David Hogg, a gun control activist who survived the 2018 Parkland school shooting, visit ed Tufts on Sept. 19 in the first installation of this year’s Tisch College Alan and Susan Solomont Distinguished Speaker Series. At the event, Hogg discussed his path to civic engagement, the importance of putting pressure on the government and the steps that young people can take in order to support the gun control movement.Theevent was co-sponsored by the Tufts Democrats, Tufts Cooperation and Innovation in Citizenship, and the civic stud ies and political science depart ments. Dean of Tisch College of Civic Life Dayna Cunningham introduced Hogg and spoke about Tisch College’s aspirations for this year’s speaker series.
“These properties are cur rently owned by Walnut Hill Properties which is a fully owned subsidiary of Tufts University,” DiRico wrote in an email to the Daily. “Both properties are beyond repair. So, they will be demolished, and new buildings will be built on site. The new buildings will match the char acter of the other homes in the neighborhood.”Duringthemeeting, Tufts also reiterated its previous commit ments to the Medford communi ty, including continued payment of property taxes, a requirement for CoHo students to park on campus and assurances that the new buildings will not be used for fraternity or sorority housing.
Sam,event.a local student who asked that their last name be omitted, handed anti-CIA
Tufts announced in June that it would begin construction on two new housing properties for upperclassmen on 50 Winthrop St. and 2–4 Capen St. in Medford. In a virtual meeting with the Medford community that month, Tufts also revealed plans to demolish the buildings currently in those lots. The project is set to start construction in fall 2022 and finish in August 2023.
pamphlets to passersby during the“Iprotest.heard that the CIA was going to be recruiting Tufts stu dents, which is something I really disagree with,” they said.
see COHO, page 3
Construction is also expected to align with Tufts’ goal of achiev ing carbon neutrality by 2050. The housing will exceed International Energy Conservation Code ther mal resistance requirements by using super-insulated prefabri
Two Tufts police officers stood by during the event but did not intervene in the protest.
see HOGG, page 3 New Coho construction set to start on Winthrop and Capen UNIVERSITY
and those which receive the least governmental assistance and support in the aftermath. He also applauded the work of activists fighting against these injustices that come from underserved communities.“EricaFord is an amazing person who everybody should know when they think about gun violence prevention,” Hogg said. “She’s been working using a model of restorative justice for the past 20 years in Jamaica, Queens to help stop young people from shooting each other. ... The reason why places like Parkland don’t have shootings on a daily basis is not necessarily because we have stronger gun laws than most places in Miami-Dade County, it’s because we have a ridiculous amount of resources because of systemic racism.”
Sept. 16
“Tisch College is centering the Solomont Speaker Series around the theme of the fight for democracy. We could not have a more fitting start to this
The project is intended to help alleviate off-campus housing demand by adding 49 new beds to Tufts’ existing Community Housing offerings for juniors and seniors. CoHo currently houses 137
semester than David Hogg,” Cunningham said. “Passionate in his advocacy to end gun violence, David’s mission of increasing voter participation, civic engagement and activism embraces a range of issues in the fight for democracy,”

Students and community members staged a protest out side a Central Intelligence Agency recruitment event in Cohen Auditorium on Friday afternoon. The event, which was sponsored by the Tufts Career Center, was not disrupted by the protest.

“I think it was just being so angry after everything happened that we decided that we had to do something,” Hogg said. “For me that motivation came from the fact that my sister had lost four friends that day. … I think unfortunately, you don’t pick these issues, the issues pick you. … Activism is not volun tary; it’s something that people do to Hoggsurvive.”drewattention to a cor relation between communities with higher rates of gun violence
Upwards of 20 people joined the protest outside Cohen Auditorium, holding anti-CIA signs and chanting. At one point, the protesters booed at a large group of students entering the auditorium for the recruit ment
Prior to the Tisch College engagement, the Daily sat down with Hogg and discussed his visions for the future, how he grapples with feelings of hope

Instudents.apresentation during the community meeting, the current properties were shown to have severely compromised founda tions and dangerous electrical and plumbing systems.
Thursday, s ep T ember 22, 2022VOLUME LXXXIV, ISSUE 3 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF TUFTS UNIVERSITY EST. 1980 MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, MASS. FEATURES Former pharma phenom phases into philosophy page 4 ARTS ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ is a Wilde ride page 6 SPORTS This week in fantasy football: Who’s hot and who’s not back NEWS 1 FEATURES 4 ARTS & POP CULTURE 5 FUN & GAMES 8 OPINION 9 SPORTS BACK T HE T UFTS D AILY tuftsdaily thetuftsdailytuftsdaily The Tufts Daily The Tufts Daily daily@tuftsdaily.com
see CIA, page 2 david hogg on ending gun violence, building a movement and his future in activism
In 2018, a mass shoot er killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Hogg and his fellow students transformed their grief into action by forming March For Our Lives, a nonprofit which seeks to end the gun vio lence epidemic in America.

ical part of growing the universi ty’s housing stock.

UNIVERSITY by Aaron Gruen Deputy News Editor


by Daniel Vos Assistant News Editor
The protest against the CIA recruiting event is pictured.
Rocco DiRico, executive director of government and community relations at Tufts, said the housing project is a crit
Donna Esposito, the execu tive director of the Tufts Career Center, affirmed the students’ right to protest the event and
by Ava Autry Assistant News Editor
students, members protest CIa recruiting event outside auditorium
From inside the lobby of the Aidekman Arts Center, the sounds of the protest were muf fled. The recruitment event, which was only open to students with appointments, was not cut short by the protest.
THE TUFTS DAILY Chloe Courtney Bohl Editor in Chief – EDITORIAL –Delaney Clarke Julia Shannon-Grillo Managing Editors Emily Thompson Aaron Gruen Ariana MichaelMadeleineMadelinePhillipsWilsonAdityaAcharyaAitkenCocoArcandPeriBarestOliviaFieldSkylerGoldbergEllaKammMaddyMuellerWeiskopfAvaAutryCharlotteChenDanielVos Executive News Editor Deputy News Editors News AssistantEditorsNews Editors Aaron Klein Executive Audio Producer Contact us P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 recyclePleasethisnewspaper! Ty AbigailBlitsteinVixama Associate Editors Mark Choi Kaitlyn Wells Juanita IsabelleSamJillianOwenAsapokhaiBonkCollinsDieringerChrisDuncanKatieFureySamRussoKateSeklirEmmaBittarTobiasFuKaminskyMayaKatzLaylaKenningtonElizabethZacks Executive Features Editor Deputy Features Editor Features AssistantEditorsFeatures Editors Jack Clohisy RaiAnn Bu HenryEmmySiavashChandonnetEllieLesterRaissiCarlSvahnWenstrupBlakeAndersonAlexisEnderleOdessaGainesRyanFairfieldNateHall Executive Arts Editor Arts AssistantEditorsArts Editors Reya Kumar Liz Buehl Daniel Chung Idil Kolabas Gian Luca Di HenryLenardoMurrayKristinShiuey Executive Opinion Editor Opinion Editors Keila McCabe ArielleOliverWeinsteinFox Ethan MichaelSamArnavGrubelichSachetiBharatSinghDieringerHenryGorelikTimothyValkWallace-Bruce Executive Sports Editor Deputy Sports Editor Sports AssistantEditorsSports Editors Flora Meng Peri Barest Avery Hanna YanqingIanHuangLau Emilia Nathan SarahCindyChrisSandlowTomoZhang Executive Science Editor Science Editors Ethan Steinberg Investigative Editor Julia Carpi Executive Video Editor Natalie BrownsellIanLau Executive Photo Editors – PRODUCTION –Charlene Tsai Production Director Mike KourkoulakosMaddyNoah Executive Layout Editors Avril Lynch Camilla Samuel Executive Graphics Editors Rachel Liu Christopher Vergos Aedan SophieCarolineEmmaBrownRaoVandisDorf-KamiennySarahGoldsteinJackManiaciMarleeStoutMichaelWeiskopf Executive Copy Editors Copy AssistantEditorsCopy Editors Liz Buehl Caroline Vandis Executive Social Media Editors Evelyn Altschuler Executive Newsletter Editor – BUSINESS –Sam Berman Business Director Michelle Alizada IzzyRyanFrancisSorbi Ad ReceivablesManagersManager KendallKateRobertsSeklir Alumni Liaisons Odessa Gaines Avery Hanna Intentionality & Inclusivity Committee Chairs Skyler Goldberg Education Committee Chair Madeleine Aitken Mariel Priven Social Committee Chairs Alexander Janoff Brendan MariannaMakennaHartnettLawJulianPerryFayeThijssenSchantz Editorial EditorialistsEditor New vegan and kosher food line opens in dewick
Some popular options at the kosher station so far have been the varied tofu dishes and the build-your-own grain bowl sta tion, which offers a variety of toppings such as roasted veg etables, nuts and house-made dressings.Theneed for a kosher food option was brought to the atten tion of Tufts Dining by Rabbi Naftali Brawer, the executive director of Tufts Hillel and the university’s Jewish chaplain. Patti Klos, director of dining and busi ness services at Tufts, described how this new option is intend ed to increase dining options for students with different dietary restrictions.“TuftsDining strives to be inclusive and provide solutions to students’ dietary needs includ ing those rooted in their religion,” Klos wrote in an email to the Daily. “Rabbi Brawer and we saw a need for a fully kosher food option in a residential dining center, and we have worked closely together as we
During the Cold War, the CIA successfully carried out 26 coups, many of which took place
Daisy, a student from Amherst, Mass., joined the protest to pre pare for an event she is planning at her
The protestors primarily attacked the CIA’s role in coups during the Cold War and its connections to narcotics traf ficking in the 1980s.
Student protests against gov ernment agencies and military contractors are not new to Tufts; as far back as 1984, students pro tested the CIA recruiting events. In the spring 2022 semester, stu dents protested against Raytheon and General Dynamics, cutting the latter event short.
“If you look at what was going on in the ‘70s with the drugs that the CIA was helping funnel into [Los Angeles] … it actually helped spur the crack epidemic in LA,” Sam said.
Esposito noted in her email that “an employer’s presence at a Career Center event should not be interpreted as a univer sity endorsement of the orga nization.”Morris suggested that uni versities indirectly help the CIA by developing technology used in “Agencieswar. like the CIA, the government as a whole [and] different defense contractors are using [technology] in order to better carry out their coups,” Morris claimed. “There’s an inti mate relationship between uni versities like Tufts and the CIA.”
“I prefer [the kosher line] to the vegetarian section that they had last year,” Pecoraro said. “I definitely have a lot more to choose from and tons of fresh vegetables and all the veggie meals I could ask for.”
For food to be considered kosher, its ingredients and prepa ration must abide by kashrut, the Jewish food laws outlined in the Torah. Restricted foods under kashrut include pork and shell fish. Additionally, meat may not be consumed alongside dairy.
Also joining the protest were representatives from Massachusetts Peace Action, an anti-war group that worked with Tufts students in the past to protest Raytheon. Maya Morris, a Tufts student who planned the demonstrations against Raytheon and General Dynamics, organized Friday’s CIA protest.
Asher Berlin, a sophomore who keeps kosher, explained how he finds options to eat in the din ing hall, even when there are no designated kosher items.
eats vegan food. So, in gener al, I would consider it a pretty poor night if the only thing I could eat was to be found at that [station]. But somebody who is vegan might have had a different experience.”Klossaid that Tufts Dining plans to continue to increase vegan options at all dining loca tions, while also adapting to all students’ dietary needs.
created this option for students. A full meat and/or dairy kitchen wasn’t feasible currently, and a plant-based option was feasible.”
“We continue to introduce more and more vegan items on menus throughout Dining, to match stu dent’s food preferences and to be more sustainable,” Klos wrote. “The Tufts Dining team is contin ually evaluating our menu to meet the dietary needs of our students.”
“If I am at the dining hall, it’s basically a process of elimina tion, just checking the ingredi ents,” Berlin said. “If something with meat has milk in it, worst
The new food line, which is located across from the salad bar in the dining hall, has replaced the “Beans, Greens and Grains” station that used to be in this loca tion. Because the line is both vegan and kosher, it does not include any meat or dairy options, primarily serving food such as grains, beans, tofu and Jeanninemore.Pecoraro, a sopho more who eats vegetarian and sometimes vegan, said that the new line helped to expand her dietary options in Dewick.
in Latin America. Oftentimes, the coups replaced leftist leaders with dictators such as Augusto Pinochet of Chile.
Some foods in a kosher kitch en must be kept separate from each other; meat and dairy prod ucts may not be stored together, and different utensils will gener ally be used for each product.
by Coco Arcand News Editor
At the beginning of the fall semester, Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center opened a new food line that offers vegan kosher food. The new station increases the avail ability of food for students with dietary restrictions.

To ensure full kosher com pliance, the dining center has worked closely with Rabbi Brawer as well as a team of trained stu dent mashgichim, who supervise the station to ensure that kashrut is being adhered to. Since kosher meat and dairy are normally required to have their own sep arate sets of plates, the kosher station uses compostable plates to avoid Despitecross-contamination.thepositivefeedback for the new station, other stu dents have found the station’s offerings
Max, an undergraduate stu dent who asked that his last name be omitted, originally had no plans to join the protest.
The vegan and kosher line at Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center is pictured on Sept. 20.
Despite Berlin’s personal opin ion of the new line, he acknowl edged the importance of increas ing accessibility to kosher food.
More than 20 people protest CIA presence on Tufts’ campus CIA continued from page 1 UNIVERSITY
“They say they are only com ing to give us job opportunities and good salary and security,” Morris said. “But really, what are these jobs about? They’re about working for these different cor porations and government agen cies that are aiding in the overall U.S. interests to plunder coun tries abroad and to repress peo ple abroad and at home.”
“I live in [Sophia Gordon Hall], so I heard [the protestors] outside the window,” he said. “I know there are a lot of people who I agree with who are very disgusted by the CIA. I know there are a lot of people who I very much disagree with who are opposed to the CIA. I wanted to come out and find out which it was. It turns out it’s the people I agree with.”
“Personally,underwhelming.Iwasnot very impressed by it,” Berlin said. “I’m not somebody who regularly
“It is significant that the university is making more of an effort to make it easier for Jewish students to follow their religion on campus, and I think it’s a step in the right direction,” Berlin said. “But I would say there’s still quite a bit of work to be done if they’re going to achieve that goal.”
THE TUFTS DAILY | Ne W s | Thursday, September 22, 20222 tuftsdaily.com
comes to worst … I go grab some pizza and maybe some rice. Or I try to make do the best I can [with] some vegetables, boiled eggs or some pasta.”
“We’reschool.trying to do some thing similar at UMass Amherst, because on Wednesday, Raytheon is coming,” Daisy said.
This new line is only one of multiple efforts in recent years to increase accessibility for stu dents who have dietary restric tions. Dewick also has an “All-9 Free” section, which offers food free of the top nine most com mon food allergies. Last year, Carmichael Dining Center tran sitioned to a tree nut, peanut and gluten-free facility.
defended the decision to host the“WeCIA.respect the right of stu dents to exercise their free speech rights and to express their opin ions in accordance with Tufts’ policy on Gatherings, Protests, and Demonstrations, which they did,” Esposito wrote in an email to the Daily. “We also know that many students are interested in hearing about the varied job and internship opportunities that the CIABeginningoffers.” at 1:15 p.m. and lasting the duration of the event, protesters chanted messages such as, “When the spies arrive, people die,” and “Hey, hey, CIA, how many people did you kill today?” Protestors also handed out flyers with information on U.S.-backed coups to students entering Cohen Auditorium.
“My college studies have enormously impacted how I view social change, justice and the movement as a whole,”’ Hogg said. “I realized that a lot of the things that I didn’t think were important are actually the most important. … I didn’t really think [community] was important because I was so dedicated to the mission … [but] this is not like a general campaign where you’re trying to get somebody elected. We’re trying to get an issue elect ed, [and] that takes decades and manyHogg’selections.”time at Harvard has also allowed him to com pare the inadequate gun laws in place throughout most of the country with the stricter reforms in Massachusetts, both in the academic setting and in daily life.
lessness and his time at Harvard University, where he is a senior.
enjoying the moment and embracing every moment as it comes, and realizing that hap piness is not a destination, it’s the journey.”
“This project will help alle viate the housing shortage for Medford residents,” DiRico wrote. “By creating more on campus housing options, that opens more apartments for Medford families off campus. This project … has the potential to free up more than 15 off-cam pus apartments for Medford families.”ViktorSchrader, the economic development director for the city of Medford, said the new housing project is unlikely to drive up local home prices.
“There’s a suicide preven tion bill that we’re working on that basically creates a volun tary ‘do not sell’ list, so that if you’re suicidal or just don’t want to be able to buy a gun you can put yourself on it,” Hogg said. “We’re trying to work with different veterans groups and Republican offices to get that done, which is a very different approach from what I would have used to have taken.”
David Hogg talks gun control with Tisch College

cated panels, which will reduce material waste and maintain quality control, according to Ruth Bennett, senior director of capital programs at Tufts.
continued from page 1
have the same gun laws as Massachusetts,” Hogg said. “If every state had the same gun death rate as Massachusetts, there would be about 27,000 or 30,000 less deaths per year. In the average year, there are 45,000 gun
has been one of the hardest things to learn,” Hogg said.
“What I’m looking forward to this year is just being a col lege student … just having fun,
COURTESY ALONSO NICHOLS / TUFTS UNIVERSITY David Hogg, co-founder of March For Our Lives, is pictured at Tufts on Sept. 19.
“With these two projects in particular, there’s just not much concern over price pressures in the area,” Schrader said.
car traffic by means of pickup, dropoff, Uber, Lyft, taxi, etc.”
trying to get his skateboarding club off the ground.
continued from page 1
DiRico responded to the con cern, by noting that designated drop-off and pick-up spots for the residences will minimize the impact to the neighborhood.
He also shared that Tufts has communicated with the city of Medford about its develop ment“There’splans. been discussions with the university about the area that they’ll target [for develop ment],” Schrader said. “They’ve been open about what that area is. These two projects are within that zone. They’ve done some other similar projects on Bellevue and Fairmont that have beenMedfordsuccessful.”residents still expressed concerns over the project during the June meet ing, specifically that construction could worsen traffic conditions and that the presence of intoxi cated students could be disrup tive to Oneneighbors.attendee commented during the meeting, “you [Tufts] are significantly increasing the number of people in the neigh borhood. This will increase
Ne W s 3Thursday, September 22, 2022 | NeWs | THE TUFTS DAILY

DiRico is confident that Tufts is still making significant prog ress in expanding campus hous ing with CoHo.
Hogg is balancing his life as a high-profile activist and a student by taking a step back from March for Our Lives and
50 Winthrop St., one of the buildings that will be renovated for CoHo, is pictured on Sept. 20.

Currently,deaths.”Hoggis focused on implementing common-sense gun reform in Congress. He works directly with many legislators, Democratic and Republican, in the Senate and the House.
“I’ve managed to find more balance and be able to take my mind off the movement, which
“Housing is a top priority for Tufts University,” he wrote.
“If I had a magic wand and I could make anything hap pen, I would make every state
Another attendee asked why the Tufts University Police Department does not arrest underage drinkers and publicly intoxicated students. Schrader said he trusted Tufts and TUPD to manage off-campus proper ties responsibly and minimize any stress placed on the Medford community.“TUPDwill be monitoring the units and be aware of them,” he said. “They will be Tuftsmanaged. So that gives us confi dence that there will be oversight and they’ll be well maintained.”
“Tufts has added 485 on cam pus beds over the past five years. That’s the equivalent of
three new dorms. We also have plans to add more beds in the near future, including a new high-density on-campus resi dence hall.”
Two new CoHo houses set to add 49 beds for upperclassmen by fall 2023
Aside from rituals and tartness, Vedant values efficiency. Before our interview, Vedant added that he likes to be the fastest on the sidewalk. However, no amount of first-week-of-classes run ning could prepare him for his new com mutes. Much like other dining-hall-fre quenters, Vedant is disappointed with the quality of produce on this campus — the Granny Smith apples especially fail to reach his standards. Fortunately, for both a physical and financial hike, Vedant was able to get his apple fix at the local Whole Foods — where the cost per pound is a whole dollar more than what he considers average.
Since part of philosophy is taking apart a philosopher’s arguments, Moyer believes that the ability to think through arguments logical ly is an important skill that can be applied in the real
As a liberal arts institution, Tufts University offers students the flexibility to indulge in their various academic curiosities and interests. For second-semester Master of Philosophy stu dent Mikel Moyer, his time at Tufts continues his journey back to school after working in the pharmaceutical industry for 30 years.
As he has returned to education, Moyer feels his professors are crucial to his philoso phy“Itstudies.takes someone that really knows the area to help me understand the significance of what I have read, and so that’s been hugely valuable,” Moyer said. “I’ve been fortunate to have really excellent professors to help under stand the material.”
After years of working at pharmaceutical companies, Moyer retired in 2015. Unsure of his future plans, Moyer had the opportunity to explore his interest in reading, particularly in the subject of history.
Granny Smith apples are better known from the lens of baking than daily consumption. This particular ly tart variety breaks down with heat, offering a more balanced sweetness in pies and crisps. However, the sourness is a stabilizing factor in Vedant’s rela tionship with the green fruit. “I’ve been too scared to try other ones,” he added.
“I learned that you can appreciate an argu ment even if you disagree with the conclusion that the argument comes to, and I think that’s a useful perspective,” Moyer said.
Gwendolyn Brown Community Table
Gwendolyn Brown is a junior studying anthropology. Gwendolyn can be reached at gwendolyn.brown@tufts.edu.
“I was reading history, but there was no systematic element to it, and I didn’t think I was really retaining that much or learning that much,” Moyer said. “I sort of started looking around for ways to learn more efficiently.”
“Theskills.ability to focus and concentrate for reasonably extended periods of time is some
Whilesaid.Moyer feels he has a lot to learn, he has acquired some new skills through his philosophy education. For example, philoso phy has reshaped the way he approaches the world around him by improving his ability to admire different arguments.
Mikel Moyer is pictured.
After his apple errands almost caused him to be late for class (he actually made it a minute before start time), Vedant knew he had to adapt. Soon, he found himself an hour’s walk from campus for a Craigslist exchange. The ride back only took twenty min utes. With the ease of a bike, Vedant is a champion of the Greater Boston area. His wheels have made their mark at Whole Foods, Target and even Costco. However, Vedant, like many first-years, has been using trial and error to get his way around the city. The T has been the link between him and his high school friends. While the public transportation system has made it easy for the former Houston residents (city, not the dorm) to bounce between one another’s cam puses, it has also left them stranded at night. But getting stranded in the city at night is only a right of passage.
Welcome to campus, first-years! Here’s to another year of seeking viable sources of daily vitamins and late-night Ubers until the Green Line opens.
Moyer sees value in the writing skills that are gained through the study of philosophy, which can be applied to many different fields of work and “Thinkingstudy.about how to lay out your argu ment to address criticisms that you anticipate someone might have to your argument and address those criticisms … is good practice for a lot of different styles of writing skills,” Moyer said.
Although he has enjoyed his philoso phy education, Moyer was initially anxious about getting back into the groove of school work after his many years in the workforce. Fortunately, Moyer enjoys doing the readings and writing papers. He has instead been challenged with starting out as a beginner in a new field after many years working in the pharmaceutical industry.
“There are also parts of philosophy that are very abstract and esoteric and finding a correlate to everyday life is difficult,” MoyerFurthermore,said. Moyer believes that com pleting the philosophy readings for his coursework have improved his concentra tion
Moyer and his wife later established the Dr. Nelson P. Lande Endowed Student Support Fund, named after one of Moyer’s professors at UMass Boston, with the inten tion of helping out students who have gen eral financial needs.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 4 tuftsdaily.com
“At the end of a 30-year career working in the same area, you develop some exper tise, some experience, you sort of know the issues, you have a perspective on things that’s based on knowledge and experience,” Moyer said. “And to go from that back to being a baby, that was an adjustment, it’s quite humbling actually which is not a bad thing for a student.”
Vedant has also maintained a partic ularity about the texture of these apples. In a method he coined the “thumb test,” Vedant would grab an apple and see if he could apply the pressure to pierce through its flesh. The weakest contend ers he left bruised on the shelves, but those that survived made it home.
Moyer’s interest in philosophy and career in chemistry do not have much overlap, pri marily because Moyer was not as interested in chemistry after retiring. However, Moyer did identify a slight connection between the two disciplines.“Inorganic chemistry … there’s sort of a logical pathway that you have to think your way through from whatever starting material you’re beginning with to the product at the end,” Moyer said. “Similarly, there’s a logical thought process in philosophy that one can go through, and so in a very broad sense there are someAftersimilarities.”gettinghis second bachelor’s degree, Moyer applied to graduate philosophy pro grams in the Boston area, and he accepted a position at Tufts. Even though Moyer has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and is in his
by Maya Katz Assistant Features Editor
thing that’s very important in philosophy,” Moyer said. “Sometimes we don’t practice that very often in today’s world.”
mikel moyer continues philosophy education at Tufts after a 30-year career in pharmaceuticals

Moyer graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in chemistry in 1981. After getting his doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1986, Moyer worked as a medic inal“Ichemist.worked in various therapeutic areas [such as] immunology, inflammation, cancer research [and] psychiatric disease a little bit,” Moyer said. “And so, as a medicinal chemist you can apply your chemistry skills to a variety of different therapeutic areas.”
“Thereworld.are … parts of philosophy which can be applied to issues of relevance today,” Moyer said. “For instance, philo sophical discussions around responsibility, punishment, play a role in how we think about incarceration and rehabilitation and important issues like that.”
An apple a day VedantwithModi
“This is to aid students who are suffering from either food insecurity or … [if] they have financial needs just to sort of exist,” Moyer said. “We wanted to provide support for that program, and that’s what we have done.”
“I still feel like I’m a baby in philosophy, I mean I’ve just barely scratched the surface,” Moyer
At the same time, Moyer recognizes that some philosophical arguments are more far-removed from everyday life.
Moyer’s desire to learn led him to the second degree bachelor’s program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, a desir able location since he had been living with his wife in Boston since 2009. This program allowed Moyer to get a degree in history while having his general education requirements fulfilled by his first bachelor’s degree. After taking a course on social and political think ers, however, he shifted his focus towards philosophy.“Idecided to take a single philosophy course on social and political thinkers just because I was interested in it and had no experience in history or philosophy from my Michigan degree,” Moyer said. “And I ended up really loving the philosophy course, and so I switched to a philosophy major, history minor.”
Theapple.startof this habit escapes his mind — what originally started as a way to get some fruit into his diet has not left his daily ritual. As I was writing this, he made sure to reach out and demonstrate how he cuts the apple into nine sections so that the core is easily removable. Some nights, the apple even comes after he brushes his teeth, the mark of his true loyalty to the bit.
FeaT ures
second semester at Tufts, he still feels like a philosophy novice.
very night, Vedant closes his day with a snack: a crisp Granny Smith
intriguing, disturbing and potentially
a true-crime podcast after a mysterious death in their Upper West Side apartment building. Despite their differ ences, the socially awkward Charles, self-absorbed Oliver and mysterious Mabel form an unlikely bond. The season 1 finale provides a setup for this year’s story, as the build ing’s board president, Bunny Folger (Jayne Houdyshell), is murdered and the three ama teur sleuths find themselves accused of the crime.
lished the chemistry and come dic talents of the series’ leads, along with a well-constructed whodunnit set against a vibrant New York backdrop. Despite the story’s high stakes, the show never takes itself too serious ly, with meta jokes about the difficulty of pulling off a highly anticipatedCo-createdsequel.bySteve Martin, “Only Murders” pokes fun at the public’s obsession with true crime as the three leads attempt to solve the murders taking place in their building, reporting their findings as they go on their podcast, also called “Only Murders in the Building.” The building in question is the Arconia, a fictional Manhattan complex where most of the series’ events take place. The interior of the luxurious build ing is intricately designed, with stylish apartments that com plement the characters’ per sonalities. The costumes, too, are colorful and eye-catching, allowing the characters to stand out amid the fast-paced world around them.
much time on character studies, forcing viewers to recall where they left off in the ongoing murder mystery. Nevertheless, season 2 presents a whodunnit that allows viewers to speculate along with the characters as they come closer to identifying Bunny’s killer.
Weekender: Worry darling’ is pugh’s best career performance by Ryan Fairfield Staff Writer
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 5 tuftsdaily.com
Just under a year after its critically acclaimed first season, “Only Murders in the Building” (2021–) returned with a new murder mystery this summer. With a superbly talented cast led by Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez, the Hulu original continues to entertain audiences with an impressive blend of comedy and mystery.
Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Chris Pine and Olivia Wilde are pictured (from top left to bottom right).

The show’s cross-generational humor is improved from season 1, as the writers find new ways to highlight the cultural differences between Mabel and her elderly neighbors. Season 2 dives deep er into the lives of the show’s protagonists, too, and we learn more about their families, their histories and their relationships with each other. We even get a peek into the personal lives of some supporting characters, like murder victim Bunny Folger and cat lover Howard Morris, in moments that expand the world of the show. If anything, this season spends a little too
A psychological thriller directed by Olivia Wilde, with a screenplay co-written by Katie Silberman, who previously worked with Wilde on the crit ically-acclaimed “Booksmart” (2019), “Don’t Worry Darling” follows Jack (Harry Styles) and Alice (Florence Pugh) as they live out their married life in a seem ingly perfect utopia. This utopia, known as Victory, is an idyllic 1950s town where everything fits together like a puzzle and nothing is out of place. The men
As with any show coming off a successful first season, “Only Murders” faces the challenge of living up to the success of its first season. Season 1 estab
Of course, the show would be nothing without its cast. Comedy legends Martin and Short find moments of humor in every scene, and Gomez bal ances them out with impressive deadpan delivery. The show’s
From critics’ early reviews to Harry Styles “spitting” on Chris Pine at the premiere, “Don’t Worry Darling” (2022) is a film that seems to be everywhere, despite not having its theatri cal release until Sept. 23. With a plethora of rumors of drama on set and Styles’ fans desperate to see their favorite artist in his lat est film, it comes as no surprise that the “Don’t Worry Darling: The Live IMAX Experience,” which occurred on Sept. 19 in 21 locations, sold out within 24 hours. At the AMC Boston Common 19, the theater was packed at the 7:30 p.m. Monday screening, everyone eager to see what might be the most talk ed-about movie of the year.
a r T s & p op CulT ure
In a later scene at Frank and Shelley’s home where they are celebrating a new couple mov ing to Victory, another citizen, Margaret (KiKi Layne) has a sudden outburst. Margaret says that the citizens should not be in Victory, to which all the other members of the town seem shocked and concerned. Margaret is quickly whisked away from the crowd by her husband, only for Alice to bump into her moments later. While sitting with her husband, Margaret sees Alice & pop ulT
see DARLING, page 6
In the first season, tele vision actor Charles-Haden Savage (Martin), Broadway director Oliver Putnam (Short) and young artist Mabel Mora (Gomez) team up to create
Although season 2 at times strayed away from the mystery at the heart of its story, the last few episodes are full of twists and turns that will leave viewers waiting for the big reveal. The payoff comes in the season fina le, culminating with an unex pected twist that’s truly worth the wait. And just like in season 1, the final episode provides a setup for next season, making opening night of Oliver’s new Broadway play the scene of the crime and his lead actor (Paul Rudd) the victim. The real crime of “Only Murders” is making us wait until next year to find out what happens next.
‘only murders in the building’ returns for a killer second season by Nate Hall Assistant Arts Editor
universe is populated by eccen tric supporting characters, many of them played by tal ented comedic actors like Tina Fey, Jane Lynch and Nathan Lane (who recently earned his first Primetime Emmy for his guest performance in season 1). Several compelling new char acters are introduced in season 2, including Alice Banks (Cara Delevingne), a love interest for Mabel, and Nina Lin (Christine Ko), the Arconia’s new board president.Theshow’s dialogue is sharp er than ever, especially in con versations between Charles and Oliver that allow the veteran actors to show off their phys icality and comedic timing.
The title card for “Only Murders in the Building” (2021–) is pictured.

One of the highlights of “Only Murders” is its music, composed by Siddhartha Khosla. Khosla’s music matches the whimsical vibes of the series, while more dramatic moments are scored with suspense. The show has one of the catchiest theme songs on TV, and the intro is always fun to watch, with hidden clues that point to future reveals in the story.
work at the Victory Project, lead by Frank (Chris Pine), while the women stay at home attending to household duties and spend ing time socializing with one another.Early on in the film, it is clear Alice does not belong or feel comfortable among the women of Victory. In her ballet class with many of the wives of the town, everyone dances with a smile on their face and a certain energy in their movement. Alice does not. She seems stiff, has a very unenthusiastic expression and does not move in sync with the other women, prompting Shelley (Gemma Chan), who is married to Frank, making them essential ly the president and first lady of the town, to correct her dancing.
a CW show. Emphasized by the countless giggles from the crowd at the AMC whenever Styles had a serious scene, his acting was most definitely distracting and slightly cringey.The ensemble cast is strong. Unlike Styles, their performances are not off-putting and they con tribute to the overall sense of uni son among the community mem bers. Chan masterfully embodies her character’s sense of strength and pride that is similar to that of Frank, just more toned down. Pine truly makes the audience fear him with his character’s role as corrupt overlord, while also making them admire his charac ter’s ability to manipulate. Wilde, finally, portrays this perfect citi zen who loves her town, making viewers despise her for her treat ment of Alice when she goes to Bunny for help. Wilde executes her character’s arc perfectly and when the truth is revealed about her character at the end of the film, leaves viewers shocked and also somewhat Additionally,sad.Wilde’s direct ing deserves applause. Every shot feels organic and brings the audience further into the world of Victory. It is clear that Wilde meticulously thought about every shot, every angle, every movement of the camera and her work paid off. Wilde’s decision not to play Alice, which was her original plan, proved to be the right choice because it not only allowed for Pugh’s exceptional performance but also allowed
Outside of the album’s most successful singles, more tracks emerged as fan favorites such as “The Roof (Back In Time).” For the 25th anniversary album of “Butterfly,” Carey released a new recording of the track featuring Brandy for her fans, similarly titled “The Roof (When I Feel theSinceNeed).”the release of “Butterfly,”
“Don’t Worry Darling” is Alice’s film and Pugh delivers a remark able performance. Alice’s doubts about Victory do not come sud denly. From the beginning of the film, it’s clear she has never fit in there. Pugh flawlessly captures the slow burn from uncertainty to full knowing that Victory is not the place everyone perceives it to be. She is the shining star of this film and it rivals her perfor mance in “Midsommar” (2019) as potentially the best perfor mance of her career thus far.
Of course, one cannot talk about Alice without talking about Styles. Styles’ acting in this film is mediocre. His performance stands out, not due to talent, but because, starring alongside an Academy Award nominee and an ensemble cast of some of the best, most well-known actors, it becomes even more clear he is out of his element. Styles’ perfor mance feels like something out of
THE TUFTS DAILY | a rT s & p op CulT ure | Thursday, September 22, 20226 tuftsdaily.com
a testament to metamorphosis and rebirth, is symbolic of the growth Carey has endured over the past three decades which led her to the legend that she is today. With a discography as good as Carey’s, “Butterfly” (2022) is just another example of her magna opera (yes, Carey is allowed to have more than one magnum opus).
is insane and leaving her home where she is left only with Jack, who now is also questioning her stability and intentions.
the “Lambs,” are in a perpetu al “Butterfly” era no matter her most recent release.
COURTESY WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Mariah Carey is pictured wearing a butterfly ring. of Worry of it’s

“Honey,” the lead single from “Butterfly” became Carey’s third No. 1 debut on the Hot 100, making Carey the artist with the most No. 1 debuts — a record that held for nearly 23 years untilArguably2020. her most R&B album to date, “Butterfly” was the renaissance of Carey’s pro duction prowess. “‘Honey’ was the first time I felt I had full cre ative license in making a video,” Carey wrote in her memoir, “The Meaning of Mariah Carey” (2020). Carey has since opened up about the control she felt under her former husband, who up until this point in her career was working for Sony Music, the music company that owned Carey’s label at the time.
lifetime. With the impend ing release of her sixth effort, “Butterfly,” Carey’s legacy would only continue to grow.
and makes comments implying that Victory is not what it seems and there is something wrong with this perfect town. This is the first crack in the glass that will eventually result in Alice fur ther investigating Victory and the VictoryAlice’sProject.doubts about the truth behind the Victory Project and a plane sighting over the town prompt her to leave Victory and explore outside the town lines, the one rule all the women are supposed to follow. Alice’s devia tion from Victory law is revealed to her fellow citizens in a riveting dinner scene. Prior to the din ner scene, Frank confronts Alice about her transgression and says how he’s been waiting for some one to challenge him, which ignites a fire in Alice. The dinner begins with Alice sliding into a seat at the head of the table, a seat which was intended for Jack. With Alice at one end and Frank at the other, the visual reflects these two characters’ relationship — the two are opposites, enemies, but also equals in this moment.
Carey has adorned the insect as a symbol of her brand. Anything from jewelry to apparel, it seems as though Carey’s fans,
her to put more of her own time intoAsdirecting.mentioned in Wilde’s inter view prior to the screening of the film, “Don’t Worry Darling” is a film that should be seen in theaters and especially IMAX if given that opportunity. IMAX, which prides itself on immersive movie experiences, contributed greatly to the theatrical experi ence. The ability to feel every crystal clear sound and allow yourself to get lost in the vibrant, detailed shots makes the experi ence of watching the film all the better. From the sizzling of bacon in the cooking scenes to the rum ble of the planes that soar above Victory, the pristine sound qual ity that IMAX provides allows audiences to truly feel like they are living “Don’t Worry Darling” as opposed to just watching it.
Despite some early critics’ opinions, likely influenced by the abundance of rumors surrounding the film and the cast, “Don’t Worry Darling” is impressive and gripping. There is a certain level of predictabil ity to the film, however, there are many twists that catch the audience off-guard and make the over-two-hour film worth while. The stellar performanc es from a majority of the cast, Styles not included, are capti vating and each actor captures the complexities of their char acter with ease.
In this scene, Alice poses a question to Jack and the fellow members of the community, a question that many viewers also have at this point in the film, “Do you even know what the Victory Project actually is?” Alice’s rap id-fire questions attempt to sow seeds of doubt about Victory in her neighbors but ultimate ly result in them thinking she
not Pugh
In addition to two Grammys earned up to this point in her career, one could argue Carey had already achieved more from her first five studio albums (spanning only five years) com pared to what other popular artists had achieved in their
Now, as the 25th anniver sary of “Butterfly” is upon us in 2022, there is so much left for Carey to accomplish.
It must come as a relief for Carey, who throughout her childhood and early career was plagued with adversi ty at home and in the public eye, that “Butterfly” allowed her to step into her most authen tic self. Carey details the pain of her relationship with her mother in her “The Meaning of Mariah Carey,” as well as her tumultu ous relationship with ex-hus band Tommy Mottola. She even went on to describe this peri od of her life with Mottola to Cosmopolitan magazine: “There was no freedom for me as a human being. It was almost like being a Evenprisoner.”pastthe release of “Butterfly,” audiences saw a dis ruption in Carey’s career and personal life as she was pres sured to seek professional psy chiatric help in the early 2000s as the constant flux of stress from a life in the limelight weighed down on her. However, despite the challenges Carey faced at different points in her career, the bits of light that emerged from these times, such as the “Butterfly” era, kept Carey con nected with fans.
Only one aspect
The twists in this film are exe cuted with precision. Every plot twist, every time Alice chips away at the illusion of this utopia comes at the perfect time and leaves the viewer on the edge of their seat desperately waiting to find out what happens next. Nothing is as it seems in Victory and “Don’t Worry Darling” ensures that just as Alice is questioning the truth behind Victory, the viewers are questioning right alongside her.
Though much of this review praises Wilde, she fell short in the marketing aspect of this movie with her talk of the sex ual aspects of it, which actually become somewhat disturbing after the truth about Victory is revealed. This is not the sexu al film about “female pleasure” that Wilde described, but rather one about male manipulation at the expense of women. Many questions remain unanswered at the end of the film, which may be Wilde’s and Silberman’s intention; even so, the lack of closure and explanation seems too much — there needs to be some tying up of loose ends. With an outstanding ensem ble, fantastic performance from Pugh and an overall great, immersive film, “Don’t Worry Darling” is a must-watch, though it might be hard to ignore Styles’ mediocre acting at times.
by Jack Clohisy Executive Arts Editor
Styles, and
In terms of story, the film is successful in providing com mentary on gender roles within family and married life as well as highlighting the dangers of male manipulation. Scenes where Jack and Frank attempt to gaslight Alice into thinking she is crazy for doubting the Victory Project illustrate their desperate desire for control and, though set in a fictional 1950s town, has a sense of familiarity. An abundance of films have tackled the idea of men attempting to control women, but what makes “Don’t Worry Darling” stand out is that up until the end of the film, the audience does not understand just how twisted these men are, especially Jack.
Celebrating the Sept. 16 drop of “Butterfly: 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition” — the quar ter-century jubilee of Mariah Carey’s sixth studio album “Butterfly” (1997) — the Daily dives into the impact and legacy of Carey’s favorite project.
‘butterfly’ 25 years later: When mariah Carey finally got her wings
“Butterfly” yielded Carey two No. 1 hits on the Hot 100 toward her total of 19. With just one more chart-topper, Carey could tie the Beatles as the artist with the most No. 1 hits on the Hot 100, and what a better way to stick it to all those who dragged her down over the years than to come out on top. “Butterfly” (2022),
continued from page 5
Darling’ is out
The sensation that is Mariah Carey began in the early ‘90s with her smash debut record “Mariah Carey” (1990) in which she earned her first four No. 1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100. Aided by the release of her lead single, the title track for her sophomore album “Emotions” (1991) also hit No. 1, and Carey became the first and only art ist to have their first five proper singles reach No. 1 on the chart. Success would only continue to follow Carey with her next three projects: “Music Box” (1993), “Merry Christmas” (1994) and “Daydream” (1995). “Fantasy,” a single from “Daydream” became the first song by a female artist, and just the second song ever, to debut at No. 1 on the Hot 100.
ad 7Thursday, September 22, 2022 | adVerTIsemeNT | THE TUFTS DAILY

Mike: “Ty travel”
& Games F&G

Julia: “Time travel?”
You: scruffy baseball boy who left his friends at the Pub about a year ago. I talked to them but wanted to talk to you. Lake Monsters king, let’s go for a sail next summer. Me: clearly from Vermont. You: live in a big house next to a pretty lawn and are the president of a university.
Me: a managing editor at The Tufts Daily.
Chloe: “I don’t know how to do it but I know Ty does”
Difficulty Level: Holding in my excitement for the revamped DailyCon (the Daily’s semesterly training event) this Sunday, Sept. 25 in Barnum Hall 008 from 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.!


You: held the door open for me leaving the lower level of Tisch by pressing the Handicap button. Such a tender and thoughtful thing to do. Me: meant to say thank you but had a mask on and thought you were still on FaceTime with your friend even though you turned around and looked at me, probably waiting for some form or expression of gratitude.
THE TUFTS DAILY | Fu N & Games | Thursday, September 22, 20228 tuftsdaily.com

Selectivity is calculated from the standardized testing scores of the university’s incoming fresh man class. Those with higher household family incomes and better access to resources tend to
by The Editorial Board
o p INI o
N THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 9 tuftsdaily.com
After further growing his fol lowing through his kickboxing career, Andrew Tate started to teach online courses under the
In the wake of these criticisms, a few alternative lists that assess colleges on more relevant met rics have appeared. The New York Times published a study in 2017 evaluating colleges based on socioeconomic stratification and economic mobility of their grad uates. Tufts, like many elite uni versities, ranked among the top 10 schools with more students coming from the top 1% than the bottom 60%. Elite colleges were conspicuously absent from the top of the list that measured the social mobility for low-in come students upon graduation.
Andrew Tate has recently gained notoriety due to his con troversial opinions about vari ous groups, from women to the LGBTQ community. Particularly, he has recently been banned
Content warning: This arti cle mentions rape, racism and homophobia.
income students, ranks Tufts at a staggering 209th place among colleges in the northeast alone.
from most major social media networks, which has incited a conversation about the extent of freedom of speech. Additionally, this situation brings up the harmful impacts some preju diced opinions can have when they are cast around the world through social media networks.
Secretary Miguel Cardona public ly slammed college ranking sys tems that prioritize the exclusive tendencies of many highly-selec tive institutions over a university’s ability to meet the needs of its students, calling them “a joke.”
Though college rankings are ostensibly intended to help stu dents choose the college that offers the best opportunities for them, these lists’ promo tion of selectively and eliteness distract from the true promis es and benefits of higher edu cation. Last month, Education
One of the biggest challeng es in the transition to college is time management. Students find many different approaches to deal with this problem, but one tip we recommend is to avoid activities that waste your time — those that truly have no purpose and bring no joy. There are many examples that might sound famil iar to Tufts students: arguing with strangers on Sidechat, refreshing Instagram for the millionth time in a day or waiting in long lines for the bathrooms on the main floor of Tisch (it’s almost always faster to use the ones downstairs). A reasonable addition to this list of activities that you are better off without would be worrying — or even thinking — about Tufts’ spot in college rankings.
Before diving into the harm ful opinions and strategies Tate has and utilizes, it is important to understand how he became a public figure. Tate first became famous through the reality tele vision show Big Brother, from which he was eliminated under circumstances that foreshad owed his current stance on gen der inequality. He was elimi nated due to a video depicting him allegedly abusing a woman, though he denies these claims.
The aggregated score, however, is an opaque value that reveals little about life at a given college. The whole, in this case, is less
useful than the sum of its parts.
As students, we must push our universities to enact policies that benefit every student, regardless of the impact on ranking. For example, ending legacy prefer ences in admissions criteria is shown to increase economic diversity among student bodies, with a notable rise in the per centage of Pell-Grant recipients.
In turn, universities are responsi ble for prioritizing accountability to students, rather than to arbi trary measures of prestige and exclusivity among peer institu tions. On a societal level, it’s time to evaluate the utility of ranked lists such as U.S. News’. Though access to an array of publicly available metrics for educational institutions can be useful to both prospective and current stu dents, alumni and employers, we must choose to value universities in whichever way we prefer and to not yield to the often arbitrary rankings that are provided to us each year.
do better on standardized tests. Therefore, a college interested in moving up the rankings would heavily prioritize test scores in the admissions process. Similarly, graduation rates are also positive ly correlated with family income. By favoring schools with high er graduation rates, the ranking system also favors schools with wealthier attendees. Overall, rankings provide colleges an incentive to focus on often-arbi trary criteria that signal eliteness, rather than focusing on tangible metrics that measure extent to which they have a positive impact on their Metricsstudents.published in Forbes found that low-income students make up over 65% of college dropouts. Conversely, students with a family income of $100,000 or more are 50% more likely to graduate than their peers from low-income households. These statistics are further exacerbat ed within first-generation demo graphics; roughly 90% of first gen eration, low-income students do not graduate within six years. In the context of social mobility and societal wellbeing, FGLI students arguably stand to gain the most from a college education, which can increase lifetime earnings by hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet current ranking systems cre ate environments which may dis courage colleges from admitting students of these backgrounds.

Tufts dropped in the U.S. News and World Report rankings. Who cares?
by Idil Kolabas Opinion Editor
Trigger warning: Andrew Tate
Unfortunately for applicants researching colleges, even the disaggregated statistics gath ered by ranking services can be misleading. A college may, for instance, narrowly tweak its own policies to create the appearance of a big change. For instance, Northeastern University decid ed to cap the size of smaller classes at precisely 19 students because U.S. News has histori cally assessed class sizes based on the percentage with fewer than 20 students. In more egre gious cases, universities sim ply lie about their data — as in the cases of Columbia (which dropped from No. 2 in last year’s U.S. News rankings to No. 18 this year after a math professor at the school accused it of submitting “inaccurate, dubious, or highly misleading” data) and others.
When it comes to his views, it is important to note that though
Washington Monthly magazine also provides ranked lists of col leges according to metrics like social mobility, research, public service and return on invest ment. One list, which estimates college affordability for lower
This strategy provided Tate with an unstoppable way of shar ing his misogynistic, controver sial and dangerous views, as he could not be held accountable when his videos were being wide ly spread by others. Additionally, by multiplying the amount of Hustler’s University subscribers, he was still making money off the spread of this content.
name “Hustler’s University” talking about cryptocurrency, stock analysis and other mon ey-making tactics. Even though the affiliate program ended when Tate was banned from Facebook and Instagram, it was an essential part of Tate’s strat egy in spreading his propagan da. Those who paid the $49.99 entry fee could earn commis sions for posting videos of Tate on social media and enticing more people to join.
his sexist views are widely known, he has shared controversial and prejudiced opinions on almost every social issue. In addition to posting racist and homophobic slurs on Twitter, which led to him being banned from the platform, he has also tweeted that “depres sion isn’t real,” viewing it as a way for people to justify their “lazi ness.” Besides the fact that his statements are incredibly hurt ful to a range of communities, his choice to ignore science and genetics is beyond appalling.

Rankings also fly in the face of the societal goals of many insti tutions. A college aiming to do the most good for the world will seek out the students who have the greatest potential to benefit from higher education. However, mainstream rankings systems incentivize colleges to focus on often-arbitrary criteria which denote ‘eliteness’ rather than focusing on tangible metrics of positive impacts on students and society. For instance, in calculat ing their scores, U.S. News weighs social mobility metrics at 5% of the school’s final score while gradua tion rate and selectivity statistics count for 8% and 7%, respectively.
There is something almost irrational about trying to distill every aspect of a university into a single, rankable measurement of its quality. When U.S. News & World Report issues its “Best Colleges” ranking, it is not imme diately apparent what the top colleges have more of, relative to their lower-ranked peers — ‘best ness?’ The real answer, it turns out, is an arbitrarily weighted average of statistics such as test scores, alumni donation rates and “peer assessments” from surveys that university admin istrators use to rate their rivals. Many of these statistics are, of course, beneficial to the public — a prospective student deserves to know what a college’s graduation rate and typical class size are.
Tate’s controversial state ments also include liken ing women to dogs, stating on a podcast that “you can’t be responsible for a dog if it doesn’t obey you, … or a woman that doesn’t obey you,” which highlights how inhumanely he thinks of women as a whole. He has also said that women
Op-ed guidelines from the editor
OP-EDS Op-Eds provide an open forum for campus editorial commentary and are printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length and submitted to opinion@tuftsdaily.com. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, space and length. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. Authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions.
ADVERTISEMENTS All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the editor in chief, executive board and business director.
are partially responsible for rape. He is problematic on so many levels, blaming women for his own immaturity, for his own lack of ability to control his primitive instincts and for his disgusting mentality, and all with an audience of millions.
A country, its people and its sovereignty are under attack. Instead of looking for the next global issue to take a stand on, people need to lend some attention to an ongoing con flict that — despite its rela tive absence from the realm of social media — has not dis appeared. Ukraine needs the world’s support right now.
In the first few months after the invasion, social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram were flooded with posts about the war in Ukraine. Due to its convenience and
To make the submission process as seamless as pos sible and to give us enough time to work with you, we ask that you submit your final draft before noon on the day prior to when you would like the piece to be published. Additionally, we ask that you please be available via email, phone or electronic message until 10 p.m. that night in case any questions should arise. We also kindly ask that you do not make submissions that have already been (or will be) pub lished via other platforms.
With limited content filter ing and fact checking on social media, this shift in the sourc ing of information about war is cause for concern as both Russia and Ukraine have tried to push their narratives on social media to guide the public perception of the war. Russian misinformation campaigns have been well-doc umented, but Ukrainians, too,
Yes, it’s still happening: Refocusing on the war in Ukraine

platforms.Scrolling past a video when his face appears might be the best move you could make to protect your mental stability, sanity and inner peace. Tufts stu dents might be grown-up enough to realize what he is saying is wrong, but not everyone who is exposed to him and his outra geous ideologies is. His impact on the younger generation must not be ignored. His influence on a young and impressionable generation of people, especially young men who are just begin ning to form ideas about their surroundings and the world, is thus very important, and so access to his content should be as limited as possible.
reach, social media has a siz able influence on peoples’ opinions and beliefs about the war. Some people get more of their information from TikTok than the evening news.
opinions freely and without judgment. In this case, how ever, Andrew Tate’s ban from most social media is well-de served, as his content has been actively harmful. Teachers around the world are high lighting the impact his viral videos have had on young men in their classes and, in partic ular, the way they treat their female classmates and teach ers. Andrew Tate’s ban should continue to encompass all
We reserve the right to edit your submission in accor dance with the Associated Press Style guidelines, as well
TATE continued from
VIEWPOINTS AND COLUMNS Viewpoints and columns represent the opinions of individual Opinion editors, staff writers, contributing writers and columnists for the Daily’s Opinion section. Positions published in Viewpoints and columns are the opinions of the writers who penned them alone, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. All material is subject to editorial discretion.
Social media shows only small bits and pieces of any story, and people construct their own nar rative by filling in the gaps or latching onto whatever narrative is most popular. Many assume that viral videos of tanks being destroyed or a few Russian soldiers surrendering means that Russia is being easily defeated, when that is not necessarily the case.
Amid the flurry of atten tion that the war in Ukraine received, people have hasti ly assumed they understood the full situation. The war in Ukraine still needs our atten tion, and we have new insight to support that.
In early 2022, Russia invad ed Ukraine. Though Russia was certain of a swift victory over their neighbor, Ukraine has proved resilient over the last seven months. Reports on the war have been somewhat incon sistent, hampered by Russian authorities’ efforts to restrict the flow of information, at times explicitly targeting journalists.
CNN got closer to the conflict than any other media outlet, and their impression of the state of the war should catch every one’s attention. While Ukraine did retake Kupiansk, CNN found that the city is still under con stant attack. Russian forces did retreat, but continued to fight for the terrority, targeting Ukrainians with constant artil lery strikes. Kupiansk is far from secure. While retaking cities is important progress for Ukraine, we are not getting the full story and should not think that the war is over.
have started to label Russian sol diers as uninspired and cowardly to rally support for their cause. I believe these very acts may be contributing to the decline of attention on the war.
by Henry Murray Opinion Editor
To our readers and contrib utors in the Tufts community,
The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free of charge to the Tufts community. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board. EDITORIALS Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily Editorial Board. Individual editorialists are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Editorial Board. Editorials are submitted for review to The Tufts Daily Executive Board before publication.
While I am advising cau tion, the optimism for Ukraine is certainly warranted. Early on, Ukraine was able to fend off attacks on their capital city of Kyiv. Their stubborn stand against the invasion showed the world that, against all odds, this would not be a short-term conflict. More recently, Ukraine’s acquisition of Kupiansk and other areas around Kharkiv is a signifi cant move. Russian forces had been well established there for months, and its proximity to the Russian border makes it a key foothold. This is also sym bolically important — Russia’s inability to hold a city so close to its border makes it look militarily weak on the world stage. Ukraine has shown that it is a strong, united country capable of taking on Russia, but although its victories are encouraging, this war is far from over.
Your submission should be no longer than 1,200 words. We may ask you to shorten your piece further in the case of printing constraints, but 500–1,000 words is a good length for submissions. We value concision but understand that certain topics demand a lengthier explanation.
We have certainly seen and heard reports of the horrors that the people of Ukraine have been subjected to, but recent reports coming out of Ukraine have been posi tive and encouraging, with strategic gains surrounding Kharkiv. Since the beginning of the war, Ukrainians have remained hopeful, drawing support from people all over the world calling for an end to the violence. Since then, how ever, media coverage on the war in Ukraine has largely left the public eye, making people question if the war is still going on. CNN was recently granted exclusive access to the town of Kupiansk, and its reports tell the story of a nation that
still needs all the support and awareness it can get.
Tate is not just joking, as he and others have sometimes claimed, as he has openly dis cussed allegations of abuse that he faced in the U.K., which led to a police investigation. Tate discussed his reasoning for the move to Romania in a YouTube video, stating corruption is “far more accessible” there. “I’m not a f-----g rapist but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want,” Tate said in the now-de leted video. In August, his house was raided by Romanian author ities, who said that it was part of an ongoing investigation involv ing human trafficking and abuse allegations.Ultimately, it was the right choice to ban Tate from social media platforms. It may feel like a good idea to provide people with platforms through which they can share their
roborated with any informa tion available online or oth erwise, we will generally omit that fact. We will not bring our own personal views into our evaluation of your work; as long as your claims are backed by credible sources, we will leave them as is.
ExecutiveReyaSincerely,KumarOpinion Editor
THE TUFTS DAILY | o p INI o N | Thursday, September 22, 202210 tuftsdaily.com
As a student-run newspaper reporting on issues pertinent to Tufts, your input is cru cial to us. We regularly publish op-eds from students, facul ty, staff, alumni, residents of areas surrounding the uni versity and other stakehold ers in the well-being of our community. We want to give a platform to the multifacet ed voices that comprise our university. Op-ed submissions are an integral part of our con nection with you, our readers. As such, we would like to clar ify our guidelines for submit ting op-eds and what you can expect from the process.
as for clarity. We never seek to alter the intent or impact of your words. However, we must maintain our standards of grammatical and stylis tic consistency. If our edito rial team has any questions or proposed changes that we feel would alter the meaning of your words, the executive opinion editor will contact you to ensure that they are accept able to you before publishing them. However, we will make grammatical changes accord ing to AP Style at our own dis cretion. If you are unsatisfied with any proposed changes from our end, you are free to publish your work on a differ entWeplatform.will rigorously factcheck your work. We seek to provide a fair platform for a diverse array of views, and we cannot do so without ensur ing that all facts in your piece are substantiated. Please use hyperlinks and clear citation of sources. All changes will be proposed and confirmed through direct correspon dence with the executive opin ion editor. If we feel that a fact in your piece cannot be cor
To submit your piece, please send it to opinion@tuftsdaily. com. We deeply appreciate your readership of our paper and engagement with us and look forward to working with you.
Social media platforms were right to ban Andrew Tate
page 9
offense, with two passes to Butler to put Tufts in Trinity territory. A long pass to the end zone from Berluti to Richardson scored a touchdown for the Jumbos and made the score 26–23 with less than two minutes remaining.

of players won the nation’s heart with their passionate dis play, battling against Europe’s best teams. The final, held in Wembley Stadium, witnessed an incredible 87,192 fans “beat ing the highest recorded total in either the men’s or women’s editions of the tournament,” according to The Athletic. Over the years, England fans have been mocked for their continu ous “it’s coming home!” chants, most recently with the men’s team falling to Italy in the final of Euro 2021. Williamson and Co. have broken this curse and brought England its first major title since the World Cup in 1966.
Williamson transcends humble beginnings to dominate European football
On the kickoff, Tufts attempt ed an onside kick, but Trinity was able to recover and run out the clock to end the game. The decision to run the fake field goal ended up being crucial in the end, with Tufts losing by just three points.
It’s a tough loss to swallow for the Jumbos, coming close to upsetting one of the top teams in the NESCAC. They will look to right the ship against Bates next weekend in Maine.
Leah Williamson inspires. From walking out as a tiny mascot for Arsenal and fear lessly tackling boys to lead ing her country to glory, she has lit a path for a generation of girls with sporting dreams. There was a time when wom en’s football was banned by the Football Association, who deemed it “quite unsuitable for females,” but today it stands alone as the pride of a nation. A nation led by a small girl from Milton Keynes who dared to dream.
Holding strong, Tufts was able to get the ball back quickly, and picked up a first down through senior wide receiver Jackson Butler. Lutz gained another 35 yards on the fol lowing play. The Jumbos were stopped short of the first down marker, but an unsportsman like conduct penalty on Trinity gave Tufts the first down and kept the drive alive. Two pass es to the end zone were just barely incomplete for Berluti,
“I think one of the biggest takeaways is you have to start
As a player, Williamson’s versatility gives her an edge. Playing in both midfield and defense under England national team manager Sarina
s 11Thursday, September 22, 2022 | sporTs | THE TUFTS DAILY
Wiegman, Williamson has cemented herself as a key part of the squad. Primarily a left center back, although she plays on the right for Arsenal, Williamson wins roughly 70% defensive duels per match. An intelligent game reader, Williamson never over-commits and min imizes the amount of tackles due to her ability to intercept passes, making 4.5 intercep tions per game. In Euro 2022, Williamson recovered the ball 46 times without making a sin gle reckless tackle. With expe rience in multiple positions, Williamson’s composure and ball-carrying ability separate her from the classic, physically imposing center-back.
Berluti ended with 280 yards passing and two touch downs, while Lutz picked up where he left off last season and went for 192 receiving yards on nice catches along with a touchdown.
This historic victory has unrooted decades worth of oppression toward the women’s game and although attitudes have shifted in recent years, especially on the back of Euro 2022, there is still a battle to be fought. More than two-thirds of Premier League clubs have fully male boards, while women tend to attend fewer games in
was no good, but it was the only kick he missed through out the entirety of the game.
Faked field goal leads to tight loss for the Jumbos
the sidelines, so she decided to do her talking on the field. Scoring goals and dribbling effortlessly through players half her size slowly wowed her coaches and teammates. In a recent documentary by i-D and Nike, Williamson said, “I knew if I scored, that’s what hurt the most. What you can never ever respond to is if you lose.” She had earned her equality.In2006, Williamson fol lowed her academy coach to Arsenal’s Center of Excellence and slowly rose through the ranks. As a child, Williamson’s idol was Arsenal and England forward Kelly Smith, and com ing from a family of Gunners fans, wearing the famous red and white felt extra special. In March 2014, just a day after her 17th birthday, Leah made her senior debut for the club in a hard-fought Champions League quarterfinal against
In the last few months, wom en’s football has changed forever with Williamson at the forefront, both on and off the field. This summer, the England Lionesses defeated Germany in the final of the Euro 2022. Throughout the tournament, this fiery group
The Bantams stalled once again on offense, but it took all three of Tufts’ timeouts to pre vent the clock from running all the way down. Tufts got the ball back and ran a hurry-up style
fast. You certainly can’t wait till the second half and can’t wait until later in the game to really get going,” Berluti said.
England compared to other countries. In her post-match interview, Williamson talked about the legacy of this tourna ment fueling a “societal change” and this moment being the start of something special. According to The New York Times, major clubs like Manchester United and Chelsea have “poured mil lions of dollars into their wom en’s programs in recent years” in an effort to match the success of the United States.
The Jumbos tried a 2-point conversion, but Berluti’s pass fell incomplete, and the score stayed 26–16.
Birmingham City. Thrown straight into the deep end, Williamson quickly matured into an effective, ball-win ning defensive player, and was looked up to by other players in the squad. Former England captain Faye White (2002–2012) emphasizes Williamson’s humility, stating that “she has that understanding that it’s not all about her. It is about bring ing other people in … giving them a voice.” In her tenure at Arsenal, Williamson has col lected almost every domestic title there is to win, includ ing the Football Association Cup and Women’s Super League. On the international stage, Williamson captained England’s U-15, U-17, and U-20 teams in major tournaments before being called up to the first team in November 2017.
WILLIAMSON continued from back
The Sept. 17 Tufts football game against Trinity is pictured.
FOOTBALL continued from back
and Tufts set up for a field goal attempt.Instead of kicking the field goal, the Jumbos faked the kick, with Butler taking the snap and standing up to throw a pass for the first down. Tufts was called for a false start but still attempt ed the fake on the following play. Butler’s pass was inter cepted and Trinity took over.
The defense was able to force yet another Trinity punt with 10 minutes left in the game. The punt was low and the Jumbos blocked it to get the ball deep in Bantam ter ritory. Tufts was called for a holding penalty and also lost yardage on a screen play to result in a field goal attempt. The 41-yard try by Seelicke
Elliott has a low floor with his non-involvement in the passing game, and back field-mate Tony Pollard is starting to steal touches. With Cooper Rush under center for the foreseeable future, redzone opportunities may be few and far
WR:between.DKMetcalf (SEA)
The warning signs were there when Russell Wilson flocked to the higher alti tude this summer, and yet Metcalf was still going in the fifth rounds of fantasy drafts. He and fellow receiver Tyler Lockett are struggling to gain air yards with Geno Smith as quarterback.TE:KylePitts (ATL)
The tight end position leaves a lot to be desired in fantasy. In Week 2 of 2019 there were six tight ends who scored over 13 fantasy points. This past week? Only two. Options are drying up, but Freiermuth is a reliable target magnet who’s a safe bet for TE1 production.
On Trinity’s following drive, the Bantams intercepted Fetter’s pass to set the Jumbos up in Trinity territory. Senior
Sun God! Amon-Ra is proving that his last six weeks of 2021 — when he posted 20.9 points per game — were no fluke. His 17 receptions rank fourth in the NFL so far this year.
Chubb was often left on the scrap heap of fantasy drafts despite posting his usual stel lar rushing numbers in 2021. Owners have a steal on their hands — Chubb is the RB1 through two games.
TE: Pat Freiermuth (PIT)
About 50 miles northwest of London, on the outskirts of the city of Milton Keynes, lies the small town of Newport Pagnell. Home to just 15,000 people — one-fourth of the capacity of Arsenal’s icon ic Emirates Stadium — the town is dwarfed both in size and history with its only real ‘achievement’ being its role as birthplace of the luxury sports car company Aston Martin.
This showed very quickly in the first half of the game, as Trinity scored on the second play from scrimmage. Trinity’s Will Kirby took a handoff 53 yards to the endzone to put the Bantams on the board 7–0. On the Jumbos’ opening drive, they were forced to punt. The snap went high and over the head of punter and start ing quarterback Berluti and through the back of the end zone for a safety, making the score 9–0 within the first three minutes of play. The safety resulted in the Jumbos having to punt away the ball, and the Bantams were able to mount a long, time consuming drive that led to a 3-yard touchdown from Trinity’s Spencer Fetter to DeVante Reid.
running back Tyler Johnson picked up a good chunk of yardage to get Tufts within field goal range, and first-year kick er Vaughn Seelicke knocked it through the uprights to get points on the board for Tufts, making it 19–3.
Fantasy foot ballWeekpreview3
his usual cast of characters are in the infirmary. Still, the sup pressed passing statistics — just 402 yards through two games — are cause for concern.
Entering the opening game of the NESCAC season, the Bantams were heavily favored.
Today, the town can proudly celebrate another local story as home to England nation al team captain and newly crowned European football champion, Leah Williamson. Williamson’s love for the game began at a young age. As a 6-year-old, she recalls kicking around with boys after her gymnastics lessons in school. Once she found a ball, there was no looking back. In spite of girls’ football being a mere afterthought for most around her, Williamson was
QB: Tom Brady (TB)
On the next Jumbos drive, Johnson had a few good runs that picked up some larg er chunks of yardage, but an incomplete pass intended for sophomore wide receiver Cade Moore forced Tufts to punt once again. Berluti’s passes were on target the majority of the time, but his receivers were having trouble gathering the ball in to complete the passes.Acouple more good runs from Johnson set up a 31-yard completion from Berluti to Lutz. Going into the hurry-up offense, Berluti was able to find Lutz again, and the pass along with a ‘roughing the passer’ penalty on Trinity brought the ball to the Trinity 2-yard line. From there, Johnson was able to run the ball in and score, making it 26–10.
The un-retiree opens this season on the Cold list. It’s not entirely Tom’s fault, as most of
see FOOTBALL, page 11 see WILLIAMSON, page 11
Trinity then received the kickoff with under two min utes to play in the half and drove down the field. A suc cessful screen pass picked up 20 yards on the third down and set up 1st and goal with under 30 seconds left. The Bantams scored another touchdown, making it 26–3 heading into halftime.Thesecond half was a com pletely different story in terms of scoring than the first.
Pitts is the elephant in the tight-end room thanks to his high average draft position. He has the talent, but 38 yards through two games obviously won’t cut it. Rookie receiver Drake London won’t steal the targets forever — Pitts is an intriguing buy-low trade candidate.
ey football fans, wel come back! This is Year 2 of Roster Rundown, and I’m so excited to bring you week-to-week fantasy content once again. Let’s face it: A lot has happened since the end of last year. The Los Angeles Rams won Super Bowl 56 — in Los Angeles. The Deshaun Watson saga finally ended in an 11-game suspension. Tom Brady retired — and unretired. We also saw a ton of move ment around the league. Tyreek Hill is a Dolphin, not a Chief. Davante Adams is in Las Vegas, not Green Bay. Matt Ryan is a Colt, Von Miller is a Bill and Russell Wilson … is still doing corny social media promotions. I guess some things never change!
“I think there wasn’t a lot that changed. I think we just executed a lot better. … At the end of the day, guys just started making plays that we weren’t really making in the first half,” junior wide receiver Jaden Richardson said.
RB: Ezekiel Elliott (DAL)
I know, Carson Wentz? Stale, post-hype, now-on-his-thirdteam Carson Wentz? But seven touchdowns through two weeks can’t be ignored, and despite their recent loss to the Lions, Wentz is igniting the Commanders’ offense.RB:Nick Chubb (CLE)
Football loses tough opening Nes CaC matchup
WR: Amon-Ra St. Brown (DET)
It started out in the same fashion, favoring the Bantams, with the Jumbos’ first drive stalling on a three and out.
At the start of the fourth quarter, Tufts started driving towards midfield and Berluti completed to Lutz again. Unfortunately for the Jumbos, an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty set them back 15 yards and caused a very long third down try. Berluti hit Lutz over the middle on a cross ing route, and Lutz made a couple of good moves around Bantam defenders to take the ball all the way to the house.
On we go! Here is the Week 3 slate.
The two teams went back and forth for the rest of the quarter until Trinity was able to score once again at the start of the second quarter on a field goal to increase the Bantams’ lead to 19–0. Things were starting to look desperate for the Jumbos, as they weren’t able to generate any offense to that point. On the ensuing drive, Berluti completed a pass for a first down to senior wide receiver Phil Lutz who had the ball knocked out from behind. He was ruled down before the fumble, granting the Jumbos a respite. Berluti was sacked on the second down and the Jumbos were unable to con vert on the long third down, resulting in another punt.
leah Williamson brings it home
Timothy Valk is a junior studying quantitative economics. Timothy can be reached at timothy.valk@ tufts.edu.
Let’s ride.
Trinity once again drove down the field, but the defensive line read a screen pass beau tifully and forced a field goal attempt for the Bantams that was no good.
The Tufts Jumbos suffered a heartbreaking loss after a valiant fight against the Trinity College Bantams this past weekend, just barely losing 26-23. In their last 10 meetings, Tufts has been 1–9 against Trinity. The Bantams came in second place in the NESCAC in the 2021 season with a record of 8–1. Their only loss was to the NESCAC champion, Williams. In last season’s matchup between the Bantams and the Jumbos, Trinity dominated throughout the game and only a late surge of scoring from Tufts made the game more competitive. The final score was 42–28.
Timothy Valk Roster Rundown
QB: Carson Wentz (WAS)
Before we dive into this week’s picks, I want to point out that “Half PPR” (players get 0.5 points per reception) will be our univer sal scoring system this year. So whenever I mention
never discouraged and joined local boys’ team, Scots Youth. It was there on the muddy, damp, over-grown pitches that Williamson began her foot balling journey. As the only girl, it was hard breaking into the team’s culture. Acceptance wasn’t easy. Fearing injury, her mother made Leah wear a gum shield, something she hated doing. When fouled, Leah would notice parents giving dirty glances and abuse from
“We definitely knew they were going to be good. They always have athletes and they’re always ready to go to start the year,” sophomore quarterback Michael Berluti said.
spor T s12 tuftsdaily.comTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022
by Bharat Singh Sports Editor
by Arielle Weinstein Deputy Sports Editor
Leah Williamson, the captain of England’s national women’s soccer team, is pictured.
“X scored Y points last week,” Y is via Half PPR. Got that?