to walk away from an opportunity to represent one’s community. Moreover, it is doubtful that the addition of full voting rights to the position’s responsibilities would increase the time commitment significantly. Considering

the amount of work that was put into establishing the community representative position, we do not sympathize with those who complain about the time commitment involved with serving. Others, with note TCU President-elect Tomas Garcia, a junior, have said that a lack of advertising is to blame for low interest in the position. We agree that the TCU Election Commission, which is responsible for the official advertisement of elections and open positions, has continued its regrettable pattern of late of shirking its duties. But we also believe that some fault lies with the four of six cultural centers that currently have a community representative in the Senate. The directors of the centers have, in the past, expressed understandable reticence to become involved in what is a student issue. Nonetheless, it is their communities that benefit from the existence of the community representative position. The centers did not do a satisfactory job of advertising the availability of these positions. There is clearly plenty of blame to go around. But the main problem here seems to stem from a general apathy about student government among the student body. In last month’s election,

only 17 students showed interest in the 21 open senator seats on the body; the four remaining will hopefully be filled next fall. Likewise, many students were incredibly passionate about granting community representatives more of a voice on the Senate, but when it came time to put this vision into action, few have been willing to step up. This ardor for change was, once some changes were made, dead on arrival. Being a community representative is no easy task, especially with the new responsibility to vote on fiscal matters, but simply wanting change to happen is not enough. Tufts students need be the vehicles of change if they want to see it come to fruition. The Senate garners a wealth of criticism each and every year from the student body and even from these pages of the Daily. Yet it is not enough to highlight errors made or ineffectiveness by the body. A push for change requires follow up, follow up that was not realized in the selection of the community representatives, nor in last month’s election for the Senate seats. Tufts prides itself on its global active citizenship. Let’s not let that global perspective mean turning a blind eye to issues closer to home.

the class of 2011, leading us to wonder just how different the Hill will look this time next year. April didn’t pass by as a dull month either, when a group called “Jumboleaks” published a confidential list of companies the university allegedly invested in. Jumboleaks raised some difficult judgment calls for us regarding the public’s right to know versus the confidentiality of information, demonstrating that while we may be holed up in Curtis Hall, the issues that we deal with as the university’s news source increasingly span beyond the Ivory Tower. Yet despite the challenge that reporting on these events present, they are what validate our work and reinforce why we continue to do this every day. While events like these rule out the possibility of making our 2:30 a.m. deadline, they are the moments that we as college journalists live for and will remain one of the most memorable parts of the job. That’s not entirely true. In fact, what will remain most memorable for me is the people. The Daily is composed of roughly 150 to 175 students — editors, writers, business staff — students who each day impressed me by their skill, their careful judgment and, most importantly, their dedication. Our staff is composed of an editor who, upon completing his thesis

defense, went home and wrote an article because his writer fell through. It’s composed of another editor who, despite having a paper due the next day, trekked across campus at midnight to track down an op-ed. It’s composed of a photographer who, even after her job was done for the night, stayed in the office until 3 a.m. to give us a ride home when it was raining. This paper is made up of students who are not paid, who are taking full course loads and who still, day in and day out, seek to put together the highest quality content they can. In my opinion, they succeeded every day. They have been a pleasure to work with, an honor to lead and leave me confident that this paper is in extremely capable hands. I’ll end with one final note. Before this semester began, I had the opportunity to correspond with a former editor-in-chief from a few decades ago, someone who had for all intents and purposes “made it” in journalism. Yet despite his success, he told me that this position was the best job in the world, and at the time, I couldn’t understand why. Now I do. As always, thanks for reading.

Devon Colmer



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Letter from the Editor Dear readers, Today is a day of lasts. The last day of classes of the last semester of my undergraduate career. Yet there is one last that comes true today that I’ve dreaded even more than these: the last regular Daily issue of the semester and, thus, of my time at Tufts. Don’t get me wrong — I am thoroughly looking forward to making up the sleep that’s been lost this semester, but I can think of no better word to describe this day and this issue than “bittersweet.” For me, this semester is best encapsulated by two things: people and events. In regard to the latter, this spring has been marked by no shortage of happenings that have kept us on our toes. December’s Naked Quad Run led to unprecedented fallout, including a student’s arrest and trial, charges of an overly aggressive police force and, ultimately — in what proved to be arguably the biggest news item of the semester — University President Lawrence Bacow’s decision to end the event. Provost and Senior Vice President Jamshed Bharucha’s announcement in February that he would leave Tufts at the end of this academic year also threw us for a loop. Bharucha’s resignation came on the tails of Bacow’s and a slew of other top administrators’ plans to leave with

The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

Sincerely, Alexandra Bogus Editor-in-Chief

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ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editorin-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.

The Tufts Daily

Monday, May 2, 2011

On extraordinary public service by Samuel


Tufts has been far ahead of other institutions in supporting the service of our Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadets. Harvard made big news a few weeks ago when it announced changes to its ROTC policy that merely brought it in line with what Tufts has been doing for years. For example, Tufts supports the program monetarily by paying for student attendance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where the current program is taught. Tufts also hosts a commissioning ceremony for cadets and supports ceremonies on Veterans Day and other events that recognize the commitment of those who serve in uniform. While Tufts strengthened its support for its ROTC cadets on Wednesday in a moderate way, it rejected a more meaningful proposal. The faculty considered two proposals that recognize the service and academic commitment of Tufts ROTC cadets in the wake of the repeal of the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. The first proposal placed ROTC participation at the end of a student’s transcript in a section usually used to indicate internship participation or awards. This proposal passed but only by a vote of 41-29. Twenty-nine professors rejected this minor support. It passed with 59 percent of the vote. That would be an F in any of their classes. The second proposal would have placed ROTC coursework beneath Tufts coursework each semester. ROTC cadets take courses at MIT — academic courses. The purpose of this second proposal was to place students’ academic work at Tufts in context. A semester with five courses

at Tufts is rigorous; a semester with five courses at Tufts and two courses at MIT is above and beyond. The proposal made clear that it did not involve academic credit, just merely listing MIT ROTC academic coursework. Unfortunately, this second proposal failed with only a few votes in favor. The passage of the first proposal was momentous. But never before have I seen a debate that was less relevant to the proposals at hand. Some professors took this debate as an opportunity to voice their opinions on any sentiment regarding the military that crossed their minds. I’m glad I was the only student there (in my capacity as Tufts Community Union (TCU) president) because, frankly, it was embarrassing. Earlier this year the TCU Senate supported both proposals without a dissenting vote. In this case, the students showed leadership, but the faculty couldn’t step outside of themselves. One professor went so far to say that there is no way he could be represented by a policy that allows a small ROTC notation on the transcript. But this policy isn’t about him. A group of professors signed onto a letter that argued against both proposals because, as one repeated in the Daily coverage, “[military service] is hardly public service as we usually know the meaning of public service.” Their letter listed every concern imaginable, from military budgets to Iraq War policy to the Libyan intervention. The one thing it never addressed: student service. Tufts students have gone into the military and offered extraordinary service. Capt. Benjamin Sklaver (LA ’99, F ’03), a Tufts alumnus, was killed only two years ago while trying to bring enhanced infra-

structure and water wells to an Afghan village. Lt. Chris Ocasio (LA ’09), another Tufts alumnus, is currently stationed in Kabul, commanding a platoon there to deliver supplies for children. More are getting ready to deploy in the next few months with the goal of restoring order and stability in the region. I imagine that this sort of humanitarian action would be applauded more unanimously, except that for some faculty, the image of a military uniform somehow negates it. The military has its shortcomings. And we don’t all agree on the nation’s policy in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya. But neither proposal considered by the faculty had anything to do with these issues. The proposals had to do with respecting the service of those who commit their lives to the decisions of our elected public officials. The debate made evident that many professors could not draw the distinction. Tufts faculty took a solid step by passing the first proposal to place ROTC service on the transcript along with other honors and internships, though the vote was far too close. But they failed to meaningfully support ROTC cadets by placing their academic commitment to ROTC in the context of their Tufts coursework by approving the second proposal. It is absurd that I need to even defend the service of my ROTC peers as “extraordinary public service.” What’s worse, 29 faculty members voted to exclude the ROTC service of their students even from the same section as a summer internship. Samuel Wallis is a senior majoring in political science. He is the outgoing TCU President.

An undue comparison by

Kerem Sahin

Every year around April both Armenian and Turkish communities relive the same set of events. As April 24, the day of commemoration for Armenians, comes and goes, the struggle to legitimize the Armenian genocide claim gets another boost by the Armenian diaspora. Some parliament of some country will pass an Armenian bill as if it were an authority on matters of history, and somewhere in Armenia a Turkish flag is burned. It’s a vicious cycle for those who endure the same play every year. As a lot of you may be aware, Armenians claim that Ottoman Turks systematically killed approximately 1.5 million Ottoman Armenians during and just after World War I. The claim is a highly controversial one, and it is largely disputed by experts on Ottoman history such as Bernard Lewis, Guenter Lewy and Edward J. Erickson. Nonetheless, facts do not always get in the way of opinions and quite often the Armenian issue is likened to the Jewish Holocaust. One of the most direct connections that is made to the Jewish Holocaust is a quote from Adolf Hitler’s speech that he made in 1939 before the invasion of Poland: “Who, after all, speaks today of the extermination of the Armenians.” The document that contains this quote is often portrayed as if it were presented to the Nuremberg trials as evidence that Hitler was inspired by the Ottomans to kill Jews. There exists one small problem with this argument, however, and that is the fact that the prosecution did not submit the document that contains this text as evidence because it lacked proof of authenticity. The document was first published in 1942 by Louis Lochner in his book titled “What About Germany?” Conveniently, the source was an unnamed informant and the original document was never found. On top of that, neither of the two documents of the same speech that were presented at the Nuremberg trial as evidence had any reference to Armenians. Another largely unnoticed point is the Ottoman courts-martial of 1915-16. They were held during World War I by the Ottoman government to investigate and punish those that took advantage of the wartime conditions of Armenians as well as those that committed atrocities against them. Out of the 1,673 indi-

viduals that were accused, dozens were hanged and hundreds were imprisoned. So, to make an accurate comparison to the Jewish Holocaust, it would be necessary to assume that Hitler commissioned a committee to investigate Schutzstaffel officers’ crimes against Jews and that a number of them were either hanged or imprisoned — something which clearly never occurred. There is yet another courts-martial that was held in 1919-20. The tribunals, the main trial of which took place in Istanbul, were held due to pressure from the Allied forces and were quick to turn into scapegoat trials. None of the documents presented as evidence were allowed to be cross-examined by the defense nor was the right to present evidence given to the defendant. Moreover, no official record exists of these trials and the only written source of information on them comes from a number of reports printed on the official gazette of the Ottoman government, Takvim-i Vekayi. It was under these conditions that documents like Aram Andonian’s “Memoirs of Naim Bey” gained importance. The document contains a series of telegraphs allegedly sent by the Ottoman Minister of the Interior Mehmed Talat Pasha in which he orders the extermination of Armenians. These telegraphs were supposedly obtained by Andonian from an individual called Naim Bey, and it was the only concrete evidence suggesting that the Ottoman government ordered the extermination of Armenians. The problem with this document is that pretty much everything was wrong with it: Signatures and reference numbers did not match with the official records, and even the dates were wrong due to differences in the European and the Ottoman calendars. Imagine if the Nuremberg Trials had been based on a number of forgeries and hearsay instead of thousands and thousands of original, authentic German documents that left no doubt about the final verdict. When this same document was presented to the British government in March 1921, it was simply dismissed as another forgery coming from Istanbul. It was in this environment of “good quality” that the British wanted to conduct their own trials, the Malta tribunals. When the Armenians are reminded of the Malta tribunals, many claim that it was never a tribunal. Around May 1919, the



British started to arrest and send Turkish officers to the island of Malta. By mid-1920 there would be over 100 Turkish officers there, of whom 44 were in custody due to alleged crimes against Armenians and other Christians. Armenians are absolutely right about their claim: There was never a trial. The British appointed an Armenian called Haig Khazarian to investigate British and Ottoman archives, which were easily accessible as Istanbul was under complete British occupation by March 16, 1920. Later on British Foreign Secretary Lord George Curzon contacted British Ambassador Sir Auckland Gedes in Washington, D.C., to request that he search U.S. archives for any kind of evidence. Months of archive searching yielded no results. The tribunal never happened as Armenians claim it did not for the simple fact that there was no evidence to make a legal case against any of the detainees in Malta. On July 13, 1921, the ambassador in Washington replied to the British foreign secretary stating: “I regret to inform Your Lordship that there was nothing therein which could be used as evidence against the Turks who are being ‘detained for trial at Malta.’” By September 1921, after two years as captives, most of the Turkish prisoners were exchanged for British prisoners held by the Turks. This op-ed clearly does not address every single aspect of the comparison between the Armenian issue and the Jewish Holocaust as raised by some Armenians. Bernard Lewis, at a National Press Club conference in 2002, takes notice of other factors that completes this analysis: “But to make this, a parallel with the Holocaust in Germany, you would have to assume the Jews of Germany had been engaged in an armed rebellion against the German state, collaborating with the allies against Germany. That in the deportation order the cities of Hamburg and Berlin were exempted, persons in the employment of state were exempted, and the deportation only applied to the Jews of Germany proper, so that when they got to Poland they were welcomed and sheltered by the Polish Jews. This seems to me a rather absurd parallel.” Kerem Sahin is a senior majoring in electrical engineering.

Ashish Malhotra | Follow the Leader

Follow the “leader”?


usiness tycoon Donald Trump has been dominating the latest news cycle with his potential presidential aspirations and his incessant pestering of President Barack Obama to prove his citizenship. Obama eventually succumbed to Trump’s demands, releasing his longform birth certificate last Wednesday after requesting it from the state of Hawaii five days earlier. President Obama made light of the incident at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner on Saturday: “I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than The Donald. And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter — like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?” Additionally, President Obama played a video of the birth of the Disney character Simba in “The Lion King” (1994). referring to it as his official birth video that would put all doubts to rest. The president also mocked Trump’s credentials as a leader during his speech. “Just recently, in an episode of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so, ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil Jon or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey. These are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well handled, sir. Well handled.” Clearly, the nascent Trump campaign is turning into a joke. Not only is he wholly unqualified to be a leader of a nation, but if the focus of Trump’s campaign is going to be negative and ultimately unimportant attacks on Obama, then he will only serve to delegitimize his own campaign due to its lack of substance. The public will ultimately see through it. This is evident from the fact that Obama is not the only one who has been poking fun at Trump’s focus on his birth certificate. Last week, the satirical news organization The Onion wrote an article reporting that opponents of the president were demanding to see a sample of his placenta. Prior to the 2008 election, the Republican candidate in the general election, John McCain, was viewed by many on both sides of the aisle as a man of great substance and ability. Much of his campaign, however, was negative and focused on trivial matters such as labeling Obama a “celebrity,” accusing him of “palling around with terrorists” because he vaguely knew Bill Ayers, a man who was associated with a group that conducted violent domestic attacks in protest of the Vietnam War, and putting him in a situation where he was politically forced to cut ties with his longtime friend and pastor Jeremiah Wright. Focusing on these issues so much, instead of dealing with issues of substance, hurt McCain’s image in the eyes of many voters. Clearly, Trump has not learned from McCain’s mistakes. If this is the best leader that the Grand Old Party can offer up for 2012, then as a liberal, I am not all that concerned. Additionally, if Obama has been called elitist by many, and if John Edwards’ $400 haircut hurt his 2008 campaign as badly as some say it did, then a Trump campaign will surely face a great deal of publicity gaffes. By all means, please run, Mr. Trump. It will provide some solid entertainment.

Ashish Malhotra is a senior majoring in international relations and political science. He can be reached at Ashish.Malhotra@tufts.edu.

Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.

The Tufts Daily



Monday, May 2, 2011




Garry Trudeau

Non Sequitur


Friday’s Solution

Married to the Sea


SUDOKU Level: Picking up the last Daily of the year

Late Night at the Daily Friday’s Solution

Kochman (as he grabs another beer): “I can’t even hear my own thoughts right now.”

Please recycle this Daily.


The Tufts Daily

Monday, May 2, 2011



Studying abroad in fall 2011? Be prepared for your semester or year abroad! Upcoming required pre-departure meetings: Programs Abroad staff and study abroad alumni will go over the pre-departure checklist, discuss health and safety issues, transfer of credit, cultural adaptation and much, much more!

Tufts Programs

Non-Tufts Programs

Tufts in Madrid/Paris/TĂźbingen Africa/Asia/Caribbean/Latin America/Middle East Tuesday, May 3rd Tuesday, May 3rd 2:00 pm 11:00 am Tufts in China/Japan Mainland Europe Wednesday, May 4th Wednesday, May 4th 11:00 am 2:00 pm Tufts in London/Oxford Australia/NZ/UK/Ireland Thursday, May 5th Thursday, May 5th 11:00 am 2:00 pm

*All meetings will be held in Braker Hall 001* PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot attend your non-Tufts meeting, please attend an alternate non-Tufts meeting. If you cannot attend your Tufts meeting, please attend an alternate Tufts meeting. Students studying abroad spring 2012 will be required to attend pre-departure meetings during Reading Period in December 2011.

Meetings are required. Questions? Call x7-5871.


Over 250 day and evening courses to fit your work or internship schedule. Registration ongoing now

AC;;3@ Spring registration stressing you out? Relax. Summer is just around the corner.


May 25–July 1, 2011

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July 5–August 12, 2011

Twelve-Week Session May 25–August 12, 2011





CHALLENGE featuring

Quizmaster Bob of PJ Ryans Monday, May 2 8PM Hotung Cafe Make sure to arrive early to get a table

La of st da y cla sse s!

Teams of no more than 6 Prizes for top ďƒžnishers Faculty teams v. student teams so invite your professors! Grad student, staff and admin teams welcome!

The Tufts Daily



Monday, May 2, 2011

Compliments of the Office of the University Chaplain


Restorative Yoga Class Tues, May 3rd  Thurs, May 5th 7 – 8:30 PM Tufts University Interfaith Center 58 Winthrop Street Medford, MA

Open to yoga students of all levels – beginners welcome! Please bring a mat, if you have one and wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. Instructor: Lisa Harrington, Kripalu RYT-200 hour

For more information, please call Goddard Chapel @ 617-627-3427

The Facilities Department and Tufts Recycles! would like to congratulate the campus Recyclemania winners:

Haskell Dormitory House Category (5 way tie) Milne House/Latino Culture

Bayit House

Haskell Dormitory

92Ͳ94 Curtis Street

10 Winthrop Street

Schmalz/French House

Congratulations to the national RecycleMania winners: California State at San Marcos & Union College!

Special thanks to Rose Eilenberg, Isabel Leon, David Klausner, Roxie SalamonͲAbrams, Gaby Sloss, Tina Milburn, Mengmeng Wang and Danielle Cotter and the cleaning crew of ABM!

The Tufts Daily

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Miller shuts down Polar Bears in rubber match of series BASEBALL

continued from page 20

man starter John Lefeber. The pivotal moment came in the third inning, when Miller retired cleanup hitter Brett Gorman on a comebacker with the bases loaded, firing up the Tufts dugout. A few minutes later, Weikert smacked a fastball over the right-field fence — his second go-ahead homer of the doubleheader — to give Tufts a 2-0 lead. The Jumbos posted three more runs in the eighth inning on a rally fueled by Weikert’s leadoff single and RBI hits by senior right fielder Chase Rose and sophomore first baseman Tom Howard, but the insurance was merely a luxury. Miller retired 12 consecutive batters from the fifth through the eighth innings to seal his third win of the season, and senior Ed Bernstein hurled a scoreless ninth. Earlier on Saturday, with the Jumbos’ backs against the wall, the offenses combined for 12 runs in a tight duel. The starters — junior Dave Ryan for Tufts and sophomore Oliver Van Zant for Bowdoin — each failed to make it out of the fourth inning. The Polar Bears used a four-hit rally, capped by junior shortstop Jordan Edgett’s two-run double, to take a 3-0 lead in the top of the second, but the Jumbos quickly answered with three runs of their own. Senior left fielder Ian Goldberg led off with a double, Howard followed with an RBI single, senior cocaptain shortstop David LeResche doubled him home and senior centerfielder David Orlowitz plated the tying run with a single. Another Goldberg double and Howard

single produced a go-ahead run for Tufts in the bottom of the third, but that lead was short-lived as well. Lefeber and Edgett each had RBI hits in the top of the fourth that put the Polar Bears back ahead 5-4. That’s when Weikert took matters into his own hands. The sophomore jumped on a Lefeber fastball and powered it out of the yard for a tworun blast that tilted the game in the Jumbos’ favor. “Both of their starters on Saturday had good stuff, so my approach was to get a fastball and drive it deep into the gap,” he said. “I was lucky enough to recognize fastballs on the [inside part of the plate] and get the barrel on them.” After entering with his team down, freshman Christian Sbily was suddenly armed with a 6-5 lead and a chance to pick up his first collegiate win. He took advantage, tossing 2 1/3 innings of shutout ball and providing much needed stability to a struggling staff. Orlowitz padded the Tufts lead with a solo homer in the bottom of the sixth, and Bernstein pitched a clean seventh for his sixth save of the season in the 7-5 win. The Jumbos had to win both games on Saturday because of a sloppy showing in Friday’s opener that resulted in their first NESCAC and home loss this season. Junior starter Kevin Gilchrist was unable to miss any Bowdoin bats: 36 of the 40 hitters he faced put the ball in play. He saved the bullpen by lasting 8 1/3 innings but coughed up six runs (four earned) on 13 hits and two walks,


falling to 5-2 on the season. Junior Jake Crawford struggled in relief, surrendering a two-run homer to freshman left fielder Kyle LeBlanc and four total runs (three unearned) in just two-thirds of an inning. An impressive performance by Bowdoin freshman starter Christian Martin left the Jumbos trailing 9-3 in the ninth. The lanky left-hander allowed two runs in the first inning, then settled down to pitch eight innings, giving up just one more run and striking out eight. His deceptive delivery had the Jumbos flailing at pitches outside the strike zone, and Martin ultimately earned his fifth win of the season. Tufts loaded the bases and scored two runs against junior reliever Ian Edwards, but junior co-captain third baseman Sam Sager struck out to end the game at 9-5. The Jumbos were pleased with their overall performance this weekend and look forward to their upcoming tuneups for the NESCAC Tournament. They’ll travel to Eastern Connecticut State for a 7 p.m. start this evening, visit Wesleyan for a 3:30 p.m. contest on Wednesday and get a preview of postseason foe Middlebury in a doubleheader on Sunday. “We’re going to continue to play hard and stay focused on the last couple games on our schedule,” Weikert said. “Eastern Connecticut State and Wesleyan are really solid, tough teams that we need to prepare for before thinking about the NESCAC playoffs.” The NESCAC Tournament will take place at West No. 1 seed Amherst on May 13-15.

Ayaji, Rand also star for Jumbos at NESCACs MEN’S T & F

continued from page 17

hammer events, led by fifth- and sixthplace finishes in the hammer by senior Alex Gresham with a throw of 164-1 and sophomore Curtis Yancy with 161-1. Freshman Atticus Swett added another sixth place in the discus with 147-2.

“We were happy with the effort we put it in, but it’s tough with such strong competitors to finish highly. ... This is just even more motivation for next year to come back and do better.” Liam Cassidy freshman The team now looks ahead to the New England Div. III Championships, hosted by MIT on Friday and Saturday, where it will face off once again against the rest of the NESCAC, with added competition from the rest of New England. With Div. IIIs, Open New Englands, IC4A’s and ECACs remaining, the Jumbos will look to improve on the marks of this weekend and hit national qualifiers for the NCAA meet steadily approaching on May 26.




The Media Advocacy Board is looking for next year's Public Editor. In name, the Public Editor is the ombudsman for all of Tufts student publications and the voice of the readership. The Public Editor mimics the positions in the New York Times, Washington Post, and National Public Radio. In practice he or she serves as a watchdog for journalistic integrity, evaluates claims of bias, and strives to build better campus community through superb quality publications. The Public Editor is an independent critical entity which works to increase communication between publications, campus groups, and individuals. Tufts is one of only a few undergraduate bodies to have this type of position. Colum ns published this year have been archived here: http://www.trcommons.org/author/tuftspubliceditor/


TUFTS PUBLIC EDITOR Interested students will have:

-Familiarity with campus media -Strong writing skills -Level-headed problem solving skills -Ability to pro-actively navigate campus politics and interest groups -A vision of thriving media at Tufts and solid ideas on how to build the institutional strength of the Public Editor.

This year-long position is supported by a modest stipend. COURSE CREDIT possible. Interested applicants should email

tuftspubliceditor@gmail.com for the full application. Questions may also be directed to the 20102011 Public Editor at jacob.kreimer@tufts.edu.


The Tufts Daily



Monday, May 2, 2011

Andrew Morgenthaler/Tufts Daily

Senior co-captain pitcher Izzie Santone, here in a game earlier this season, did not let a runner past second base in Tufts’ 1-0 victory over Colby yesterday.

Showdown with rival Ephs looms as Jumbos look toward NESCAC tournament SOFTBALL

continued from page 20

a runner to move past second base until the seventh inning, but fortunately for the Jumbos, Becker blinked first. After Santone retired the side in order in the top of the seventh, sophomore second baseman Emily Beinecke led off the bottom of the frame with a sharply hit single up the middle. Freshman left fielder Sara Hedtler then added another single. After striking out the next batter, Becker looked poised to quell the Jumbos’ threat and force extra innings. Senior right fielder Kim Miner had other plans. With two outs and the winning run in scoring position, Miner slapped a game-winning single down the right-field line. Beinecke raced home from second base to ecstatic applause from the home crowd, and the Jumbos took the game from the Mules, 1-0. Santone tossed a complete-

game, six-hit shutout en route to her tenth win of the season. Becker was saddled with the loss, despite surrendering just the one run in 6 2/3 innings of work. “We did what we had to do this weekend,” junior co-captain first baseman Lena Cantone said. “But now it’s on to our next order of business — that’s our mentality right now.” Prior to clinching the East division against Colby, the Jumbos needed to take two of a three-game set against league powerhouse Trinity, which entered the weekend boasting a 19-9 overall record but, more impressively, a 7-2 mark against NESCAC opponents. Although Trinity overwhelmed Tufts in the series finale, winning 12-2 in just five innings thanks to the mercy rule, the damage had already been done. The first game of Saturday and Friday’s opener featured markedly better efforts from the Jumbos. Game one of Saturday’s dou-

bleheader was a laugher that featured 21 hits and seven fielding errors between the two teams. After digging themselves out of an early 3-1 hole, the Jumbos scored five runs in the top of the second inning and never looked back. Freshman Lauren Giglio (5-3) earned the win for Tufts, hurling four innings in relief and allowing just one run, after sophomore starter Rebecca DiBiase lasted just three frames. Meanwhile, the Jumbos lineup — led by Beinecke’s three hits, including a home run, and five RBIs — battered Bantams freshman starter Katherine Poulos for 12 runs (six earned) in five innings. The series opener on Friday afternoon was by far the tightest affair of the series. In a contest that featured two comebacks, the Jumbos finally prevailed in 13 innings with a hard-earned 5-4 victory. The winning run came on an RBI single off the bat of freshman

third baseman Kayla Holland in the top of the 13th inning. It was the second time the Jumbos had taken a one-run advantage in extra frames, but this time the Bantams were unable to mount a comeback. DiBiase set the Trinity offense down in order in the bottom of the 13th, closing out 6 1/3 strong innings of relief on the mound for the Jumbos and picking up the win. Santone pitched the first 6 2/3 frames for Tufts, allowing three runs despite recording an impressive 14 outs on groundballs. Senior Kristen Anderson pitched all 13 innings for Trinity, though her longevity went unrewarded as she fell to 9-3. “We knew what we had to do heading into the Trinity series and that was win the series,” DiBiase said. “We knew it wasn’t going to be easy, and even though we didn’t play up to our standards, we still fought out two tough victories. We just could not accept losing.”

By winning three out of four in conference play over the weekend, the Jumbos clinched the right to host the NESCAC championships. The accomplishment marked the Jumbos’ seventh straight season atop the NESCAC East standings. Tufts has earned at least a share of first place in all but one season (2004) since the NESCAC era began in 2000. The team will have a few days to celebrate before turning its attention to the next challenge: winning the NESCAC title. Tufts will open the tournament at Spicer Field on Friday afternoon, facing the West division’s No. 2 seed, Williams, at 2:30 p.m. “We’re thrilled with what we’ve been able to accomplish towards the end of the season,” Santone said. “But we’re not satisfied at all. We still have our hearts set on winning the championship, and that starts with Williams, our bitter rival, on Friday.”

Late surge sends Jumbos to NESCAC semifinals by narrowest of margins WOMEN’S LACROSSE continued from page 20

After yesterday’s win, such doubts are fading away. The two sides matched each other goal for goal for much of the afternoon, but a pair of threegoal surges from the Jumbos in the second half made all the difference. Panthers junior attackman Elizabeth Garry scored the game’s lone free-position goal with 24:35 remaining to give Middlebury an 8-7 lead, but in the next eight minutes, Tufts’ offense found the net three times. Junior attackman Lara Kozin led the way, assisting classmate Kelly Hyland at the 23-minute mark, then finding sophomore Kerry Eaton, who gave the Jumbos the lead. Then, with 17:45 to go, freshman Gabby Horner scored unassisted to make the score 10-8. The Panthers came right back to

tie it at 10 on goals from senior cocaptain attackman Chase Delano and junior attackman Stephanie Gill. But the Jumbos proceeded to play 10 minutes of mistake-free lacrosse, silencing the Panthers’ offense while scoring three more times: Horner at the 11:30 mark, Kozin at 7:45 and Horner again with 3:29 on the clock, giving Tufts a 13-10 advantage. The Panthers, unsurprisingly, had one last run in them, pulling within two before another goal by Gill made it 13-12 with 29 seconds left. Yet Tufts was able to hold Middlebury scoreless for the final seconds, and earned its first NESCAC Tournament victory since 2009. The game featured eight ties but only two lead changes, as the Jumbos were in control for most of the way. “The score was really close, but on and off the field everyone could tell

that we wanted it more,” Perez said. “We were the better team, and we showed them that we were the better team.” Hyland, Horner and junior midfielder Casey Egan scored three goals apiece, Eaton had two goals and an assist and Kozin added three assists to her conference-leading total. Middlebury senior co-captain Sally Ryan, who is listed as a midfielder but is the NESCAC goals leader, made an excellent showing in defeat, scoring four times and racking up three assists. Gill added three goals as the Panthers finished the year 10-5 overall. The ground-ball battle was even at 12 apiece, and the Jumbos outperformed the Panthers in draw controls, 16-11. Middlebury also outshot Tufts, 29-22, but senior tri-captain Sara Bloom came up with 10 huge saves in the win.

“I think I’ve come a long way since the beginning of the season,” Bloom said. “I was struggling quite a bit, and it can only be better from here.” Tufts is now the lowest seed remaining in the tournament, meaning next up on Saturday is undefeated Trinity, which handled Williams yesterday, 15-6. The Bantams, however, are by no means unbeatable — their wins over Tufts, Amherst, Middlebury and Bowdoin were all by one-goal margins. And, like they did against Middlebury, the Jumbos feel they are ready to turn the tides. “We’re nervous, but of course we’re excited as well because we just proved that we could beat Middlebury, who we had lost to by one as well,” Bloom said. “We only lost to Trinity by one, and it says a lot to only lose by one to a team that’s undefeated. We can come out on top.”

The Tufts Daily

Monday, May 2, 2011



Men’s Track & Field

Blair earns second league title in high jump; Jumbos place third by

Lauren Flament

Daily Editorial Board

Sophomore Mike Blair returned from the 2011 men’s track and field NESCAC Championships on Saturday with his secMEN’S TRACK & FIELD NESCAC Championships at Middletown, Conn., Saturday 1. Williams 2. Bates 3. Middlebury 4. Tufts 5. Amherst

188.5 122.5 112.5 99.5 65

ond career title in the high jump, though the team as a whole slipped to fourth in the final standings. While 6-3 was good enough for Blair’s win last spring, the top three of this year’s field all cleared that height, and a personal best of 6-7 earned the 2011 title for Blair. “That was a height I’ve been trying to get since high school, so it was pretty exciting for me,” Blair said. “[Leading up to the PR], it was a culmination of resting the last couple weeks, some beautiful weather and it was the first time I’ve jumped with fresh legs in a while.” Junior teammate Alex Orchowski, with an especially impressive performance given that he started jumping for the team this semester, earned the runner-up spot in the event with a clearance of 6-5. The pair earned a combined 18 points for the Jumbos Saturday, making the high jump Tufts’ best event. “I am pretty ecstatic,” Blair said. “I really went in there wanting to go 1-2 with my teammate Alex, and obviously I wanted to bring home the title again, but ultimately as long as we got 18 points it didn’t matter to me … I think I deserved it more this year with a much higher jump. Despite several other strong performances on the part of the Jumbos, the team did not meet their goal of finishing top three in the conference; 99.5 total points earned Tufts a fourth-place finish behind Williams, Bates and Middlebury. “It wasn’t exactly what we wanted, but you can’t expect to have a NESCACs like we did last year where every single event is going better than great,” Blair said. “Middlebury had one of those days, so they beat us.” Williams asserted its dominance once again with 188.5 points, earning its 21st title in the event’s 26-year history. It was the Ephs’ 11th consecutive championship, including when they shared the crown with Tufts in 2007. The Jumbos earned second at the event in 2010, but were unable to repeat such

a performance on Saturday. Instead, Bates came in second with 122.5 points, earning 74 points and three titles in the four throwing events alone. A strong day from Middlebury improved the Panthers’ fifth-place finish last spring to a third on Saturday. “We were happy with the effort we put it in, but it’s tough with such strong competitors to finish highly,” freshman Liam Cassidy said. “This is just even more motivation for next year to come back and do better.” The pole vault proved to be a big event for the Jumbos, with sophomore Brad Nakanishi earning second and senior cocaptain Sam Read in third. For the second year in a row, the event came down to Nakanishi battling it out with Colby’s Trent Wiseman. Nakanishi won last year, but this year the Tufts sophomore settled for second place, clearing the same height as Wiseman (15-1), but doing so on a later attempt. Read was close behind, with a clearance of 14-7 1/4. Sophomore jumper Gbola Ayaji brought home two third-place finishes for the Jumbos, launching himself 21-11 3/4 in the long jump and a new personal best of 46-1 1/4 in the triple jump. Blair supported Ayaji in the triple jump, adding a sixthplace finish for Tufts with another PR. Depth on the distance side also played an important role in the Jumbos’ finish. In the first event on the track, sophomore Matt Rand took third in the 10,000-meter run, crossing the line in a time of 31:45.75. Classmate Tyler Andrews added another point in the event with an eighth-place finish in 32.29.51. “Matt Rand really set the tone for the meet in the 10K,” Cassidy said. “He outkicked a guy from Wesleyan [by 0.14 seconds] and it really showed that he put all of his effort into his race.” In the 5,000-meter run, Cassidy came in third in 14:59.85 — his first time under 15 minutes. Junior Scott McArthur and sophomore Kyle Marks also added points for Tufts, finishing in sixth and seventh, respectively. “My plan going into it was to stick back during the first two miles and then really push the last one,” Cassidy said. “The race went out faster than I thought it would, but luckily my teammates really kept the pace up and I was able to stick with them.” Freshman Dan Lange-Vagle added another third-place finish, with an 11.17 showing in the 100-meter dash, while sophomore Jeff Marvel contributed a fifth-place finish in the 800-meter run in 1:55.02. Despite Bates’ dominance in the throws, the Jumbos still managed to have two scorers in each of the discus, shot put and see MEN’S T & F, page 15

Justin McCallum/Tufts Daily

Sophomore Michael Blair, here long jumping in the winter, excelled in the high jump at the NESCAC championships this weekend, winning the event for the second straight year.

15 goals allowed vs. Bowdoin most since March 2008

Athletes of the Week Eric Weikert, Baseball When the baseball team needed a doubleheader sweep on Saturday to lock down the top seed in the NESCAC East for the upcoming conference tournament, sophomore Eric Weikert delivered. The designated hitter in both games against visiting Bowdoin at Huskins Field, Weikert smashed his second and third home runs of the season in consecutive games. In the opening game, Weikert bailed out Tufts junior starter Dave Ryan, who was chased in the fourth after giving up five runs on seven hits, with a two-run shot off Bowdoin sophomore ace Oliver Van Zant, the reigning NESCAC Rookie and Pitcher of the Year. The home run, which scored junior co-captain third baseman Sam Sager, gave the Jumbos a 6-5 lead they would not relinquish. In the nightcap, Weikert provided the offensive surge to aid a stellar pitching performance by senior Derek Miller, homering in the third inning off freshman starter John Lefeber, scoring Sager, who reached on a fielder’s choice. Hitting in the cleanup spot for the first time this season, Weikert also sparked an eighthinning rally with a leadoff single that put Tufts’ lead out of reach.


continued from page 19

virginia bledsoe/tufts daily

Kelly Allen, Women’s track and field In only her second season at Tufts, thrower Kelly Allen is already smashing her way through the record books. Last weekend, Allen proved that she could hang with Div. I and Div. II athletes at a meet at Princeton, and this weekend the sophomore followed that up with her most impressive throw yet, a 152-4 in the discus at the NESCAC Championships at Wesleyan to win her second straight NESCAC title in the event. The throw was both a Tufts record — the previous record was 148-2, also by Allen — as well as a NESCAC record, besting a throw by Williams’ Anna Williams of 148-2 in 2007. How dominant was Allen in the discus? The next best performer on Saturday, Williams’ Amina Avril, threw nearly 14 feet behind the star sophomore, with a throw of 138-8. Allen currently ranks third nationally in the event, and has automatically qualified to compete at the NCAA Championships in late May. virginia bledsoe/tufts daily

—Compiled by the Daily Sports Department

in them,” Gardner said. “It was that simple. They sealed the deal for us today.” On Friday, the Jumbos traveled to Bowdoin for their final regular-season game and suffered their first conference loss since April 17, 2010. Junior attackman Sean Kirwan led the Jumbos with five goals, but the team as a whole shot 9-for36 and allowed a season-high 15 goals, the team’s biggest defensive breakdown since March 2008. “Against Bowdoin, we just let their middies, who were big and athletic, get top-side all day and just cut across the middle of the field,” Diss said. “Coming off that game, we knew that was something we had to work on. We had a light practice Saturday, and we talked about the game and really focused on what we had to do mentally to come back for [Conn.].” With yesterday’s win, Tufts earned itself another shot at the Polar Bears, this time in the NESCAC Semifinals on Saturday at noon on Bello Field. “We’re just glad to have earned another week,” Molloy said. “We’re back out here for seven more days, and we’re going to keep grinding and playing our game.”


The Tufts Daily


Monday, May 2, 2011

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The Tufts Daily

Monday, May 2, 2011



Men’s Lacrosse

Tufts pounds Conn. College to advance to NESCAC semifinals by

Kate Klots

Senior Staff Writer

The men’s lacrosse team bounced back from a staggering six-point loss to Bowdoin on Friday by thrashing Conn. College 12-6 MEN’S LACROSSE (13-2, 8-1 NESCAC) Bello Field, Sunday NESCAC Quarterfinals Conn. Coll. Tufts

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at Brunswick, Maine, Friday Tufts 1 Bowdoin 2

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in the opening round of the NESCAC Tournament yesterday afternoon. The Jumbos scored six goals late in the third quarter to defeat the Camels and advance to next Saturday’s semifinals. Senior attackmen Ryan Molloy and D.J. Hessler, both quad-captains, came up unexpectedly big in yesterday’s game after an embarrassing 15-9 loss to the Polar Bears on Friday. Molloy recorded two goals and four assists while Hessler, battling through a tweaked ankle, finished the afternoon with a hat trick and an assist. “Coming off of the loss, we just focused on us,” Molloy said. “Getting better one ground ball at a time. The game against Bowdoin was demoralizing, embarrassing; we knew we could play better and [Sunday] we came out and we did.” Freshman goalie Patton Watkins posted 13 saves, while Tufts’ defense shut out the Camels’ leading scorer, senior midfielder Mark Mangano, who finished the game with seven shots but no points. The Jumbos also frustrated the Camels’ five other leading scorers, holding each to a single point. “We’d already played these guys once, so we understood what they do and the way they play,” sophomore defenseman Sam Gardner said. “Today we focused on playing solid team defense instead of any particular assignments. We just had to play

our game: slide early and don’t try anything special.” After the Camels jumped out to a 1-0 lead, Tufts responded with three straight scores, and a seemingly impenetrable Tufts defense allowed Conn. only one more goal in the half, heading into the second period up 4-2. “We’re used to playing a lot of defense because of the fast-paced game we play on attack,” sophomore defensive midfielder Sam Diss said. “So we’re prepared to take five, six minutes on defense at a time, whatever we need to make a stand. We weren’t fazed at all when Conn. had those types of possessions because we knew that as long as we played as a unit and forced outside shots, we’d be fine.” After sophomore midfielder Mike Giambanco brought the Camels within one in the third quarter, Molloy took over with two assists and two goals to close out the period and spark a 6-0 Jumbos run that extended halfway into the final quarter. “We approach every game with the mentality that it’s sixty minutes,” Molloy said. “The first thirty minutes they gave us their knockout punch, but we knew that if we started winning face-offs and putting some in the net that we could slow the game down and really take it to them.” Tufts dominated midfield play and secured 33 groundballs to the Camels’ 20, while junior midfielder Nick Rhoads controlled eight groundballs and won 13 of 22 face-offs for the Jumbos. “I think our defensive middies really stepped up big and kept Conn. down the alleys all day,” Diss said. “We have a great attacking unit — they’ve played together the last two years — so as long as we can get them the ball in a hurry they can make something happen.” Conn. College junior goalie John Lenehan posted 12 saves, but his efforts could not suppress a Jumbos attacking unit eager to redeem itself from Friday’s single-digit performance — one of only three this season. “Our offense really picked it up in the second half and started to put the dagger see MEN’S LACROSSE, page 17

Virginia Bledsoe/Tufts Daily

Senior attackman Ryan Molloy had two goals and four assists in yesterday’s beatdown of Conn. College.

Women’s Track and Field

Five individual titles give Jumbos third-place finish at NESCACs by

Connor Rose

Senior Staff Writer

The Jumbos were able to win five individual titles and place third overall as a team at the NESCAC Championships, hosted by Wesleyan on Saturday. WOMEN’S TRACK & FIELD NESCAC Championships at Middletown, Conn., Saturday 1. Williams 2. Middlebury 3. Tufts 4. Colby 5. Bowdoin

194 163 131 93 78

Williams took home the team title, earning 194 points and comfortably outdistancing itself from second place Middlebury, which had 163 points. Tufts finished third with 131 points, well ahead of fourth-place Colby. As usual, the field events provided much of the Jumbos’ firepower, with sophomore Kelly Allen leading the way. Allen won her second straight NESCAC title in the discus throw with an NCAA automatic-qualifying throw that is also a NESCAC record. Her throw of 152-4 was almost 14 feet ahead of the second-place finisher and ranks her third nationally, though her huge effort in her favorite event

tired her out a bit for her other competitions. “At some point when I was warming up for discus, I decided that everything before that didn’t matter,” Allen said. “I am really confident in discus, and I knew I had the opportunity to do really well in it. I didn’t want to let the other events get to me.” Even though Allen wasn’t at her best, she still led the way for the Jumbos in the hammer throw, finishing third overall with a throw of 149-2. Sophomore Sabienne Brutus was right behind in fourth place with a throw of 148-0. Freshman Robin Armstrong scored in the javelin, finishing seventh with a

Justin McCallum/Tufts Daily

Sophomore Sabienne Brutus took fourth place in the hammer throw at the NESCAC Championship Saturday, contributing to the Jumbos’ third-place finish in the meet.

throw of 106-03, while Allen did not place. Highlighting the Jumbos excellent performances in the throwing events was the one-two finish by sophomore Ronke Oyekunle and Allen in the shot put. They both threw the same distance of 42-03 1/4, but Oyekunle won the tiebreaker by virtue of her second-best throw besting Allen’s. The distance they both threw is a provisional qualifying mark for ECACs and ranks them tied for 21st nationally. “It is awesome how strong we are as a throwing squad,” Allen said. “Ronke, Sabienne and I are all qualified for ECACs. This weekend showed how much work we’ve put in, and now it’s starting to pay off.” The Jumbos excelled in the jumping events as well. Junior Nakeisha Jones won the triple jump with 38-9 1/2, over a foot ahead of the second-place finisher. The jump improved her provisional qualifying mark and leaves her ranked ninth nationally. A national-qualifier during the indoor season, junior Heather Theiss tied for second in the pole vault with a vault of 10-10. Senior tri-captain Kanku Kabongo finished fourth in the triple jump with a jump of 36-06 1/4 and third in the long jump with a jump of 17-0 3/4 and seventh in the 100-meter dash in 13.18 seconds. She also ran the leadoff leg of the fifth-place 4x100-meter relay team, along with sophomore Alyssa Corrigan, freshman Colleen Flanaga and sophomore Sam Bissonnette. Senior Amy Wilfert led the way in the distance events, winning the 1,500-meter race with a provisional qualifying time of 4:34.06

and beating out Amherst junior Melissa Sullivan down the stretch. Wilfert’s time currently ranks her seventh nationally. “I definitely wanted to win the 1,500,” said Wilfert. “That was the main focus because that was first and then I could think about the [5,000]. We were hoping maybe I would have a little bit more in the [5,000], but the competition was really stiff.” Racing against some fresh legs and elite competition, Wilfert was still able to finish fourth in the 5,000-meter race in 17:50.04. Sophomore Julia Hajnoczky also scored in the race, finishing seventh in 18:17.16. “In the [5,000], I ran more conservatively than I would have had I been fresh,” Wilfert said. “No one really wanted to lead it, so I could hang back and put myself in a good position. I just wanted to be able to respond to surges if that happened and hang on as best I could.” Freshman Jana Hieber also fared well this weekend, competing in four different events. In addition to competing in the 4x400-meter relay, she competed in the two hurdling events and the high jump. She won the 400-meter hurdles in 1:03.39, bettering her provisional qualifying time and ranking her 18th nationally. She also finished third in the 100-meter hurdles in 15.40 seconds, bettering her time in the qualifying round by over threetenths of a second. Now that the conference meet has passed, the Jumbos will look to focus on their individual events while trying to qualify for additional meets as the postseason progresses. Tufts will compete at MIT for Div. III Regionals next weekend.



INSIDE Men’s Lacrosse 19 Women’s Track and Field 19 Men’s Track and Field 17




Jumbos earn right to host NESCAC tournament by

Zachey Kliger

Daily Staff Writer

The softball team found itself at a crossroads heading into the final weekend of the regular season, with a series SOFTBALL (22-16, 9-3 NESCAC East) Spicer Field, Sunday Colby 0 Tufts 1 at Hartford, Conn., Saturday Tufts 2 Trinity 12 Tufts 12 Trinity 5 at Hartford, Conn., Friday Steven Smith/Tufts Daily

Sophomore outfielder Eric Weikert drives a two-run home run over the right field wall in the bottom of the fifth inning of Game One of Saturday’s doubleheader, giving Tufts a 6-5 lead. He finished with two home runs and four RBIs in the series against Bowdoin.

Daniel Rathman

Daily Editorial Board

The baseball team’s weekend series against Bowdoin presented a unique scenario in which both squads conBASEBALL (22-6-1, 11-1 NESCAC East) Huskins Field, Saturday Bowdoin Tufts

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Bowdoin Tufts

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Huskins Field, Friday Bowdoin Tufts

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trolled their own destiny. Whichever team won two games out of the threegame set would earn the NESCAC East Division’s No. 1 seed in the upcoming conference tournament. Although the Jumbos (22-6-1 overall, 11-1 NESCAC) and Polar Bears (20-10, 8-3) were both already assured of a berth in the playoffs, each wanted to make a statement. Both teams met in the conference championship game last year — won 6-1 by Tufts — and confidence could make all the difference in a rematch this postseason. “Every NESCAC series is important, and this one especially because there’s a good chance we’ll see these guys again in the playoffs,” sophomore first baseman and designated hitter Eric Weikert said. “We really wanted to set the tone in the event that we play them again.”

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Senior starter Derek Miller did just that in the rubber match on Saturday afternoon, earning the win in his final career outing at Huskins Field and clinching the division title with a 5-0 victory. Miller hurled eight innings of shutout ball, allowing four hits and three walks, while striking out three. “I was lucky to see the first two games and see how [Bowdoin’s hitters] reacted to our starters,” Miller said. “They have a really aggressive lineup, and I felt that if I could control my offspeed stuff enough to throw it in any count — whether 0-0 or 3-2 — I could be successful.” Each goose egg Miller put up gave the Jumbos’ offense a chance to take the lead against Polar Bears fresh-

win against Trinity and a strong showing versus Colby yielding the No. 1 seed in the NESCAC tournament but a loss potentially ceding the two East division playoff spots to Trinity and Bowdoin. With their season on the line, the Jumbos (22-16 overall, 9-3 NESCAC East) rose to the occasion, taking two of three games at Trinity before capping off a fine weekend with a thrilling, 1-0 walkoff victory over Colby at Spicer Field. “At the start of the season, this is probably not the finish we would’ve signed up for,” senior co-captain pitcher Izzie Santone said. “However, we knew that we controlled our own destiny and we just had to take care of our own business. Fortunately, we were able to do that.” The Mules came to Medford yesterday with a woeful 1-10 record in NESCAC play and no hope of earning a postseason, but with nothing to lose, they delivered arguably their best performance of the spring. Both starting pitchers — sophomore Lauren Becker for Colby and Santone for Tufts — were in top form. Neither allowed

see BASEBALL, page 15

see SOFTBALL, page 16

Jumbos take two of three from Polar Bears, clinch second straight NESCAC East title by

Tufts Trinity

Women’s Lacrosse

Jumbos eke past Panthers in NESCAC Quarterfinal thriller by

Aaron Leibowitz

Daily Editorial Board

The women’s lacrosse team lost four conference games during the regular seaWOMEN’S LACROSSE (11-5, 5-4 NESCAC) at Middlebury, Vt., Sunday NESCAC Quarterfinals Tufts Middlebury

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Bello Field, Friday Bowdoin Tufts

son, each decided by a single goal. But in yesterday’s NESCAC Quarterfinal against Middlebury, in a nail-biter with the season on the line, Tufts came out on top. After losses to Middlebury and Bowdoin to finish the regular season, the Jumbos slipped to 5-4 in the league and into the lower half of the tourna-

ment bracket, losing homefield advantage. Yet No. 5 seed Tufts was unfazed on the road at Middlebury, knocking the Panthers out of the playoffs with a 13-12 victory. “Everyone on the field fought for every last ball, tried to be as smart as possible and I think that’s what it came down to — just everyone working together,” junior attackman Steph Perez said. “We haven’t played this well all season, and it was awesome.” When the Jumbos played Middlebury on April 23, the team wasn’t in sync, and it resulted in a 10-9 loss. “The last time we played them our attack really struggled,” Perez said. “For some reason, we weren’t passing as well as we normally do, because we’re a very good interior passing team, and we’ve just been really off lately. It’s not anything skill-wise, it’s just we had to prove to ourselves that we could really do this.” see WOMEN’S LACROSSE, page 16

Virginia Bledsoe/Tufts Daily

In Tufts’ NESCAC quarterfinal victory against Middlebury, junior attacker Kelly Hyland, shown here at an April 12 game, was one of three Jumbos to score three goals.

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