Tug-ani October 2012-January 2013

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BOR decides on Avila et al appeal, reduces penalty to suspension Sherwin Gabrinez

The Board of Regents (BOR) has finally rendered their decision on the appeal of former University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu Dean Enrique Avila and his associates Professor Ernesto Pineda and Alsidry Sharif. The BOR is the highest policy-making body in UP. In the decision dated November 26, 2012, the BOR has found the three of them guilty. Due to mitigating circumstances, such as length of service and first offense, the sentence was only reduced to suspension.

The BOR ruled that, “where the appointment of one posi-tion allows or qualifies a univer-sity official for appointment to a second position, removal from the original appointment car-ries with it the removal from the subsequent appointment. But the reverse is not true.” According to Avila’s appeal, his deanship was incidental to him being a faculty member.

The possible comeback

Avila might return as faculty two years from now. During the multi-sectoral assembly last January 15, Dean Atty. Liza D. Corro said that Avila filed for leave with pay effective from November 28 to December 28, 2012. Avila also filed for sick leave on January 2 to 4, 2013, vacation leave on January 7 to 19, 2013 and 365-day leave without pay on January 21, 2013 to January 21, 2014 which were all approved.

Avila was found guilty of gross neglect of duty for allowing Green Peaks Development, Inc, to use the UP football field as temporary stockpile of excavated soil without compensation. The ousted dean was also charged with two counts of gross neglect of duty for allowing Green peaks to use UP property and technical malversation; and one count of grave misconduct for allowing Pineda, a non-permanent faculty, to sit as chair of the Resource Development Bids and Awards Committee. Pineda was proven guilty of grave misconduct for recommending the approval of Green Peaks using UP property for temporary stockpile.

to turn over a lost and found Konica Minolta camera to the Office of the Student Affairs.

The next move

“He [Avila] was found guilty on the grounds of allowing Green Peaks to use UP property. On the case of the technical malversation, it was dismissed for the BOR lacks expertise on the matter. We would like to pursue the third case regarding the disposition of Pineda as chair of RDBAC,” said Phoebe Zoe Sanchez, one of the complainants. According to Sanchez, they will likely pursue the case to the ombudsman.

On March 16, 2011, nine faculty members filed a formal complaint to the Office of the President against Avila and his associates. A few weeks later, Chito Patiño and Purita Baltazar also filed complaints. Last August 26, 2011, UP President Alfredo Pascual affirmed the decision of the Administrative Disciplinary Tribu-nal (ADT) which finds the three guilty of the charges filed against them. However, Avila and his associates filed for an appeal to the BOR last September 28, 2011, questioning the decision of ADT.


The three also pleaded against the BOR’s decision to dismiss them dated August 26, 2011.

The BOR’s decision, however, only affected his deanship.

The Multi-Sectoral Assembly (MSA) held last January 15 at the Arts and Sciences Lobby became a venue for dialogue between the administration and its constituents—the students, academic and non-academic workers.

According to Jun Marr Denila, then 3rd year representative and Student Rights and Welfare (STRAW) Chairperson in the SC, the MSA aims to serve as a venue for dialogue between the administration and the constituents.

Through the MSA, students, academic and non-academic workers can raise concerns and issues that affect UP Cebu while the administration can address and explain them.

Issues, concerns

Issues raised by the constituents, ranged from academics to university policies. As it started, Angel Rose Trocio, former 1st year represen-

tative, submitted a petition to reinstate the student representative in the Dean’s Executive Staff and the Executive Committee to Atty. Liza D. Corro. The said petition was signed by over 300 students.

According to Dean Corro, she personally has no problem with having a student representative in the DES. She, however, said that they have to act and decide according to the law to avoid future problems. The administration’s stand on laboratory fees, particularly if there are more proposals to come, was also raised.

According to Dr. Ritchelita P. Galapate, if there are proposals, they have always undergone consultation from the students. She added that the college will only recommend but the Board of Regents will approve. Dr. Lorna A. Almocera, Sciences Cluster Chairperson, urged students to voice out their concerns and opposition during

Sharif was guilty of grave misconduct of recommending the approval of the letter of Green Peaks to use UP prop-erty without compensation and simple misconduct for failure


Students also asked if UP Cebu has any plans to make a local Computerized Registration and Student Information System (CRSIS) now that UP Cebu is autonomous. Dr. Patricia Nazareno, College Secretary and Registar, said that UP Cebu had initial plans to make its own system; however, UP System has a plan for a centralized system through Pres. Alfredo E. Pascual’s e-UP Project which would only be fruitless if UP Cebu pushes through with that plan. Students’ complaints on teachers who do not attend classes regularly were also raised.

According to Prof. Rowena V. Mende, Social Sciences Cluster Chairperson, teachers who do so can only be reprimanded but no official action can be taken since there is no official complaint from the students. She, however, urged students to take the semestral faculty evaluation seriously. She also said that students must put

“We are still studying the case but we will file it to take a precautionary measure against Avila,” Sanchez added. The students launched a college-wide protest against Avila calling for his ouster after the arbitrary removal of 15 security guards two years ago.

their complaints into writing so appropriate action may be taken.

Kristian Jacob A. Lora, 4th year Computer Science student, asked if there is student participation in the search for OSA Coordinator. Atty Francis Michael Abad, OIC Associate Dean for Administration, said that students can help convince teachers they like to become coordinators to accept the nomination. It was also said that appointment of the current OSA Coordinator, Dr. Jonnifer Sinogaya ends on July 31, 2013. The MSA ended with the news that the UP Cebu commencement exercises will be in the Cebu Cultural Center (CCC). Dean Corro also said that all other UP Cebu activities within six months will be in the CCC.

Contact Armand, 09323955029


balita [TUG-ANI]

‘UP hungry for higher state subsidy’—SC Melanie Montano The Student Council (SC) chanted calls to junk the 300% tuition and other fees increase (TOFI) a day before its 6th anniversary. The commemoration was rallied from the canteen to the Arts and Sciences (AS) lobby. “Six years na ang TOFI, walang nangyayari, i-junk na ang TOFI (After six years of TOFI, nothing happened, junk TOFI),” the protesters chanted to the tune of a novelty song.

“Despite sa iyang promise nga improvement, wala gyu’y kaayuhan nga gidala ang TOFI (Despite its promise of im-provement, TOFI did not bring us any good at all)”, said Jun Marr Denila, former third year representative. In his speech, Denila noted that facilities remain unimproved after six years of TOFI. He enumerated the lack of library, books, projectors, microscopes, and other laboratory and classroom equipment. The 300% TOFI was approved by the Board of Re-

Insufficient budget for SUCs King Perez, former Student approved Council Vice Chairperson said, Alya Simone Mongaya P32.77 billion---only 60% of the proposed P54.61 billion budget for the 110 state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the country has been approved for the year 2013. Even the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) admitted that the budget for SUCs is still insufficient. In a statement released on August 17. 2012, CHED Chair Patricia Licuanan said, “The 2013 SUCs budget may not be enough. But it is a substantial increase and is good for now.” A Department of Budget and Management data reveal that the P37.1 billion approved budget for SUCs is actually P17.5 billion less than the actual need of SUCs. University of the Philippines Of the P32.77 billion approved, the University of the Philippines has been allocated P9.5 billion. Still, it is just 60% of the proposed P18.4 billion. “The gap in the alloted and proposed budget will be internally generated in the form of higher tuition. more fees, and commercialization of assets,” said Cleve Arguelles, former UP Student Regent in a statement.

gents (BOR) on 15 December 2006. According to former UP President Emerlinda Roman, TOFI was meant to “increase stipends, increase number of beneficiaries and to be able to improve facilities and have additional funds for MOOE (maintenance and other operating expenditures).” Meanwhile, independent research by the Philippine Colegian, official student publica-tion of UP Diliman, found out that beneficiaries from the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program (ST-

FAP) have dwindled over the years. In UP Diliman alone, only 74 out of over 20,000 students are assigned to bracket E2.

get which is P18.4 billion.

A study by Tug-ani in 2012 also found out that one out of four UP Cebu students applied for student loan indicating that UPians can barely afford the tuition. This is a substantial increase compared to the one out of 10 students who applied for loan in 2007-2008.

“UP is hungry for higher state subsidy and the only way to ease the hunger is to ask for more persistently and firmly,” he said.

Last year, the Aquino administration allocated P9.8 billion to UP system which is only 60 percent of the proposed bud-

Denila said that all these are rooted to the annual budget cuts.

He called on the UP administration to be one with the students in the fight for higher state subsidy. He said that TOFI should never have become an option for the university.

“We can do math. Although the budget for education has increased, from P25 billion to 37 billiion, it is still not enough and is far from what is really needed.” 2013 Budget Senate has approved a two trillion peso budget for the year 2013, last November 2012. It has been signed by the president last December 2012. According to the Kabataan Partylist, the budget is “loaded with more pork, dole-outs, and fat bonuses.” The budget for the Office of the President is P2.7 billion which is larger than the P 2.595 billion budget in 2012. The budget of the Office of the Vice President is P420 million. The Congress has P9.8 billion.The Judiciary has P17.7 billion which is larger than the 15.075 billion budget last year.

SHOUT OUT. On 300% TOFI’s 6th anniversary, UP Cebu Student Council 2012-2013 continue to call for tuition rollback and higher state subsidy. /Photo by Melanie R. Montaño

UP Cebu blocks City scholars Melanie Montano UP Cebu students under the Cebu City Scholarship program were blocked from enrolling during the second semester of the Academic Year 2012-2013.

Meanwhile, the Department of Education (DepEd) will receive the biggest share among all government agencies.

According to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Guidance Services Specialist, Portia Dacalos, the Cebu City government was unable to pay for a year and a half which includes both semesters last Academic Year 2011-2013 and the first semester of Academic Year 2012-2013.

The DepEd’s P292.7 billion allocation, is way below the P334 billion proposed budget required for the successful implementation of the K-12 program in the next school year.

Dacalos said that OSA did their part by calling City Hall and submitting all the requirements needed. The City Hall in return kept assuring UP Cebu that they would pay.


what is happen


Some scholars were forced to pay the full amount of their tuition just so they can enroll. A

few resorted to applying for a loan.

Scholars under the Cebu City Scholarship program receives P10,000 per semester with those coming from mountain barangays receiving P20,000. There is also a P1,000 per semester allowance. Reactions Most of the scholars admitted that they do not know where to get money to pay for their full tuition in case the situation would not be remedied. Joni Joy Dumasig, a third year Management student and recipient of the scholarship, looked worried as she talked about the scholarship program and what it felt like to be blocked from enrolling. The news came to her as a shock since she was expecting to pay only a small amount due to the scholarship.

Her reaction was not very different from Chelzee Salera’s, a second year Mass Communication student, who said she was afraid that she might not be able to finish her education and be forced to get a job. Salera also voiced out her opinion saying that it would have been better if the scholars were informed a long time before enrollment to help them be ready. Resolved Dr. Esther Concha, the designated chairperson for the scholarship program, visited the UP Cebu accounting office at around 1:30 pm of Wednesday, November 7 to ask for a grace period concerning the money. She stated that the city government still needed to make a voucher for the bill but there is a budget for the scholars.




GASC approves CRSRS without ammendments Gerriane Faith Rizon Last December 20 to 22, 2012, UP students from all around the Philippines gathered at UP Los Banos for the annual General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC) where they braved the Christmas rush to debate about important issues concerning all UP students. They gathered to discuss the proposed amendments put forth by UP Baguio and UP Diliman CSSP Student Councils on the Codified Rules on the Selection of the Student Regent or CRSRS.


The proposed amendments were (1) to include a minimum grade requirement for the next Student Regent, (2) 1 council,

1 vote, (3) The role of Kasama sa UP, an alliance of student councils from the red party, should no longer be part of the selection process and (4) the amendments should be implemented for 3 years before being changed. The debate over the amendments lasted for 3 days, instead of the planned 2 days, with the first day mainly tackling the house rules and proposed resolutions of the different student councils.


The overtime was due to many reasons, as there were a lot of issues that kept popping up (ex. The giving up of a vote by UP Manila CPH Student Council since they had to leave early, the 14 proposed resolutions

POLICE BRIEFS Student assaulted near UP Cebu campus Alya Simone Mongaya Rovie Joy Erecre, a Mass Communicaion student was assaulted and almost robbed near the UP Cebu campus. Last December 14, 2012, around 5:30 in the evening, a man blocked her way and pretended as if they knew each other before the assault started. Bernadeth Rosales, also a Mass Communication student, together with a vendor helped

when the man started to grab, slap, and punch Erecre. According to Erecre, another guy came shouting, “pusilon ka nako! (I will shoot you!)” With the help of Rosales and the vendor, Erecre was able to get out of the man’s grasp. The assailants were not able to get anything. They escaped riding motorcycles. Erecre came out of the ordeal with only a few bruises.

that were yet to be tackled and the issue of the integrity of the Office of the Student Regent). Since the assembly had a combination of 'Red' and 'Blue' Student Councils, there was a lot of tension during the discussions. Tempers flared and controversies were revealed as the second day of the assembly headed into the early hours of December 22. Shouts of 'Shame' and 'Digression from the topic' became more frequent as the discussion turned away from the amendments and focused more on the competency and integrity of the current Student Regent and his office.

The GASC ended at 5:39 am on December 22 with no amendments being made to the CRSRS. The reason why no amendments were made concerning the CRSRS was because the SC’s that proposed the amendments were worried about the integrity of the rules and the Office of the Student Regent. This came about because of the issue of several lapses and differences in the handbook of the SR and the SC’s. Many of the “red” SC’s were also against the amendments because they viewed it as ‘anti-student’ for the minimum grade clause and ‘Luzon-cen-

tric’ for the 1 council, 1 vote since UP Diliman has numerous SC’s aside from the University Student Council which would easily give them the upper-hand. No voting took place regarding the amendments since the SC’s who proposed withdrew at the last minute. The assembly agreed to settle the pending resolutions online, as there was no more time left to discuss them during the GASC. The Student Regent (SR) is the representative of the UP student body in the Board of Regents and presents the concern of the students to the leaders of the University.

SC, orgs organizes HR program The incident has been reported to the police. The assailants are trying to be identified through the description of the witnesses. Erecre warns that UPians should be aware that things llike this are happening near UP, “we should be extra careful. Di siya simpleng snatch lang unya dagan dayon, pag-inana lang, things ra’y mawala. Kung naay assault, there will be physical and emotional pain. (We should be extra careful. Its not a simple robbery incident, if its just like that, only things are lost, if its an assault, there will be physical and emotional pain.)”

ONE LINERS Atty. Liza Corro is the new UP Cebu dean. UP Cebu’s Second Professional Second Campus at the South Road Properties (SRP) is already inaugurated. DUROS Development Corporation to start levelling off the AS soccer field. Supreme Court extends Temporary Restraining Order on Cybercrime Law. Board of Regents approved the P500 MGT 186 lab fee. UNMASKING THE SYSTEM. Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Fraternity members during the oblation run 2012./Photo courtesy of Mark Anthony A. Cabanlit


Katrine Brille Camposano As a way to commemorate the Human Rights Day last December 10, 2012, the former UP Cebu Student Council in cooperation with the Nagkahiusang Kusog sa Estudyante (NKE) organized a forum entitled “Human Rights Situation Under the Pnoy Administration.” Former 1st Year Representative Angel Trocio, mentioned that the aim of the program is to find out why human rights are being exploited and what students can do about this situation. Taking social action is necessary, “because we owe our education to the masses,” explained Jun Marr Denila, Former 3rd year representative, during his welcome remarks. Dennis Abarrientos, coordinator of Karapatan, a human rights non-government organization, was invited as a guest speaker for the forum. He highlighted several instances of human rights violations under the term of Presi-

dent Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III (PNoy). He pointed out the increase in extrajudicial killings and political arrests among others.

Access denied

Dyan Paula Gumanao, Former 2nd year representative, pointed out during the forum that securing a genuine democratized access to education has become an even more significant issue. “Dako nga hindrance ang kadako sa bayronon sa pagpadayon og eskwela (The huge amount of fees that need to be paid is a major hindrance in pursuing one’s education)” she said. Gumanao also added that with the declining number of students having access to education due to financial concerns, it has become a privilege, and no longer a right. During her reaction, Professor Kaira Zoe Alburo-Cañete emphasized that human rights must not be “something to be put on paper. It is something to be struggled for.”

Basic Education is a RIGHT and Tertiary Education is a PRIVILEGE. -Sec. Butch Abad, DBM


balita [TUG-ANI]

Velez 40-hour policy and illegal dismissal Alya Simone Mongaya “CBA, CBA, ipatuman!” Chants were heard last November 10, 2012 as teachers and students from Velez College showed their dissent against the policies of their administration through a protest rally. The conflict between the protesters and the administration gained tremendous media attention since protests and disputes were unheard of from the school. More than 100 gathered in front of the Velez College Hospital in a uniform black shirt. Aside from the teachers and students from the college, supporters from different organizations led by the National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP), Nagkahiusang Kusog sa Estudyante (NKE), University of the Philippines Cebu Student Council (UP Cebu SC) and the College Editors Guild of the Philippines Cebu (CEGP) were present. The protest action was spearheaded by the Velez College Faculty and Non-Teaching Union (VCFANTU) with support from the Visayas Human

Development Agency DA).


“Bisan sa kasaysayan napamatud-an nga ang armas nga maoy makapadaug mao ra gayud ang hini-usang paglihok, mao na ang nakapatukmod sa mga magtutudlo ug mga tinunan nga mogawas sa ilang mga tagsa-tagsa ka classrooms ug maghimo og rally sa atubang sa skwelahan, (Even in history it is proven that the weapon for achieving victories is collective action, that is what pushed the teachers and the students to go out of their classrooms and conduct a rally in front of the school.)” said Jon Neil Perfecio of VCFANTU. The students took an active role in the issue as they too are primary stakeholders of the school. “Although the conflict was primarily between the administration and the faculty, we could easily see how the students were heavily affected,” said Cesar Llanto III, a student in Velez College who joined the rally. 40-hour Policy and Illegal Dismissal The issue sparked chiefly because of teachers who were illegally dismissed and a 40hour policy imposed by the administration.

The teachers were dismissed without due basis and the remaining teachers were to work 40 hours a week instead of 24, but with the same pay. Most of the remaining teachers resigned to show their disagreement against the 40-hour policy and their support to the dismissed teachers. “We are made to stay within the school premises 40 hours a week but paid only for the 24 hours. The 25th up to the 40th hour is unpaid,” said Rizza Baritugo of VCFANTU. According to a statement released by the Velez College Supreme Student Council (Velez College SSC), the administration said the 40-hour policy, “…are not based on the hours they work, but based on the number of units loaded to them. A faculty loaded with 24 units which can be both for lecture and laboratory will result to approximately 30-32 contact hours with the student. With this, it will require them 5-6 hours per day, staying for another 2-3 hours will be beneficial to the students.” Regarding the dismissal of several faculty members, VCFANTU said that they were dismissed with unjustifiable basis and were not given a 30 day

notice before their dismissal.

ing, seminar” said Baritugo.

In the same statement from the Velez College SSC, the administration countered that it, “is an end of contract, not dismissal. At the moment the contract was signed, the duration or the effectivity of the contract was already provided for, thus the 30-day policy does not apply. There were grounds wherein it is the prerogative of the administration not to renew the contract of the teachers like poor evaluations and insubordination.”

“The quality of education is at risk,” she added.

Other issues raised by VCFANTU are the creation of guidelines for the production of instructional materials, payment of substitution rate and the removal of the College of Arts and Sciences dean, Engr. Jocelyn Gonzales. “Pila ka teachers ang natangtang sa iyang reign as dean. In order for the teachers to be efficient, dapat unta to dili taktakon. You just give them workshop,training,seminar kay corrective man gud ni, we’re not perfect at all. Kaso lang diri, taktakay man. (How many teachers were sacked during her reign as dean. In order for the teachers to be efficient, they should not be sacked. You just give them workshop, train-

Labor groups oppose 2TW In response to the Aquino administration’s new two-tiered wage system (2TWS), Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU)-Cebu educated workers and labour unions in the province through a forum last 25 November, 2012. Twelve labour unions in Cebu gathered to attend the forum, with the title -----, at the Center for Development Education and Training. The 2TWS is the Aquino administration’s new wage policy. In a press release by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), the 2TWS “is aimed at minimizing the unintended outcomes of mandated minimum wage, improving the coverage of the vulnerable sectors, and promoting productivity improvement and gain-sharing”. The first tier is establishing a

floor wage based on the pov erty threshold of the region which will replace the regional minimum wage. The government has recently reduced the national daily poverty threshold from P52 to P46. The second tier is imposing a “productivity-based pay” set by the employer which will be based on the company’s and worker’s output. 2TWS was initially implemented in April 2012 to the bus transit industry and in region 4-A or CALABARZON. “Since the imposition of 2TWS in region 4-A, workers’ daily wages has decreased to P225 from the regional minimum wage of P339”, said Elpedio Caterbas of KMU-Cebu. In a press statement, the KMU challenged the Aquino adminis-

tration to finally approve House Bill 375 or the P125 Wage Increase Bill and to immediately junk its scheme on imposing “libing” (funeral) wage. KMU added that the current minimum wage is far from the family living wage which is P993. Caterbas added that the fullblown implementation of 2TWS will bring workers to misery and their families closer to the grave. To intensify their campaign against 2TWS, labor unions in Cebu formed an alliance called Action Against Contractualization and Towards Significant Wage Increase Now (ACT 2 WIN). They also launched a signa-ture campaign against the new wage system which will be submitted to DOLE. They aim to get one million signatures in Central Visayas.

“If every teacher were new, I wouldn’t want to describe the quality of education we would be getting,” said Llanto III. Reaped Victories After the protest action, the administration decided to withdraw the 40 hour policy but the issue on the reinstatement of the illegally dismissed teachers as well as the other issues raised was still not decided. The VFCANTU was resolute that they will not stop with their protests until the illegally dismissed teachers will be reinstated. “Dili pa moundang ang mga lihok protesta hangtod dili ma reinstate ang mga titsers nga gipangtaktak,” said Perfecio. There was a plan on having a prayer rally last November 13, Monday after the rally since there would be a negotiation between the VFCANTU and the administration that day. But it did not push through since hours before the planned prayer rally, the administration already conceded.

BACK TO BASICS Melanie R. Montano

Larger fishing vessels trigger fishing ban

Small fisherfolks in the Visayas found themselves in a more difficult situation when the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) imposed a four-month long fishing ban in the Visayan Sea.

FAO 167 establishes “closed season for the conservation of sardines and herrings and mackerel in the Visayan Sea” from 15 November 2012 to 15 March 2013. “Dako ang epekto (niini) sa panginabuhian sa mga gagmay’ng mananagat. Mao ning mga isdaa ang kasagaran namong kuha (Livelihood of small fisherfolks will be gravely affected. These types of fishes are our usual catch)” said Victor Lapaz, Chairperson of Panaghugpong sa Gagmay’ng Mananagat sa Sugbo (PAMANA-Sugbo). Lapaz blamed the unregulated fishing by large commercial vessels for the declining popu-

lation of sardines, herrings and mackerel. PAMANA-Sugbo also suggested that the BFAR go after these big fishes instead of the small ones. Some 100,000 fishers in the Visayas will be affected. BFAR explained that the ban would increase the population of sardines and mackerel by 20 percent. The fishing ban covers the mouth of the Danao River on the northeastern tip of Bantayan Island to Madridejos, through the light house on the Gigantes Island to Clutaya Island, and to Culasi Point in Capiz province, coastward along the northern coast of Capiz to Bulacaue Point in Carles, Iloilo, southward along the eastern coast of Iloilo to the mouth of Talisay River, westward across Guimaras Strait to Tomonton Point in Occidental Negros, eastward along the northern coast of the Island of Negros and back to the mouth of Danao River in Escalante, Negros Occidental.



panagway By: Gemma Cerenio Cartoon: Armand Dayoha


ssues w i t h global food security have been related to the dwindling presence of coral reefs throughout the world. Serving as breeding grounds, shelters, and nurseries for various aquatic organisms, coral reefs play an integral part in the aquatic ecosystem. Last January 2012, Department of Environment and Natural Re-sources (DENR) officials claimed that only four percent of the Philippine coral reefs can be considered to be in an excellent condition. Hence, the ideal path to take considering this situation is to rehabilitate these so-called underwater forests and, at the very least, properly implement the established measures that aim to stop their destruction.

Sanctuary With an area covering 97,030 hectares, the Tubbataha Reef has been considered as a relevant location in terms of marine biodiversity. In its World Heritage Nomination Summary last 1992, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) pointed out that the Tubbataha Reef is “the most biologically diverse coral reef system in the Philippines” and is quite important for the sustenance of fisheries. Its presence has been quite integral to the livelihood of people in Palawan because it is considered to be a tourist spot. UNESCO also mentioned the variety of marine organisms that depend on the reef, which included 379 species in atleast 40 families. The organization stated that there is a recorde d

presence of black-tip shark, white-tip shark, manta rays, and eagle rays. Being an atoll coral reef, this means that not only aquatic organisms depend on Tubbataha. According to its official website, its north and south islets are known to be breeding and feeding areas for a Philippine-endemic species of the Black Noddy and the “critically-endangered Christmas Island Frigatebirds.” In addition to that, UNESCO also specified that there have been 46 bird species recorded from this site as of year 1991. With this relevant role in the marine environment, it was finally declared as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO last December 1993. It is considered to be a part of Cagayancillo, Palawan. However, its technical supervision is handled by the DENR and the Palawan Coun-

cil for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It was even featured on the reverse side of the Philippine 1,000-peso bill on the 2010 series.

Questionable reasons Almost two decades since UNESCO’s declaration, the reef became involved in an unfortunate incident. Last January 17, 2013, the USS Guardian, a US Navy minesweeper ship, ran aground the Tubbataha reef. Initial reports echoed by the media mentioned that the damaged area was estimated to be 1,000 square meters. How-ever, follow-up reports released during early February pointed out that the actual damage exceeded this initial estimate. A Tubbataha marine park ranger, Angelique Songco, mentioned that the damaged area was actually more than 4,000 square meters. In a separate report, Songco also emphasized that the US Navy’s own assessment of the dam-age has been rejected by the World Heritage Site

officials because the former did not bother to include any Philippine personnel concerned for a joint assessment of the said area. The US Navy was able to provide a reason for this inci-dent, stating that the USS Guardian’s Digital Nautical Charts happened to be inaccurate. Because of that, there happened to be an “error in the location of Tubbataha Reef” causing the minesweeper ship to venture in an otherwise off-limits location. In an article published by GMA news last January 23 of this year, it was mentioned that USS Guardian’s charts “would have had to be off by at least 10 nautical miles (18.52 kilometers)” if the claims of the US Navy would be considered. That is how wide the margin of error should be if the crew were indeed misled in their naviga-tion, thinking that they are still outside the protected location

when the minesweeper ran aground. On the other hand, the US Navy also has a Global Positioning System (GPS) as one alternative to their digital charts. The article also noted that a military-grade GPS is expected to have a “margin of error of no more than 10 meters.” There were claims that the damage may not be as extensive as it seems, because the area concerned contains mostly rocks and coral which died from natural causes. However, a follow-up report by GMA News mentioned that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reported that the area was actually “densely populated by living coral.” Songco also emphasized that the location itself does not affect the significance of what really happened, adding that it is like comparing a forest and a desert wherein one is not “less important than the other” in terms of ecological relevance. In a separate report by Rappler, she also mentioned that USS Guardian’s captain disregarded the warnings they received about their navigational oversight, even adding that

the complaint should be raised with the US embassy.

The VFA Connection The USS Guardian was said to be on its way to Indonesia after making a resupplying and refueling stop in Subic Bay. This was presumably authorized under the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), and the US navy can also make a claim that they are just exercising the right of innocent passage. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea specifies that a passage is considered innocent “so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State.” Under the VFA, US personnel are compelled “to respect the laws of the Republic of the Philippines” as part of their duty. A notable law in this case would be the Republic Act (RA)

No. 10067, or the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Act of 2009. Sec. 19 of RA 10067 specifies that Tubbataha shall be shall be off-limits to navigation. The only exceptions are activities sanctioned by the Tubbataha Protected Area Management Board (TPAMB), “such as, but not limited to, tourism and research.” Entries that are deemed necessary due to emergency situations still require prior permission from Tubbataha authorities. Aside from environmental concerns, there are also issues with the violation of Philippine sovereignty by the USS Guardian’s crew. They reportedly refused inspection from the Tubbataha park rangers. Shortly after the incident, the ship’s crew was transported toSaebo, Japan to avoid arrest and possible legal prosecution in the Philippines. The Tubbataha incident is not an isolated issue that sprang as an offshoot of

the VFA. Prominent examples are the previously reported toxic wastes beingdumped by the US Navy in Subic Bay and the US military drones found some coastal areas. Several groups and individuals added this recent intrusion to the country’s sovereignty to the list of VFA-related issues. College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) National Deputy Secretary Marc Lino Abila pointed out that with the increasing list of violations by US military and navy entities, it can be clearly seen that they can just “do anything in our territories and get away with it.” Regarding the monetary compensation that the US is expected to provide, Abila said that it is hardly enough to replace the damage done to Tubbataha. Coral colonies have a typical growth rate of 1-10 cm a year. Hence, that compensation may not be quite relevant considering the area damaged by the USS Guardian. A holistic perspective is necessary in the Tubbataha incident. The relevance of this issue stretches beyond the environmental impact. It even covers the loopholes in Philippine governance and issues in the consistency of implementing the RA concerned. Moreover, this incident could have been proactively prevented if there was no VFA that authorizes refueling of US aircrafts and marine vessels. Various issues related to social, security, and environmental concerns have been linked to the VFA. The damage done to Tubbataha reef and its ecosystem may not be the last one if the validity of the VFA would still continue.


panagway [TUG-ANI]


he ninth University of the Philippines Dean, Atty. Liza Corro, promised to further the development of the campus duringher installationlast January 30. According to her speech, Corro intends to “accomplish the groundworks which will lead us [UP Cebu] into becoming the eighth constituent university under the UP system.”

She also looks forward to the Association of South East Asian Nations Integration 2 years from now.

“Pursuant to the free trade and open-market regime agreed with the ASEAN Free Trade and with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which will surely affect our educational system, among which with an adjustment on our academic calendar and entry of more forPlans and Projects eigners, we will start a project to be called as Having been declared by the Commission an AMBASSADORIAL RELAY”. on Higher Education as the Center of Excellence on Information Technology in Educa- With the future Ambassado-rial Relay project, tion, Corro plans to nurture and harness IT UP Cebu will be welcoming the different countries through their consular offices to conduct Culture in UP Cebu. their respective fora within the cam-pus. “I have as my flagship project under my term the putting up of an INNOVATION LOUNGE, “In these fora there will be talks about their intended to become as an IT CREATIVE respective country’s culture and systems to foster better understanding and relationship HUB initially for students,” she said. between our and their countries and with this The new Dean looks forward to seeing stu- we hope to attune UP Cebu’s constituencies dents use this IT CREATIVE HUB as a ven- to global standards when our country enters ue to express their creative minds during the market regime,” she added. their free time where “they will have the opportunity, not just to harness their for- Installation mal learning capacities, but likewise their Members of the different sectors of the univerIT and research and inventive capacities, sity also expressed their confidence for Corro. to come up with something innovative. Any inventions they come up with will be nur- “With your legal background and long years tured through our existing Technological of experience, you have what it takes to run the next administraBusiness Incubator (TBI) program.” tion with The TBI program is supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and UP Cebu’s TBI is among the very few which succeeded here in the Philippines. The TBI program of UP Cebu has been assisting lots of businesses with IT component in it, in fact UP Cebu is now short of spaces to locate those who want to avail of the TBI program.

objectivity, impartiality and with great dedication towards a greater direction which is progress,” said Francis Michael Abad, Associate Dean for Administration in his speech during the installation of the new dean. UP President Alfredo Pascual expects the new dean to carry out her promises. “I expect her to carry out the things that she has specifically mentioned and explained to us in her speech,” Pascual said. The installation was held at the Cebu Cultural Center and attended by Pascual with his Vice Presidents and University Secretary, Chancellors of UP Baguio, UP Mindanao, UP Open University, UP Visayas, UP Manila, UP Los Banos and UP Dili-man, UP Cebu students, faculty and staff. Corro’s family and UP Cebu alumni were also present. The Directress of STC and Director of CIT were also present in the installation and so was the President of USC and USJR. Politicians, Sen. Manuel “Manny” Villar and Rep. Edgardo “Sonny” Angara were also present. Background Corro is a graduate of UP Cebu Political Scie n c e program and attended the UP Diliman College of Law, graduating in 1986, before becoming a lawyer.

a l i v A r e Aft

Jules Ceniza, a first year Biology student expects the new Dean to be fair and just, “We hope that she remembers the biology students too because we always get left behind”. The new dean also plans to anchor different programs in UP Cebu on computer science however, she assures that all programs will be equally developed and all will receive support.

She is currently the managing partner of Corro, Cavada and Associates Law Offices and is active in several non - governmental organizations like the Federacion Internacional De Abogades (Fida) Phil-ippines, Inc. and the Rotary Club of Cebu Gloria Maris, District 3860. She is also the ninth child out of ten children and the new Dean mentioned how this has taught her the value of hard work, independence and love for education. Corro is the third female dean to lead UP Cebu, the two others being Dr. Aurora Miñoza and Prof. Socorro Villalobos

Challenges Corro’s leadership is symbolic of a fresh start for UP Cebu. After the ouster of the former dean, there are high hopes for her. However, there are also challenges that she, together with the students, staff and faculty, must win over. Like the entire UP system, UP Cebu faces a lot of problems. With the insufficient state subsidy, there is great pressure on the local administration to make ends meet. However, the administration must not compromise the right of every Filipino to accessible and quality education. Iskolars ng Bayan have too much tuition and other fees on our platter. Instead of imposition of more fees (laboratory and miscellaneous) and commercialization of assets, the administration must be one with the students in the fight for higher state subsidy. This is the ultimate solution to our recurring problem. UP Cebu High School should continue to exist. It is an institution that gives quality and accessible education to the “poor but deserving” students. For many years, it has produced leaders and achievers that bring honor to UP and the country. These are among the problems that are the very reasons why students should have a representative in all decision-making bodies in UP Cebu; including but not limited to the Dean’s Executive Staff and the executive committee. We need a representative that serves as eyes and voices of the students. The UP Charter 2008, For her three-year term, Corro is subjected to a lot of prospects and challenges. She is expected to embody the university’s mantra, “leadership, excellence and service”. On the other hand, UP Cebu constituents are also expected to work hand in hand with the administration in all efforts that prove to be beneficial to the university. However, as Iskolars ng Bayan, we are also obligated to be vigilant in matters that concern the students and the people.


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katilingban Education watch

STOP TOFI Alliance-Cebu launches Tuition Monitor Student councils, publications, and student organizations from different universities and colleges under the Students Opposing Tuition and Other Fees Increase Alliance (STOP TOFI Alliance), launches the Tuition Monitor Cebu (TM Cebu). TM Cebu is one of the initiatives of the alliance to address the issue of tuition and other fee increases in private higher education institutions. It aims to gather data regarding proposed school fee increases for next school year while keeping an eye out for faulty consultation methods with students. It also aims to gather data on previous increases in school fees in order to create an overview of school fees all over the country. According to Melanie Montano, College Editors Guild of the Philippines Cebu (CEGP Cebu) chairperson, in just one decade, the national av-

erage tuition fee increase has reached 108.35%. During the academic year 2000-2001, the average tuition fee per unit was still P257.41 per unit, but now it has doubled to P536.31 per unit. “We are alarmed by the rising trend of tuition increase in the country. While schools are gaining millions in profit, millions of students are also deprived of their right to accessible education.” she said. Through the TM Cebu, students can air their grievances to the hotline 09238124203 or www.facebook.com/STOPTOFI. Those with complaints will be provided with assistance, even legal assistance. “We will expose undemocratic consultations, and prepare to campaign against fee increases this early. We want those who are responsible like the Commission on Higher Education to do something about this,” said Jun Marr Denila,

National Union of Students of the Philippines Cebu, chairperson. The STOP TOFI ALLIANCE is a Cebu-wide network of stu Some of the alliance’s current members include NUSP Cebu, CEGP Cebu, Kabataan Partylist Cebu, Nation Builder - Cebu Technological University, University of the Visayas College of Arts and Sciences Student Council, University of the Visayas - Political Science Society, Southwestern University Supreme Student Government, The Quill - Southwestern University, Tug-ani - University of the Philippines Cebu, Nagkahiusang Kusog sa Estudyante – University of the Philippines Cebu, University of the Philippines Cebu Student Council, League of Filipino Students - University of the Philippines Cebu, ANAKBAYAN - University of San Carlos, ANAKBAYAN – Cebu Institute of Technology.

Orgs celebrate Bonifacio Julia Menchavez Progressive organizations in Cebu aimed at continuing Gatpuno Andres Bonifacio’s revolutionary vision against present-day problems faced by the nation through active and continuous protests. “Ang mga issue sa iyang panahon pareha ra sa karon (The issues during his time are the same as the ones today)”, asserted Jaime Paglinawan, the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN) Central Visayas Chairperson. The mobilization was a form of protest against the country’s problems; namely, full-blown implementation of the K-12 program, insufficient budget for education, health, and other social services, meager wages, high-priced commodities, and landlessness. The protesters called out to President Aquino’s adminis-

tration. “Kailangan nga di ra kutob sa sturya ang pablambo sa nasud (The progress of the nation should not only be talk),” said Paglinawan. He also cited genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization as possible solutions for land and employment problems in the country. The protesters also sought out the aid of the newly-canonized Cebuano saint, St. Pedro Calungsod, in the hopes of his hearing the nation’s prayers to end these pressing issues. The rally proceeded from Fuente Osmeña Circle to Metro Gaisano Colon. Anakbayan, League of Filipino Students, College Editors Guild of the Philippines, Nagkahiusang Kusog sa Estudyante, Kabataan Partylist, PAMANA Sugbo, Nagkahiusang Kabatan-unang Mag-uuma ug Mananagat sa Sugbo, BAYAN-CenVis and Nagkahiusang Drayber sa Sugbo joined the march.

Students remember slain journalists CEGP-Cebu Chairperson. “Dili unta palangayon sa justice system og ingon ani kadugay ang kaso kay maluoy ta sa pamilya sa mga biktima. Mao gyud ni siya ang nawong sa human right situation sa atong nasud. Kung buot huna-hunaon, what kind of people would kill 58 people at once?” she added.

TABLEU. Students dramatized the human rights situation in the country. A mother was hugging her dead son. /Photo courtesy of Remy Jade Manzon

Alya Simone Mongaya The third year anniversary of the Maguindanao Massacre was marked by nationwide protests and demonstrations. In Cebu City, youth organizations led by the College Editors Guild of the Philip-pines (CEGP) performed a tableau in Colon Street last November 23, depicting the massacre, its effects, and state neglect. For




from the tableau, the protesters covered their mouths with black tape and held placards with the call “End Culture of Impunity.” “Three years have passed, but still there has been no progress in the struggle for justice for the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre. Even witnesses are being targeted by the perpetra-tors, but still there is no move to actually quicken the pace of the proceedings,” said Melanie Montano,

CEGP also thinks that the situation of the mainstream media is not divorced from the situation of the campus journalists. “The campus press is also under attack. Hundreds of campus journalists have suffered campus press repression and worse, even enforced disappearances and killings throughout the years just because they are critical to issues,” said CEGP-Visayas in a statement. For the year 2011-2013, there have been 359 documented cases of campus press freedom violations.

KARAPATAN (Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights) year end report. /www.karapatan.org

I did not “The killings are being attributed to me. But General kill them. I just inspire the triggermen. -Maj. ents Jovito Palparan on the abduction of 2 UP stud (Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan)

brgy UP [TUG-ANI]

NEWS BULLETS P1SO WINS BATCH WARS Threyna Diaz P1SO, the second year students’ batch organization, once again won this year’s Batch Wars. Held from January 28 to February 4, 2013 at the UP Cebu grounds, the four batch organizations from first year to fourth year were the participants of the event. Janin Faye Tomol, second year BS Management student and over-all organizer of Batch Wars 2013 said in an online interview that the goal of the event is “to make all the batch orgs be active in these activities; making an efficient channel for info dissemination, to involve members in UP issues and current events, (and) to have an alliance of batch orgs in UP.” Batch Wars is a week-long event organized by the Union of Progressive Students (UPS), a socio-political organization

BOMB SQUAD WINS SANHACK Gemma Cerenio UP Cebu team, Bomb Squad won the Cebu-based Sanitation Hackathon (SanHack) last December 2, 2012. The team members were Chito Patiño, Jonas Almocera, Isabella Pauline Quijano, and Ruffy Heredia. They called their application SaniMaps, a web-based system that allows users to send reports about sanitation problems like pictures of uncollected garbage or dysfunctional drainage systems. SanHack was held simultaneously last December 1 and 2, 2012 in many countries all over the world. In the Philippines, it was synchronized in 6 different locations including Cebu which particularly took place at the Center Suites, Camputhaw, Cebu City.

UP CEBU JOINS HERITAGE WALK Barbara Dominique Balistoy For the first time, UP Cebu joined the Kasadya sa Downtown heritage walk last November 28, 2012. The Kasadya sa Downtown was launched in 2005. It started as a small event which envisioned to revive the beauty of the country’s oldest street, Colon. Prof. Ligaya Rabago-Visaya of UP Cebu Humanities Cluster said that through these activities, students will have the chance to see and appreciate Cebu’s cultural heritage. She added that the activity that would expose them to the streets of Colon and help them get rid of the negative connotations of downtown Cebu.

SERENATA GIVES PRIDE TO UP CEBU AGAIN Gemma Cerenio Serenata brought another pride to UP Cebu as they won as the champion in the Melodies of Christmas 2 choral competition organized by the JCentre Mall Mandaue last December 22, 2012. Four choral groups from different schools, universities and organizations competed on the said competition. Meanwhile, they also won this year’s UNISO Student Organization of the Year. And the successful Pasundayag 2013 last April 7 was also spearheaded by them in cooperation with UP high school Cebu. Serenata is the official choral group of UP Cebu which has been existing for 12 years and currently has 27 members.

UPelikula: changing focus mysterious murder of homosexuals in their town.

Christine Estrella To be agents of change and development is what UPelikula embodies as they try to institute these values and mold filmmaking talents in the process. UPelikula had a three month lineup of activities, including a seminar workshop on the basics of filmmaking, a symposium/screening of independent films and a periodical screening of short films by the Amateur Creative Thespians of the University of the Philippines (ACT-UP). Film Symposium A Full Length Film Symposium was held last November 17, 2012 at the JCentre Mall. The event featured independent films Endo, Zombadings: Patayin sa Shokot si Remington and Give Up Tomorrow as the main gala. Endo follows the story of two contractual workers managing to meet the demands of relationship, providing for their families amidst not having a permanent job. Zombadings provided a light fare for the audience while tackling the issue of homosexuality. It features the homophobic Remington and the


it aims to promote Filipino culture through films and to raise awareness among viewers about social change and development.

Give Up Tommorow highlights Paco Larrañaga who was convicted and sentenced to death 15 years ago over the rape and murder of sisters Marijoy and Jacqueline Chiong. This docu-mentary however takes a sympathetic view of Larrañaga on “The Crime of the Century”, showing the country’s poor judicial system.

UPelikula 2012 is spearheaded by its director Christopher Co, a 4th year mass communication stu-dent under the advisory of Mr. Gregg Lloren.

An open forum was then held after each film viewing producer of Zombadings: Patayin sa Shokot si Remington, Raymond Lee voiced out the problems of marketing and distribution of independent films. He stressed the difficulty of indie filmmakers to enter the market caused by the hegemony in commercial based movies, blocking the indie film industry. “Good na avenue ang chance na gini-give sa UPelikula as a way for seeing these films,” Lee praises the organization for giving this opportunity to view films that emulate critical thinking by opening its doors to the public. Reason behind UPelikula UPelikula aims to showcase the filmmaking talents of UP students;

Awards Night For the UPelikula awards night held last January 23, 2013, Misako Kojima won best director for her horror film Jack N Jill. Joey Lañojan was awarded as the best Actor for El Vigilante and Tala Cromente was awarded as Best Actress for Regardless. In the free form category, the film Right Click got first place, while for the Social Issue category, Cita’s Lights placed first. Regardless, a romantic comedy film directed by Joni Mejico placed 2nd in the free form category also bagged the best in screenplay, cinematography awards. According to Mejico UPelikula served as a tool for students not only to showcase their talents for filmmaking but to highlight social issues as well.

UP Cebu lights Christmas symbols Vanette Kayla Minoza To formally open Pasko sa University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu 2012, UP Christmas symbols were lighted up last December 7, Friday, at the campus’ Oblation Square. The Christmas symbols in-clude the Belens, Christmas trees and parols made by dif-ferent clusters and organizations. This is a first-time event because in the past years, only UP High School’s Tree of Hope was lighted up. The parol symbolizes the youth and is present every year at UP campuses. The Christmas tree represents “hope, unity, aspirations and love” and the school’s “aspirations of leadership and excellence” The Belen symbolizes a new start.

hello? TUG-ANI welcomes inquiries, constructive criticisms, opinions, and contributions. Visit our office at Room 154, Arts and Sciences Building, University of the Philippines Cebu, or email us at up.tugani@gmail.com.

BEAUTY AND BRAINS. Psychology Student Francesca Fernandez is this year’s Miss UP Cebu. /Photo from Miss UP Cebu 2013 Facebook page

CLASSIFIEDS literary folio

At the end of the Academic Year, TUG-ANI will be releasing an alternative form of folio which will showcase literary works, photographs and graphics. Your poems, stories, comics, artworks and photos are now being accepted. Send them to up.tugani@gmail.com and include a brief desciption of yourself.


Do you want to promote your activities? Text 09177919497 the description in 50 words or less and we will include it in our Brgy UP page.


Do you have activities you want to be covered by the TUG-ANI staff? Text us at 09177919497.





A UP Teacher Dies Alya Simone Mongaya

Ni John Lord Escatron

Walo na ka tuig ang paspas nga milabay Katorse ka mag-uuma ang nangamatay Sa yutang, singot nila ang gipuhunan Ug sa kaugalingong dugo gipatulu-an. Umento sa sweldo ang panawagan Sa mga tinuod nga tag-iyang gihikawan Gi-ilugan ug pila ka tuig gipahimuslan Sa pamilyang berdugo sa katawhan. Luisita, pila ka dekada nimo’ng gitaguan? Kapait luyo sa matam-is mo nga talamnan Wala ka pa makontento sa among kahimtang, sa sinsilyong gipangayo, bala ang gipatagamtam Dili ka namo makalimtan, Luisita. Dili. Ikaw nga milarawan sa panagbangi sa mga nagapanghimulos ug gipahimuslan nga nagkahait sa atong katilingban. Salamat Luisita ug sa imong mga tag-iya, inyuha kaming gitudlu-an ug kini magmarka Nga kulang ang pagsinggit sa inyong atubangan Dili maayong manglimos kaninyong mga adunahan. Busa karon, kami andam na sa among pagbalik Gitigom ang mga bala’ng kanamo inyong gi-usik Kay sa sunod nato nga panag-abot, di nami muluhod Sa pasensyang inyong gihurot, kabalo namo kung unsa ang musunod. *Alang sa mga bikitima ug martir sa Hda. Luisita Massacre. 11-15-2012, 12:41am

June 18, 2012 was unlike any other Monday.

Memorial. His other relatives were still abroad.

Some 300 students, faculty, and non-academic personnel gathered at the University of the Philippines Cebu Arts and Sciences building lobby to attend a Holy Mass to honor a professor.

Soft sobs seemingly dominated over the monotone of the priest’s litany,

Michael Mark Mende, a UPC Psychology professor died due to a cardiac arrest last June 17, 2012. The students of the university organized a holy mass for his eternal repose.

“Clad in white, the assembly did not mind the heat as they prayed for a man, a professor, and a father.”

Clad in white, the assembly did not mind the heat as they prayed for a man, a professor, and a father.

Nobody dared to talk, as if too scared to be deemed disrespectful.

His wife, Rowena Villarama, was not able attend the mass because she was in Mende’s wake at the Saint Peter’s

The rows of white chairs were all occupied, as well the canteen chairs at the far back.

Those who were not able to find a seat were forced to stay standing up, but no one was complaining. As usual, the sun had been shining over the three storey school with peeling paint, as well as the shabby and soot wrapped apartments and houses in the area. The cars, vans, and motorcycles seemed to be at their usual places at the parking. Melancholy replaced the normally happy faces of students walking. Tears freely fell from the swollen eyes of Francesca Fernandez, one of Mende’s students. Struggling to catch her breath, she said, “Unsaon na lang ni nako, wala na man si sir?”

Homeward Bound Sherwin Gabrinez A song goes, “There is no home like the one you got, because that home belongs to you.” I miss mine. There can be many interpretations on the idea of home. A home can be the farm you grew up in, as well as the parents of your parents. It can be the house that your family rents. It can be the space enclosed in the four corners that you board for 2,000 pesos a month. Your home is where you feel warmth that is almost as natural as knowing that the sun rises in the east. It is the place that brings a sense of certainty, stability, and love. Your home is where is your heart is. There is just no place like it. My home is where my three year old nephew runs around, carefree and with laughter on his face. It is where I used to run the iron over my uniform in a pattern I came to memorize over the years. It is where the welcoming comfort of my bed and pillows are waiting. It is where the TV is already set on a channel where two brothers and their friends invent all throughout the 104 days of their summer vacation.

It is where many of the things I hold dear are. Yet, there are those who search for a home. I feared of missing my nephew running around in the safety of our house, but, there are these children taunting fate by running on the city’s busy streets.

A song goes, “There is no home like the one you got, because that home belongs to you.” Bolt found his, I hope we’ll all be following soon. I feared of missing ironing my uniforms, but, there are these people whose clothes are darkened by grime and tattered. I feared of missing my bed, but, there these families who seek comfort through the night in a cardboard box in sidewalks. I feared of missing watching episodes of my favourite TV show, but, there are those don’t even have windows to watch the world from inside the comfort of their own homes.

The operative word is earn. Earn a sense of pride by having something for them. Something they can say is all theirs. Earn a sense of security and reassurance that the streets are the place they live, just for now. The size, shape or place will never matter, as long as you know it is your home. It will have a space where you put washed dishes and utensils after a meal. It will have a wall -- wooden, concrete, or whichever -- where you hang on a mirror. A mirror which every member of the family will glance at before heading out. These small details, no matter how irrelevant to some, are little versions of a home. These things bind a family, no matter how irrelevant or dumb. They are like the pieces of a mosaic; minute details that make up a great portrait of warmth and happiness and love. Everyone needs to find a home. A home that belongs to them. A home that will all be theirs. Inside it, they will be somebody. A song goes, “There is no home like the one you got, because that home belongs to you.” Bolt found his, I hope we’ll all be following soon.

opinyon [TUG-ANI]


"That she may be a more democ-ratic and responsive dean that will truly cater the pressing needs of the university." — kumakapit_sa_patalim "True love waits. Haha. Lol. Bi-taw, di lang ta siya magbinuang kay makatilaw siya's kumo ug kusog's mga estudyante, faculty and staff." —TOVMA "Ayaw pirmi ifollow ang gusto sa masa kay di sila sakto all the time, especially if confident ka nga mas kasabot kas situaion." — RG "Ayo2 lang sa kinabuhi, Madam. Chill lang gud, ma stress nya ka. Hahah" —Señora Santibañez "Never be caught in the trappings of Power and Pride. Those two led the fall of the last dean." — taga-Bio


"Si Armand kay ruggedly handsome." —NoManIsAnIsland

"Si Sir Calamba kay he makes me happy!" —Lenie's Friend "Wala. Bitter ko run. Pangutan-a ko balik next Christmas." —MissUPCebu2013 "Si Sir JJ!!! Hahahaha pero naa nalay nakauna niya so sige lang, Sir, nevermind I’ll find someone like you!” —Ati


“Mapriso, para mahatagan og hustisya ang pagpanamastamas nila sa ilang gi-violate! Hahahaha.” —gbeansxD “Madakpan sila and get the pun-ishment they deserve which is what they did to their victims or maybe worse.” —Marceline “Bayran nila ilang utang na dugo.” —AniMel

for inquiries, text 09177919497 or 09435564718 or email up.tugani@gmail.com

it no andting

“Magbasol na sila’s ilang mga gipangbuhat. Poslan man nga hapit na ang end of the world, buhaton ‘ta nila ang butang nga makatabang pud tawn sa kalibu-tan.” —Everyone



Ni Kabib

Napan-os na ang among Dec 2012 issue but don't worry kay ang bahaw na kanon pwede man gihapon himuong fried rice. So if nangita ka ug nagkayo nga mga chika aw adto sa lain kay dili ko chismosa! HAHAHAHA PROM. So ni-agi na ang prom ug ako ra pung gipaagi. Maypa ang mga lower years nakaapil ako tawn wala kay wala may kwarta plus bati ko ug nawng so mauwaw ra ko. HAHAHAHA Congrats na lang sa mga nakadaog I hope nabusog ra mo di pareha sa prom sa ubang schools na gi-away ang mga organizers kay wala daw kunoy lami ang mga food. eng eng eng dili engineer-i n gschool,ha! ORG WEEK. Uso naman karon ang mga Org Weeks diba naay Math Week ug uban pa kay ka-poy enumerate. So lingaw ra man ning mga ingun-ani diba? Makakita ta ug mga scorpion nga muhamong ug bitin! HMmmmmm Huwag green mga ate! Pero naa say mga teachers nga OA kaayo maka-react sa mga partypeo-plelet! Kasab-an bah? Pwede i-take into consideration na lang na <insert course> week karon? HELLO MAG KJ? MAGPA - BJ! DEAN. Di me close sa Dean kay wala pa man me nagka-classmate but akong wish niya, oh well stay pretty kay hitsurahan baya siya. Stay pretty and everything else will follow. char! Wala bitaw ko kabalo kung unsa akong gipang-ingon but at least it's something! BEFORE I SAY GOODBYE. Ka-realize mo nga daghan na kaayo ug gwapo diri sa UP?

By: Bayani Acebedo



editoryal Pangulo sa Mantalaan

Alya Simone I. Mongaya Kaubang Pangulo

Melanie R. Montano Pangulo Tagdumala

Gemma O. Cerenio Pangulo sa Balita

Sherwin O. Gabrinez Pangulo sa Panagway

Gerriane Faith B. Rizon Tagdumala sa Sirkulasyon

Vanette Kayla Marie S. Minoza Pangulo sa Grapiks

Armand Jake A. Dayoha Tiglay-out

Alya Simone I. Mongaya Sakop sa Balita

Julia Camille L. Menchavez Wayne Justine D. Agramon

Revisiting US-Philippine relations Months after the minesweeper USS Guardian raked the grounds of Tubbataha National Marine Park, another marine vessel, this time Chinese, was grounded on the same sanctuary recognized by the United Nations as a World Heritage Site. The site is also being preserved and protected under Philippine laws. However, what was more alarming than the damage of the reefs is the handling of the Philippine government of the situation. The soft and cautious response of the Aquino administration on the US Navy compared to the swift action towards the Chinese intruders is a clear “double-standard” treatment that compromises our territorial integrity. Since the approval of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) in 1999 which was signed by both the Philippine government and the US government, US troops have unrestricted movement inside the country’s territory. Looking back, several related incidents have tragically happened in the past decade under the said agreement. Who could forget the unfortunate case of Nicole raped in

Subic by a group of US soldiers led by Daniel Smith who was eventually acquitted? And lately, the illegal dumping of toxic wastes from US warships which also happened in Subic? These incidents manifest the dangers of the VFA that compromises national security, environment and human rights. Despite the huge flaws it carries and the constitutional violations it brings, the government is still mum on the issue. According to Prof. Rolando Simbulan of the Center for People Empowerment in Governance (CenPEG), “The VFA is the most anomalous aspect of our foreign relations today, 17 years after the historic dismantling of the U.S. military bases in 1992. It is a shameless document that is one-sided because it is not reciprocal. It denigrates the Philippine constitutional provision about “equal protection of the laws” by the very fact that it grants special rights and privileges to armed foreign troops on Philippine territory. The VFA has been an indignity to our people, a travesty to our people’s rights and rule of law. ” It is more important though to note is that the VFA is just one agreement in the series of

US-Philippine relations which explains what really is the thrust of the country with regards to foreign policy. The case of the VFA proves the Philippine government’s culpability in reinforcing the country’s subservience to US interests. UP has been known to be the forefront of dissent against the continuing intervention on our domestic affairs either in direct intrusion or through the face of “bilateral” agreements. History has seen how the UP has been consistent in fighting against the country’s alliance with the US government especially on its “wars on terror”. The 70’s saw how UP activists stood against the country’s involvement in the Vietnam War through US and the Iraq War in 2003. Now more than ever, UP students must make a stand on the issue of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. More than that is to be critical in understanding the agreements and foreign relations of the country. It is imperative for us to stand against policies that tramples the dignity of the country and compromises the interests and welfare of the Filipino people.

Sakop sa Panagway

Threyna Margaret N. Diaz Bethuel Reuben C. Arzadon Christine E. Estrella Chelzee G. Salera Josemari Anro P. dela Paz Sakop sa Grapiks

Kyle L. Artus Tigdibuho

Sitara Beatriz F. Enguerra Aldrin A. Navarro Aldwyn F. Cabarrubias Bayani Miguel I. Acebedo Mga Maniniyot

Alni Dorothy A. Emphasis Dominique Barbara L. Balistoy Frances Tracy Pasicolan Tigtampo

Katrine Brille Campssano John Lord Escatron Mark Ranen Magtatambag

Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu Opisina

Lawak 154, Edipisyo sa Arts and Sciences, Unibesidad sa Pilipinas sa Sugbo Email|Facebook

up.tugani@gmail.com www.faebook.com/tugani Miyembro

College Editors Guild of the Philippines Solidaridad (UP Systemwide Student Publications and Writer’s Organization Alliance)

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