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Bill would mandate more inancial disclosure; Tufts calls status quo suf icient BY


Daily Editorial Board

State legislation filed on Jan. 25 would require private universities in Massachusetts to increase disclosure of financial information in a bid to increase these institutions’ operational accountability and transparency. Tufts, however, along with the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts (AICUM), does not support the legislation — the Higher Education Transparency Bill — calling existing disclosure practices sufficient. “While we respect Sen. Jehlen’s views, we feel that this legislation is unnecessary and potentially damaging to a key economic engine in Massachusetts — higher education,” Director of Public Relations Kim Thurler said in an e-mail to the Daily. “Colleges and universities in Massachusetts already have a number of state and federal requirements that provide a tremendous amount of public information and transparency in terms of their finances,” AICUM President Richard Doherty told the Daily, citing annual audited financial statements and the IRS form that applies to organizations exempt from income tax. Proposed changes The bill, introduced by Sen. Patricia Jehlen (D-Somerville) and Rep. Michael Moran (D-Brighton), would mandate increased financial reporting on the part of nonprofit colleges and universities, requiring that schools disclose the value of investment and real property holdings over $10

million, as well as the exact value of tax exemptions enjoyed by the institution. Schools would also have to disclose any individual conflicts of interest for trustees and directors, information about all staff earning more than $250,000, and details about financial arrangements with external consultants and vendors above $150,000. Nonprofits that are tax-exempt, like private universities, are currently required by the IRS to fill out Form 990. The form covers similar areas of disclosure but has fewer requirements. Form 990 requires disclosure mainly of personal conflicts of interest, and schools only have to report salary information for the five highest-paid employees of the institution and five most-compensated external contractors. Support for the bill Supporters of the bill claim that the huge endowment losses and budget reductions in the wake of the recent financial crisis spotlighted the fact that such institutions, which benefit from public subsidies, needed to be held accountable. “Most of the schools are saying when they lost money that it was a force of nature, an act of God. … No one took any responsibility and that’s just absurd — it’s a failure of leadership,” Wayne Langley, higher education director for Service Employees International Union (SEIU), told the Daily. SEIU is partially funding the legislation. A recent study by the Tellus Institute shows that the endowment losses had broader societal implications, adversely see TRANSPARENCY, page 2

Trustees to hear common room, kitchen proposals BY


Daily Editorial Board

The Board of Trustees will today kick off three days of closed meetings on Tufts’ Medford/Somerville campus, setting aside much of tomorrow to hear the proposals of two student representatives to the body. The board’s Buildings and Ground Committee is scheduled to meet this morning, followed by a meeting of the Council of the Boards of Overseers and an orientation for new trustees.

The three student representatives to the board will participate in meetings tomorrow afternoon. Two of them will present on projects to enhance campus life through dorm common room improvements and a shared, fully equipped kitchen space. The board, according to an internal document provided to the Daily, will tomorrow hold a plenary session on how the university responds to student alcohol abuse. Health Service professionals, see TRUSTEES, page 2


The university’s Board of Trustees will hold three days of closed meetings on campus starting today.

Inside this issue


Endowment and investement returns are up from last year due to financial markets’ recovery.

University endowments saw signi icant increase in 2010 BY


Daily Editorial Board

Tufts’ endowment, in line with a national trend among universities, saw a sharp increase in investment returns in fiscal year 2010 as financial markets began to recover. Returns on university investments rose to an average of 11.9 percent, a significant improvement over average returns from fiscal year 2009, which came in at negative 18.7 percent, according to the 2010 National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)Commonfund Study of Endowments (NCSE) released Jan. 27. The same study said the increase fell short of the 17.2 percent average in fiscal year 2007.

“This is a pretty huge and welcome turnaround for endowment performance,” NACUBO’s Director of Research Policy and Analysis Ken Redd told the Daily. Tufts’ investment performance stood at slightly over 12 percent, close to the industry average, according to information provided by the Tufts Finance Division. The market value of the university’s overall endowment also grew by 10 percent, according to the NCSE, and Director of Public Relations Kim Thurler said that it was worth $1.366 billion as of Dec. 31. This contrasts sharply with the 23.7 see ENDOWMENT, page 2

As H1N1 fears fade, flu season hits Massachusetts with typical intensity BY JENNY


Daily Editorial Board

Cases of influenza reported to Tufts Health Service are within a normal range as the flu season begins, a departure from last year, when there was heightened concern surrounding the early and widespread outbreak of the H1N1 flu strain. Students have reported at least 24 cases of influenza to Health Service in the past two weeks, according to Health Service Medical Director Dr. Margaret Higham. Flu season generally peaks in February or early March, Higham said. As this year’s season gets underway, health workers have seen an expected increase in cases of mild to moderate influenza at Tufts and across the state. While Higham classified cases of influenza seen this season as influenza type A, which includes the H1N1 and H3N2 strains of the disease, the concerns about the intensity of the strain’s symptoms and the effectiveness of vaccines has subsided. “We started seeing flu a couple days after students got back on campus,” she said. “None of the students we’ve seen so far have been seriously ill or needed to be hospitalized.” Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Media Relations Manager Julia Hurley said much of the

hype surrounding last year’s H1N1 pandemic was the result of its unseasonable arrival in late August and September. The outbreak provoked public concern because it required the development of an entirely new vaccine to combat the spreading strain, Hurley told the Daily. “This year the vaccine does contain vaccine for H1N1,” she said. “This is a more typical flu season, actually a slightly milder flu season,” Hurley said. The MDPH weekly statewide flu report, which compiles reports of positive cases of influenza from across the state, indicated that the highest percentage of flu activity was found in the outer metro Boston area. The most recent MDPH update, dated Feb. 3, deemed flu season in Massachusetts this year to be widespread but of minimal intensity. Flu vaccine clinics organized in the fall by Health Service reached more students than ever, with over 3,000 students lining up to receive the vaccine, Senior Director of Health and Wellness Services Michelle Bowdler said. “This was an absolute record year for the number of flu vaccines we gave to students,” Bowdler said, adding that she hopes the high turnout will translate to fewer reported flu cases this season. see FLU, page 2

Today’s Sections

Tufts Culinary Society sets the stage to bring a student kitchen to campus.

Careful direction makes Iñárritu’s “Biutiful” a haunting success

see FEATURES, page 3

see WEEKENDER, page 6

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Thursday, February 10, 2011


Tufts’ investment returns also made promising progress in 2010 ENDOWMENT continued from page 1

percent decline in market value that Tufts’ endowment experienced the year before, according to the NCSE data. Tufts attributed this change to the improving economic climate. “Tufts benefited from the upward trend in the financial markets and overall economy,” the finance division said in an e-mail provided to the Daily by the Office of Public Relations. “Our fundamental investment approach did not change. We continued the strategies that have stood us in good stead over the long term.” Redd likewise credited the positive trend to the improving financial situation and said there were no significant shifts in investment practices. “The stock market certainly did better in fiscal year 2010 than fiscal year 2009, and that was the primary driver for improved endowment performance,” he said. “Most endowments held pretty steady in terms of allocations; most institutions did not make any major changes.” Joshua Humphreys, the lead author of an endowment study recently released by the Tellus Institute, however, questioned recent investment behaviors by colleges and universities that he said were risky and opaque. “We’ve identified a vast sea of change in the way that endowments are invested; they are increasingly the most opaque and illiquid and highrisk type of markets,” Humphreys told the Daily. “These types of investment vehicles are organized in a way to avoid disclosure — that seems troublesome in many ways for a nonprofit to be actively avoiding disclosure.”

He cited in particular the use of the shadow banking system, which included Bernard Madoff ’s Ponzi scheme. Tufts lost $20 million by investing in the Ascot Group, which in turn invested with Madoff. Humphreys called attention to longerterm returns, noting that while last year saw an average 12- percent return, the same NCSE data showed that ten-year returns ranged from 2.8 to 5 percent, barely outpacing inflation. “One-year returns of 11 to 12 percent are not really that impressive when you had a 20 to 30 percent decline in the previous year; you’re still digging out of a big hole,” he said. Sophomore Caroline Incledon, leader of Students at Tufts for Investment Responsibility, expressed her hope that these positive results would encourage the university to more extensively consider investment strategies that are environmentally and socially responsible. “Hopefully Tufts will see improved performance and that will give the administration confidence to pursue alternative strategies over purely returns-focused ones,” she said, emphasizing that such strategies would not lead to declining returns. “We are hoping that just because the endowment has increased does not mean that things slow down, but that it will actually spur the responsible investment movement,” Incledon continued. Humphreys echoed this sentiment. “The problem and the trap is that everyone wants to focus on financial performance; the whole point is to think beyond performance of the endowment and realize that the endowment has a social function,” he said.


Over 3,000 students received flu vaccines last fall.

Reported lu cases hit typical levels FLU continued from page 1

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this year has abandoned last year’s recommendations for heightened protective measures like strict isolation and the use of face masks in favor of a more traditional treatment approach. Higham advised students diagnosed with the flu to take the responsibility to avoid infecting other people. “Don’t have kids hanging out in your room, try to stay to yourself, be really good about washing hands, try to stay out of dining hall, stay out of class until your fever is gone,” Higham

counseled. “As long as you’re about six feet away from someone with the flu, those germs don’t make it to you.” Bowdler echoed this advice. “There are a few basic things that we talk about for all disease prevention. in particular, there’s a lot of focus on hand washing, coughing into your sleeve, getting enough rest and eating well. And get vaccinated,” she said. A limited number of flu vaccine doses are still available to students at Health Services, according to Bowdler. “It’s never too late to get a vaccination,” Bowdler said. “With H1N1, there are year-round possibilities of getting it. And immunization lasts a year.”

Board of Trustees meetings start today; Beyond Boundaries, alcohol on the docket TRUSTEES continued from page 1

Dean of Student Affairs Bruce Reitman and undergraduate student leaders will attend. The board will then participate in an annual lunch with students, this year focused on the impact of the university’s $1.2 billion Beyond Boundaries capital campaign on active citizenship at Tufts. Marking 10 years after the establishment of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, the session will connect trustees with students impacted by the capital campaign. Trustees will then break into smaller committee meetings among themselves, including those of the Academic Affairs Committee, the Administration and Finance Committee and the Committee

for University Advancement. During tomorrow afternoon’s meetings, two student-trustee representatives from the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate will present proposals they have been crafting for the board. Trustee Representative Josh Friedmann, a senior, hopes to convince the board to invest in the common rooms of university dorms by funding more comfortable furniture, better lighting and new paint and carpeting. The university already periodically renovates common rooms, but Friedmann wants administrators to prioritize such plans. “All students [at some point] are required to live in dorms, with very few exceptions, and this is one project that would

benefit everybody,” said Friedmann, who will attend the Committee for University Advancement’s meeting. Senior Alix Boulud, another trustee representative, is hoping to gain support from trustees for a fully equipped kitchen facility on campus. Though dorms currently have kitchens, Boulud said they lack the necessary accessories that students need to cook. “It’s unrealistic to ask students to keep a [set of kitchen equipment] in their dorm rooms,” Boulud said. Boulud is co-founder and president of the Tufts Culinary Society. Boulud was inspired to spearhead the project by the popularity of various food movements. She said she has the backing of a number of university staff members,

from Patti Klos, the director of dining and business services, to Assistant Director of Athletics Branwen Smith-King, who runs the Fitness and Individual Development at Tufts (F.I.T.) pre-orientation program. In addition to remaining open to members of the Tufts community at certain times, a large kitchen could also host cooking classes, Boulud said. “You have to eat three meals a day for the rest of your life,” she said. “You might as well learn how to make them.” She will present her idea to the trustees’ Administration and Finance Committee. Senior Chas Morrison, who on Jan. 30 was elected as the third trustee representative by the TCU Senate Executive Board, will not present a project due to having served in the position for so short a time.

Legislation would increase inancial reporting of nonpro it colleges, universities TRANSPARENCY continued from page 1

affecting local economies and communities through layoffs, pay freezes and program cutbacks or delays. “We wanted to highlight that [austerity measures] on campuses have multiplier effects in surrounding communities,” Joshua Humphreys, the lead researcher of the study, told the Daily. “In addition to those economic costs that accompanied endowment declines, there is a broader context that creates costs for local communities.” Supporters of the bill point out that these schools benefit from public subsidies. Such subsidies include exemption from sales tax, property tax and corporate tax on investment returns, according to information provided to the Daily by Jehlen’s office. “The public are partners in all these nonprofit institutions that can benefit from millions upon millions of dollars in subsidies and exemptions,” Langley said. “What they are not doing is that they are not respecting the public’s investment, and the public wants to see accountability. They want to make sure that their scarce tax dollars are being used for the purposes that they expect them to be used for.” Under the legislation, schools would have to calculate the exact benefits they receive from such tax exemptions. “Although tax exemption creates costs to the state … there are no good estimates for what those costs are,” Humphreys said.

“This bill would require colleges to report on the cost of tax exemptions so that a more well-informed and robust debate can occur about costs and benefits.” Supporters of the bill raised questions about perceived corporate governance inadequacies, such as excessive compensation and existing conflicts of interest where board members have business ties to funds in which the university invests. These situations have actually occurred at Massachusetts universities, according to Jehlen’s office. Sophomore Caroline Incledon, leader of Students at Tufts for Investment Responsibility, expressed the group’s support for the bill. “We think that it’s a really good idea because, contrary to popular belief, increased transparency is not going to lead to decreased financial returns,” she said. “In general, it’s going to promote education and dialogue and responsible investing.” Bill opponents Thurler said that Tufts currently discloses an adequate amount of information, citing the fact that Tufts provides audited financial reports and discloses the salaries of their five highest-paid employees. Doherty agreed, saying that much of the information being requested was already available under current regulations. “There are very specific requirements to disclose conflicts of interest for trustees of charitable organizations, and that is done,”

he said. “I don’t think that there is merit to the notion that this information isn’t being disclosed because I know it is.” The legislation could be damaging to higher education — an integral contributor to the state’s economy, Thurler said. “To impose additional reporting requirements on Massachusetts colleges and universities would be time-consuming and costly for these institutions,” Thurler said. “It would place higher education in Massachusetts at a competitive disadvantage with other sectors within the Commonwealth and with colleges and universities in other states.” Doherty echoed Thurler in emphasizing the integral role that higher education plays in the Massachusetts economy and community. He cited the potentially damaging effect of requiring the disclosure of names and salaries of all employees earning over $250,000. Currently, disclosing the five toppaid employees is mandated. “What is specifically being asked for in the legislation would have a very chilling effect on the retention and recruitment of new employees to our institutions,” Doherty said. “This would cover the position staff and senior management of practically every teaching hospital in Boston and people don’t like their personal financial information being made public.” Doherty said that these faculty members might seek employment elsewhere if this were to occur. “That would be terrible for Massachusetts because we would be los-

ing the tremendous talent we have now at our universities and our affiliated teaching hospitals to other states,” he said. Humphreys rejected the assertion that the new requirements would have a damaging effect. “I don’t understand how disclosing more information is going to harm the economy, that’s a non sequitur to me,” he said. “They report this information to private parties; for them to say it’s burdensome to report it out flies in the face of reality.” Jehlen’s office questioned the sufficiency of existing disclosures, providing information suggesting that current voluntary submissions are opaque. Humphreys agreed, citing the difficulty involved in researching information for his study. “To say that they are reporting enough seems specious at best,” he said. “They have a lot of discretion in what they report, which is not very extensive.” Colleges and universities should be setting the standard on the issue of transparency, Langley said. “These universities are supposed to have a public mission. They should be leading not dragging their feet,” he said. “They’re not setting a good standard. … Why should they be in a more privileged position than a publicly traded corporation, which reveals more than Harvard does?” Moving forward, the bill will be assigned to a committee and public hearings will be scheduled, according to Jehlen’s office.




Culinary Society preps for on-campus kitchen Boulud to raise her proposal to Board of Trustees tomorrow BY


Contributing Writer

What’s for dinner? It’s the inescapable question that’s on your mind every day. One dedicated foodie is working to provide fellow Tufts students with a new answer to that age-old dilemma. Senior Alix Boulud, co-founder and president of the Tufts Culinary Society, is spearheading a proposal to build a fully equipped on-campus kitchen for use by student groups, athletes, academic departments and hungry undergraduates. She will present this proposal to the Board of Trustees tomorrow to solicit its support. When Boulud formed the Culinary Society three years ago with now-junior Manuel Guzman, over 600 students expressed an interest in joining the club or learning how to cook. But without a convenient on-campus location, the group was not able to host any cooking lessons. In response, Boulud came up with the idea of creating a kitchen for student use on campus, and the support poured in. “There has been so much enthusiasm and interest from all over,” Boulud said. “The Athletics Department would love to use it for health and nutrition programs for athletes, culture clubs want to host cooking demos there [and] parents of students would love for their children to learn how to cook.”

The student body has also voiced an interest in the project. In a recent Tufts Community Union Senate Survey, 80 percent of student respondents reported that they either agreed or strongly agreed that a fully equipped kitchen facility could serve as an asset to the Tufts community. After the Senate selected Boulud to present her project to the Board of Trustees, she assembled a team of faculty members and students to help with the fundraising, construction and management of the kitchen. Although the project is still in its early stages, Boulud and her team are optimistic about its timely completion. “Right now, we don’t know how much it is going to cost or where we are going to get funding, and though we are looking at a few spaces, we have no set location,” Boulud said, adding that she hopes to have a completed, functioning kitchen in two or three more years. For now, Boulud is working with Vice President for Operations Dick Reynolds to find a suitable location for the kitchen. After the site is picked, an independent architect will appraise it, and the project’s budget will be determined. Then the fundraising and construction can begin. “Our next step is to find a space, appraise it and then raise the money,” Boulud said. “We are hoping to appeal to kitchenware companies to donate both large equipment, like refrigera-

tors, and smallware, like blenders and knives. Securing these donations would make the actual building of the project more manageable.” In Boulud’s appeal to the Board of Trustees tomorrow, she will request its support in seeking personal donations from alumni for the costs of construction and maintenance. “We’re hoping that the support and excitement we’ve encountered will be reflected through donations,” she said. Eventually, Boulud hopes to use the kitchen for accredited courses, a wide range of clubs and organizations and also as a place for students who live on campus and thus would not otherwise have the opportunity to cook with their friends. “I think the kitchen could change the way people eat on campus and give more options to people who love to cook or who have special dietary needs,” she said. “It would bring people together to eat nutritious homemade meals.” The built kitchen will be equipped with large appliances, like stoves and ovens; small kitchen tools, like pots and utensils; and enough counter space to accommodate about 15 to 20 students. Though many details remain indeterminable until a space is selected, Director of Dining and Business Services Patti Klos said that a member of the dining staff will likely take over the responsee KITCHEN, page 4

Street Smarts: Tufts’ sartorial scene Ever notice the Jumbos on campus who put more into their wardrobes than a momentary thought about which pair of sneakers doesn’t clash with their sweatpants? We have, and some of their sartorial styles caught our eye in particular.


“My tights and coat are from Anthropologie, which is somewhere I like to shop because they have really eclectic things you can’t find anywhere else.” —Taylor Poulin, graduate student “The key to getting your mom to tell you you’re handsome is wearing tucked-in shirts.” —Gideon Jacobs, Class of 2011

“My favorite thing about my outfit is my red printed shirt. When I was in Ghana on study abroad, I bought the fabric at Medina Market, went home, drew a sketch and took it to my favorite seamstress who made it perfectly for me. I am half Ghanaian, so I wear my Ghanaian clothing with pride.” —Sigourney Norman, Class of 2012

See Jumbo Slice at blogs.tuftsdaily.com for the full shoot.


Cupid’s casualty


ear Yuantee, There’s this total minx in my feminist philosophy class with big tats who I also see all the time at the gym. We’ve never spoken and I don’t know her name, but she’s smiled at me before, so I know she recognizes me. She’s definitely in my league looks-wise — I’d say about a 7 (or a Tufts 8.5) — and looks like she’d have a great personality, too. I want to approach her, but I don’t know how, Yuantee. What should I Zhu? -Cupid’s Casualty C.C., Believe it or not, I get this kind of question all the time, even from women. This latest apple of your eye may have even written me this same question once, and maybe even about you! I get so many letters. Obviously, you’re going to have to get her name before you’ll ever get her number. Do anything you can to figure out her name. I, frankly, find it sad and unacceptable that you could feel the way you clearly do about this girl and not know her name. From my experiences with women, I’ve learned one thing: Women want you to remember their names. Once you find out her name (by paying attention in class, or through attendance, or by eavesdropping on her conversations or following her home), you address her by it in an appropriate context, such as responding to a comment she makes in class, like “I agree with what Angela said,” or whatever she’s called. She will be compelled to find out your name as well, and your relationship will evolve to the point where you comfortably address each other by name. The key becomes running into her “randomly” as much as possible so as to repeatedly address her by name. This will repeatedly turn her on. Use the vibrant Tufts nightlife to your advantage. The Tufts club scene attracts hundreds of babe-a-licious bookworms every night. Some of the hottest clubs on campus: Burlesque, Hillel and the Leonard Carmichael Society. A few under the radar: Pangea, Cheap Sox and, believe it or not, Rugby. You’ll find her somewhere. You also mentioned that you see her at the gym. This is good. Figure out her gym schedule, and coordinate yours with hers. Figure out her routine. Always get on a bike when she gets on a bike and always make it clear you’re cycling at a higher speed. Smile at her and continue to address her by name when she looks your way. And she will. If you don’t bike, you do now. If she uses the elliptical instead, so do you — only faster. Make loud noises when you lift, and bring a wingman who will high-five you after each set. Reiterate constantly to this wingman of yours that you don’t need a spotter, and make sure everyone can hear you. After you work your abs, walk over to the girl you love and wipe the sweat from your face with the bottom of your shirt, thus exposing your most recently refined muscles. Then, smile at her again and, of course, address her by name. As you grow more and more familiar with each other, mustering up the courage to ask for her number should only come easier. She might even surprise you and ask for yours first. When you get this number, this winning lottery number, you’ve got to cash it in. Call her. The lines at Dave’s Fresh Pasta are usually a little long, so I recommend Helen’s Roast Beef, as long as you go before midnight. They also deliver, for a romantic night in of eggplant parmesan and you softly repeating her name. At least, that’s what I would Zhu. Yuantee Zhu is a senior majoring in biology. He can be reached at Yuantee.Zhu@tufts.edu.




Thursday, February 10, 2011

On-campus kitchen in formative stage; group still looking for suitable location KITCHEN continued from page 3

sibility of managing the kitchen. “The new facility will require a curator — someone who’s responsible for maintaining the space, keeping it up properly, dealing with repairs or replacements,” Klos said. “It’s a kitchen, and sanitation standards need to be upheld.” The kitchen will also require constant surveillance to ensure that students are being safe when they cook. “That could happen in a lot of different ways — it’s the kind of thing where we would typically employ student moderators,” Klos said. Boulud felt that an on-campus kitchen is particularly fitting given the current national cultural climate. “Today, more than ever, a project like this could really benefit our campus culture,” she said. “Things like obesity and lack of nutrition are national problems, and on college campuses, so many people make bad decisions, like ordering pizza at 3 a.m. every night. Being able to cook for and feed yourself is such a crucial skill to have later in life.” Branwen Smith-King, the assistant director of athletics, lent her approval to the project early on by writing a letter of support for Boulud to the Board of Trustees. “This is a project that could lead to a long list of benefits for the Tufts community,” she said. Smith-King envisions using the kitchen for nutrition mini-courses offered by the Athletics Department, meals for athletic teams and basic cooking lessons for students. “Tufts is taking responsibility for teaching its students life skills,” she said. “If you don’t know how to take care of yourself, the rest of what you’ve learned is not going to serve you well.” Boulud agreed that the culinary aptitude learned in a kitchen is essential — both during one’s college years and in the future. “You have to eat three meals a day for the rest of your life; you might as well enjoy them,” she said.


The Culinary Society wants to build a kitchen on campus for students, making it easier for those lacking a home kitchen to prepare their own cuisine.


Around the Weekender in 80 Days ARTS & LIVING


Boston Globe Travel Show will bring the exotic to Beantown The Daily examines the importance of an international mindset, student travel BY


Starting a chain reaction

Daily Editorial Board

This weekend, the Boston Globe Travel Show will be taking the city by storm. Friday through Sunday at the Seaport World Trade Center, it costs only $10 to transport yourself to another locale, via an expo that will feature tourism boards from all over the world, advertising what their respective countries have to offer. In fact, some of those offerings start right at the expo. Attendees can look forward to demonstrations of cultural traditions, one-of-a-kind deals and giveaways from tour companies and airlines, and live cooking shows featuring local chefs and foreign specialties. The event is expected to attract over 20,000 visitors and potential tourists. This may not seem like the typical weekend event for college students, so the question remains: Why should we care? The Daily investigates the allure behind the Boston Globe Travel Show, what it represents and why travel should play an important part in our lives.

Once college students venture outside the boundaries of their hometowns and their campuses, those who choose to go on the study abroad adventure find themselves completely immersed in a culture unlike anything they’ve ever known before. For some, this cultural immersion may be an overwhelming or an unpleasant experience: Perhaps the host family is not easy to get along with, or the culture feels oppressive instead of welcoming, or homesickness gets in the way. However, for the vast majority of students who study abroad, their time spent in a different country is a life-changing and incredible experience. While abroad, many people get the chance to travel to places outside of their study destinations. Therefore, study abroad students not only get to experience one culture in depth, but they can also explore others, often within an arm’s — and wallet’s — reach of their new foreign home. Study abroad in Europe, and the entire continent is at your fingertips, which makes it easy to get to destinations where people wouldn’t necessarily plan to go independently.

A weekend getaway … six miles away Further opportunities On the most basic level, this is something to do on the weekend that is not trekking through the snowdrifts to get to a frat party or whiling away the afternoon in Tisch or Ginn. In the Tufts bubble, we sometimes forget exactly how close Boston is and how easy it is to get downtown, and how convenient it is to access so many interesting events going on in the city. Additionally, no one can deny that the weather as of late has been less than appealing. As the semester progresses and the work sets in, so does seasonal affective disorder. It would be extremely difficult to find a Tufts student right now who is actually enjoying this slushy mess that we call winter. Sinking into the February doldrums is an all-too-easy feat, so why not try to brighten up the days with the promise of adventure and foreign destinations? The show will make it possible to get from one exotic locale to the next in a matter of steps. Even thinking about traveling to places where it’s warm, like Jamaica or Puerto Rico, is sure to do wonders for the spirit at this depressing time of year. The Travel Show promises to redefine “staycation.” Evoke a sense of wanderlust


It’s no secret that studying abroad is a major part of many students’ college careers. Prospective students pop questions about study abroad while touring colleges; before they even matriculate at their dream schools, they’re already thinking about leaving them behind for a semester or maybe even a whole year. For many people, coming to college is the first opportunity they have to go beyond the limits of their hometowns. Yes, some take gap years to travel or attend boarding school, but for the most part, college is the first extended period of time spent away from home. Whether heading to a small town or a city, leaving home for a new destination is always daunting, especially at the age of 18, when students feel like the whole world is ahead of them. College lets students explore the boundaries of their academic and extracurricular interests, in order to determine what is actually important to them. Usually, interests exist beyond the walls of the classroom, and many students feel the need to bolster their academic experiences with real-world ones. Enter study abroad.

Thankfully, Tufts students all attend an internationally minded school. Since International Relations is Tufts’ most popular major, and active citizenship is at the core of our mission statement, many Jumbos may feel obligated to offer themselves and their services worldwide. With these ideals in mind, there are multiple organizations and departments at Tufts that try to facilitate the process of getting students out of the country and into other parts of the world. It is difficult to go through the motions of life at Tufts and to not be presented with the opportunity to travel: The New Initiative for Middle East Peace, a sub-group of Tufts’ Institute for Global Leadership, was able to travel to the Kurdistan region of Iraq this past winter break — an unprecedented opportunity for college students. Musically inclined students in the Tufts Wind Ensemble have visited the likes of Prague, Montreal and Costa Rica over the past few years. Twice a year, Jewish Jumbos have the opportunity to visit Israel as a part of the Birthright program. The Tisch College of Active Citizenship offers myriad opportunities worldwide for students to get involved in other cultures. These chances to travel are often financially advantageous and provide incredibly unique chances to learn in a context unlike any other. Anyone would be remiss to not get involved in at least one of these amazing opportunities. It’s almost too easy. Words to live by Even though the semester has just begun, and it might seem as though opportunities to travel outside of Boston’s gray skies and dirty snowdrifts will never come, this weekend’s Travel Show can remind you that there is a life outside this winter wasteland. If you’re looking to get involved in Tufts travel opportunities but can’t decide what piques your interest, check out the show for some inspiration. With perks like bolstered intelligence, a cache of one-of-a-kind stories and a sense of worldliness discovered early on in life, travel is something that every college student should attempt to fit in to their undergraduate years. Whether you’re a freshman pondering the concept of leaving your newfound friends for an entire semester or a senior who can’t stop reminiscing about the days spent abroad, the Boston Globe Travel Show will be sure to liven up your dreary winter days.



Thursday, February 10, 2011



Fans of irreverence rejoice as ‘Archer’ returns for second season on FX with more character BY


Contributing Writer

An international superspy date-raped by a sixteen year-old princess from Gstaad; a sex robot named Fisto Roboto;

Archer Starring H. Jon Benjamin, Jessica Walter, Judy Greer, Chris Parnell Airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. on FX a scientist who doses his secretary with LSD to induce love — all of these delights (and more!) are the plots driving this season’s funniest R-rated animated show, one that is surprisingly not airing on Adult Swim. Yes kids, “Archer” is back and — as if it were even possible — cruder than ever. The masterpiece by Adam Reed, whose previous shows, “Sealab 2021” (2000-5) and “Frisky Dingo” (2006-8) actually did air on Cartoon Network, returned to FX for a second season on Jan. 27 with yet another healthy dose of satire, misogyny and general poor taste. And thus the world sang and rejoiced, for “Family Guy” was getting just a little too avant-garde.

In case you’ve never watched “Archer” — a sad thought — let me give a quick season one summary. Actually, no, I can’t do that, because this show is so densely packed that even a single episode summary would kill my word count. Let me instead just simplify: “Archer” spans the genres of ’60s Bond pastiche, workplace comedy and porn. Basically, it is a magical combination of “Get Smart” (196570), “The Office” and, well, porn. But best of all, “Archer” is the successful “Arrested Development” (2003-06) reunion that Mitch Hurwitz has tried in vain to create in “Running Wilde” (2010) and “Sit Down, Shut Up” (2009). Jessica Walter (Lucille Bluth on “Arrested Development”) voices yet another overbearing mother, Jeffrey Tambor (George Bluth on “Arrested”) acts as her scorned lover and Judy Greer (Kitty Sanchez on “Arrested”) plays — you guessed it — a ditzy, sexually perverse secretary. The similarities don’t stop there, however, as “Archer” clearly matches the quick pace, smart humor and dysfunctional drama of “Arrested Development.” So if you worship “Arrested Development,” and you know that as a member of this nebbish student body you do, just imagine “Archer” as an animated, gun-toting 1960s version of the beloved sitcom, except about 85 percent raunchier.


A misfit bunch of employees gather around in ‘Archer’. The cartoon revolves around of the title character, Sterling and the misanthropes he works his mother’s spy agency ISIS.

the life Archer, with at Archer,


Iñárritu’s latest ilm ‘Biutiful’ an emotionally-charged, compelling success BY JOHN-MICHAEL SEQUEIRA

Contributing Writer

It’s not easy being bleak. No self-respecting audience wants to be unmercifully battered by despair without sufficient cause, but

see ARCHER, page 8

TOP TEN | THINGS WE WISH WE HAD SEEN INSTEAD OF THE SUPER BOWL HALFTIME SHOW This past Sunday, the Black Eyed Peas did a horrible job at the Super (more like “Subpar”) Bowl halftime show. Rather than said crappy band, here are the top ten things that the Daily Arts Department would have rather seen. 10) Janet Jackson’s breast: We want to see how this breast has grown over the years and triumphed in spite of its shady past.


9) Grass growing: At first glance, this may not sound very exciting. Seeing grass grow, however, means seeing snow shrink ... and we’re really sick of snow.

Starring Javier Bardem, Maricel Álvarez, Hanaa Bouchaib Directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu filmmakers are constantly in search of the emotional weight that promises to garner them recognition as a “serious” director. Without emotional heft, viewers can shrug off a story without thought. With it, a director can create a haunting, enduring presence that is tantalizing for any artist. Perhaps emotional weight was director Alejandro González Iñárritu’s incentive as he crafted “Biutiful” (2010), a tortuous story of mortality, broken relationships and exploitation among the migrant workers of Spain’s urban poor. The protagonist, a “fixer” and go-between named Uxbal, powerfully embodied by Javier Bardem, faces adversity at nearly every turn. If it’s not street vendors turned drug dealers, it’s the police breathing down his neck or the overseer of a counterfeit factory complaining about his bottom line. His domestic life offers no respite either, as he struggles to stay afloat financially and provide for his two young children as a single father. But the story begins, on top of everything, as he is diagnosed with an incurable illness certain to end his life within months. If you think this sounds unbearable, you wouldn’t be far from the truth. But what elevates it from merely watchable to incredibly compelling is Iñárritu’s precise, subtle direction. In other hands, this could have become a ham-fisted morality tale decrying the perils of substance abuse and manipulation of the hopes of illegal immigrants. Instead, Iñárritu has delivered a nuanced portrait in which moral rights and wrongs become exercises in self-sacrifice and brief moments of happiness in the firestorm of day-to-day existence. Uxbal’s past heroin addiction, for example, is only hinted at as he deftly draws a sample of his own blood and hands it to the nurse unable to locate his pockmarked veins. This,

voiced by the great H. Jon Benjamin of “Bob’s Burgers” fame, is a hard-drink-

8) Puppy Bowl: Sure, some people might find will.i.am attractive or may be into Slash’s ’80s look, but over on Animal Planet, there were puppies! Playing football! It doesn’t get cuter than that. 7) Actual black-eyed peas: They have more personality than the band, plus they won’t leave an awful taste in your mouth like Fergie probably does. She says she’s Fergalicious, but we have our doubts. 6) Guns N’ Roses (instead of just Slash): Either the band or actual guns and roses. Either way would’ve been a lot more entertaining.


Alejandro González Iñárritu, left, and Javier Bardem at the premiere for the haunting and poignant ‘Biutiful.’ and instances of his declining health that pepper the story, showcase a level of artistry and restraint rarely exercised in American films, where the guiding principle in storytelling is often to tell rather than show. Even so, there are a few moments in which Iñárritu’s choices are too overt and detract from the honesty of the storytelling. One scene in particular, in which audible heartbeats overlay an image of a profound embrace, pulls the audience away from sentimentality. But these exercises in artistic license work more often than not. The film’s only massive shift in visual style, a scene in which Uxbal seeks out his brother Tito (Eduard Fernández) at a nightclub, works almost flawlessly — bounding bass and piercing multicolored lights color a world in which indulgence takes the limelight. Shifts like these in locale, lighting and

emotional texture help prevent the film’s overwhelming grimness from sliding into heavy-handed territory. The trying relationship between Uxbal and his estranged wife, Maramrbra (Maricel Álvarez), becomes a counterpoint to these private excursions into doubt and faith in “Biutiful’s” latter half and develops into a harrowing gauntlet of parental neglect, emotional abusiveness and overt sexuality as a means of coping with despair. Her histrionics contrast with his quiet determination. Uxbal’s slow descent into death takes on an otherworldly beauty in Bardem’s hands. The struggle he depicts — a man refusing to accept the end of his life in spite of his rapidly eroding health — is strangely alluring. Rarely are we given such an unflinching glimpse into the terror of seeing the world disappear before our eyes, but it is that rarity that makes “Biutiful” all the more stunning.

5) Justin Bieber movie: Forget green and yellow. The premiere for “Never Say Never” was purple-themed, and unlike any football team, this artist is someone you can always Belieb in. 4) Avatar (2009): Why not? It was a pretty good movie. 3) Tufts’ own Perambulator: A band featuring the Daily’s own Mitchell Geller and Emma Bushnell. We hear they’re pretty good (or so they say). “Bomb on the Mic” in stores 6/27. 2) Janet Jackson’s other breast: Right breast is so 2004. 1) Owls flying: Owls look like this: (0v0) — watch as they flap their silver wings. —compiled by the Daily Arts Department


Thursday, February 10, 2011



FROM THE OFFICE OF THE TUFTS DAILY Dear Black Eyed Peas, Once again, you manage to ruin everything. We are the Daily’s Arts Department, which is to say that we did not see you perform at the sports game this past Sunday — the one played between the white team and the green team (congrats on winning, green team! Fun fact: Green is made of blue and yellow!) — because we do not watch sports (that’s Sports’ job). But we heard that you were miserable, and we were, to say the least, unsurprised. Originally, we were going to watch

the event, but we shut the TV off immediately upon realizing that, to our great disappointment, we had parsed the hashtag incorrectly on Twitter — #superbowl = super bowl, not superb owl. Thank God, upon seeing the black and green, we were turned off from the start: We nearly had to endure not only sports but a performance by you, you futuristic studio devils. Viewers could have predicted that, because of you, Sunday night was not going to be a good night, a good, good night. Everything you do is uninspired; you are coldly calculated to make money and aggravate. Like robots, or Vulcans. The only illogical thing about

you is how popular you are. Your latest hit, “The Time (Dirty Bit)” (2010), besides having the stupidest title of a song ever (fact), is just you guys doing a really crappy cover of “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” from the “Dirty Dancing” (1987) soundtrack. A really, really crappy cover. So please stop doing what you’re doing. In all honesty, we’d rather sit through three sports games with no halfway performances than see you. Ever again. Ever. Sincerely, The Daily Arts Department


Wayne Shorter proves continued prowess in jazz at Berklee Performance Center BY


Daily Editorial Board

It’s hard to catch people off guard in jazz these days. In a genre that has accommodated everything from Pharoah Sanders’ multiphonic saxophone wails to Sun Ra’s solos on a squeaky door hinge, few things feel like they really push the envelope anymore. That’s why audiences gave Wayne Shorter two rounds of standing ovations last Tuesday night at the Berklee Performance Center: He managed to bring something wholly new to the table. Shorter has been at the top of the jazz world since his tenure with Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers in the 1960s, but his status was affirmed when he was part of Miles Davis’ second great quintet during the second half of that decade, along with Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Tony Williams. Shorter’s golden reputation stems from his remarkably diverse talent. While he is undoubtedly an impassioned, virtuosic saxophonist, he is also one of the most innovative composers in jazz. Shorter’s unique, highly conceptualized pieces range from jazz standards like “Footprints” to the more involved symphonic work he unveiled several years ago. His recent concert capitalized on his compositional skills and his improvisational talent in equal parts. Rather than playing a series of tunes like most jazz musicians, Shorter had prepared an hour-long composition that deftly mixed pre-written passages with robust improvisation. The quartet, comprised of drummer Brian Blade, bassist John Patitucci and pianist Danilo Perez, provided an organic, shifting rhythm section that responded perfectly to Shorter’s playing. The level of communication between the quartet members approached telepathic levels at certain points of the show, as members cued each other’s ideas with remarkable fluidity. As the show progressed from its impressionistic, slow-paced opening passages, the audience had to settle into an unexpected musical environment. Shorter’s shows usually consist of concise, highly developed renditions of his famous compositions. With the exception of a brief encore, this show was entirely comprised of one long, ceaseless set that segued amorphously from one movement to another.


Wayne Shorter appeared at the Berklee Performance Center on Tuesday evening. Themes and melodies developed over long periods or spontaneously. Grooves would kick in for one minute and then fizzle out. Throughout the whole show, each member’s footing in the piece was perpetually shifting. Without such a talented group, the ideas behind Shorter’s piece could have fallen completely flat. Thankfully, the remarkable skills of each band member made the show invigorating and captivating in a setting that could have been mired by its own nebulous construction. Even though it was often difficult to distinguish which parts of the performance were improvised and which were written, it became evident that Shorter created an open structure for the piece, allowing for the musicians to explore and expand ideas within certain movements organically. Several times during the performance, Shorter put down his saxophone and cued up the next musical set by placing his hand on Perez’s piano. One of these

movements was surprisingly humorous, as Perez began rhythmically smacking the lid of the piano down while gargling water into a microphone. Shorter began to whistle as Blade played subdued Latin rhythms. Before the audience had time for more than a brief laugh, the group was back into a different groove. One of the most impressive aspects of Shorter’s performance was the diversity of his writing. Different themes conjured everything from references to “Tenor Madness” to marching band rhythms and percussive piano playing. In one particularly memorable moment, Patitucci began bowing his bass with long, mournful notes in a duet with Perez, whose Bartok-inflected chords gave the movement a classical feeling that gelled surprising well with the rest of the performance. Blade’s drumming was superb throughout the show. His ability to mix see SHORTER, page 8

What’s Up This Weekend Looking to make your weekend artsy? Check out these events! Music for Food for Music: Violist Kim Kashkashian will host a series of one-hour chamber music concerts where attendees brings cans of food to donate to the Greater Boston Food Bank in lieu of tickets. All performances will feature a Mozart viola quintet and a solo Bach work. (Friday at 6 p.m. at the Emmanuel Church in Boston. Admission is free with a donation of non-perishable food.)

Evening of Romance: Tufts African Student Organization will hold its annual Evening of Romance this weekend. There will be spoken-word poetry and live music in celebration of Valentine’s Day. (Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Hotung Café. Admission is free.) Tufts Film Series: The group will be screeing Stanley Kubrick’s classic “The Shining” (1980) (Friday at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday at 6:30 p.m. and 11:55 p.m.) and Charlie Kaufman’s “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004) (Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 9:30 p.m. and Sunday

at 8 p.m.) Admission is free. Boston Globe Travel Show: See the Weekender feature this week! (Held at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. Tickets $10.) Jennifer Coolidge at the Wilbur Theatre: Actress and comedienne Jennifer Coolidge of “American Pie” (1999) and “Best in Show” (2000) will perform at the Wilbur Theatre. (Saturday at 7 p.m. Tickets $25-$35.) —compiled by the Daily Arts Department

Tongue Twister


eorge Carlin famously explained modern censorship in his comedy act: “There are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are seven you can’t say on television … You know the seven, don’t ya? That you can’t say on TV? S---, piss, f---, c---, c---sucker, motherf---er and tits.” I’m going to go ahead and guess that you can’t say “cunnilingus” either. If you can say cunnilingus (what a great word, huh?) on TV or, as it were, on the radio, there’s no reason for Rihanna’s last single of 2010 to exist: “What’s My Name,” a catchy pop ditty featuring Drake about, well, cunnilingus. It’s shocking that the public isn’t shocked about the song. It’s possible that no one is listening closely or that the general population is more concerned with Miley Cyrus’s bong hit or Justin Bieber doing whatever it is that the Biebs is up to lately. But Rihanna’s song is bold, to say the very least. The song is basically about how much Rihanna digs guys who perform oral sex on her. She’s not going to say “vagina” in the song because it would sound ridiculous, and most of the popular euphemisms for the female genitalia are definitely not okay for radio play. Instead, we get “na na” and the total and complete refusal, or inability, to say … the word in question. Drake, who is notorious for endearingly horrible and lame lines, drops quite possibly the lamest line ever. He kicks off this ode to … well, you know ..., with: “The square root of 69 is eight something, right?” Yes. Right. It’s ~8.31, but how nerdy can you get? It’s like one of those ads on the T that’s a hard math problem, and if you can solve it you get a job at some big computer company in Cambridge. Only instead of a cushy position at Google, you get a groaner (or a “moaner,” if you will): the punch line to Drake’s weird, lame joke about a sexual position: “Ate something.” If you don’t get it, Google it. Or, you know what, don’t. Don’t Google it. Drake goes on to wax idiotic on the unenumerated “things we can do in twenty minutes, girl” and then disappears from the song, leaving an uncomfortable taste in our mouths. From here, Rihanna lets loose with her own farfrom-subtle lyrics: “Hey boy, I really wanna see/ If you can go downtown with a girl like me,” “You’ve got something that keeps me so off-balanced/ … Let’s explore your talent” and, the ultimate too-flustered-to-keep-singing verse, “Looking for a guy to put in work/ Oh uh oh/ Oh.” She trails off to — ahem — catch her breath. Nice. Almost all rap songs reference fellatio like it’s a fact of life. It’s almost hard to think of a rapper who hasn’t rhymed about it: from Three 6 Mafia’s “Slob on my Knob” (2005), to Raekwon’s “Gihad” (2009), to Three 6 Mafia’s “I’d Rather” (2008), to Lil Wayne’s “Lollipop” (2008), to Three 6 Mafia’s “Put Cha D--- in Her Mouth” (2003) — these jokes, it seems, will never go out of style. While everyone brags about receiving, few emcees ever talk about giving. Besides Drake’s impressive math skills, only a couple of recent lines spring to mind, both appearing in Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Friday posse cuts: J.Cole, on “Looking For Trouble” (2010), raps, “They say you are what you eat/ And I still ain’t p----,” and Kanye, on “Christian Dior Denim Flow” (2010), drops the line “I’m tryna eat out/ So what we going to dinner for?” Also, I would be remiss if in this particular discussion I didn’t make note of Khia’s classic “My Neck, My Back (Lick It)” (2002, ultimately just the female version of “Slob on my Knob”) or underground rap trio CunninLynguists. This stuff is out there. It’s definitely a touchy subject, and it can be awkward if it’s not approached correctly, but if rappers keep an open mind, cunnilingus can be fun for everyone. Mitchell Geller is a senior majoring in psychology and English. He can be reached at Mitchell.Geller@Tufts.edu.



Thursday, February 10, 2011


Shorter offers innovative jazz stylings at Tuesday show

‘Archer’ an ‘Arrested Development’ family reunion


ing, hooker-touting, emotionally crippled mama’s boy with a reputation as the most dangerous secret agent in the world. Archer’s coworkers include Dr. Krieger (Lucky Yates), the resident scientist/doctor/ inventor who can rarely “get an erection that doesn’t involve homeless people;” the valet Woodhouse (George Coe), who once tried to shoot an apple off the head of William S. Burroughs’ wife; Pam (Amber Nash), the obese, sexually voracious and bi-curious Human Resources director; and Cheryl — or is it Carol? — (Greer), the slutty secretary with a hankering for autoerotic asphyxiation. Are you getting that sex is kind of a big theme here? The perverted nature of the show is only compounded by its animation, which looks like a crossbreeding between a Norman Rockwell painting and Richard Linklater-type rotoscoping. Don Draper could have easily designed an ad in “Archer’s” image, with its sleek suits and crisp lines — a beautiful and hilarious contrast to the unrelenting hedonism that defines the show. Ignoring bawdiness for a minute, “Archer” often reaches a surprising amount of depth, especially in its sophomore season. Characters that have consistently changed over time now have revealing backstories that give insight into their ridiculous psyches. There are overarching plot lines that are not simply forgotten at the end of each individual episode — making it a far cry from your average Fox or Nickelodeon cartoon. “Archer” airs every Thursday

continued from page 7

time keeping with highly textural and melodic playing was one reason the band could segue so effortlessly between radically different themes. His sense of space and energy filled the performance with anticipation, as he would transition from subtle, intricate percussion to bombastic snare hits and drum fills. His enthusiasm

was infectious as he grooved behind the kit with a Cheshire Cat grin. Even though nobody in the audience expected the show Wayne Shorter and his quartet ended up putting on, the evening was a remarkable success. Only the most talented musicians can present themselves so succinctly in such a context. Thankfully, each member of the quartet was more than up to the task.


Jazz legend Wayne Shorter deftly mixed his compositional and improvisational skills.

ARCHER continued from page 6

In summer, Yale turns up the heat. And you’re invited.


Sterling and Mallory Archer share a drink on FX’s ‘Archer.’ at 10 p.m. on FX, making it another reason, along with “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” and “The League,” to switch from watching NBC’s Thursday night line-up. I could end this review on a poignant

note about Archer’s mom’s desk dildo or his 80-year-old valet’s heroin addiction, but instead I’ll just leave you with the immortal catchphrase of Sterling Malory Archer: “Wait, I had something for this.”

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Thursday, February 10, 2011



A Symposium On Haiti’s Future This Saturday, February 12 10:00 am – 2:30 pm Cabot Auditorium Featuring: • Learning: Panels on entrepreneurship, investing, and marketing in Haiti, and building a positive “Made-in-Haiti” brand with U.S. consumers • Food: Breakfast & lunch, generously donated by our sponsors • Fair: A fair of Haitian companies, products, organizations • Jobs: A career and networking event focused on social enterprise and business opportunities in Haiti in 2011

Find out more at brand-haiti.org





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Thursday, February 10, 2011



Tufts should embrace endowment transparency State Sen. Patricia Jehlen (D-Somerville) and State Rep. Michael Moran (D-Brighton) on Jan. 25 introduced legislation called the Higher Education Transparency Bill that would require private universities in Massachusetts to increase their financial transparency. The new legislation, which would apply to colleges and universities with holdings of over $10 million, calls for the disclosure of individual conflicts of interest of trustees and directors, information about staff members who earn over $250,000 and information regarding financial arrangements over $150,000 with outside parties. The proposed legislation would create a positive change in the level of disclosure that Tufts has with its students and the public. Tufts — like many other private institutions in the state — plays an integral part in the economy of its surrounding communities. When Tufts experiences economic flux, it affects a wider group than simply the administrators who deal with the university’s finances. Because Tufts benefits from public subsidies, such as tax breaks, the taxpayers who help allow these subsidies have the right to

know where their money is going. Financial transparency is also particularly crucial to the students and their families who pay steep tuition to Tufts each year. They pay their bill with the understanding that this money is going toward bettering their educational opportunities, while upholding the values that Tufts promotes. Tufts prides itself on being a socially conscious institution, but there are currently few avenues for students to ensure that their money is going toward investments that fit with this attitude. If students see a spike in their tuition, they should be told why this increase is occurring and what goals it will accomplish. The Higher Education Transparency Bill would help push colleges and universities to uphold their values and make responsible financial choices by increasing their accountability to those who are giving money to the institution. In spite of these arguments, Tufts does not support the proposed legislation, saying that the university already discloses enough information. Director of Public Relations Kim Thurler said that increasing disclosure would be timeconsuming and costly to the university.

However, because Tufts undoubtedly keeps track of its financial endeavors, simply providing this information should not be excessively time-consuming, and the positive effect that it would have on student and community attitudes toward the university would be worth the relatively small cost. The Daily understands that Tufts administrators have a great number of financial decisions that they must make on a daily basis, and having to undergo constant scrutiny from students and the public could cause difficulties with the university’s ability to function quickly and smoothly. Having all expenditures exposed to the public could addionally make Tufts less likely to actively invest and take financial risks for fear of receiving negative publicity. While these concerns are valid, public scrutiny is an inevitable facet of being a prominent institution, and Tufts must accept that its decisions affect a great number of people who deserve to be informed. Rather than opposing the legislation, Tufts should embrace it as an opportunity to increase discourse and accountability with its students and community.

The university faces special challenges because we have three Massachusetts campuses, often in different meteorological zones. For instance, last week it was snowing in Grafton, sleeting in Medford and raining in Boston at the same time. Further, there are multiple schools on these campuses, each with its own academic calendar, student demographics and staff/faculty commuting profiles. It is difficult, therefore, to provide a general universitywide decision and announcement that will perfectly suit everyone. What we try to do is make a decision that provides a university-wide policy under which each school can make specific exceptions depending on the timeliness of its own classes, events etc. For instance, on Tuesday, Feb. 1, despite the early release, several events were held on the Medford campus later in the evening because the speaker or visiting team was already on campus, and the attendees were primarily resident students.

With continued enhancements in technology and the expertise of our Office of Web Communications, we will be adding links to the general announcements so that individuals will have easy access to the schoolspecific web pages and other communication channels through which schools will provide more specific information than can be succinctly put into the university-wide announcement. We will make every effort to have those communications put out as early as possible. This winter has been unusually harsh. We hope we won’t need further release, delay or closing announcements, but I wouldn’t bet on it. We are open to any suggestions that members of the Tufts community may have.



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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, The unusually severe winter we’re experiencing has required Tufts to make some difficult decisions about whether to interrupt normal work and class schedules. In response to questions we’ve received and the Feb. 3 editorial “University mishandled response to snow,” we thought it would be useful to the Tufts community if we provided a bit more detail on that subject. With an early release or delayed opening, we make the decision based primarily on the conditions under which most staff, faculty and commuter students would have to travel. Safety is one concern. While we try to make these decisions as early as possible, there may well be occasions when someone may have started their commute before they learn of our decision. Another factor is giving our hard working grounds crew the time to clear the roads, walks and parking lots so that everyone can get to and move around campus safely.

The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

Thank you. Sincerely, Dick Reynolds Vice President for Operations

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters must be submitted by 2 p.m. and should be handed into the Daily office or sent to letters@tuftsdaily.com. All letters must be word processed and include the writer’s name and telephone number. There is a 450-word limit and letters must be verified. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, space and length.

ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editorin-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.

Thursday, February 10, 2011




It’s time Tufts relaxed about pot BY


Let’s do a short exercise. Which of these things is not a crime in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? Is it (a) possession of marijuana, (b) underage drinking of alcohol or (c) drinking alcohol in public? If you don’t already know, the answer is (a). On Nov. 4, 2008, the same day that President Barack Obama was elected to office, it was right there on the ballot — a real marijuana decriminalization referendum. Question 2, as it was known, said that if passed it “would replace the criminal penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana with a new system of civil penalties.” A stunning 65 percent voted yes. Think about that. There were more voters in Massachusetts who thought possession of small amounts of marijuana should not be a crime than there were those who thought Barack Obama should be U.S. President. Unfortunately for us Jumbos, Tufts doesn’t seem to have gotten the message. Possession of marijuana at Tufts is considered a Level A offense, which for first time offenders results in being placed on Disciplinary Probation One, commonly known as “pro-one.” Marijuana is listed in this category with underage drinking, possession of alcohol and public consumption of alcohol, two criminal acts. This means that Tufts’ policy equates possession of marijuana with underage drinking and public drinking, effectively saying that the three offenses are the same or at least should be dealt with as such.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts disagrees. A deep divide seems to have formed between state law and university policy. As co-president of Tufts Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), I’d like to suggest that we reconcile the two. The question really must be asked: Why is Tufts pretending that marijuana is a crime when it’s not? More than that, why does Tufts feel the need to be more conservative than the law? The very fact that marijuana-related infractions are dealt with by the Judicial Affairs office shows how out-of-touch Tufts’ policy has become. Why is marijuana a judicial affair? Given its new status as a civil offense and not a criminal one, isn’t the issue here a medical one? SSDP has begun to gather signatures on a petition to right this wrong. We are advocating that marijuanarelated infractions be divorced from the Judicial Affairs office and that no punitive disciplinary action be taken against students for possessing small amounts of marijuana. We are suggesting that marijuana-related infractions be dealt with by the Health Service only. It has the trained professionals who can evaluate a marijuana user and conclude whether he or she has any mental health issues or is in need of treatment or addiction services. We should dispel the myths before they gain any traction. Tufts SSDP neither condemns nor condones drug use. Signing this petition in no way represents an approval or promotion of marijuana use. The point of this petition is to remove the unnecessary disciplinary


penalties associated with possession of marijuana. We are not advocating that Tufts change its policy with regard to other standards of conduct, such as the penalties associated with distributing or manufacturing marijuana or other drugs or providing drugs to minors. It’s time that Tufts got up to speed with Massachusetts. If you would like to see marijuana-related infractions dealt with as the non-criminal offenses that they are, we’d love to have you sign the petition. We plan on presenting

this petition to the Tufts Community Union Senate as soon as we have the necessary signatures to show that this is an issue that Jumbos care about. Your name will not be seen by anyone except the Senate and Tufts SSDP. Additionally, we will be tabling in the Mayer Campus Center next week. Alexander Baskin is a sophomore majoring in philosophy. He is the co-president of Tufts Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

Where the secular and the devout come together BY


Tufts College was founded on a doctrine of illumination. When Charles Tufts declared that he would “put a light on” Walnut Hill, he was likely referring not only to improving nighttime vision, but improving vision in all walks of life, dispelling ignorance and intolerance, and upholding inclusivity and diversity. The light of religious and spiritual inclusion shines from Goddard Chapel. Now, the students supporting the establishment of a humanist chaplaincy at Tufts are certainly not arguing that it shines particularly dim, only that it could shine even brighter. Humanism is a movement dedicated in large part to encouraging cooperation and compassion among individuals from all backgrounds, whether they espouse passionate religious beliefs or none at all. A humanist chaplain, and the community he or she inherits, would be invested in both approaching the world’s problems from a secular perspective, as well as in hearing out the perspectives of his or her religious and spiritual peers. The existing Tufts Chaplaincy shares that noble goal: According to its website, “[the University Chaplaincy] reaches beyond traditional religious groups to address concerns in all aspects of university endeavor … including teaching, community service, counseling, helping to address ethical and spiritual concerns for Tufts.” A humanist chaplain’s primary goal would be to work in conjunction with his or her colleagues to tackle these issues from the perspective of the nonreligious. Such a secular worldview may be left by the wayside in the current chaplaincy framework — even while almost a third of the Tufts student body shares this perspective. Humanism would fit securely within the Tufts Chaplaincy alongside the established ministries of Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam and Judaism. Not only would a humanist chaplain speak for and accommodate the needs of the considerable nonreligious population on campus, but having a faculty member dedicated to such goals would encourage nonreligious and humanist students to participate in the numerous activities and events organized by the chaplaincy itself. To have secular students join the religious, and to have them share each other’s traditions and perspectives, would tighten the bonds connecting the individu-

als of the notably diverse Tufts student body as a whole. Additionally, the vision statement of the Tufts Chaplaincy includes an element of loyalty to the university; a commitment that as one of its members becomes more invested in his or her religious practices at Tufts, he or she will also become more invested in Tufts itself, particularly among the university’s chaplains. The values inherent in the humanist perspective are not only consistent with those of Tufts University itself, they are almost indistinguishable: a dedication to equality and diversity, to intellectual curiosity and critical thinking, and to personal responsibility and accountability. Currently, the secular humanist perspec-

tive is not unrepresented on campus: The Tufts Freethought Society (TFS) has already sought to create a welcoming community that allows nonbelievers to feel comfortable discussing issues from a nonreligious angle. A humanist chaplain would follow the example of his or her religious colleagues associated with the Muslim Students Association at Tufts or the Tufts Protestant Student Fellowship, working in conjunction with the existing student group to ensure that the needs of its student community are adequately met. Offering other services, such as interfaith opportunities, counseling or community outreach programs — services that TFS currently finds difficult to provide — would allow the group to welcome a com-


munity concerned with much more than just freethought-based discussion, a goal the group has long wanted to achieve. In a recent phone conversation, Tufts’ Protestant Chaplain Reverend Kerrie Harthan highlighted the importance of extending Goddard Chapel’s reach into the unrepresented student community. “The fact is, some [students] might say, ‘I don’t think [in the same] way that the chaplains we do have think.’” Whether it’s a matter of distrust toward religion or merely a desire to speak to someone who shares your worldview, Rev. Harthan believes we should not “wait until somebody’s in trouble; if there is even a hint of somebody falling through the cracks,” the chaplains are obligated to help them. While stating that she could not speak for her colleagues at the University Chaplaincy, Rev. Harthan holds that her experience on multi-faith teams with humanist colleagues, working with the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations and members of the ethical culture movement, has helped her “keep a flexible, nimble, open mind and heart.” Protestantism and humanism face many of the same congregational challenges: When a community lacks a central body from which to derive its values, as Catholicism has with the Vatican, it isn’t always easy to come together as a community. Humanism also shares the Buddhist value of ongoing teaching and education as well as the characteristic skepticism and questioning often present in Jewish tradition. In this regard, a humanist chaplain could well serve as the glue with which to bring and hold various other traditions together, thus making it a prime perspective from which to encourage interfaith work. What sets humanism apart from religious traditions is the belief that one’s power lies not in heaven above, but within oneself and others. Despite our differences, we all are so similar and thus responsible for the betterment of ourselves and our community. We shine in this world without reliance on holy illumination; Let us contribute this light to the many that already glimmer from the chapel atop the hill. Walker Bristol is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. He is a member of the Tufts Freethought Society’s Humanist Chaplaincy Committee.

OP-ED POLICY The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.



Thursday, February 10, 2011











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Thursday, February 10, 2011 Housing

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Lord Jeffs aim to maintain undefeated record




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Mumbo Jumbo

AMHERST continued from page 15

while the team is aware of the goose egg that fills the loss column, pursuing an undefeated season is the last thing on their minds. “We’re just trying to survive every day,” Hixon said. “Our goal right now is to qualify for the 2011 NCAA tournament. Once we do that, we’ll take it from there.” Hixon has little reason to worry, at least this season. The Lord Jeffs are well on their way to qualifying for the tournament, possibly as a No. 1 seed. The team currently sits just two games shy of the school’s all-time longest win streak of 23 games, a mark set in 2007. Furthermore, this year Hixon, who boasts a 612-243 record at Amherst, may achieve the one thing that has eluded him throughout his entire career: an undefeated season. “The numbers look great, but we’re not motivated by records and stats,” Meehan said. “We still have that bad taste in our mouths from losing 11 games last year. That taste is what drives us. That taste is what has kept us on our toes. That taste is what will carry us forward as we approach the tournament.”



“I love [Coach] Doug [Eng], and he loves the team, but there’s only so much he can do for the team in recruiting when he doesn’t have the financial support from the school or the facilities.”

—Tufts junior Will Salisbury, after leaving the men’s squash team halfway through this season

Salisbury was one of two players — the other being junior Chris Mutzel — to leave the team midseason. A once-proud program that spent much of the 1980’s near the top of the national rankings has since plummeted, due in part to inadequate courts that force the team to practice at a nearby high school and hinder Eng’s ability to recruit top talent. This weekend, Tufts finished dead last in the NESCAC Tournament for the first time in over 10 years. The Jumbos are the only varsity team in the nation to lack regulation squash courts, according to the College Squash Association.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011


Seven seniors play last home games this weekend against University of New England and Southern Maine, hope to put an end to 12-game losing streak HOCKEY

keep working hard,” Barchard said. “We just haven’t been getting the bounces and getting the loose pucks, and that’s going to change sooner or later.” The game against Southern Maine will also mark the last time that the seven seniors on the roster skate in front of the home fans at the Malden Forum. Especially for senior quadcaptains Dylan Cooper, Tom Derosa and Andy Davis, it will be a bittersweet moment as they try to end their final season on a high note. “It’s been a lot of fun playing these

continued from page 16

positive note.” Southern Maine will present a similar type of opponent for Tufts — namely, one that has struggled to score goals this season and holds a similarly mediocre record in the conference. The Huskies, led by longtime coach Jeff Beaney, are just 3-10-2 in the ECAC and are another team that the Jumbos must beat if they are to have any chance at all of making the conference playoffs. “We just have to go back to basics and

“We just need to control what we can control and finish the season on a positive note.” Tom Derosa senior quad-captain

last few years,” Derosa said. “It’s all coming to an end, but I know it’s going to be enjoyable all the way down to the

last minute.” Even though it will be the last home game for the Jumbos, the team still has two more conference away games next weekend, against St. Michael’s and Norwich, which will give the seniors one last chance to get a win, if they don’t snag one this weekend. “We have to go out strong and support our seniors,” Barchard said. “They’ve been through a lot this year, and we need to let them know that we’re thankful for all that they’ve done for this team and this university.”

End-of-month BYU-SDSU matchup one of the season’s marquee games NCAA continued from page 16

its dual threats in the post: sophomore Kawhi Leonard and senior Malcolm Thomas. Leonard is averaging a double-double with 15 points and 11 rebounds per game, while Thomas complements him with 11 tallies and 8 boards of his own. On the perimeter, senior D.J. Gay holds the team together, leading the squad in minutes played and assists while averaging only one turnover per game. Sophomore James Rahon is the team’s three-point specialist, hitting 44.9 percent from behind the arc. Rahon has had some of his best performances in the team’s biggest games, including 12 points against Gonzaga, 15 points against Cal, and another 15 in the squad’s 56-54 road victory over pesky Colorado State. But the Aztecs are not perfect, and they have a 71-58 loss to BYU on Jan. 26 to thank for that. The Cougars — who also go by “Jimmer and the Fredettes” — are a force in their own right, though they have had a few more chinks in their armor. Yet what BYU also has is what every team in the country wishes it could possess — the leading candidate in the player of the year race. When senior Jimmer Fredette walks into a game, he is instantly on another level from everyone else. He is deadly from just about anywhere on the court, nailing three-pointers from 25 feet with

ease and driving through double teams to get himself to the foul line, where he is a 90-percent shooter. Mountain West teams have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Fredette, but have still failed to stop him time and again. The six-foot-two Glen Falls, N.Y. native continues to put up points, now averaging a nation-best 27.6 points per game. In fact, he has failed to top 20 points only four times all season, while also averaging a team-leading 4.3 assists. Sticking around for his senior year has paid off, and Fredette is now projected to go in the late first round or early second round of the NBA draft. But even the great Fredette cannot do it alone. Senior Jackson Emery is Fredette’s backcourt partner, and the one responsible for picking up the slack on his rare off nights. Emery has totaled 20 or more points multiple times this season, including 20 in a 77-75 double overtime win against South Florida. The Cougars’ résumé holds a bit more clout than the Aztecs’, with victories over Pac-10leading Arizona, No. 17 Utah State, St. Mary’s and San Diego State itself. Yet their two losses keep them ranked below the Aztecs. Unfortunately for both squads, Mountain West TV contract obligations have kept them off of ESPN — and thus out of the public eye — for much of the season. When the two teams did get on national


No. 7 BYU, led by the nation’s leading scorer, Jimmer Fredette, are poised for a deep run in the NCAA tournament. Along with San Diego State, the Cougars are hoping to replicate Butler’s Cinderella run through the 2010 tournament.


SCHEDULE | Feb. 10 - Feb. 14 THU

Men's Basketball

Women's Basketball

Ice Hockey

(11-11, 3-5 NESCAC)

(15-5, 4-4 NESCAC)

(4-14-1, 3-12-0 NESCAC/ECAC East)


W Amherst 7 Williams 7 Middlebury 6 Trinity 4 Bates 3 Tufts 3 Bowdoin 2 Conn. Coll 2 Colby 1 Wesleyan 1

L 0 0 1 3 5 5 5 5 6 6


W 21 21 18 13 12 11 13 11 10 10

L 0 1 1 9 11 11 8 11 12 12


W Amherst 7 Colby 5 Williams 5 Bates 5 Bowdoin 4 Tufts 4 Trinity 3 Middlebury 2 Conn. Coll. 1 Wesleyan 0

RPG 5.2 2.2 1.6 7.4 1.7 5.0 1.9 2.2 2.6 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.8

APG 0.5 2.6 0.9 0.6 2.8 0.9 2.8 0.5 1.2 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.7

S. Anderson A. Quezada A. Goldfarb A. Orchowski O. Cohen J. Long K. Firempong M. Lanchantin S. Mason T. Folliard A. Dowton P. Saba M. Galvin

PPG 12.0 11.1 10.2 9.0 5.6 5.3 5.1 4.0 3.0 2.8 2.2 1.8 1.6


70.2 36.4 13.9

L 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7



W 21 18 19 17 18 15 13 13 9 7

L 1 4 3 6 4 5 8 7 13 14

Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics

television for their matchup with each other, they played an ugly game. Leonard struggled with flu-like symptoms as his team looked sloppy on the road. Meanwhile, on the BYU side of the ball, it seemed like no one besides Fredette could make a shot. But the two teams benefit from playing in the deepest mid-major conference west of the Atlantic 10. Fellow Mountain West member UNLV has notched wins over Wisconsin, Virginia Tech and Kansas State, while Colorado State sits on the bubble as well. By not playing in-conference cupcakes week in and week out, the Cougars and Aztecs have been able to retain two of the best RPIs in the nation at No. 2 and No. 4, respectively. With a month left to go in the season, BYU seems to be the bigger threat to wreak havoc in the tournament. It has a player that is unstoppable down the stretch, the experience of a second-round run in 2010, and most importantly, a victory over the Aztecs. But that could all change Feb. 26 when the two teams meet in San Diego for a rematch. The game will be televised on CBS nationally, and it is a can’t-miss for any college basketball fan. As with many of the top teams in the country, both San Diego State and BYU have plenty of question marks as the tournament approaches. But one thing is clear: Cinderella has grown some muscles.

Colleen Hart T. Kornegay Collier Clegg Liz Moynihan Vanessa Miller Ali Rocchi Kate Barnosky Bre Dufault C. McClure Sam Tye Lindsay Weiner Issy Cless Maggie Riddle Sarah Nolet

PPG 16.3 9.9 8.2 7.6 7.0 6.0 4.8 4.3 3.5 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.1


60.6 39.9 10.9

RPG 5.3 7.7 3.8 3.2 5.8 4.7 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.6 0.8 2.0 0.9 1.6

APG 3.2 3.0 0.5 1.2 2.0 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.2

W Bowdoin 9 Williams 7 Hamilton 7 Middlebury 8 Amherst 7 Colby 7 Conn. Coll. 6 Trinity 6 Wesleyan 5 Tufts 3

L 5 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 9 12

T 1 4 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 0



Men’s Basketball

vs. Gordon 7 p.m.

vs. Bates 2 p.m.

Women’s Basketball

at Worcester St. 7 p.m.

vs. Bates 4 p.m.


vs. Endicott 7 p.m.


W 13 10 9 11 9 8 8 7 6 4

L 5 6 6 6 7 9 8 8 11 14

T 1 4 5 3 4 2 3 3 3 1

Individual Statistics Tom Derosa Kyle Gallegos Dylan Cooper Zach Diaco Mike Vitale Trevor John Andy Davis Dylan Plimmer Nick Pappas Garret Sider Team

G 10 12 7 1 4 3 3 1 0 2 51

A 16 7 9 12 5 4 4 4 4 1 79

Pts. 26 9 16 13 9 7 7 5 4 3 130

Goalkeeping Evin Koleini Scott Barchard Brian Phillips Team

S 385 116 106 607

GA 55 9 26 87

S% .875 .928 .828 .875

vs. U. of New England 7:15 p.m.

Ice Hockey

vs. Southern Maine 4 p.m.

Men’s Swimming and Diving Women’s Swimming and Diving Men’s Indoor Track and Field

at Valentine Invitational 10 a.m.

Tufts Invitational III 11 a.m.

Women’s Indoor Track and Field

at Valentine Invitational 10 a.m.

Tufts Invitational III 11 a.m.


Men’s Squash

at Northeastern 7:30 p.m.

at Vassar noon Bard 12:30 p.m.

Women’s Squash

at Northeastern 7:30 p.m.

at Vassar noon

Thursday, February 10, 2011






Amherst men’s team lords over the nation Team undefeated heading into mid-February NESCAC tournament BY


Contributing Writer

Stapled to the Amherst men’s locker room door, in bold black lettering, a sign reads “NCAA 2011 — every day, every play, no excuses.” The motto can be seen on t-shirts and signs across campus. It is recited habitually in team meetings. They are words that the Amherst men’s basketball team lives by, serving as a constant reminder of what their goal for this season is, what they’re working so hard to reach and, most importantly, that there are no off-days. Sure enough, the Lord Jeffs have yet to suffer a letdown. Twenty one games into the season, the team has not been beat. The record (21-0) speaks for itself. Perhaps more impressive than the number of wins, however, is the fashion in which they have earned them. The team’s average margin of victory is a shade over 23 points. Eighteen of their 21 wins have come by double-digit

margins. They have won two games by more than 50 points. And all five of their starters average double-digit point totals. They are not just beating their opponents, they are pummeling them into submission. Coach David Hixon, now in his 34th year with the program, is not surprised by his team’s rampant success this year. “Every player on this team has a really good basic understanding of the game,” Hixon said. “They understand spacing, how to move without the ball and all the little things that are required to win basketball games. … These guys know that we have to remain focused day in and day out. I have the greatest respect for every NESCAC opponent. If you don’t, you will lose. It’s that simple.” Hixon’s modest mentality has trickled down to each member of the Amherst squad. Senior co-captains Connor Meehan and Kurt Bennett speak before every game, pumping up their team-

mates and ensuring that they remain focused and ready to go. Meehan, who has been named NESCAC Player of the Week twice this year, has backed up his words on the court, averaging 13.9 points and 4.4 rebounds per game. And see AMHERST, page 13

INSIDE THE NUMBERS The Lord Jeffs have demolished the competition.

-21-0 record -23-point average margin of victory -18 of 21 wins by double digits -Two wins by 50+ points -Five players averaging double-digit points



Denver’s Carmelo Anthony may be on his way out of Denver after almost eight seasons with the Nuggets.

Potential deals could shake up the league Carmelo Anthony at the heart of numerous trade talks BY


Daily Staff Writer

Now that football season is over, it’s time to turn our attention back to basketball. The 2011 NBA season has been one of the most exciting in recent memory. In exactly two weeks, this already unforgettable season can become even more jaw-dropping: at the NBA trade deadline. However, before we venture into the details of NBA trades, let’s recap what has made this season so great. The Lakers have finally faltered; the 42-8 Spurs are executing the plans of the brilliant Gregg Popovich; the star-studded Heat have far from disappointed; and another legend has been born: the rim-rattling Blake Griffin, who is the first rookie to make the All-Star game since Yao Ming. So if you haven’t started following the NBA this season, get on that. As the trade deadline looms, the extent to which deadline trades can affect the NBA’s dynamic is often up for debate. Consider the blockbuster December deals that sent Gilbert Arenas, Jason Richardson and Hedo Turkoglu to the Magic. While they were supposed to mimic the effectiveness of this year’s Miami Heat, the Magic have instead received lackluster performances from Richardson, Arenas and company. This mistake by Magic general man-

ager Otis Smith may have helped put the brakes on the Denver Nuggets’ blockbuster trade that reportedly would have involved almost a dozen players. Carmelo Anthony, the focal point of this trade, was likely at the forefront of its eventual reconsideration. After all, why would ’Melo want to leave a promising Denver team that has a 30-22 record? Yet it remains a possibility that the New York Knicks, the Los Angeles Lakers or some other NBA club could get a hold of the superstar forward. Anthony’s fate will continue to be this year’s top story after the trade deadline. There are several other deals not involving Anthony that could be made before the deadline as well. First, the Orlando Magic would be wise to make another trade as soon as possible. Their guard-flooded scheme has no chance of competing with the likes of Boston and Miami, two teams with great depth off the bench. Additionally, it is painfully obvious that the window of opportunity has closed for the Phoenix Suns, who are in desperate need of rebuilding. The Suns have already made progress by signing defensive specialist Mickael Pietrus and NBA all-star Vince Carter to add some veteran experience. But Phoenix still sorely needs a stud in the paint. It may not be a bad idea to trade point Steve Nash for a force

under the rim and possibly an additional first-round draft pick. The next potential trade deadline move benefits a single player more than it does a team. Antawn Jamison, who is averaging 17.2 points per game this season in Cleveland, should leave the 8-44 Cavaliers for a team that he can actually help. The New Orleans Hornets may be a great fit for him, while Emeka Okafor, who doesn’t really fit well with the Hornets, could perhaps join Cleveland’s losing escapade of 25 games in a row. Lastly, it is important to note that the New Jersey Nets have actually been looking promising after their dismal 12-70 2009-10 season. One way they can improve their chances of success is to pursue the Spanish phenom Ricky Rubio, who has yet to play in the NBA but recently expressed an interest in playing for the Nets. After witnessing the Nets’ heavy pursuit of Anthony over the past few months, it is clear that this franchise, now owned by the Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, can afford almost anyone who is willing to comply. Perhaps New Jersey can trade guard Devin Harris to the Minnesota Timberwolves for the legal rights to Ricky Rubio. Regardless of what happens in the coming weeks, this season will be one for the ages, and we should be in for a highly entertaining second half.

Worldwide Leader in Soccer?


ny longtime fan of soccer living in the United States knows that it has not always been easy to follow the beautiful game, particularly if your favorite team was not a major club. (I remember the days when Manchester United’s game was always shown on television every weekend, but no other teams ever made it on the schedule.) Fox Soccer Channel (FSC), or Fox Sports World as it was then called, was pretty much the only option for fans of international soccer in the United States. Given that FSC had the production quality of a 20thcentury shortwave radio broadcast, the American soccer viewer’s world was indeed bleak circa 2005. In the last few years, though, all that has changed, thanks in large part to ESPN’s foray into the soccer market. The Worldwide Leader in Sports now has the rights to air select English Premier League games, most of La Liga and, in a recent development, the 2012 and 2016 European Championships. With the use of studio shows, exclusive interviews and graphics to support the commentators, ESPN has demonstrated that it can do soccer just as well as anyone. Nowhere was this new and improved soccer coverage more apparent than at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. Having become jaded from years of FSC coverage, I tuned in expecting to see one thing: games with the same international commentary feed as the audio. No frills, no extras. What I got, though, was the equivalent of Dorothy first seeing the Land of Oz — a glimpse into a totally different world. The first thing I noticed was quite a novelty: commentators who actually knew what they were talking about and who were actually at the tournament! Unlike FSC, ESPN uses live announcers. And they’re some of the world’s best: Martin Tyler, who has been commentating on the English Premier League for over 15 years, called all the major matches exclusively for ESPN, including the final. The studio show was just as impressive. ESPN got bonafide soccer legends to provide analysis, including Jürgen Klinsmann, Ruud Gullit and Steve McManaman. (The only exception was Alexi Lalas, whose major career point was being the first person with crazy red hair to play for the U.S. National Team.) The idea of actually having someone analyze the first half at halftime instead of showing Proactiv commercials must never have occurred to FSC. ESPN’s excellent coverage of the World Cup this summer undoubtedly contributed to the event’s popularity and the establishment of the tournament as a major event in the United States. But this progress would have been meaningless if ESPN had just shut down shop after the World Cup and reverted back to the FSC method of showing games with little to no promotion and coverage. But, thankfully for soccer fans, the exact opposite has happened. ESPN shows Premier League games almost every Sunday, complete with full studio coverage and exclusive interviews with the managers involved. The contrast is almost unbelievable: While FSC continues its crusade for oversimplified, mediocre broadcasts, ESPN is bringing its typical professionalism to the most popular sport in the world. All of these developments are great news for soccer fans, and ESPN’s continued involvement in the sport will lead to more competition for viewership, which will hopefully lead to better coverage and more exposure for the game. In any event, soccer fans should be counting their blessings, because the Worldwide Leader in Sports has finally embraced the sport that has the most impact worldwide. David McIntyre is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. He can be reached at David.McIntyre@tufts.edu.



INSIDE Inside NESCAC Basketball 15 Inside NBA 15



Tufts faces UNE, Southern Maine in bid to end losing streak Final home skate for seniors this weekend as Jumbos look to finish season strong BY


Daily Editorial Board

With only four games left in the season, and having spent the past two months without a win, the hockey team is ready to break the ice on a new kind of streak. Tufts has lost its last 12 games, but this weekend’s two home matchups against weak opponents are an opportunity to finally get that elusive victory. Tufts will first take on the University of New England (UNE) on Friday and then Southern Maine on Saturday. The team will face these conference rivals coming off one of its worst losses of the season, an 8-2 blowout against Trinity on Feb. 5. In that game, Tufts fell behind 5-0 in the first period and never had a real shot to compete against a Bantam squad that is now 8-8-3 on the season. A big reason for the team’s struggles has been the absence of starting goalkeeper junior Scott Barchard, who has been out with an ankle injury since the Nov. 27 game against Brockport.


Senior quad captain Tom Derosa and the rest of the Jumbos hope to snap a 12-game losing streak this weekend with games against conference foes University of New England and Southern Maine.

Although it was initially thought to be a mild injury, it eventually forced Barchard to have surgery and miss the rest of the season. “Obviously, it’s not fun to watch a team struggle when you know you could be helping them,” said Barchard, who went 1-2 before the injury abruptly ended his season. “Unfortunately, there was a lot of damage to my ankle and it was causing a lot of pain, so we finally just had to go in and clean it out.” Yet Tufts has a golden opportunity to break the losing streak in its first game of the weekend against UNE. The Nor’easters are only 4-16 in their stormy season and have only one conference victory, over Amherst. Moreover, UNE has been dominated in almost every statistical category, including getting outscored 51-108 and outshot 499-815. “We just have to stick to our game plan,” senior quad-captain Tom Derosa said. “We just need to control what we can control and finish the season on a see HOCKEY, page 14


Underdog universities contend to uproot yesterday’s Cinderella BYU and San Diego State lead mid-majors in 2011, looking to be the next Butler BY


Daily Editorial Board

Everybody loves a good Cinderella story. In last year’s NCAA championship game, Butler University was inches away from beating a blue-chip Duke side and becoming the first team from outside one of the power conferences to take home the national championship trophy since UNLV did it in 1990, a team that coincidentally

defeated Duke in the finals. Though the Bulldogs came up two points short, they wet America’s appetite for the underdog. Coming into this season, everyone was looking for the next Butler. Gonzaga — a team that always seems to be in or around the top 25 — was a solid candidate, but that squad has been a paltry 5-3 since beginning conference play. Memphis started the season at No. 19, but it recently dropped two

straight games in Conference USA and its only quality win is against Gonzaga. Even Butler had a chance to be the next Butler, starting the season with a very kind No. 18 ranking despite losing star forward Gordon Heyward to the NBA. But the Bulldogs have struggled to find last year’s mojo, and with an 8-5 in the mediocre Horizon League, they will need to scramble to even make the NCAA tournament again.

Yet while many of the early season candidates have fallen by the wayside, another pair of mid-major teams have been so dominant that if one were to cut down the nets in April, comparisons to Butler may be an insult to their talent. No. 6 San Diego State and No. 7 BYU have put the Mountain West Conference on the map, and in a season that has been the epitome of parody, they have just as much of a chance of winning it all as anybody else.

Critics might condemn the Aztecs for their weak schedule, but their dominant level of play cannot be denied. SDSU had impressive wins over Gonzaga, California and No. 23 St. Mary’s early in the season, but since then has spent much of its time beating up on overmatched foes, cruising to a 23-1 record, with 14 wins by double digits. The team relies heavily on see NCAA, page 14


After weekend losses, Gordon game tonight good tune-up for crucial Saturday game In spite of two tough conference losses this past weekend, the men’s basketball team is having a pretty darn good season. It has clinched a spot in the NESCAC tournament for the first time since 2007 and has at least some control over which team it will face in the first round. A win over Bates on Saturday afternoon would ensure an opponent outside the top three in the league: nationally ranked Amherst, Williams or Middlebury. It has been nearly two weeks since the Jumbos’ last conference win and, after two second-half unravelings over the weekend, the team is in desperate need of a morale-boosting victory. They should have a golden chance to do so against Gordon College at Cousens Gym tonight. “We need a win [tonight] for our confidence,” junior tri-captain James Long said. “A win guarantees a .500 record. … Basically, there’s a lot riding on [tonight’s] game. But it’s really about getting back to basics and getting a chance to improve on things from last weekend.” The Fighting Scots may be the perfect non-league opponent to put the Jumbos’ season back on track. At 9-12, Gordon has seen limited success in the weaker Commonwealth Coast Conference (TCCC), and has been dismantled by both Bates and Wesleyan in out-of-league play 85-37 and 81-52, respectively. Still, the Jumbos will have to play good basketball for 40 minutes if

they wish to avoid late-game comebacks. Tufts will be looking for bigger numbers from junior guard Amauris Quezada and for sophomore forward Scott Anderson to stay out of foul trouble to support hot-shooting freshman Kwame Firempong and sophomore Alex Goldfarb. Overall, the Jumbos’ depth has been excellent all year, with no one player dominating the scoring. An even distribution of points will be key tonight in preparing the entire team for Bates — a team they haven’t defeated in five years. “We’re confident when given another opportunity we’ll be able to close out a lead if we just run out plays the way we know we can,” Long said. On the defensive end, consistency will again be a deciding factor against an unknown Gordon squad. The Jumbos’ highly aggressive defense has won games for them all year. If Tufts is able to successfully rattle Gordon’s shooters and ball handlers, the team’s pressure defense will be confident come Saturday. “Yesterday in practice we talked about how what we got away from over the weekend was defensive pressure,” Long said. “Going against Gordon, we want to refocus our defensive intensity because that was really our calling card all year and that will be the key against Bates … and that [all] starts tonight.” —by Claire Kemp


The men’s basketball team has a 7 p.m. game with Gordon College tonight at Cousens Gym, followed by a crucial home matchup against Bates on Saturday. The winner of Saturday’s game will secure fifth place in the conference.

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