1 minute read
Judith Maxwell
Kemchi’ Wuj Pa Oxi’ Ch’ab’äl: Kaqchikel, K’iche’ chuqa’ Tz’utujiil –Gramática Arte de los tres idiomas Mayas: Kaqchikel, K’iche’ y Tz’utujil U Rafael Landívar Press, 2022 Co-authored with Mgr. Ajpub’ García Ixmata’ and Juan Rodrigo Guarchaj
This book outlines grammar of three Mayan languages of the K’iche’an group. It includes the first grammars written of these languages in the languages themselves and the first grammars of these languages to include semantics and pragmatics as analytical levels. Technical vocabulary provided for descriptive and theoretic linguistic terminology—over 1400 items.