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Monday, march 5, 2012


Where You Read It First Est. 1980

‘Our Day’ documentary Sweet, Sweet Victory to showcase student life by

Alex Baudoin

Daily Editorial Board

by Jenna


Daily Editorial Board

Exposure, a photojournalism, documentary studies and human rights student group sponsored by the Institute for Global Leadership (IGL), is working to produce a documentary called “Our Day” that will highlight the diverse experiences of the Tufts community through one-minute video submissions. The Exposure team reached out to students, faculty and staff, asking them to submit one-minute videos of themselves on one day, March 1. The Exposure team will then compile the footage into a 15- to 30-minute documentary, according to Exposure co-leader Ian MacLellan. “I hope that it will be a reflection of the diversity of experiences at Tufts,” MacLellan, a senior, said. “It’s easy to stereotype a college student as wake up, do some homework and then go party. But a lot else happens in a day. People are involved in so many different groups and events and research.” University affiliates, including alumni and students studying abroad, were invited to submit a one-minute video by emailing the video file to Exposure or by uploading it to the group’s digital Dropbox, Exposure co-

leader and senior Amy Connors explained. According to MacLellan, the project was inspired by the National Geographic and YouTube film “Life in a Day” (2011), which documented the day July 24, 2010 through video submissions from thousands of people all over the world. After viewing the film, freshman Hadley Green, a member of Exposure, proposed the idea of capturing a day at Tufts by soliciting footage from campus community members. “We asked the Exposure community at a meeting if they would want to do something like that, and they were really receptive to it,” Green said. “We got a group of people to work on it more closely, and it took off.” “We want to make it very democratic and egalitarian, so you could record on your phone, your laptop or any device,” she said. To spread the word about the documentary, team members made a short trailer which is available for viewing on YouTube or the Exposure website, MacLellan explained. They also called for contributions by posting fliers around campus and advertising via various social media outlets. see EXPOSURE, page 2

After winning the biggest game of their college lives, the women’s basketball players were, understandably, a bit giddy. “We’re going on a plane, we’re going on a plane,” the team chanted in the Cousens Gymnasium locker room just moments after defeating Johns Hopkins to advance to the Sweet 16 of the Div. III NCAA Tournament. The team will indeed be flying high on their way to Chicago later this week, where they will do battle with Thomas (Minn.) on Friday in the sectional semifinals. It will be the first time Tufts flies to a game since 2009. So, how are they feeling? “On top of the world,” senior co-captain Kate Barnosky said after the game. “So good.” “Ecstatic,” coach Carla Berube said after taking several moments to find the right word. The Jumbos are one of 16 teams left standing in the national tournament after winning a four-team pod on their home floor this weekend. On Friday, they beat Misericordia 61-57 in the first round, and followed it up on Saturday by dispatching of Johns Hopkins with a 55-46 victroy. Now, Tufts will head to Chicago with a 23-6

Conference analyzes Obama’s policies in U.S. and abroad by

Emily Pascal

Contributing Writer

Tufts last Thursday through Saturday hosted the third annual Barack Obama and American Democracy conference, which focused on national and global dialogue about issues of race, civil rights and democracy. The conference panelists discussed Obama’s impact on healthcare, active citizenship and civic engagement, and the conference examined and critiqued both the past and present through the lens of Obama’s presidency. “The conference’s main mission is really to ignite a researchbased dialogue/discussion that can even impact policy debates on the international, global and local level,” Professor of History Peniel Joseph, founder of the conference, said. The sponsors of the conference included the Office of the Provost, the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, the Tufts Diversity Fund, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute and the

Institute for Global Leadership (IGL), according to Joseph. Senior Theresa Sullivan, a former student of and research assistant to Joseph, coordinated the conference. The conference came on the heels of the university’s announcement of the establishment of the Center to Study Race and Democracy, of which Joseph is the founding director. “We started this conference in 2010, and we had a confer-

will butt / the tufts daily

Junior co-captain Bre Dufault showed the home crowd some love on Saturday see WOMEN’S BASKETBALL, page 17 after the Jumbos defeated Johns Hopkins to advance to the Sweet 16.

ence that was very well attended,” Joseph said. “It was from [the first Obama Conference] that the idea for the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy [came].” Sullivan anticipates that the Center will lead to new research opportunities for faculty and staff. The conference on Friday morning featured a panel titled see OBAMA, page 2

kyra sturgill / the tufts daily

Tufts last week hosted the third annual Barack Obama and American Democracy conference, which discussed President Obama’s impact on national and global issues and addressed issues of race and democracy.

Inside this issue

Tufts reaps savings of decreased snowfall by

Nina Goldman

Daily Editorial Board

Both students and members of Tufts’ Department of Facilities Services report enjoying an easier winter due to reduced snowfall in the Boston area this year. “It’s gone very well … largely due to the fact that we’ve had very little snow,” Director of Facilities Services Bob Burns said. This year has seen minimal snow and ice conditions, according to Burns, which is in stark contrast to last year when snowstorm after snowstorm hit the campus. Burns said Facilities workers have had a much easier time keeping Tufts safe this winter. “It’s been less stressful than last year when … I think we had over 80 inches of snow,” he said. “We had probably four to five times the amount of snow last year.” According to the National Weather Service, 80.1 inches of snow fell in the winter of 20102011 in Boston, nearly twice the season average. This year, the total so far is only about nine inches. The limited snowfall has also

been convenient for Burns and his coworkers, who have a big job to do when a storm hits. “We need to make sure that all the heating systems are working throughout the campus, in all the buildings, the dormitories and the labs, on all campuses,” he said. “We also make sure that roads, walkways and stairs are free of snow and ice.” When snow falls heavily overnight, Burns must call in workers, even custodians who do not normally deal with such issues, to prepare the campus before students and faculty wake up. “We bring staff in early in the morning to make sure that the walkways and the roads and stairways are … clear of ice and snow,” he said. “The whole goal is to make sure that the campus is safe from … people slipping on the ice by 8 a.m. every single day.” Last year’s weather required frequent early mornings for the Facilities staff. This year, however, Burns said he cannot remember the process happening more than six or seven times. They also have not had see SNOW, page 2

Today’s sections

“Experimenting with Philanthropy” helps students to better understand nonprofits.

The Daily takes a look at every can’t-miss moment from the weekend’s NCAA games.

see FEATURES, page 3

see CAPTURED, page 10

News Features Arts & Living Captured

1 3 5 10

Editorial | Letters Op-Ed Comics Sports

12 13 14 15

The Tufts Daily



From Bachmann to Obama, scholars discuss evolution of women in American politics OBAMA

continued from page 1

“From Michelle Obama to Michele Bachmann: Gender Matters in the Obama Era.” The panel was facilitated by Joseph and featured speeches by panelists Associate Professor of History at Case Western Reserve University Rhonda Williams, Associate Professor of African American Studies at the University of Maryland College Park Sharon Harley and Assistant Professor of Writing, Literature and Publishing at Emerson College Kim McLarin. The panel explored the subject of gender relations in the United States, in particular how they have evolved since and throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Harley spoke of how remarkable it is that a black woman — First Lady Michelle Obama — is now one of the defining figures in Washington, D.C. This is in contrast, she said, to the D.C.’s most prominent black female from fifty years ago, Odessa Madre — a mob queen who operated several brothels around town — as well as other prominent black women from the 20th century, including singers Etta James and Ida Cox. “Michelle Obama fits this model of black ladyhood,” Harley said. She also stressed that it takes more than feminism to succeed in today’s political world. She cited Michele Bachmann’s underperformance in the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in order to

illustrate this point. “Michele Bachmann tried playing the model of white women femininity, but in a patriarchal society, that wasn’t enough to get her elected,” Harley added. Like Harley, Williams also spoke highly of Michelle Obama. Williams described her as “the mega-progressive.” Her lecture analyzed numerous cultural depictions of Michelle Obama, some of which mocked her campaign against child obesity and some of which applauded her for staying physically fit throughout her time in the White House. “She still appears at ease in the role of First Lady,” Williams said. Temple University Professor Emeritus Sonia Sanchez, a poet associated with the Black Arts Movement, was the keynote speaker on Saturday morning. She reflected on her journey from a relatively quiet childhood in Birmingham, Alabama, in a society that she said was shaped by white oppression, to her work as an activist, for which she demonstrated in the streets for reasons parallel to the current Occupy movement in calling for a more equitable distribution of wealth. She also described her early experiences as an educator. “I didn’t know what I was doing when I first started to teach at university,” she said. She said an encounter with the FBI for teaching the works of authors such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey led her to change the way she taught literature by focusing on teaching

TCU Senate Update The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate at its meeting last night passed a resolution (25-1-0) calling for a comprehensive plan to lower the cost of attending Tufts University. The resolution will ask the university administration to create a commission tasked with lowering the cost of attending Tufts and will request that the administration, University President Anthony Monaco, and the Trustees perform a reevaluation of all tuition and fees imposed on Tufts students. The resolution will call upon the administration to create a five-year plan to “contain, cap and cut the cost of attending Tufts University.” The resolution was submitted by TCU Treasurer Christie Maciejewski, a sophomore, TCU Associate Treasurer Ard Ardalan, a junior, and TCU Assistant

Treasurer Matt Roy, a freshman. Senior Senator Ben Richards voted against the resolution because he does not believe the resolution is the right way to address the cost of attending Tufts. “The wording was intentionally vague, and I feel that the best way for the university to look at lowering costs would require the involvement of a third party that has experience in this field,” he said. “I feel that while this resolution was certainly good-natured and has an admirable goal, it doesn’t achieve a whole lot.” The Senate at its meeting also appropriated $996.94 of buffer fund money to the Global Health Network for costs associated with advertising, supplies, food, facilities and police. —by Shana Friedman

the sociology and economics of black literature. At the Saturday morning panel titled “Civic Engagement and the Media in the Age of Obama,” facilitated by Joseph, panelists discussed the Obama presidency in the context of civic engagement and the media. Peter Levine, research director of the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service and director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, noted the significance of the “trifecta” — talking, working and relationship building — in America. Professor of Psychology Sam Sommers discussed racial issues in a “post-racial” society. He discussed a survey in which 200 people — 100 white and 100 black — answered questions regarding how racial attitudes toward black and white people were developing over the past few decades. In terms of racial antagonism toward black people, both groups noted a steep decline in racial antagonism over the past decades, with black participants reporting slightly more than white participants. When asking about racial antagonism toward white people, however, white people reported that anti-white racism in America had increased sharply and in fact surpassed racism towards African-Americans. Josh Weiner and Andy Wong contributed reporting to this article.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Visiting the Hill this Week MONDAY “Books and Filmmaking Panel” Details: Filmmaker Albert Berger (A ‘79), the producer of Academy Award nominated films “Little Miss Sunshine” (2006) and “Little Children” (2006) and Tom Perrotta, the author of two novels adapted to the screen, will talk about the transition of adapting books for film. When and Where: 7:00 p.m.; Cabot Auditorium Sponsors: Communications and Media Studies and the Center for Humanities “Survivors Speak” Details: Survivors of the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the Cambodian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide and the Bosnian Genocide will share their personal experiences with human rights atrocities. When and Where: 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Barnum 008 Sponsors: Tufts Against Genocide and the Cummings/Hillel Program for Holocaust and Genocide Education TUESDAY “The Myth of Israeli Apartheid” Details: Ben-Dror Yemini, an Israeli journalist, lawyer and publicist will address anti-Israeli media bias. When and Where: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Mayer Campus Center Upper Conference Room Sponsors: Tufts Friends of Israel WEDNESDAY “A Mixture of Pure Waters: Thoreau Reads the Gita at Walden Pond” Details: Bard College Professor

Richard H. Davis will discuss the interaction between Thoreau transcendentalism and the Hindu scripture Gita. When and Where: 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Rabb Room, Lincoln Filene Center Sponsors: Department of Religion and the Center for Humanities at Tufts “Documenting the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict” Details: Israeli director and editor Yael Hersonski will discuss her upcoming documentary “The Visual Clash.” When and Where: 5:30 p.m.; Tisch Library 304 Sponsors: Center for Humanities at Tufts THURSDAY “Rinku Sen, Speaker for International Women’s Day: ‘We’re all Accidental Americans: Gender, Immigration, and Citizenship’” Details: President and Executive Director of the Applied Research Center and the publisher of Colorlines. com Rinku Sen will talk to students about her experiences in honor of International Women’s Day. When and Where: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Pearson 104 Sponsors: The AS&E Diversity Fund, the American Studies Program, the Asian American Studies Program, the History Department, the Office of Intercultural and Social Identities Program, the Peace and Justice Studies Program, the Department of Political Science, the Women’s Center, the Women’s Studies Program and the Department of Sociology. —compiled by Melissa Wang

Exposure documentary captures life at Tufts EXPOSURE

continued from page 1

While all members of Exposure will have an opportunity to screen the submissions and select footage for the documentary, a core group of about seven students will preside over the publication process, Green said. “We’re going to try to make it a collaborative team effort,” Connors said. Members of Exposure maintained a high level of involvement in the project so far, MacLellan said, adding that many have helped with assembling the trailer, marketing the concept of the film and brainstorming ideas. Green anticipates that the documentary will track the day from morning to evening through the perspectives of various people. “We’re going to have to put it

in some sequential order, like an arc-type thing,” Green said. “We might do it by subject too, so videos that have to do with music go together, or videos that have to do with studying go together.” MacLellan expects the editing process to last several weeks, with the documentary completed by the end of the semester. They hope to hold screenings in Barnum Hall and to post the film online for free viewing. He expressed optimism about the project, commenting that it will be an exciting learning experience for Exposure. “People will be able to learn skills like editing, creating time lapses and creating movies, and then basically show off Tufts at the same time,” MacLellan said. “It’s a combination of education and pride.”

courtesy tufts [exposure]

Members of Exposure collected video submissions from the Tufts community for a documentary aiming to capture the experiences of Tufts community members.

Governor considers using extra snow-removal funds to prevent MBTA cuts SNOW

continued from page 1

to deal with school closings, a memorable feature of last winter, he said. “The university closed twice last year, and we had delayed openings I think three times last year,” Burns said. “We had none of that this year.” Facilities is saving not only time and effort but also resources. Unused salt and other supplies for clearing snowy and icy walkways can be saved for next year, according to Burns. “I would say we used about four times as much [salt] last year,” he said. “We can certainly be able to store our winter supplies [for next year].” The Boston Herald recently reported that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is considering

using the more than $30 million the state of Massachusetts saved in snow and ice removal this winter to bail out the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), which may soon implement fare hikes and service cuts to help close its enormous budget shortfall. Although Facilities will be able to save some supplies, there will be no bailouts on the Tufts campus. “We don’t spend nearly that amount of money,” Burns said, laughing. However, some students said they would appreciate a Massachusetts bailout of the MBTA, since they frequently use buses and the subway, and fare hikes and service cuts would have a major effect on the community. Freshman Sam Wolpert said he uses the bus every week to

get to a mentoring program in a different part of Somerville. Although the bus he takes is not slated for cancellation, he has seen the important role that public transportation plays in Somerville residents’ lives. “I only use it once a week… but I do completely rely on it,” Wolpert said. “Imagine how many people rely on it completely every day to get to something where they need it in their life, like a job or … school.” Whether the MBTA gets bailed out or not, Burns said this warmer winter has been beneficial for Tufts. “It’s made it much easier for everyone,” he said, “Not just for Facilities but for the students and the faculty.” Junior Amy Bean acknowledged that this winter is some-

scott tingley for the tufts daily

The relative lack of snow this winter has made the work of the Department of Facilities Services much easier. thing of an aberration, but she expressed an overall preference for the unseasonable warmth.

“I’m a huge fan of there not being a lot of snow,” Bean said. “It’s been really convenient.”




Alyson Yee | Odd Jobs

WoW! Gold digging

Kyra Sturgill / the tufts daily

Nancy Lippe’s “Experimenting with Philanthropy” ExCollege course gives students responsobility for allocating $20,000 to nonprofit organizations.

ExCollege course gives students the opportunity to be young philanthropists by

Alexandria Chu

Contributing Writer

Promoting active citizenship is often cited as one of the major assets of a Tufts education. But few courses provide students with the immediate knowledge and the financial resources to be active citizens in the surrounding communities. The Experimental College course “Experimenting with Philanthropy” breaks that mold and gets students involved immediately. Nancy Lippe, associate director of Boston’s Civic Schools initiative, teaches the course, which has attracted about 20 students hoping to take advantage of the unique opportunity to be young philanthropists. Lippe teaches using the Socratic Method, which has students sit in a circle and aims to create a class community. Each class follows the same general setup. First, the group covers the readings and listens to guest speakers. The second half of the class is for discussion as a “youth board.” Composed of the entire group of students, the board is charged with deciding how to divide and donate a $20,000 grant at the end of the semester among various nonprofit organizations. Two local foundations, Highland Street Foundation and the Learning by Giving Foundation, fund the grant. As part of their preparation for the final decision, the students recently spent two classes creating a mission statement. “They have to decide as a unit and function as a board,” Lippe said. “They also have to design their own group community service project. This will help them see what makes a successful nonprofit. Once they design their own grant criteria, they can evaluate other nonprofits.” Later in the semester, Lippe will divide the class into groups based on the Medford, Somerville and Chinatown areas. “Each team will focus on an area and become familiar with the community to share with the class,” Lippe said. “They must become familiar with what each community needs.” Thus far the group has tried to familiarize themselves with a seem-

ingly overwhelming number of nonprofits. In addition, the students have analyzed the concept of a nonprofit and studied nonprofit management and the impact of philanthropy and trends in the nonprofit sector, among other things, Lippe said. “Nonprofit organizations are businesses that operate for a social benefit,” she said. “They are privately run but publically funded.” According to Lippe, a normal grant is about $1000 to $2000 per nonprofit, but she added that the class could decide to donate up to $10,000 to one nonprofit if they saw fit. Lippe believes that by the end of the semester, students will have the necessary tools to make this kind of decision. “The course gives the students the context of being philanthropists,” Lippe said. “Part of their job is to figure out who they are as philanthropists. For example, are they catalytic grant makers or strategic grant makers?” Although all of the students are currently involved in nonprofits to some extent, or at least have been in the past, there are no prerequisites for taking the course. “Everyone’s welcome,” Lippe said, “as long as they are interested.” Students in the class have various nonprofit interests, ranging from music education to helping the homeless to doing work internationally. “I would want to do something that is immediate,” junior Arlen Weiner said. “[I’d want to work with] a nonprofit that would directly address the needs of women in the community and break down gender binaries.” In contrast, sophomore Lia Weintraub said she hopes to “start a nonprofit that is kind of a resource for other nonprofits, where people can come and share ideas or create connections.” Although the course has been taught at Tufts for five years, Lippe is a first time teacher at the university and has experience with high school and family philanthropy. She hopes that bonding in the group will facilitate and ease the discussions. To that end, she aims to create an open environment. “We have a lot of fun,” Lippe said. Weiner said she looks forward to

the class every week and would recommend it. Sophomore Eliza Deissler agreed and also expressed her satisfaction with Lippe’s teaching style. “[Lippe] truly gives us the reigns,” Deissler said. “It’s not exactly a class as much as it’s a group of people coming together and working together.” The course is especially helpful to those who want to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector. “As a Peace and Justice Studies major, I’ve grown to value social justice and community service,” Weiner said. “I figured this class would give me the tools to run an effective nonprofit and also to understand the foundation of it.” Weiner was surprised to learn the complexity of the whole system of philanthropy. “There are so many foundations and so many different kinds of philanthropies,” she said. “Also, there are so many issues, from addressing the immediate needs of people, to teaching people skills to take care of themselves, to empowering people to help others.” Weintraub is especially intrigued by catalytic philanthropy, a term she learned in the course through speaker John Kania, managing director of FSG Social Impact Consultants. “Catalytic philanthropy involves an indigenous approach, or planting seeds for the future,” Weintraub said. “It creates coalitions of people from across sectors to come up with ideas of how to change, from an approach of people and what they want themselves.” This speaker particularly impacted Deissler as well. “Kania was talking about how he brought people together from different organizations, like the head of New York’s police department and charities to change New York City law on youth justice,” Deissler said. “[Through this course], I realized it’s about more than writing a check.” As a result, Deissler is even contemplating her own career in the nonprofit sector. “I know it sounds cliched,” Deissler said, “but after taking this course, I’m seriously thinking about a future in nonprofits.”

For some people, making a living playing video games sounds like a dream come true. They always say you should do what you love, right? Personally, my video game prowess comprises one ill-fated Halo tournament with high school buddies, when I trapped myself in a corner for most of the round and only managed to shoot at the sun. While I’ve never understood the appeal myself, I’ve had enough obsessed friends to realize that there’s an entire culture surrounding fantastical worlds. The games are notoriously addictive, spawning urban legends about players dying because they forgot to eat or pee for days on end. But there is something admittedly really cool about interfacing (albeit in a bizarre, fictional way) with 10 million other players worldwide. Until recently, I was completely ignorant of the practice of “gold farming” — playing multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft, Lineage and Final Fantasy, and making money. Gold farming’s success stems from the fact that it takes a lot of time to build up credits, so people have taken to buying in-game currency with real-world cash. Basically, it exploits the economic inequity between developing nations and rich gamers who are too busy or too lazy to earn enough points playing themselves. It may have started as a cottage industry between friends playing for each other, but now there are people hired to play video games — all day, every day. Essentially, even our leisure activities have been outsourced to developing countries, where unskilled labor is cheaper than in the United States. What happened to playing games for fun? Gold farming is continually upping the ante. Now that it’s hard to be competitive without pouring in incredible amounts of time and money, there’s been a corresponding increase in demand. In 2006, the BBC estimated that the market for selling virtual capital reached $9 million. The New York Times reported over 100,000 full time employees of dragon-slaying sweatshops in China alone. Fundamentally, the landscape of the multiplayer game is different now. Of the ten million teammates and enemies you can discover online, more than half of them are professionals from China. The New York Times noted that gold farming factories have decent wages compared to a lot of exploitative industries in the developing economy, but imagine being forced to kill monsters for 12-hour shifts, sweating to meet quotas. You’d have a boss breathing down your neck if you weren’t pulling in enough virtual capital. It gets worse. Sometimes the first-world gamers aren’t buying gold from willing farmers. Last summer, The Guardian reported that prisoners in China, used for hard physical labor by day, were also forced to play World of Warcraft by night. It turns out that the guards were profiting from this exchange, while the prisoners saw none of the money and were punished severely for falling behind quotas. Gold farming is not only tantamount to cheating in terms of gaining an unfair advantage in the virtual arena, but it also has moral ramifications in reality. Governments have been struggling to regulate the transactions, and there have been court cases concerning the ownership of fictional goods. While gold farming is technically illegal, its rapid growth makes it hard to stop. And there’s always eBay. So before you decide to become a professional video game player, think about what’s at stake. Why are we outsourcing our fun? Why are we spending real money on imaginary goods? Why are we exploiting poor workers in the name of competition? Lest you think it’s all fun and games, imagine being forced to play as though your life depended on it. I guarantee you Chinese gold farmers don’t play WoW on their days off. Alyson Yee is a senior majoring in biology and French. She can be reached at Alyson. Yee@tufts.edu.

The Tufts Daily



Monday, March 5, 2012

Book Into Film and Documentary Film Week Mon, March 5—Thurs, March 8

Monday, March 5 at 6 pm Cabot Intercultural Center Auditorium Tom Perrotta and Albert Berger

Moderated by Professor Julie Dobrow

Wednesday, March 7 at 5:30 pm Tisch Library, Room 304

Documenting the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Moderated by Professor Jonathan Wilson

A Visual Clash Yael Hersonski

Degrees of Incarceration Amahl Bishara and Nidal Al-Azraq

Thursday, March 8 at 7 pm Barnum Hall, Room 104

My Perestroika Robin Hessman

Arts & Living



Theater Review

Jacob Passy and Alex Kaufman | Sassy Cinema

Play it, Sam


Courtesy Max Wagenblass of the Boston Conservatory

The cast gets ready to bare it all in this revival of the film “The Full Monty.”

‘The Full Monty’ successfully blends raucous humor with heartfelt storytelling by

Kate Griffiths

Daily Editorial Board

A storyline that concerns itself with unemployment, suicide, child benefit issues, marital problems and self-

The Full Monty Written by Terrence McNally Directed by Laura Marie Duncan At the Boston Conservatory Theatre Tickets $65-$80 esteem issues seems like it could never be funny. But the Boston Conservatory Theater cast has proven otherwise. Their performance of the 2000 adaptation of the 1997 film, “The Full Monty,” was a mix of touching moments and

side-splitting hilarity. The plot centers on a couple of friends who, having been laid off by the factory that they work at in Buffalo, New York, decide to strip for money after realizing how much the Chippendale dancers make in a night. After picking up a few more friends along the way, the group deals with the gravity of everyday life and the hilarity of attempting to learn how to dance and strip within two weeks. Jerry is the protagonist and needs the money in order to keep seeing his son, Dave is the best friend who thinks he’s too much of a “fat bastard” to strip, Ethan is the untalented but wellendowed simpleton, Malcolm is the suicidal loner, Harold is the boss who is still hiding his unemployment from his wife and Horse is the older-yet-mosttalented member of the group. Keith White, who plays Jerry, gave a

convincing performance as the father who just can’t get it right and constantly messes up. The film was adapted as a musical and the songs were well placed throughout the play, although there were several moments when somber songs overpowered the humor and kept the audience waiting for funnier moments. One song, a serenade for his sleeping son incredibly well sung by White, probably was not necessary. Other songs were better placed and more entertaining. Horse’s audition for the group culminated in a song-anddance routine that had him shaking out his bad hip and boogying down on stage. The number was in complete contrast to his slow, shaky entrance onto the stage. Combining comedy and tragedy within a musical creates considerable see MONTY, page 6

Music Review

Rick Ross continues dominance of rap world with latest mixtape, ‘Rich Forever’ by Joe Stile

Daily Editorial Board

Recently Rick Ross has become one of the top rappers in music. Between his powerhouse guest appearances on

Rich Forever Rick Ross Maybach Music Group stellar tracks like, “I’m on One” (2011) “Lord Knows” (2011) and “Monster” (2010) and being declared MTV’s hottest MC earlier this week, Ross is finally delivering on his early promise and potential. His newest mixtape, “Rich Forever,” is filled with all the raps about his over-the-top lifestyle that fans have come to expect. The mixtape also pairs Ross with the talented, similarly

minded producer Lex Luger. Their collaboration evokes Luger’s hit songs like “H.A.M” (2011) and “B.M.F. (Blowin’ Money Fast)” (2010) with its largerthan-life beats. “Rich Forever” works best when Ross’s deep and bass-heavy voice rides on top of these beats. Simple lines like, “They say I’m getting money, must be illuminati/ Talking to the Holy Ghost in my Bugatti” get repeated numerous times on tracks and become hypnotizing. Ross’s confidence and authoritative voice are buoyed, not hampered, by Luger’s exorbitant beats. The colossal beats match the outrageously big persona Ross has constructed for himself. Throughout his career, Ross has painted himself as the impossibly rich patriarch of rap, and this mixtape is no exception. The persona might strike listeners as ridiculous, but it is needed to counterbalance the extravagance of the beats behind his lyrics. Ross sticks hard to his persona, as

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Ross performing in concert. he shouts lines such as, “Being broke is the root of all evil.” Ross is a large man with an even larger voice — the level of see RICH, page 6

ovie music has shown us “A Whole New World,” taken us “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and offered us a bit of that wellneeded “Razzle Dazzle” in a humdrum world. For everything that cinematic soundtracks have given us, we’d like to take this column to celebrate songs in film. This week, we remember the legendary songstress Whitney Houston, whose songs magnified many films’ popularity and became their identifying feature. We hail a queen … and her prince. More specifically, “The Prince of Egypt” (1997), an animated film released by DreamWorks, that included Ms. Houston and Mariah Carey performing “When You Believe,” the premiere track on the acclaimed soundtrack. This fabulous song, saturated with riffs and diva-offs, garnered the Academy Award for Best Song, bumping the film to Disney’s level of quality, recognition and prestige in the process. But we would be amiss not to mention Whitney’s most acclaimed hit, “I Will Always Love You,” which was part of the soundtrack for “The Bodyguard” (1992), which Whitney starred in. The film was of much lesser quality than the astronomically renowned soundtrack it produced, and without the music, there would be no reason to mention the movie 20 years after its release, seeing as there’s nothing truly memorable about it. Whitney’s talent has raised movies like “The Bodyguard” up from obscurity, and has added that magical Disney ingredient to others. But what is that Disney ingredient? Maybe “A Spoonful of Sugar” could do it? We would like to take a stab at identifying the magic and say that it is indeed the songs of Mary Poppins (1964) — and Julie Andrews’s stellar screen presence — that made the film practically perfect. Disney, we’ve debunked your secret. Well … mostly. As we see it, the key to successful cinematic music is in simple, catchy songs. This simplicity is seen in many of the best songs in movie history. Take for instance “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head.” This song from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” (1969) has a very simple message — I won’t be sad because it’s raining. Yet that simple message speaks volumes to the average moviegoer. But sometimes it isn’t the simplicity of the song but its placement that makes it memorable. Let’s recall Celine Dion’s superb “My Heart Will Go On” from “Titanic” (1997). The song itself does not play until the end credits, although bits of it are used as a motif throughout the film. This placement at the end credits has become standard among films. Because these end-credit songs play as you leave the theater, they stick with you. Still, choosing the right song for a film doesn’t always mean choosing an original one. As we mentioned before, “I Will Always Love You” was not written for film — it was a country hit by Dolly Parton long before mainstream audiences heard it. The same could be said for “Casablanca” (1942) and its famous song, “As Time Goes By.” Originally a Broadway show tune, the song achieved major recognition after it appeared in the film. Stealing from Broadway isn’t unique to “Casablanca.” Disney’s rebirth, which came thanks to films like “The Little Mermaid” (1989) and “Beauty and the Beast” (1991), they turned to the Great White Way for inspiration. They based their films on traditional narrative structures seen in musical theater and hired Broadway songwriters like Howard Ashman and Alan Menken to helm the productions. Now, 20 years later, we see Disney and other studios turning their backs on music. There are far fewer musical films being released. This year’s field for the Academy Award for Best Song says it all — there were only two nominees. More and more, movies are neglecting music, original or otherwise. Yet, as we see it, music can be used as a strategy. It helps people remember your film. So instead of turning to expensive methods like special effects and 3D, filmmakers may want to give us another tune to hum.

Jacob Passy is a junior majoring in international relations. He can be reached at Jacob.Passy@tufts.edu. Alex Kaufman is a sophomore majoring in sociology. He can be reached at Alexander.Kaufman@tufts.edu.

The Tufts Daily


Lively adaptation of ‘The Full Monty’ is well worth seeing

Courtesy Max Wagenblass of the Boston Conservatory

This adaptation of the beloved film is sure to get the audience laughing.


continued from page 5

tension between the two elements of the show. Its humor often made it difficult to appreciate the poignant, serious elements of the plot without waiting impatiently to laugh again. While all the performances managed to sit comfortably on the line between humor and slapstick, one performance definitely stood out. In Niki Sawyer’s portrayal of Vicki, the ditzy, shallow and yet endearingly enamored wife of Harold, she managed to embody the exuberant housewife persona in a charming and hysterical manner. The play touches on lighthearted and dramatic topics with equal ease, whether it’s a briefly explored relationship between Ethan and Malcolm or even the characters’ brief arrest for indecent exposure while performing a dress-rehearsal for a selection of elderly folk.

The final scene, wherein the boys finally perform their striptease in front of the audience, was done in a tasteful and humorous manner. The ladies of the performance egged on the men, who were ultimately hesitant about going ‘The Full Monty’ but eventually disrobed as the audience was blinded by backlight. One of the few minor issues in the performance was the behavior of the audience itself. People were often whooping or catcalling their friends that came on stage, disrupting the flow on stage. But outside of these minor issues, the play frequently had the audience laughing uncontrollably. Smooth transitions between scenes and incredibly comic physical acting paired to make a musical that, thanks to the live orchestra accompaniment, was both seamless and charming. Friday, November 6, 2009

Arts & Living

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ross’ excessive persona dominates ‘Rich Forever,’ overshadows guest rappers RICH

continued from page 5

menace he inflects in his raps makes his threats of violence feel real. Not everything about the mixtape works though, as the skits fall short of their intentions. These include a skit with Mike Tyson talking about priorities changing as people grow up and one where a British man talks about his wealth. They contribute little to the overall presentation and strike listeners as superfluous. Without them, the mixtape would have been leaner and packed more of a punch. The other major flaw comes from the collection of guest rappers. While the featured singers are all well used, the rappers — 2 Chainz, Wale, Diddy, Styles P, Birdman, Meek Mill and Pharrel — are all instantly forgettable and get swallowed by the huge beats and Ross’s maximalist verses. Their inability to match Ross stylistically or lyrically might have been some Machiavellian ploy, as their weak contributions demonstrate Ross’s superiority. But either way, their rapping mediocrity does not make for good listening. Nas’s guest appearance on “Triple Beams Dreams” stands out. He tries to recall his early days as a youthful street hustler, but his lines lack the pop of his first album, “Illmatic” (1994). It’s sad to see how far Nas has fallen in recent years, and this mixtape is no exception. The only guest rapper that doesn’t fail is Drake. On a relatively short verse, Drake covers a lot of ground — he ups his feud Twith Common, rejects the HE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS

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“Rich Forever” sees Ross continuing his string of hits. mercenary tactics of inauthentic rappers and sympathizes with men like Kobe Bryant who lose millions in divorces to women who “[aren’t] with him shooting in the gym.” The verse is impressive, effortless and memorable. The title track is the highlight of the album. “Rich Forever” has Ross explaining his beginnings and his youthful ambitions. Ross’s choice of detail makes him an interesting storyteller and John Legend provides soulful vocals that smooth the song’s chorus. Eventually, Ross’s verses go back to his talk of excessive materialism, all the beautiful women in his 9

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life and just his general bossness. These verses would be expected to end up sounding redundant after a while, but in the same way that it’s still interesting to hear Lil Wayne rap about weed after hundreds of songs, Ross finds ways to make all of it still work. The mixtape ends with an interview with Ross where he explains what he wants for his next album. His ambition waxes as he explains that “God Forgives, I Don’t” will be his biggest album. It is a fitting way to end a mixtape, as it does what a mixtape should: serve as an appetizer for the album to follow.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Tufts Daily

Yesenia Fernandez Selier Co-sponsered by the Tufts Dance Program and the AS&E Deans Fund for Diversity, assisted by Department of Drama & Dance, American Studies, Latino Center, Africa and the New World, and Latino Studies

Master Classes Jackson Dance Lab Free; open to public Beginning Afro-Cuban Dance Wed. March 7, 3pm Afro-Cuban Dance (Experienced Dancers)

Th. March 8, 4:30pm

Making the Rumba Body Cross-cultural issues, the role of performance, and women in performance in Cuban dance

Th. March 8, 1:30pm Sofia Gordon Hall In a two-day residency, Cuban born performer and scholar Yesenia Fernandez Selier will conduct master dance classes and present a lecture focusing on her research in Cuban and Caribbean dance with reference to crosscultural issues, the role of performance, and women in performance in Cuban dance. Yesenia Fernandez Selier holds a BA from the University of Havana. An accomplished teacher and performer who maintains an active physical practice, Yesenia is also completing her MA in Latin American Studies at NYU. She is the author of publications from North to South America in both English and Spanish and has been a panelist and presenter at various national conferences focusing on Caribbean dance, Cuban dance, and issues of gender and ethnicity.

More info: dance@tufts.edu or call 617.627.2556




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Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

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Monday, March 5, 2012


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Justin McCallum / The Tufts Daily

NCAA Monday, March 5, 2012

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William Butt / The Tufts Daily

William Butt / The Tufts Daily

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Editorial | Letters

Monday, March 5, 2012

A windfall for the commonwealth

Gambling industry moguls for the last five years have had their sights set on building a new casino in Massachusetts. After spending roughly $11.4 million dollars on lobbying, their efforts paid off in November, when Governor Deval Patrick approved a bill to allow three casinos to be built in the state. The bill specifies that the casinos must be geographically distributed, with potential locations including the Greater Boston area and Southeastern and Western Massachusetts. Once a host city has been selected, citizens of that city need to approve the casino via referendum vote, with the final decision resting in the hands of state legislators. While the decision allowing the casinos is a positive one for the state, the voting process by which residents of Massachusetts approve the construction must be refined. Recently, the Wampanoag tribe announced Taunton, Mass. as its choice for one of the three casinos. This would fulfill the bill’s quota for a casino in Southeastern Massachusetts, provided approval is given by the Taunton residents. But the problem lies in the fact that Taunton residents are the only people voting via refer-

endum on whether or not to approve the casino, whereas its construction has implications on cities and towns throughout a good portion of the commonwealth. Building a casino is a massive undertaking, with some companies projecting costs of around $500 million. It is likely to be a massive full-scale resort, and, as a result, it is going to affect a lot more than just one city when it’s built. It may draw tourists from all across the country, and the surrounding cities of Raynham, Middleborough, Attleboro and Norton are likely to see an influx of visitors and traffic. Only allowing Taunton residents to vote would exclude a good deal of the population that could be affected by the casino. Referendum voting should occur in all of Bristol County to ensure that the residents of the region, and not just one city, are satisfied with the casino. Also in the southeast, casino mogul Steve Wynn has his sights set on Foxborough as the location of the commonwealth’s next resort. Foxborough already houses Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots, and residents are concerned

that building a casino in such close proximity to the stadium will cause massive spikes in crime and traffic. The struggle in Foxborough is representative of the typical debate that occurs with casino construction in any town. Wynn and his company are promising economic growth, job creation and a steady revenue stream for the city, which they can use for public works projects. On the other side of the argument are concerned residents who feel that a casino will disrupt their way of life and bring a torrent of crime to the city. Still, in an economy where jobs are scarce, the chance to employ thousands of people in need is just too good to pass up. We understand the issues that a casino brings with it, but the opportunity for development that a casino can bring in for a town can also be an amazing boon for the economy. Because of this, we urge Massachusetts to allow for the construction of these establishments. The voting process should be done right, and all parties that will be affected should have a say, but in the end, the casinos are just too big a windfall to pass up.

There are more important happenings on campus by Senate and other influential groups. It is why we need a school publication in addition to the plethora of news sources available to us. Also, is there a divide on marriage on our campus? Is there a discourse on marriage on our campus? Outside of Christian groups and queer political discourse, are people even talking about marriage at all? Is gay marriage or any sort of talk of marriage at the headline of the average Tufts student’s

life? I would have to say probably not. Tufts groups, especially the TCU Senate, actively try to improve, entertain, educate and inspire the campus. The Daily, in my opinion, has the obligation to prioritize that information. For the most part, I believe it does and should not feel pressured to turn itself into a generic news source.

LOuIE Zong

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Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, In his Feb. 28 letter to the editor, Alex Kaufman makes the point that Senator Ben Richards should not prioritize local, more specifically Tufts, news over that of national importance. While calling gay marriage — the national issue in question — a non-issue is a stretch, I think Kaufman missed the point of Richards’ words. Local and school related issues should most definitely take precedence over any sort of national headline in a college newspaper.

The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.

Sincerely, Jay Dodd Class of 2014

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ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject to the approval of the Editorin-Chief, Executive Board and Executive Business Director. A publication schedule and rate card are available upon request.

The Tufts Daily

Monday, March 5, 2012



The T polices the poor by

Kristen A. Johnson

For many people, the last time they’ve had a curfew imposed on them was in elementary school, and their mothers were advising them not to play outside after dark. Even at Tufts, as opposed to other schools, there is no security guard at the front desk of our dorms; students are free to come and go as they please. But for the low-income residents of Boston, who rely on the T as their primary means of transportation, there is little choice in when and where they can travel. There is no late-night service for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). By 1 a.m., all stations are closed. This means that without enough money to cover expensive taxi fares, lowincome residents in Boston are separated by time and space. After 1 a.m., they are pigeonholed into their respective areas of town. Meanwhile, the more affluent are able to enjoy Boston’s nightlife, with no limiting curfew or financial constraints to keep them spatially bound. Although every user who utilizes MBTA transportation services must factor in the ominous “last train” into his or her daily plans, for low income users, restrictive service hours translate into tangible restrictions on freedom and choice, barriers to movement and initiative. Here, it is important to note that the transportation injustices surpass racial lines, and that low income is not synonymous within one particular racial group. The MBTA scheduling, particularly the lack of late-night service on the T, is an example of both transportation and spatial injustice. It is also a form of policing: It is a systematic and systemic means of regulating, controlling and suppressing a certain group. Spatial injustice deals with who has rights and access to resources within a certain space. In this case, lowincome residents do not have access to the Boston metropolitan area during the late night. This not only affects them in terms of enjoying the nightlife, but it also restricts work hours and other important activities. Extending the T hours to 24 hours per day would significantly change the city of Boston. Although the T dictates its transpor-

Tony Cannistra for The Tufts Daily

tation policies based on its financial capacity, much of the resistance to late-night hours can be summarized in the sentiment “crime rides the rail.” However, “crime” in this sense is only a metonym or stand-in for “the poor.” The lack of late-night hours serves to symbolize and promote the spatial fragmentation and inequality already evident in the Boston metropolitan area between inner Boston and outer neighborhoods such as Mattapan, Dorchester and Roxbury. It sends a clear message — in the form of transportation policy — of who belongs in the city of Boston and who is not considered a part of its image and fabric.

There are many other ways in which we see the MBTA articulating its physical, political and social agenda on low-income areas of Boston. The Orange Line, which ventures into Roxbury has a substantially different interior from the Red Line, which goes through downtown Boston. With dark floors and brown wood panels, the Orange Line is clearly distinguished from its counterparts. Furthermore, the Red Line service to Ashmont is discontinued at the Ashmont stop, and continues in the form of a small, precarious trolley to Mattapan. The impending T fare increases add another barrier for low-income people. It is clear

that both resources and access are not created equal. The only way for the T to address its policing of poor people is to provide latenight or 24-hour service, allowing all Boston residents — regardless of income, race or place — mobility in the metropolitan area. I urge the MBTA to make Boston more egalitarian, less segregated and less classist by addressing public policies that oppress its low-income residents. Kristen A. Johnson is a senior majoring in international relations.

Twitter, escape from the Facebook junkyard by

Álvaro J. Soltero

My generation is the generation of social media, a generation that has a plethora of digital tools through which to connect, interact and share anything with an unlimited number of people anywhere around the world at any moment in time. Sounds amazing, right? It is, but with great social power comes great social responsibility. Let me explain myself: The fact that you have 300 friends on Facebook doesn’t mean that every single one of them wants to know what you are doing, thinking or thinking of doing every single moment of your day. Your responsibility as a user of social media is to not spam the system by posting for the sake of posting. In today’s digital society, where if you don’t have a Facebook you are literally a nobody, online overconfidence threatens to compromise the integrity and purpose of social media. If you have ever found your homepage annoyingly overcrowded with stories or posts from the same set of friends then you know exactly what I mean. Originally, the purpose of social media — at least at the personal level (marketing/business purposes aside) — was to connect and socialize with those that you would normally not have the chance to because of distance, etc. Today, Facebook is by far the leading network, with more than 500 million users and counting. Facebook is the platform where most if not all of us learned to be experts at digital socializing, and as people learned, they increased the probability of your newsfeed being spammed with junk. The reality is most of us have had Facebook for a long time, and thus have been adding and adding to our list of friends for

years to the point that we have compiled an enormous collection of people who really aren’t our “friends,” per se. Don’t believe me? Go to your list of friends, take a look at your total count and ask yourself, “How many of these people do I actually care about?” The worst part about this situation is that deleting someone from your Facebook friends can be perceived as harsh and sometimes even insulting. I take a look at my Facebook home page, and I can easily say it’s nothing but junk from people that I wouldn’t have anything to say to if I did ever run into them again, even though we’ve been “keeping in touch” through Facebook over the years. If your response to that is asking, “Why then do I still use Facebook?” I’ll say that chat saved Facebook, but that’s not what I’m writing about today. How to escape all of this junk? How to escape all of the useless information from people whom I don’t even care enough to delete from my list of friends? Jump to another platform: Twitter. If you’re already a Twitter user, then it’s about time someone wrote about this, right? If you aren’t, then you are either a skeptic or you’re just too lazy to stray from the Facebook you already know (change is good, think about it). Moving on, if you’re a skeptic then you either know the platform and have your reasons to dislike it, which I’ll respect, or you’re completely ignorant on the subject. If you are the latter then I’m sure people would take your arguments against Twitter a lot more seriously if you actually knew what you were talking about. Before going on, it is important to note here that the second is by far the larger group and that just because you know what a hashtag is doesn’t mean you’re a Twitter connoisseur.

Many people haven’t made the switch due to common misconceptions of Twitter and how it works. Twitter is a combination of a social media network and your own personalized news feed, and it has the best of both worlds. It’s a social media network because you can follow, share and interact with your friends. It’s your personalized news feed because you can follow accounts like CNN, The New York Times, and TIME Magazine, and get all of your favorite news providers in one place in real time. This is where we find the first common misconception: Everything that everyone tweets comes up in one enormous feed. False. People’s tweets will show up on your page if and only if you choose to follow them. Another misconception is that Twitter is just Facebook’s status updates and thus is more of the same junk: “I’m soo tired of studying” or “spending the afternoon with my cat Fluffy!” While you can definitely fill your Twitter feed with such mundane information if you follow the same people you are friends with on Facebook, you don’t have to follow someone on Twitter the same way it is expected of you to friend someone on Facebook. In other words, you don’t have to put up with the same junk on Twitter unless you want to. Likewise, tweets don’t magically reappear in your feed because X amount of people have “liked” or commented on them (because you can’t). You can also protect your tweets, which means that people have to send you a request in order to be able to see what you write. You can also make your tweets public and have anyone be able to follow you, in which case your number of followers can be a measurement of how influential you

are with your social media. Note that this means that if you tweet about what you are doing every single moment of the day, your followers will get fed up with your spamming and unfollow you. Speaking of spamming, believe it or not, Twitter has “The Twitter Rules” that lay out the appropriate use of the website and more than 20 different strategies to detect and eliminate spam accounts, among other things. Over at Facebook, they also have a myriad of spam detecting strategies, but unfortunately for all of us users, posting what you eat every meal of the day isn’t considered spam (neither is Farmville nor any of those other mindless games, sadly). The difference is the unfollow button: quick, easy, no suffering. Let’s face it, going through your already huge list of friends one by one deciding who is going to get cut is extremely time consuming and boring and can definitely get you into problems with your ex. To recap this all into one: If you are tired of people posting for the sake of posting and spamming your homepage, or if you cannot stand the dumb games, the news of people you could care less about or the hordes of companies trying to get you to like their pages, and you want more control of the information you receive in your main social media platform, jump over to Twitter. Sorry Facebook, but people are starting to get fed up with how conducive you are to junk and are jumping to Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and now Pinterest. In other words, we’re tired of your %&$#! Álvaro J. Soltero is a junior majoring in cognitive and brain science.

Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to oped@tuftsdaily.com no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.

The Tufts Daily



Monday, March 5, 2012




Garry Trudeau

Non Sequitur

Tuesday’s Solution

Married to the Sea


SUDOKU Level: Winning a state where your father was governor

Late Night at the Daily

Friday’s Solution

Justin: “Jen, I want you on spread.” Want more late-night laughs? Follow us on Twitter at @LateNiteAtDaily

Please recycle this Daily.






Women’s Basketball

Jumbos seize individual moments, earn second trip to Sweet 16 in school history by

Ethan Sturm

Daily Editorial Board

“Great moments are born from great opportunities.” The famous opening lines to Herb Brooks’ pregame speech in the movie “Miracle” (2004) do not just apply to ice hockey. In a team sport like basketball, individual moments often decide games, seasons and championships. Take them, and glory is within reach. Let them pass, and spend the rest of your life wondering, “What if?” Liz Moynihan was presented with one such opportunity on Friday night. With Tufts ahead of Misericordia by two points with just nine ticks left on the clock, the ball fell into the hands of senior Christine Marks, the Cougars’ leading scorer in both the game and season. There was no one between her and the basket, and all she had to do was go through the same motions she had millions of times before — a simple layup — and the game would be tied. Moynihan never gave her the chance. As Marks brought the ball above her head, the Tufts sophomore reached over from behind, disrupting the shot of a player that has four inches on her and knocking the ball loose. Senior Tiffany Kornegay recovered the loose ball and, a few free throws later, the game was over. “She gets that offensive rebound, and my only thought is ‘she can’t score,’” Moynihan said. “I honestly wasn’t even thinking about the foul, and from there I didn’t even know where the ball went. I look, and Tiff is sprinting up the court with it and the crowd is going insane. From the moment [Marks] didn’t have it in her hands anymore, I knew we had it.” Moments can decide games. They can also turn them around. Kornegay, along with classmate Kate Barnosky, experienced that Saturday night. Johns Hopkins had come storming back in the second half and with stifling defense tied the game for the first time since the opening minutes. Everything was going the Blue Jays’ way until Kornegay timed her leap on a missed jumper almost perfectly, snatching

William Butt / The Tufts Daily

Senior Tiffany Kornegay carried her team against Misericordia, finishing with 15 points, 10 rebounds, five assists and three steals. She also made several crucial plays in the final minutes. a rebound out of the hands of her opponents. She then used her instinctive connection with Barnosky, one fostered from years of experience together, to pick her out, executing a precise bounce pass that set Barnosky up for a mid-range jumper. Johns Hopkins never drew even again. “We had an offensive lapse for a while, but we kept talking about getting defensive stops and outworking them,” Barnosky said. “We knew if we got stops we’d eventually

convert on the offensive end.” Less than a minute later, Tufts underclassmen Hayley Kanner and Caitlin McClure had their chance. After a defensive stop, Kanner, a freshman, received the ball in the post with the Jumbos still up two. With Johns Hopkins star junior forward Alex Vassila guarding her, she executed a perfect post move, freeing up just enough see MOMENTS, page 19


Tufflepuffs swoop past Horntails in inaugural Massachusetts Quidditch Conference match by

Andy Wong

On Saturday, the Tufts Tufflepuffs opened their conference schedule and soared to a 2-1 match victory over the Harvard Horntails at Fletcher Field. The victory marked the first game played within the newly founded Massachusetts Quidditch Conference, the first intercollegiate quidditch league in the northeast, which was established by Tufts junior Ethan Sturm, who is also a Managing Editor for the Daily. Member schools include Boston University, Emerson College, Harvard University, Smith College and UMass Amherst. “It’s really nice to start out with a win,” sophomore beater Joshua Snyder said. “It’s a tough conference because Emerson and BU are in it, and those are two powerhouses from the World Cup. So every win counts.” Entering the game, the Horntails had only seven active players, allowing for no substitutions over the course of their three games against Tufts. On the other side, the Tufflepuffs had only practiced once as a tournament team prior to their season opener on the Friday before. In addition, the weather was unfavorable; the playing field had to be relocated from the rain-soaked Res Quad to a muddy Fletcher Field. Daily Staff Writer

KyrA STurgill / The Tufts Daily

Sophomore seeker Duncan Leaf caught the snitch in both Tufflepuffs’ victories on Saturday, as Tufts took two out of three games from the visiting Harvard Horntails. “[The weather] was definitely an equalizer,” junior field captain David Meyers said. “It really maxed out the speed that people were able to move at and controlled the flow of the game.” In game one, the Tufflepuffs nar-

rowly led 60-50, powered by 40 points from returning star junior chaser Austin Bening. Sophomore seeker Duncan Leaf ended the game by capturing the see QUIDDITCH, page 17

Zach Drucker | The Loser

Good Luck, Griffin III


ince the end of the 2010 college football season, Andrew Luck has been branded the second coming. Luck has drawn comparisons to Hall of Fame quarterbacks like John Elway and current NFL royalty Tom Brady. When the Indianapolis Colts were in the midst of their miserable, Peyton Manning-less 2011 season, the one thing that kept fans attending games was the future prospect of a Luckhelmed team. (And the fact that the fans live in Indiana, so there’s not much more to do with leisure time than watch football.) Coming into the 2011 college season, greasy-haired commentators such as Kirk Herbstreit were already picking Luck to take home the coveted Heisman Trophy. Yet an improbable star on a team that had not won a bowl game since 1992 — and even then, the bowl in question was the trivial John Hancock Bowl, now the Sun Bowl — shook up the pecking order. I’m referring to Robert Griffin III, or RG3, the former quarterback of the Baylor Bears, who capped off a remarkable season with an upset Heisman victory. As the NFL combine got underway, Griffin’s efforts in the 40-yard dash — he ran an unofficial 4.38; the only other quarterback to run the dash under 4.4 was Michael Vick — have made the first-round draft pick increasingly difficult for the Colts, and now the question becomes: Luck or Griffin? Luck is the poster child of the fundamentally sound competitor. He is noted for his accuracy, his pocket presence, his arm strength and his live game sensibilities. Not to mention, his 40-yard dash time of 4.67 has forced scouts to reassess his agility and liken him to the mobile, paramount passer, Aaron Rodgers. But Luck’s athleticism does not hold a candle to RG3’s. Griffin is also an accurate passer equipped with a built-in throwing cannon, but his speed and quickness make him an unsackable defensive nightmare with a propensity for playmaking. In past drafts, a pattern has emerged. When teams select the incredibly gifted athlete with arm strength, they end up losing big. Reigning rookie of the year Cam Newton is an anomaly because the words “running” and “quarterback” too often generate images of famous busts. Names like Jason Campbell, Vince Young and Akili Smith come to mind. There is one instance in recent memory, however, in which a stellar pocket passer was chosen over an explosive playmaker and the team with the latter pick actually benefited: the case of Tim Couch, first overall pick in 1999 for the Cleveland Browns, and Donovan McNabb, second overall pick for the Philadelphia Eagles. The Colts will most likely make the right decision. After all, the last time they had the number one pick in the draft, they chose a young gun from the University of Tennessee, Peyton Manning, leaving a hothead from Washington State, Ryan Leaf, to be scooped up by the San Diego Chargers with the second pick. Plus, judging by the way Griffin and Luck continue to display their talents and garner rave reviews from scouts, either player may be a viable number one option. Now, Luck is still the presumptive number one pick, and he will most likely retain that unofficial title until draft day in April. Yet Griffin has given the Colts something to think about, and he should continue to flaunt his array of skills and increase his draft stock come NFL Pro Day on March 21. Until then, the St. Louis Rams will continue to try to shop their number two pick in 2012, which augments in value with each passing minute.

Zach Drucker is a senior majoring in international relations and Spanish. He can be reached at zachary.drucker@tufts.edu.


JUMBO The Tufts Daily




Monday, March 5, 2012














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The Tufts Daily

Monday, March 5, 2012



Tenth-ranked Tommies await Jumbos in Sweet 16 matchup in Chicago WOMEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 1

record and plenty of poise. “We played confident and played Jumbo basketball,” Barnosky said. “It was awesome that we got the honor to host and play in front of our home crowd.” On Saturday night in the Round of 32, coach Carla Berube’s squad was forced to show its resilience after letting the Blue Jays claw their way back into the game. Tufts came out firing, climbing to a 13-4 lead less than midway through the first half. But from there things settled down, and much of the rest of the opening 20 minutes was a defensive battle — not surprising in a matchup between two teams allowing fewer than 50 points per game this season. Tufts carried a 10-point lead into the half behind the stellar play of senior co-captain Kate Barnosky, an all-NESCAC second-team selection, who finished the first period with 11 points and four rebounds. But after shooting just 30 percent from the field in the first half, Hopkins found its stroke early in the second period and went on a 12-2 run that tied the game at 31 with 12 minutes left. Their offensive surge was complemented by staunch defense; the Jumbos didn’t make a field goal for more than eight minutes in the second half. Tufts rediscovered its rhythm from there and extended the lead to 47-38 with five and a half minutes left on back-to-back buckets from sophomore guard Caitlin McClure and freshman center Hayley Kanner. Yet Hopkins maintained a never-saydie mindset, cutting the deficit to four points at the 1:14 mark following a score from senior Stephanie Fong, who carried the team for much of the night. Barnosky responded by sinking two free throws to put Tufts ahead 52-46, and after the Blue Jays misfired on three chances from beyond the arc, freshman point guard Kelsey Morehead finally came down with the rebound and was sent to the line. She nailed them both, and Barnosky hit another pair from the line to seal the 55-46 victory and book the Jumbos their first trip to the Sweet 16 since the 2007-08 season. “We knew that we needed to put together a really solid 40 minutes to beat a great team in Johns Hopkins,” Berube said. “We had a good lead and they fought back, and it was a game of runs. Luckily, down the stretch, that was our run. We were attacking and that led

William butt / THE Tufts Daily

Freshman Hannah Foley splits a pair of Johns Hopkins defenders in Tufts’ 55-46 victory. to us getting fouled, and we knocked down some big free throws.” The Blue Jays had a few opportunities to garner a lead in the second half, but miserable free throw shooting contributed to their inability to pull away — they shot just 38.5 percent from the line in the final 20 minutes. Barnosky finished the game with 18 points and seven rebounds in a seasonhigh 36 minutes. Sophomore guard Liz Moynihan continued her hot play of late, recording 11 points, two steals and two blocks. NESCAC Defensive Player of the Year Tiffany Kornegay notched four points and nine boards. Stephanie Fong paced the Blue Jays with 14 points and two assists. The well-balanced team effort that’s been the Jumbos’ formula for success all season — all nine Tufts players who saw the court on Saturday scored — once again carried the day for them. It was also their team effort on defense that allowed them to contain junior Alex Vassila, through whom Hopkins typically runs their offense. On this night, constant double teams forced her and Fong into a combined eight turnovers as they tried to link up and frustrated Vassila to the point where she gave an unnecessarily hard foul that easily could have been a technical

Tufts outshines Harvard on muddy quidditch pitch QUIDDITCH

continued from page 15

snitch, giving Tufts a decisive 90-50 win. The Horntails fought back in the following game, jumping out to a 50-20 lead. But Bening scored for the Tufflepuffs, and seconds later Leaf grabbed the snitch to complete the 40-point swing and give the Tufflepuffs the victory, 60-50. By the third game, fatigue and injuries began to take effect. The Tufflepuffs lost two chasers and a beater, including sophomore Fiona Weeks and junior Rose Eilenberg, all to injuries. This required the Jumbos to shuffle their roster, as the rules require two players of each gender to be on the field at all times, and Tufts found itself completely out of female chasers. That played into the hands of the Horntails, who took advantage and led 50-40 before capturing the snitch to earn a redemptive 80-40 victory and prevent a 3-0 Tufflepuffs sweep. Overall, the Tufflepuffs ended the day with a 10-point edge in the cumulative score, 190-180. Bening led all scorers with 80 points, while freshmen Andrew Carp and Steve Mullahoo each contributed 20 points.

Sophomore Jared Nash, another recent addition to the team, also played well in his first game as a keeper. “Since the World Cup [in the fall], we’ve really improved our core of chasers,” Snyder said. “We have a bigger, more physical team than in the fall.” Still, the team knows there is still room to get better in a number of ways. “I’m happy with the way the team is starting to come together, though we have a lot of work to do,” Meyers said. “We need to really pick up the quality of play. We need to get better at passing the ball, moving the ball down the field and executing and scoring goals.” “We’re still getting chemistry to build up between us,” Snyder added. “We should improve a lot in the next few weeks.” The Tufflepuffs play UMass Amherst at home this Saturday, March 10, before going on the road to play at Emerson on March 31. “I think we have a good team together. It will just come down to whether we can get the extra polish on our play,” Meyers said. “We’re looking forward to our next game and the rest of the season.”

late in the first half. She was also held to just three points. “[Stopping Vassila] was going to take our post players working constantly, never stop moving, so that their perimeter players can’t see, they don’t know where to pass it to, or what side,” Berube said. “And I think we did a good job of doubling from the weak side. It wasn’t a call, but it was just us being ballers and just being opportunistic with those doubles...And I think our guards did a great job of ball pressure on the outside to make it really hard for them to see inside.” The previous evening, the Jumbos survived some nervous moments to edge out Misericordia 61-57 in the tournament’s opening round. Leading for the majority of the game, Tufts extended its lead to 10 when freshman guard Hannah Foley hit a three-pointer with 13:52 remaining in the second half. But from that point on, the Cougars made their way back into the game, led by last season’s Freedom Conference Player of the Year Christine Marks, who had 13 points and nine rebounds in the period. “Marks is an excellent, excellent basketball player, and they have a great supporting cast around her, and we had trouble defending them,” Berube said.

“She’s a great player, especially being 6-foot-1,” Barnosky added. “But also the NESCAC prepared us very well to match up against other good teams, especially with all the good players in our conference. She was just another player we had to see and we had to stop.” With Tufts up seven and less than left on the clock, a pair of Marks free throws followed by a clutch three-pointer by Robinson cut the deficit to just two with 38 seconds remaining. The Jumbos missed two free throws, and the Cougars brought the ball up the floor with a chance to tie or take the lead. The possession went exactly as planned for Misericorida, as Marks received the ball underneath the basket. But Marks missed a layup and got her own rebound, and as she went up again Moynihan made a game-saving block from behind. Kornegay came up with it and got fouled, and, after making her first shot at the line, missed the second and soared into the lane to grab the rebound with nine seconds left. Kornegay was fouled immediately, and she made one-of-two to give the Jumbos a 61-57 lead and effectively clinch the victory. “Tiffany really pushed it out there and made plays when we needed to,” Berube said. “[She had] the offensive rebound. The free-throw shooting, I wish it went a little better than it did, but, you know, we made the couple that we needed to.” Kornegay put together a phenomenal all-around effort, posting 15 points, 10 rebounds, five assists and three steals. Junior guard Collier Clegg also had an excellent game with 11 points, five boards, two steals and two blocks. The Jumbos won in spite of Marks’s stellar performance; she finished with 22 points and 12 rebounds. The Cougars ended their season with a record of 17-11. Now, the next stop for the Jumbos is the University of Chicago, where they will take on the 28-1 St. Thomas Tommies. The Tommies are currently ranked 10th in the nation after winning the MIAC (Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference) championship. But the Jumbos are at the top of their game, and they see no reason why their magical run should end on Friday. “[There’s a] little chip on our shoulder which we still have,” Barnosky said after the second-round win. “We’re not satisfied. We don’t want to just stop at the Sweet 16. We want to keep going.”

Men’s Track and Field

Men’s track and field earns runner-up finish at ECACs by Jake Indursky

Contributing Writer

A slew of strong efforts earned the men’s indoor track and field team an impressive second-place finish in the ECAC Championships at the Armory in New York City this weekend. Several athletes improved on their national qualifiers, while others capped their seasons off with strong performances. Over the course of Friday and Saturday, Bates accumulated 69 points to win the meet among 62 scoring schools. The Jumbos earned 48 points for second, 14 points ahead of Amherst, which came in third. On Saturday, sophomore Curtis Yancy earned the highest finish for the Jumbos with a victory in the weight throw. Yancy threw an impressive personal record of 61-4 1/4 to claim the ECAC title — a new best by over two meters. “It was awesome. It showed what I have been doing in practice for several weeks now, but haven’t been able to do it in a meet,” Yancy said. “I was hitting better throws more consistently in practice lately which was good for my confidence see MEN’S TRACK, page 19

Andrew Morgenthaler / The Tufts Daily Archives

Junior Kyle Marks eclipsed his personal best time in the 3,000-meter run by eight seconds at the ECAC Championships this past weekend.

The Tufts Daily


Third Round March 9-10 Amherst


Monday, March 5, 2012

The Road to Michigan: 16 Teams Standing NCAA Div. III Women’s Basketball Tournament Bracket

Quarterfinals March 10

Semifinals March 16

Finals March 17

Semifinals March 16

Quarterfinals March 10

Third Round March 9 Carthage


York (Pa.)

Ill. Wesleyan

Emmanuel (Mass.)

Mount Union

King’s (Pa.)

Mary Washington

National Champion

St. Thomas (Minn.)


Lebanon Valley


Third Place


March 17

George Fox


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The Tufts Daily

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Four Jumbos make the cut for Nationals in final opportunity by Jake Indursky

Contributing Writer

Virginia Bledsoe / The Tufts Daily Archives

Junior Kelly Allen broke her own school record in the shot put by almost a foot this past weekend at the ECAC Championships. She will compete in the shot put and the weight throw at Nationals. Boudreau and Grace Perry, and junior Leah Small, finished fourth with a time of 9:37.04. Flament is also a sports editor for the Daily. The DMR team, made up of senior Anya Price, junior Sam Bissonnette and sophomores Jana Heiber and Laura Peterson set a season personal record with a time of 11:58.51, which was good for fifth at the meet. The time ranks them 14th nationally, which is not quite enough to send them to Iowa because only the top 10 relay

Apartment for rent. 62 Powder House Boulevard. 3rd floor. 4 or 5 bedrooms. Available June 1st. Call Charlie at 781-646-7434.

continued from page 15

teams travel to Nationals. Heiber is the fourth and final Jumbo headed to the national meet. While she will be competing in the pentathalon, she was still excited about how the season ended for the DMR squad. “Setting a PR for the DMR was really exciting,” Heiber said. “We all ran really well, and it was just a good performance. It felt great.” The NCAA Championships will be held at Grinnell College this Friday and Saturday.

space to turn around and bank in a shot. “Tonight, Hayley Kanner stepped up, which was huge,” coach Carla Berube said. “I told them all that they aren’t freshmen anymore. You’re no longer a newcomer.” On the next possession, McClure, a sophomore guard who had made just two three-pointers in the team’s past four games, found herself open in the corner. She didn’t hesitate, knocking down a momentumswinging three. “Caitlin hit a huge three at a really crucial time,” Berube said. “I’ve been wanting her to step up all year and she has.” The ability to capitalize on these moments doesn’t materialize out of thin air. Some might credit the coach, but Berube is quick to swing the accolades back to her players. Instead, the most likely reason for their resilience in the face of overwhelming pressure is a team that got tired of hearing that they couldn’t do it. “Since Day One, we’ve had a little chip on our shoulder that we still have,” Barnosky said. No one mentioned this Tufts squad in the preseason. Amherst, Williams, Bowdoin and

Colby all garnered plenty of coverage in the NESCAC, but the Jumbos were seen as too young, too small and too underwhelming. Kornegay and Barnosky were told that they couldn’t fill the gigantic shoes of Vanessa Miller (LA ’11) and Colleen Hart (E ’11). McClure saw minimal playing time as a freshman, while Moynihan lost her starting job after struggling early in the season. Kanner had plenty of athletic ability but appeared too raw for the daily grind of the conference. “They are a confident bunch,” Berube said. “People didn’t expect a lot out of us, but we did. I don’t think we are that surprised at all that we could put together this type of run and this type of season.” Even this weekend, the team felt disrespected at times on its own court. “Hopkins came in here, and they were acting like they owned the place,” Moynihan said. “That’s stuff that just fires us up.” The Jumbos started proving the critics wrong one-by-one, and after a while, they couldn’t stop themselves. They lost their first two games this season but have won 23 of 27 since. In many respects, they looked unstoppable.

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Yancy comes within inches of school weight throw record MEN’S TRACK

continued from page 17

and it showed that I was progressing along.” The mark puts him in 11th place in the Div. III NCAA national rankings and is the second-farthest throw in Tufts history, less than four inches off the school record of 61-8 1/2, which has remained untouched since 1951. Freshman Brian Williamson also earned a strong finish in the throws, claiming runner-up in the shot put with a launch of 51-5 3/4. Sophomore Andrew Osborne was a runner-up as well, earning 4,343 points over two days in the heptathlon. Osborne’s highest point totals came from his long jump of 22-0 1/4 the top mark among the heptathletes and his 60-meter dash time of 7.41 seconds, which earned him 746 and 742 points, respectively. Junior Gbola Ajayi earned two scoring finishes, taking third in the long jump with a leap of 23-2 and sixth in the triple jump at 46-2 1/2. His triple jump on Saturday places him 13th on the NCAA list. Junior Brad Nakanishi also earned points for the Tufts effort in a field event, clearing a height of 15-5 1/2 in the pole vault for seventh. “Brad did well. He just missed nationals by one centimeter, which was hard for him and hard for the team to watch, but he’s getting used to a new pole and he said that it will definitely take him to new heights,” Yancy said. On Saturday, junior Kyle Marks posted an impressive finish in the 3,000-meter run, finishing in a personal best time of 8:29.32, a new best by eight seconds. “I thought that it was pretty much the best race that I could have hoped for, and the circumstances really played into my strategy and I was able to have a good kick which I needed to have,” Marks said. “It started out with a couple guys going to the front and then there being a chase pack of a few guys including myself, and I wanted to stay in that second pack until about 1,000 meters to go and

In big moments this weekend, Jumbos answered the call MOMENTS


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Women’s Track and Field

The women’s track and field team secured third place at the ECAC Championship this past weekend at the Armory in New York City, and several athletes earned a trip to Nationals in Iowa next week. The Jumbos scored 45 points, edged by Amherst with 46 points ,and meet champion MIT, which finished with 56.33 points. But the true focus was on individual performances, as team members looked to either end their season on a high note or get one last chance to qualify for Nationals next week. Junior Kelly Allen continued her stellar season in both the shot put and weight throw. Allen was the sole event champion of the weekend for the Jumbos, winning the shot put with a heave of 43-3 3/4. That throw broke her own school record set earlier this year by nearly a foot, and, more importantly, was the 15th best throw nationally, which means Allen secured a place in the shot put at Nationals. “I knew I had to PR to be competitive for Nationals,” Allen said. “I just did what I needed to do … Now, for Nationals, it’s about who can do well at the right time. I just have to do what it took to get me to Nationals, and not worry about the rest.” The shot put will be one of two events Allen will compete in at Nationals; she was already heading to Iowa for the weight throw entering this weekend. She placed second in the event at ECACs with a toss of 56-8 3/4. Senior Nakeisha Jones also was able to secure her spot at Nationals in the triple jump. Jones placed third at the meet and ninth nationally with a jump of 39-0 1/4. Jones and Allen will be joined at Nationals by senior pole-vaulter Heather Theiss, who finished sixth at ECACs with a jump of 11-11 3/4. The 4x800 team, consisting of seniors Lauren Flament, Sarah



Except at the free-throw line. For a team so talented at winning the individual moments, they also struggled with the most definitive one, as the free throw is the only true solo effort in basketball. The battle is internal, a fight to let your muscle memory take over while pushing jitters into the back of your mind. Tufts shot just 66 percent from the line for the season — second-worst in the conference — and their 13-for-23 effort against Misericordia on Friday almost cost them their tournament lives. “It’s something we talk about daily,” Berube said. “I think they hear me in their sleep on just how important free throws are and how in big games it’s going to shine. Luckily, we came out [Friday night] with the ‘W’ despite missing those free throws, but [Saturday night] we had to make them if we wanted to win.” Like clockwork, everything game together on Saturday. They began the game by making all six of their first-half attempts. Moynihan made two more. Kornegay added a pair. Barnosky hit one more, and suddenly the Jumbos had made 11 straight. “It comes down to focus,” Moynihan

then make a move.” On the track Friday, the Distance Medley Relay (DMR) of sophomore Bobby McShane in the 1,200, sophomore Graham Beutler in the 400, junior Jeff Marvel in the 800 and senior tricaptain Connor Rose in the 1,600 earned third. The foursome combined for a time of 9:58.64, which ranks them 10th nationally. “We were definitely happy with how we did as a team. Almost everyone improved,” Yancy said. “Echoing something that Brad said after the meet, you can’t replicate the energy at the Armory anywhere. There’s nothing like it. The facilities … are amazing, there is music playing and there is always cheering going on for every event. There is really nothing like that.” Tufts also entered two relays at the IC4A Championships on Saturday to compete with Div. I teams. The 4x400 meter relay of Beutler, senior Ben Crastnopol, junior Vinnie Lee and freshman Francis Goins combined for a time of 3:16.36, setting the school record for the second week in a row. The time ranks the relay 11th nationally. A second DMR for Tufts, consisting of senior Jeff Prescott in the 1,200, freshman Aaron Roseman in the 400, freshman Alex Sheltzer in the 800 and junior Matt Rand in the 1,600 clocked a time of 10:13.04. While some Jumbos are preparing for nationals, most of the squad now turns to the outdoor spring season. “In general, most of the guys feel like we’ve had really productive seasons, and a lot of us have improved a good amount,” Marks said. “There were some guys who were unhappy that they got displaced as far as the national qualifiers, but individually a lot of guys had a lot to be happy about.” The Jumbos now have to wait for the final list of national bids to be released early this week to know who will be competing at the NCAA Div. III Championships at Grinnell College in Iowa this Friday and Saturday.

said. “It is something that Coach always has stressed. It is something we work on at every practice and every shootaround. Something just clicked today, people realized they needed to step up, and they did it.” The team finished 19-for-25, with impressive individual performances all around. Freshman Kelsey Morehead, who shot below 50 percent for the season, was 3-for-4. Kornegay, who has often struggle from the line in her career, made both of hers. And with the game coming down to the wire, Barnosky continued to thrive, finishing 9-for-10. “[Barnosky] is the one we want on the line, no doubt, and that is why the ball was in her hands at the end,” Berube said. “She’s the one we trust.” Against Johns Hopkins, the Jumbos took advantage of yet another individual opportunity. But like Herb Brooks’ USA squad, Tufts has no intention of settling for winning just one game. And with good reason: they are just a few moments away from a lot more. “We aren’t stopping here,” Berube said. “The goal is Michigan, so let’s do it.

The Tufts Daily



Monday, March 5, 2012

As a student leader at Tufts


Support the U.S.-Israel Relationship !

Gabriel Lewenstein President Hillel

Sinclair Stafford President Tufts Republicans

Taylor Barnard President Tufts Democrats

Shayna Schor Co-President Leonard Carmichael Society

Anna Graham President Protestant Student Association

Josette West President Roosevelt Institute

JP Kaytrosh Parliamentarian TCU Senate

Dahlia Norry President Global Health Network

Shira Strauss President Chabad

Alon Agai Co-President Tufts Judicial Advocates

Julia Fleekop Co-President Tufts Judicial Advocates

Stephanie Krantz President Sustainability Collective

Jon Danzig Senator TCU Senate

Matt Roy Senator TCU Senate

Arielle Evans Senator TCU Senate

Ali SIlverstein Senator TCU Senate

Tim Lesinski Senator TCU Senate

Dan Katter Senator TCU Senate

Julia Ouimet Vice President Tufts Mountain Club

Anthony Lombardi Vice President Engineers without Borders

Luke Lamothe Captain Football

Lia Sagerman Captain Field Hockey

Kevin McCormick Captain Men's Lacrosse

Kyle Boutin Captain Men's Rugby

Alan Bernstein Captain Men's Soccer

James Long Captain Men's Basketball

Bre Dufault Captain Women's Basketball

Scott McArthur Captain Men's Track and Field

Matthew Amico Captain Men's Ice Hockey

Alex Farmer President Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity

Kyle Carnes President Theta Delta Chi Fraternity

Ben Slovek President Sigma Nu Fraternity

Alex Haruben President Alpha Omicron Pi

John Garbose President Zeta Beta Tau

Kara Goldstein President Alpha Phi Sorority

Michael Borys President Theta Chi Fraternity

Andy Thorne President Zeta Psi Fraternity

Aaron Tartakovsky President Tufts American Israel Alliance

Shira Shamir Co-President Tufts Friends of Israel

Erica Feldman Co-President Tufts Friends of Israel

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