Showers 47/31
Monday, April 2, 2012
Butler explores Middle East conflict
Eric Greitens selected as commencement speaker Former United States Navy SEAL officer, humanitarian worker and award-winning author Eric Greitens will deliver this year’s commencement address, according to Director of Public Relations Kim Thurler. Greitens is currently a Senior Fellow at the Truman School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri and in the MBA Program at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. “I was honored to be asked, and I’m looking forward to speaking at Tufts for commencement this year,” he told the Daily in an email. Greitens will also receive an honorary doctorate of humane letters, as will Former University President Lawrence Bacow. Nurse Manager of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program clinic at St. Francis House Cecilia Ibeabuchi and Chairman, President and CEO of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. Farooq Kathwari will receive honorary doctorates of public service and Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University Bonnie Bassler will receive an honorary doctorate of science. Greitens, a Rhodes and Truman scholar, wrote a thesis at the University of Oxford on how international humanitarian organizations can best serve war-affected children. He served four tours of duty during the Global War on Terrorism. Greitens’ second book, “The Heart & the Fist: The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL,” describes his experiences in the military and as a humanitarian. It became a
graduating, and by the proud families that have supported them. If I can add a note of inspiration about the great possibilities that every graduate has to lead a life of courage, of compassion, and of purpose, then I’ll be very pleased.”
Post-structuralism philosopher Judith Butler on Friday delivered a lecture in Goddard Chapel regarding the IsraeliPalestinian conflict and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Butler, a Maxine Elliott professor in the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California Berkeley has published works in the fields of post-structuralism, gender theory and feminism. Butler articulated the goals of the BDS campaign, which she explained encourages Palestinians to refuse to cooperate or seek any form of rapprochement with entities or organizations that maintain support for the incumbent Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinian Arab population. The event was co-sponsored by the Departments of Anthropology, English and Sociology, the Peace and Justice Studies program and Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Butler said that initiating relations with Israel-based organizations that did not oppose the Israeli government constitutes tacit legitimization and ratification of the government’s practices toward Palestinian Arabs. “The BDS movement draws upon a long history of rejecting
—by Shana Friedman
see BUTLER, page 2
Courtesy Kim Thurler
Eric Greitens on May 20 will deliver the commencement address to the Class of 2012. New York Times bestseller following its timely release in May 2011, when Osama bin Laden was assassinated by a team of Navy SEALs. His first book, “Strength and Compassion” (2008), is a collection of writing and photography about his humanitarian work around the world and was the Grand Prize
Former Executive Director of Development Eric Johnson yesterday assumed his new appointed role as vice president for university advancement. Johnson had been serving in the position ad interim since March when Brian Lee, former senior vice president for university advancement, stepped down to fulfill his new job as vice president for development and institute relations at the California Institute of Technology. “Eric Johnson was quite clearly the best candidate to be our next vice president for advancement,” University President Anthony Monaco told the Daily in an email. “He truly cares about Tufts and is able to inspire the same passion in others.” “Higher education is currently an important aspect of our society,” Johnson said. “I’ve always been energized to work in this industry.” From travels along the east coast to meetings with the Board of Trustees, the vice president for university Daily Editorial Board
Mahpari Sotoudeh Daily Editorial Board
Winner of the 2009 New York Book Festival. “I have a lot of admiration for Tufts as a University, and especially for Tufts students who are dedicated to citizenship and leadership in a global context,” he said. “Commencement is a beautiful day to be enjoyed both by the students who are
Eric Johnson appointed vice president for university advancement by Stephanie
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
advancement serves to fundraise, maintain alumni relations and advance communication services for the entire Tufts community. Although the position does not allow for a standard dayto-day schedule, the job will require Johnson to work with the university’s leadership team to encourage new or existing donors to contribute to Tufts. Although Johnson had previously worked with Lee to fulfill these duties, Johnson said he did not grasp the scope of the position until he assumed the role. “I didn’t really understand the full extent of the logistics and how important it is,” Johnson said. “Brian and I were close friends and colleagues, though, so I feel like I got good advice the whole time. I think the main advice I got from Brian was ‘surround yourself with good people and let good people do good work.’” Lee, who began his new job April 1, served as the vice president for university advancement for 10 years. Although he was not involved in the process of selecting his successor, he was pleased see JOHNSON, page 2
Inside this issue
TCU Senate Update The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate at its meeting last night passed two resolutions. The Senate by a vote of 19-1-2 passed a resolution encouraging the administration to offer Hindi courses outside of the Experimental College. The resolution, submitted by Community Representative for the Asian American Center William Huang, a senior, was in response to the 20 percent of respondents to the Fall 2011 TCU Senate Survey who indicated that they would take Hindu or Urdu if those language courses were made available. The Senate also unanimously passed a resolution pressing the university to increase handicapped accessibility, including bringing residential options up to Massachusetts Architectural Access Board requirements. Additionally, the Senate approved a project proposed by freshman Senator Harish Gupta that would replace all dorm room locks with an electronic key card system similar to that used for entering many campus buildings. Gupta said that it would be easier and more economical because $50 per student is spent each summer replacing locks for the next academic year. The Senate then passed seven buffer funding requests. Tufts Hybrid Racing was
granted $2,850 for a charger and capital expenses. Tufts Freethought Society was granted $800 for a Harvard University professor to come speak. Anchord was granted $3,500 to record a CD and will pay the Senate back with the proceeds. Tufts Bikes was granted $1,550 for bike repairs. The Muslim Student Association was granted $1,800 for a football player to come speak. VOX was granted $7,500 for a panel of bloggers from Feministing. com, and Asian American Alliance was granted $2,651 for events this semester. Finally, the Senate made a change to Bylaw 2, Section 9 of the Senate bylaws at the request of the TCU Judiciary. The bylaw now includes a subsection that reads, “This bylaw shall only be interpreted to forbid the use of Senate’s name in statements that are claiming to represent the body as a whole, and shall not be construed to prohibit individual Senators’ titles or Senate affiliation from appearing in connection with their personal positions or views.” The request was made following last week’s Judiciary hearing regarding the use of senators’ titles in a Friends of Israel advertisement in The Tufts Daily. —by Nina Goldman
Today’s sections
Professor Chris Rogers discusses hands-on methods of teaching engineering.
Space rock group White Hills’ latest album draws mixed reviews.
see FEATURES, page 3
see ARTS, page 5
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, April 2, 2012
Butler discusses Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign Butler
continued from page 1
norms of alliance and refusing to normalize relations based on exploitation and colonial subjugation,” Butler said. According to Butler, the BDS movement is concerned not only with bringing about the end of the alleged occupation but also with addressing the
rights of Palestinians and the return of Palestinian refugees. She said that the dualistic language that characterizes much of Palestinian-Israeli discourse serves only to undermine the issue. “I want to suggest that we are not talking about a soccer game. It strikes me that that language really misses the entire point. The point is to be for
justice and you could be any nationality and still be in the struggle for justice,” she said. “One is rather asking for a new constellation for political life in which colonization has come to an end.” SJP member Ann Yacoubian, a sophomore, said Butler’s focus on human rights and justice, rather than on the theme of
gaelx via flickr creative commons
Judith Butler, a philosopher and professor at the University of California Berkeley, discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign.
conflict, was especially illuminating. “One thing she said that I thought was very important was that we need to stop thinking of ourselves as proPalestine and pro-Israel. Instead, we’re pro-justice,” Yacoubian said. “It fundamentally comes to human rights and inequality.” Butler also discussed the State of Israel’s Law of Return vis-à-vis the right to return of Palestinian refugees, who were, according to her, forced from the land following Israeli occupation and currently face exclusionary and discriminatory policies. “Israel’s own Law of Return works in relation to its refusal to grant the Palestinian right of return,” she said. “The Law of Return establishes the State of Israel as the sanctuary of all Jews who conform within the contemporary rabbinical definition of what it means to be a Jew.” Butler argued that the Israeli Law of Return should be suspended until Palestinian refugees’ rights are no longer subordinated to the retention of an Israeli demographic majority. “It is clearly necessary to impose an indefinite moratorium on the Law of Return,” she said. “Under the conditions in which the Law of Return is instrumentalized as purely demographic for the state of Israel, it is discriminatory and anti-democratic. Until the Law of Return is combined with the right of return, there should be no Law of Return.” Butler criticized the identification of Zionism as equivalent to Judaism and argued that the State of Israel should not be regarded as the unilateral arbiter of a monolithic Jewish identity. “We have to separate Jewishness from Zionism in my view and we have to produce new modes of social democratic struggle that can be part of a counter-Israeli Jewishness,” she said. “The State of Israel does not get to decide who is Jewish and who is not, and it cannot make the claim that it represents the Jewish people, and it’s very worrisome how many people accept that.” SJP member Alexa Stevens, a junior, felt that Butler’s lecture illuminated the student group’s position as an entity that supports the widely misunderstood BDS movement. “In terms of the discourse at Tufts, I think it helped to clarify things. I think it helped to dispel certain myths and clarify where we stand as a group that advocates BDS,” Stevens said.
Johnson plans to target young alumni for fundraising JOHNSON
continued from page 1
with Johnson’s appointment. “Of course, I am biased after having worked with Eric for many years, and admiring his extraordinary skills as a fundraiser and his style as a leader,” Lee told the Daily. “So, I believe the president made a very wise decision.” Since he started work at Tufts 24 years ago, Johnson has filled a variety of positions coordinating alumni and philanthropic relations in specific areas of the university. In his new role, Johnson will continue to use these skills but will apply them across Tufts’ campuses. “I still really enjoy building connections with alumnae and friends of the university,” Johnson said. “It’s why I got into this industry, but now I also like working with the leadership team, both in our division and the university.” Last June, Lee finished a fundraising effort, Beyond Boundaries: The Campaign for Tufts, which accumulated its goal of $1.2 billion for the university. In the time between this campaign and the next, Johnson said he hopes to increase support from young alumnae as well as garner more volunteers in his division. “We want to expand alumnae relations programs so that we have more people involved in the programs around the country and keep them involved for the long term,” Johnson said. “We’re not going to wait for a
andrew schneer / the Tufts daily
Eric Johnson yesterday assumed his new role yesterday as vice president for university advancement. campaign to focus on some key priorities financially for all schools.” During his month as vice president for university advancement ad interim, Johnson traveled the country with
Monaco to meet with alumni and completed various other tasks. Over this period of time, Monaco evaluated Johnson for the permanent position, Johnson said. “He’s modest about his achieve-
ments, but he is quietly confident and instills confidence in others,” Monaco said. “He and Brian Lee are very much alike. Both are consummate professionals and caring human beings.”
A Taste of Tufts: Chris Rogers by Victoria
Alyson Yee | Odd Jobs
The Experimental College’s weekly lecture series “A Taste of Tufts: A Sampling of Faculty Research” returned last week with Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chris Rogers. In his 23 years at Tufts, Rogers has traveled to New Zealand with mechanical engineering students and also taught students how to build a hamburger cooker out of Legos. He said his favorite experiment at Tufts was one in which he got the opportunity to play Ultimate Frisbee in zero-gravity conditions while on an experimental spacecraft examining particle-laden flows. Rogers is also the co-director of the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, and he spent the majority of the lecture talking about the Center’s research. “The goal of the Center is for everyone to understand the basics of math, science and engineering,” he said. According to Rogers, a major problem in science and engineering education is that it lacks excitement. In fact, he believes that most of the science education in high school and middle school is not really science but rather memorization. Rogers believes that science should be about learning to understand the world around you. “In most of the science [classes], it is usually taught there is only one right answer, which is not true,” he said. “There are many answers.” Rogers explained that engineering is about three things: formulating a problem that you want to solve, figuring out a path to that goal and, most importantly, failing. “If you don’t fail, you’re probably not being very creative,” he said. Rogers works with elementary teachers around the world every year to help them bring engineering education into their classrooms, and he said that it sometimes comes as a shock when he tells teachers that their second-grade students will fail. “I measure success by the diversity of solutions — not by the number of right [solutions],” he said. “At the Center, what we are trying to do is awaken innovation in classrooms and kids.” For example, he described an activity in which he gave elementary school students a specific number of Legos to create a duck. For him, what made the activity successful was the number of different ducks that the students created, not necessarily any particular student building the “right” duck. During the lecture, Rogers stated the three main principles of the Center. The first is that all children are budding engineers, who are eager to build and learn. The second is that teachers are a key part of this education, and it is essential to work with the teachers who know the individual students. “The goal is to stop telling and start listening to what the students have to say,” he said. “The goal of the classroom is to get kids to define their mental models. We do this very well in kindergarten and in graduate school, but in between we do the telling model.” The third principle of the Center is that the classroom makes a difference; the environment impacts how a person studies. For example, Rogers said that desks facing forward promote just listening to the teacher. On the other hand, rearranging the desks can promote discussion. Rogers explained that, from its research, the Center has developed a fundamental belief that there is no one right way to teach everything. “It is pretty obvious that everybody has different tastes, but we expect everyone to learn the same way. We have to figure out many different ways to teach,” he said. Rogers described different models of effective teaching that the Center has Daily Editorial Board
Misako Ono / The Tufts Daily
Professor Chris Rogers tries give elementary school children a strong knowledge base in engineering. One of the clasroom methods he uses — teaching by investigation — lets students see firsthand how science works rather than having it explained to them by a teacher. identified. He classified teaching by talking as one style that is undoubtedly familiar to Tufts students. He pointed out that this traditional lecture model can be effective with an engaging speaker, but it is often inadequate. He proposed another model of effective teaching — teaching by investigation. Rogers explained that the Center does a lot of work with a group called Expeditionary Learning, which works with schools and instructors to implement the teaching-by-investigation method. Rogers said that one way for students to take their learning into their own hands is through the software product SAM Animation, which was originally developed by the Center. According to, the software is “designed specifically for K-12 students and teachers, allowing for quick and easy creation of stopmotion animations in content ranging from photosynthesis to Newton’s Laws to poetry to fractions.” “By letting the kids make models of the world themselves, [SAM Animation] can help them understand the world around them,” Rogers said. Rogers explained that teaching-bybuilding is another innovative method. That style asks: “How can I get you to build your understanding of the subject I’m trying to teach you?” With this in mind, the Center cooperates with LEGO and has created many activities with Legos that teachers can use with students of all ages. The last model of effective teaching Rogers identified was teaching-bylistening. “If I have a class of 200, it is fairly difficult to listen to all of my students. But you have students listen to their peers,” he said. “For example, you can have kids make stop action movies with SAM, where kids can explain a concept like temperature in teams. The argu-
mentation is where a lot of the learning is occurring.” Rogers explained that his ultimate goals in teaching are to encourage children to be curious, give them a passion for finding answers, get them to test the validity of those answers and give them the self-confidence to take information and transfer it to new situations. Rogers added that a great way for Tufts students to get involved in the field of engineering education is through the Tufts Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP). “I highly recommended getting involved with STOMP,” Rogers said. “The program consists of undergraduates and graduate students going into local classrooms and helping kids engineer.” Rogers also described some of the Center’s current projects. One involves a Nao robot, which he brought in to show the audience at the lecture. Rogers delighted the audience by getting the robot to say “Hi,” walk forward and backward and even dance, all by simply pressing buttons on a computer. “Right now, things like the Nao robot are very expensive, but in 10 years they will be commonplace,” he said. “We are looking at how this could help kids with various disabilities like autism. For example, how programming a response in the robot can help kids with autism understand social cues.” At the end of his lecture, Rogers explained that his dream for the Tufts campus involves greater technological integration in the classroom. “We talk a lot about technology in the classroom by saying, ‘Isn’t it cool that we can use PowerPoint instead of a blackboard,’ etc. But the real power of technology is that it changes the classroom. My dream is for there to be a space in the middle of campus where you can make whatever you want,” Rogers said.
hen you imagine earning a sixfigure salary, you probably think of CEOs and suits, the upper echelons of corporate America, the guys who conduct business over 18 holes, followed by lunch at the clubhouse. You’re on the right track, because there are definitely big earners on the golf course. However, they might be dressed a little differently than you’d expect, sporting neoprene instead of pima cotton. I’m talking about golf ball divers, who don SCUBA gear to retrieve all those executives’ mulligans. Golf is a notoriously tricky game. Courses often have water hazards, which in my experience are basically black holes, exerting an extreme gravitational force on any innocently passing ball. “Hazard” shouldn’t be taken lightly, either: As with any murky body of water, there are often snakes and snapping turtles lurking beneath the surface. (Woe to any pleated-pants-and-polo-clad golfer who goes wading.) So country clubs call in professionals to take the plunge. If it strikes you as a waste to spend a fortune on golf balls that inevitably wind up in the mud at the bottom of a pond, you’re not alone. In recent years, golf ball retrieval and recycling has become a $200 million industry. According to ESPN, most golfers lose upwards of three balls each game. Golf ball divers can get an exclusive, independent commission with a golf course, and provide the courses with a portion of their findings. (Occasionally, it’s not just balls the divers recover. Frustrated golfers have been known to pitch clubs into water hazards, too.) Divers are paid just a few cents per ball, but they can retrieve up to 5,000 balls a day. There’s real money in refurbishing, polishing and reselling golf balls. Golf ball recycling companies process the balls to make sure they’re aerodynamically sound prior to recirculation. Used golf balls are then sold at discounted prices. Given the volume of balls that a diver can bring in, an annual salary can be as high as $100,000. Before you get all excited about turning that SCUBA license you earned studying abroad in Australia into gold, remember that the bottom of a creek is probably not as beautiful as the Great Barrier Reef. With waters polluted by pesticides and chemicals, golf ball divers need updated tetanus shots. Veteran golf ball diver Norm Spahn told “Scuba Diving” magazine he carries a snakebite kit since multiple venomous water moccasins have tried to nibble, and he’s got scars from an alligator attack. However, the biggest danger is drowning. Water hazards are often so thick with silt and pollution that visibility is limited, and Spahn recalled a close call after becoming entangled with fishing lines. In January, an Iraq war hero who retrieved golf balls to supplement his income was found dead after his breathing apparatus failed. Despite all of the aforementioned dangers, professional golf ball divers’ livelihoods are perhaps most threatened by poachers. There’s an entire underground market of illegitimate golf ball retrieval. Golf courses have little security, and thieves sneak onto the grounds by night to mine some of the “white gold.” In 2001, a poacher was arrested in Great Britain on counts of both trespassing and of grand theft and punished with jail time. While SCUBA certification and dive expertise are the most important qualifications to become a golf ball diver, not everyone is cut out for the hard physical labor involved. Although there are only approximately a few hundred full-time golf ball divers in the United States, many more positions are available for part-time or seasonal contracts. Another major perk? Diver Mark Wooten claims he hasn’t had to pay for a single golf ball since he started the job. Alyson Yee is a senior majoring in biology and French. She can be reached at Alyson.
The Tufts Daily
Monday, April 2, 2012
April 2nd: 230-4pm April 5th: 230-4pm April 11th: 130-3pm @TUFTSUFINAID
ARE YOU APPLYING TO LAW SCHOOL NEXT YEAR? Come learn about the law school application process and hear from current seniors who have applied and been accepted to law school this year. Applicant Meeting: Wednesday, April 4th, 12pm-1pm (Open Block), Eaton Hall, Room 202 Register:
1137 Broadway, Somerville 617-776-2800
Arts & Living
TV Review
‘Smash’ elegantly captures the drama of producing a Broadway musical Ensemble cast breathes life into promising concept by
Alex Kaufman
Daily Staff Writer
Fierce competition, rehearsals and highstakes negotiations are just a few of the things that go into a Broadway musical before the
Smash Starring Katharine McPhee, Megan Hilty, Debra Messing Airs Mondays at 10 on NBC lights go on and the curtains open. And that’s exactly what viewers see when they tune into “Smash,” NBC’s newest show. The show centers on an ambitious musical production about the life of Marilyn Monroe, a musical that is bound to make it big. But the characters and the production face hardship at every corner. From a dearth of investors to in-house enmity between director and composer to divas dueling it out for the lead role, the show goes to great lengths to depict what truly happens behind the scenes of a Broadway musical. Unlike Fox’s “Glee” (2009-), the characters in the fictitious “Marilyn the Musical” perform original music composed by Marc Shaiman and Scott Whitman. Songs like “Let Me Be Your Star” and “The 20th Century Fox Mambo” have received tens of thouseands of YouTube views and have been popular on iTunes. Despite the popularity of the music, the composers have still stayed true to the essence of what makes Broadway music dramatic. One of show’s many successes is the ease with which the theatricality of musicals translates through the screen to viewers at home.
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The production of Marilyn Monroe’s Broadway show is filled with drama on “Smash.” The audience is taken out of its seats and put into a Broadway theater when watching “Smash,” highlighting just how well-produced and -orchestrated the show is. The show remains true to the tenets of musical theater and broadcasts in an appealing and stylistically pleasing fashion throughout each episode. Such authenticity can be seen in the staging of scenes, the drama of the dialogue and the truthfulness of the writing. The show must also be commended on its duality in portraying Monroe’s life and the lives of the two stars, Karen and Ivy. Karen,
the Broadway newbie played by Katharine McPhee, is innocent and sweet, but filled with raw talent and a drive to perform, similar to Marilyn when she started her road to fame and glory. Meanwhile, Ivy, the theater veteran played by Megan Hilty — an actual theatre vet — deals with family dysfunction, insecurity and the emotional underpinning that led to Monroe’s demise. The show has refrained at times from treating this dichotomy with subtlety, see SMASH, page 6
Music Review
White Hills expands on space rock sound to mixed results in ‘Frying on the Rock’ Aggressive guitar work strips subtlety from album by
Melissa MacEwen
Daily Editorial Board
For a while, space rock act White Hills was really going somewhere. Since its debut album in 2005, the
Frying on this Rock White Hills Thrill Jockey Records Brooklyn duo has released 11 studio albums, including its most recent endeavor through Thrill Jockey Records, “Frying on this Rock.” Blending stoner metal and space rock, the band has quickly garnered a small but extremely dedicated fan base and became famous for its mind bending live shows. Still, since its self-titled 2010 release, White Hills has been getting progressively more mixed reviews as it deviates from its original sound. Where White Hills once was defined by ambient, low key tracks like “Polvere di Stelle” and “Let the Right One In” on “White Hills” (2010), “Frying on the Rock” sees the band shifting toward a drastically new sound that lacks some of its hard-earned individuality. Most alarming is that of the five tracks on the 44-minute “Frying on this Rock” only one is barely listenable. This would be less of a problem if the track in question wasn’t only the second one on the album, and was the
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White Hills is known for its psychedelic live shows. first to follow the short, bold opener, “Pads of Light.” White Hills is right when it deems its new album higher energy than its previous work. Still, what it has gained for this change is questionable, as previous albums’ rich texturing has been sacrificed for tracks like the never ending “Robot Stomp.” For twelve minutes, a minimally changing guitar and drum pairing
throbs incessantly until enough effects — cuckoo clocks, violins and barely audible speech — are added that the song ends as a surprisingly melodic cacophony. It’s an interesting concept to be sure, but it hardly deserves a quarter of the album. There’s just not enough variety, and listener fatigue see WHITE, page 6
Alex Kaufman and Jacob Passy | Sassy Cinema
O! For a muse a fire
ow many times have we gone to the movies, seen a director’s name and taken “wild” guesses at who would be starring … and been absolutely right? Like artists from every century, film directors often look to individuals to inspire their creativity — their muses. In this column, Sassy Cinema explores the questions of who, why and to what end do directors hire their muses in multiple movies and varying roles. It doesn’t take a critical eye to see the connection between actors’ recurring presence in certain directors’ films. One of the biggest offenders is Tim Burton, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing considering the quality of his films. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter have carried Burton’s stylized and peculiar films for as long as Burton has had a career in Hollywood. And these two exceptional actors have co-starred in “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” (2007), “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (2005) and “Corpse Bride” (2005), to name a few varied cinematic styles. Though Burton might flash on moviegoers’ radars for hiring his repeat-offenders — we mean muses — he understandably isn’t the only movie whiz to do so. Christopher Nolan, the infamous director of mind-“fondle” movies, has his own pool of actors he dips into for his productions. Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt represent his top-notch actors who jump at an opportunity to work with Nolan movie after movie. These five will appear in the highly anticipated finale to Nolan’s Batman trilogy, “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012), and four were seen in “Inception” (2010), one of the highestgrossing movies of all time. But what is it about actors that inspires a director’s creativity? Why do directors cast the same actors in multiple films? For Burton, we’ll take a guess and say that Depp and Carter’s quirky sensibilities, unique look and natural skills at playing darker roles all contributed to Burton’s affinity for casting them in musical, voice-over and dramatic acting roles that involve butchering people and making them into meat pies, along with some other lovely plotlines. Nolan’s situation is a bit different. We speculate that as film director and writer, Nolan found that some actors are more apt to acting his style of writing than others. This may seem preposterous to some. “How can some actors be better for different styles of writing than others?” Simple. A director wants the most authentic performance he can get out of an actor, and being able to identify with a style of writing makes authenticity more possible. But there is one more answer we would like to give as to why directors have muses at all. Perhaps directors don’t cast the same actors because they inspire them or because they fit their ideal vision of what a character ought to be. It’s more practical than that. Directors cast these actors, not only because they enjoy working with them, but because they also feel that their muses will be a muse for the rest of the cast. Directors choose actors that not only inspire them but also inspire other actors to do their very best, because film, much like theater and other art forms, is collaborative. One person can’t carry a whole film — i.e. “The Iron Lady” (2011). A film finds its success through the partnership of an ensemble, the production crew and the director, with each part doing its best work. No man is an island unto himself. It takes some inspiration and a family to make a movie. Jacob Passy is a junior majoring in international relations. He can be reached at Alex Kaufman is a sophomore majoring in sociology. He can be reached at Alexander.Kaufman@
The Tufts Daily
Arts & Living
Monday, April 2, 2012
Though occasionally brilliant, White Hills’ sound changes for the worse on latest album WHITE
continued from page 5
sets in quickly. Luckily, “You Dream You See” grinds in immediately afterward. Bassist Ego Sensation bangs out a great bassline, and the guitar solo proves once again that guitarist Dave W. is usually better in the foreground. Dave W. sounds a lot like Thurston Moore, which is weird, but it somehow works with the song’s Black Sabbath-style trudging. From its aggressive beginning, the song transitions into the effects-heavy psychedelia that defined brilliant tracks like the title track on 2011’s “H-p1” before a satisfying fade out.
The driving “Song of Everything” starts abruptly afterward and ups the ante. Though the lyrics are initially rather ho hum (“I know you know what it means to/ Spread your wings/ Spread your wings/ Fly away”), the song evolves section by section in standard post metal fashion before easing into a chilled-out interlude. Psychedelic guitar doodles over a soundscape of minimalist effects and looped vocals fade in and out. Tidily, the song ends with a refrain of its beginning and spacy guitar effects that fade into the album’s closer, “I Wrote a Thousand Letters (Pulp on Bone).”
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White Hills’ constantly evolving sound can produce uneven results. Friday, November 6, 2009
For 14 minutes, the song grinds and evolves, calling to mind much of White Hills’ earlier material. Its drum-driven spaciness works as an almostclimax to “Frying,” even as the fuzzed-out energy of “Letters” draws everything to a close. The track’s minimal variation makes it feel a bit too drawn out, but it works as a counterpoint to the throbbing, face-melting guitars at the album’s start. White Hills, though a relatively young band, has already covered an impressive amount of musical ground in its discography. The band’s desire to continually and effectively evolve is understandable and quite admirable. Still, the most recent evolution efforts on “Frying on this Rock” made sound generic and rather adolescent. White Hills is best when it is experimenting with ambience — not when propelled along by ‘80s power guitar. “Pads of Light,” for example, is high voltage and definitely belongs at the beginning of an album, just not this White Hills album. White Hills’ old, space-rock self is still very much present on “Frying,” especially during the surreal interlude on “Song of Everything,” but it’s overshadowed by screaming guitars. This may not be White Hills’ best album, but history shows the band will probably release something new and different relatively soon. In the meantime, longtime White Hills fans should just hope “Frying’s” often abrasive energy sounds better live. THE TUFTS DAILY
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Katharine McPhee plays the naive Karen on NBC’s “Smash.”
Star-studded cast keeps NBC’s ‘Smash’ authentic SMASH
continued from page 5
especially in its seventh episode, “The Workshop.” But the writers and creators should be applauded for doing so with taste and elegance. While the writing and storylines are a strong draw, the show’s trump card is its star-studded cast. Emmy-award winner Debra Messing — of “Will and Grace” (1998-2006) — plays her best role yet as the lyricist Julia Houston. Her dynamic performance of Julia provides Messing with a challenge in range, as she moves from comedy to drama. There’s something to be said about a picture speaking a thousand words, and in the tumultuous affair between Julia and Michael Swift (Will Chase), Messing’s face says it all. Oscar-winner Anjelica Huston proves that even many years after received her last major award, she’s still got it. As the producer 9
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Eileen Rand, who is in the midst of a divorce from her conniving and malicious husband, graces the screen with style and panache that is inherent in old-style acting. As for Jack Davenport, who plays director Derek Wills, and Christian Borle, who portrays Tom Levitt, Julia’s lyricist partner, their catfights are enough to keep us entertained, as the audience knows eventually one is bound to come to a boiling point. Not much was elucidated about their contentious history together until this past episode, but the tension between the two is as thick as a musical score. There is still plenty of drama to be uncovered on the show. The characters have already rendered an affair, treachery and roleswitching in less than 10 episodes. But whatever “Smash” has left up its sleeves, viewers have been left waiting on the edge of their seats to find out about it.
Monday, April 2, 2012
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Monday, April 2, 2012
A fine choice for commencement speaker
Eric Roberts Greitens might be the greatest commencement speaker that you’ve never heard of. Although it’s tempting to associate an unfamiliar name with lowquality speaking ability, Greitens is actually an extremely well-established professional in a field nearly everyone at Tufts is interested in: International Relations. He is a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy and has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and Southeast Asia. With a Bachelor’s Degree from Duke University in Ethics, Philosophy and Public Policy, and a Master’s and Ph.D. from Oxford University — which he attended as a Rhodes and Truman scholar — Greitens is also extremely well-educated. While at Oxford, he wrote his thesis on global humanitarian organizations and how they can best serve war-affected children, and has since published two books related to the subject. He’s currently a fellow at the University of Missouri’s Truman School of Public Affairs and the MBA Program at the Olin School of Business at Washington University. Still not convinced he’s the man for
the job? This year, University President Anthony Monaco gave the student body the opportunity to select a speaker, and the Tufts community as a whole chose Greitens. So if he’s somehow an inadequate choice, we have no one to blame but ourselves. There are two types of commencement speakers: famous people who don’t care too much about the university, and less well-known figures that come to Tufts not to collect a hefty speaking fee, but rather to form a connection with the university’s graduating class. Greitens seems to fall into the latter category, and based on his expertise, it looks like he’ll be able to speak about things for which Tufts students truly have a passion. Past speakers, specifically those chosen during former President Lawrence Bacow’s tenure, have come from backgrounds that represent small portions of the school’s population, not the class as a whole. For example, last year’s commencement speaker, Charles Vest, made a name for himself in the field of engineering, a subject studied by only a small
percentage of the campus. But nearly everyone at Tufts cares about global humanitarian issues to some degree, making Greitens a far better selection. Not only is he a strong candidate in theory, but Greitens has also praised both Tufts and its students extensively in conversations with the Daily and the administration. He is extremely excited about speaking here, and his enthusiasm will more than compensate for his lack of name recognition. The fact that Greitens is such a relatable speaker for Tufts students is directly tied to the fact that they picked him. In the past, the administration alone selected the speaker. This year, Monaco opened up the process to the entire student body. We believe that this is a far better way for a class to select a speaker, as this year’s results show this conclusively. Hopefully, this trial run sets a precedent for students selecting their commencement speaker in the future, making commencement a more engaging and worthwhile experience for the event’s most important people: the graduating seniors.
Louie Zong
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Off the Hill | Boston College
North Koreans lose again
Sean Talia The Heights
President Obama recently returned from a three-day trip to Seoul, during which he met with leaders from South Korea, China and Russia to discuss nuclear security and proliferation. Now, in any discussion regarding this matter, there are a number of topics that will inevitably be raised, including how to draw down the nuclear arsenals of the Cold War powers, how to ensure that nuclear weapons don’t fall into the hands of terrorists and what to do about North Korea. All three are extremely pressing issues, but the last clearly overshadowed the other two. North Korea, formally the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), has possessed nuclear weapons since at least October 2006, when it conducted its first underground nuclear weapons test. But having a nuclear weapon doesn’t give you much bargaining power unless you have a way of deploying it via missile, which is exactly what the North Koreans have
The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.
been working on building for the past several years. This, of course, is a very bad thing. A North Korea capable of firing a rocket with nuclear warheads strapped to it is a benefit to no one. The U.S. has tried several times to halt the DPRK’s nuclear development program, only to have Kim Jong Il, when he was still alive, back out in an attempt to milk more concessions out of the American government. In the latest attempt to squelch North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, Washington brokered a deal with Pyongyang at the end of last month in which it agreed to allow international inspectors to monitor its nuclear facilities and to suspend its plans to launch a rocket in return for some 240,000 metric tons of food. Predictably enough, North Korea is now saying it’s going to carry out the rocket launch anyway, and is going to do it in about two or three weeks’ time. The rocket is supposed to carry a satellite into orbit, though attempts in 2006 and 2009 to do the same resulted once in the rocket blowing up seconds after liftoff and the second time with it plunging into the
ocean. In any event, if this next launch is successfully carried out, everyone loses. The biggest losers might just be — as they have almost always been — the civilians in North Korea. They desperately need the food aid that Washington has promised them, and they’re not going to get it if their government once again goes back on its promise. North Korea is perhaps the worst place to live on earth, with nearly everyone slowly dying of starvation and suffering from malnourishment. For this reason, North Koreans are about three or four inches shorter than their fellow peninsuladwellers to the south. Some two million North Koreans are estimated to have died in the 1990s because of widespread famine and natural disasters. North Korea has always done nothing but a disservice to its own people and to the world at large. President Bush was unable to prevent it from developing nuclear technology, which it subsequently shared with another equally unstable regime in Syria. More so than any of his myriad other failures, that may prove to be the most catastrophic.
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Monday, April 2, 2012
The Tufts Daily
Crossing a line not etched in sand by
Alex Kaufman and Jordan Dashow
When I was walking down the library steps this past Wednesday, I was shocked and disturbed to see posters for Hillel’s Jewish Queer Students at Tufts’ then-upcoming event “God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality” defaced with stickers saying “apartheid” in Hebrew. It was even more disheartening to later find that the posters put up to replace the vandalized ones were defaced in the same manner. “God vs. Gay?” was an event about the intersectionality of religion and queerness and has absolutely nothing to do with Israeli politics or LGBT rights in Israel. There is a welldefined line between being critical of Israel and being anti-Semitic, and it is important that people on this campus are conscious of this distinction. It is totally acceptable for students to criticize Israel; if individuals believe that the best word to describe Israel’s political system is apartheid and want to spread that message on campus, it is their right to do so. Being critical of Israel is not the equivalent of being antiSemitic. Although Israel is a Jewish state, Israel does not represent the Jewish faith,
and people should feel free to criticize Israel without the fear of being labeled anti-Semites. However, the line between criticizing Israel and being anti-Semitic is blurred when one confuses Israel and Israelis with anything Jewish and all Jews respectively. The defacing of these posters is a perfect example of blurring that line; it is unacceptable when someone decides that a poster in reference to Judaism is an opportunity to make a political statement about Israel. We are certain many others were offended by this person’s actions. We would like to emphasize, however, that that is exactly what this incident was: one person’s actions. As a community, it is important that we make sure not to extrapolate one person’s actions to describe an entire group of people, while simultaneously calling to the forefront something that needs to be addressed. Outside of this specific incident, we would also like to remind people that there is a clear distinction between talking about Israelis, Israeli Jews and Jews in general. One must not confuse these terms, as they are not interchangeable. The term Israelis includes Israeli citi-
zens of all faiths and ethnicities, and, although the term Israeli Jews is more specific, one must not portray an entire people as having a monolithic opinion and message. We have heard several individuals use the general term “Jews” when referring to acts undertaken by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people. We have also had several friends who are involved in Tufts Hillel tell us stories of being attacked on campus about Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Many of these friends readily admit they do not know enough about the IsraeliPalestinian conflict to have a solid opinion, yet they were verbally assaulted simply because someone associated their involvement with Hillel with a specific position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These actions do not tread the line of being critical of Israel and being anti-Semitic; they cross it. The vast majority of students on this campus who have strong opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are dedicated to having a productive dialogue. Most of these people understand that proper language should be used when framing this conversation. However, it
is clear that the vandalism of these posters is not a single isolated incident. Students need to think about the consequences of their actions and their words before they act upon them. By using a different word or recognizing when the dialogue is appropriate, one can completely change the meaning and tenor of one’s argument from one of hostility to productive discourse. At an institute of higher education, we should all feel comfortable and encouraged to critically discuss contentious and complex issues in the modern world, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are many acceptable and productive frameworks in which we can engage these issues, but defacing posters of a Jewish event with political rhetoric about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict crosses this clear-cut line. The person who defaced these posters decided to target Jewish life on campus, and in this specific case, a gay Jewish program. To us, this feels anti-Semitic. Alex Kaufman is a sophomore majoring in sociology. Jordan Dashow is a sophomore majoring in international relations.
Suppressing youth votes? An invitation to dialogue by
Peter Levine
Since the 2010 election, seven states have passed new laws requiring people to show government-approved photo identification when they vote. Similar legislation was considered in 26 other states. Proponents argue that citizens should have to prove who they are when they vote. They point to evidence that official state voter files are riddled with errors. For example, the Pew Center on the States found that almost two million deceased people are still on the state records. Opponents, such as Rock the Vote, call the photo ID bills “voter suppression,” implying that the intent is to reduce turnout. They argue that there is no evidence that ineligible people knowingly attempt to vote (risking a felony conviction if they are caught). They note that substantial numbers of valid, registered voters lack photo identification. For example, according to a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee study, 78 percent of Wisconsin’s AfricanAmerican men between the ages of 18 and 24 do not have driver’s licenses. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 93 percent of dormitory residents lack licenses that show Madison as their home address — even though they have a right to vote in their college town. The topic is a staple of talk radio and divides people on partisan lines. Except in Rhode Island, all the photo ID bills are backed by Republicans and opposed by Democrats. The Justice Department has filed suit against the legislation in several states. Both sides are quick to presume strongly antidemocratic motives from their opponents — suppressing votes on one hand; inviting fraud on the other. Stepping back from the immediate controversy about photo ID, it’s important to realize that the United States has the lowest turnout among the world’s developed democracies and one of the most cumbersome voting systems. Many states require citizens to register well in advance of an election and then vote within specific hours during one business day. If you move, it’s your responsibility to re-register. What consumer-oriented business would require you to sign up for its service months in advance and then appear in person at a particular location to obtain it? Meanwhile, politicians determine how electoral districts are drawn and how elections are administered, including the location, number and type of voting machines. In most other democracies, an independent, nonpartisan national body is charged with designing and maintaining the voting system and maximizing access to the polls. Even before the recent wave of photo
ID bills, our election laws varied markedly. Nine states do not require pre-registration; you can register when you vote. (But Maine repealed that opportunity this year.) Many states allow people to vote before Election Day, either in person or by mail, but at least four states have shortened the time period for early voting since 2010. In Oregon, elections are conducted exclusively by mail. These differences have consequences. A study conducted for the Center for Information and Research on Civil Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tisch College by Mary Fitzgerald found that youth turnout was, on average, 14 percentage points higher in states that allowed people to register on Election Day. Some states mail all registered voters a sample ballot. In another study for CIRCLE, Raymond Wolfinger and colleagues found that those mailings raise youth turnout by seven points. Predictably, actual turnout varies widely from state to state. More than twice as high a proportion of young people voted in some states as others in 2008. Part of the reason is the difference in laws regarding voting. The impact of the new photo ID laws is hard to predict with statistical precision, but it is already clear that our system is complicated, cumbersome, uneven and easy to tweak for partisan gain. Voters face a strange mix of seemingly onerous requirements in some states and rather radical experiments in others. For instance, the states that have decided to allow people to vote absentee by mail without an excuse are basically giving up on any effort to prove that the ostensible voter completed the ballot. Although voting laws are controversial and divisive, comprehensive reforms might attract relatively broad support. For example, perhaps a requirement to show photo ID could be combined with a much easier system for registering and voting. Other, and probably better, ideas would emerge if we recognized that the election system is unacceptable and legislatures are not even trying to encourage participation. We need a broad, public discussion of voting laws. At Tufts, that conversation will begin with an open panel on April 4 (12 p.m. in Barnum 008) sponsored by the national think tank NDN/New Policy Institute, Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Tufts Roosevelt Institute, CIRCLE at Tisch College, the Institute for Political Citizenship, Tufts Democrats and Pi Sigma Alpha. Peter Levine is the Director of Research and the Director of the Center for Information and Research on Civil Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tisch College.
Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.
The Tufts Daily
Monday, April 2, 2012
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, April 2, 2012
SAVE THE DATE The Center for STEM Diversity Spring Symposium:
The Current State of the STEM Pipeline Friday April 6th Lunch
12:45 – 1:15 Burden Lounge
1:15 – 2:45
Nelson Auditorium
1:15 – 1:45 STEM Pipeline talk 1:45 – 2:15 Student Panel Presentation
2:15 – 2:45 External Advisory Board Panel
Reception to follow ! ! ! !
Please RSVP to by Friday, March 30th.
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Monday, April 2, 2012
Celebrating Freedom
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Jumbos freeze Polar Bears comeback tries to complete sweep SOFTBALL
continued from back
Bears on Friday, she launched a two-run homer. Then, in the fourth inning, she cranked another two-run shot, extending her team’s lead to 6-0 en route to a victory and ultimately a threegame series sweep. The Jumbos are now 14-3 on the year and a perfect 4-0 in NESCAC East play. With Clair finding her power stroke, the lineup is turning into a force to be reckoned with. “I would say that every game I become more and more impressed with one through nine in the lineup,” Clair said. “It’s not just one person stepping up in a game, it’s multiple people, and if you decide you’re going to pitch around me you’re going to have to deal with [junior second baseman] Emily [Beinecke] and [senior tri-captain first baseman] Lena [Cantone], so it’s really pick your poison.” The eight runs put up by the Jumbos offense in the first game of the series was more than enough for freshman pitcher Allyson Fournier, who allowed one hit and fanned 11 in a five-inning complete game shutout to improve to 7-0 on the spring. Fournier, who was named NESCAC Pitcher of the Week last week, didn’t allow a base runner and struck out six batters in the first three frames before Bowdoin senior Hillary Smyth ended her bid for perfection with a walk to start the fourth. Senior Caroline Dewar followed with a bunt single, the Polar Bears’ lone hit of the afternoon. But Fournier didn’t waver for long, striking out the next three Polar Bear batters to
get out of the inning. If Fournier keeps up this pace, she will have plenty more chances to throw no-hitters in the future. “Allyson’s been pitching consistently well all season long,” Clair said. “I will probably go as far as to say that she will throw a no-hitter this year, but obviously that’s not the goal.” The Polar Bears kept it close in the first game of Saturday’s doubleheader, jumping out to an early 1-0 lead on an RBI double from junior shortstop Toni DaCampo in the first. But Clair had something to say about that. Senior tri-captain centerfielder Lizzy Iuppa walked with one out in the bottom of the first and senior tri-captain first baseman Lena Cantone reached on an error, putting runners on first and third for the Jumbos’ best power hitter. Then, in her first plate appearance of the day, Clair blasted a three-run home run — her third in two days — to give the Jumbos a 3-1 advantage and put them ahead for good. Sophomore Kayla Holland had a big game at the plate, going 3-for-3 with two doubles and four RBIs, including a single in the fourth to extend the Tufts lead to 6-1. Still trailing 6-1 in the sixth, the Polar Bears began a furious rally against junior Aly Moskowitz, highlighted by a three-run homer from senior Amy Hackett to pull within two. The Jumbos tacked on three insurance runs in the bottom of the inning to extend the lead to 9-4, but Hackett smacked a basesclearing double in the seventh to bring the Polar Bears back within
two. With Hackett on second and only one out, Moskowitz induced back-to-back ground ball outs to preserve the victory, by a final score of 9-7. Sophomore Rebecca DiBiase earned the victory to improve to 5-2, pitching five innings and allowing a run on four hits. The second game of the doubleheader started off much like the first, with Bowdoin establishing a 2-0 lead in the second inning. However, the Jumbos once again responded with even more offense in the bottom half of the frame, scoring five runs in the inning and building a decisive lead. The rally was highlighted by a bases-clearing double by Beinecke. “It’s a lot easier to pitch when you have run support,” DiBiase said. “Not only is your team up, but the other team is down. It really takes off the burden of giving up a run or two. When I gave up the one run in the first inning, I was not happy, but I knew that it would be fine with the offense that we have.” Beinecke, who drove in an incredible seven runs in the game and nine total on the afternoon, blasted a grand slam in the third inning to give the Jumbos a 9-2 lead. The Polar Bears compiled their second sixth-inning comeback of the day, plating six runs in the frame on seven hits and knocking sophomore Lauren Giglio out of the game. But Fournier came on to record the final four outs, sealing the Jumbos’ 12-9 victory and the weekend sweep. The Jumbos will return to action on Wednesday with a non-league doubleheader against Babson at Spicer Field.
Jumbos look ahead to three-game week MEN’S LACROSSE continued from back
Peter Johnson made 19 saves and consistently frustrated the Jumbos’ offensive weapons. Senior co-captain Kevin McCormick and sophomore midfielder Peter Bowers led the Jumbos with hat tricks of their own, but Trinity held sophomore attackman Beau Wood, who ranks third in the NESCAC in points per game, to just two points. Tufts struck first on a manup goal from senior Jordan Korinis, and the Jumbos and Bantams traded goals until midway through the second quarter, when Shaheen scored twice to kick off a three-minute, four-goal run for Trinity. Freshman attackman Chris Schoenhut answered by tallying his second career goal to pull the Jumbos within two going into the half, but coming out of the intermission, Nogueras buried his first two goals of the afternoon as Trinity seized an 8-4 advantage. “[At that point] we just weren’t playing as well as we should have been on both sides of the ball,” junior midfielder Sam Diss said. “They had a good gameplan and executed well. We were not executing ours.” With just a minute left in the third quarter, Wood took a feed from Kevin McCormick to the net, besting Johnson to jumpstart a last-quarter comeback run for the Jumbos. With 45 seconds remaining in the third stanza,
virginia bledsoe / the tufts daily archives
Senior co-captain Kevin McCormick is second on the team with 17 goals. Bowers pulled the Jumbos within two on a goal assisted by Wood. Less than a minute into the fourth quarter, McCormick notched his second goal of the day to pull Tufts within one, 8-7, but for the next 13 minutes the Jumbos were unable to tie it despite multiple golden opportunities. With a minute remaining, head coach Mike Daly called a timeout, and Tufts came out of the huddle executing its oneminute offense to a tee. Just as the Bantams appeared to be locking up the win, Bowers finished his third goal of the day with a strike at the 41-second mark to equalize for the Jumbos and force extra time. “When we fell behind, we had a better sense of urgency, and the defense was playing well,” Korinis said. “We did a good job of stepping up and riding them all over the field to
create extra opportunities for ourselves, and going into overtime, we had the confidence that we were going to win.” But in the end, all Bowers’ equalizer did was prolong the Jumbos’ fate. With 1:37 to go in overtime, Nogueras received a feed from first-year attackman Matthew Hauck and found the back of the net to seal the victory. Tomorrow, the Jumbos, who will likely drop further in the USILA rankings, travel to nonconference Babson College, before visiting Middlebury on Thursday and rounding out a blistering five-game road tour at Williams on Saturday. “It’s always unacceptable and frustrating to lose, but we have to look forward,” Korinis said. “With our schedule, we don’t have time to dwell on it and we have to focus on improving as a team just as we would have if we’d won.”
Scott Tingley / The Tufts Daily
Sophomore catcher Jo Clair launched her first three home runs of the season this past weekend as Tufts swept Bowdoin in its first NESCAC East series.
Tufts’ lineup depth on display as Jumbos improve to 11-3 BASEBALL
continued from back senior Kevin Gilchrist, who shut the door with a perfect seventh. Howard continued on his tear in the series’ final game, driving in four runs on singles in the sixth and seventh as Tufts broke open a previously tight contest and cruised to an 8-4 victory. The Jumbos won seven games on their annual spring trip by an average of 10.6 runs, but coach John Casey told them that the close ones — like the losses to N.C. Wesleyan (1-0) and Averett (10-9) — would provide more of a barometer for NESCAC play. “All the teams in the NESCAC are so competitive that getting off to a good start is important,” Sager said. “It’s good to have found a way to take all three, but we know we have a lot still to prove.” Freshman lefty Kyle Slinger moved to 3-0 after pitching six innings of one-run ball and Gilchrist, a second-team AllNESCAC selection last season with a 1.99 ERA in eight starts, picked up his second save this season in as many games. Howard, whose father works as the New York Mets’ Executive Vice President of Business Operations, is just the latest Tufts player to excel offensively this season after the Jumbos graduated five everyday starters. Sophomore Nate Izzo hit his third homer of the spring in Friday’s 8-2 win, Hauser leads the team with a .468 average and
20 RBIs, and Weikert went 5-for-10 over the weekend with four runs and three RBIs. “I feel from weekend to weekend and from game to game, we’ve seen pretty much all of the players on the team step up,” Howard said. “The way our team’s set up, we need people to step up at different points.” But Howard, whose slugging percentage is .200 higher than last year’s, can’t exactly pinpoint where this newfound power surge is coming from. Perhaps it just developed with another year of experience; perhaps it came during his time with the Waimea Waves this past summer in the Hawaiian College Baseball League; or, perhaps it came from his days spent around the Mets, watching the pros compete. “Sometimes I was able to get a little insight into some players, how they’d handle some stuff, what they’re doing when they’re training, so I try to implement as much as I can,” Howard said. “Those guys are competing against some of the best in the world; they understand that they have to be working hard and getting as strong as they can all the time.” Wherever it came from, Howard’s bat has the Jumbos off to a fast start. But it’s no anomaly on a roster that has 12 players hitting over .300. “We don’t really have that one guy who’s carrying us the whole way,” Howard said. “This weekend just happened to be my weekend.”
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Monday, April 2, 2012
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12:30PM FREE Kosher for Passover Lunch
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sports Zach Drucker | The Loser
Directors’ Cup
Tufts jumps to 10th in Directors’ Cup Standings After a strong winter season in which five teams made their mark on the national stage, Tufts shot up from 24th to 10th in the latest 2011-12 Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup standings, released on March 29. Tufts was one of four NESCAC schools to crack the top 10, along with Middlebury, Amherst and Williams, which ranked second, third and sixth, respectively. Both swimming and diving teams, both track and field teams and the women’s basketball team all contributed to Tufts’ winter point total of 286. Women’s track and field led the way
with a ninth-place finish at the Div. III Championships, good for 69 points. The men’s track and field squad added 57 points by placing 17th at nationals. Women’s basketball racked up 64 points by reaching the Sweet 16 of the Div. III NCAA Tournament for only the second time in program history. The Jumbos won 23 games, their highest win total since 2007-08. Most recently, on March 22-24, the men’s swimming and diving team pulled off a 23rd-place finish at nationals to score 51 points in the Cup, despite sending only two athletes to the meet
in Indianapolis. Sophomore Johann Schmidt provided one of the highlights of the winter season, winning the Div. III one-meter diving championship. Four women’s swimmers also made the trip to nationals, notching a 28th-place finish to chip in with 45 points. Tufts now has 433 total points between the fall and winter seasons. The final standings will be released on June 6, after the spring sports season is complete. —by Aaron Leibowitz
Jumbos see encouraging signs in loss to Trinity WOMEN’S LACROSSE continuedfrom page 16
momentum from there, and unfortunately we never really got it back.” On defense, senior tri-captain Kelly Cakert played an excellent game for Tufts, forcing five turnovers, while junior goalie Tess Shapanka made six saves. The Jumbos’ offensive standout was once again junior attacker Kerry Eaton, who scored three goals to increase her team-high season total to 13. Eaton’s performance underscored a much-improved effort from Tufts’ offense, and although the squad scored just one more goal than it did against Middlebury, the newfound fluidity and communication among the team’s attackers was an encouraging sign. “After the Middlebury game we changed a lot of stuff up. We switched people around in our attack and focused on our transition, and just made a lot of little changes,” Lotz said. “We also put Kelly Hyland on the draw, which made a huge difference.” Despite the hopeful signs from the Trinity matchup, the loss — which was the third straight conference defeat for the Jumbos — seriously hurt Tufts’ NESCAC positioning. Now, the Jumbos stand tied for sixth with
a 2-3 conference record, and are being chased by Bates, Wesleyan and Conn. College, each owning one conference win. “Our goal from now on is to not lose again,” Cohen said. “I think our offense looked more patient and we’re continuing to get the looks. We need to keep finding players in transition, and if we keep improving we’ll be fine for the rest of the season.” Tufts has now been outscored by 11 goals in conference play, a stark contrast to last year when the Jumbos had a goal differential of +21 in NESCAC contests. There is still plenty of time to recover, though, with half of the conference schedule yet to be played. The team’s attempt to march up the standings will begin this weekend with a home matchup against Williams, currently the only winless team in the NESCAC. Despite the struggles the team has endured early on, the players are confident that they will remain competitive in Div. III’s toughest conference. “Our defense is really playing well, and it’s one of our strongest aspects,” Lotz said. “We just need a little more practice with the offense and our transition game. Once we get the rest of the stuff fixed we’ll have the ability to beat anyone.”
oliver porter / the Tufts Daily
Senior tri-captain Kelly Cakert forced five turnovers to lead a strong defensive effort against Trinity on Saturday, but it was not enough as the Jumbos fell 12-7.
Games of the Week looking back (mar. 31) | Men’s lacrosse STUNNED BY TRINITY IN OT On a wet day in Hartford, Conn., this past Saturday, a near-victory slipped away from the men’s lacrosse team, which fought back from an 8-4 deficit against Trinity to send the game to overtime but ultimately lost 9-8. The defeat likely came as a shock to the No. 6 Jumbos, who expected to beat a Bantams squad ranked 10th in New England and outside of the national top 20. Tufts took a 3-2 lead into the start of the second quarter, but Trinity rattled home four unanswered goals before the Jumbos could respond with one of their own. At halftime, the Bantams led 6-4. In the third, Trinity’s Rob Nogueras scored two goals in a 52-second span to put Tufts in a four-goal hole. But the Jumbos clawed their way back. Sophomores Beau Wood and Peter Bowers each found the net in the final 1:19 of the third quarter, and senior co-captain Kevin McCormick pulled Tufts to within one with 14:21 left in the game. The Jumbos had their chances to tie it in the fourth, including a goal that was waved off due to a crease violation and a missed oneon-one scoring opportunity. With 41 seconds remaining, Bowers completed the comeback and sent the game to overtime. With 1:37 to go in OT, Nogueras struck once more, ripping the game-winning shot from the left wing past sophomore goalie Patton Watkins to drop Tufts to 5-2 overall and 3-1 in the NESCAC.
VIRGINIA BLEDSOE / the tufts daily archives
looking ahead (apr. 2) | kentucky and kansas meet to put an end to the madness Tonight, the two winningest programs in the history of men’s college basketball will square off in the NCAA Div. I championship game. At 9:23 p.m., the future of the NBA will be on display in a battle between overall No. 1 seed Kentucky and Midwest regional No. 2 seed Kansas. It’s hard to bet against coach John Calipari’s Wildcats, whose five tournament victories have all come by at least eight points. Kentucky’s talent-packed lineup includes likely national player of the year Anthony Davis, superstar forwards Michael Kidd-Gilchrist and Terrence Jones, and much-improved point guard Marquis Teague. In short, the ‘Cats seem unstoppable. But the Jayhawks have some studs of their own. Thomas Robinson is one of the nation’s best players and is averaging 16.4 points and 11.6 boards in the tournament. Tyshawn Taylor is an excellent, experienced point guard. And 7-footer Jeff Withey has blocked a mind-boggling 27 shots in Kansas’ five tourney games. If any team is capable of slowing the offensive juggernaut that is Kentucky, it may be coach Bill Self’s Kansas squad. The Jayhawks’ exceptional second-half defense — they have held opponents to an average of just 24 points in the final 20 minutes of their tournament contests — has carried them thus far. mct
Saints or sinners?
ast week, I wrote about the New York Jets’ acquisition of Tim Tebow, which stirred quite a hubbub among New Yorkers, who have since seen an enormous Jockey ad sporting Tebow’s boyish grin erected outside the Lincoln Tunnel and the creation of a mammoth sandwich at the renowned Carnegie Deli named “The Jetbow.” Yet the Jets’ signing of Broadway Tim deflected attention from a graver NFL issue: the exposing and sanctioning of the New Orleans Saints’ bounty program. On March 2, the NFL announced the findings of a two-year investigation alleging that 22-27 Saints players, as well as former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams, had been pooling money to reward teammates for injuring opposing players. (One particularly jarring image published on ESPN shows former Saints defensive lineman Bobby McCray blindsiding former Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner in the 2010 playoffs.) Head coach Sean Payton and general manager Mickey Loomis were also indicted for their attempts to conceal the bounty program and their failure to dissolve it. The repercussions for these actions have been severe. The Saints organization was fined $500,000 and stripped of two secondround draft picks. Williams was suspended indefinitely; Payton was banned for the entire 2012 season and Loomis was tossed for the first eight games. For the Saints, the money is pocket change, but the draft picks and the suspensions are huge blows to the team’s chances. To contextualize the draft picks, Roman Harper and Tracy Porter were Saints second-rounders in 2006 and 2008, respectively. These players were immediate standouts in the Saints’ menacing secondary: Harper is a two-time Pro Bowler at strong safety and Porter is a solid coverage cornerback who intercepted Peyton Manning for a touchdown in the Saints’ victory over the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV. The suspension of Payton, however, has caused the biggest shockwave in the locker room and around the league. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is known for his strictness, especially when dealing with concerns over player safety. Still, his suspension of Payton marked the first time ever a head coach had been banned for a full season. Now, I was down in Saints country during the first weekend of spring break so I know firsthand what football means to the charismatic people of New Orleans. In the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Saints’ historic return to the Superdome — the same arena that once housed tens of thousands of disaster refugees — under Payton in 2006 and their Super Bowl victory in 2010 embodied the resilience and communal strength of New Orleans. Football has long brought New Orleanians together; following a Saints victory, rousing renditions of the “Who dat?” chant can be heard emanating from Bourbon St. until the wee hours of the morning. Yet, when I was in New Orleans — I left two days before Payton was officially banned — the city seemed in a lull. Sure, the French Quarter was as lively as ever, brimming with brassy jazz clubs, captivating street performers and bustling, homestyle eateries, but the people became very hush-hush when the Saints were mentioned. Everyone was on edge, unwilling to fathom the potential consequences of the bounty system but unable to stop dwelling on their beloved Saints. This past weekend, Payton appealed his suspension, but the move is unanimously expected to be ineffectual. He will not coach next season, and rightfully so. As the head coach, he is the face of the franchise as much as quarterback Drew Brees, and he must be held accountable for the team’s reprehensible policies. The city of New Orleans should not direct its antipathy toward Goodell, but rather toward their beloved Saints for betraying their faith by rewarding sadism.
Zach Drucker is a senior majoring in international relations and Spanish. He can be reached at
Women’s Lacrosse
Despite improvements, Tufts loses to Trinity by
David McIntyre
Daily Editorial Board
The No. 12 women’s lacrosse team’s game against No. 5 Trinity on Saturday was sinWOMEN’S LACROSSE (5-2 Overall, 3-1 NESCAC) Bello Field, Saturday Trinity Tufts
8 4
4 3
— 12 — 7
gled out by the Jumbos as their most important game of the year. They had been embarrassed by No. 7 Middlebury the weekend before, and were looking to avenge a pair of one-goal losses to the Bantams last season. But while the result of the game — a 12-7 Trinity win — was not the one Tufts was hoping for, it was not as disheartening as important losses often are. The Jumbos know they are improving, and that gives them hope that they can finish strong in the second half of the season. “Obviously, it’s a disappointing loss, but overall we were proud of the way we played, because compared to last Saturday it was so much better,” senior tri-captain Katie Lotz said. “Our offense was moving a lot better, we were passing a lot better, and we all got a lot more confident.” Against the undefeated Bantams — the reigning NESCAC champions — the host Jumbos knew that they
would need an almost perfect outing to have a chance of victory. In particular, they needed to contain junior attacker Megan Leonhard, who torched them for eight total goals in the two meetings between the teams last season. But Leonhard had other ideas, notching four goals on seven shots to lead Trinity’s offensive attack. Trinity also scored four goals on free position shots, using its offensive firepower to outscore Tufts 8-4 in the first half. “The referees really weren’t our friends in this game, and free positions are extremely hard, not just for our goalie but for any goalie,” Lotz said. “They were getting the ball and coming at us with speed, and I thought we did a good job of getting back, but we kept getting called by the refs for blocking, which gave them a ton of opportunities.” Despite the potency of the Bantams attack, the game remained close for most of the first half, and the Jumbos held a 4-3 lead with 12:18 gone after a goal by senior tri-captain Lara Kozin. But Trinity responded with six unanswered goals, a streak that stretched into the second half and essentially put the game away. “We tried to stop their drives, but they found some holes in our zone defense,” sophomore midfielder Kelley Cohen said. “After we went up 4-3, they called timeout and took the see WOMEN’S LACROSSE, page 15
Men’s Lacrosse
virginia bledsoe / the Tufts Daily archives
Senior co-captain Kevin McCormick notched a hat trick to help the Jumbos come back from a four-goal secondhalf deficit on Saturday, but they ultimately fell to unranked Trinity in overtime, 9-8.
Four-goal comeback not enough as Jumbos fall to Bantams by
Kate Klots
Daily Editorial Board
After No. 3 Amherst dropped a midweek contest to Wesleyan, first place in the NESCAC was up MEN’S LACROSSE (5-2 Overall, 3-1 NESCAC) at Hartford, CT Saturday Tufts 3 1 2 2 0 -- 8 Trinity 2 4 2 0 1 -- 9
for grabs on Saturday, when No. 6 Tufts and Trinity, then both unde-
feated in the conference, faced off. In the end, the host Bantams prevailed 9-8 in overtime to grab sole possession of the conference lead, while Tufts dropped to 3-1 in the NESCAC and fell into a third-place tie with No. 14 Bowdoin. The Bantams, unranked in the most recent USILA top 20 poll, embraced the underdog role and came out firing on all cylinders. Junior attackman Rob Nogueras led the way with three goals, including the game-winner in extra time, while junior midfielder Nick Shaheen also notched a hat trick. Eight different Bantams lit
Firstbaseman Howard powers Jumbos to three-game sweep of Bobcats Of the players who started at least 20 games for the baseball team last season, then-junior Sam Sager was an all-conference selection by
Alex Prewitt
Daily Editorial Board
BASEBALL (11-3 Overall, 3-0 NESCAC) R H E 0 0 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 — 8 14 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1— 4 8 1
Tufts Bates
R H E 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 — 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 — 2 4 0 R H E 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 2 — 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 — 2 5 1
after hitting .333, classmate Matt Collins hit .343 and was the NESCAC Defensive Player of the Year and then-sophomore Eric Weikert ranked fourth on the team in RBIs. Tom Howard, on the other hand, hit .273, scored only seven runs and recorded just 12 RBIs in 20 starts, not exactly a standout contribution to the two-time defending NESCAC champs. Through the Jumbos’ first 14 games this season, however, the junior first baseman has already exceeded his 2011 offensive output. Howard stepped up in a big way this past weekend, going 4-for-8 with six RBIs in Saturday’s doubleheader, as Tufts
Red-hot Tufts sweeps weekend series over Bowdoin by
Zachey Kliger
Daily Editorial Board
During the softball team’s spring break trip to Clermont, Fla., the Jumbos managed to go 11-3 without a single long ball
Spicer Field, Saturday
at Lewiston, Maine, Friday Tufts Bates
see MEN’S LACROSSE, page 13
SOFTBALL (11-3 Overall, 3-0 NESCAC)
at Lewiston, Maine, Saturday Tufts Bates
up the scoreboard in the game. “Trinity earned it,” sophomore midfielder Kane Delaney said. “We made mistakes offensively and defensively and they capitalized on them by creating turnovers and scoring some goals respectively. They converted their manup opportunities well too, but we didn’t really capitalize on the opportunities we created.” Tufts senior midfielder Nick Rhoads won 15-of-21 faceoffs, and the Jumbos outshot the Bantams 54-33, but Trinity senior keeper
Bowdoin Tufts
R H E 0 2 0 0 0 6 1 — 9 12 2 0 5 4 0 0 3 X — 12 13 0
Bowdoin Tufts
R H E 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 — 7 10 1 3 2 0 1 0 3 X — 9 10 1
Spicer Field, Friday Andrew Morgenthaler / The Tufts Daily Archives
Junior first baseman Tom Howard, who went 4-for-8 and drove in six runs in the Jumbos’ doubleheader sweep of Bates on Saturday, has already surpassed his offensive output from last season. swept Bates in its three-game, NESCACopening series. Howard, who sat out Friday’s 8-2 win, slugged a two-run homer off sophomore Tom Baroni that plated freshman third baseman Wade Hauser in the sixth inning on Saturday and sent the Jumbos to a 3-2 victory in the seven-inning early game. Sophomore Christian Sbily picked up the win in the pitchers’ duel with six innings of four-hit ball, but it was Howard who
Bowdoin Tufts
R H E 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 — 8 12 0
gave Tufts the necessary cushion. “Those seven-inning games go by so fast, we knew we had to have a sense of urgency,” Howard said. “When I got up I was looking for a pitch to drive. He gave me a fastball on the inner half that he left up, the spot I was looking for.” Sbily allowed two runs in the bottom of the sixth, escaping a jam and giving way to
from sophomore catcher Jo Clair, who launched 16 home runs in her rookie season to set the school’s single-season record. While Clair didn’t exactly struggle at the plate on the trip — she had 10 extra-base hits and 13 RBIs — a return home to Spicer Field was all it took for her to get back to doing what she does best: going yard. In Clair’s first at-bat of the Jumbos’ home opener against the Bowdoin Polar
see BASEBALL, page 13
see SOFTBALL, page 13