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friday, march 16, 2012
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
Senate passes resolution to lower cost of attending Tufts Andy Wong
The Tufts Community Union ( TCU) Senate at its meeting on March 4 passed a resolution (25-1-0) calling for the creation of a committee with the goal to constrain the cost of attending Tufts. The resolution was submitted by TCU Treasurer Christie Maciejewski, a sophomore, TCU Associate Treasurer Ard Ardalan, a junior, and TCU Assistant Treasurer Matt Roy, a freshman. To address cost issues, the resolution calls for “the administration of the University and the Trustees of Tufts College to create a commission including student representatives as full voting members, specifically tasked with lowering the cost of attending Tufts University.” The committee, in collaboration with the administration, would be tasked with the re-evaluation of tuition and other student-related fees, as well as the establishment of a five-year plan designed to “contain, cap, and cut the cost of attending Tufts University.” “We don’t have set solutions, but we know for sure that the problem needs to be dealt with and that the University has not set a priority for cost containment,” Ardalan, who is also an assistant op-ed editor for the Daily, said. “We’re trying to highlight that as a priority for the administration.” Maciejewski said the high cost of by
Contributing Writer
Antiquote via FlickR Creative Commons
Tufts Hillel will take a group of Jewish Tufts students to Morocco for the pilot program of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s (JDC) short-term service-learning trip to Morocco.
Tufts Hillel chosen to pilot JDC service trip to Morocco by
Tyler Agyemang
Contributing Writer
Tufts Hillel in May will be taking a group of Jewish students to Morocco for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s (JDC) first-ever short-term service-learning trip there. Tufts was selected to pilot the trip because of Tufts Hillel’s history of successful participation in past service-learn-
ing trips to other countries, according to Lenny Goldstein, acting executive director and associate director of Tufts Hillel. “Tufts Hillel has had a relationship with the [JDC] for many years now,” Goldstein said in an email. “The JDC does amazing work supporting Jewish communities worldwide, and we’ve had the chance to send students on a number of trips see MOROCCO, page 2
tuition affects virtually the entire student body. “This is not a cheap education for anyone and is a financial burden to just about every family on campus, and it’s important that we start looking into the problem,” Maciejewski said. “Maybe there’s not a solution that can be made immediately or a solution that’s the best, but someone has to start looking at it.” The resolution cites as its basis an expected three-percent increase in the cost of attending Tufts during the 2012-2013 academic year, the steadily rising mandatory health service and activity fees, and the administration’s expressed interest in being able to provide admission on a need-blind basis. The resolution also says that capping costs would reinforce University President Anthony Monaco’s recent calls for sustainability, diversity and inclusion as the main goals of the university in the coming years. “I felt as though there needed to be something to address costs, just like there is something to address diversity and sustainability. I thought that was missing,” Ardalan said. “[The resolution] was very straightforward. It didn’t try to outsmart or outdo the administration. It was a very matter-of-fact appeal for help from the administration, for them to draw their attention to an issue that we really haven’t found a solution for yet.” see SENATE, page 2
The hands that feed us: Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center by Jacob
Contributing Writer
On any given day, the staff of Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center serves up to 2,000 people per meal, according to Lyza Bayard, communications coordinator for Tufts Dining Services. Dewick is known for not only the variety of dishes it serves, but also the vibrant staff it employs — each member with his or her own story to tell. Grazia DiFabio — Dining Services Attendant A resident of the Boston area for 41 years, Grazia DiFabio moved to the United States at age 12 from Naples, Italy. “I came with Christopher Columbus — almost!” she joked. Her family came to America to provide her and her five brothers with better opportunities. The transition into American schools, however, was not easy for her. “I did not know English before coming,” DiFabio said, adding that despite the language barrier, she eventually adjusted to her new home. After high school, DiFabio married her high-school boyfriend and raised two children.
She and her husband opened DiFabio’s, an Italian restaurant in Medford, where she was both manager and cook. DiFabio inherited her cooking prowess from her mother and started cooking at the age of seven. Because her mother was busy working on the family’s farm, DiFabio and her brothers had to learn how to cook for themselves. After running the business for 20 years, DiFabio sold the restaurant when her husband retired. It is now known as Pinky’s Famous Pizza. When DiFabio came to Tufts eight years ago, she initially worked at the Commons Deli & Grill and then moved to Dewick, where she has been ever since. Having worked in the food industry for much of her life, she brought a wealth of experience with her. “I knew how to deal with customers,” she said. In her time at Tufts, DiFabio has especially enjoyed interacting with the students. “I see them growing up,” she said, recalling moments when former students have come by during Alumni Weekend to say hello. When she isn’t working at
Dewick, DiFabio takes on her second job, babysitting. Following her day with students at Tufts, DiFabio takes care of her twoand-a-half-year-old grandson. Although she is surrounded by a variety of food at Dewick, DiFabio’s favorite dish to cook is still lasagna. Leslie Phelan — Services Attendant
Leslie Phelan is not new to Dewick or even to Tufts Dining Services. Before leaving to raise her family in 1991, she worked as a third cook at both Carmichael and Dewick. She decided to reapply to work at Tufts after her daughter left for college. “My husband said ‘go for it,’” she said. Upon her return, Phelan sought out a job with more student interaction, her enthusiasm for the students she serves contributing to her love of her job at Tufts. She described meeting a homesick freshman when she first started, soon after her own daughter had just gone off to college. “We both cried one day, and
Inside this issue
see DEWICK, page 2
justin mccallum / the tufts daily
Before beginning work at Dewick eight years ago, Grazia DiFabio ran an Italian restaurant in Medford with her husband.
Today’s sections
Will Ferrell discusses learning Spanish for his new film, “Casa de mi Padre.”
Six Jumbos received invites to the swimming & diving NCAA Tournament.
see ARTS, page 3
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News | features
Friday, March 16, 2012
Senate calls for plan to lower cost of attending Tufts SENATE
Maciejewski said yearly tuition hikes should not be the status quo for the university. “I think the most important thing is that we just start looking at costs and not just assume they can go up every year,” Maciejewski said. “When we looked, there seemed to be a pattern, that it seemed to be increasing at a certain rate. I think it’s important that people start looking before they just increase the costs.” Senior TCU Senator Ben Richards voted against the resolution because he does not believe the resolution is the right way to address the cost of attending Tufts. “The wording was intentionally vague, and I feel that the best way for the university to look at lowering costs would require the involvement of a third party that has experience in this field,” he said in an email. “I feel that while this resolution was certainly good-natured and has an admirable goal, it doesn’t achieve a whole lot.” According to Richards, a clause that did not make it into the final draft of the resolution would have called for the current tuition rate to be frozen for the next five years. “Again, this would be nice but it’s unrealistic and by including such an unrealistic demand and not even discussing its inclusion for that matter, it continued from page 1
scott tingley / the tufts daily
The TCU (Tufts Community Union) Senate at its meeting on March 4 passed a resolution that calls for the administration to establish a five-year plan to contain, cap and cut the cost of attending Tufts University. undermined the entire purpose of the resolution,” Richards said. Ardalan said that the Senate welcomes student input on the matter. “We encourage any students to submit resolutions or to come talk to senators about submitting resolu-
tions,” he said. “We want more input from the student body on how to solve big issues. Ultimately we can’t do it ourselves. The only way to address problems like this is to have dialogues about it and make our priorities clear to the administration.”
Tufts students to work with Morocco’s Jewish communities MOROCCO
continued from page 1
(including to Kazakhstan, Argentina and India) to meet and work with various diaspora Jewish communities.” The group will be in Morocco from May 29 to June 7. The group’s main goal is to contribute to the Moroccan Jewish community there through service projects. Goldstein said that in addition to the service work, cultural exchange will be an important aspect of the trip. “Students will have a chance to get to know several communities of Moroccan Jews very well, to forge friendships, to have each group able to learn from the other, and there will be a major service project undertaken as well,” he said. The JDC is an organization actively working on humanitarian projects across the globe, typically related to Jewish communities in the diaspora. The JDC has done work in Morocco before, but this is the first trip in which university students will engage in a short-
term service-learning trip there. According to Andrew Lutz, the student trip coordinator, the group headed to Morocco this summer will be working on one or two main service projects. “Some of the programs [the JDC has] there are an elderly center, they have a youth center, and they also have a Jewish day school, and they provide medical services,” Lutz, a junior, said. “So what we’re doing will be involved with at least one, if not two, of those things.” Prior to the trip, participants will fundraise to buy electronic school supplies for children in Moroccan schools. The group will spend most of its time in Casablanca, which is home to Morocco’s largest Jewish community, but will also likely travel to Rabat and Marrakech. Melissa Mandelbaum, head of the Tufts’ chapter of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee University group, said that the group tries to raise awareness of the fact that there are Jewish populations in places where peo-
ple do not tend to think there are, such as Uganda, India and Argentina. “People don’t really know what the populations are like and what their needs are and how similar they are to being Jewish here [in the United States],” Mandelbaum, a sophomore who is also a staff writer for the Daily, said. Lutz, who traveled to Argentina through Tufts Hillel and the JDC last year, said that his experience with the beneficiaries of the program was among the most fulfilling aspects of the trip. “It was really an eye-opening experience to see how the rest of the world lives and really touching just to get a taste of somebody’s life and to hear stories of people who have really suffered their entire lives and to realize how privileged most of us are in the United States,” Lutz said. “It was more than just the work. It was really just bonding with the community, because we got to work with Argentinian peers our own age in doing that.”
Dewick workers discuss previous culinary experience dewick
make him try it,” she said.
it was awesome,” Phelan said. Over the past 20 years, Phelan has noticed substantial changes at Tufts, particularly the combination of the once separate Dewick and MacPhie Dining Halls. She also mentioned new practices that she’s observed, such as buffet style, noting that dining hall staff had previously served students. Phelan admired the extensive renovations in Dewick. “It’s actually really beautiful,” Phelan said. In addition to working at Dewick, Phelan is also a mother with a son in middle school. Despite her training as a cook and her love of food, she does not cook much at home. However, she encourages her son, who has severe food allergies, to cook in order to help him become more comfortable with food. “I make him cook a lot of stuff, and I
Christine Tringale — Third Cook Cooking has always been a passion for Christine Tringale, who first learned from her parents. “I think it’s more of an art,” she said. Tringale graduated from the Medford Vocational Technical High School in 2009, where she began her formal education in the culinary arts. After high school, Tringale went on to study at Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Boston, where she received an associates degree. As part of her studies, she completed a six-week externship working in Dewick’s kitchen. After working at Tufts for a month, she was offered a job. According to Tringale, the adrenaline rush of serving so many students makes her experience at Dewick distinct from her time spent in the kitchen of Le Cordon Bleu’s restaurant, Technique.
continued from page 1
She also enjoys contributing to and planning the special events frequently held in Dewick. Tringale’s age sets her apart from her coworkers. “I’m basically the same age as [the students],” she said, allowing her to form relationships with Tufts students. “They tell me they miss me,” Tringale said, mentioning one student who moved uphill and transitioned to Carmichael. Tringale also noted that there are other perks to her job besides serving her peers — particularly the variety in the menus and the quality of the food. “We don’t do high dining, but it’s on the high end for a college,” she said. For Tringale, working at Tufts has been a learning experience. “I’ve really been progressing here,” she said, adding that she hopes to transition into management in the future.
CORRECTIONs P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910 ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.
The March 14 article entitled “Greeks Go Green working with TSC to improve fraternity, sorority sustainability” erroneously stated that the Greeks Go Green campaign will work with Eco-Representatives. In fact, the students in Tufts Sustainability Collective (TSC) who will be working with the fraternities and sororities are not the group’s Eco-Representatives. The March 15 article entitled “Pro II to be removed from students’ records after term of probation” erroneously states that the Tufts Community Union Judiciary has the right to determine the length of a student’s probation. In fact, that is the role of the Dean of Student Affairs Judiciary.
Arts & Living
Movie Review
‘Casa de mi Padre’ capitalizes on pure silliness and kitsch by
Zach Drucker
Daily Editorial Board
Throughout Will Ferrell’s prolific acting career, he has pushed the lowbrow humor envelope, adopting various outrageous per-
Casa de mi Padre Starring Will Ferrell, Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna Directed by Matt Piedmont sonas along the way. He was an ignorant, jingoistic racecar driver in “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” (2006), a clumsy human with a Christmas-inspired identity crisis in “Elf” (2003) and a fashion design icon known for the invention of the piano key necktie in “Zoolander” (2001). In his latest film, “Casa de Mi Padre” Ferrell has yet again expanded his horizons to uncharted comedic territory. This time, Ferrell stars as the Mexican farmhand, Armando Alvarez. If this latest character does not strike viewers as goofy enough, however, Ferrell’s role comes with one more unique twist: He, along with all of his film companions, speaks entirely in Spanish. Yes, Ferrell has transplanted himself into the wacky world of the hyperbolic, daytime Spanish soap operas, or “telenovelas,” treading foreign language waters for the first time in his career. In fact, the American funnyman holds his own, despite being surrounded by an overwhelmingly Hispanic cast of established actors. Though his accent is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, his sincerity and physical humor come across in this bold portrayal. The film focuses on Armando’s peaceful,
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Spanish actor Diego Luna stars in this funny satire. of a low-budget telenovela. simple life working on his father’s ranch. When his brother, Raul (Diego Luna), comes to visit, the film shifts and focuses on a surprisingly relevant theme: the Mexican drug cartel. Raul, who arrives with his beautiful fiancee, Sonia (Genesis Rodriguez), is under immense pressure from the ruthless drug lord, La Onza (Gael García Bernal).
Known for his dull and dim-witted behavior, Armando must fend off his brother’s pursuers in an attempt to protect his family. As the story progresses, Armando receives assistance from his two trusty sidekicks, Esteban (Efren Ramirez) and Manuel (Adrian Martinez), and experiences perverse sexual tension with the stunning Sonia.
Hollywood has a tendency to overproduce films, even satires. But this feature embraces its telenovela style, showcasing its ridiculousness with unconvincing, eroding set pieces and cheap imitations of Mexican wildlife. The low budget quality is further see CASA, page 4
Interview | Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell discusses tackling Spanish in ‘Casa de mi Padre’ by
Zach Drucker
person about it. [Laughs] No, I keep getting asked, “What are your favorite telenovelas?” And I sheepishly say, “I really don’t know any of them.” I basically got this idea from something I’m sure we all have done, when you’re flipping through the channels and you stop for a second and you’re like, “What’s going on here? What is this show? Oh, it’s a Spanish soap opera. Okay, that’s pretty intriguing.”
Daily Editorial Board
Renowned funnyman Will Ferrell spoke to college press via phone about his new film, “Casa de mi Padre,” a hilarious foray into the Spanish soap opera genre. The Tufts Daily: Was the decision always to make the film in Spanish?
Will Ferrell: Yeah. This whole film came from a random idea five, six years ago. For some reason, it struck me that it could be pretty interesting to put myself in a Spanish language film. I felt like you hadn’t seen an American comedian commit to a foreign language movie and be the only “gringo” in an entirely Hispanic cast.
Q: What was it like to work with Nick Offerman [of “Parks and Recreation”]?
TD: Is it harder to come across as funny when you’re speaking a different language? WF: We wrote the script in English first, and then it was translated. So, I always had an exact comprehension of what I was saying. And, once you know what you’re saying, you can put the right emphasis in the right places. Plus, the whole telenovela style is so over the top that it was fairly easy to mimic. I just knew that the more dramatic I could be, that would probably play funny. Q: What was it like bringing in friends from “Saturday Night Live” for this movie? WF: It was great. We were always
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Will Ferrell had to work hard to make his accent sound respectable in ‘Casa de mi Padre.’ professionally trying to look for opportunities to work with old friends and people who have gone on and are working in other parts of the business. When I came up with this movie idea, it fit perfectly to work with [writer] Andrew Steele, who used to be a head writer on the show and now is our creative director for “Funny or Die,” and Matt Piedmont, who directed [“Casa de mi Padre,”] is also a buddy of ours. [He] was a writer who then went on to direct
a bunch of commercials and shorts. To get to work together, be friends and share the same shorthand is always the best situation. Q: Did you get to improvise in this movie, even though it was in Spanish? WF: Not so much. The main challenge for me, since I’m not fluent in Spanish, was to make sure I got the accent right. I didn’t want the joke of this movie to be that
I speak Spanish poorly, so I was really focused on having as good a pronunciation as I possibly could. And, of course, memorizing in a foreign language is a whole other aspect as well. Q: Are you a fan and constant viewer of telenovelas? WF: I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan. I only watch them every weekday from 11 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. So, I’m not a crazy
WF: Well, I’ve known Nick for a long time and we’re huge fans of his. [Adam McKay and I] were kind of going through the list, trying to cast it and we were going after Chris Cooper. But people like that we’re like, “What? No! This is crazy!” Then, we started thinking, “Well, what about Nick? He could play that guy perfectly!” He, of course, was fantastic. I just love how he commits to everything. He had a harder job than I did, to not only memorize in Spanish, but to memorize in bad Spanish. Q: With this being your first Spanish film, do you see this as an experience you would want to repeat? WF: It would be hysterical to me if this movie became a little cult hit and we made a sequel or a series of them! That would be really fun. But, you know, there are a billion Chinese. That’s the next market to conquer.
The Tufts Daily
Arts & Living
Friday, March 16, 2012
‘Casa de mi Padre’ earns solid laughs with shaky script CASA
continued from page 3
embodied by intentionally defective cuts and continuity errors, all of which add a distinct flavor to the film’s humor. At one point, audiences even see mannequins take the place of extras so as not to overstep the movie’s presumed budgetary restrictions. Director Matt Piedmont executes his first feature film with aplomb despite several shortcomings in the script and the restrictive nature of a Spanish language film intended for American viewers. Piedmont and Ferrell have a long history, since Piedmont was a writer for “Saturday Night Live” during Ferrell’s glory years on the show. The chemistry between the two is undeniable, as the Ferrell-centric feature delivers raucous laughs. Furthermore, Luna and Bernal, two prominent Mexican actors known for their dramatic roles, embrace their foray into
comedy. Bernal is simultaneously devious and whimsical, delivering chilling lines while experimenting with slapstick motifs, such as smoking two cigarettes at once so as to further intimidate his prey. Unfortunately, the movie struggles to maintain consistency in its comedic tone. Though some jokes really hit home with audiences and elicit rumbling laughter — take, for example, any scene with Nick Offerman, who plays a DEA officer with an uncanny knack for butchering the Spanish language — many jokes and subplots are flat and uninspired. Overall, “Casa de mi Padre” is a worthwhile film for its campiness and kitsch, which satisfy the average American audiences’ undying thirst for innovation. Yet the film is clearly not a classic Ferrell comedy, and should not be mentioned in the same sentence as films like “Old School” (2003) and “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004).
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Will Ferrell and Genesis Rodriguez make this Spanish-language comedy worth watching.
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The Tufts Daily
Friday, March 16, 2012
Bustin’ Out
Louie Zong
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Married to the Sea
SUDOKU Level: There are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 possible bracket combinations. Good luck.
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Craig: I thought it said “vagina.” ... I would have had to resign if it had. Want more late-night laughs? Follow us on Twitter at @LateNiteAtDaily
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The Tufts Daily
With promising freshman prospects, Jumbos look ahead to next year MEN’S BASKETBALL continued from Back
tools and confidence to play against the conference’s elite competition. “Coach Sheldon does a great job of motivating us to play our hardest and preparing us for each opponent,� Anderson said. “He’s been doing it for so long that he knows the other teams in the NESCAC and in the region, so he’s able to [provide] good scouting reports for us.� Strong play from the Jumbos’ frontcourt anchored the team, with Anderson and senior Alex Orchowski leading the way. The fearsome duo averaged a combined 24.5 points and 14.5 rebounds per game, and both finished among the top 16 in the conference in each category. Orchowski, who transferred to Tufts after two seasons at Div. I Lafayette College, was one of the most powerful forces down low in the NESCAC. All season, the forward created mismatches for opponents and wreaked havoc on the offensive glass. In the backcourt, Sheldon elected to use younger players in place of more seasoned upperclassmen who had seen the bulk of the minutes last season. Sophomore point guard Kwame Firempong had a breakout year, starting 24 out of 25 games while leading the team in assists and steals. Sixth man and NESCAC Rookie of the Year Ben Ferris averaged 9.6 points and 5.1 boards per game, and shot 28-of-68 from three-point territory to establish himself as the Jumbos’ most reliable deep threat. Ferris, who complemented his offensive prowess with suffocating defense, finished the season with 34 steals — second on the team to Firempong’s 41 — and consistently got his hands in passing lanes to force turnovers. Freshman guard C.J. Moss also had an excellent rookie campaign, starting
23 games and providing the Jumbos with yet another offensive threat. Overall, Tufts had a much deeper lineup than in the previous few years, with 10 players averaging at least four points per game. “I thought we had a really good group of guys this season,� Anderson said. “We had more depth than we’ve had in the past, so that made our practices more competitive.� Next season, the Jumbos will look to replace four seniors: Orchowski, center Peter Saba and tri-captains James Long and guard Amauris Quezada. Throughout his career, Long provided Sheldon with a smart, strong presence down low and was able to play physical defense against taller opponents. But the future looks extremely bright. The Jumbos expect to return four of five regular starters in addition to several key members off the bench, including Ferris, who will likely find himself in the starting lineup for the next three years. Now, the Jumbos hope to continue to ascend toward the top of the conference. And they don’t need to be told twice what it will take to make that leap. “I think we played really well at times, but at other times, we didn’t take care of business against teams that we could have beaten,� Anderson said. “We just have to learn how to play with more consistency, especially against some of the other NESCAC teams.� “In general, it was definitely a step in the right direction,� Goldfarb added. “It’s the most success we’ve had [in the three years] I’ve been at Tufts, and we were able to reestablish ourselves as a top team in the NESCAC and in New England. Next year, we bring a lot of guys back, so we want to build on that success, especially against the top teams that we face.�
Friday, March 16, 2012
Six Jumbos head to nationals next week SWIMMING
continued from Back
portion],� Rood said. “If he does, he won’t get a minute of sleep. That I guarantee.� Schmidt will compete in both the 1- and 3-meter dives, while Rood is entered in the 50- and 100-yard freestyles and the 100 breaststroke. Last year, Rood finished 12th in the 50 freestyle, and he and coach Adam Hoyt have been working closely on the details over the last two weeks in hopes of doing even better in his last NCAA effort. Schmidt, meanwhile, is already a twotime All-American. Last year, he placed sixth in the 3-meter and 12th in the 1-meter dive at nationals and came within seven points of breaking the 30-year old Tufts record on the 3-meter board. Experience will not be on the women’s side. Tufts will be represented by the foursome of sophomores Jenny Hu and Mia Greenwald, senior Courtney Adams and freshman Sam Sliwinski, all of whom are making their NCAA Championship debuts. As a team, they qualified in the 200 medley relay and will also compete in the 200 freestyle relay, the 400 medley relay and the 400 freestyle relay. Individually, Greenwald will be swimming the 100 fly
and Hu will race in the 100 breaststroke. “The women’s team hasn’t sent a relay to Nationals since 1996,� Hu said. “It’s going to be really exciting for me, but I’m not nervous at all. I was nervous for NESCACs because the whole team was counting on me to swim my fastest; here, it’s just exciting to go to such a high-level meet.� Hu’s teammates are also are trying to find ways to keep things in perspective and swim within their capabilities. For Adams, the meet will have some personal significance. “I’m not really nervous, as I know we have all worked very hard and deserve to be there,� Adams said. “It will be my final swim meet of my swimming career, and I grew up swimming in the IUPUI pool, so I am just excited to be given the opportunity to swim my last races in that pool.� Both squads undoubtedly will be watching out for conference rivals Amherst, Williams and Middlebury, but they will mostly be focused on their own performances. Ultimately, they are excited to show what Tufts can do on a national stage. “It has been a great season for both the men’s and women’s teams,� Adams said. “NCAAs will be a great way for the six of us to represent our coaches, teammates and Tufts.�
Andrew Morgenthaler / The Tufts Daily Archives
Sophomore Samantha Gann will likely move into the No. 3 singles spot this spring in place of the injured junior Lauren Hollender.
Lone senior Schils looks to guide young team to victory WOMEN’S TENNIS continued from Back
senior on the roster, and her presence and experience will be essential in guiding this talented but young team to success. “As a senior this year, I hope to be a role model for the rest of the team and to enjoy this opportunity to play and compete with such an incredible group
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of girls,� Schils said. On the court, Schils will look to step into Lauren Hollender’s spot on the No. 3 doubles team, where she will be paired up with sophomore Rebecca Kimmel. She also hopes to see some time at No. 6 singles, which seems likely considering the team’s thin roster.
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The Tufts Daily
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NESCAC Roundup Each week, the staff at NESCAC Insider, The Tufts Daily’s NESCAC blog, will compile a roundup of the top news throughout Div. III’s top conference. For more up-to-the-minute analysis and comprehensive coverage of the NESCAC, visit or follow on Twitter @NESCACInsider. Women’s Basketball | Lord Jeffs punch ticket to Final Four It will be a battle of undefeated proportions, the defending champions against the perfection from Oregon. Today, at 5 p.m. in the DeVos Fieldhouse at Hope College, Amherst will take on George Fox for a shot in tomorrow’s national title game. Amherst is no stranger to this stage. After all, it won the title last season, besting Washington University in St. Louis 64-55 in the final. Then again, neither are the Bruins, the champs in 2009 back when the Flying Dutchmen hosted the Final Four, which began a dominant 116-9 stretch for the class of 2012. However, they were dropped in the quarterfinals last spring against Illinois Wesleyan. Both teams enter at an unblemished 31-0 on the heels of routs in the Elite Eight.
Amherst took down Emmanuel (Mass.) 84-61 behind 19 points, eight rebounds and three blocks from forward Lem Atanga McCormick, while George Fox rolled over previously unbeaten Mary Washington 68-45, buoyed by 19 points from Hannah Munger and 10 three-pointers from a stacked backcourt. For star power, look no further than this game. Each team features a Player of the Year for its respective region. For Amherst, senior Caroline Stedman, a twotime NESCAC and Northeast Player of the Year, is averaging 13.9 points per game, while George Fox senior Keisha Gordon (15.0 points per game in the NCAA tournament) is George Fox’s all-time leader in points and the 2012 Northwest Conference Player of the Year. Baseball | Polar Bears are red-hot Tufts may enter this season as the twotime defending NESCAC champion, but Bowdoin is looking like an early contender thanks to some stellar pitching on its spring break trip to Florida. The Polar Bears’ loaded rotation is no secret. Sophomore Christian Martin was the
2011 Rookie of the Year and a first-team AllNESCAC selection after posting a 3.27 ERA and 6-1 record over 10 appearances with a league-high 71 strikeouts and a 3.09 K/BB ratio. Martin started the season-opener and went six strong innings, allowing four hits and one unearned run against six strikeouts in a 3-1 win over Endicott. Sophomore John Lefeber, a double-duty All-NESCAC honoree on the mound and in the outfield, went 3-3 last season and is 1-0 after allowing two unearned runs in six innings against Westfield St. Lefeber and Martin were the first pair of freshman teammates to make the first team in NESCAC history. And all of this without mentioning junior Oliver Van Zant, who had a relatively down year in 2011 after being named the Pitcher and Rookie of the Year in 2010. He’s returned to vintage form in his only start this season, throwing a complete seven-inning shutout against Endicott, striking out seven and allowing just one hit. Men’s Basketball | Amherst, Middlebury bow out of tourney While the Lord Jeffs women are bidding
for their second straight title, NESCAC teams on the men’s side will have to wait another year for their shot at glory. Both Amherst and Middlebury bowed out of the NCAA tournament in the third round last weekend, ending their respective seasons. NESCAC champion Amherst lost 80-71 to Franklin & Marshall, which held the Jeffs to 36.5 percent shooting and just 4-of-21 from beyond the arc. Sophomore guard Aaron Toomey scored 21 points in defeat. Middlebury, on the other hand, was dealt a crueler hand. Scranton downed the Panthers 58-55 on a buzzer-beating three-pointer, which potentially could have been avoided had Middlebury shot better than 55 percent from the free-throw line. Sophomore Joey Kizel led all scorers with 21 points, including the Panthers’ final nine of the game. NESCAC Player of the Year Ryan Sharry finished with 13 points, closing out his career ranked second in school history in rebounds and blocks and fifth in scoring. —by Alex Prewitt
Spring Break
Spring break-down: Jumbos fly south for early-season action Compiled by the Daily sports department
Just like their classmates, Tufts athletes get to go away on spring break. The only difference? They’re trying to win, not relax. In games that could seriously shake up the national rankings, both lacrosse teams will look to stay undefeated, while other squads will simply try to start off their seasons on the right foot. Here, the Daily breaks down what each team will be doing while you’re sipping margaritas:
Women’s Lacrosse After a 2-0 start to their season, the women’s lacrosse team will look to stay hot with a pair of games in Clermont, Fla. The first will be against non-conference opponent Western Conn. St., and then No. 11 Tufts will take on conference rival No. 7 Colby in a rare regular-season, neutral-site NESCAC game. The second matchupwill be critical — Colby finished just one game better than Tufts in the NESCAC standings last year, and the Tufts is hoping to keep its flawless conference record intact.
Men’s Lacrosse The No. 2 men’s lacrosse team will also face two opponents capable of tarnishing the Tufts’ perfect season so far. On Saturday, the Jumbos will travel to Hoboken, N. J. for a top-five showdown with No. 4 Stevens Institute of Technology — the highest-ranked opponent on the Jumbos’ 2012 schedule. Then, on Tuesday, the team will continue south to Maryland to take on No. 9 Stevenson, which has not allowed an opponent more than six goals this season and will present a new challenge for Tufts’ young but deep offense. The Jumbos will have to go 2-0 over break to maintain their national clout. Softball The softball team is gearing up for a ridiculous 15 games in nine days. From March 17-25, the Jumbos will be in sunny Clermont, Fla. for the annual NTC Spring Games, which will give the players and coaches a chance to build chemistry as they prepare to make a run at a NESCAC title. Tufts will open up its season with a doubleheader on Saturday afternoon against St. Thomas (Minn.) and Hope
College and will conclude the trip next Sunday against Oberlin.
Baseball Yesterday morning, the baseball team headed south to begin a grueling spring break slate. Tufts will play 11 games between tonight’s 5 p.m. match with Lynchburg and next Sunday’s trip-closer at Virginia Wesleyan. In between, Tufts has matchups with nine other schools, including No. 3 Christopher Newport on March 23. The Jumbos went 5-4-1 on last year’s trip to Virginia and North Carolina, and will need some fresh faces — both in the lineup and on the mound — to step up.
Women’s Tennis The No. 5 women’s tennis squad will stay at junior captain Lindsay Katz’s house in Maryland, where the team will play in a weekend tournament against Washington College and No. 11 Johns Hopkins. After that, the Jumbos will drive down to Virginia to take on No. 8 Washington & Lee. The team will look to justify its top-five ranking after the graduation of former NCAA singles champion Julia Browne (LA ‘11).
Men’s Tennis The men have been anxious to get outdoors all winter, and they will have a chance to shine against some of the best competition in the country next week. The No. 27 Jumbos will head to Hilton Head, S.C., where they will play a match almost every day. Their most important matchup will be against the University of Chicago, a team ranked only five spots higher than Tufts in Div. III. This early-season showdown could ultimately determine who receives one of the final bids to the NCAA tournament at the end of the season. Track and Field Both track and field teams will be in action during both weekends of Spring Break, but unlike their Tufts counterparts, they will remain close to the Hill. The men and women will send small squads to compete in the Husky Invitational at Northeastern this Saturday and the Westfield State Invitational on Saturday, March 24. With only four meets after break before the NESCAC Championships, these invitationals will serve as a chance to hit championship qualifiers early on.
Pataro will be an X-factor for men’s tennis team MEN’S TENNIS
continued from Back
“There’s going to be more pressure at the top of the lineup. There’s a reason the coach [Jaime Kenney] has put me there,” he said. “And it’s not to lose.”
Senior Sam Laber Laber is one of two team captains and, along with senior Morrie Bossen, leads the squad by example both on and off the court. “On the court I try to lead by example, meaning that I try to work hard throughout the warmup and take every minute of practice very seriously,” Laber said. Driving him is the knowledge that this is his last season here at Tufts, and he feels the need to go out on a high note as he finishes his career not only as a Jumbo, but as a competitive tennis player. Laber will most likely be playing in the middle of the lineup in both singles and doubles, and though positions have not yet been set
in stone, the co-captain already knows what he expects out of himself this season. “I’d like to win close to 75 percent for both [singles and doubles] matches,” Laber said, emphasizing the need to stay consistent and calm throughout the season. While Laber will not be leading the charge from the top of the lineup, his leadership will be key to keeping a relatively young Jumbo squad on track as it works toward its long-term goals. Sophomore Matt Pataro Laber considers Pataro a major X-factor for the Jumbos, as someone who has “lots of potential,” but needs to find consistency in his first year in the starting lineup. Last year, Pataro played in the seventh singles position, meaning that his matches did not count toward the team score and were basically pressure-free. But after the departure of a number of players, Pataro finds himself thrust into
a crucial role, likely in the fourth singles spot and with the second doubles team. Knowing that improvement this offseason had the potential to make a bigger impact this year than it did last year, Pataro has been working on a number of facets of his game, including his return of serve and his net game in general. “I’ve been working on my doubles game, and it’s improved a lot over the last year,” he said. Pataro feels confident heading into the season. If he is able to hold down the middle of the lineup for the Jumbos, the depth of the team will be one of its greatest assets against NESCAC foes. Still, that pressure doesn’t worry the sophomore as he gears up for his first spring match against Middlebury today. “I’m not really nervous in particular,” he said. “It’s a lot more pressure on me to help the team out, but I’m pretty confident with the whole team around me.”
Virginia Bledsoe / The Tufts Daily Archives
Junior Andrew Lutz will anchor the Jumbos’ lineup in both singles and doubles this season.
INSIDE Spring Break
Men’s Tennis
Notebook: Three players who could swing the season by
Marcus Budline Daily Staff Writer
The men’s tennis team’s run at a return appearance in the NESCAC Tournament begins today at Middlebury. Last spring, the Jumbos reached the conference tournament for the first time since 2005, and with a deep lineup from top to bottom, they now look poised to do at least as well this season. Certain players will be particularly pivotal to the team’s success, whether it’s for their leadership, their adjustments to new roles, or their positions at the top of the lineup. Here is a look at three of those players: Junior Andrew Lutz Having played last year in the second singles spot and the first doubles pair, Lutz comes into this season expecting to control the top of the lineup for the team, at either first or second singles and most likely in the first doubles pair again. Though he struggled in the role last season, Lutz is intent on doing a better job of putting away more formidable opponents from higher-ranked schools. “Individually, I’m right there with a lot of those top players,” Lutz said. “And in those matches I’d like to get over that mental block and turn those chances into wins.” Lutz has spent the offseason working on endurance and flexibility to avoid leg problems that have plagued him in his first two seasons. As one of the lineup anchors along with fellow junior Ben Barad, Lutz feels the pressure not only to stay on the court, but also to perform at a high level. see MEN’S TENNIS, page 7
Men’s Basketball
Despite late-season downswing, Jumbos’ deep roster makes significant strides by
Alex Baudoin
Daily Editorial Board
There was no storybook ending this year for the men’s basketball team, which dropped its final four games of the season before falling in heartbreaking fashion to Bates in the NESCAC quarterfinals. Nonetheless, by going 16-9, Tufts proved it is a program on the rise. Had it not been for their late-season slip, the Jumbos would have had a shot at achieving their number-one goal. “Our goal from the beginning was to make the [NCAA] tournament,” said junior tricaptain Scott Anderson, an All-NESCAC forward. “We obviously weren’t able to do that, but we know how close we came and understand that we have to be more consistent next year.” Tufts ended the regular season fourth in the NESCAC, which was good enough to earn home-court advantage in the conference tournament for the first time since 2006. The Jumbos’ win total of 16 was three more than their total a year ago. “Coming into the season, we knew that we had the talent to make a run at the tournament,” junior guard Alex Goldfarb said. “It was just a matter of us taking care of
business and getting enough quality wins.” But the Jumbos fell to the Bobcats in the first round, failing to capitalize on several opportunities to tie the game in the closing seconds. Down three points with 29 seconds remaining, the Jumbos attempted several threes but ultimately could not convert to send the game into overtime. “It was definitely disappointing to lose those games at the end, especially against Bates at home,” Goldfarb said. “We wanted another chance at Amherst because we played them tough during the regular season and thought we had a real shot of beating them if we played them again.” Despite losing in the quarterfinals, the Jumbos showed great improvement from their performance in the conference tournament a year ago, when the Bantams embarrassed them by a 23-point margin. Head coach Bob Sheldon developed a deep team this winter, featuring a strong group of freshmen who could be mentored by more experienced upperclassmen. Perhaps more importantly, he gave his younger players the
see MEN’S BASKETBALL, page 6
William Butt / The Tufts Daily
NESCAC Rookie of the Year Ben Ferris emerged as a force off the bench for the Jumbos in his freshman season, averaging 9.6 points and 5.1 rebounds per game.
Women’s Tennis
Swimming & Diving
Notebook: Small roster means big responsibilities by Jake Indursky
Daily Staff Writer
Andrew Morgenthaler / The Tufts Daily Archives
Sophomore Johann Schmidt earned two All-American diving honors at last year’s national meet.
Jumbos to send six to NCAA Tournament next week by
G.J. Vitale
Daily Staff Writer
Next Wednesday through Saturday, Tufts will compete in the NCAA Division III Swimming and Diving Championships at Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). The tournament will feature the athletes who have achieved top times in both individual and relay events, and needless to say, the top performers from Tufts will have their hands full against powerhouses like Kenyon College, Denison University and Emory University. Kenyon, a small liberal arts college in Gambier, Ohio, has won the men’s overall title in 31 of the last 32 years. Its 31-year NCAA streak was broken last year when fellow North Coast Athletic Conference (NCAC) school Denison defeated them. The victory may have signaled a changing of the guard — Denison
already defeated Kenyon this year in their conference championship tournament. On the women’s side, the overall title has been passed between Emory and Kenyon over the past eight years, with Emory taking the last two. History is on the side of Kenyon, which has come out victorious in 23 of the 30 years the tournament has been held, including a streak from 1984 to 2000. Senior co-captain Owen Rood and sophomore Johann Schmidt will travel to Indiana for the Tufts men, marking the second year in a row the two have gone to the NCAA Championships. By themselves, it may be difficult to finish in the top 20 for a third straight year, but Rood is confident that they will make the best of their individual opportunities. “I’m rooming with Johann, and he definitely has the potential to win [the diving see SWIMMING, page 6
Despite their lack of bodies, the women’s tennis team is entering the season with high expectations and the No. 5 ranking in Division III. The team has seen its roster size decrease sharply, from 13 players last year to nine to start the year, and now to eight to start the season after junior Lauren Hollender was injured. But what matters is who will be on the court, not who won’t. On Sunday, the team of eight will kick off its campaign against Washington College in Maryland. Here, we take a look at four players who could have a big impact on the team’s success.
Junior Lindsay Katz Katz enters the season as the team’s captain and only ranked player. She ended last year ranked 42nd for singles in all of Div. III and is going to have to improve even more to make up for the team losing national singles champion Julia Browne (LA ’11). The biggest change for Katz off the court has been stepping into her new role as team leader. “The biggest thing that has changed for me this year is that now I am the captain and an upperclassman, whereas last year I was an underclassman,” Katz said. “I feel like more of a leader, especially because there are only three upperclassmen on the team.” On the court, Katz will occupy the No. 1 spot for both singles and doubles, and she will look to play a more aggressive game this year than she has in the past. Sophomore Samantha Gann Last year as a freshman, Gann was tossed right into the fire, starting at No.
6 singles and No. 3 doubles. This year, Gann, like most members of the team, is preparing to take on a bigger role. In the fall, she started at No. 4 singles and No. 2 doubles, but with Hollender out, she will most likely move up to third singles. Ideally, Gann explained, she would like to improve enough not only so that she can help the team go far in the NCAA championships — the Jumbos reached the Elite Eight last year — but so that she can also have an opportunity to participate in the individual championships. Sophomore Shelci Bowman With a year of playing No. 1 doubles with Browne under her belt, Bowman will now move further into the spotlight. She will likely occupy the No. 2 singles position and once again will play No. 1 doubles, this time with Katz. Bowman feels ready for the new responsibilities. “Since I was a freshman last year, I was definitely more intimidated by the competition, but now I am really looking forward to our matches this spring break,” Bowman said. “I feel that, having had a year of experience already, I am better prepared for what’s out there and am excited to see how the competition has changed since last year, because I know many teams got highly ranked recruits.” Bowman is looking for a chance to competeintheindividualNCAAChampionships, but more importantly, she has a lofty goal for the team: winning NCAAs. “You can’t reach a goal if you don’t set it first,” she said. Senior Nathalie Schils Schils enters the season as the only see WOMEN’S TENNIS, page 6