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monday, november 26, 2012
Medford to introduce first winter farmers’ market by Josh
Daily Editorial Board
The City of Medford will this year host a farmers’ market during the winter season for the first time. The market will be held in the garage of the Hyatt Place hotel in Medford Square Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., starting on Dec. 6 and continuing until Feb. 28, excluding Dec. 27. Medford has hosted the weekly Medford Farmers’ Market every summer since 2006, which regularly features products such as organic vegetables and locally baked goods, according to Medford Farmers’ Market board member Syrah McGivern. However, since the market closes annually in mid-October, vendors have a limited time frame in which to sell their products and are often disappointed when sales end in the fall, she added. The Medford Farmers’ Market Board of Directors therefore decided that extending the market into the winter months would address this issue, McGivern said “Vendors were asking to sell more, and customers were asking to buy more,” she said. “We also saw that cities like Somerville and Winchester were able to have successful farmers’ markets, and we wanted to be able to do the same.” The winter market will differ from the summer market in that it will feature products from a total of four farms rather than just two, according to Susan Fairchild, president of the Medford Farmers’ Market Board of Directors. Vendors will sell a different assortment of goods, including new varieties of fish,
lobsters and clam chowder, she said. “My hope is that we’ll be able to continue to create a sense of community, as we were able to do over the summer,” Fairchild said. “It should be a place for people to come out, do shopping, see their friends, support local businesses and eat healthy.” According to Fairchild, the Board faced a number of obstacles in making the winter market a reality, including recruiting vendors, completing extensive paperwork and reaching out to potential customers and sponsors. However, the greatest challenge the Board faced was finding a location in Medford to hold the market, as options were limited and the market does not have a budget to pay for a space, Fairchild said. “People really wanted to keep things in [Medford] Square, where it would be conveniently located,” she said. “Thankfully, the general manager of the Hyatt Place in Medford Square offered to let us have the hotel parking garage.” Fairchild noted that this move will not only provide a warm and spacious environment for the market to operate in, but also allow the Board to form a valuable partnership with the Hyatt Place. According to McGivern, the market is looking for performers to enhance the market’s ambience and hopes to get in touch with student groups at Tufts. Members of Tufts’ Freshman Community Service Pre-Orientation (FOCUS) collaborated with the Board in selecting a location for the winter market, and Food Rescue, a student-run prosee MARKET, page 2
kyra sturgill / the tufts daily
The TEAM project will evaluate policies related to Tufts’ workforce.
New project to examine Tufts’ administrative structure by
Melissa Wang
Daily Editorial Board
The university will next semester launch a new Tufts Effectiveness in Administrative Management (TEAM) project that will evaluate the current state of administrative affairs on all three campuses and operate in tandem with the strategic planning initiative launched in October. The project will collect feedback from across all levels of the university to assess and ultimately recommend changes in administrative practices concerning Tufts employees, according to Executive Vice President Patricia Campbell. Results of an Excellence at Work employee survey conducted over the past few years indicate that the overwhelming majority of
Tufts employees love what they do, a statistic Campbell finds encouraging. She added, however, that the survey results show that some respondents find certain administrative policies to be cumbersome. “It leads us to think that there’s a lot of things that we might improve, but there’s also really good will among our work force for taking a look at how we can do things better,” Campbell said. “We want to be sure that our administration is as effective as it can be so we are supporting the excellence of our academics.” Within the next few weeks, TEAM’s executive committee will hire an outside consultant to start collecting data next month. The official assessment will then last from January to see TEAM, page 2
Students help Danish Pastry House cater to Tufts customers by
Patrick McGrath
Daily Editorial Board
Six students of entrepreneurial leadership (ELS) are currently helping the Danish Pastry House (DPH) expand its presence in the Tufts community. Teams of students from the class Entrepreneurial Marketing, offered through the Gordon Institute, have each been instructed by lecturer John Derby to help develop the marketing strategy of local small businesses. DPH, a bakery and cafe that offers menu items like pastries, sandwiches and coffee, as well as catering services, was chosen by Derby as one of the businesses for the project. Kathleen Flahive (LA ‘04), co-owner of DPH, agreed to participate in the class project at a time when her business has plans to expand its store, currently located at 330 Boston Ave. Flahive has leased the retail space next door to DPH, but said she is holding off on executing the expansion until she can determine how best to utilize the added space. “There [are] so many great ideas going around that we’ve decided we want to take some more time and focus on that before we actually decide what we’re going to be doing with it,” Flahive said. The team of Tufts students is helping Flahive gather feedback about her store and gain a sense of what current DPH patrons want to see in the future and what possible changes might attract new customers. “We’re constantly changing and adding new products, and we really want students’
feedback and involvement to make us the best damn coffee shop in Boston,” Flahive said. “We’re a small business, locally owned and operated, and we really do care about that feedback from our customers.” Senior Valerie Dorer, a member of the ELS team working with DPH, explained that Derby divided the marketing class into teams, each of which was assigned to work with a different business. “Then they work with whoever the toplevel person is at that company, who tells them what they need in terms of marketing from the students,” she said. Junior Diana Plethean, another member of the team working with DPH, said that the group designed and sent out a customer feedback survey aimed at answering Flahive’s questions about the typical DPH customer, including why they like the store and what they usually order. “We’re just trying to think about, as we grow and expand the cafe concept, what are our customers loving about us, and if there are any issues, what do they see them as,” Flahive said. The survey, which was sent out on Facebook, tweeted through the DPH account, advertised in the store and posted on various online pages including TuftsLife, has collected about 450 responses over the past couple of weeks, according to Dorer. Flahive added that one of the most important aspects of the campaign is enhancing DPH’s use of social media to increase awareness of the eatery.
Inside this issue
“I think that through having a more active social media campaign, exposure will be really exciting,” she said. Phethean noted that social media is a huge opportunity for Flahive to reach potential new customers. For example, the team has coordinated an Instagram challenge in which participants can submit photos from the store for a chance to win a DPH gift card, Dorer said. “The major recommendations we’re making are based around her social media
efforts,” Dorer said. “So she has a Twitter and a Facebook, but she doesn’t use them very often or very well, so we want to help her engage with the Tufts community a little bit better because really only the uphill Tufts community knows or visits Danish.” The team’s marketing strategy has largely focused on the fact that most individuals in the area engaged in social media are 18- to 25-year-olds or Tufts students, Dorer said. see PASTRY, page 2
Courtney Chiu for the Tufts Daily
The Danish Pastry House has plans to expand both its retail space and social media presence.
Today’s sections
The Tufts Labor Coalition aims to promote activism on campus concerning workers’ rights.
A lack of chemistry taints the Huntington Theatre Company’s rendition of “Betrayal.”
see FEATURES, page 3
see ARTS, page 6
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, November 26, 2012
Visiting the Hill this week MONDAY “Ideals in Everyday Practice: A Gendered Space for Women in Song China” Details: Man Xu, assistant professor of history, will be speaking as part of the Women’s Studies Faculty Research Colloquium series. Refreshments will be served. When and Where: 5:15 to 6 p.m.; Rabb Room, Lincoln Filene Center Sponsors: Women’s Studies Program
TUESDAY “The Right to Food: A Weapon Against Global Hunger” Details: Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the right to food, will be discussing the UN’s approach to tackling world hunger. When and Where: 3 to 4:30 p.m.; ASEAN Auditorium, Cabot Sponsors: Global Development and Environment Institute
“Eric Schlosser Talks Food Justice” Details: Eric Schlosser, an investigative journalist and author of Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (2012), will be speaking as part of the Merrin Distinguished Lecture Series 20122013. Tickets are free and available at the Aidekman Box Office. When and Where: 8 to 10 p.m.; Cohen Auditorium Sponsors: Tufts Hillel and Moral Voices
FRIDAY “The Mind in Action: Practical Thinking and Continuous Activity” Details: Tal Brewer, professor of philosophy at the University of Virginia, will be speaking. When and Where: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.; Braker 001 Sponsors: Department of Philosophy —compiled by the Daily News Department
TEAM project assessment phase to begin in spring TEAM
continued from page 1
April, according to Campbell. Members of the consulting firm will talk to faculty, staff and students and gather data through a variety of methods, potentially including interviews, surveys and focus groups, Campbell noted. “We have a lot of data of how we spend our resources on administration, so they’ll look at that data,” she said. “They’ll look at some reports we’ve done in the past about administration. They will assess what we currently have, compare it to how different functions are operated in other environments and suggest recommendations.” The executive committee, which is the initiative’s decision-making body, will include University President Anthony Monaco, Provost and Senior Vice President David Harris, Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Thomas McGurty and Campbell. A steering committee composed of about 15 to 18 university vice presidents, executive deans, faculty members and managers will help direct the project. In addition, the Administrative Council, the Academic Council and the Board of Trustees will provide input throughout the process, according to Campbell. “The steering committee and the executive committee will work in an ongoing, interactive way with the consultants so that we’re guiding their work, we’re hearing early findings from them so that we can see where there can maybe be some opportunities
where we dive a little deeper ... and understand what might be possible,” she said. Following the assessment process, implementation of the recommended practices will occur over what Campbell said could be several years. “There are likely to be some things that you could just change tomorrow,” Dick Reynolds, project manager and former Vice President of Operations, said. “There will be some other things that’ll take a year to put in, and there will be some that might take two or three years because they’ll have to change the ways we go about our business.” Campbell explained that Tufts is not alone among higher education institutions in examining and addressing the effectiveness of its operations. “With the questions that the public and government are asking of all higher education about affordability, about access [and] about outcome, Tufts wants to make sure that it looks ahead and it operates itself as effectively as it possibly can in a time when there are a lot of questions about those issues,” she said. McGurty hopes that the project will help the university make the most of its existing administrative capabilities. “I think we’ve done a lot to modernize our systems, putting a lot of investment in these systems,” he said. “This really holds the promise to do something that would take advantage of those investments. I think there’s really an opportunity to strengthen our business practices.”
ELS students boost pastry house’s marketing technique PASTRY
continued from page 1
Kyra Sturgill / The Tufts Daily
The City of Medford will next week debut its winter farmers’ market in the garage of the Hyatt Place hotel. Above, the fall farmers’ market at Tufts’ Campus Center.
FOCUS works in tandem with town to find location for winter market MARKET
continued from page 1
gram at the Leonard Carmichael Society, has already arranged to pick up leftover goods from the market and redistribute them to the underprivileged, according to Joshua Malkin, a senior involved in the Food Rescue program. “We’ll go to the market towards the end each day, collect whatever food is left over and take it to the Unitarian Church in Medford, where it can be served to the poor,” Malkin said. “With the help of [Director of Community Relations] Barbara Rubel, we talked to the right people, and Medford was very happy to get involved in our program.” English Professor Elizabeth Ammons, co-coordinator of the Community Cupboard Food Pantry at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Medford, said she has been accepting food donations from the Medford Farmers’ Market in the fall and expects to continue doing so in the winter, although she said the market has not yet contacted her about it. Ammons spoke highly of the market and expressed excitement that sales will extend into the winter months.
“It’s really valuable for communities to have access to local food, and the Winter Farmers’ Market is one of the organizations that’s helping to make that happen,” Ammons said. “Being able to get local produce is highly valued by clients.” Rubel believes the winter Medford Farmers’ Market will expand on the success of the summertime market. “It’s terrific that Medford will have a winter market,” she said. “The farmers’ market board was very creative in finding new space for it, and I understand that new vendors will be involved. The best parts of the summer market are scheduled to remain—fresh produce, breads and goodies, community informational tables, entertainment and food trucks right outside.” Rubel believes that the Tufts community will benefit from the winter market’s presence. “The market’s hours and location with nearby parking will make it a convenient stop for all members of the Tufts community—students, faculty and staff,” she said. “And I hope that more Tufts student performing groups will be there to entertain. I’m looking forward to it.”
Phethean also hopes to boost advertising for Flahive’s catering and wedding cake business in the greater Medford/ Somerville area. “We’re focusing more on the Tufts community, just because that’s our expertise, but we’re trying to not exclude the Medford community, because we know that there’s a significant amount of her customers who are Medford residents, especially on the weekends,” she said. Each team’s project will culminate in a
final presentation to the entire class, the lecturer and their business’ CEO or marketing representative, according to Phethean. “We have to create a PowerPoint presentation explaining what we’ve done throughout the semester, showing where the company started and where we took it,” she said. Phethean expressed enthusiasm about the chance to work with DPH, given the store’s close proximity to campus. “I thought it would be nice to actually make an impact on the Tufts community, versus some of the other companies who are not around Tufts,” she said.
TCU Senate update
Senate discusses textbooks, pass/fail deadline The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate opened session last night with an open forum address on behalf of a student who hopes to open a used book distribution business on campus. While the company has agreed to a profit-sharing arrangement between itself and Tufts, the question remains whether the business would violate the Tufts University Bookstore’s non-competition clause in its contract with the university. Senators Jessie Serrino, a sophomore, and Ethan Finkelstein, a freshman, won approval to lobby the administration for an extension of the pass/fail deadline. Although the university’s Educational Policy Committee supports extending the deadline to the class drop deadline for freshmen, some members of the committee are considering giving the extension to all students, Serrino said. Senator and freshman Brain Tesser’s project to push for outdoor benches and study areas also passed. The body also approved a project by Senator Janna Karatas, a freshman, to attach
the Senate’s name to a planned appreciation dinner for janitorial and dining services personnel. Tufts Canon, a student-written literary journal, received a supplementary funds allocation of $10,000 after a much-debated vote. The funds will cover the journal’s publication through spring of 2013. The group’s request was large because of a high number of submissions this semester, three times the response they received last semester. As a result, the Canon will be publishing a double-sized edition, reducing the number of colors to save in printing costs. Several senators debated the investment, suggesting that the body should allocate a smaller amount and base next semester’s funding on the community’s response to the double-edition. Others pointed out that the Canon’s staff was using a bulk order deal to save money in the long run. The allocation eventually passed 13-7-2. —by James Pouliot
Alanna Tuller | Archive Addict
G.I. Jumbos
C Justin McCallum / The Tufts Daily
The Jumbo Janitor Alliance held a rally to protest the practices of Tufts’ current janitorial services contractor, UGL Unicco.
Tufts Labor Coalition joins Boston-area schools to fight for workers’ rights by Jacob
Daily Editorial Board
Tufts’ Jumbo Janitor Alliance (JJA) sparked a substantial movement on campus in campaigning for the rights of janitors on campus. Last year, the group, in conjunction with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), organized a march that attracted dozens of students to protest outside Ballou Hall regarding the practices of Tufts’ current janitorial services contractor, UGL Unicco. This year, the JJA has reemerged as the Tufts Labor Coalition (TLC), a student group campaigning for better workers’ rights. This year, the group looks to capitalize on the support it garnered in its efforts last year as JJA to increase activism on campus. “The reason we got a lot of people is because half of those people were from [Tufts] Occupy [Boston],” TLC co-chair Libby Shrobe, a senior, said. “I do think that the Occupy movement has died down, but I think that [its] remnants are definitely still around on campus. A few of the people who started coming to our meetings were part of Occupy last year, and I just feel like there are more active groups on campus that focus on similar issues.” Senior Lexi Sasanow, formerly co-chair of JJA and part of the Occupy movement, said this cross-group interaction is important. “The solidarity network that the activist groups on campus are building is coming to fruition because a lot of the people who are here are people I know from the Anti-Authoritarian Collective” — a group centered on Tufts’ radical community — “or from Occupy,” Sasanow said. Shrobe finds that the number of groups focused on social justice issues is something of a trend. “I feel that the community at Tufts has become a little more receptive to listening in to issues around oppression and social justice, and there’s more of a dialogue around it in the past few years,” she said. Increased interaction among these activist groups is a goal of TLC this year, according to Shrobe. “Obviously, for any organization on campus it’s good to have allies,” she said. “I think it’s really important to continue fostering those relationships, but we don’t have a strategic plan around it yet.” According to TLC co-chair Josephine Herman, the group is still in flux as it works to transition its focus and support from last year into its new format. “It feels like this is really a rebuilding year for TLC. The leadership has been trying to ... get people interested and passionate about labor issues and [to support] them in the directions that they want to go in,” Herman, a senior, said. This push for increased involvement was in part what motivated the group’s shift to a more generalized focus on labor rights. “Being a broader group allows us a lot more flexibility in terms of what we want to focus on and allows us to bring in mem-
bers interested in different aspects of labor issues,” Herman said. She added that, to her personally, this meant increasing their relationships with a broader variety of workers on campus. “For me, the ... need to build connections with workers all over Tufts [was compelling] — not simply with the janitors, but also [with] dining and clerical, among others,” she said. Despite the shift in focus, she said the group would continue to stay true to its roots in JJA. “We have the strongest relationships with the custodial staff, and I know we want that relationship to remain strong as we move in this new direction,” Herman said. One issue that is particularly important to TLC is the upcoming renewal of the janitors’ contract with UGL Unicco. Shrobe said she is looking for the group to raise awareness of the issue and to get the student body involved early, as negotiations will start in July when most students are off campus. “It’s very strategic of Unicco and the administration that the contract negotiations are during the summer, because the student body isn’t there to be paying attention to it. It’s a huge asset to the union and the janitors that would be lost,” she said. A key element to the group’s success lies in the close relationships its members form with campus workers. Sasanow stressed that students should feel more comfortable in interacting with these individuals and should work to build relationships with them. “I think that there’s a fear of a language barrier that sometimes isn’t there. A lot of janitors speak English, and a lot of times, your pidgin Spanish is way better than you think,” she said. Sasanow also argued that social pressures also bring about the hesitancy. “Especially for a population at Tufts that is largely from a more economically comfortable situation, you’re taught to ignore class and to not think about the people working around you,” Sasanow said. To facilitate the interaction with campus workers and to better gauge their needs from students, TLC invites workers to come speak before the group. At the Nov. 19 meeting, one janitor spoke about the issues her colleagues faced — everything from students making messes in dorm bathrooms to workers’ concerns about their contracts. “Unicco isn’t observing the seniority that some workers have when making decisions about switching people from part-time to full-time or changing the buildings they work in,” she said, as translated by sophomore Santiago Ossa. Learning about these issues helps TLC members organize around the issues that need the most attention, in order to better suit the workers’ needs. “Building that face-to-face interaction and understanding is really important to solidarity and organizing,” Sasanow said. Such activism is not unique to Tufts campus by any means and is finding increased
support throughout Boston-area schools. Notably, in April 2011, the Progressive Student Alliance (PSA) at Northeastern University led a successful campaign to reject a dining services contract bid between the university and Sodexo, a multinational corporation based in France found to have committed abuses against its workers by Human Rights Watch. Protests like these were supported by United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS), a student-run organization created in 1997 that fights for workers on college campuses and in factories around the world. Herman interned at Fábrica Altagracia, a unionized factory aligned with USAS, while studying abroad in the Dominican Republic. Although TLC is not currently affiliated with USAS, Herman said that she hopes to promote it in the future. “We are trying to form more links with USAS and put it out there as an option in case people are interested in developing an anti-sweatshop movement at Tufts,” she said. To spur its own efforts on and off campus, TLC has elicited support from Boston-area students affiliated with USAS. At the Nov. 19 meeting, Emerson College junior Emma MacDonald came to speak to the group. MacDonald is involved in labor groups on her campus, including Progressives and Radicals in Defense of Employees (PRIDE) and the Sweat-Free Coalition. According to MacDonald, PRIDE started recently in response to requests from the local union for campus custodians, SEIU, that the janitors’ contract was up for renewal at Emerson. “All of the awareness that was raised around Boston actually got them their contract,” she said. At the TLC meeting, MacDonald shared training she had received as part of a USASsponsored regional meeting, such as targeting well-known administrators when leading a delegation in support of a specific cause. For Shrobe, taking the insights from students beyond Tufts is helpful in coming up with new ways to encourage support for on-campus issues. “I think it’s important to rally around issues that matter, but to frame them in a way that grabs the student body’s attention,” Shrobe said. “Like [MacDonald] told us, you have to put pressure on administrators that are known because otherwise you don’t get the attention of the press or other students.” Shrobe added that the group is also working to recruit support from the faculty, including professors who previously supported JJA in its efforts. She added that making TLC into a broader movement should help people recognize campus workers and students as members of the same community. “There aren’t just privileged college students on this campus,” Shrobe said. “There are so many people here who are invisible, and they don’t deserve that.”
ontrary to my own belief, the current site of our shiny new gym did not always house Tufts’ athletic facilities. In fact, Cousens Gymnasium, the Gantcher Family Sports and Convocation Center and the Steve Tisch Sports and Fitness Center all sit on what used to be the George Luther Stearns Estate. Stearns earned a living as a prominent merchant during the mid-19th century and helped to organize the Medford portion of the Underground Railroad before and during the Civil War. Yet by World War I, all remaining members of the Stearns family had moved out of their grand homestead and George Stearns’ widow deeded the property to Tufts. The University demolished the mansion in 1921 and the lot remained vacant until World War II. But the abandoned lot was soon put to good use. Thanks to the 1944 G.I. Bill, the federal government picked up the tab for returning veterans who wanted to enroll in college. During the 1946-1947 academic year, 67 percent of Jumbos on the Hill had served in the war. Tufts soon faced a housing shortage, though, when these veterans arrived on campus. To ameliorate the housing issue, Tufts acquired 12 temporary housing units — containing 80 multi-room apartments in total — from the Federal Public Housing Administration. The former Stearns Estate served as the location for this housing project, which came to be known as Stearns Village, Tufts’ first (and only) all-veteran dormitory. Though Stearns Village restricted its apartments to veterans, these students also had the option to bring their wives and families to live on campus with them. In fact, so many wives settled in Stearns Village that they formed the Tufts Wives Club in 1946. In addition to organizing poetry readings and social events, the Club also founded a “cooperative babysitting league.” In 1949, the group renamed itself the Stearns Village Nursery School, an institution that eventually morphed into the ElliotPearson Children’s School, which still exists on campus today. Despite my aversion to 1950s gender roles, I found myself warming up to the idea of a suburban oasis populated by dutiful housewives and broods of rosy-cheeked baby boomers living here on campus. Fortunately, this Stepford-esque vision of domestic bliss shattered as I investigated beyond the cheaply constructed facade of Stearns Village. The first tipoff came from a Tufts Weekly article, which stated that all apartments came equipped with “modern implements” including “winter insulation” and “coal stoves.” Sure, coal stoves might seem like a quaint, homey touch to any apartment, but these “modern implements” were only ironically noteworthy because the apartments were not outfitted with more advanced forms of heating like furnaces or radiators. Privacy also became a luxury in the Village. Thin floors and walls permitted neighbors to hear each other’s every movement, and a few unfortunate tenants had their apartments exposed to the entire Village when the end of one building collapsed and turned the families’ living quarters into a cross-section for everyone’s viewing pleasure. Despite their new homes’ shoddy construction and confined quarters, most of the veterans were pretty good-natured about the situation. As one optimist pointed out, “At least it’s better than living with your mother-in-law.” if living in a drafty, rickety apartment with your wife and screaming children while trying to study for a chemistry exam was comparatively better, I can’t even imagine what sort of family the poor fellow had married into. By 1955, just nine short years after its initial construction, Stearns Village was razed and our current athletic complex took its place. And while I admire Tufts’ effort to give back to our veterans, I just can’t help but feel they deserved more than glorified houses of cards.
Alanna Tuller is a senior majoring in English. She can be reached at Alanna.
The Tufts Daily
Monday, November 26, 2012
Physics 0005-01: Special Topics in Physics
Cosmology for the Curious
Prof. Alexander Vilenkin F Block: TRF 12:00 – 12:50 pm Explores recent developments in cosmology. Big bang and cosmic inflation; dark matter and dark energy; cosmic strings and extra dimensions; anthropic reasoning and the multiverse. The questions to be addressed include: How did the universe begin? How will it end? Why is it expanding? Are there parallel worlds? Because of remarkable recent progress in cosmology, we now have answers to these questions that we have some reason to believe. Prerequisite: No background in physics or math is assumed beyond elementary high school math. Course is applicable to the Natural Sciences Distribution Requirement, but not towards the major or minor in Physics.
Arts & Living
Concert Review
Elizabeth Landers | Campus Chic Report
S--t Tufts girls wear
Justin McCallum / The Tufts Daily
Indie duo Matt and Kim, pictured above at last year’s Cage Rage, delivered an energetic set filled with old and new songs.
Matt and Kim electrify House of Blues by Justin
Daily Editorial Board
No two Brooklyn hipsters love booty shaking, synth chords or good ol’ ‘90s hip-hop more than Matt Johnson and Kim Schifino. The high-octane duo Matt and Kim, who rocked the Carzo Cage last fall, brought down the Boston House of Blues on Nov. 16 at what the band announced as its first ever sold-out show at that venue. Following up their most recent album
release “Lightning” (2012), the indie rockers energized the crowd with an electric set of old classics and new hits. After gallantly striding on stage to a cacophony of the crowd’s cheers and rap music, the two got down to business bouncing up and down on their stools, banging out “Block After Block” on their keyboard and drum kit. The euphoric energy and crowd involvement characteristic of a Matt and Kim concert kept coming, with a cover of
“Jump On It” added on to their hit “Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare.” The heavy bass in tracks like “Grand” and “It’s a Fact (Printed Stained)” were emblematic of the growing heavy hip-hop/dance influences in the duo’s songs. Their new tracks showcased a somewhat over-edited feel. The many synth effects and dubstep-esque instrumentals were wildly different than the sounds see MATT AND KIM, page 6
Album Review
‘¡Dos!’ delivers upbeat songs, lacks substance by Josh
Contributing Writer
While it’s no small feat in the rock ‘n’ roll world for a group to stay together for the better part of a quarter-century,
Green Day Reprise Records Green Day is not exactly the band it used to be. The group’s problems began approximately two months ago when lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong entered rehab following bouts of heavy drinking and substance abuse, and grew even worse when the band canceled every scheduled tour date through early 2013. Inside the studio, however, the show goes on: Green Day released “¡Uno!,” the first part of its promised album trilogy, this past September. While it is definitely not the group’s most thought-provoking record, “¡Uno!” is a fun-filled, one-sitting
listen that invokes a raging rock concert atmosphere. “¡Dos!,” the follow-up to “¡Uno!,” barely strays from this formula. The result is another record that offers enjoyable, ear-pleasing music, but is missing the thematic richness that made previous Green Day albums like “American Idiot” (2004) and “21st Century Breakdown” (2009) such fan favorites. Listening to this record, you’d never know that times were now so bleak for Mr. Billie Joe. Green Day relentlessly celebrates the wild side of rock-star life throughout the nearly 40 minutes of “¡Dos!,” yelling raucous lyrics like “I will manhandle your holy grace/ I want to choke you ’til you’re blue in the face,” and “I’m out of control/ Oh baby when I see your pretty face/ I say whoa,” without pause. It’s the same sort of life-is-a-party mentality that has characterized some of the band’s most popular work. It is a relief to see that, despite the turmoil that may be plaguing members’ personal lives, Green Day can still deliver 13 tracks of solid fun. “Nightlife,” the most ominous track on
Wikimedia Commons
“¡Dos!” features a more garage rock sound than its predecessor, “¡Uno!” the record, provides a female perspective on this rowdy lifestyle, with guest vocalist Lady Cobra whisper-rapping, “I’ll be the devil on your shoulder saysee “¡DOS!,” page 6
Theater Preview
‘Things I Never Said’ explores community secrets 3Ps (Pen, Paint and Pretzels) fall workshop production will debut tonight with the premiere of “Things I Never Said,” an experimental piece directed by the 3Ps President, senior Maya Grodman. Grodman told The Tufts Daily’s blog Jumbo Slice in a recent video interview that the play explores the idea of “things that we don’t tell each other — the things that we keep inside for whatever reason.” The play is based on more than 75 stories submitted by Tufts students, faculty and staff, all of whom wrote about things they never told others. Adding to the play’s organic sincerity is the fact that production of the show actually started without a script. The script was later developed by a team of three seniors. Brionna Jimerson, who is also an Executive New Media Editor at the Daily, Katie Hegarty and Corinne Segal, who is
also a Senior Staff Writer at the Daily, went through the submissions and wrote them into the scenes, monologues and songs that comprise the play. A seven-person student ensemble brought the material to life, shedding light on the thoughts and secrets that Tufts students hide away. The play’s actors effectively personalized the play and gave it its own intimate voice. Freshman cast member Shelby Carpenter told Jumbo Slice that the cast had to “bond instantly.” The finished product is a performance that is bound to make audiences consider what they withhold from those they care about. “Things I Never Said” will be performed tonight at 8 p.m. and tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the Balch Arena Theater. Admission is free. —by Dan O’Leary
Courtesy justin mccallum
very college campus has its fashionable or less than fashionable moments. Over the past four years, I have watched trends rise to power and fall from grace on the runways in New York. For our purposes, Pro Row provides the sartorial Jumbo equivalent of a runway. My list includes serious and ironic items that you know you wear, too. If you’re going to carry a tote bag around campus, it’s most likely either a Longchamp or a Longchamp lookalike. The real deal heralds from Paris or a local Bloomingdale’s and carries a pretty steep price tag for a basic canvas tote with leather handles. The allure is in its simplicity, as the bag is roomy enough to carry laptops and books while still looking chic. I knew that Tory Burch and her eponymous line were taking over the world when a less-than-fashion-savvy former boyfriend once asked me why I did not own a pair of her flats. Once again, this is one of those trends that has launched so many imitations that it’s hard to distinguish real from fake. But if you’re a girl and you own a pair of ballet flats with a shiny silver or gold medallion on the toes of your shoes, it’s likely you’ve joined the bandwagon. There are worse things to have, however, as these shoes are practical and flattering. It’s not too much of a stretch to say that you are seriously frowned upon at this school if you use an ephemeral plastic bottle. The stainless steel, reusable variety provides sustainability and is now a chic status symbol. I personally have witnessed many a Nalgene clipped to handbags or dangling from backpacks like lucky rabbit foot keychains — but you know, one that is much more politically correct. This trend transcends genders, so we can classify this one as “S--t Tufts people wear.” Our gym got an upgrade, and so did our gym attire. Nike and the omnipresent Tufts T-shirts from the campus center have always been spotted on the treadmill, but now Lululemon has also appeared all over the gym. It may be hard to differentiate one basic racerback tank top from the next, but the Lululemon pants are a dead giveaway in the department of tightness — which is extreme — and the small, center placements of their stylized “A” logo. Lululemon is not limited to the gym, however, and I know that their leggings are now an acceptable substitute for other stretchy pants. I’m as guilty as the girl beside me in accounting. If you’re looking for more manifestations of Tufts’ commitment to “do good” for the world, then you cannot forget TOMS. The shoe design, an exact copy of the Argentine and Spanish work shoes called alpargatas, stands out from typical Tufts footwear. In other words, you’re doing social good and everybody else knows about it, too. One trend that teeters between functional and unflattering is the flannel shirt. Now, I know that all the young men on this campus sport this New England, quasi-lumberjack look with ease, but most of the flannels I see on girls swallow them up. Maybe they are borrowing them from their boyfriends, or maybe the fit is supposed to be this loose. It’s unclear. What confuses me beyond all means, though, has to be the long-sleeved flannel shirts with the cutouts in the back. A flannel shirt rejects all logical notions to be sexy, so why are girls trying to make it such? Elizabeth Landers is a senior majoring in political science. She can be reached at
The Tufts Daily
Arts & Living
Monday, November 26, 2012
Theater Review
Meticulous costumes, sets barely save ‘Betrayal’ by
Drew Robertson
Contributing Writer
As anyone who has ever skipped a party or crossed the street to avoid talking to an ex knows, seeing an old flame can be
Betrayal Written by Harold Pinter Directed by Maria Atkin At The Boston University Theatre through Dec. 9 Tickets $15 to $85 awkward. Such is the case of the ex-couple in the Huntington Theatre Company’s production of “Betrayal.” In fact, as the curtain lifts to reveal a man and a woman sharing a drink in a pub, the sense of discomfort emanating from the pair and sweeping over the audience is nearly palpable. However, whether or not the pervading sense of unease is an intentional reflection of the general awkwardness found between two ex-lovers or the result of deeper distrust between the characters is less clear. Nevertheless, the pregnant pauses and sideways glances are enough to spark the attention of even the drowsiest audience member as the action begins. Harold Pinter’s “Betrayal,” directed at the Huntington by Maria Aitken, deals with passion and deceit. The story is sordid and, within it, morals are questionable at best and, more often, absent entirely. Jerry (Alan Cox) and Emma (Gretchen Egolf) become lovers after they meet through Robert (Mark H. Dold), an old pal of Jerry’s who also happens to be Emma’s husband. Though the production has a relatively short run time, about 80 minutes on average and performed without an intermission, its plot spans nearly a decade. Scenes take place between 1977 and 1968, as “Betrayal” moves roughly backwards in time, ending with the very party that
Courtesy of T. Charles Erickson / Huntington Theatre Company
Fantastic set design and lighting help enhance ‘Betrayal’s’ themes. began the affair. Moving along a broken timeline, the piece reveals key moments between the characters as it progresses. As Emma, Robert and Jerry move back in time, so too do the settings around them. The stage transforms frequently, helping to center the characters and audience alike in the correct atmosphere and context. The set, absolutely crucial in any rendition of “Betrayal,” is a highlight of this production. The Huntington’s stage transitions easily between Emma and Robert’s home, characterized by clean lines and modern decor, and the sparse, humble flat which Jerry rents to house illicit afternoons with Emma. Accordingly, two very different couples occupy these disparate spaces. An office packed with books, a Venice hotel room done in rich fabrics and a darkened, clothing-strewn bedroom become the framework within which love, hate, jealousy and lust breed. Artful costumes and lighting help to
‘¡Dos!’ delves into wild side of fame ‘¡DOS!’
continued from page 5
ing ‘Hey boy, come over’/ My black heart beats crimson and clovers.” Alongside Armstrong’s confessions about how this woman is “in my blood and resides in my mind and in my nightlife,” these lyrics make “Nightlife” a creepy but infectious album highlight. Green Day shows its more sensitive side on the closing track “Amy,” a tribute to the late singer Amy Winehouse. “May I have this last dance, by chance if we should meet?/ Can you write me a lullaby/ So we can sing you to sleep?” Armstrong asks his fellow performer. It’s easily the most emotionally stirring song on the album, and one can only imagine how memorable an onstage collaboration between Armstrong and Winehouse would have been. The album’s main themes of drugs, girls and partying may feel somewhat stale to rock fans, especially since Green Day has often explored these same subjects throughout much of its lengthy career. Songs like “Lazy Bones” come across as latter-day versions of their earlier odes to pot and laziness. The song’s opening
lyrics, “I’m too tired to be bored, I’m too bored to be tired,” are all too reminiscent of the famous “I’m so damn bored I’m going blind,” chorus line from the group’s 1994 hit, “Longview.” Once listeners realize that “¡Dos!” isn’t meant to be very serious — or maybe even original — they’ll be able to appreciate it more. While “¡Dos!” may be thematically identical to “¡Uno!,” it is refreshing to hear Green Day generating a more garage rock sound on its new record, instead of the “power pop” style of “¡Uno!.” The guitar work and instrumentals on the album are impressive throughout, particularly on tracks like “Wild One” and “Wow! That’s Loud.” Overall, it is surely a positive sign to see that Armstrong and his crew can continue to make fun, uplifting music in the midst of their serious personal struggles. It would be even more encouraging, however, to see them translate these ongoing troubles into stirring lyrical content. Will Armstrong be able to spin his battles with drug addiction into a compelling, introspective narrative in his future musical efforts? By the time this album trilogy comes full circle with next month’s “¡Tre!,” we may finally get our answer.
Naomi Lir via Wikimedia Commons
Despite his recent struggles with substance abuse, Billie Joe Armstrong’s vocals are upbeat and energetic on “¡Dos!.”
augment the sense of time and context in a more subtle manner, as when clothes adhere to the proper time periods. This was a challenge given the extended time frame of the work. The clothing also communicates a sense of character and emotion: Robert’s casual jeans and leather jacket contrast nicely with Jerry’s more traditional manner of dress. Emma, buttoned-up and reserved toward the end of the affair, is clothed more romantically in light, simple dresses at its start. Similarly, the lighting helps enhance the mood with warm hues for moments of passion and cool light when interactions grow strained or cold. Despite the advantage of such carefully crafted elements, this performance of production did have a few truly awkward moments unrelated to the plot. The chemistry between the actors occasionally fell short of expectations. Cox in particular failed to make his character’s professedly
ardent feelings for and subsequent seduction of Emma believable. Intermittently choppy pacing and bumbled deliveries ensued throughout. The actors’ awkwardness — so strong at the start of the play — dissipated slowly, but never fully transformed into passion. A strong sense excitement or desire that might explain the adultery — the play’s titular betrayal — also never emerged. Still, scenes of wry humor between Cox and Dold and tender moments between Egolf and both men redeemed the production somewhat. Though it is not wholly satisfying, Aitken’s production does a reasonably good job addressing the major questions posed by Pinter’s complex work. There is hope, too, that the actors’ performances will improve over time. “Betrayal” will play though Dec. 9 at Boston University’s Huntington Theatre. The production is worth the trip, particularly for those already familiar with the play.
Matt and Kim surprise, energize fans MATT and kim
continued from page 5
a keyboard or drum could traditionally make. These tracks are a departure from the group’s DIY style and are a little affronting to long-time fans of their simplistically catchy choruses. The duo amped up the technological aspects in other parts of the show too, as when they used video cameras placed on their instrument kits to live-stream their rather intense facial expressions during the performance. Additionally, Johnson would giddily hit a button that set off the sound and display of a giant explosion to end songs. Matt and Kim’s reliance on more fabricated sounds and nonsensical lyrics got a little repetitive by mid-set. Still, their bigger singles like “Yea Yeah” and “Let’s Go” — weirdly placed right in the middle of the show as opposed to being used as the finale or encore — kept the crowd on its feet. In addition to Matt and Kim’s amazing stage presence, the thumps of Schifino’s bass drum pushed the pulse of the crowd to a constant high. The bouncing masses of fans, ranging from teenagers to the middle-aged, never ceased dancing, moshing and singing throughout the hour-and-ahalf show. Although Johnson’s inappropriate references to his bandmate/girlfriend Schifino’s breasts were rather excessive, especially given the band’s shoutout to the drummer’s parents’ attendance in the audience, the two artists’ camaraderie and ability to psych up the crowd made even those unfamiliar with the songs have a good time. Fans on the floor were met with challenges to crowd surf around the entire venue. They also had the opportunity to hold up Schifino while she danced out into the audience and blew up masses of balloons. One adoring fan surprised Matt as well, tossing a giant pair of panties onto the stage. He accepted them gratefully, but later threw them back into the crowd to uproarious applause. Matt and Kim proved dynamic enter-
tainers when they slowed down during somber tracks like “Turn this Boat Around.” They were then able to captivate the crowd with the first song they ever wrote, “Silver Tiles,” assisted by the crowd belting out the lyrics at the top of their lungs. Matt and Kim aficionados who are more familiar with the duo’s tried and true hits may have been disappointed by the heavy emphasis on their newer, lesser known songs. They left out deep cuts like “Frank” and “Cutdown” and gave a throwaway performance of “Daylight” that was barely recognizable as the song that helped them make it big. Nonetheless, Matt and Kim are entertainers at heart. The two lanky hipsters can fill up a stage with sound and energy that matches that of duos like The White Stripes. Their unique humor and charisma makes them stand out from their predecessors. It also lets them get away with displaying 80s aerobics videos and blending soul, funk, ska, indie, dance, rock and lots of sweaty Bostonians to make one great concert.
Justin McCallum / the tufts daily
Matt and Kim, pictured above at last year’s Cage Rage, used technology to help add a unique element to their show Nov. 16 at the House of Blues.
Friday, November 6, 2009 Monday, November 26, 2012
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Editorial | Letters
Monday, November 26, 2012
Lab for entrepreneurship should be university priority Rather than having students hunt for jobs after graduating from college, why not have them fund their own companies, which they could launch right from campus, before they even get a diploma? That’s what other Boston-area schools are turning their attention toward, and it’s time Tufts catches up. The Harvard innovation lab, or “I-Lab,” and MIT’s Langer Lab approach science, information technology work and engineering in an effective way — by commercializing them. According to the I-Lab website, students who use the lab have the opportunity to launch their own startup companies, find partners and mentors, consult specialists in their fields and show their ideas to the public. Having resources like expert advice, a stylish workspace and office, advanced technology and access to investors could very easily give a new company the push it needs to succeed. Open to all Harvard undergraduate and graduate students, the I-Lab also provides students with the opportunity
to take classes in commercializing their scientific advances in medicine, biotechnology and computer science, according to the lab’s website. But the key to the I-Lab’s success could be its acceptance of the newly growing fields of social entrepreneurship and art entrepreneurship. By opening these facilities to the entire student population, Harvard has, according to The Boston Globe, launched 65 businesses within the I-Lab’s first year, which span areas as diverse as iPhone applications, criminal justice management and vaccine distribution. MIT’s Langer Lab, while specializing only on scientific innovations, has produced 25 companies since its start in the 1980s, according to The Boston Globe — companies that are producing bite-sized chemotherapy wafers, disease indicating microchips and various sugar-based blood thinners. With talks of Tufts’ strategic plan, which envisions the university 10 years down the line, it’s crucial that Tufts invests in the future of its students by enhancing
its entrepreneurial facilities. Although the engineering school does have an Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, a university-wide push that stresses the importance of creating new products, ideas and innovations, regardless of what field of study they come from, would benefit not only students and beneficiaries of those brainstorms, but would also improve Tufts’ reputation and help the university maintain a competitive edge. Creating a space like the I-Lab should be a high priority in the strategic planning process. Having Tufts-based companies “made in Medford” would provide jobs for students of diverse interests, rather than strictly innovators or engineers. As inventions and new products drive the country’s economy upward, it makes sense to train students to be able to operate in this new workspace. Tufts is a research university, and as such, should provide a quick and direct path for the funding and production of these potentially profitable and impactful ideas.
Denise Amisial
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Off the Hill | University of South Florida
US plays big, silent role in Gaza
Jodi Bosin Executive New Media Editors Brionna Jimerson Justin McCallum by
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Though the rockets and bomb blasts are almost 7,000 miles away, the turmoil in Gaza is not far removed from U.S. interests. In fact, with its economic heft, the United States, as a seemingly silent superpower, is a larger player in the chaos ensuing now than perhaps either Israel or the Gaza strip. But as Israel has intensified air strikes and bombs in retaliation to Hamas-launched rockets from Gaza, the U.S. response has spoken as to what side the American taxpayers will be supporting. While President Barack Obama has said it would be “preferable,” according to the Associated Press, for violence to not exist, he has consistently defended Israel’s “right to defend itself.” But according to the New York Times, Gaza health officials have reported at least 600 injuries and 70 deaths since Wednesday and Israel has reported 79 injuries and three deaths; the human rights violations being brought upon the people of Gaza by Israel are not things the
United States should endorse. While the initial violence of the rocket launch is not condonable, Israel’s response — the response sponsored by the taxpayers of America — is certainly not either, and coupled with the history of aggression and blatant disregard of civilian, women’s and children’s, lives, the United States’ strategic oblivion is one that goes against the very value of democracy that allied Israel with the United States in the first place. Gilad Sharon, the son of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, called for the “flattening of Gaza” in an op-ed written for the Jerusalem Post. “We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza,” he wrote. “Flatten all of Gaza. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing.” The United States has a strong, vested interest in Israel — an interest so expansive (and expensive) that it is willing to overlook important aspects of democracy, such as human rights, to secure its own best interest in an utterly undemocratic process. Israel has received about $115 billion in U.S. aid over the years, and continues to receive about $3 billion a year, making it the
largest recipient of U.S. aid since World War II. According to a Congressional Research Report prepared for the U.S. Congress, the Bush administration approved a 10-year, $30 billion package for Israel’s Foreign Military Financing grant, which Obama has continued. The Iron Dome system, a missile-defense system that has intercepted 245 rockets for Israel since the recent burst of violence, is largely funded by the U.S, which provides an additional $70 million for it per year, according to CNN. While it is incredible that this technology protects Israeli civilians, does the U.S. government value their lives more than Palestinians? Though a 2011 Gallup poll found that 63 percent of Americans supported Israel over Palestine, it is worth a closer look as to whether cozying up to Israel solely because of its “democratic” roots is worth the fiscal and humanitarian costs. A democracy is not simply electing leaders, and by turning a blind eye to these injustices, the United States is further distancing itself from other Middle Eastern nations at a time when diplomacy is most needed.
In the Op-Ed “Zionists and coffee: A critique of Facebook in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” published on Nov. 20, a quoted Facebook user was incorrectly identified as a member of Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine. In fact, he does not identify as a member of the club. P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910
In the News article “Tufts alumna Mitra was spirited fighter and healer” published on Nov. 20, Scott Schreiber’s class year was incorrectly cited as E ‘10 and Kahran Singh’s was incorrectly cited as LA ‘10. In fact, Schreiber graduated in 2009 and Singh graduated in 2011.
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The Tufts Daily
Monday, November 26, 2012 Op-Ed
When decorum is lost by John
On Friday, Nov. 16, 2012, members I recognized from Tufts Wilderness support staff gathered in Dewick MacPhie for dinner. Although I am not a part of that organization, I happened to go to Dewick at the same time they were there, and I witnessed them make an offensive spectacle, including chants that were hurtful and made me personally uncomfortable, and I do not believe I was alone in that. The students in costume arrived in Dewick for dinner on that Friday at around 6:45 p.m. This in itself was not offensive — I personally am a huge proponent of costumes and public shows of camaraderie. I’m impressed and very glad that this group of students has managed to maintain close connections long after pre-orientation ended. However, the group members did not stop at costumes. First, they came up and demanded that students sitting in an upstairs section eat as quickly as possible or move tables, because they had “claimed” that section. As a student sitting in this area, this was perplexing. All students have equal rights to that space, and in regard to table space, it is usually a first-come, firstserved arrangement. They had no claim to this space, other than their self-proclaimed right. This visibly upset some students, who told them it was rude, which did lead them to stop yelling ... for a moment. However, the offenses continued to flow. These students began to chant very loudly, disrupting all other students’ meals. During these chants, they pounded on tables, causing someone’s drink to fall over and another person’s plate to be knocked over and broken. Their chants began innocuously enough in words. It did not remain
so for long. They interacted with the other students very inappropriately, and used a lot of swear words in conversations with complete strangers. These chants soon became sexually explicit. I recall hearing them use the phrases “rusty trombone,” “pearl necklace” and “cream-filled pussy,” which are colloquialisms for explicit sexual acts. If this was not enough, the way the chants were stated included the phrase “she got” before naming a sexual act. Such sexually explicit language has no place in a public forum. I understand that we are all college students and that this environment has very much become home for many of us. However, that applies equally to all students. I have a right to not be assaulted with such language while attempting to have dinner with friends. This language also echoes strongly of rape and sexual assault, in joking manners. Their chants suggested that the person who “got” the act had not consented to it. Sexual assault is not a joke. One in three women, and one in six men are sexually assaulted in their lives, and most of this occurs during or before college. This means that I can say almost positively that some of the students overhearing these chants are sexual assault survivors. Such language has the ability to bring them back to a time when they “got” something they didn’t want. This is inexcusable. There is a problem, both within Tufts and in the rest of society, where talking about situations of sexual assault is seen as something to joke about. It is not. What these students said was inflammatory and offensive. I simply ask that such phrases not be said in public, in the company of strangers, whose lives and struggles you are unfamiliar with, whose demons you
have not seen — especially when what you say can bring back those demons. I am thankful to the Wilderness preorientation program for being a safe and fun space for freshmen to be introduced to Tufts. What happened that night is not representative of all of the great work these students have done. I also would like to applaud some of the members of Wilderness support staff, who came up and apologized to some of the students who were upset or affected by this behavior. However, the students doing the apologizing were not the same as the ones who caused the need for an apology. I also understand that this may not have been the desired meaning for these chants, but this was how they were interpreted both by me and by the people I was having dinner with. A number of these Wilderness students are my friends. This is not meant to be an attack, just a reminder that this is a discourse that is ever-continuing, and a call for attentiveness on the part of all students in the Tufts community and personal responsibility for such actions. I write this op-ed as a reminder of the fact that we live in a society that perpetuates a rape culture, and it is apparent everywhere you look. Nobody is perfect; we all say things we regret. However, when something like this happens in such a public forum, it must be addressed. What was said in the dining hall that night was offensive and hurtful. All I ask is for respect, and a pledge that we all think before we speak, especially when it comes to such sensitive topics as sexual assault and rape.
My name is Alexandra Marie Minter. I was born in Madison, Wisconsin in October of 1992, and I am not a terrorist. I forgot to mention the most important precedent to me not being a terrorist. As of January 2012, I am Muslim. Yes, I am a Muslim convert. Being Muslim to me is not just a religion, but also a lifestyle. However, my lifestyle does not directly affect others, or force others to change for me. Apart from these facts, I am very similar to other students on campus: I go to class, I go to work, I participate in groups on campus, I eat, I get stressed, and so on. Yet, on the night of Nov. 20, around 5:20 p.m., I heard a passerby in front of Houston Hall call me a terrorist. After I heard this, I kept walking. Many people questioned my reaction after I had made a Facebook post about the incident. Some told me things like, “Oh my God, why didn’t you call the police?” or “You didn’t yell or punch them? Why?” I’m here to answer the question of why I didn’t react to this in the moment, my friends. I didn’t react because I believe that ignorance breeds hatred. Due to the fact that ignorance is the result of a lack of education, I am going to take this “oped” as an opportunity to educate. I am no sheikh, but I can tell you a few things about Islam, as a Muslim, and by reading facts off of Wikipedia. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, making up about a fourth of the world’s population. It has five main “pillars” of faith: believing in one God and that Muhammad is His messenger, charity, prayer, pilgrimage once in your life to Mecca if you are able to, and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. None of these pillars of faith includes things such as suicide
bombings, killing or hating people of other religions, becoming part of a terrorist organization, and so on. Suicide is actually condemned in Islam, and religious tolerance is praised, as stated in Surah al-Kafiroon: “For you is your religion and for me in my religion.” Along with religious tolerance, there is no required compulsion in Islam, meaning it is not the duty of Muslims to try and convert people. Yet American media is much to blame for these misconceptions, sadly. The media depicts suicide bombers as angry Muslims yelling things such as “down with America,” and “oppressed” women in niqabs. Let me dispel some of these misconceptions. Like many political parties and religions (which are very different entities, but show similarities in some aspects), there are extremists in Islam, and then there is everyone else. These extremists, like so many others in history, have been brainwashed by hatred and should not be taken as the majority voice of Muslims. It is also important to distinguish the difference between an extremist and being conservatively religious. “Extremism,” defined by MerriamWebster, is “1. The quality or state of being extreme,” or “2. advocacy of extreme measures or views,” whereas “conservative” is defined as “tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions.” Extremism is defined by publicly supporting and defending extreme or radical views. Conservative is defined by something — or in this case, someone — tending to maintain existing views. This differentiation is important to the heart of this cause, because I may be conservatively religious to some, but I am not a supporter of extremism, due to the fact that I don’t publicly advocate extreme views of
Chinese computing catches up
my religion. This should be said for many Muslims across the world who are outwardly religious (by which I mean that a person publicly displays their religiosity, for example by wearing some sort of clothing that many people would associate with one religion or another). Western media has done a wonderful job with confusing these two terms and ideologies. A headscarf does not signify anything more than modesty, along with religiosity, in many cases. Yet I still was called a terrorist on my own college campus by a stranger, solely because I choose to wear a piece of cloth wrapped around my head out of modesty. I was called a terrorist because I am different, and therefore am feared, because people don’t understand this difference. Well, here is my public announcement: If you have any questions, concerns, or fears that stem from a lack of knowledge, or maybe misconceptions that you have been fed from one source or another, I strongly advise you to become knowledgeable. If you are reading this article, you probably have more sources available to you than you can count. Use Google or be proactive and ask questions and talk to someone who does have the knowledge you lack and seek. Take 10 or 15 minutes to type “Islam” in your Google toolbar and click the Wikipedia link. Inquire, question and learn. Whether it is about Islam or some other topic you lack knowledge of, learn and teach, because the only way to fight ignorance is through education. Any other method only creates more conflict and stereotypes.
Alexandra Minter is a sophomore majoring in international relations. She can be reached at
Neena Kapur is a sophomore majoring in international relations and computer science. She can be reached at Neena.Kapur@
John Kelly is a sophomore majoring in sociology. He can be reached at John_M.
Ignorance breeds hatred: I am not a terrorist Alexandra Minter
Neena Kapur | The IT Ambassador
hen looking at China as a competitor to the United States, the same conclusion is reached in nearly every sector: The United States remains far in the lead, but China is catching up at a seemingly exponential pace. High-performance computing is no exception to this pattern. While the United States sits upon its pedestal, making little progress in making its throne higher and more extravagant, China is rapidly catching up. The TOP500 list, part of a project started in 1993, reports the top 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world on a semi-annual basis. As of recently, China has 72 systems on the list. Though this number pales in comparison to the 250 machines that the United States boasts on the list, China still claims second place for most high-performance-computing (HPC) users in the world. So, though a significant gap still exists, what are the chances that China will actually surpass the US in HPC development? Answer: The chances are very high, if not entirely inevitable. There are two important factors to consider when examining the reasons why Chinese HPC power is progressing so rapidly. The first is the simple fact that the Chinese government provides immense funding for technological development and research, while the United States lacks this federal support. Though both the United States and China are actively working on similar HPC projects, China is making progress at a faster pace than the United States, partially because research there is not privatized, and because national support exists at large. The term “techno-nationalism,” coined by The Economist, means the fostering of indigenous technological development and reducing dependence on foreign technologies. This mindset is one that is focused on developing technologies in order to achieve national goals, rather than internationally collaborating with other nations.Because of this sense of national urgency when developing HPC systems, the scale and speed at which China’s pedestal is rising is significantly higher than that of the United States. The second important factor to look at is the idea of leapfrogging, a concept used to describe the ability of developing nations to bypass various technological stages that other countries have gone through. When looking at China, it is evident that its technology industry first stood upon the shoulders of pre-existing U.S. technologies. And, because of that initial help, China has now transformed into a much more self-sufficient HPC developer. This can be seen when looking at China’s past technologies. The Tianhe-1A system, the world’s fastest supercomputer for some time, was built in 2010 and used U.S. chips and a Chinese-developed interconnection. Just two years later, the Sunway Bluelight supercomputer came into operation using its own Chinese-produced chip. Pete Beckman, the director of Exascale Technology and Computing Institute, told Computerworld last week that “Now, you can see what’s going to happen. You take your homegrown CPU, the homegrown network, you put them together and you have a machine that is a technical achievement for China and is really competitive.” In the realm of high-performance-computing, China is quickly rising to the top, while U.S. efforts are lagging. Though the US is currently the king of the technology sector — presiding proudly over other nations from its pedestal — times are changing, and it is clear that China is now competing for the throne.
Op-ed Policy The Op-Ed section of The Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. The Daily welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community; the opinions expressed in the Op-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Daily itself. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. Op-Ed cartoons are also welcomed for the Campus Canvas feature. All material is subject to editorial discretion and is not guaranteed to appear in the Daily. All material should be submitted to no later than noon on the day prior to the desired day of publication; authors must submit their telephone numbers and day-of availability for editing questions. Submissions may not be published elsewhere prior to their appearance in the Daily, including but not limited to other on- and off-campus newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news websites, as well as Facebook. Republishing of the same piece in a different source is permissible as long as the Daily is credited with originally running the article.
The Tufts Daily
Monday, November 26, 2012
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Kochman: “I flirt with men. They flirt with me. You know.” Want more late-night laughs? Follow us on Twitter at @LateNiteAtDaily
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Dominant post play helps Jumbos crush Judges WOMEN’S BASKETBALL continued from back
Barnosky and Dufault both finished with a team-high 15 points. For Dufault, the total was the second-highest of her collegiate career, trailing only a 16-point effort on Jan. 2 against Middlebury . “It felt like a lot of defense fueling offense, and then different people driving to the middle and just dumping the ball to me,” Dufault said. Foley also contributed another strong game, complementing her nine-point day with five assists and three steals. She continues to lead the Jumbos with 11.8 points per game, and seems to have hit her stride in her second season in brown and blue. “Last year, I was definitely more of a shooter, and this year, teams are expecting that,” Foley said. “They’re playing me and making me drive, so I’m definitely looking to drive a lot more. And just spotting up in transition for my shot and looking to help my teammates out and get them shots, too.” It was a welcome return home for a Tufts squad that has been so dominant there in recent years. The Jumbos are now 22-3 in Cousens Gym over the past three seasons, with two of those losses determined by fewer than three points. “We have a different sense of pride trying to protect our court,” Dufault said. “We shoot all the time here, and we just like to show our fans what we can do.” The win marked the fourth straight for the Jumbos in their series with the Judges, which dates back annually on Thanksgiving weekend to the 2007-08 season. It was especially impressive because the win came against a team that had won one its first two games convincingly before falling to Babson College, which received votes in the pool, by a single point. But against Tufts, Brandeis simply couldn’t find its rhythm. It will be a quick turnaround for the Jumbos, who will travel to Salem State on Tuesday to take on the 3-1 Vikings. They return home again on Saturday to face Regis, completing a stretch of three games in seven days. The team is glad it had two days off for the holiday before this stretch, but also feels confident after the big win. “It was definitely important to get a good feeling with the win,” Foley said. “The first few games were kind of shaky, but we feel really good about this game, and that’s definitely going to help us. We have a lot of games coming up, and not a lot of practice, so it’s important that we feel good about every game.”
continued from back
against the Beavers yesterday, with five players — including three non-starters — scoring double-digit points. The Jumbos shot just 39.4 percent in the first half and went into the locker room up 30-29, but from there the shots started to fall and the offense started to click. So far, the Jumbos have found the most success by putting trust in each other and in their offense. “We played together for the last 20 minutes of that game,” Anderson said. “We were working the ball around. When our plays weren’t working, we weren’t forcing things up with more time on the clock; we would go into another play. I think it just came down to all playing together.” While Anderson and Moss had just two points apiece, some different faces stole the spotlight. Freshman guard Stephen Haladyna scored a team-high 13 points, and junior forward Tommy Folliard, senior center Matt Lanchantin and sophomore guards Oliver Cohen and Kwame Firempong all reached double digits. Lanchantin has been the biggest surprise of the early season, posting 8.8 points and
Sports: Where Amazing Happens
Scott Tingley / Tufts Daily Archives
The women’s basketball team, including junior guard Liz Moynihan, dominated the Brandeis Judges in every aspect of the game yesterday at Cousens Gym.
Jumbos hold Pride to 36 points MEN’S BASKETBALL
Jordan Bean | Sacked
seven boards per game after a year in which he averaged under two in both categories. “Matt Lanchantin has been the most consistent guy on our team by far,” Anderson said. “We came into the season just wanting him to be a solid guy for us, but I think that three out of the five games he’s been the best player. He’s been awesome down low.” Another encouraging sign was the performance of senior guard Alex Goldfarb, who had nine points on three 3-pointers to mark his highest scoring output since Dec. 6, 2011. “He’s certainly our best 3-point shooter,” Ferris said of Goldfarb. “I don’t think it’s shown so far in his percentages, but we all have faith in him. He really helped us [Sunday], and I’m glad some of them finally went down.” While balanced offense was the story on Sunday, last Tuesday it was all about defense. The Jumbos won 67-36 at Regis, the same score by which they beat Wesleyan the last time they allowed so few points, 55 years ago. The Jumbos’ 31-point margin of victory was also their largest since Dec. 2, 2008, when they beat Lesley 92-52. Tufts flat-out bullied Regis, forcing 21 turnovers and allowing just 10 points in the paint. Though the Pride are by no means a power-
house, there was a lot to like for the Jumbos on the defensive end. “C.J. Moss played really well on their leading scorer [junior guard Ryan Chambers],” Ferris said. “He really pressured him on the perimeter and made him put it on the floor, which is what we want to do. We need to carry those things over to when we play good teams.” On offense, Lanchantin’s double-double (10 points, 11 rebounds) led the way, while Moss had a solid effort with six points and five assists. All 13 players who stepped on the floor for Tufts had at least two points. The Jumbos know they play their best basketball when everyone is involved — whether they are ahead, like they were against Regis and Babson, or behind, like they were against Brandeis. “A lot of guys on the team, me included, we want to be like, ‘Okay, I want to be the guy to bring us back,’” Anderson said. “We’ve got to not do that and work together more. We have to trust that when you make that pass to the next guy, they’re gonna knock down that shot.” Tufts now has six non-conference games remaining before its NESCAC slate begins Jan. 4. Tomorrow, the Jumbos play MIT on the road at 7 p.m.
have to admit it: I was wrong. I thought I had seen it all in sports. I didn’t think there was anything I could see or hear that would make me do a double take the way I did when I heard this. Last Tuesday, Jack Taylor of Grinnell College scored 138 points. Let me repeat that. A player in a 40-minute basketball game scored 138 points on his own. There are two ways to react to this performance: the way I did, and the way my dad did. I thought it was one of the greatest performances I had ever heard of. It was unfathomable for me that a single player could put up those numbers. From my point of view, this was something to embrace. We should encourage greatness when we see it. Let’s face it: We watch sports to see the amazing, not the average. Do you get as excited about an 89-75 final in an NBA game as you do when your favorite player pulls up for a lastsecond three to win the game? Nothing was more frustrating for me than scrolling through my Twitter timeline and seeing people say, “I could have scored that many points if I took that many shots.” Let’s make one thing clear: No, they could not. If it was a matter of taking the number of shots he did, anyone with the guts to take that many could do it — but no one has. In place of always criticizing or searching for what’s next, sports fans should spend more time appreciating what is. The day after a championship is won, no matter the sport, it’s inevitable that an analyst on SportsCenter will be asked, “What do you think the chances are that the team will repeat next year?” My philosophy is to spend less time criticizing or looking to the future and more time enjoying the present. I’m not the type who needs to overanalyze everything that happens. I sit down and watch for enjoyment, and there is nothing I enjoy more than seeing a legendary performance unfold. On the other hand, my dad thought this was an outrage. How selfish was this player? Where was his respect for the game? Without a doubt, this performance is an example of a fast-growing generational gap between us and our elders. My dad used to love to coach and play the game of basketball. His specialty was finding the open guy for a shot. He loves to see the ball movement and team involvement before getting to the open guy. Well, unfortunately for him and the others who enjoy this style, this is a fast-dying trend. We’ve moved onto an era where sticking out is a good thing. We’re in the midst of watching star-driven leagues. There has been a shift from a team effort to individual stardom. It’s no longer about having depth and a strong roster. A team now needs the right star. Just ask the Miami Heat. If you’re one of those people who can’t wait to criticize — whether it is LeBron for his move to Miami, Jack Taylor for firing up so many shots, or whoever it is that you had on your mind — try giving it a break. Step back and appreciate the amazing things sports have to offer, because you never know when someone might do something that makes you do a double take and say, “Did you see that?” So to all those fans who forget the power of sports, or are looking for the nostalgia of the old days, it’s time to move on to the 21st century. Until you do — you’re sacked! Jordan Bean is a freshman who has yet to declare a major. He can be reached at
Men’s Basketball
Field Hockey
Cannon named First Team All-American by NFHCA
Tufts takes third place at Big Four Challenge by
Aaron Leibowitz
Daily Editorial Board
The men’s basketball team went 2-1 over Thanksgiving break, starting with a bang before earning a MEN’S BASKETBALL (3-2, 0-0 NESCAC) Big Four Tournament at Waltham, Mass., Sunday Babson 29 29 Tufts 30 53 Junior midfielder Emily Cannon is the fifth Tufts field hockey athlete to be named a First Team All-American. The National Field Hockey Coaches Association recognized her on Nov. 20 as one of the top Div. III players in the nation. The award is the icing on the cake for the national-champion Jumbos, who won the NCAA Tournament on Nov. 18 against Monclair St. Cannon, who was one of six players from the New England region to make the First Team, was a key part of Tufts’ potent penalty corner attack, and finished the season with eight goals and five assists. Her breakout season was made even more impressive by the fact that she had not scored a single goal for Tufts coming into the year. What made Cannon so dynamic
Oliver Porter / tHE Tufts Daily
this season was her presence as a two-way midfielder. She made major contributions to the Jumbos’ strong defensive unit. Tufts only allowed 1.17 goals per game on the year, and various shutout and one-goal victories were key to the team’s success in the regular season and the NCAA tournament. One of Cannon’s most important contributions was a goal in one of those victories, an overtime winner against Trinity to give the Jumbos a critical NESCAC win after they had dropped the first game of the year to Middlebury. Cannon also was perfect on penalty strokes this year, converting all three of her opportunities as she led her team to an improbable National Championship. —by David McIntyre
Women’s Basketball
Jumbos win both games over break, stay undefeated by
Ethan Sturm
Daily Editorial Board
Behind a 30-3 first-half run, the No. 17 women’s basketball team put up its most impressive performance WOMEN’S BASKETBALL (4-0, 0-0 NESCAC) Cousens Gym, Saturday Brandeis Tufts
12 20 34 36
— 32 — 70
at New London, N.H., Nov. 20 Tufts 30 34 Colby-Sawyer 21 33
— 64 — 54
of the season to date yesterday, dominating a strong Brandeis side 70-32 in the Jumbos’ home opener. Tufts also beat Colby-Sawyer College on Nov. 20, just as Tufts students were heading home for Thanksgiving. The team is now undefeated, a result the polar opposite of last year’s start to the season, when the Jumbos stumbled out of the gate and lost their first two games. This year’s Jumbos have now won four straight and, after some up-anddown performances early, are clicking on all cylinders. “In the first few games, we had spurts where we played really well — spurts of good offense and spurts of good defense,” sophomore guard Hannah Foley said after yesterday’s game. “But today, we put it together for almost the full 40 minutes, which was definitely needed. It was good to get it all together, especially against a big in-region rival like Brandeis.” After a slow start from both sides, Tufts used the run, which spanned 14 and a half minutes, to all but end the game in the first half. This allowed coach Carla Berube to cycle
through her bench, keeping everyone rested as the team moves deeper into its non-conference slate. As it always has been, defense was the spark that got the Jumbos rolling. With a pressing man-toman set, the Jumbos were able to keep the ball on the perimeter and deny the entry pass. The height of sophomore center Hayley Kanner and senior co-captain forward Bre Dufault in the lane made it even more difficult for the visitors to find an easy shot. “Their posts were really strong, and we knew that coming into it,” said Dufault, who finished the game with six steals. “We had scouted them, and we knew that they liked to work the high-low. So we knew we had to have really good ball pressure, and have our posts moving around constantly. We communicated well, and we were switching well, and when our posts look to steal, good things can happen.” As Brandeis began to get flustered offensively, the Judges played right into the Jumbos’ hands. Tufts forced 16 turnovers during the first-half run, turning them into 17 points. “We always play a lot better on offense when we are getting turnovers and getting stops,” Foley said. “We just flow right into our offense in transition.” In the second half, things only got more out of hand. The exhausted Judges couldn’t keep up with the ball movement of the Jumbos, who were able to convert a series of open 3-point shots and a few easy drives into the lane, putting together a 19-3 run. Graduate co-captain forward Kate Barnosky was the major producer after the break, going 3-for-3 from beyond the arc before taking a seat with the rest of the starters with seven minutes still to play. see WOMEN’S BASKETBALL, page 11
— 58 — 83
at Waltham, Mass., Saturday Tufts 36 33 — 69 Brandeis 40 44 — 84 ------------------------------------at Weston, Mass., Nov. 20 Tufts 27 40 Brandeis 16 20
— 67 — 36
weekend split at Brandeis in the Big Four Challenge. On Tuesday, the Jumbos beat Regis, 67-36, allowing what is believed to be the fewest points by an opponent since the 195758 season, according to the Tufts Athletics Department. And yesterday, in the consolation game of the New England Big Four Challenge at Brandeis, Tufts breezed past Babson 83-58 to improve to 3-2 overall. But what happened in between still has the Jumbos shaking their heads. In the first round of the Big Four tournament on Saturday, Brandeis pulled away from Tufts late to take an 84-69 victory. Once the Jumbos fell behind in the second half on Saturday, their ball movement and overall cohesiveness disappeared. “When we get down on ourselves in a close game, we kind of get rattled, thinking, ‘I need to dribble and take a shot,’” sophomore guard Ben Ferris said. “It’s easy to share the ball when we’re up 20 — like it was against Babson in the second half — but games like Brandeis, where we’re in a
Scott Tingley / Tufts Daily Archives
Sophomore guard C.J. Moss scored eight points and grabbed nine rebounds in the Jumbos’ blowout victory over Babson College. close game the whole time and we get down by six all of a sudden, it [should be] like, ‘Okay, now we really need to work the ball.’” Though Tufts struggled on offense, a transcendent performance by Brandeis point guard Gabriel Moton is what ultimately made the difference. Moton, a junior transfer from Boston College, scored 28 points on 10-of13 shooting, including 3-of-4 from beyond the arc. He was 5-for-6 from the free-throw line, grabbed 10 rebounds and had four assists. With less than nine minutes left and the Judges up 60-57, Moton
went off, scoring 10 of his team’s next 12 points to spark a 22-6 run. The Jumbos also got into foul trouble and the Judges capitalized, going 23-for-27 from the line and attempting nearly twice as many free throws as Tufts. Senior co-captain forward Scott Anderson had an efficient performance to lead the Jumbos, scoring 21 points on 8-of-12 shooting, but only he and sophomore guard C.J. Moss reached double figures. But after the tough loss, the Jumbos regained their rhythm see MEN’S BASKETBALL, page 11
Hockey team has wild Thanksgiving break results
Alex Dennett / Tufts Daily Archives
The hockey team experienced an up-and-down Thanksgiving break, going from blowout win to blowout loss to blowout win all in the space of five days. First came a dominating 6-0 home win against Curry, but then, in the first game of the Rutland Herald Invitational, the Jumbos lost 7-0 to Manhattanville, sending them tumbling into the consolation game. However, in that contest, Tufts came out fighting against Brockport, scoring a 6-3 win on the backs of one goal and two assists each from senior co-captain Dylan Plimmer and freshman forward Stewart Bell. See tomorrow’s Daily for full coverage.