Tui Autumn Times 2016

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Top tips to creating the perfect lawn

Plant beautiful bulbs for a spring show





Autumn has arrived and it brings an abundance of homegrown harvests with it – it’s all about reaping the rewards of what you planted in summer! Autumn is also a great time for sowing a new lawn, filling your piece of paradise with beautiful blooms, and of course planting the vege patch for the cooler months ahead. As you enjoy your bountiful summer crops, it’s time to replenish the soil and plan your autumn planting so you can enjoy harvests well into winter. Turn to page 4 for our Autumn Gardening Guide to find out what to harvest now, and what to plant next! Autumn is the best time to sow a lawn and we are excited to introduce a new variety of lawn seed to the Tui Superstrike family with Tui Superstrike Stadium Blend Lawn Seed. Find out how you can enjoy a stadium quality lawn in your backyard on page 3, along with our top tips to a beautiful lawn. If you are looking to add a punch of colour to your backyard, it’s a great time to get a jumpstart on spring and plant your spring bulbs! By spring you’ll be rewarded with some beautiful and fragrant floral displays. See our planting combinations on page 6 for an exciting spring show.

Vertical gardens are a wonderful way to maximise space and add an interesting feature to your garden oasis. If you enjoy the beauty, colour and song of New Zealand’s wild birds in your backyard, simply setting up a bird feeding system and planting natives will bring the birds flocking in. See our guide on page 8 to attracting a variety of birds into your garden. We also have some fun additions to our wild bird feeder range, check these out along with our top autumn product picks on page 11. We love seeing how your garden is growing - share your pictures of your homegrown autumn harvests and backyard projects on or email them through to Enjoy the harvest season in your garden! Here’s to a wonderful autumn from the Tui Team. For gardening tips and advice join us at

For those looking for an autumn do-it-yourself garden project, be inspired with our ‘reader project’ as Russell shares his vertical garden planter on page 7.

SHARE YOUR HARVEST RECIPE & WIN! With autumn’s bounty it is not only a busy time in the garden, but also in the kitchen as you make the most of your homegrown harvests. We would love to hear what you are creating with your garden delights – share your harvest recipe at and be in to win the ultimate harvest preserving pack thanks to Milly’s Kitchen. Entries close 31 May 2016.



CREATE THE PERFECT LAWN There is nothing quite like wandering barefoot across your backyard enjoying the feeling of fresh grass between your toes. A lush, green lawn really sets off a house and is the pride and joy of any keen gardener. Check out our new Superstrike® Stadium Blend Lawn Seed and top tips to grow a beautiful healthy lawn.

AUTUMN IS AN IDEAL TIME TO SOW A LAWN Establish a stadium quality lawn in your backyard in as little as seven days with new Tui Superstrike Stadium Blend Lawn Seed. Tui Superstrike Stadium Blend Lawn Seed is crafted from seed varieties used in top stadiums around New Zealand so you can create your own stadium quality lawn that will withstand wear and tear. A blend of two premium fine turf ryegrass varieties, bred in New Zealand for New Zealand conditions, Stadium Blend produces a medium blade lawn.

The inclusion of winter-active seed varieties ensures it continues to grow even in cooler temperatures, to create a superior lawn year-round. Use Tui Superstrike Stadium Blend Lawn Seed, follow our 4 Steps of Lawn Care, and you’ll be enjoying a stadium quality, healthy green lawn in no time. All Tui Superstrike Lawn Seed varieties feature a revolutionary treatment which encourages fast germination of lawn seed, so you see results in as little as seven days under ideal growing conditions. The seed is protected against insects, fungal disease and bird theft.

TUI TIPS • If your soil is too acidic (a simple pH test will reveal this), add Tui Lime to neutralise and improve soil condition. • Autumn is one of the best times to patch a lawn. Restore your lawn to its previous glory by repairing bare patches with the conveniently sized Tui Superstrike Lawn Seed Easycare Patch Pack. • If the patches in your lawn are caused by your dog’s urine, add vinegar to the dog’s water to help neutralise it and prevent it burning the lawn. • Apply Tui Lawn Fertiliser to encourage lush, thick growth. • Eliminate moss in your lawn with an application of Tui Moss Control.



Visit for our 4 Steps to Lawn Care.



AUTUMN GARDENING GUIDE Autumn is a wonderful season in the garden. The air is crisp, with warm long days, perfect for the jobs that need doing following the heat of summer. It is a great time to fill the vege garden with crops for the cooler months so you can enjoy harvests well into winter!

Key: = Northern region = Middle region = Southern region Reference: Based on content from The Tui NZ Vegetable Garden third edition, by Rachel Vogan.




Across New Zealand there are differences in climate and soils. Use this helpful planting calendar to see when you should plant common homegrown vegetables in your region. If you are planning to grow from seeds rather than seedlings, allow an extra 3–4 weeks for planting.

Download a free, printable planting calendar at: 4



Basil Beetroot Blueberry Bok choi Broad bean Broccoli Cauliflower Celery Coriander Gooseberry Kale Lettuce Mesclun Onion Parsley Pea Radish Rocket Silverbeet Spinach Spring onion Strawberry

PLANTING • Dig in Tui Compost and Tui Super Sheep Pellets before planting to replenish nutrients used by previous crops over the summer season. This will provide a healthy new foundation for your autumn and winter crops. • Add a layer of Tui Vegetable Mix before planting veges. • Autumn is a busy season for slugs and snails so protect your young vegetable seedlings with Tui Quash slug & snail control.

HARVEST • Beans (all types except broad beans), beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, cauliflower, celery, courgette, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, marrow, pea, potato, pumpkin, sweetcorn, tomato. • Apple, apricot, blueberry, grape, Chilean guava, feijoa, passionfruit, peach, pear, plum, strawberry. • Harvest your veges regularly, this helps promote more growth throughout the season.

MAINTENANCE • Apply Seasol plant tonic every 2–4 weeks to help prevent transplant shock, promote strong growth and keep your garden thriving. • Keep mounding up celery and leeks. • Fertilise citrus trees in early autumn with Tui Citrus Food, unless there is threat of frost. • Aphids, whitefly and scale will be about. Spray fruit and veges with Tui Insect Control for Fruit & Veges and flowers with Tui Insect Control for Flowers to control. • If early frosts are a concern, protect seedlings with a cloche or growing tunnel. • Prune back flowering plants that have finished for the season. • Mulch your plants with Tui Pea Straw Mulch to suppress weeds and protect plants for the cooler months ahead.


How do I get my feijoa tree producing larger and sweeter fruit? Q. Hi, I planted a feijoa tree 10 years ago. I used to get it pruned, but I haven’t for a couple of years. Last year we had a terrible crop, mostly very small fruit dropping off early. In summer I watered it like you wouldn’t believe. The fruit are much better and bigger, but not like the earlier years. How do I get this tree producing larger and sweeter fruit? Thanks, Colin. A. We recommend feeding your feijoa tree with Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser which is high in potassium to sweeten the fruit. As the fruit has already set you can improve the flavour now but not the size. Pruning your tree regularly once fruiting has finished will result in bigger fruit. You will get less fruit next year, but the fruit will be bigger in the long run with continued pruning. For more information see our Feijoa Growing Guide at What can I do to encourage more bulbs to produce flowers? Q. Hi, I have about 30 Nerine bulbs planted in my garden, some from my mother’s garden which are very old and some which are newer. This year only two bulbs have produced a flower, the rest have green leaves coming through which means they will not flower. What can I do to encourage the bulbs to produce flowers next spring? Thanks, Denise. A. It’s a good idea to lift your Nerines every few years and split up the clumps. You can do this now and when you do it, apply a good amount of Tui Bulb Food, this will give them a kick start and feeds them all the goodies to encourage flowers for next season. Why are my peaches and nectarines mouldy when I pick them? Q. Hi, this year was the first time my dwarf peaches and nectarines have fruited. Each day I went out waiting for them to ripen, only to find a mouldy one or two. I have been spraying throughout the year. Please help. Thanks, Shelley. A. This is a devastating and common problem called brown rot. On dwarf trees the fruit does take longer to ripen and it needs plenty of access to sunlight. Next season thin out your fruit to one per spur and even prune back a little of the foliage to allow more sunlight into the head of the plant. Over winter do keep up with your fungal and disease sprays, this will help kill any over wintering spores. When the plant is in blossom, spray with Tui Disease Eliminator for Fruit & Veges to prevent against brown rot.

Email your garden questions, along with a photo if possible, to:



GROW BEAUTIFUL BULBS Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths or freesias – whatever your bloom of choice may be, filling your piece of paradise with fragrant floral displays will bring joy on a daily basis. Get a jump-start on spring and plant yours now! Spring might feel a lifetime away but planting bulbs in autumn is a great way to jump-start your spring garden. By spring you’ll be rewarded with some beautiful and fragrant floral displays. This autumn try out some new and interesting bulb combinations. Pick a mixture of bulbs within a colour scheme that will look great in your garden and compliment your other plants. We love the colour combination of purple and white, or opt for a mix of bright yellow, red and orange to give your garden a pop of colour. Planting different types of bulbs varieties together can achieve interesting height and colour combinations for added visual impact. The widest selection of bulbs will be available in store from mid February to early April. The best bulb varieties can sell out fast so make sure you get in early to your garden centre. Store your new bulbs in the fridge until you’re ready to plant



them. Daylight savings is an ideal time to get your bulbs in the garden, and easy to remember!

• Try a country cottage look – upcycle old wooden boxes or terracotta pots and plant with bulbs.

Before you get started, the better the soil, the better your plants will grow. If you are starting with an existing garden bed dig in organic matter like sheep pellets and compost to your soil. Then you can add a layer of Tui Bulb Mix. If planting in pots and containers fill with Tui Bulb Mix. Check individual bulb planting instructions. Plant each bulb twice as deep as the diameter of the bulb and always water well after planting.


TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT • For planting in pots, plant the shorter bulb variety along the outer ring of the container with the taller bulb variety in the middle. • Plant bulbs with other flowers for an extra exciting show – try a few tulips with pansies or violas, or try anemone or ranunculus with polyanthus. You could also plant bulbs with winter lettuce, cabbage and spinach. • Naturalise bulbs – scatter them throughout your garden beds and plant them where they land for a surprise show in spring! • Instead of planting in pots, plant up some hanging baskets with bulbs for a stylish show around your entrance way and veranda.

Replenishing nutrients used by your bulbs ensures they will grow to their full potential. Tui Bulb Food is specially blended for bulbs in the garden. The weather, weeds, pest insects and diseases can all impact on the success of your garden. Protect your plants from the elements with layers of mulch, to help keep their roots moist. Keep your garden weed free. Be vigilant and stop unwanted insects and diseases from ruining your plants. The Tui Plant Protection range will help you put a stop to any problems that arise.

TOP AUTUMN PICKS • Purple Early Giant Muscan paired with stunning white Virgo Nennes and Fiesta Mahogany Ranunculus with Giant White Ixias, check out what’s available at your local garden centre. • For an extra special display look for double flower varieties. • Don’t forget the classics! You can’t go past older varieties such as King Alfred with their big yellow trumpets.


CREATE A VERTICAL GARDEN Need to liven up or cover a fence? Create a beautiful vertical display bursting with fresh herbs and flowers that will add interest, colour and also save space in your garden. The below concept has been shared by one of our readers, Russell Fortune. Shopping list: Two sheets of standard reinforcing mesh, lacing wire, terracotta pots, and a selection of flower and herb plants. 1. Choose a spot for your vertical garden – a bare fence works well. 2. To create the basic frame for your vertical garden you’ll need some standard reinforcing wire mesh sheets (as pictured) from your local DIY store. Using standard wire mesh rather than galvanised will give a more rustic look. 3. Cut two panels of standard reinforcing wire mesh that fit the length between your fence posts. 4. Screw or nail the panels onto the fence – attach the back panel onto the fence rail first, and then the front panel onto the posts. 5. Now measure the spacing between the front and back panels so you can find a pot that’s lip will sit on the wires.

6. To reinforce between the pots and ensure that the wire mesh is the same distance apart everywhere, string wire between the front and back wire mesh panels (one between each pot gap). 7. Now it’s time to plant up your new garden pots using Tui Outdoor Container Mix. Lastly place the terracotta pots in the spacing’s between the two panels and voila! As pots dry out quickly, remember to water your plants regularly and try and include plants that can handle dry weather – succulents and dry herbs such as rosemary, sage, thyme, and oregano work well. Pick bright flowers such as pansies, violas, marigolds and petunias – cascading varieties would look great on this type of garden.

Image and concept supplied by Russell Fortune.

Get creative with vertical planters in your garden – check out our Pinterest page for more inspirational garden projects!



BRING OUR FEATHERED FRIENDS FLOCKING The distinctive colour and song of New Zealand’s birdlife are beautiful additions to your garden. To enjoy the sight of these captivating creatures flitting between branches, providing regular food sources and planting New Zealand natives will bring our feathered friends flocking in.



Setting up bird-friendly facilities in your garden is a great first step to encouraging wild birds. Creating nesting sites and providing food and water sources will all help attract birds into your backyard.

In addition to setting up bird feeding stations in your garden, you can also help entice beautiful birds by planting varieties of native plants. Over the cooler months when food is most scarce for birds, a garden with a good supply of winter flowers and berries will attract our feathered friends.

Wild bird’s diet varies between species - some are mainly nectar feeders such as tui and bellbirds whereas others like fantails and starlings prefer insects and bugs (which can be a great helping hand to us gardeners!). • The Tui range of wild bird feeders are designed to tempt a variety of birds into your garden and also make an interesting feature. Choose a feeder that suits the style of your garden - there are a range of colours and designs available. All Tui feeders are weather resistant, easy to clean, and have a simple to fill design. • Fill your feeder with Tui Wild Bird Seed Mix, a tasty all natural mix, containing no artificial colours and flavours. Hang your feeder from a sturdy branch, high enough off the ground. • Attract nectar feeding birds like tui and bellbirds with the Tui Nectar Feeder, a bright orange feeder which resembles a nectar flower. Simply mix up a sugar solution by dissolving 200g of white sugar in 1 litre of warm water. Fill the feeder with the solution once it has cooled and hang in a tree. • Delight your backyard friends with a Tui Wild Bird Seed Bell. Providing an alternative to a feeder, it will give them days of entertainment and nutrition while using their natural pecking instincts to pull apart the bell.


These are some of our most popular wild bird products. This autumn we have added to our wild bird range with a new selection of bright exciting feeders and tasty treats for the birds visiting your garden. Find out more on page 11.



If you are considering planting a bird-friendly garden, kowhai a winter-flowering tree is a firm favourite with tui and bellbirds. Other popular native options include: puriri, New Zealand fuschia, harakeke flax, corokia, wineberry and pohutukawa. Note: Not all plants will grow in every part of the country. It is easier to grow species native to your region, so check with your local garden centre. Otherwise check that the plant will tolerate your climatic conditions which might include humidity, frost, salt spray or drought.

TUI AUTUMN GARDEN PROBLEM SOLVER Unwanted insect pests, diseases and weeds invading your garden? Combat common autumn problems with Tui’s range of Single Shot™ concentrates and enjoy a successful autumn garden full of delicious fruit, veges and colour.



Small worm-like insects, caterpillars can be yellow, black, orange, red, green, blue, white or brown. Holes are eaten in the leaves leaving ‘windows’ and along the leaf margins leaving ragged edges. Leaves may be rolled up and stuck together.

Thrips are tiny dark brown or black sap sucking insects with elongated bodies. They can be found on the flowers, fruit and foliage of a variety of plants, in particular woody herbs such as bay and rosemary, and are hard to see with the naked eye. Symptoms include silver streaks, yellow patches and small black droppings on leaves.

Solve it: If infestations are small, try removing caterpillars individually and squashing. For larger infestations use Tui Caterpillar Eliminator for Fruit & Veges.

HYDROCOTYLE WEED Hydrocotyle weed is a type of broadleaf weed with small leafy outgrowth at the base and scalloped edged leaves. It appears amongst the grass in your lawn and is typically found in damp and shady areas. Solve it: Apply Tui Hydrocotyle Weed Eliminator for Lawns. This is also effective on creeping oxalis, daisies and clover without damaging your lawn.

Solve it: Try blasting small infestations off with a hose. For larger infestations apply Tui Insect Eliminator for Fruit & Veges.

BLACK SPOT Black spot is a fungal disease that commonly affects roses. Black spots appear on leaves surrounded by a yellow margin around the spot. The leaves will turn yellow and eventually drop. Black spot is especially common in warm wet weather. Solve it: Apply Tui Disease Control for Flowers.


• Use a layer of fine netting to stop white cabbage butterfly laying their eggs on your plants. • Control slugs and snails munching on your carefully tended seedlings and plants with Tui Quash slug & snail control.

Identify unwanted pests & diseases in your autumn garden with the Tui Garden Problem Solver tool at



GETTING INTO THE GARDEN AT SCHOOL The enthusiastic gardening team at Garden to Table school Maungawhau School in Auckland have been busy creating a garden packed full of vege delights, juicy fruit and vibrant flowers to use in their kitchen! The children share an update on their garden below. 1. How did you get your garden started? 3. What have you been eating from the garden? A landscape gardener came in and helped us with our garden We have harvested lots of lettuce to make a salad of our layout for free. She really liked our garden and said we had imagination, and have also picked a lot of flowers which we done a great job. We came up with ideas to create seating in have added to our salads. They have been orange, purple and the garden so we can go there and do quiet drawing or writing. yellow. They make the salad look really colourful and yummy We can’t wait to build more seats so everyone can enjoy and some flowers are spicy. our garden. We have been enjoying our summer crops including pumpkins, cucumber, capsicums, corn, tomatoes and lots of beans which 2. What have you been growing? are growing up a big pole. We also harvested broccoli and We have been doing lots of planting because we needed food cauliflower to make flat bread, which was delicious. to cook. We have planted lots of seeds but also planted little This autumn we are looking forward to harvesting our plants that will grow bigger. The little tomatoes we planted feijoas and will make feijoa cupcakes with them – they are have grown fast and quite big, we are excited to eat them! our favourite fruit! We also planted coriander seeds that will grow into herbs

that are yummy to eat. We have already eaten lots of herbs 4. How are you maintaining your garden? and made yummy salads using our imagination. This autumn Our new seedlings are protected by milk bottle protectors, we plan on planting brassica seeds (broccoli, kale, cavolo snail bait and netting for the birds. We are digging over the nero, cabbage) and leeks for winter harvesting. gardens ready for more planting and laying paths to protect Potatoes are our favourite vegetable to grow and eat because the soil and help children know where to stand. you can make chips and wedges. We made wedges and dip To prepare for the cooler winter months we will be clearing made out of yoghurt, mint and lemons from the garden and it some of the gardens and feeding them with the compost we was really yummy. Lemons are another favourite because we have made. Some of our gardens will need to have a rest and can make lemonade and lemon muffins. we may plant them with lupins. We will keep planting lettuces throughout the autumn for our salads.

ABOUT GARDEN TO TABLE Garden to Table is a trust, running a gardening and cooking programme in schools across New Zealand. In the programme, seven to 10 year-old children spend time in a productive vege garden and home-style kitchen each week. There they learn skills that will last them a lifetime, and discover just how fun it is to grow and cook their own seasonal vegetables. Tui provides starter packs to each of the new schools, and seasonal packs during the year.



PRODUCT PICKS FOR YOUR AUTUMN GARDEN Along with a couple of our ‘must have’ autumn garden products, check out our new range of wild bird feeders to create a bird haven in your backyard!



Tui Bulb Mix is a high quality planting mix containing the right blend of nutrients to provide your bulbs with the best possible start and sustained growth throughout the season. We’ve added seaweed to this mix to encourage healthy growth and help protect bulbs against soil borne diseases. Use in your garden beds, pots and containers and watch your bulbs reach their flowering potential before your eyes.

Add a rustic appeal to your backyard and feed your feathered friends at the same time with the new Perky-Pet Mason Jar feeders.

TUI WILD BIRD SUET RANGE Treat the birds in your backyard all year round with the new Tui Wild Bird Suet range including Tui Wild Bird Suet Balls and the Tui Wild Bird Suet Coconut Feeder. Rich in the protein and essential fats our feathered friends need, Tui Wild Bird Suet Balls are suitable for use on a feeding platform or a suet ball feeder. The Tui Wild Bird Suet Coconut Feeder is a fun addition to your backyard, and provides a tasty high energy food source for wild birds in your garden.

SEASOL FOR LAWNS Your favourite Seasol now has a specially formulated lawns product! For a lush green lawn use new Seasol for Lawns, a liquid fertiliser and health treatment all in one which feeds and revitalises your lawn while conditioning the soil. Using Seasol for Lawns encourages vigorous, healthy growth with enhanced root system development, and the inclusion of a wetting agent ensures valuable water and nutrients can penetrate the root system.

Water is an essential element for attracting birds. The Perky-Pet Mason Jar Wild Bird Waterer offers fresh, clean water to attract a larger variety of birds. The Perky-Pet Mason Jar Wild Bird Seed Feeder is sure to provide plenty of room for your feathered friends with its eight feeding ports. The metal base is easy to clean. Simply unscrew the bottle from the base and clean in warm soapy water.

PERKY-PET® METAL TUBE FEEDERS Add some colour to your piece of paradise with the Perky-Pet Metal Tube Bird Feeders! Available in punchy blue and yellow, these feeders make a modern addition to your garden. Simply fill the Perky-Pet Metal Tube Bird Feeders with seed, place in a quiet and convenient place and enjoy the sight of a variety of birds flocking to your feeder. The Metal Tube Feeders are easy-tofill, with removable parts for easy cleaning and are powder coated for rust resistance.


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New Tui Superstrike Stadium Blend Lawn Seed is crafted from seed varieties used in top stadiums around New Zealand. Winter-active – keeps growing in New Zealand’s cooler temperatures, to create a superior lawn year-round. Now available at Mitre 10 Mega, Mitre 10 & Garden Centres.

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