Partly Sunny 54/37
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
TUPD emails spark questions about terminology, sensitivity by Saumya Vaishampayan
Daily Editorial Board
Tony Cannistra/Tufts Daily
Students will no longer be able to ride the T into Boston on weekends starting Saturday due to scheduled Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority repairs.
Tufts to provide weekend shuttle to Harvard in place of Red Line The Tufts administration will provide a free weekend shuttle service from campus to Harvard Square in order to mitigate the impact of the impending Massachusetts by
Kathryn Olson
Daily Editorial Board
Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Red Line repairs, according to Executive Vice President Patricia Campbell. MBTA earlier this month announced that starting Nov. 5, the Red Line north of the Harvard Square station, which includes the Davis
Bosworth steps down as Special Representative by
Minyoung Song
Daily Editorial Board
Stephen Bosworth, the dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, last week resigned as the Obama administration’s Special Representative for North Korea Policy. Having served the role for two-and-ahalf years, Bosworth made his final appearance as Special Representative at talks held in Geneva on Oct. 24 and 25. U.S. Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna Glyn Davies was appointed to succeed Bosworth. Bosworth expressed confidence in Davies’ qualifications for the role. “I think he is very experienced and an outstanding diplomat who will do a very good job in this difficult position,” Bosworth said. Bosworth has balanced his diplomatic role with his deanship at Fletcher for over two years. His recent decision to step down was primarily motivated by his confidence in the progress made in recent years in the United States’ diplomatic relations with North Korea. “I think that the problems that are posed by North Korea are going to require careful attention by the U.S. for a long time of several years to come,” Bosworth said. “I think I have been able to make a contribution, but I think it is a time for transition.” Bosworth cited the high amount of travsee BOSWORTH, page 2
Square station, will not operate on weekends until March to complete $80 million in overdue repairs. “We’re planning on adding a free shuttle from campus to Harvard Square on weekends see MBTA, page 2
In light of the Oct. 22 safety alert from the Tufts University Police Department ( TUPD) about a sexual assault near campus, a follow-up email and the reaction on campus, the Daily took a closer look at definitions, laws and campus policies governing safety and information release at Tufts, and how these factors affect the language of safety alerts. Under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, universities are required to make available information about crime and security policies on campus in a timely manner and through annual reports. The Clery Act, part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, is a federal law that applies to all postsecondary institutions that take part in federal student aid programs. The passage of the Clery Act prompted the safety alert notification system currently in place at Tufts, according to TUPD Captain Linda O’Brien. A follow-up email sent later on Oct. 22, which was not a safety alert, placed the incident near campus in context of other sexual assaults in the Somerville area. The language and wording of this email, how-
ever, sparked discussion about victim blaming and sensitivity. In response, the Department of Public and Environmental Safety, the Dean of Student Affairs Office, the Women’s Center and the Department of Health Education held an informational meeting on Oct. 28 to discuss campus safety and sexual assaults. Definitions Tufts’ sexual assault policy defines sexual assault as “the act of committing an unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature, whether by an acquaintance or by a stranger, that occurs without indication of consent of both individuals, or that occurs under threat or coercion.” This definition specifies, but is not limited to, various acts including rape, sexual assault with an object and threat of sexual assault. The definition of sexual assault outlined in Tufts’ sexual assault policy differs in wording from that of Massachusetts state law. According to Massachusetts state law, sexual assault is defined alongside rape. “Sexual assault and rape are crimes of violence and control, using sex acts as a weapon. Rape and see SAFETY, page 2
Leonard Carmichael Society’s ‘Halloween on the Hill’ offers local kids a treat
Josh Berlinger/Tufts Daily
Nearly 200 Boston-area elementary school students on Sunday braved the cold and donned their Halloween costumes for the Leonard Carmichael Society’s annual Halloween on the Hill event. Tufts student volunteers put on events including haunted house tours, arts-and-crafts activities and trick-or-treating around the dorms.
Inside this issue
Today’s sections
Tufts takes a look at the Christian Science community on campus.
‘In Motion’ debuts its sixth season tonight.
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see ARTS, page 5
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The Tufts Daily
Visiting the Hill this Week TUESDAY “Derailing Democracy in Latin America” Details: University of Massachusetts Boston Professor of Africana Studies Jean Lesly Rene will deliver a lecture on relations between the United States and Haiti. Director of the National Security Archive’s Chile Documentation Project Peter Kornbluh, who is also the author and director of the Cuba Documentation Project, will also discuss the nature of terrorism and the Central Intelligence Agency. When and Where: 7 p.m.; Braker 001
Sponsors: Tufts University Diversity Fund; Peace and Justice Studies Program; International Relations Program THURSDAY “ENVS Lunch & Learn: The Phoenix Islands Protected Area” Details: Associate Research Scientist at the New England Aquarium Randi Rotjan will deliver a lecture about the politics and conservation of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area, the world’s second-largest protected marine area. When and Where: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.; Lincoln Filene Center
Rabb Room Sponsor: Environmental Studies Program; Tufts Institute of the Environment “Kenzaburo Oe in Conversation with Professor Susan Napier” Details: Japanese novelist and winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize for Literature Kenzaburo Oe will hold a discussion with Professor of Japanese Language and Literature Susan Napier. When and Where: 5:30 p.m.; Cohen Auditorium Sponsor: Center for the Humanities at Tufts —by Mahpari Sotoudeh
Davis T stop to close weekends starting Saturday MBTA
continued from page 1
and are still working out the details of the exact locations and times of the shuttle,” Campbell said. Campbell explained that the university will front the cost for additional shuttles to Harvard Square provided by Joseph’s Transportation, the company that runs the Joey shuttle between campus and Davis Square. “We have lots of students who travel between our campus and Boston, and we are sensitive to that,” Campbell said. “We think [this shuttle] is in the interest of the students’ safety.” Sophomore Tu f t s Community Union ( TCU) Senator Lia Weintraub, co-chair of the Services Committee, supports the administration’s decision to offer the shuttle. “I admire how proactive this administration was and how they really took into account the students desire to get into Boston and worked on behalf of the student body,” Weintraub said. The MBTA will send weekend crews to repair tunnel leaks, damaged rubber slabs and power lines on which the Red Line runs, according to Paul Regan, Executive Director of the MBTA Advisory Board. Regan said that although the need for repairs to the Red
Line have been expected for some time, the scope of the project is significant. “Every tunnel in the world leaks and needs to be repaired,” Regan told the Daily. “You plan for it when you build it. These repairs were anticipated, but they are not routine. This is a big deal.” According to Regan, the MBTA will provide free shuttles that stop at Red Line stations affected by the repairs. “We’re going to do everything we can to keep the same schedule and stop at the same locations at the Red Line,” he said. Regan said that the free shuttle service is possible because the MBTA uses fewer buses on its regular routes during the weekend. “We would have never been able to do this on a normal weekday during the normal rush hour,” he said. Regan lamented the fact that the several year delay in the Red Line repairs was caused by extreme constraints to the MBTA budget. “This section of the Red Line is a classic example of deferred maintenance,” Regan said. “It’s not only fiscally silly, but it has an impact on service and liability.” The MBTA currently has approximately $4.5 billion in backlogged repairs, Regan said. The Red Line repairs are part of $420 million being spent this year on
such projects. “All tunnels have wear and tear,” Regan said. “That’s not a surprise, but the trick is to find the money to do it. MBTA must have its financial crisis solved so that it can find the money for these projects.” In 2009, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick ordered an independent report to be conducted to provide a comprehensive assessment of the MBTA. The results of the study stressed the danger of unfunded safety projects, such as the Red Line repairs. “In addition to the potential of derailment, if the situation exacerbates, speed along the portion of the Red Line could slow to 10 mph. This will have a residual service impact with delays along the entire Red Line,” the report said. Regan said that the Red Line on a typical weekday serves 241,603 commuters, and the high volume of passengers forced the MBTA to limit repairs to the weekends. “We can’t shut down the Red Line completely,” Regan said. “It services the most customers. The idea of doing service during the weekday was not an option because there aren’t enough buses to compensate [the Red Line commuters]. A weekend moratorium lets us get it done in three months.”
Bosworth improved U.S. policy toward North Korea bosworth
continued from page 1
el necessitated by the job as another reason for his decision to leave the post. “It has been two-and-a-half years, and that is a long time to be doing the travel that this job requires.” Bosworth said. “I think that in the future, this [special envoy position] is probably going to require someone who can work on the problem for a full-time basis.” Bosworth was optimistic about the progress made in U.S. policy toward North Korea during his tenure. “I think we have stabilized the situation and created a base for renewal of bilateral and multilateral dialogue with North Korea,” he said. Bosworth stressed the importance of the United States’ continued commitment to the issues concerning North Korea. “This is a long-term engagement, a long-term problem that will be with us for years to go, so it is a good time for the transition,” he said.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of International Politics at Fletcher Sung-Yoon Lee, who specializes in North Korean politics, praised the Obama administration’s firm approach toward North Korea throughout Bosworth’s tenure. “In the past, it has always been the North Korea’s strategy to put pressure on the U.S. when the U.S. was perceived by North Korea and other countries to be concerned with other things,” he said. “Obama and his administration did not bite on North Korea’s bait.” Seth Leighton, a secondyear masters of Arts in Law and Diplomacy candidate, echoed Lee’s praise. “The period in which Dean Bosworth took over these duties was one of many trials and tribulations, and if you look at where we are now, we are certainly in a better state than when he took over,” Leighton said. “I think there are a lot of potential positive steps being taken with the development of the enterprises of northeast [Asia],” Leighton added.
Courtesy The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
After two-and-a-half years in the position, Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Stephen Bosworth stepped down as the Obama administration’s Special Representative for North Korea Policy.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Students raise concerns over phrasing of TUPD email SAFETY
continued from page 1
sexual assault are not sexually motivated acts; rather, they stem from aggression, rage, sexism, and the determination to exercise power over someone else.” Massachusetts law further states that, “sexual assault is often more broadly defined as any sexual activity that is forced or coerced or unwanted.” The Tufts policy was worded in a manner to make it easier for students to understand the university definition, according to Tufts Violence Prevention Education Coordinator Elaine Theodore. “Looking at our state definition, we wanted to make it more user-friendly,” Theodore said. “It’s an extrapolation ... more clearly explained for students.” The university sexual assault policy does not currently define indecent assault and battery, which is a term sometimes used in safety alerts released by TUPD. At Tufts, sexual assault is used as an “umbrella term” that encompasses indecent assault and battery, according to Director of Public and Environmental Safety Kevin Maguire. Indecent assault and battery, Maguire said, is a legal term that is defined as the use of force to grope that does not include penetration.
Clery Act at Tufts In compliance with the Clery Act’s stipulation for timely information, TUPD releases safety alerts following reported crimes on and around campus. “We initiated our alerts based on the Clery Act. Clery requires us to give a timely warning ... letting you guys know when certain crimes happen within specific locations relative to campus,” O’Brien said. There is currently no consistent method in place to write the safety alerts, according to Maguire, and the author of each alert, a TUPD officer, varies from incident to incident. The lack of a consistent method has lead to irregularities in the language used. A Sept. 12 safety alert with a female victim first used the term “assaulted” and later described her as being “indecently assaulted,” while the Oct. 22 safety alert described a similar situation but used the term “sexual assault.” “The author generally decides when to use the terms,” Maguire said. “We try to tailor each message to each incident and sometimes terms get used interchangeably and that shouldn’t happen.” He added, however, that the main goal is always to inform the community as quickly as possible. “We’re kind of in our own little world trying to push out information to a broad community,” Maguire said. “We try to balance that with the context of the message. Our main point is to get the info out so that people can stay safe.” Maguire said that there will be an emphasis on precise language in safety alerts going forward. Theodore similarly called for a balance between timely information and language. “The last thing anyone needs is confusion about such a sensitive topic,” she said. Follow-up email and controversy The Clery Act also applies to areas immediately adjacent to
campus, according to Maguire. “Sometimes we’ll put out alerts in the general area,” he said. “We have to evaluate them ... figure out if they will lend more safety as opposed to more panic to our community.” The Oct. 22 follow-up email, titled “Important Information from Tufts Police,” referred to the sexual assault near campus and mentioned similar incidents in Somerville, with information from the Somerville Police Department. The email was a generalization, according to Maguire, in order to raise awareness levels on campus. “Our intent was to raise the general level of perception about this ... [and the] general defensive strategies of people,” Maguire said. The email did not specify the number of other incidents that have occurred or give details about the locations of these incidents. “In these incidents, women have reported being grabbed from behind by a man and indecently assaulted before scaring off the attacker. The target is typically a lone female, usually wearing a skirt or dress, who is walking late at night or early in the morning from the Porter Square or Davis Square MBTA Stations. Descriptions of the suspects in these incidents varies,” the email said. Some students who attended the Oct. 28 meeting about campus safety voiced concerns about the language in the follow-up email, referring to the description of women in the incidents as usually wearing a skirt or dress. This type of description can be construed as placing blame on the victim, many students said. Senior Emma Shakarshy, who was present at the meeting and is a member of Students Acting for Gender Equality (SAGE), said she did not understand the intention of the follow-up email. She said it vaguely alluded to incidents in the area, which made the descriptions of the victims sound like generalizations. Shakarshy took issue with the follow-up email, not with the initial safety alert, which she said was more sensitively worded. “I think that the actual safety alert ... was fine,” she said. “When I got that information that was enough information for me to go on. It was the follow-up message that was problematic,” Shakarshy said. Because TUPD did not draw a clear connection between the other incidents in the follow-up email and the Oct. 22 sexual assault near campus, Shakarshy said the added mention in the follow-up email of the victims’ clothing seemed like victim blaming. “I just thought they gave unnecessar y information about this very vague trend that they allude to but don’t specify,” she said. Maguire said that the link was made between the different incidents because the suspect description and modus operandi were similar across the different cases. While the Somerville Police Department has not officially said that the incidents are connected, Maguire said, there are notable similarities. “The descriptions are similar. All the victims have a close description,” Somerville Police Department Deputy Chief Paul Upton told New England Cable News on Oct. 23. “But there are also a number of differences. So we’re not locking ourselves onto one suspect.”
Faith on the Hill: Christian Science by
Hannah Furgang | The Tim Tam Slam
Jeepers creepers
Lily Sieradzki
Contributing Writer
One of the most misunderstood faiths in the world, Christian Science, has found a home, focused but small, on the Hill. A New Hampshire woman named Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science, a sect of Protestant Christianity, in the late 19th century. Eddy’s text, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” and the Bible, serve as the main texts for the faith. Followers believe in the concept of God as an all-loving being and Jesus as a healer. Specifically, Christian Scientists believe that as followers of Jesus, they can heal through prayer. “Anyone who prays to understand the inherent goodness of God can heal himself or anyone else,” Adrian Dahlin (LA ’10), who works at the Tufts Institute of the Environment, said. Junior Barrett Sparkman, president of Tufts’ Christian Science Organization (CSO), explained it slightly differently. “Christian Science sees itself as a science, sort of a demonstrative understanding of humans’ relationship to God that allows to you to heal,” he said. This healing can apply both to physical problems and to emotional problems, such as stress in school. The interpretation and practice of prayer is a highly personal conversation between the individual and God, according to sophomore Ellen Mayer. “I do pray on a regular basis,” Mayer said. “When I come up against something good or bad in my day, I address it from a spiritual standpoint and link
Kyra Sturgill/Tufts Daily
Boston serves as a spiritual base for Christian Scientists as the location of the Christian Science world headquarters. Tufts’ Christian Scientists thrive on the Hill by making the most out of small numbers. it to my understanding of God. It’s a constant process.” Christian Science does not force its followers to rely on prayer over traditional medicine to maintain health, according to Paul Sander, a secondyear graduate student in the School of Engineering. Personal choice, he noted, comes into play. “It’s not a hard-and-fast rule,” he said. Sander said he recently experienced a successful healing, when he injured
his knee after playing a vigorous game of kickball. He dealt with this problem through personal prayer and seeking the help of a Christian Science practitioner, a professional guide for healing. “I was focusing on that — if God is my father and perfect and really does have a sense of life and health and purpose and love, I can’t be limited in my life, and I can find those qualities too,” he said. see CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, page 4
Boston vegetarian festival charms taste buds by
Rebecca Santiago
Daily Editorial Board
On Saturday and Sunday, the 16th annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, presented by the Boston Vegetarian Society, served up meatfree plates that satisfied the tastes of vegans and omnivores alike. Hosted at Roxbury Community College’s Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, the festival was comprised of dozens of booths from local and national vendors. From sprouts to Thai food to truly decadent desserts, the fair offered a spread capable of pleasing just about anyone — save Ron Swanson from “Parks and Recreation” or the odd Tyrannosaurus Rex. Chris Allison, a member of the festival’s organizing committee, explained that the festival offered a way for vegetarians, vegans and curious omnivores to connect and explore vegetarianism in an environment free of both meat and pontification. Speakers on vegetarian-related topics and chefs offering live cooking demonstrations aided that educational process. Describing his vegan lifestyle, Allison said, “It’s something that’s important to me personally, but… I don’t believe in shoving messages down people’s throats. I think something like the food fest is a fantastic way to do outreach. If people are interested, they can come see what it’s all about.” Allison, who went vegetarian in his sophomore year of college seven years ago and vegan shortly thereafter, said that, though he used to eat “nothing but meat” before his dietary conversion, he found the shifts to vegetarianism and veganism “fairly straightforward.” “There’s such a great world of options out there for anyone who wants to be vegetarian or vegan, but a lot of the world doesn’t know about it,” said Allison. “You think going
Rebecca Santiago/Tufts Daily
The 16th annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival this weekend drew vegans and omnivores alike. vegetarian means eating soy-based fake meat all the time, but there are so many fantastic options out there nowadays.” Andrea Eisenberg, another member of the organizing committee, attested to that variety. Since Eisenberg became a vegetarian in 2002 and embraced the vegan lifestyle a few years later, she’s seen exciting additions to the vegetarian and vegan food scene. “It is so phenomenal, the exponential rise in the numbers of amazing foods that are available. Like, three years ago, we were going, ‘We wish we had cheese, we wish we had cheese!’ And, boom — this company came out, and they revolutionized vegan cheese,” she said. This revolution was Daiya, a dairyfree cheese substitute occupying a busy booth in the corner of the room.
Their grilled “cheese” sandwich samples featured melty and tangy cheddar-style shreds. With its convincing taste and texture, Daiya cheddar is close enough to the real deal that non-dairy-eaters won’t feel like they’re missing out. “I think people, in a lot of ways, think veganism is about deprivation, and I can tell you that none of us see it that way at all. I love food,” Eisenberg said. “You should see us when we eat. When the dessert cart comes by, we do not hesitate,” said Allison. “It is not some ascetic thing. It’s not like we’re swearing vows of poverty or wearing ‘Hair’ shirts. We’re living life, we’re loving life, and this is just part of how we do that.” Faux-cheese aside, the festival see VEGETARIAN, page 4
t’s the scariest time of year. There’s an ominous chill in the air and the trees are growing barer by the day. This past weekend was particularly frightening. Students could be seen crossing Pro Row with extra caution, casting wary glances at their backs lest they fall prey to the soul-sucking beings that for three days walked among us: Parents. These past two months it has been pretty easy to forget that those guys exist. Fellow freshmen, I urge you to dwell for a moment on how sweet it is to be released from the shackles of living-at-home-dom. Party waffles can be eaten with abandon. You can stay up way past your bedtime. The “no TV until at least some of your homework is done” rule doesn’t apply here. I personally have been living something of a fantasy life since I’ve been here. I can walk to Spanish class without a coat and my parents can’t do anything about it. But then Parents Weekend happens. Students everywhere have to break out of their guidance-less haze and brush their hair. Beds are made, psychology textbooks replace “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” (2006), and your free giveaway from Oh Megan’s guest lecture is stored in a safe, safe place. Because more terrifying than a herd of student living-dead stumbling and lurching down your hall asking for your brains is the presence of the people who gave you life. They basically own you. Since we can’t (politely) tell them to leave, allow me to take a few paragraphs to share with you some wisdom I picked up this past weekend on how to deal with any parental drop-ins. First, direct them straight to the nearest dining hall. Everyone gets less authoritarian with a little food in the belly. Also, it is exceedingly difficult to nag with food in one’s mouth. This is a prime time to push some really chewy meat. While they’re masticating, take the opportunity to tell them about all your academic triumphs. Watch them beam as you gloat about the check-plus you got on your Spanish homework two weeks ago. Their pride should be palpable when you show them the receipt from the MasteringBiology problem set you aced. Lay it all on them. There is no feat too small in the world of academia. When you run out of accomplishments, it’s time to take your mom to see an a capella show, preferably one featuring the Bubs. Tell her that, yes, that one really cute young man was most certainly looking at her during “Cecilia.” The one caveat is that she will start asking you why you don’t have a boyfriend. Remind her that with all the time you spend studying, it’s hard to find a significant other. Also, as an official adult now, you are only looking for meaningful relationships. It has to really count. Now for the hardest part: the dorm tour. Text some floormates to get a good idea of who is in the common room before you even think of bringing your parents up there. The antics of your sketchy neighbor are probably a lot funnier to you than to the people who raised you. Next — and this takes some planning ahead — you want your side of the room to be the cleaner side. Muss up your roommate’s bed sheets just a tad and leave a shirtsleeve hanging out of her drawer. Loose papers all over your desk? A simple sweep of the arm will make them your roomie’s problema. Lastly, it’s OK to show the rents a little love. If they’re anything like mine, they can be aight sometimes. Hannah Furgang is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. She can be reached at
The Tufts Daily
Christian Scientists on the Hill practice their faith CHRISTIAN SCIENCE continued from page 3
The Boston area serves as a spiritual base for Christian Scientists as the location of the Christian Science world headquarters, the “Mother Church,” — the First Church of Christ, Scientist. Christian Science services are based around the faith’s two primary texts, rather than a central spiritual figure. During services, an elected committee chooses the two leaders as well as the selected passages, from the Bible and from “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” There is no official clergy. “We feel that the Bible and the textbook [“Science and Health”] are our pastors,” Sparkman said. Christian Scientists on the Hill have created a strong foundation for themselves, as well as for any who wish to practice the faith on campus. Dahlin, Sparkman, Mayer and Sander are the only currently active members of the Tufts CSO, which meets once a week. These meetings serve as informal sessions for discussion, reflection and healing among the group’s members. The organization also provides a support network for its members and keeps them in touch with their spiritual base throughout the college experience. Sander said the CSO intends to make their faith a more visible — or at least accessible — part of life for the rest of the Tufts community. “It’s nice to reflect on our challenges and our victories, to talk about our healings and help each other out,” Sander
said. “The next step for us as a CSO is to share more with our community.” According to both Dahlin and Mayer, the CSO has an interest in interacting more with both the Christian and interfaith communities at Tufts. Sander suggested the group might bring in a Christian Science lecturer, which Dahlin said Tufts Christian Scientists have done successfully in the past. However, Mayer said, the focus of the religion is not on establishing a strong community presence, but rather on building a personal relationship with one’s spirituality.
“Christian Science sees itself as a science, sort of a demonstrative understanding of humans’ relationship to God that allows to you to heal.” Barrett Sparkman junior
“It’s a personal thing,” Mayer said. “I don’t concern myself with how healthy or strong our student presence is.” The college experience doesn’t always align perfectly with Christian Science standards. Immunization requirements can prove a challenge for followers who prefer to rely on prayer over medicine. Difficulties arise especially when it comes to drugs and alcohol, prohibited in the sect’s teachings.
“It’s impossible for that not to have some effect on how you interact, especially in a college setting,” Sparkman said. Difficulties in the medical sphere arise from some common misconceptions about Christian Scientists, Mayer said. Among these misconceptions, he noted, is the assumption that they take an antagonistic stance toward doctors and medicine, and therefore are “backward” in a modern society. Another, he said, is that they ignore their medical problems. According to Mayer, neither of these is the case. “Prayer is the health care program,” she said. “We’re not ignoring the problem, just addressing it differently.” Although challenges do exist for followers, Christian Science values coexist with and even reinforce those of Tufts for the most part. Both institutions, Sparkman said, place heavy emphasis on community building and improving one’s world. “One thing that I certainly feel about Christian Science is that an individual has the ability to make changes in the world around them, whether as an instrument of God or just as an outstanding human being,” Sparkman said. “That’s something that Tufts students tend to express as well.” Christian Science serves as a moral and spiritual grounding point for its followers at Tufts, with a strong personal connection to God guiding their daily lives and futures. “It’s a source of inspiration; it’s a foundation,” Dahlin said. “It’s given me a desire to understand the world I live in and be a force of good within it.”
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Boston vegetarian festival a delight for the senses VEGETARIAN
continued from page 3
offered several culinary delights worth singing about. Katie and Jay Gill, founders of Dirty Vegan Foods, handed out soft and nutty-tasting chocolate chip cookies that put Chips Ahoy! to shame. When crafting their decadent desserts, the Gills keep the fat and sugar, but leave out the artificial ingredients and preservatives. “I think that’s why it tastes so good, too — because it’s so wholesome,” Katie Gill said. In the midst of this bevy of specialty vegetarian and vegan products, Allison said that, nice as the variety is, there’s also “really great stuff you can make yourself with basic produce.” To that end, Boston Organics, founded and owned by Tufts alumnus Jeff Barry (F ’95), strives to make organic produce accessible to the Boston area. Boston Organics, started just over nine years ago, delivers boxes of organic produce and other non-perishable items, like artisan cheese and cage-free eggs, right to its subscribers’ doorsteps. While a good number of these products come from the local Boston area and other parts of Massachusetts, Barry said, “We try to do as much local or regional as possible, but it’s challenging, especially because we’re certified organic, first and foremost.” Freshness, however, is still a priority. “We get peanut butter that’s produced in Everett, Mass. Sometimes, when we
go to pick up the peanut butter, the jars are still hot from just being filled,” Barry said. Along with allowing its customers to craft personalized ‘no’ lists, which allow them to select foods they never want to receive, Boston Organics’ website helps its customers figure out what to do with produce that may be intimidating to a novice chef. “Everything you get in your order, you can see on our website, and it’s also linked to recipes and nutritional values,” Barry said. Through celebrating the vegetarian diet, the festival also embraces separate but relevant causes, including environmentalism. Both Allison and Eisenberg noted that the meat agriculture industry is actually a bigger contributor to global warming than the transportation industry. “If you want to cut down on greenhouse gases, don’t get rid of your car — just stop eating meat,” Allison said. Helping the environment by eating faux cheese and dairyless desserts is all good and well, but one question remained — does anyone ever really learn to love wheatgrass? “Not me,” said Eisenberg, “It depends on the person,” said Allison, citing a wheatgrass-loving friend as an example. Therein lies the beauty in variety. With an array as impressive as the Vegetarian Food Festival’s, it’s more than possible to create an individualized vegetarian experience — with or without wheatgrass.
Arts & Living
TV Profile
Alexandria Chu | Hit Li(s)t
‘In Motion’ returns for sixth season
Suburban consumerism
by Joseph Stile
Daily Editorial Board
Fans of relationship dramas should start getting excited for the return of Tufts University Television’s ( TUTV ) original program, “In Motion,” which comes back today for its sixth season. The show, which is created, written and directed by Tufts senior Thomas Martinez, follows the lives of fictional Jumbos as they deal with college life and relationship struggles. This year could possibly be the end of the series, as Martinez and much of the cast will be graduating in May. “As much as I want to keep it going, I don’t know if I can find that person to hand it off to,” Martinez said. “I put a lot into it because it’s my creation, and I’m not sure if I could find that person who would feel the same way about it. I’m going to give it the ending I want and we’ll see if it goes on.” “In Motion” will, however, feature a few fresh faces this season, so the show can build upon new characters if it does continue.
Kristen Collins/Tufts Daily
The ‘In Motion’ crew will be broaching some new issues in their newest season. “Each main character is going to get an ending this year, but we’ll also be creating some new younger characters as well. It’s a balance,” Martinez said. The series has greatly expanded since its beginnings, and Martinez is no longer the sole writer. Sydney Post, a sophomore, is one writer brought aboard in recent years. “I watched all of ‘In
TV Review
Authenticity makes ‘How to Make It in America’ by Joseph Stile
Daily Editorial Board
Originally, “How to Make It in America” was touted as a partner show of “Entourage” (2004-
How to Make It in America Starring Bryan Greenberg, Victor Rasuk and Lake Bell Airs Sundays at 10:30 p.m. on HBO 2011). Both are produced by Mark Wahlberg and both have similar focuses, like male friendships and surviving in difficult businesses. While “Entourage” remained pretty soulless during its run, however, “How to Make It in America” takes a different direction. The show
such as the British “Skins” and “The O.C.” (2003-2007), much of it comes from Martinez and the other writers’ lives. Although the series is not autobiographical, the writers draw from their experiences over the course of the semester. Despite airing for a few years now, this characterdriven drama has cost noth-
Motion’ before joining. I felt like I understood the characters, so it wasn’t too scary,” Post said. “In the beginning, I was worried that I would screw things up, but I got over it quickly. It was also nice to bring a different perspective to the show, because I wasn’t a part of it at the start. I could bring a fresh view to things.” While the show often takes inspiration from programs
features some solid and reserved acting and offers an authentic look at the entertainment lifestyle. “How to Make It in America” never really romanticizes Cam ( Victor Rasuk) and Ben’s (Bryan Greenberg) attempt to create a cool clothing line, and the show feels fresh because of that. Season one lays the foundation for the show — following the pair as they set up their clothing line — and, interestingly, the second season shows more of what all that means for Cam’s and Ben’s lives. They’re young, and they’re either on the verge of something big or about to see their dreams fail. Greenberg and Rasuk both play their roles adeptly; they are never flashy and always seem real. Viewers never get the impression see AMERICA, page 6
see MOTION, page 6
Interview | Joe Kremer
Pterodactyl talks new sound, album by
Andrew Garsetti
Contributing Writer
About four-and-a-half years ago, Pterodactyl began its self-titled debut album with an 11-second clip, “Untitled” (2007), which appeared to be a field recording of a squawking bird. To the uninitiated, the pairing of band name and opening track made for a pretty gimmicky sentiment. The rest of the record wasn’t much friendlier — envision the feral child of No Age and The Blood Brothers hitting its rebellious teenage years — but it was unfriendly in the best possible way. It’s been a long four-and-a-half years. On Nov. 15, the band will release its third proper LP, “Spills Out”(2011), and the album marks a change in its sound. Now, Pterodactyl’s music sounds more like a blend between The Zombies and The Beatles in their early years — there’s still some kick to it, but it’s more restrained, and again, in the best way. So before you catch the band at its Nov. 3 show at O’Brien’s Pub, check out this interview with guitarist/vocalist Joe Kremer, in which he discusses the band’s new album, the art of Belarusian Painters, and his penchant for family sing-alongs. Andrew Garsetti: Is there any special meaning behind the name of the new album? Joe Kremer: The artwork definitely conveys a couple of things; with this mystery stuff floating out of this guy’s head and all the water imagery. We wanted to convey the fact that this kind of music wasn’t designed in any particular way — it just kind of flows through us. That might be kind of heavy, but the idea is just to be all out on the page with this stuff. We didn’t hold out at all on the record, it’s just sort of flowing out of our collective brain. AG: The music here is much more refined
Ali Paige Goldstein/HBO
“How to Make It” impresses with its intimate, authentic vibe.
see PTERODACTYL, page 6
irst off, it’s been seven weeks since the beginning of this column — thanks so much for following! For this week’s lucky number seven, our destination is Lancaster, WA, where consumerism reigns. Just Google Maps it, there’s nothing else there, and if you’re from there, I’m sorry and ready to be proven wrong. Author: Douglas Coupland Title: “Shampoo Planet” (1992) Number of Pages: 304 in the 2002 Scribner Edition Referenced by: The band Panic! At The Disco My parents are, on average, younger than most. So growing up with them, I was indoctrinated into the Generation X youth culture. Grungy plaid was in, Smashing Pumpkins was on the radio, MTV reigned as a legitimate news source and Brandon Lee’s death was only eclipsed by Kurt Cobain’s. At the same time, there was the Generation Y’s coming of age. These individuals worshipped money, business, capitalism and Ronald Reagan. In a relative period of peace in America’s history, both groups clashed and had time to philosophize on the state of the culture and youth itself. “Shampoo Planet” brings us back to this time, to our relative doppelgangers in Generations Y and X and their struggles against their ’60s hippie parents. The fiction centers around Tyler, a middleclass young adult who longs to work in the kinds of corporations his mother loathed. He uses hair products avidly to keep a perfect coif, and he just got back from a typical wanderjahr to Europe. Tyler’s prime aspiration is to be a yuppie, and he’s well on his way — his family is the only thing that could stop him. Coupland’s talent shows when he writes about Tyler’s relationships with his family and girlfriends. There’s Jasmine, his hippie, divorcee mother who he calls by her first name. There are his rich grandparents who are involved in a pyramid scheme. There are girls he met in Europe, who live fast and hard. These unique characters are the true spirit of the story even within the larger sociopolitical critique. It is a spirit with which we can still empathize today. In addition, Coupland captures the tension between young and old perfectly. From parents’ and children’s inability to understand one another to a child’s eventual realization that his parents really are always right, every one of these nuanced emotions is caught in the text. Have you experienced these moments? There have been too many for me to count. If all that doesn’t sound intriguing, I swear that the writing in “Shampoo Planet” is top notch. One of my favorite lines of all time is in this book. Near the end of the novel, Coupland writes, “but no matter what happens — no matter how wide the gulf between us becomes — we will each be the last people we forget in each other’s memories. Because we were each the first to be there.” Beautiful, isn’t it? Hailing from Canada, Coupland is best known for “Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture” (1991). But whereas the former offers beautiful, short vignettes, I chose “Shampoo Planet” because it captures the same sort of feeling in a more coherent story. Coupland has published 13 novels, seven non-fiction books and seven drama screenplays. In addition, he’s an artist and has produced numerous sculptures, many of which deal specifically with pop art or the military. Last year, he released a clothing and accessory collection with “Roots Canada.” Pop culturally, Panic! At The Disco references Coupland in their album, “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out” (2005). The songs “London Beckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines” and “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” are both variations of lines by Coupland. If he wasn’t chic enough before, I hope this last bit encourages you to check out “Shampoo Planet.” A band like Panic! At The Disco, which flawlessly pulled off a vaudeville circus-themed music video, probably knows what’s posh.
Alexandria Chu is a junior majoring in English. She can be reached at Alexandria.
The Tufts Daily
Arts & Living
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
‘Spills Out’ shifts focus to vocals PTERODACTYL
mental passages on this one.
than anything before. Did the recording process have a different emotional feel?
JK: It’s definitely about the singing. We wanted to highlight it in a way we never had before. It’s developed — there’s this straight line trajectory upwards, where singing has been getting more important as we’ve spent more time playing music. The big difference from the last record is that on “Worldwild” (2009), there’s a lot of singing but it’s meant to be blended together to make this chorus of song, where on this one we really meant for each of our voices to be distinct.
continued from page 5
JK: It’s definitely true that we are expanding into some really new types of songwriting with this album, just sitting down at the piano and working some chords around a melody. Pterodactyl has always been about finding sounds that are kind of cool and then sort of making a pop song out of them, but now the core of the songs is more in the melody and chord progressions. We were trying to do something different — doing the same old thing as in the past isn’t really exciting to us. AG: It really is different. You guys all switch on and off for all the vocal parts. Are the lyrics themselves a collaborative effort? JK: Yeah, we were doing a lot of collective lyric writing for this thing, too. We were all kind of invested in this stuff as a group of friends and as a band, and it’s definitely different than in the past, where it was more of an individual thing. We were just sitting in the practice space just with three computers open on Google Docs just changing things and talking about it. There are some exceptions — Jesse [Hodges, guitarist and vocalist] wrote the lyrics for “Searchers” entirely on his own over the course of a week, where he just went insane over it, and he wouldn’t let us anywhere near him until he was done. AG: There really aren’t many instru-
AG: Is that because you guys feel much more comfortable singing? JK: Oh yeah. We all have a background of singing — not like professionally or anything — but just singing in family sing-alongs. We have all come to a place where our voices are really important. AG: So now you’re on tour. What is the process like now that you have to cover the new material? JK: Well, there are all these types of new challenges now — the tour we were on last spring, we hadn’t really practiced the new songs much, especially on the singing. We had to have these little Pterodactyl family singalongs in the car along the interstate. These new songs live more in the melodies and chord progressions, rather than a song that’s about this one guitar that’s doing this one particular thing. We could walk into a room with just a piano and play a cold set, and know we would be able to communicate these songs and get into people’s heads.
Pterodactyl puts out a more refined sound on its newest LP, ‘Spills Out.’
Kristen Collins/Tufts Daily
Writer/director Thomas Martinez prepares for his last year at Tufts with the sixth season of ‘In Motion.’
Martinez broaches new issues in latest season of ‘In Motion’ MOTION
continued from page 5
ing to produce. “Everyone wears their own clothes, we use real people’s rooms so we don’t need sets and TUTV provides cameras,” Martinez said. Martinez, who is now president of TUTV and has been involved with the organization since his freshman year, wants to use TUTV to help more people produce shows. Each season is a new experience for “In Motion.” “Every season feels different. I draw from experiences from my semester so each year of the show ends up seeming slightly different,” Martinez said. Though they haven’t shot the scene yet, Martinez said “In Motion’s” upcoming season should include an appearance by University President Anthony Monaco. Were he to appear on the show, he’d be following in then-University President Larry Bacow’s footsteps — Bacow also had a stint on the show. “Hopefully, we’ll have Monaco on show,” Martinez said. “We tweeted at him and he said he’d do it. He won’t play himself. He’ll be someone’s father, which is going to contribute to a big story.” This upcoming season will also tackle different contemporary issues, including Adderall use at college, living with new housemates, convoluted hook-ups and coming out. Martinez is excited to introduce these new themes to the series.
“One thing I was excited for this season was having a gay character who we will show come out over the season. We haven’t had a gay character on the show in a while, and I think at Tufts a lot of people grapple with coming out, so it was fun to have that on ‘In Motion,’” he said. The season will attempt to stretch the limits of what people know about the characters. Personality flaws will come to the fore, affecting characters in unexpected ways. The “In Motion” crew has achieved minor celebrity status on campus. “It’s really cool. Getting recognized for being on the show is fun,” Martinez said, grinning. “The first time was funny — during the third season, I was working at The Rez, and someone said, ‘Mind if I say something? I’m really glad Nick and Natalie finally got together.’ It was great, that they not only watched, but knew my character’s name.” According to Post, “In Motion” is a series as enjoyable to make as it is to watch. “For me working on this has been fun,” she said. “It’s a safe environment for me to write in that isn’t a class, which is really great. I also got to know some excellent new people from it.” Jumbos should check out “In Motion” this semester, as its six-episode season returns to the web later today. New episodes are added on Tuesdays, and can be viewed on the show’s Youtube channel.
Strong cast, NYC-oriented plotline make new HBO show a good watch AMERICA
continued from page 5
that either is ever really acting, and that sense of genuineness helps the show keep a low-key atmosphere. The series works because the show really recognizes its limits. “How to Make It in America” never gets overly dramatic nor does it let its storylines get too big — it’s got a very intimate feel. The supporting cast is also strong, especially Lake Bell, who plays Ben’s ex-girlfriend, Rachel. Bell is known for being extremely funny on “Children’s Hospital,” but here, she exercises restraint, which makes her character appealing. Even when she’s not doing much or saying anything revolutionary, it is hard not to appreciate her screen presence. One of the more charming aspects of the show is that, even though it is still relatively new, it already has its own unique style and look. The cinematography looks similar to low-budget indie films,
and it features fast pacing and unusual editing. Its transitional cuts distinguish it from any show currently on air. “How to Make It” also incorporates current music into the show very well; rather than haphazardly tossing in popular songs, it picks trendy tracks that actually enhance the mood of the scenes. While all of these interesting tweaks make “How to Make It” a special show, they also makes it more of a niche program. Not everyone is going to love a minimalist look at a group of New Yorkers who party and hang out a lot more than most people have time to. The show also drops a lot references to current pop culture that likely get lost on most viewers. While the cultural nods add to the show’s authentic feel, they can also be slightly distracting for the viewer. While “How to Make It’s” New York-specificity might isolate a lot of viewers from relating to or understanding the series, focusing on the city
is completely necessary — mostly because these characters couldn’t hope to achieve their dreams anywhere else in the world. “How to Make It” isn’t big on laughs or dramatic moments, but that never detracts from it. The show possesses a certain charm that forced jokes and conflicts would spoil. The characters have a natural-feeling rhythm with each other — even when they are talking about nothing, viewers are easily entranced. It’s also easy to empathize with them, because the characters can all be boiled down to people who are really going for their dreams despite the odds being completely against them. Viewers can easily escape into this fantasy. HBO’s “How to Make It in America” isn’t going to be everyone’s idea of great television, but some viewers are going to find it invigorating, and television that can elicit strong reactions is definitely worth a watch.
Eric Liebowitz/HBO
‘How to Make It in America’ does ‘Entourage’ better than ‘Entourage’ did.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Tufts Daily
The Tufts Daily
Carter W. Rogers Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Niki Krieg Adam Kulewicz Managing Editors Amelie Hecht Executive News Editor Kathryn Olson News Editors Laina Piera Corinne Segal Saumya Vaishampayan Bianca Blakesley Assistant News Editors Gabrielle Hernandez Brionna Jimerson Elizabeth McKay Marie Schow Minyoung Song Mahpari Sotoudeh Martha Shanahan Executive Features Editor Jon Cheng Features Editors Maya Kohli Amelia Quinn Falcon Reese Derek Schlom Victoria Rathsmill Assistant Features Editors Margaret Young
Editorial | Letters
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Credit where it’s due
It’s easy to be critical of the Tufts administration when they take an action that we students disagree with, or when something is not executed as well as it could have been. Attending one of the most expensive universities in the country makes it easy to complain when things aren’t perfect. However, when people are quick to criticize, they should also give credit where credit is due. This is why we at the Daily commend the Tufts administration for sponsoring a shuttle from campus to Harvard Square throughout the T’s upcoming
and lengthy weekend service outage. Saturday and Sunday trips to Boston threatened to get a lot more complicated when the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) recently announced interruptions for weekend train service to Porter, Davis and Alewife T stations from Nov. 5 until March. Bus shuttles will replace the trains to these stations in order to make the much-needed repairs. It’s foolish, however, to expect that these shuttles would run nearly as quickly as regular train service would. The MBTA has shown great incom-
petence in handling the situation, from giving a short notice to riders to allowing repairs to be backlogged to such a degree that drastic and service-interrupting maintenance had to be undertaken. While the management of the Boston public transportation system can’t get its act together, the university stands in stark contrast as it quickly made plans for a shuttle service that couldn’t have been cheap to schedule for those months. However, as the shuttle will improve the safety situation and satisfy the schedules of all students, we believe that it’s money well spent.
union contract that covered them under ABM. One of the requirements we set last spring for those bidding to provide our custodial services was that they had to honor the existing contract between the union representing the workers, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and ABM. We have been assured that all workers who transferred to UGL are receiving the same compensation and benefits under that contract. UGL has also assured us that it has not unilaterally reduced any worker’s hours to a parttime level which might have resulted in a reduction in benefits. The petition presented last week raised the concern that approximately 60 custodians who had worked for ABM were no longer employed by UGL. The petition suggested that UGL intended to leave these positions vacant, forcing the remaining custodians to pick up the additional work and causing them a hardship. However, UGL has told us that 33 ABM employees either decided not to apply to work for UGL or have been unable to provide appropriate documentation of their eligibility to work and are currently on administrative leave. Last Tuesday, the union and UGL met to discuss the discrepancy in employee counts. We understand that at that time neither party could accurately determine just how many employees on the ABM roster were working at Tufts when the change in contractors was made. We also understand that
the union intended to provide more documentation to UGL. We hope that the union and UGL can come to a quick agreement on this point. Once they do, the union and UGL have told us that existing employees, including those on leave who can provide documentation of eligibility to work, will have first opportunity to apply. Only if those positions cannot be filled from the existing employee pool will other workers be able to apply. Finally, we have also looked into the question of whether existing employees are being overworked due to the number of positions still vacant. UGL has told us it has hired 32 temporary workers; the union has told us that only six or seven have been hired. We have asked both the union and UGL for evidence to support their temporary employee count. I want to assure you that we will continue to monitor this situation. We will require UGL to provide jobs to all previously employed workers who are eligible and who choose to continue their employment. We expect that any UGL employee who works at Tufts will be treated in a fair and respectful manner in accordance with the terms of the union contract. I encourage those who have any further questions to let me know. Thank you.
wes engel
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Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Last Tuesday, The Tufts Daily ran coverage of a petition delivered to University President Anthony Monaco on behalf of a group of custodians who work at Tufts and members of the Jumbo Janitor Alliance. That coverage and the petition itself raised concerns about Tufts’ recent change in its custodial services provider and the impact on our janitors. President Monaco asked that I respond on his behalf to those who signed the petition as well as those who may have questions after reading the Daily’s coverage. I would like to address those concerns and clarify any misunderstandings that may exist involving the new contract with UGL Unicco, the company that was chosen to replace American Building Maintenance Industries (ABM) as Tufts’ custodial provider. UGL has assured us that 100 percent of the custodial staff previously employed by ABM were offered the opportunity to keep their jobs with UGL, provided they had the necessary documentation. As part of the transfer to UGL, Tufts insisted that UGL provide adequate time for any ABM worker to obtain that documentation. The original time period was 60 days, which expired on Oct. 15. During that period UGL held the jobs open for previously employed workers attempting to resolve documentation issues. In addition, all workers who transferred to UGL are covered by the same
The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Tufts Daily
What happens when integration and assimilation fail? by Samuel
As pointed out by another student in a previous op-ed article, by no means is Tufts a place of social diversity — instead it has vagrantly displayed elements of institutionalized racism. To be clear, my assumptions and claims are supported by my individual experiences, interactions and feelings. At first, Tufts is quite alluring in its attempted diversity, promises of opportunity and quite frankly, its very generous financial aid department. However, other than financial aid, for some, Tufts is an epic fail in terms of including and advancing its minority populace. From my perspective and various conversations with other people of color, we viewed our matriculation to Tufts to be an inspiring opportunity to network, to become socially mobile, and we thought we joined not only a home but a supportive community and family to increase our intellect; instead we have been rejected, berated and labeled as “self-segregating social misfits.” In order to challenge, or better yet to clarify, the necessity for Tufts cultural houses — which to me should be quite evident to the student body as well as the administration — I ask that you think of them as a support network, academically and socially for not only students of color but for all individuals on this campus. This brings me to my next point. Repeatedly I have heard, “Blacks and other ethnic groups segregate themselves. They do not want to fit in.” Minority individuals, who often make this claim, may even seem to agree with this because they themselves have made their greatest attempts and have not been successful in their endeavors to assimilate into Tufts’ mainstream white culture. They fail to recognize the racial incongruity and their own oppression. This oppression is not necessarily physical, but it is debilitating and limits minority interaction and prevents true integration. This ominous, omniscient oppression is in the atmosphere. It is bred by prejudice and inequality within this institution by its members, who reject and, I dare to say, have an underlying sense of fear or hatred of integration. I believe it to be well-known that Tufts not only has a racist climate, but is also quite pretentious in nature. For many minorities, it can be difficult to interact with individuals who constantly flaunt
justin mccallum/tufts daily
their white privilege and act as if they are superior. While I myself have both minority and majority friends, at times I not only feel out of place, but feel that I am perceived as a lesser individual because of my socioeconomic status. Now, I am not advocating for Tufts cultural houses, nor am I attempting to diminish the reputation of Tufts or scare away potential students. I am merely attempting to convey collective complaints and opinions shared by some ethnic groups. Minorities are essentially presented with three options at Tufts: Assimilate — and reject their ancestral roots, which does not guarantee social acceptance. Leave — as many individuals have advised minorities to do on the Tufts CollegeACB page, which is now controlled by Blipdar. Or struggle — we have the option to commune with other minorities in attempt to just get by without losing our sanity. I have to honestly say that I am quite unhappy with my own personal circumstances at Tufts. Having truly believed that Tufts was the perfect fit, I found myself struggling with feelings of inferiority and at one time desiring whiteness. I regret those feelings and have since decided that I should be who I am and not be afraid of social rejection. I have decided that instead I will take advantage of the support groups around me and utilize the cultural houses and their resources to make Tufts a home for me! On another note, I must admit the
cultural houses can possess elements of exclusivity, but I must stress the fact that they are not just club hangouts for minorities who are afraid to immerse themselves in Tufts mainstream culture. This is a wrong perspective that should be challenged. So to my fellow peers, I ask that you challenge yourself to not just empathize with us, but to take on a new perspective. Diversity is more than a federally mandated status quo, in my opinion — not only tolerance, but also acceptance. This campus, and more specifically this institution, encourages assimilation when it should instead strive for the integration it so lacks. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “We are simply seeking to bring into full realization the American dream — a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men no longer argue that the color of a man’s skin determines the content of his character; the dream of a land where every man will respect the dignity and worth of human personality—this is the dream. When it is realized, the jangling discords of our nation will be transformed into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood, and men everywhere will know that America is truly the land of the free and home of the brave.” Samuel Murray is a sophomore who is majoring in sociology and religion.
What does a liberal arts degree prepare us for? Katherine Taylor Daily Texan
The above question is one I hear all the time from my friends and family. But most times, content in the pursuit of my passions, I ignore the criticism. But I can’t anymore. According to author Michael Ellsberg in an op-ed in The New York Times, “American academia is good at producing writers, literary critics and historians.” He continues to make an argument describing how college is appropriate only for regulated fields, by which he means the ones with clear career paths such as engineers, doctors and lawyers. His argument relies on two premises: High school graduates are ready to enter the work force, and skills including thinking innovatively and networking are best learned outside of higher education. Eighteen-year-olds are barely old enough to vote, are still poor drivers and are unable to consume alcohol or check into hotel rooms by themselves. Those limitations aside, most have yet to move out of their parents’ homes and may not have held a real job yet. As for networking, what network is greater than a college campus and its huge alumni base and avid sports fans? Innovative thinking results from exposure to new ideas and situations, both of which are present on university campuses. So I disagree with Ellsberg on both counts. I would also like to point out that it was my
Show the S&P some love
Off the Hill | University of Texas
Walt Laws-MacDonald | Show Me the Money!
training in liberal arts that taught me how to explicate his argument, but that is, of course, an undesirable talent. His argument also fails because most of his support comes from using the Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Michael Dells of the world to support his point — all of whom represent a uniquely talented and successful group that is incomparable to the rest of the population. Given that this is a university-sponsored paper, you probably already believe in some worth of a college education. But apparently, U. Texas doesn’t — at least when it comes to the College of Liberal Arts. This mentality is perpetuated by the dismal showing of career opportunities at last week’s UT career fair. I was appalled at the jobs offered that my degree in liberal arts apparently prepares me for. There were several companies that would love for me to work as an unpaid intern. Do they eventually hire those interns? No, but the experience would be good. Multiple financial advisers were at the fair recruiting students with degrees in finance, a major not even offered in the college. Several companies recruited me for managerial positions in retail, but I would have qualified for all of them at this point in my life had I simply dropped out of high school at 16 and started working for them then. Should you find yourself desiring the ability to drive trucks and deliver salty snacks to vending machines across the country,
guess what? The college thinks your degree prepares you to do that, too. How is the job market and everyone else supposed to take liberal arts degrees seriously if the university granting them to us tells us that after four years of schooling and at least 120 credit hours of education, we are now qualified to drive trucks for a living? If UT believes, as I do, that the skills gained in a liberal arts education are worthy of jobs that are more difficult than that, it needs to act that way. Quit giving us fluffy speeches about the merits of “thinking critically and expanding our minds” if you do not believe they will get us a real job. Most job opportunities ask for employees to think creatively, solve problems and write well, all of which are skills that are most emphasized in liberal arts. Also, since the college regularly admits and graduates more students than any other college, pull on the giant alumni network to find opportunities for us. The opportunities are there; the support from this institution isn’t. If the university thinks we are qualified for great jobs, they need to show us where they are. If not, perhaps one day, all of us liberal arts students will be fortunate enough to visit vending machines on college campuses to deliver our salty treats. I imagine we will sigh, chomp on our tasty confectioneries and shake our heads at all the ignorant masses pursuing degrees with pathways to nowhere.
esterday marked the close of the best October since 1974 for the S&P 500, and the best monthly gain for the Dow since 1987. The bulls of the market quickly jumped on the bandwagon, declaring it the end of investor uncertainty. Skeptics called the jump a small bump from pent up investor demand. Though the rally has yet to solidify its gains, it has highlighted a far greater question: When are the good days coming back? Last week was supposed to mark the major sell-off that would right the anomaly on the charts and send the S&P back below 1200. Everyone assumed that last Wednesday’s European debt summit would be the major market catalyst, and they were right: Thursday’s rally was certainly a result of the headlines that the summit produced. But, in a rare turn of events, the news coming out of the conference flipped from reports of deadlock on Tuesday to an actual deal late Wednesday. Futures shot up, and markets opened higher globally. Positive economic numbers from the United States spurred it further, and more above-average earnings gave analysts the technical data they so desperately wanted. The always hype-happy media latched on to early gains and began to question if this was really the rally we’ve been waiting for. But is it? The European Debt Crisis, as you may remember from my earlier column, has slogged on for more than two years. European and U.S. markets alike have swung drastically with each major headline, but the tone remains the same: we’re working on it. The problem is incredibly complex and will require an equally complex solution, but the tiniest bit of good news is a game changer. Thursday’s rally proved just how interconnected the international economy has become. Take Morgan Stanley, for instance: its shares rose roughly 15 percent Thursday, despite the fact that no news explicitly related to the New York investment bank was released. It simply rode the wave of good news. The European banks were safe, so the U.S. banks must be in a better position. Financials rose across the board without any real change in the intrinsic value of a company’s shares. Though jumps like that of Morgan Stanley should cause some investor concern, the rally does have legs. The cloud of the European Debt Crisis hung over an otherwise stellar earnings season. The earnings report of Dow component Caterpillar, which makes construction equipment, showed increased demand for drilling equipment, while the company added more than 2,000 jobs in the United States, signaling a strong pulse in the manufacturing sector. The Bureau of Economic Analysis also released a GDP growth estimate of 2.5 percent for the third quarter, nearly double that of last quarter. Today’s markets are driven more by macroeconomic analysis than by fundamentals. Financial stocks swing widely on consumer confidence reports, and energy stocks react to monetary policy. Investors have almost accidentally created the “How Good America Feels About Itself” index, or HGAF. All levels of the HGAF are relative; there is no all-time high or all-time low, only what yesterday felt like and what tomorrow looks like. Take a snapshot of today’s economy and look at it six months ago; not much has changed. Unemployment remains at postDepression highs, Greece is still probably going to default on its loans and the economy continues to grow at a sluggish pace. But the HGAF says we’re doing pretty well. Europe insists it’s on the right track. A cheaper dollar continues to drive exports, and Black Friday is just around the corner. But if one of Jean-Claude Trichet’s aids leaks the wrong snippet, media outlets could send markets into free fall with negative headlines. The HGAF is extremely volatile, but the bigger the crash, the better the rally feels. So go out there and get in on this rally; just remember to sell when you’re feeling good. Walt Laws-MacDonald is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. He can be reached at
Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.
The Tufts Daily
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
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Non Sequitur
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SUDOKU Level: Playing the saxophone
Late Night at the Daily Friday’s Solution
Andrew: “He’s in a secret meeting.” Niki: “With himself?”
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
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Housing Look Early and Get What You Want. Three bedrooms, four bedrooms, five bedrooms, six bedrooms. One of each – can be used as nine bedrooms. Convenient to school. Leases June 1st 2012-May 30th 2013. Call (617)448-6233
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Four bedroom apartment on Ossipee Road. Available June 1, 2012. Great condition. Call Maria (781)-942-7625
College Ave, 2nd & 3rd floor, 5 Bedroom, Large & Sunny rooms, walk-in closets. Large Kitchen, appliances included dishwasher, fridge, ect.- Parking in Driveway, recently updated. $2850.00 Avail 6/1/12-5/21/13 Call Debra Martell- 781 937 3252
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Jumbos remain upbeat about season’s accomplishments men’s soccer
continued from page 16
early going. Following a series of tense moments on the defensive side of the ball, the Jumbos finally broke through on offense after earning a corner kick in the 21st minute. Freshman Kento Nakamura delivered the set piece toward the near post. After a few friendly deflections, the ball landed on the head of freshman center back Peter Lee-Kramer, who lofted a header over the outstretched glove of Williams junior keeper Than Finan — the NESCAC’s Player of the Week — and into the back of the net. The tally, the first Finan had allowed in five games, broke the deadlock and gave the Jumbos an early 1-0 lead. The Jumbos carried the one goal advantage into halftime. It was the Ephs, however, who came out of the break on the attack, piecing together a string of opportunities early in the second frame. Their best scoring chance came off a corner kick in the 50th minute. Williams junior Patrick Ebobisse delivered the corner to the center of the six-yard box. Williams sophomore Dan Lima darted forward and powered a header toward the top-right corner of the goal. Bernstein, with virtually no time to react, made a reflex save, punching the ball over the crossbar to preserve the Jumbos’ lead. Despite countless opportunities for Williams, the Jumbos’ advantage held up for the majority of the contest. But the Ephs finally managed to beat Bernstein in the 81st minute, as sophomore User Kushaina received a free kick at his feet, worked himself into space, and drilled a shot from just inside the 18-yard box that snuck under Bernstein’s glove and into the net, knotting the game at one.
The Ephs knocked in the decisive goal less than two minutes later when junior Peter Christman deposited a corner kick deep into the 18-yard box. After a few deflections and failed attempts by the Jumbos to clear the ball, junior Doug Weinrib found himself in the right place at the right time. With the ball at his feet and Bernstein off his line, Weinrib knocked in the gamewinning goal. The late tally delivered a shocking blow to the Jumbos, who led for the majority of the contest only to see the lead and their season slip away in the final 10 minutes of play. “You have to give Williams a lot of credit,” senior tri-captain midfielder Matt Blumenthal said. “They didn’t let up and continued to apply the pressure all game long. At the end of the day, they probably deserved to win.” It looked as though the Jumbos might have been able to respond in the 84th minute when freshman Maxime Hoppenot found himself in the clear, with only the Ephs keeper to beat. Finan, however, aptly came off his line and saved Hoppenot’s shot to preserve the Ephs lead and ultimately the 2-1 victory. With the victory, Williams will now take on No. 3 Trinity in the NESCAC semifinals next Saturday. The Jumbos still have an outside shot at receiving an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament but will have to wait until next Monday to find out their fate. Despite the disappointing finish, Jumbos players and coaches do not want to lose sight of the positives that came out of this season. “We took a big step forward this year,” Bernstein said. “While we wish we could have gone farther, Tufts definitely made a name for itself in the NESCAC as a force to be reckoned with in the years to come.”
Scott Tingley/Tufts Daily
Senior tri-captain goalkeeper Alan Bernstein made 10 saves, but could not hold off the Ephs’ late surge.
Jumbos hope to build off second straight quarterfinal loss
WOMEN’S SOCCER continued from page 16
teammate’s drive and tie the game for the Jumbos. That was the only goal Tollman allowed, however, as she posted a whopping 17 saves on the afternoon. “That goal came from a nice corner from Alyssa which Erin got a piece of,” O’Connor said. “Olivia was right on the goal line to pick up the scraps and put it away. With that we definitely picked up the momentum and dictated the tempo for the remainder of the game.” As halftime approached, Tufts almost took the lead off the foot of freshman Alina Okamoto, who beat out every Cardinals defender only to have Tollman deny her chance. The teams entered the intermission deadlocked at 1-1. In the second half, the Jumbos continued to pressure and dominate play, out-shooting their visitors 14 to three. However, they could not find the back of the net. Wright made two additional saves to preserve the tie, and after 90 minutes of regulation play, the teams were bound for overtime. “We definitely dominated the game. The stats show that,” Von Puttkammer said. “Their keeper made a couple of key saves, but mostly we just couldn’t find the back of the net.” As the rain and wind picked up, the game remained scoreless despite several shots and consistent pressure from the Jumbos. Although Tufts possessed the ball for much of the extra time periods, Wesleyan had one particular-
Alex Dennett/Tufts Daily
Senior midfielder Alix Michael had three of the Jumbos’ 18 shots on goal in her final game, but could not get one past Wesleyan’s keeper. ly threatening shot in the second overtime. Wright was up to the task, making a diving stop to send the game to penalty kicks. “Kristin had an amazing save but that was really the only legiti-
mate look they had,” O’Connor said. “We wanted that win and kept pounding away but sometimes you just come up short and unfortunately that was the case Saturday.”
“Kris made a great save. I think defensively and offensively it was all there for us, minus that last touch,” Von Puttkammer added. “Then [going into penalty strokes] it was pretty similar to last year
except that this year we knew how to deal with adversity better.” The Cardinals shot first and converted their first four penalties. Tufts, going second, banked their first three on strikes from O’Connor, Von Puttkammer and senior defenseman Laney Siegner. However, the Jumbos’ fourth shooter, sophomore defenseman Bizzy Lincoln, pushed her shot just left of the goal, making Lindsay’s attempt the decisive kick for the Cardinals. Lindsay buried the shot past Wright, clinching the win for Wesleyan and allowing the Jumbos no chance for rebuttal. “[Coach Martha Whiting] emphasized the importance of getting it done,” Von Puttkammer said. “Coming out hard and just getting the job done. After the game there unfortunately isn’t much to be said.” While Wesleyan prepares for a semifinal matchup at No. 1 Amherst this weekend, the Jumbos look to regroup from their heartbreaking loss. For Tufts, Saturday’s defeat bore a painful resemblance to last year’s quarterfinal, where the Jumbos fell 3-2 in penalty kicks to Bates. Despite the loss, however, the younger Jumbos are hopeful that they can channel this year’s hardships into their preparation for next year. “We really came together as a team and we’re going to use this to fuel our fire next season,” Von Puttkammer said. “Obviously we’ll miss the seniors, but we have a lot of strong underclassmen and we’re looking forward to a successful season next fall.”
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Tufts Daily
The Tufts Daily
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Tufts Daily
Alex Prewitt | Live from Mudville
Occupy NBA
Alex Dennett/Tufts Daily
Junior defensive back Sam Diss overcame muddy conditions to haul in the Jumbos’ third interception of the season.
Gut-check time has arrived for the Jumbos Shutout against Amherst sends Tufts to 0-6 by
Alex Prewitt
Daily Editorial Board
It’s gut-check time for the football team. The losses have mounted, the Jumbos shut out for the second FOOTBALL (0-6 NESCAC, 0-6 Overall) Zimman Field, Saturday Amherst 14 7 3 6 Tufts 0 0 0 0
— 30 — 0
straight home game in a 30-0 setback against Amherst on Saturday. The season’s most brutal stretch has concluded but, in a NESCAC rife with parity, the Jumbos know that getting out of the cellar won’t be easy. On paper, it was a blowout. The Lord Jeffs, topping the conference at 6-0, scored 14 points in the first quarter and never looked back, abandoning their passing game in miserable weather to the tune of 246 rushing yards that sent Tufts plummeting to 0-6 on the season. “Always, end of the year, unfavorable record, it’s time to gut check, and today was one of those days,” senior offensive lineman David Lloyd said. “As a team, we’re together, nobody quits. Thirty-degree weather, raining, everyone’s still fighting. We just need to get it together, we need to be more of a unit, and we’re working on that.” It took Amherst four plays from scrimmage to score, setting the tone for its biggest win of the season. After Tufts sophomore quarterback Matt
Johnson fumbled, the Jumbos’ defense bit hard on a play-fake by Amherst senior quarterback Brian McMahon, trailing senior Eric Bunker toward the left while McMahon pulled around the right end untouched for a 26-yard touchdown. Bunker, the NESCAC’s second-leading rusher, finished with 82 yards and two touchdowns, quadrupling Tufts’ team total on the ground. “Not what this program wants, not what we expect of ourselves,” head coach Jay Civetti said. “Amherst is a good team, but we didn’t show up to play in the first half, and that’s my fault. I obviously didn’t have the team prepared enough. As a team, we didn’t come out in the right way, and that’s on me.” It was a far cry from last season’s 70-49 loss, in which the Jumbos set NESCAC and Div. III New England passing records. But this year, Tufts, last in the conference with 8.0 points per game, had its back against the wall on Parents Weekend. Senior quar terback Johnny Lindquist suffered a shoulder injury in Tufts’ 38-17 loss against Williams on Oct. 22 and did not play against Amherst. That left junior backup John Dodds — 11-for-24, 75 yards and two interceptions — freshman Jack Doll — 1-for-1, 11 yards — and Johnson, who did not attempt a pass, to split time under center. With a road contest against a hot Colby squad and the season finale against Middlebury looming, the Jumbos hope to find some positives to take away from the past three games
against Trinity, Williams and Amherst, who have a combined 16-2 record. Tufts recorded two sacks against the Lord Jeffs, increasing the total to three. Senior Zack Skarzynski leads the NESCAC with 13.0 tackles per game. Junior Kyle Weller had a gamehigh 11 tackles, and classmate Sam Diss had an interception. Amherst also fumbled three times, and had just nine second-half points. “There’s heart and want in there, but we had too many missed tackles and too many missed assignments,” Civetti said. “We need to execute, to play more physical, to do the standard things well one play at a time and be consistent with that.” With this team, there is no panic button to press. “You stick to your game plan, you continue to work the games you practice,” Lloyd said. “We’re in a rut, and it just takes one big play and we’re out of it. Things happen like that. We’ve shown we can dominate, we drove the ball on Trinity, we drove the ball on Williams and we drove the ball today. We’re there, we just have to get it together.” At some point, according to Civetti, that determination needs to materialize into consistency on the field. “We can care a lot about each other and we can work hard for each other, but at some point, that care and that want-to and that will has to turn into execution and production,” he said. “It’s gut-check time. Season isn’t even close to over. We have two games left. That’s our focus.”
Familiar foe Williams awaits in NESCAC quarterfinals VOLLEYBALL
continued from page 16
classmate Hayley Hopper had 14 kills and four aces. Lord did her part with 43 assists and 18 digs, and Spieler added five kills and 15 digs. “People just realized that we could do it, and that in the first two sets we were way too hesitant,” senior tri-captain Lexi Nicholas said. “There was a point between the second and third set when we looked at each other and said, ‘We’ve played against great players all season in practice, so we can do this.’” Those strong individual performances, particularly on defense, served as a springboard for Tufts in the third set, as the Jumbos earned a 25-20 win and never looked back. With 25-19 and 15-10 victories in the final two frames, Tufts sealed its ninth conference victory of the season, its highest tally since 2008, when it went undefeated in the NESCAC. “It was probably one of the best wins
of the season, especially because it was the first time that we’ve come back from two sets down and won,” Spieler said. “They had so many fans there too, but we just kept up our energy and it felt so good to get the win.” The squad will now look ahead to the NESCAC tournament, which will be held on Nov. 4-6 at Bowdoin. The Polar Bears will probably come in as the favorites, after becoming the first team in the conference to go undefeated since the 2008 Jumbos. However, the No. 1 seed has not won the conference tournament since 2005, and Tufts will be looking for revenge after losing in a hard-fought match against Bowdoin on Sept. 30. “The games against Bowdoin and Endicott were the ones that we probably could have won,” Spieler said. “But we’ve learned a lot from those losses, so they were actually good for us. Even though we had four losses, the only thing that matters now is the tournament.”
First, though, the Jumbos will have to play the Williams Ephs in the quarterfinals. It will be the third time this season that the teams will meet. Tufts managed to get the better of Williams on both previous occasions, winning 3-1 and 3-0, but neither victory came easily. Tufts will have its hands full when it meets Williams again at 5 p.m. on Friday. “[Williams] always [has] a really good team, and every set against them this year was close,” Spieler said. “They have a strong defense and a consistent team, and we’ve seen them before just like they’ve seen us. We just need to come out with high energy like we always do and play our best.” “We’ve developed our game over the course of the year, and we’ve grown in personality and skill, so we can make the adjustments,” Nicholas added. “We still have a few tricks up our sleeve that we haven’t used yet.”
he worst-case scenario appears on the horizon, within arm’s reach yet eternally slipping away. It’s like some sort of bizarro candy aisle, wherein children and parents are forever at war over the conditions necessary to get one Snickers bar before checkout. And as fans, we can only helplessly watch from afar, unable to interject on the asinine battle occurring between the two sides. A full NBA season will not occur this year. That much is certain. Commissioner David Stern has already conceded that. Sides have broken down over splitting league revenue. The owners want a 50-50 split. The players won’t budge from 52.5 percent. In the last collective bargaining agreement, the players were guaranteed 57. For a league fresh off a rejuvenating season that, for the first time in a while, organically drew a distinct dichotomy between good and evil, a necessary component of sports to attract fans, a cancellation would be unfortunate. Interestingly, that dichotomy still exists, albeit in redrawn form. Instead of the evil Miami Heat squaring off against the scrappy, hard-working Dallas Mavericks, LeBron James and Dirk Nowitzki are on the same side. The players exist as an entity, as the proletariat embodiment of good. They’re not greedy; they just want what’s fair and entitled to them: money. Of course, taken at face-value, this seems ridiculous. Players already earn millions each year, and they want more? But when the opposing forces are the owners, the people to whom the players are financially tethered, it all becomes clear. The owners are the 1 percent, the Wall Street suits who refuse to budge from sharing revenues with the workers who actually earn the money. The NBA lockout comes at an incredibly interesting time, when Occupy Whatever protesters are forming across the country, protesting in favor of the 99 percent, aiming to destroy the gulf that separates the nation’s economic elite from the rest. As an opinion piece in the Washington Post pointed out, the NBA players have something 88 percent of Americans are lacking: a union. The economic inequality and insecurity across the country, the two authors write, are tethered to a decline in union membership. This means squaring off against the big, bad corporations without any backing. It’s a daunting task that equates to automatic failure. When players like Steve Nash and Dwyane Wade express their frustration at Stern and the owners, it’s really the embodiment of the 99 percent, of the American anger that’s been reflected in the Occupy movements. NBA analyst Jan Hubbard hit it on the head, writing on his blog, “And therein lies the problem — the assumption that logic applies; the belief that it is common sense to believe both sides to have common sense. That has been incorrect, which leads to an obvious conclusion. This financial contest is not about dividing revenues fairly. It’s about winning.” One side will ultimately emerge victorious — an unfortunate notion given that such lexicon has entered into the negotiations — while two will lose. Both sides are taking such hard stances that it’s becoming harder to back down. The owners cannot give in, lest they see themselves as relinquishing power to their subordinates. It’s interesting to note that, in this scenario, only the owners see themselves as weak. The public would likely view them as saviors of the league, benevolent compromisers who finally gave the players a fair shake. The players, on the other hand, are actually in the driver’s seat as far as public perception goes. If they lose and the season starts late, blame will still likely be deflected onto the owners. And if they win, they become the men who finally got what was theirs, who stared down the vaunted 1 percent and won. The only real losers, then, are the fans.
Alex Prewitt is a senior majoring in English and religion. He can be reached on his blog at or followed on Twitter at @Alex_Prewitt.
INSIDE Football 15
Jumbos tack three more wins onto streak First-years continue to lead the way by
David McIntyre
Daily Editorial Board
The volleyball team ended its regular season with a bang over the weekend, winning three games at Conn. College,
Women’s Soccer
Jumbos fall to Cardinals in penalty kicks by
Kate Klots
Daily Editorial Board
VOLLEYBALL (9-1 NESCAC, 24-4 Overall)
On Saturday, the No. 4 women’s soccer team was eliminated from the first round of the NESCAC tournament for the third
at New London, Conn., Saturday
at New London, Conn., Saturday
WOMEN’S SOCCER (4-1-3 NESCAC, 7-4-4 Overall) NESCAC Quarterfinals Kraft Field, Saturday
Tufts Stevens
Wesleyan Tufts
Tufts Keene St.
25 25 26 — 3 18 19 24 — 0
25 25 27 25 — 3 17 13 29 20 — 1
Wesleyan wins 5-3 on penalties
at New London, Conn., Friday
Jumbos’ success this season, was sparked by the potent combination of veteran leadership and a freshman class that has contributed beyond all expectations. First-year Kelly Brennan finished the match with 17 kills and 15 digs, while
time in four years, falling 5-3 in penalty kicks to No. 5 Wesleyan. While the Jumbos outshot the Cardinals 31 to 10, they were unable to convert most of their opportunities, allowing Wesleyan to prevail after more than 110 minutes of hard-nosed play. The result was further dampened by low temperatures and heavy rain, and it marked the last collegiate appearance for six veteran seniors, including cocaptain midfielders Olivia Rowse and Lauren O’Connor. Tufts finished the season 7-4-4. “Although I obviously wish the end didn’t come so soon, there are so many positives to walk away with from this season and my career as a whole,” O’Connor said. “Soccer has been such a huge defining aspect of my college career and I’m so thankful for the time I had as a Jumbo. As a senior class I think we really proved to be something special and I think we all have a lot to be proud of.” Wesleyan was the first to strike in the 13th minute, when sophomore Kerry Doyle — the NESCAC Player of the Week — carried the ball into the right side of the box and passed it to senior Barrie Lindsay. Lindsay then sent the ball past Jumbos sophomore keeper Kristin Wright and into the near post for the first tally of the contest. “They got pretty lucky and capitalized on a momentary lapse of focus,” junior midfielder Alyssa Von Puttkammer said. Less than eight minutes later, however, the Jumbos responded with a tally of their own, when sophomore defenseman Erin Stone sent a threatening shot at the Cardinals’ freshman keeper, Jessica Tollman. Tollman slid to punch away Stone’s attempt, but as the ball came loose, Rowse stepped in to finish her
see VOLLEYBALL, page 15
see WOMEN’S SOCCER, page 12
Tufts 19 16 25 25 15 — 3 Conn. Coll. 25 25 20 19 10 — 2 including a roller coaster five-set comeback victory over the host Camels. With the results, the Jumbos finished with a 24-4 overall record, including 9-1 in the NESCAC, good for the No. 2 seed in the conference tournament at Bowdoin next weekend. “It was our most thrilling game of the season,” junior setter Kendall Lord said of the Conn. College game. “We got off to a rough start but really turned it on, and that set us up for the rest of the weekend. The weekend matchups concluded on Saturday with non-conference games against Keene State and Stevens Institute of Technology. Although the Jumbos were playing for pride alone, having already wrapped up their conference schedule, the squad came away with a straight-sets rout of the Owls and a 3-1 victory over the Ducks. The real drama came in the Friday game against Conn. College, which the Jumbos hoped would bolster their momentum. The Camels were a strong opponent, entering the game with a 6-3 record in the NESCAC. Even though Tufts’ position in the conference would not be changed by the result, the team still wanted to come out strong to give themselves confidence heading into the postseason tournament. But things did not start out well for Tufts, as Conn. College took advantage of strong attacks from senior Amy Newman to jump out to a 2-0 set lead, winning the sets by scores of 25-19 and 25-16, respectively. With their backs against the wall, the Jumbos knew they needed to respond immediately to have any chance of turning the match around. “Amy Newman was playing so well, and
Scott Tingley/Tufts Daily
First-year outside hitter Kelly Brennan (13) had a team-high 17 kills in the five-set victory over Conn. College. she’s been out for most of the season, so it was a challenge for us,” senior tri-captain Cara Spieler said. “But the difference in the match was the adjustment that we made to defend her. We’re actually glad she played, because it made us raise the level of our game.” And that turnaround, much like the
Player of the Week
Men’s Soccer
That’s so Kuhel For the second time this season, a member of the volleyball team has been named a NESCAC Player of Week, with freshman middle blocker Isabel Kuhel picking up the honor for her outstanding showings in four games over four days. Kuhel’s performances were based upon strong blocking coupled with an intense yet efficient attack. The 6-foot-1 freshman finished the week with a .433 hitting percentage and 18 blocks in 15 sets, while posting three service aces and 2.47 kills per set. Kuhel also now leads the NESCAC in blocks per set with 1.22. Perhaps her best outing of the week was against Keene State, as Kuhel posted eight
1 0 0 0 — 1 1 0 0 0 — 1
kills with no errors and chipped in four blocks. Her performance was critical in helping Tufts finish out the weekend 3-0 and end the year 24-4, with a 9-1 NESCAC mark that earned the Jumbos the No. 2 seed in next weekend’s tournament. Kuhel’s accolades are indicative of Tufts’ style this fall: Tenacious attacks from tall freshmen have led the way, while seniors have provided the backbone of the team. Kuhel and the rest of the Jumbos will be looking to continue their strong form this weekend as they take on Williams in the NESCAC quarterfinals at Bowdoin. —by David McIntyre
Jumbos squander lead in quarterfinal Williams advances to face Trinity by
Zachey Kliger
Senior Staff Writer
Williams overcame a late deficit to defeat the men’s soccer team 2-1 in the NESCAC MEN’S SOCCER (5-3-2 NESCAC, 9-4-2 Overall) NESCAC Quarterfinals at Williamstown, Mass., Saturday Tufts 1 Williams 0
0 2
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Championship quarterfinals, likely bringing the Jumbos’ season to a close. Tufts entered Saturday’s
affair in good spirits. The Jumbos had won five of their last six games down the stretch to secure the number-five seed in the NESCAC standings and a first-round road matchup against the Ephs. It was a rematch of the Oct. 15 Homecoming game from which Tufts emerged with a 2-1 victory. If they had posted a similar result on Saturday, it would have been the team’s first conference tournament victory since 2001. “We beat Williams at our homecoming match just a few weeks ago so we knew we could play with these guys going in,” senior tri-captain goalkeeper
Alan Bernstein said. “With that being said, we didn’t have snow blowing in our faces the first time around. That definitely made it tougher.” The game was played amidst an unexpected winter storm that brought a mixture of snow, sleet and rain. The Ephs looked poised to strike first, keeping possession on Tufts’ side of the field while outshooting the Jumbos 30-10 over the course of the match. Tufts took advantage of some timely defense and a few impressive saves from Bernstein to keep the score knotted at zero in the see MEN’S SOCCER, page 12