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Monday, January 28, 2013
Where You Read It First Est. 1980
Pinkberry tries for Davis Student group presents divestment location, with opposition proposal to Board of Trustees by Shana
Daily Editorial Board
Following two failed attempts last year, national frozen yogurt chain Pinkberry will apply next month for the third time to expand to Somerville’s Davis Square with a new location. Pinkberry’s application to attain a special permit is pending approval by the Somerville Zoning Board of Appeals at a February hearing, according to junior Sherry Albert, a former Pinkberry intern. The Board denied Pinkberry’s previous permit applications because of concerns about keeping Davis Square from being taken over by large chains, according to Albert. Pinkberry has applied for space at 263 Elm St., the former offices of Massachusetts Insurance Agency, placing it within 320 feet of frozen yogurt sellers iYo Cafe and Orange Leaf and in close proximity to ice cream shop J.P. Licks. iYo Cafe and Orange Leaf both opened shops in Davis Square just last year. Pinkberry sees a market for its allegedly unique and higher quality products as justification for opening a location in Davis Square, according to Albert. An online petition on supported the opening of a Pinkberry location in Davis Square with 184 signatures. The company collected an additional 200 signatures in person in the square,
Albert said. Davis Square gets enough pedestrian traffic to support a third frozen yogurt shop in the area, Albert said, referencing studies done by Pinkberry in similar neighborhoods. “Based on the foot traffic, there are actually plenty of areas in the U.S. similar to Davis Square that currently support three or more frozen yogurt or ice cream stores,” Albert said, pointing to Harvard Square and Newbury Street as local examples. A petition to deny the permit application for Pinkberry in Davis Square had gained 36 signatures as of press time. According to the petition’s online page, the petition’s writers noted the area’s already-limited parking and argued that the square had no need for additional frozen yogurt outlets. iYo Cafe employee Jesse Slade said she sees no place for Pinkberry to open a site in the square. “Davis Square is in a small area with a lot of locally owned businesses,” Slade told the Daily. “At this point there’s iYo, which is a locally owned business, and then Orange Leaf just opened, so to have a third frozen yogurt place in such a small square would be a little ridiculous.” Pinkberry has more than 170 stores around the world. Orange Leaf is a national chain see PINKBERRY, page 2
Four members of the student group Tufts Divest for Our Future met last week with the Board of Trustees at the Tufts School of Dental Medicine’s Boston campus to present a by
Daniel Gottfried
Daily Editorial Board
Brandeis University, Boston University, Harvard University and Tufts, according to Tufts Divest Co-Founder Anna LelloSmith, a junior. “Students in Boston don’t just want their university to see DIVEST, page 2
Zhuangchen Zhou / The Tufts Daily
Boston-area students stood with pro-divestment signs outside a Jan. 24 meeting between Tufts Divest For Our Future and the Board of Trustees at the Tufts School of Dental Medicine campus.
TCU Senate passes twin anti-CSL resolutions The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate last night passed two resolutions protesting last semester’s Committee on Student Life (CSL) decision to create a protocol for the University Chaplain to give student religious groups (SRGs) “justifiable departures” from the university’s nondiscrimination policy. The CSL policy was the subject of intense debate in the Senate last semester, prompting several senators at one meeting to volunteer to sacrifice their jobs in order to pass a resolution condemning the decision. The first resolution, submitted by TCU Judiciary Chair senior Adam Sax, Senate Vice President senior Meredith Goldberg and sophomore senator Andrew Núñez, claimed “an irresolvable rift in the spirit of the TCU Constitution” caused by the exception of SRGs from the nondiscrimination policy. Citing the university’s mission statement and the “Pachyderm” student handbook, the submitters claimed that the changes to the constitution rendered it both contrary to existing university policy and internally inconsistent. The resolution passed with only one dissenting vote from Senator Stefan Schwarz, a senior. The second resolution, submitted by Senate President Wyatt Cadley, claimed that “an effective and sustainable nondiscrimination policy must be
proposal for the university to divest from fossil fuels. A crowd of about 40 students stood with pro-divestment signs outside the meeting, Tufts Divest Co-Founder Emily Edgerly said. The students came from various Boston area schools, including
absolute.” Unlike the first resolution, which claimed that the CSL’s decision was an invalid policy, this resolution would affirm the Senate’s belief that the decision was an act of bad policy, according to Cadley. Debate on the latter resolution lasted for nearly an hour. Students and senators argued over whether SRGs ought to be able to make discrimination against others a matter of explicit policy and whether the Senate has the power to refuse to fund such groups despite their recognition by the Judiciary. After three calls to question, the resolution passed by roll call, with Schwarz again casting the only dissenting vote. The body also unanimously passed a resolution supporting the usage of Brown and Brew as performance space after closing time. The space is intended to be used for gatherings of over 40 students, allowing performance groups to have larger crowds without needing to hire extra staff for security. Though the idea had been under consideration for some time, it had not been accepted due to concerns about the potential for damage to the food equipment. The resolution suggested a security gate might be installed to avoid accidents without the ongoing cost of staff. — by James Pouliot
Inside this issue
Ecologist Allan Savory discusses restoring grasslands by
Denali Tietjen
Contributing Writer
Restoration ecologist Allan Savory, president and co-founder of the grassland restoration organization Savory Institute, evoked the importance of reversing global warming at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Friday. The Center for International Environment and Resource Policy (CIERP), the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and Planet-TECH Associates sponsored the event. “Reversing Global Warming while Meeting Human Needs: An Urgently Needed Land-Based Option” was the first in a series of “Creating the Future We Want” events that will continue throughout the semester. President of Planet-TECH Associates Seth Itzkan, who worked with Savory at Savory Institute’s sister organization Holistic Management, gave opening remarks to introduce Savory. Savory received the Buckminister Fuller Award in 2010 for his research and methods of reversing desertification through incorporation of livestock and is currently a finalist for the Virgin Earth Challenge, Itzkan said. The Virgin Earth Challenge will award 25 million dollars to a recipient who proposes a viable design and method of decreasing greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere and is the largest award of
its type given in history. Savory began the lecture by describing the role of agriculture in society. “Agriculture is the foundation of all society,” he said. Savory argued that pressing social issues such as poverty, social breakdown and immigration to overcrowded cities are all symptoms of agricultural mismanagement. He then said that climate change is rooted more in agriculture than in fossil fuels or any other factor. “We cannot just mitigate climate change, we must address it,” Savory said. Savory explained that his “Holistic Management” approach to reversing global warming involves re-introducing animals to desertification-affected areas to restore soil quality. Previously, standard methods of land restoration have included resting land by relocating or killing livestock and burning grasslands, Savory said. He argued that both of these methods worsen desertification in the long run. “Resting the land is the cause of desertification,” he said. “Resting the land is highly dangerous. To maintain life we must maintain a cycle of birth, life, death and decay.” Previous approaches to agriculture management and land restoration see SAVORY, page 2
Today’s sections
Student exhibition highlights Burmese daily life.
Career Services staff encourage using social media in the job search.
see ARTS, page 5
see FEATURES, page 3
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013
Visiting the Hill this week MONDAY “Granoff Music Center Colloquium Series — “Puccini and the Music Boxes” — W. Anthony Sheppard” Details: W. Anthony Sheppard, a professor of music at Williams College, will talk about the link between Italian composer Giacomo Puccini and Asian music boxes in the Granoff Music Center’s first colloquium of the 2013 year. When and Where: 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Perry and Marty Granoff Music Center,
Divestment protest is wellreceived DIVEST
continued from page 1
divest, but they want other universities to divest, so we are as committed to supporting other universities as much our own,” Edgerly, a sophomore, said. “I think it showed the board that there aren’t just four of us that care, but that a lot of people care.” Executive Vice President Patricia Campbell said the Board of Trustees considered the presentation to be an impressive and passionate representation of the proposal calling for Tufts and other universities to divest from any possible fossil fuel investments. However, she said the board still has questions. “[ The trustees] are not going to quickly take any action that might have the potential to have an adverse effect,” she said. “There will be ongoing conversation among the trustees about this issue, and I wouldn’t want to predict, but there certainly are serious questions that would need to be answered about how practical this is.” Campbell said she admired the students’ passion and appreciated their effort in bringing attention to this issue. She added that, according to an investment committee policy, the board is required to invest the endowment in the interest of finding the best return on those investments. Campbell explained that while Tufts has participated in divestment movements in the past, this measure is somewhat different from the efforts in South Africa and Darfur. “They were a much more singlefocused kind of thing,” she said. “It was easier to identify, for example, what companies were active in South Africa. Fossil fuel investment is a large part of the general financial market, and so many funds may have a small piece that is involved in fossil fuels, so it is just much more complicated to do.” Tufts Divest has a significant support base among not only students, but also among about two hundred Tufts alumni, Lello-Smith said. “Some of our alumni supporters have expressed interest in either holding donations or donating to an alternative fund that could be invested upon divestment,” she said. Tufts Divest has made it clear that it will not be discouraged if the board does not act on its proposal, Edgerly said. “No matter what the board says, we are going to continue to organize, we are going to continue to gain student power on campus, we are going to increase our visibility and we are going to show the board that we are not going to stop this fight,” she said. The organization will take alternate methods to put pressure on the board other than direct dialogue if dialogue does not yield the results that it hoped for, Lello-Smith said. “We have the student power, we are backed by significant entities including [divestment advocacy website] [and] prominent investors, and there are multiple avenues we can take if the board doesn’t act or if they are too timid to do anything, because we have all this power and we are going to get it done.”
Varis Lecture Hall Sponsor: Department of Music THURSDAY “When Will It End: America’s Relationship to Nature Seen Through the Lens of Art” Details: Joseph Wardwell, an assistant professor of painting and drawing at Brandeis University, will use early American artwork to discuss how feelings about America’s landscape helped create a national
American identity. When and Where: 12 p.m. to 1:05 p.m.; Lincoln Filene Center Rabb Room Sponsors: Environmental Studies Program and Tufts Institute of the Environment “A Moment in Her Story” Details: Filmmaker Catherine Russo will discuss the process of directing “A Moment in Her Story,” a documentary that recounts the Second Wave women’s movement in Boston starting in the late 1960s, following
a screening of the movie. When and Where: 7:00 p.m.; Tisch Library Room 304 Sponsors: Communications and Media Studies Program, Women’s Studies Program and the Department of Drama and Dance
-- compiled by the Tufts Daily News Department
Local business supporters petition over Davis Pinkberry PINKBERRY
continued from page 1
whose Davis location is one of 31 in Massachusetts. “Pinkberry’s such a huge chain,” Slade said. “They’re not only national but they’re in different countries, too, so I just think it’s too much for us in Davis.” Pinkberry would present a challenge to existing yogurt shops in Davis Square as each vies to attract customers, according to Orange Leaf employee Derek Hughes. Orange Leaf and iYo differ from Pinkberry
in that both offer a self-service model where frozen yogurt servings are priced based on weight. Pinkberry yogurt is priced according to a preset size. “I think since we just opened, [Pinkberry] might be a little more competition,” Hughes said. Slade said that small business supporters have argued that granting a building permit to Pinkberry in Davis Square would undermine local shops. “I think the consensus is we want to keep Davis a small community and not
turn it into Harvard Square,” Slade said. Albert said the chain satisfies a demand that is not met by existing yogurt shops. If opened, the Davis Square Pinkberry location would provide wireless Internet access, open at 8 a.m. and offer breakfast options, according to Albert. “I think that having a Pinkberry in Davis Square would be a really nice addition to the stores we currently have in Davis Square,” she explained. “I think it could be used as a great place to go with your friends, to relax or to study.”
Caroline Geiling / The Tufts Daily
National frozen yogurt franchise Pinkberry will again apply to open a location in Davis Square after two failed attempts last year.
Restoration ecologist discusses holistic management SAVORY
continued from page 1
removed the critical process of biological decay and actually exacerbate the original problem, he said. Savory recalled former Prime Minister of South Africa Jan Smuts’ famous argument that nature only functions
in wholes and patterns. Because animals exist normally in nature, people must reintroduce livestock for nature to function as a whole, Savory argued. Livestock not only improve soil conditions through grazing and biological decay during digestion, but also serve critical roles such as laying litter and
Courtesy Lauren Ferrucci
Restoration ecologist Allan Savory discussed ways to reverse global warming at the ASEAN Auditorium in The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy on Friday afternoon.
turning soil, he said. Savory referenced multiple project sites in Africa, Australia and South America at which this holistic restoration approach has proven successful. “Allan introduces to us a way we can work holistically to address the underlying causes of [climate change] rather than just the symptoms of it,” Professor of International Environmental Policy at Fletcher William Moomaw said. Savory spoke later in the lecture about his vision of how this holistic management approach can be applied on a more global scale. “America will hopefully lead the world in this [holistic movement] rather than remain the desertifying America we see today,” he said. For the United States to lead this movement there must be a change in policy, Savory explained. He said that the policy must be achievable, have no unintended consequences and address climate change directly, arguing that a lack of such a policy is responsible for limited progress in addressing climate change. “What is truly revolutionary about Savory’s Holistic Management is that not only does it help to reverse climate change, but also other economic, political and social issues connected to desertification,” Lauren Ferrucci, a Tufts senior and intern at Planet-TECH Associates, said. “It was amazing to have Savory, such a brilliant and passionate man, take the time to come speak at Tufts.”
Friend me, Tweet me, add me, hire me Social media sites assist in the job hunt by
Caitlin McClure Daily Staff Writer
Everything happens online these days, and the job search is no exception. Career Services advises all Tufts upperclassmen pursuing summer internships and jobs following graduation to take advantage of social media sites as a supplement to their applications. The effective use of social media in the job search can be a useful networking tool, provide valuable company information and express creativity and personality. In today’s recruiting market, employers expect results to come up when they Google an applicant, according to Shimrit Paley, Assistant Director of Career Development at Tufts Career Services. Beyond ensuring there are no red flags that could sabotage a candidate’s chances in the application process, employers are looking for a professional representation of candidates online. LinkedIn is one of the bigger social media outlets that can be utilized to control an applicant’s professional online presence in a positive way. The free basic service allows users to create profiles listing their academic and professional accomplishments. “LinkedIn profiles have really high search-return rankings, which makes it possible to control what a future employer finds,” Paley said. Students looking to network can benefit from setting up profiles on social media sites such as LinkedIn in order to connect with co-workers and contact potential employers. “It’s a great networking site that allows you to see who you know and how you know them,” senior Maggie Riddle said. Riddle emphasized the site’s importance in her own job search. Using LinkedIn, she was able to identify connections with and contact target employers, including Tufts alumni. Career Services holds a LinkedIn Lab twice each semester to help students set up effective profiles. During this workshop, students learn about how to connect with Tufts alumni from a variety of industries and how to create a target list of organizations to start a job search, Paley explained. Additionally, the workshop offers tips to maximize a LinkedIn presence by personalizing connection requests, joining Tufts and industry groups, utilizing company profiles to prepare for interviews and linking a profile to other social media efforts, according to the Tufts Career Center handout. Twitter provides another opportunity to get in touch with employers. Nancy Wang (LA ’12) began following the Twitter account of a company for which she was interested in working. Within two minutes of retweeting a post about working for the company, she received a direct message from a human resources representative asking her to send a resume, Wang reported. Within an hour, she had sent it in and had her foot in the door. Although Wang’s success may be a rare
Nick Pfosi / The Tufts Daily
LinkedIn is a valuable addition to the student job search. case, social media sites such as Twitter can be used to gather information about a target company, including job openings, and serve as an additional outlet to initiate connections. As part of a senior project during her time at Tufts, alum Katharine Seim (LA ’10) maintained a blog for Tufts’ Career Services to assist students with their job search. “I was able to educate myself on important topics, such as networking skills, resume building and business etiquette,” she said. While Seim didn’t use social media sites directly in applying for a job, they provided valuable information she was able to use later in the application process. Many job applicants use social media to personalize their applications and stand out from the pool of candidates. “Due to the sheer volume of resumes that recruiters receive, applications can start to look alike,” Seim said. Seim gave examples of how to creatively improve a job application using social media. “For instance, instead of just listing
your skills or projects on your resume, upload examples of them onto an online portfolio hosting website,” she said. “If you gave a speech or performance that you are particularly proud of, include the YouTube link in your cover letter.” Blogs can be a platform for making a good impression professionally, in addition to expressing oneself, Paley said. “A lot of students do a really good job of creating industry specific blogs that speak to their interests, show their creativity, academic interests, and highlight them in a professional, positive manner,” she said. Cady Macon (LA ’11) shared similar sentiments from her experience reviewing job applications. “Job applicants can leverage social media to create a personal brand,” she said. “A recruiter who may once have seen you as [a] Tufts senior, International Relations major, [or] occasional Dean’s List member, may now see you as that, plus [a] well-traveled [person], amateur baker, social activist and musician.”
Despite the prevalence of social media, more traditional networking techniques remain important in finding a job. “You need to have strong interpersonal skills, communication skills and professionalism, and we have plenty of opportunities for students to practice these skills including networking events throughout the semester and a Dining With Confidence program on business etiquette,” Paley said. “Networking is about building real relationships with real people. Social media is a supplement to traditional networking, not a replacement,” Macon said. Paley also emphasized the importance of privacy. According to her, it is crucial for students to know that they are leaving a digital footprint visible to future employers. In this case social media can also hurt one’s efforts, if privacy is not closely monitored. “A thoughtful tweet or an impressive LinkedIn recommendation won’t land you a job offer, but a tasteless Facebook post could cost you an opportunity in the blink of an eye,” Macon said.
Overheard on the Joey We had our ears out for Jumbo non-sequiturs on the Joey this week. Here’s what we heard between the Mayer Campus Center and Davis Square that made the whole shuttle smile.
“I’m into muffins.”
“We have to sing only heavy metal songs.”
“Does it vibrate randomly too?” “Every time it vibrates, I’m like, ‘Oh my God.’”
“I have a problem where if I want bus drivers to do something, I yell at them in Hebrew.”
“Everyone knows you’re no one unless you’re in a brotherhood.”
“The only reason I ate that piece of candy was to get the taste of soap out of my mouth.” — compiled by Charlotte Gilliland
The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013
Arts & Living
Gallery Review
‘Burma in Transition’ highlights cultural evolution Tufts students showcase their immersive experiences in Burma by
Claire Felter
Daily Editorial Board
In May of last year, a group of Tufts students who spent the year in a seminar with the Program for Narrative and
Burma in Transition At the Slater Concourse Gallery Through February 28th Aidekman Arts Center Tufts University Art Gallery 617-627-3518 Documentary Practice (PNDP) traveled to Burma for a 10-day, on-site workshop to explore Burmese life. PNDP, which is a program under the Tufts Institute for Global Leadership (IGL), allows students from various disciplines to gain skills in narrative storytelling through multimedia. The students journeyed to Yangon, the country’s largest city, and their work has culminated in a photo exhibition entitled “Burma in Transition” at the Tufts Art Gallery. The exhibition opened at the Slater Concourse Gallery on Jan. 23. and will continue through the end of February. The exhibition is divided into 11 sections, each of which showcases the work of a particular student and focuses on a specific theme or location in Yangon. These sections distill the work of the artists, as their portfolios and the photographs they took over the course of an entire year culminate in a display of about 12 photographs per student. Next to each of the pieces is a description of the student’s chosen theme or location and how it relates to the larger social atmosphere in Burma. One of the first pieces in the concourse examines the Yangon Circular Railway and was photographed by senior Molly Ferrill. The descriptive passage explains that the railway is undergoing significant changes and the station general asserts that it may be unrecognizable in a decade’s time. This narrative allows the viewer to absorb the photographs as though this particular aspect of Burmese life must be committed to memory before it disappears altogether. Nearly every photograph in this
Courtesy Charmaine Poh
Tufts students traveled to Burma in order to document its quickly changing culture. piece introduces a personal narrative that draws the viewer in and simultaneously sparks interest in understanding the lives of the men and women riding the railway. An exemplary piece by sophomore Nicola Pardy showcases street portraits of various men and women — this one portfolio alone is worth the visit. The colors in the photographs are absolutely stunning, with backdrops of corrugated
metal walls in bright pinks and teals in some portraits paired with clothing of the same hues in others. Just as the coloring evinces both luminosity and tranquility, so too are the facial expressions, marked by sublime strength and reflection. An unexpected surprise lies in the works on “Youth Culture” by sophomore Elizabeth Mealey and “Burmese Hip-Hop” by senior Ben Ross. These
photographs in particular portray the ways young Burmese are moving away from traditional culture and are building a new form of identity for themselves. “Youth Culture” contrasts starkly from the majority of other works in the exhibition, as black, red and purple engulf the young women made up with dark eye shadow and men covered in tattoos. see BURMA, page 6
TV Review
‘Justified’s’ plotlines, characters continue to dazzle by
Fernando Cruz
Contributing Writer
“You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive.” This, the title of a featured song by country singer-songwriter Darrell Scott,
Justified Starring Timothy Olyphant, Nick Searcy, Joelle Carter, Walton Goggins Airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on FX captures the gripping excellence that is “Justified.” As is suggested in the song, Harlan, Ky. — the main setting of FX’s exceptional modern-day Western epic — is a very dangerous place to be. It also happens to be the home of some of the best-written characters on television. To name a few, the show’s fourth season alone brings a young snake-handling preacher and his mysterious sister, an upstart constable, a former soldier beginning a career as a hitman and a hulking ex-con mixed martial arts fighter. Remarkably, this show about a deputy U.S. marshal who returns home to police the criminals he knows and grew up with is as spellbinding as ever. Having just come out of last season’s thrilling grudge match with the Dixie Mafia, the protagonist of “Justified,”
Timothy Olyphant’s brilliantly portrayed, Stetson-donning Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, finds himself taking seemingly straightforward off-the-record side jobs in order to provide for his nowpregnant ex-girlfriend. However, Raylan again finds that there is no such thing as easy money in Harlan County, especially when he is surrounded by people willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. In fact, one of the main themes permeating this season seems to be the far-reaching consequences of betrayal and the toll it can have on one’s resolve. That said, this theme does not bog “Justified” down — in fact, the show is energized by it. This season, wickedly humorous banter and breakneck tension continue to flow effortlessly within the framework of the story. Viewers will once again find themselves gleefully absorbed by both the action and the dialogue that is exchanged as the season progresses. Cleverly foregoing previous seasons’ truly magnificent “Big Bad” antagonists, this season instead focuses on developing an overarching mystery spanning decades. It all begins with the curious death of a man who fell from an airplane in 1983 whose passing has puzzled law enforcement officials for years. By chance, a crucial, unexpected clue falls into Raylan’s lap and inadvertently connects him with modern-day criminals, one of whom is Raylan’s own geriatric
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas via Flickr Creative Commons
Timothy Olyphant plays Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens on modern-day Western “Justified.” convict father, Arlo. Arlo, portrayed by Raymond J. Barry, hid the clue from Raylan long ago and refuses to divulge the meaning behind it. Arlo is so anx-
ious to keep the truth hidden that he is willing to kill in order to preserve the see JUSTIFIED, page 6
The Tufts Daily
Arts & Living
Monday, January 28, 2013
Student exhibit shares powerful stories of Burmese life BURMA
continued from page 5
“Burmese Hip-Hop” studies musician Ye’Naung and is an inspiring display of the creative process. Each photograph acts as a lens into a different part of music production, from writing to experimenting to recording. Because the photographs in “Burma in Transition” provide distinctive narratives so successfully, the viewer gains a sense of real knowledge of Burmese life. The Shwedagon Pagoda is described as a “maze of pavilions and gardens,” but it isn’t until the viewer observes the gamut of local types in this piece that the diversity of the Pagoda becomes apparent. One photograph steals a look into several people having a discussion in a secluded garden, while another shows a group of women during a prayer
session. The piece focusing on Su Su Nway, a well-known female democracy activist in Burma, provides insight into social issues of the country while simultaneously telling the personal story of a woman’s sustained fight for equality. As a whole, “Burma in Transition” effectively echoes the current transformation of the country, as some pieces explore the fast-paced change occurring in Yangon currently while others examine more traditional Burmese culture. As individual pieces, the works of these 11 students succeed magnificently in telling engaging stories and compel the viewer to seek more. Although “Burma in Transition” is a smaller exhibition and may not capture one’s interest upon first sight, these photographs deserve far more than a casual walk-by. Audi USA via Flickr Creative Commons
Actor Walton Goggins returns in the fourth season of “Justified” as fan-favorite crime boss Boyd Crowder.
Producer Graham Yost keeps ‘Justified’ engrossing JUSTIFIED
continued from page 5
Courtesy Charmaine Poh
The city of Yangon supplied the backdrop for many students as they explored and documented the evolving country of Burma.
mystery. This plotline is crucial to the series, but ironic family dynamics are only some of the many darkly humorous aspects of “Justified.” Also returning in fine form is fan-favorite Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins), the quick-witted crime boss who pulls the strings behind every criminal outfit in Harlan. When his drug business begins to take off commercially, Boyd unexpectedly crosses paths with a religious congregation led by a youthful preacher who proves his unfaltering faith in the almighty by handling live snakes in the middle of services. The showdown between these two men already provides a season highlight that is sure to stay with the viewers.
By consistently reinventing the show, executive producer Graham Yost and the show’s writers have provided colorful characters with engrossing storylines that are, somehow, firmly grounded in reality. The creative forces behind “Justified” continue to surprise with twisty writing, sometimes bleak but always genuinely laugh-out-loud humor and clever dialogue between its rich characters, setting it apart from other network dramas. A show that continues to get better with every riveting season, “Justified” has indicated that this year Raylan and company are showing no signs of slowing down. Simply put, “Justified” is one of the best shows on television, and you should be watching.
The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013
Garry Trudeau
Non Sequitur
Comics Crossword
Thursday’s Solution
Married to the Sea
SUDOKU Level: Who? What? When? Where? Why should I care?
Late Night at the Daily Thursday’s Solution
Marcus: “Like One Direction? They’re pretty dreamy.”
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013
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Monday, January 28, 2013
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The Tufts Daily
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Editorial Nina Goldman Brionna Jimerson Managing Editors Melissa Wang Executive News Editor Jenna Buckle News Editors Shana Friedman Lizz Grainger Stephanie Haven Amelie Hecht Victoria Leistman Patrick McGrath Audrey Michael James Pouliot Abigail Feldman Assistant News Editors Daniel Gottfried Xander Landen Justin Rheingold Annabelle Roberts Sarah Zheng Lily Sieradzki Executive Features Editor Jon Cheng Features Editors Hannah Fingerhut Jacob Passey Amelia Quinn Falcon Reese Derek Schlom Charlotte Gilliland Assistant Features Editors Jessica Mow Shannon Vavra
Monday, January 28, 2013
Davis does not need another chain
While politicians across the country discuss the importance of small businesses, the battle between momand-pop eateries and multinational franchises rages on in Davis Square. In the near future, Tufts students have the option to select from not one, not two, but three frozen yogurt shops in Davis Square alone. A petition was filed to bring the frozen yogurt chain Pinkberry to Davis Square on the website After two previous attempts to expand into Davis, the Pinkberry chain is once again attempting to open up shop less than 500 feet away from two existing frozen yogurt stores: locally owned iYo Cafe and the national chain Orange Leaf.
If Pinkberry were allowed to open a store in Davis Square, it could spell disaster for the other two yogurt shops, specifically iYo Cafe, which is a small business. Small businesses employ over 65 percent of the private sector in the United States and almost half of the population of Massachusetts. There is no need for three shops peddling the same product, and there is especially not any sort of need for two frozen yogurt chains in Davis Square. Although Davis has many local businesses, larger corporations such as Starbucks, McDonalds, Chipotle, Dunkin Donuts, Buffalo Exchange and now possibly Pinkberry are taking away from the square’s history of entrepreneurship and
culinary individualism, not to mention the appeal of its small-town atmosphere. Local businesses like Redbones BBQ or Diesel Cafe could find themselves pitted against these establishments. An overly saturated market could lead to consumer disillusionment. While Davis Square may no longer feel “quaint,” with a looming Boston Fitness Company surrounded by other franchises like CVS, allowing big businesses to rival local counterparts often spells disaster for small businesses, hurting our local communities. If Tufts students are serious about preserving local delicacies and small businesses, they must keep their Blue Zones close, and their froyo closer.
Louie Zong
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Off the Hill | University of SouthERN California
40 years later, Roe v. Wade still resonates By Alyssa Coffey and Melissa Mendes The Daily Trojan
Tuesday marked the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Roe v. Wade. The verdict utilized the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to protect a woman’s privacy regarding the right to choose. Roe v. Wade and a concurrent case, Doe v. Bolton, addressed the lack of clarity in state laws regarding abortion access. The decision made in Roe v. Wade attempted to rectify the complication of two key interests with regard to pregnancy termination: women’s health and prenatal life. It was established that women should have full access to abortion services until viability. Since we have become accustomed to the issue of choice, the terminology of the decision lacks so much specificity that attempts at defining “life” have become prevalent. For instance, viability is relative to each pregnancy and cannot be applied in a universal manner and is complicated by conceptions of personhood, as shown in attempts at limiting Mississippi’s Initiative 26. Such are the issues that arise in motions to regulate and enforce the inherent nuances of
The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials represent the position of The Tufts Daily. Individual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board.
pregnancy. We have seen efforts aimed at clarifying these problems through the legal system in successive cases brought before the Supreme Court, including Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Gonzales v. Carhart. As we attempt to coalesce action regarding an issue with two main interest camps maintaining their own distinct perspectives on the issue, we will continue to encounter issues of clarity and complications of enforcement. The values with which the groups approach abortion, when applied rigidly, are exclusive of each other. The valuation of prenatal life over the health of the woman, for one, excludes considerations for the woman’s particular circumstance. The arrival at the decision to abort is deeply personal and regulation of access to abortion services, if any, should respect this agency. This respect for individual authority is an issue that needs to be further articulated and discussed in the public sphere as a uniting valuation we can apply to the many, multifaceted issues that manifest in our modern society. Many are concerned with the possible actions and subsequent conse-
quences in response to the cases previously mentioned. This inability to come to a compromise on the situation is causing a new, wider rift in our country and people’s political allegiances. The problem is never going to disappear, and the women who are affected by the possible outcomes and interpretations of new laws face a daunting prospect. Women across the country who have aborted will gain new stigma in the event that prolife supporters have their way, and those who revile women for discarding the budding life within them will be seen as criminals to the people who reserve the right to govern what happens within their own bodies. Unfortunately, it seems inevitable that either way, someone is going to be left offended and nursing their ideologically driven anger. What impacts this will have in 10, perhaps 20 years in the future are as of yet unknown until one standard is implemented. But hopefully, the next few generations will not be as offended at our indiscretions as we were to hear about how doctors once “treated” the mentally ill or how unyielding many previous generations were in accepting the reality of evolution.
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013 op-ed
2 Chainz for Spring Fling by
Alex Dobyan
Tufts, allow me to state my most controversial opinion: I think the best headliner that Spring Fling 2013 could offer us is one Tauheed Epps, better known by his current moniker, 2 Chainz. In my opinion, 2 Chainz is nothing less than 2012’s most prolific and successful rapper, reaching the top of the Billboard album charts with his solo debut “Based on a T.R.U. Story” (2012) and releasing a whopping 98 singles, charting 7 of them in the top ten of the R&B/Hip-Hop charts. ( That’s more than twice as many as Kanye, for those of you keeping track.) His verse on the smash hit “Birthday Song” has become a pop-culture touchstone and has been quoted in countless Facebook statuses. By sheer volume, Epps has worked his way into the cultural mainstream—just note the “2 Termz” tees floating around after President Obama’s re-election. Now, I am aware that 2 Chainz is juvenile, repetitive, misogynistic, insensitive, vulgar and asinine. I am aware that his flow is notoriously weak. I am aware of the inherent contradiction of a man who once called himself “Tity Boi” dropping lyrics like “Cup full of pink, I’m supporting breast cancer.” Most importantly, I am aware that Tufts
is a place that needs to feel smug about listening to the “right” hip-hop and would thus find lines like “Black diamonds, apartheid” egregious. Nonetheless, I’m convinced that Jumbos would enjoy 2 Chainz more than any other serious contender for Spring Fling headliner. A recent Concert Board survey found that most Jumbos want a hip-hop artist atop the bill, but past “socially conscious”
(that’s a loaded term) headliners like The Roots and Lupe Fiasco have largely fallen flat. What we want is what 2 Chainz does better than anyone else: a large catalog of hits like “No Lie” and “Mercy” with rumpshaking beats and raucous lyrics. Anyone pretending to the contrary is just posturing. At the very least, we should all be prepared to admit that Spring Fling is a better occasion than any other to give in
to inane yet infectious radio hits beckoning us to dance suggestively—the type of songs like “I’m Different” and “F--kin’ Problem”, of which 2 Chainz’s catalog is chock-full. We even proved that we were prepared to abandon any pretension of good taste at this time last year by voting for LMFAO as our preferred headliner. I recall being surprised by the lack of controversy— everyone I know who voted
Rosario López via Flickr Creative Commons
for them was fully conscious of the fact that their lyrics include assertions that “the ladies love us/ When we pour shots/ They need an excuse/ To suck our c--ks,” which is a bit odd, given the many Jumbos who care about important issues like slut-shaming and objectification of women (and whom I admire for working to change negative attitudes). We Jumbos should acknowledge that we’re willing to separate dubious mentions in otherwise-enjoyable pop songs from our actual opinions. In fact, we’ll even do so when the music unabashedly sucks—so long as the choruses are catchy. 2 Chainz is no different from Redfoo and SkyBlu—he is this year’s laughably cringeworthy but ironically lovable pop act/party animal that can get us off our high horses so we can start twerking. Spring Fling is the highlight of the year on this campus, and I can’t think of a more compelling way to spend it than shouting “all I want for my birthdaaaayyy is” with 5,500 of my friends and peers. Dumb fun is the best fun, and no one offers more of it than 2 Chainz. Alex Dobyan is a sophomore majoring in international relations. He can be reached at Alex.
Urban agriculture nurtures community action in Philadelphia: Why we should care? by
Karen Bustard
Food system issues have been receiving a growing amount of attention on Tufts’ campus, with a new Food Systems and the Environment track projected to join the revised Environmental Studies program. Student groups such as Food for Thought and Tom Thumb’s Student Garden offer more recent additions to campus organizations. Beyond the Hill, there was a recent victory in Philadelphia of a gardenand-farm zoning campaign demonstrating the importance of agriculture within cities. Urban agriculture has been emerging in recent years as an important feature in cities across the United States, and many places have been working to support and legitimize it. This September, Somerville became the first city in Massachusetts to pass an ordinance on urban agriculture, outlining rules for growing and cultivating vegetables, bees and chickens to help promote best practices (see “Somerville officials approve first urban agriculture ordinance,” Nov. 8). Philadelphia stands as a national model and leader in urban agriculture, due to the growing number of gardens and farms it supports. It has ample opportunity for this field, with over 42,000 vacant lots standing as a reminder of departed industry and urban decay. A new zoning code introduced in Philadelphia in August recognized urban agriculture as its own land-use type and, for the first time gave gardens and farms the opportunity to apply for an urban agriculture permit. Just months after the city’s new zoning code went into practice, city council leader Brian O’Neill introduced a bill adding significant barriers for garden groups, along with restrictions for
a number of other land-use types. O’Neill’s bill would have restricted urban agriculture on commercial mixed-use areas—affecting about 20 percent of gardens in Philadelphia. The bill was in effect since Dec. 12 by “pending ordinance,” having been passed by the Committee on Rules. It was scheduled for a full vote in city council this Thursday, Jan. 24. Since the bill was first introduced, gardens and interested groups in Philadelphia organized under the “Campaign for Healthier Food and Greener Spaces: Make Your Voice Heard Against Bill 120917,” lead by Amy Laura Cahn at the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia. A total of 29 organizations joined this campaign, as well as countless individuals who called council members and planned to turn up to the vote on Thursday. Due to their efforts, O’Neill released a statement on Wednesday saying he would amend his bill to remove the restrictions on gardens and market farms. He postponed the vote on the remainder of the bill for at least another week. O’Neill’s decision pays tribute to the many voices that spoke up in support of gardens and farms in the city, and I commend him for listening. Farms foster communal action by necessity, requiring a considerable amount of labor. In cities, they nurture civic action and democratic participation. Gardens and farms matter to communities because, along with increasing access to healthy food and the environmental benefits, they build ties between people, and help make neighborhoods vital, productive and safe. My own bias and experiences come from working at a nonprofit in West Philadelphia, Urban Tree Connection, that helps maintain a series of gardens and farms, as well as a sliding-scale
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), in a low-income neighborhood. Nine of these gardens exist on formerly vacant land, and each represents a story. Several are on the sites of former crack houses, or chop shops, and were created upon neighbors’ requests. A large children’s garden and orchard stands next to a housing project, and a 3/4 acre farm occupies the inside of one city block on a formerly abandoned construction company site. The CSA produces over 8,000 pounds of food a year, and a Saturday market stand is overseen by a founders group of five neighbors. This past summer, I coordinated a program for 25 Philadelphia high school teens to work at the gardens, markets and farm. On the final Saturday, the students worked with neighbors to throw a summer festival for community members and family. The party took place in the larger Memorial Garden—a garden created eleven years ago by the neighbors’ request, after seven children lost their lives to gun violence nearby during the previous year. On this Saturday, people of all ages came out to celebrate the summer. Neighbors barbequed, the teens hosted a talent show and open-mic session, and a neighbor from across the street performed with his reggae band for the first time late into the night. Gardens create a powerful space. Most of Urban Tree Connection’s gardens are on vacant lots they do not own, which is common of many gardens and farms in Philadelphia. I admire the attitude behind guerilla gardening, but the lack of land ownership can be seriously limiting. Even after decade-long use, many community gardens face the threat of a developer returning and kicking a group out, or building on the land. The new zoning code in effect since
August is not perfect—but it is a vast improvement over the convoluted and bulky one in use for the past 50 years. It is a step in the right direction for legitimizing and supporting urban agriculture in Philadelphia, setting a precedent for the rest of America. It represents four years of democratic deliberation, reflecting the voices of many community members and council members. The code includes safeguards to ensure that urban agriculture positively affects its community. It requires permission from the landowner, fences next to residential zones and rodent resistant compost and trash, and restricts power tool use between sunset and sunrise. As a student, I often think of issues of food security and the environment as large-scale, global and complex. But the new zoning code in Philadelphia, and the amendment of O’Neill’s bill to preserve it, offer an example of a policy that makes a direct and important impact on the agricultural community. The code encourages a path towards a sustainable, livable city, and it both reflects and encourages communal action. Philadelphia emerges as a leader in urban agriculture to the extent that gardens and farms are becoming embedded in a changing cityscape, and for the example it provides of civic engagement as the city moves forward to support and legitimize it. I encourage people to pay attention to how urban agriculture is treated in their own home communities, especially Somerville and Boston.
Karen Bustard is a senior majoring in international relations. She can be reached at
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013
Hunger is closer than you think. Reach out to your local food bank for ways to do your part. Visit today.
Monday, January 28, 2013
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Jumbos pacing themselves, looking beyond 20 wins WOMEN’S BASKETBALL continued from page 16
get better, and in turn putting pressure on the offense. In that way, it helps us feed off each other when it comes time for games.” For the Tufts players, success is bred primarily in practice, with none taken lightly. Graduate student and co-captain Kate Barnosky, who will take over as an assistant coach next season, has been through countless practices in Cousens Gym, and notes that each one is just as significant as the next. “People don’t know that our practices are actually really competitive,” she said. “Our team is extremely deep this year, and to compete against such a strong group of players on a daily basis certainly brings out our best. We’re lucky to have lots of game experience under our belt, but we can’t take any matchup for granted.” Brianna Hawkins was the only player to reach double digits for the Bobcats, scoring 11 points in the game on 4-of-7 shooting. Nevertheless, the Jumbos continued to hold their opponents’ key players to low-scoring numbers, another factor that will be crucial if Berube’s squad hopes to gain an advantage and knock off some of college
Sofia Adams / The Tufts Daily
Sophomore Hannah Foley scored 17 points on 46 percent shooting as the Jumbos cruised their way to 20-0 in a win over Bates.
basketball’s best teams in the upcoming NESCAC and NCAA tournaments. “We keep approaching each game like it’s the most important game to date, which is in fact the situation at this point in the season,” Moynihan said. “We keep striving to play our best every time we step onto the court, and with enough poise, we know we can create and build on our leads as a way to finish games.” With 20 straight wins in the books, the team turns towards a challenging stretch with just four games left in the regular season. On Tuesday, the squad hosts Rhode Island College, looking to get revenge for last season’s 62-41 defeat. They then have a key NESCAC weekend on the road against a Trinity College team that is 4-2 in conference and an Amherst squad ranked fourth in the nation and undefeated in the NESCAC since March 1, 2009. “This has been an amazing final year so far, but what’s even better is that we haven’t even touched our goals for this season yet,” Barnosky said. “None of us is simply happy with 20 wins, and we can’t wait to hopefully make some noise in the playoff tournaments coming up in the next few weeks.”
The Tufts Daily
Monday, January 28, 2013
Jumbos fall to Panthers again, important weekend looms HOCKEY
continued from back
In the second, Mistretta quickly put Williams out in front 2-1, but the Ephs only managed to hold the lead until the 15:44 mark, when Jumbo sophomore forward Derek Schartz knotted the game back up at 2-2. With another Jumbo lapse, the Ephs scored nine seconds later and never looked back after taking a 3-2 lead, stretching their margin in the third period with two more goals. “One of the most important shifts in a game is the shift that comes right after we score,” sophomore forward Tyler Voigt said. “Every time we would score, they could get a quick one in on us. We kept dropping our intensity and letting them take advantage to answer.” The Jumbos also had to deal with multiple injuries this weekend, with juniors Kyle Gallegos and Cody Armstrong and freshman Brian Oulette out for both games. Despite a disappointing result against the Ephs, Voigt points to the injuries as an opportunity for growth and experience within the team. “A lot of guys were put in positions that they weren’t used to, but still did very well,” Voigt, who has scored four goals so far this season, said. “I thought Derek Schartz had one of his best weekends all year.”
The Jumbos’ matchup on Saturday looked like it was headed for the same uncompetitive result, with the visiting Middlebury Panthers up 4-1 heading into the last 15 minutes of the game. While Tufts again scored the first goal, Middlebury was able to tie the game at one each by the end of the first period. Middlebury went on to score on a rebound shot just three minutes into the second period after junior goaltender Brian Phillips made the save, and then again on a power-play later that same period. After adding another goal just five minutes into the third, the game looked like it was over, with the Panthers up 4-1. However, a second goal from Bell gave the Jumbos a new life. The rally was under way and even though the Panthers were able to net another, two late goals from senior co-captain forward Dylan Plimmer, one on a power play, brought the Jumbos within 1 with 2:58 left in regulation. However, Tufts could not squeeze out another goal, and the team fell for the second time on the weekend. “We’ve had a lot of instances where the third period has been our downfall,” Edwards said. “We’ve talked about it a lot and unfortunately we haven’t been able to change that. We have to stay disciplined; that’s the most important
Oliver Porter / The Tufts Daily
Senior forward Dylan Plimmer scored two goals to try and spark a comeback, but it wasn’t enough as the Jumbos fell 5-4 to Middlebury. thing. We have to go into the third period with an aggressive mindset and not let up.” With this new outlook and a playoff spot in the conference still very much in reach, the Jumbos must find a way to win their upcoming NESCAC games as the season winds down. After
With freshmen pacing the team, Jumbos sit at 12-7 MEN’S BASKETBALL continued from back
cut the Jumbo deficit to eight with 3:32 remaining in the first half. Anderson followed the triple with a layup, and another 3-pointer by sophomore guard Ben Ferris cut the Bates lead to seven at the break. “We turned it around on defense,” Anderson said. “They were getting a lot of wide-open layups in the beginning of the game off fast breaks. Once we limited those opportunities and stopped them from getting into the middle of the lane in the half court, we started to inch our way back.” The second half was far closer, as the Jumbos brought themselves within three points just two minutes into the second half. The rest of the game was a back-and-forth affair until late in the period, where a three-
pointer from Firempong and a three-point play by Ferris on consecutive possessions gave the Jumbos a six-point lead with 1:30 left. The Bobcats were unable to claw back from there, and Tufts took the victory 74-67. “The scouting report was to execute our ball screen defense well, which we adjusted at the half, and it turned out to work very well,” Ferris said. “We also knew it was going to be a hectic environment. We slowed them in the second half by playing some zone defense which threw them off.” Haladyna put together another fine performance, accumulating 10 points and two rebounds on 2-4 shooting from downtown, while Ferris added 15 points, five rebounds, and two assists. “Tom and Stephen have been incredible in recent games,”
Ferris said. “They do everything very efficiently. They have very few flaws in their game, which is outstanding considering they’re freshmen. I’m excited that they’re playing well because they’re certainly an integral part of the offense now.” With the victory, the Jumbos improve to 12-7 overall and now sit fourth in the NESCAC. This week, Tufts will take on UMassBoston in a non-conference matchup before going back on the road next weekend for crucial conference games against Trinity and No. 14 Amherst. “Our focus in practice is always for the next game ahead of us,” Anderson said. “While I’m sure the coaches will harp on Amherst a little bit even starting Monday, we’re trying to take games one at a time and focus most on UMass Dartmouth, Trinity, then Amherst.”
Field athletes record four individual victories at MIT MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD continued from back
In the 3,000, junior Jamie Norton also ran a personal best time, 8:35.26, to finish 44th out of 146. Fellow junior Ben Wallis wasn’t far behind, finishing in 8:47.26 to place 77th, and sophomore Greg Hardy recorded the Jumbos’ second personal best in the race, placing 88th with a time of 8:50.63. Senior Adam Brosh spearheaded the Jumbo charge in the mile, placing 62nd in a field of 176 with a time of 4:20.24. This summer’s Olympic silver medalist in the 10,000 meter, Galen Rupp, won the event in 3:50.92, the fastest time recorded at the Boston University track. In the shorter distances, the Jumbos managed an even more impressive performance. Tufts fared especially well in the 800 meter, with two runners finishing in the top 15. Freshman Mitch Black, continuing his extraordinary start to the season, finished 10th out of 143 runners with a time of 1:53.19. Just four places behind him in 14th was senior tricaptain Jeff Marvel, who crossed the line in 1:53.67.
In the 400, senior Vinnie Lee led Tufts with a time of 49.90 to finish in 47th out of a field of 147. Freshman Woody Butler, who ran a 50.16 to place 54th, was the next Jumbo across the line. “The BU meet was a huge step forward for a lot of our guys,” Black said. “We still have work to do, but this weekend was certainly a step in the right direction.” On the other side of the Charles River, the Tufts field athletes recorded four victories and a number of top-five finishes, continuing their strong performances from the past few weeks. Senior Gbola Ajayi headlined for the Jumbos, claiming two of the four individual victories on the day. In the long jump, Ajayi leaped 22 feet 0.25 inches; in the triple jump, his winning distance of 46 feet 8.75 inches gave him the 12th longest jump in the country in Div. III this season. “[The MIT] meet was the first meet where I used my full approach,” Ajayi said. “I’m still building strength, speed, [and] explosiveness, and still working my technique.”
Tufts’ next victory came in the pole vault. In his first win since the Tufts Invitational, senior tri-captain Brad Nakanishi cleared 15 feet 1 inch, nearly a foot higher than the next-best collegiate competitor. Sophomore Brian Williamson won easily as well in the shot put with a throw of 49 feet 3.5 inches. Senior Andre Figueroa placed fifth in the event with a throw of 40 feet 1.25 inches. Meanwhile, senior tri-captain Curtis Yancy turned in an excellent performance in the weight throw, coming within a foot and a half of winning the event. His toss of 58 feet 3.25 inches not only netted him second place in the event at MIT, but it was good enough to rank 15th nationally in Div. III. Figueroa also performed well in the weight throw, coming in third place with a throw of 50 feet 0.75 inches. “Our field events are some of our best, and so I expect us to contribute in a major way to the team,” Ajayi said. The Jumbos next compete at the Tufts Pentathlon/ Heptathlon on Feb. 1 and the Tufts Stampede on Feb. 2.
the Jumbos face non-conference opponent Suffolk on Tuesday night, they will have their most important stretch of the season if they hope to earn a playoff berth. On Friday, the Jumbos will travel to New London, Conn. to face the eighth-place Camels, with Conn. College coming back
to Malden to face the Jumbos at home the next night. The back-to-back games might not only help Tufts to gain a decisive advantage in the fight for the playoffs, but it could also be the shift in momentum that the players are looking for to send them into the playoffs in stride.
Women’s Track and Field
Jumbos perform well in two weekend meets This weekend, the women’s track and field team turned in strong performances in two away meets, one at Boston University and the other at MIT. On Friday, BU’s Terrier Classic featured tough competition from Div. I, II and III athletes and showcased Tufts’ sprinters and mid-distance runners. The unique banked track made for a number of standout performances, including three Tufts milers who made their mark. Junior Laura Peterson led the Jumbos with a 50th-place finish in the field of 124 with a time of 5:11.27, and senior Toby Crispin and freshman Audrey Gould came right behind with times of 5:14.11 and 5:14.77 to finish 55th and 57th, respectively. In the shorter distances, Jumbos placed in a number of different events. Senior quad-captain Alyssa Corrigan finished just ahead of sophomore Lauren Gormer in the 500, where the two clocked nearly identical times of 1:19.93 and 1:19.95 to finish 26th and 27th in a field of 49 runners. In the 60-meter hurdles, freshman Marilyn Allen finished 50th of 89 with a time of 9.58, and junior Jana Hieber placed 59th at 9.80. The second leg of the weekend came Saturday at the MIT Invitational, which, unlike the Terrier Classic, was a non-scoring event for the Jumbos. Tufts’ throwers continued the strong performances they have displayed throughout this season, with senior tri-captain Kelly Allen winning the shot put with a toss of 43 feet 9.25 inches and classmate Sabienne Brutus reigning victorious in the weight
throw with a heave of 56 feet 3.25 inches. Notably, senior Ronke Oyekunle finished right behind Allen as runner-up in the shot put, throwing 42 feet 2 inches. Allen notes the importance of winning such a significant event and in fact breaking her own school record. “It felt great to [set a personal record] this early on in the season,” Allen said. “Right now, I’m just trying to build up to championship season. While breaking the record felt awesome, I know there is a lot more to come in shot put.” Like the seniors, a number of first-year field members also fared well in the Invitational. Freshman Paige Roberts leapt to second place in the high jump with a clearance of 5 feet 1.75 inches, and classmate Mary Ellen Caruso cruised to second in the triple jump with a mark of 34 feet 4 inches. Finally, freshman Emily Smithwick took third in the pole vault with a seasonbest clearance height of 10 feet 11.75 inches. With the track and field season now in full swing, the Jumbos hope to improve on past performances in preparation for the eventual New England Div. III Championships at the University of Southern Maine on Feb. 15-16 and All-New England Championships again at BU on Feb. 22-23. But for now, the track and field teams look forward to reconvening Saturday for the Tufts Stampede in a joint event.
— by Andy Linder, Molly Greer contributed reporting
INSIDE Women’s Track and Field 15
Men’s Ice Hockey
Jumbos struggle, lose 10th straight NESCAC game by
Men’s Basketball
Alex Schroeder
Daily Editorial Board
After a disappointing winless weekend trip to Connecticut, the men’s ice hockey team was back home in Malden for two NESCAC matchups, this time against No. 12 Williams and Middlebury. Despite a strong performance against the Ephs on Friday night and a late charge Saturday against the Panthers, the Jumbos were overpowered by their conference foes. With the two losses, Tufts drops to 1-9-2 in the conference and remains in ninth place, still one point outside of eighth place and a spot in the NESCAC tournament even amidst their slide. Led by the two goals of sophomore Peter Mistretta, Williams came away with a 5-3 victory on Friday night, their second over Tufts by exact score this season, with the first coming on the road. The success for Williams came in its ability to match the Jumbos blow for blow throughout the contest. In fact, each time Tufts scored, Williams was able to respond within a minute, quickly killing any momentum the Jumbos were able to create. “On Friday, our discipline after we scored is what shot us in the foot,” sophomore defender Blake Edwards said. “They came back and scored within a minute on each of our three goals. We played well and gave ourselves a chance to win, but letting up the quick goals killed us.” Edwards was the first to score on the night, netting a drive from the left side to give the Jumbos an early lead in the first period. However, Williams answered a mere 59 seconds later, and the teams remained locked at 1-1 for the remainder of the first period. see HOCKEY, page 15
Caroline Geiling / The Tufts Daily
Senior forward Scott Anderson scored 15 points and pulled in 3 rebounds in the Jumbos’ 74-67 road win over Bates.
Jumbos hit stride as win streak increases to by
Alex Baudoin
Daily Editorial Board
The Tufts men’s basketball team has picked the right time to get hot. After a 6-5 start to the season, the Jumbos dropped consecutive NESCAC games against Williams and Middlebury at the beginning of the year, and the team was in need of a spark to resurrect its season. Led by the emergence of six-foot-eight freshman center Tom Palleschi and sixth man freshman guard Stephen Haladyna,
the Jumbos have put together a six-game winning streak, five against conference rivals. On Saturday, Palleschi’s 19 points, eight rebounds, and three blocks proved to be crucial in the Jumbos’ road victory over Bates. Coach Bob Sheldon’s squad struggled early on to keep up with the Bobcats’ up-tempo offense and scrappy defensive play. After an even first five minutes of the game, the Bobcats went on a 15-1 run to take a 14-point lead midway through the first half. “We knew we needed to get out to a strong start against Bates, knowing that
Men’s Track and Field
they were a high-energy team and the crowd was only going to get bigger as the game progressed,” senior co-captain Scott Anderson, who contributed 15 points and three rebounds in the victory, said. “We really harped on coming out strong coming into the game, but that being said, talk is cheap, and we just didn’t step up to the plate in the first 10 minutes of the game.” Tufts, however, managed to claw its way back. A 3-pointer by junior cocaptain point guard Kwame Firempong see MEN’S BASKETBALL, page 15
Women’s Basketball
Split squad impresses with individual Women’s basketball performances at MIT and BU moves to 20-0 in win over Bates by Sam
Daily Editorial Board
The Tufts men’s track and field team split up on Saturday to compete in both the Terrier Classic at Boston University and the MIT Invitational. The track athletes went to the Terrier Classic and the field athletes to MIT, and while neither meet counted towards Tufts’ record as a team this season, each provided an opportunity for the Jumbos to showcase themselves as individuals and to shave seconds off their times with more important team meets around the corner. A faster, banked track at BU and the pacing of professionals and some of the top runners from Div. I schools led to a number of fast times for Tufts. Senior Kyle Marks stood out on the day, earning an eighthplace finish out of 64 in the 5,000 meter run. Marks, who notched a personal best time of 14:33.63, now has one of the top-five times in the country. “My goal was to feel comfortable through 3,000 meters without having to work too much, and after that to dig in and close hard, and I was able to do that pretty well,” Marks said.
Josh Berlinger / Tufts Daily ARCHIVES
see MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD, page 15
Senior Gbola Ajayi captured individual victories in the long jump and the triple jump at the MIT Invitational.
Andy Linder
Daily Editorial Board
Playing just one game this weekend instead of a typical NESCAC doubleheader, the No. 6 women’s basketball team, led by coach Carla Berube, was able to focus all its attention on its trip to take on the Bates Bobcats in Maine on Saturday. The result was another dominant performance in the conference, as the Jumbos improved to 20-0 overall and 7-0 in the NESCAC with a 55-34 win. Tufts was led by strong performances across the board, with sophomore Hannah Foley leading the way, totaling 17 points and seven rebounds in the contest. She shot 46 percent, going 6-of-13 from the field and 3-for-6 from threepoint range. Despite the lopsided final score, the Jumbos started slowly, trailing by deficits of 8-4 and 13-9 early. But relying on their defense to fuel their offense, Tufts was able to rapidly turn the tables, closing the half on a 23-4 run that included a stretch of six
straight possessions with a turnover for the Bobcats that the Jumbos turned into nine points. “Our motto has been all season that with enough defensive stops, the shots will eventually begin to fall,” junior Liz Moynihan said. “We have to trust ourselves that even through a bad start, we’re a very deep team. When we force turnovers, it will lead to fast breaks, layups, and more made shots — it’s a cycle.” Overall, Tufts forced 27 Bates turnovers in the game, while holding the Bobcats to just 29.5 percent shooting overall and 7.7 percent from beyond the arc. Berube’s defense-first attitude continues to reverberate for all of her players, and it will be critical if the Jumbos hope to continue their success later this season. “Everyday, we are working on our defense in practice,” Moynihan said. “Coach will put us in situations where the offense has the advantage, forcing the defense to see WOMEN’S BASKETBALL, page 14