Altman Scholars '24

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A LTMAN P ROGRAM in International Studies & Business


A LTMAN P ROGRAM in International Studies & Business


he Altman Program in International Studies & Business is a special fouryear interdisciplinary undergraduate course of study that integrates advanced language training with a business and liberal arts education. Altman Program Scholars earn two degrees — a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from the School of Liberal Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Management (B.S.M.) from the A. B. Freeman School of Business — combining practical and theoretical knowledge of global economies with deep cultural and linguistic competency. Altman Scholars specialize in an area of the world in which their chosen foreign language is spoken and will graduate with a nuanced understanding of the political, economic and cultural complexities of our contemporary world.

The Altman Program is excited to welcome its newest cohort and proudly presents their stories here! — August 2020

Table of Contents 2022 PROGRAM SCHOLARS

Sage Beleau...........................................................2 Joshua “Josh” Belew............................................3 Maria Benavides...................................................4 Emilia Bertoli..........................................................5 Averi Bogucki........................................................6 Madelyn Burstell...................................................7 Catherine “Catie Mae” Carey............................8 Michael Davis.........................................................9 John “Jack” DeFraites....................................... 10 Evan Godinich..................................................... 11 Sofia Gutierrez................................................... 12 Connor Hogan.................................................... 13 Elijah Jordan........................................................ 14 Vaishnavi “Vishy” Kandala............................. 15 Raleigh Kreis....................................................... 16 Samantha Reinhard.......................................... 17 Annalise Rotunda.............................................. 18 Anya Sastry........................................................ 19 William Shih........................................................ 20 Erica Stocker....................................................... 21 PROGRAM DIRECTORS & STAFF..................... 22 ABOUT JEFFREY ALTMAN................................. 24

Sage Beleau


Benton, Louisiana

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Economics and Marketing Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: I was among the first inductees into our school’s National Honor Society chapter. I graduated third in my class and as the first Black graduate at the institution. Extra-curricular Activities: In my school’s student council, I served as a class representative during my freshman and junior year, treasurer my sophomore year, and student body president my senior year. I played on my school’s varsity basketball team since my 8th grade year. During my senior year I was team captain and nominated as an All-District Player. I was a founding member of one of the four houses within our house system (think Harry Potter) and served as house volunteer coordinator my junior year. Outside of school I worked multiple jobs including math tutoring, wildlife work, food service, and I currently work at a local rock climbing gym.

“Ambitious, brave, spontaneous”

Community Service: I have fed homeless on multiple occasions through local organization “The Hub Ministries.” I have volunteered two years in a row at a special needs prom for those who did experience their first ones. I’ve helped serve food and supplies to impoverished school children with a local church. International Experience: In the summer of 2018 I was blessed to be able to spend three weeks in Barcelona, Spain with some longtime family friends who lived there. I have not been out of the country on any other occasion — yet. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I’m very passionate about civil rights, social justice and the pursuit of equity in America. Additionally I love to travel, explore, and try new things. In my freetime I play basketball, read, play video games and binge Netflix until I’ve run out of shows to watch (which is normally pretty quick because I’m picky). Three Words to Describe Himself: Ambitious, brave, spontaneous. Fun Fact from Sage: I’m kinda artistic, mostly in the visual realm: I’m good at drawing, painting, writing (sometimes), photography (very much a novice) and poetry. Through all of these mediums I feel like I can express myself. Ironically I love listening to music the most out of all of these and yet I have little musical talent.



Joshua “Josh” Belew

Austin, Texas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Finance Target Languages: Spanish and Portuguese Email: Academic Achievements: IB Diploma Candidate; AP Scholar with Honor; Trustees Award (Top 10% of high school); National Spanish Honor Society; National Honor Society; Mu Alpha Theta; UIL Scholar Award. Extra-curricular Activities: I have been a member of my school’s soccer team all four years of high school. To earn money, I walk and sit dogs in my neighborhood, and sell water before and after UT football games outside of the stadium. Community Service: Since my freshman year I’ve been a member of YMSL, a volunteer organization that emphasizes strong mother-son relationships and volunteering in your local community. As part of my school’s Spanish Honor Society, I volunteer with Posada Esperanza, a non-profit that focuses on providing housing for immigrant families as well as helping parents find a stable job so they have an easier transition to the United States. The local chapter owns four houses. Families live in these houses for a short time so I help clean them out and prepare them for new families. Along with this, I entertain the kids to give their parents time to themselves. International Experience: I traveled to Valladolid, Spain on a two week Spanish Exchange trip with my school and stayed with a host family. As part of Amigos de las Americas, I went to Costa Rica where I lived with a host family in Mocha Mora for three weeks. There I got to fully experience Costa Rican culture, helping my host mom cook, playing soccer with all of the kids after school and even getting to go to mass during one of Costa Rica’s biggest religious holidays “Día de la Virgen de los Ángeles.” After that, I stayed with Costa Rican Youth for one week in Marino Ballena National Park. Lastly, I have been to China twice where my aunt, uncle, and cousins live.

“Relaxed, thoughtful, curious”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy weightlifting, playing soccer and basketball, traveling to experience different cultures, listening to music, learning about current political issues and investing and I’ve had my own brokerage account since I was sixteen. Three Words to Describe Himself: Relaxed, thoughtful, curious. Fun Fact from Josh: My love for traveling and learning about other cultures stemmed from doing a foreign exchange trip to Valladolid, Spain.


Maria Benavides


San Antonio, Texas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Development and Management Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: Graduation Medal for English; Joseph P. Mellard Creative Writing Award; Undergraduate Speech and Drama Award; AP European History Award; French V Award; 5th Place in Original Oratory at TFA State; Jaime Armstrong and John Mirza Bennet Leadership Award Recipient; Tulane Community Service Fellow; Tulane Book Award; NEHS Intellectual Freedom Essay Contest Winner; The New York Times Personal Essay Contest Winner; Scholastic Writing Awards Gold and Silver Key Recipient; Published in Trinity University’s Literary Magazine; National French Contest Gold and Bronze Medalist; DELF Certification through the B2 Level. Extra-curricular Activities: Throughout high school, I competed for my school’s speech and debate team at the local, state, and national level. I served as the president of my school’s fine arts council and as the editor our literary magazine, The Walrus. I was also vice-president of the French club and I worked as a lead ambassador for the Admissions Office.

“Creative, enthusiastic, resolute”

Community Service: I volunteer with the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education Services (RAICES) at the bus station in downtown San Antonio providing brief legal aid to incoming refugee families from Africa and Latin America. I’ve also worked on other advocacy projects with RAICES including organizing toy drives for the kids at the bus station, a panel discussion about the female immigrant and refugee experience and a day of action to raise awareness of immigration issues. Last November, I published a book highlighting the art of refugee children in hopes to showcase their voices and help change the way refugees are perceived in the US. I’m currently working on sending a copy of my book to every US senator to push for immigration reform. International Experience: I moved to the US when I was 14 from Monterrey, Mexico so I had the opportunity to experience high school as an international student and I’m extremely excited to have the opportunity to go abroad through Altman! Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love reading, writing, theatre and film. I am also an avid tennis fan even though I don’t play tennis. Three Words to Describe Herself: Creative, enthusiastic, resolute. Fun Fact from Maria: I broke my foot playing Wii golf when I was 7.



Emilia Bertoli Piermont, New York

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Development and Marketing Target Language: Italian Email: Academic Achievements: Italian Language and Culture Award; ESSPA Literary Magazine Silver Award; Academic Achievement Award; Academic Student Showcase; AP Scholar with Distinction; Exceptional Honor Roll; National Honor Society; Italian Honor Society; English Honor Society; Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors. Extra-curricular Activities: Varsity Fencing; Children’s Shakespeare Theatre; Environmental Club Founder/President; S.A.D.D. Club President; Social Justice Club Secretary; Student Government Delegate; Writer/Designer for School Newspaper and Literary Magazine; Restaurant hostess. Community Service: I participated actively in my school’s community service club, The Leo Club. I have organized and participated in road and beach cleanups, served at soup kitchens, and created care packages for victims of domestic violence. Additionally, I have volunteered as a docent for the past three years at a local museum, The Edward Hopper House Museum and Study Center, giving tours and leading family art workshops. International Experience: Most recently, I traveled around Northern Italy on a school-sanctioned trip during spring break. I was also selected to travel to the Bahamas on a Youth Action Island Summit, involving various educational programs surrounding plastic pollution and reducing single-use plastics in our communities. I have traveled with my family to The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Canada. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love to draw, skateboard, try new restaurants, hike, and travel. I’m a huge music fan, especially rap, so I love going to concerts and music festivals. I am passionate about fashion, art, environmental justice, and politics.

“Creative, passionate, adventurous”

Three Words to Describe Herself: Creative, passionate, adventurous. Fun Fact from Emilia: I won “Most Likely to Travel the World” as a senior superlative.


Averi Bogucki


San Diego, California

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: National Hispanic Recognition Scholar; HSF Scholar; National Merit Commended Scholar; AP Scholar with Honor; High School Honor Roll; Paul Tulane Award Runner-Up. Extra-curricular Activities: I was VP of HOLA (Hispanic Organization of Latinx Awareness) at my high school, helping coordinate and promote Latinx events happening in my community. I also played field hockey for three years of high school and was captain during my junior year. I work at PilyQ (a swimwear company) and have learned the ins and outs of the business and how it operates. Community Service: I am a youth leader at my local church and help those going through the sacrament of Confirmation find their faith. I am also in the youth ministry, which coordinates fun ministry-run events (e.g. laser tag, drive-in movies, etc.) to get younger kids involved with the church community and bond with others who share their faith. I also volunteer at my local food bank.

“Loyal, passionate, empathetic”

International Experience: My family loves to travel and in the past few years, I have visited Mexico, the Netherlands, Costa Rica, and Canada. Also, at PilyQ, I learned how the company worked internationally. I oversaw a lot of shipments to and from the main warehouse that went all over the world, from Colombia to Turkey. It really gave me insight on how international businesses worked and nurtured my growing interest in business. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Some of my favorite things to do in my free time include reading, writing, skiing, and losing to my younger brother in Mario Kart. I also love listening to music, trying new foods and clothing fashions, and staying updated on world news. Three Words to Describe Herself: Loyal, passionate, empathetic. Fun Fact from Averi: I had to get 14 stitches under my right knee due to a freak ski accident.



Madelyn Burstell Fairfield, Connecticut

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Communications, French, and Management Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: National Honor Society; FCIAC Scholar Award; 4.0 Award; AP Scholar with Distinction; Science Honor Society; Business Honor Society; French Honor Society. Extra-curricular Activities: I ran cross country for three years and was the captain of my school’s cross country team, and I ran track and field for all of my years at high school. I was the Entertainment and Advertising Editor of my school’s newspaper. I tutored students at my high school, as well as younger children. I also participated two years in my school’s career day, where I introduced people of varying professions to groups of students, helping them with their presentations. I interned at a French summer camp for kids ages 3–5. I was the president of my school’s French Honor Society. Community Service: I was a regular and frequent volunteer for my local library, helping with different programs and events mainly in the children’s department. I organized survey data online, as well as helped teach classes, and led children’s programs. I also volunteered often with my school to take parents and their children on tours when they visited, as well as acclimate new students to my high school. International Experience: I have travelled often with my family from a young age, and toured Spain in 8th grade for a music trip. Sophomore year of high school I spent four days in Quebec with a host family, and later that year I went on a school trip to France to study culinary arts. The summer before senior year I spent three weeks in St. Laurent du Var, France, taking classes, travelling, and staying with a local host family. Last year my immediate family moved to Australia and I was able to visit as my dad started his new employment.

“Empathetic, driven, adaptable”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love trying new foods and restaurants, reading, and spending as much time at the beach as possible swimming/surfing. Three Words to Describe Herself: Empathetic, driven, adaptable. Fun Fact from Madelyn: I was born three months premature and weighed only 1 pound 10 ounces!


Catherine “Catie Mae” Carey


Attleboro, Massachusetts

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Sociology and Marketing Target Languages: Spanish and Portuguese Email: Academic Achievements: National Honor Society; English Honor Society; Science Honor Society; Social Studies Honor Society; Art Honor Society; Spanish Honor Society; Silver Key Scholastic Art Award; Stonehill Book Award; Silver Medal on the National Spanish Exam; AP Scholar with Distinction. Extra-curricular Activities: I was one of the editors for the yearbook, and assistant editor of the school newspaper. I also danced on a competitive team throughout high school. On the weekends I waitressed at a local restaurant. Community Service: In 8th grade, I founded my own charity organization “Second Chance Dance” to collect gently used dance costumes and donate them to studios in need. I also partnered with a similar organization, Traveling Tutus, and did ambassador work for them all 4 years of high school. Additionally, I volunteered at HMEA my senior year, a day habilitation center for adults with developmental disabilities. Also, every September I volunteer at Surfer’s Healing, a day-long surfing camp for children with autism.

“Easygoing, creative, inquisitive”

International Experience: After my senior year of high-school I took a gap year and got to vacation to Italy in the summer, visiting Rome, Florence, and the Amalfi Coast. In the fall I lived in Madrid, Spain, with a host family and attended an immersive language school for 2 and a half months. During my time there I visited Valencia, Santander, Seville, and also returned to Florence on a solo trip. I returned to Madrid in late February as an au pair for a different family but was only able to stay for about 3 weeks before I had to leave unexpectedly due to the pandemic. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love to dance and come up with my own choreography. When I’m feeling especially creative, I like to draw and/or paint. I love discovering new music and books on interesting topics, then making my circle of friends and family read them as well whether they like it or not. Three Words to Describe Herself: Easygoing, creative, inquisitive. Fun Fact from Catie Mae: When I was in middle-school, I met Buddy from the Cake Boss.



Michael Davis Glenview, Illinois

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Finance Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar; National Honors Society; Glenbrook Scholar; Heart of a Titan Award Recipient; NDMUN Best Delegate; 2018 NHSMUN Award of Distinction; NAIMUN Honorable Mention (2019 and 2020), Model United Nations Eleanor Roosevelt Award Recipient. Extra-curricular Activities: I was President of my school’s Model United Nations program as well as Secretary General of the conference that our team runs. I was a sports director for my school’s radio station WGBK where I announced football and basketball games as well as created projects for the station. I also served as a representative in my school’s student government for 4 years. I was a Physical Education leader as an upperclassman at my high school. I played Volleyball and Tennis for my first 2 years of high school. Community Service: Through the organization Rustic Pathways, I received over 100 hours of community service participating in different projects in Cuba, Peru, Cambodia, and Vietnam. I also was an impact ambassador for Rustic Pathways and helped raise money for a project to build a new school in the floating village Prek Toal on the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia. In student government, I helped to direct a canned food drive for the local food bank in my community every November. International Experience: I have been to Cuba, Peru, Cambodia, and Vietnam through a student travel and community service organization called Rustic Pathways. In a program through my high school I stayed with a local family in Sevilla, Spain and took a Spanish Literature class at a local school for 2 weeks. I have also visited Canada, England, France, and Austria with my family.

“Curious, driven, versatile”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love to travel as well as learn about different languages and cultures of countries around the world. I also enjoy watching hockey and baseball. Three Words to Describe Himself: Curious, driven, versatile. Fun Fact from Michael: My freshman year I fractured my tibia and needed emergency surgery from participating in the high jump in gym class. The following year I was selected to be a PE leader for the underclassmen at my school.


John “Jack” DeFraites


New Orleans, Louisiana

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Management Target Language: German Email: Academic Achievements: National Honor Society; National AP Scholar; Delta Epsilon Phi (German Honor Society); New Orleans District Literary Rally 1st Place Overall in World Geography; Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Alumni. Extra-curricular Activities: Growing up in uptown New Orleans, I worked at William’s Plum Street Snowballs for five years. I have participated in Model UN conferences in New Orleans and Berlin, including Tulane’s own 2019 WAVMUN conference. As leader of my school’s German Culture Club who hosted three German exchange students, I owe it to my high school’s German-American Partnership Program for inspiring me to learn a language extremely uncommon in Louisiana. Post-graduation, I completed a three-month long apprenticeship under a brewmaster at the Berliner-Kindl Brewery in Germany, where I learned the fundamentals of beer science at a trade school.

“Detailed, open-minded, valiant”

Community Service: I am a proud New Orleanian who in high school volunteered weekly with Youth Rebuilding New Orleans, an organization responsible for restoring local houses to sell affordably to public school teachers. As Vice President of BFHS Green Society, I was a public speaker at a City Council meeting to advocate against building a proposed new wetland gas plant following Entergy’s “astroturfing” scandal. International Experience: During my U.S. Department of State funded gap year, I was assigned a wonderful host family in Berlin and began by integrating into a German high school and at the brewery. In December, I had the life changing opportunity backpacking to the Finnish Arctic Circle with my friend Robbie. In January, I began interning at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where I sorted mail and learned spoken Urdu. Overall, I absolutely enjoy learning about often overlooked world cultures and geopolitics, and am excited to continue this through the Altman Program. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Homebrewing, vegetarian cooking, long distance biking, watching Bundesliga soccer and Paul Barbato’s “Geography Now” Youtube series. Three Words to Describe Himself: Detailed, open-minded, valiant. Fun Fact from Jack: In 2010, I met President Barack Obama at the Parkway Bakery & Tavern after my family just happened to be dining there just before the secret service closed doors. He was in New Orleans for a speech, and “wanted to try the best Po’Boy in the city.”



Evan Godinich Houston, Texas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Finance Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: National Hispanic Scholar; AP Scholar; Honor Roll. Extra-curricular Activities: Cross Country Captain; VP of Conspiracy Theory Club; Committee member of Culture Fest; Associate Concertmaster of Kinkaid School Orchestra; Intern for Justice Landau at the Texas 1st Court of Appeals; Intern for Jones Capital; Intern for Todd Litton for Congress. Community Service: Presidential Volunteer Service Award x2 at Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Center; KIPP middle school tutor; Assistant at St. Vincent DePaul’s Sunday school; Volunteer for Ecology International in Belize. International Experience: I have traveled around China, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, England, Spain, and Italy with my family. I also went to Belize for a school sponsored ecology volunteering project. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Reading, hanging with my dogs, eating different foods, investing, working out, and playing pickup sports. Three Words to Describe Himself: Amicable, confident, loyal. Fun Fact from Evan: I was chosen to play a couple of solos from the first violin section in an honors youth orchestra (technically was international because some people were from Canada) that performed at Carnegie Hall in NYC where I played twice.

“Amicable, confident, loyal”


Sofia Gutierrez


San Antonio, Texas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Economics and Finance Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: National English Honor Society; National Spanish Honor Society; National Hispanic Recognition Program; Cum Laude Society. Extra-curricular Activities: Varsity Soccer (Captain two years; AllState two years); Varsity Track; Junior State of America; Symphony Belles League of San Antonio; National English Honor Society (Vice president); Saint Mary’s Hall Sports Council (President). Community Service: Beginning in the 7th grade, I have been an active member of the National Charity League’s Alamo Chapter. I have volunteered at several organizations, including Haven for Hope, which serves as a refuge for the homeless population of San Antonio, Brookdale Retirement Home, assisting and accompanying the elderly community while playing Bingo, and the San Antonio Food Bank, packaging meals for children and families. Through Rustic Pathways, I have traveled to local communities in Peru, Laos, and Morocco, volunteering in projects such as laying a water pipeline, assisting in building schools, and teaching children English.

“Considerate, adventurous, diligent”

International Experience: For the past three summers, I have traveled with a student travel program, Rustic Pathways, to Peru, Laos, and Morocco, three amazing and immersive experiences filled with aspects of adventure, culture, and community service. I have also traveled around Spain with my best-friend and her family and spent time on the coast of Mexico to scuba dive. Within the next four years, I cannot wait to expand my travels within a more immersive and educational light. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love to paint and draw whenever I get a free chance, whether it’s sitting and beginning a project, or simply sketching my surroundings on a back of a receipt. Also, even though I can never seem to find enough time for it, I also have a deep love for reading. Almost always, however, you can find me enjoying my days with my friends and family, finding fun in whatever we do. Three Words to Describe Herself: Considerate, adventurous, diligent. Fun Fact from Sofia: I stalked One Direction’s flight information before their San Antonio concert in 7th grade, September 21st, 2014 to be exact, and then I proceeded to chase their black suburbans down the highway until I talked to them through the car window when the traffic got backed up and they had to stop.



Connor Hogan Denver, Colorado

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: High Honor Roll; AP Scholar. Extra-curricular Activities: Captain of Mock Trial Team; Legislative Intern for a member of the Colorado House of Representatives; Intern for Colorado Attorney General Candidate; Intern with 18th Judicial District of Colorado; Member of Future Business Leaders of America Club. Community Service: I developed a digital, interactive map for the Denver Children’s Advocacy Center, an organization that provides services for children who are the victims of abuse, and trained staff members on how to use the program. This way of presenting data is used not only to show active service areas but also to demonstrate the extent of the work being done by the center to financial donors. I am particularly proud of this accomplishment as I have established lasting infrastructure that is critical to the mission of the center. International Experience: I have had the good fortune of being able to travel around the world with and without my family. While often drawn to these places by architecture and natural scenery, I often found that the most valuable lessons came during transit to those spots. Whether it was a cab driver, tour guide, or fellow traveler from another country, they were usually generous in providing their perspectives on not just America but world events. Additionally, I studied international relations at the Georgetown School of Continuing Studies for three weeks which confirmed my interest in pursuing IR as a major.

“Take it easy”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love doing outdoor recreational activities. I particularly enjoy skiing, hiking, kayaking, rafting, tubing, rock climbing, and scuba diving. Some of my most rewarding memories are from backpacking trips I took across Alaska and Morocco. Three Words to Describe Himself: Take it easy. Fun Fact from Connor: My grandfather, Mark Hogan, ran an unsuccessful campaign for governor of Colorado in 1970 as the Democratic nominee. I intend on finishing what he started.


Elijah Jordan


Cayce, South Carolina

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Development and Finance Target Language: French Email: Academic Achievements: Paul Tulane Award Recipient; South Carolina Honor Graduate; AP Scholar with Distinction; Future Business Leaders of America (Chapter Vice-President); National Honors Society; Beta Club. Extra-curricular Activities: This past year, I worked as part of a research initiative that examined how transportation infrastructure in rural American cities could be better adapted to serve low-income communities. I served as a peer mentor to incoming students at my high school as they adjusted to the rigors of an unfamiliar residential and academic experience. I served as chair on my school’s FWD (Fun Without Drugs) “FWD Thinking” subcommittee, which aims to spotlight and promote mental health initiatives among the student body, and served as co-founder and President of my school’s Bike Club. I am also an Eagle Scout, and have been involved in mock trial, honors choir, marching band, and theatre throughout my high school career.

“Passionate, charismatic, proactive”

Community Service: As an Eagle Scout, I constructed “Little Free Libraries” that were placed at partner churches within my community, providing resources for economically disadvantaged students to continuously strive toward literary, academic, and personal growth throughout the summer months. I worked with my high school’s outreach department as an “ENGAGE” senior leader, where I helped develop curriculum and teach lessons to middle-schoolers that introduced the fundamentals of circuitry through bread-boarding. I have also worked with my local Habitat for Humanity as a volunteer builder. I am looking forward to the multitude of community service opportunities that Tulane has to offer and am more excited than ever to serve my New Orleans community. International Experience: I’ve had the opportunity to travel abroad with my school twice, traveling to England, Italy, France, and Greece. These educational experiences exposed me to a smorgasbord of culture and language and are what ultimately set me on the pursuit of an international educational experience. Personal Interests/Hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy riding my bike and exploring new places—especially cities with unique cultural identities. I like hiking and kayaking, and I’ve also been learning to play the guitar. Three Words to Describe Himself: Passionate, charismatic, proactive. Fun Fact from Elijah: I have a Peppa Pig keychain that brings me good luck on exams.



Vaishnavi “Vishy” Kandala Trumbull, Connecticut

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Marketing Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Distinction; University of Rochester Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award; Multiple Honors Societies; Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy; Crown Finalist for Columbia Scholastic Press Association; Honorable Mention on National Spanish Exam; Outstanding Achievement in Music for Orchestra; Jill Resnick Memorial Writing Award. Extra-curricular Activities: Editor-in-Chief of Trumbull High School’s award-winning yearbook publication, Trillium; Awarded “Outstanding Commitment to the Trillium Yearbook”; Co-founded a local chapter of UNICEF; Elected Public Relations Chairperson by Connecticut HOBY; HOBY Scholar Recipient; Co-founded TBLM (Trumbull Black Lives Matter), a group of youth activists focused on police and education reform; Summer intern at Congressman Jim Himes’ office; Marketing/media intern at the Trumbull Farmers Market; Worked at Plasko’s Farm & Creamery, a local creamery; Varsity tennis and field hockey teams; We the People Civics Competition; Concertmistress of the Trumbull High School Orchestra; 1st Place Photography Entry, Reflections; The President’s Volunteer Service Award—Silver. Community Service: I taught at my temple’s English enrichment club every Sunday. I was the head teacher my junior year and taught 3rd-7th graders the art of writing essays and mastering challenging vocab. I volunteered as a Trumbull Summer Music Camp counselor and worked as an escort volunteer at Yale-New Haven Health at Bridgeport Hospital. I was a Link Crew leader, supporting freshmen throughout their first year of high school. International Experience: I was born in Pune, India and immigrated to the States when I was 5, so I’m both an Overseas Citizen of India and a U.S. Citizen! I visit my family in India every 3 years or so. Besides this, I have had the privilege to visit Canada, Costa Rica, France, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates with my family.

“Empathetic, passionate, inquisitive”

Personal Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy all things outdoorsy, foodbased adventures, music festivals, Harry Potter, Friends, Agatha Christie, photography, journaling, immersing myself in my Indian culture, and the surprising life lessons that can be taken away from a Mario Kart tournament. Three Words to Describe Herself: Empathetic, passionate, inquisitive. Fun Fact from Vishy: I love to zipline; my favorite zipline was one that was 700 feet up in the Costa Rican canopies!


Raleigh Kreis


Bellevue, Nebraska

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Political Economy and Legal Studies in Business Target Languages: Spanish and Portuguese Email: Academic Achievements: Tulane Stamps Scholar; Coolidge Senator; National Merit Scholar; Omaha World Herald AllState Academic Team; Exchange Club of Omaha Outstanding Sophomore Award; Prize and Highest Honors in All Academic Classes; Cum Laude Society; National Honor Society President; Kate Sommer Writing Award; Dr. Wolff Award for Excellence in Math and Science. Extra-curricular Activities: I was witness on my high school’s mock trial team for the past four years and contributed to our state championship during my final season. As President, I led the school Sustainability Club to organize environmental campaigns including compost in student spaces, bamboo straws for the school community, and environmental justice prayer services. I was co-president of Spanish Club and team captain of our Louder Than a Bomb Slam Poetry team which took 3rd place last year. Through the Young Playwright’s Class at Omaha’s Rose Theater, I’ve written 3 original plays.

“Confident, passionate, candid”

Community Service: Each summer I attended a Sacred Heart Network service trip in different places across the country to investigate social issues such as juvenile justice, food deserts, and gentrification. I also served as a reading program volunteer at Bellevue Public Library. Last summer, I worked as a Fontenelle Forest Teen Naturalist Trainee to educate guests and summer campers about nature. International Experience: I was born in the Netherlands and lived in Germany for the first two years of my life thanks to the Air Force. Since then, my international experience has been limited to spare travel to Europe and the Caribbean. I’m looking forward to exploring the world as an Altman scholar. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love to read and write, especially plays and poetry. I also enjoy going on wandering walks and long hikes. You could also find me on a Saturday doing cross stitch and watching Netflix. Three Words to Describe Herself: Confident, passionate, candid. Fun Fact from Raleigh: I’ve wanted to be President of the United States since kindergarten… but I may be revising that plan.



Samantha Reinhard Peapack, New Jersey

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Anthropology and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Japanese Email: Academic Achievements: Excellence in Photography Award; Excellence in Dance Award; Academic Honor Roll; National Honors Society. Extra-curricular Activities: My junior and senior year I participated in theater at my high school. During my senior year musical, I was Dance Captain, Assistant Choreographer, and Co-Costume Designer. On the weekends I took Japanese classes at a language school for two years. I was in Book Club freshman through senior year. Community Service: I was a teen volunteer at my local public library where I helped run the summer reading program. I also was a classroom helper at a local preschool for two years. I helped raise and take care of a litter of kittens for an elderly lady who took in a pregnant stray cat over a summer. International Experience: Traveled twice to France, specifically Paris and Antibes, once for a month. Also visited Italy for two weeks traveling across the country. I also visited Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark for a brief period. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I have danced since I was little. Now I continue to dance mostly hip hop, musical theater, and contemporary styles. I also do photography a lot and like to combine that hobby with my interest in traveling and fashion. I enjoy video editing and production. I love to travel and explore new cultures. Three Words to Describe Herself: Honest, trustworthy, compassionate.

“Honest, trustworthy, compassionate”

Fun Fact from Samantha: I am not allergic to anything.


Annalise Rotunda


Gulf Breeze, Florida

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Marketing Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Distinction; National Honor Society; National English Honor Society; Spanish Honor Society; Mu Alpha Theta; Rho Kappa; Science National Honor Society; Gulf Breeze High School Health Academy Graduate; 4x regional winner Biomedical Debate Team (HOSA); Honor Roll. Extra-curricular Activities: President of HOSA chapter; Secretary of National Honor Society; Treasurer of National English Honor Society; Board member for Givings a Breeze, a local charity project; Member of Optimist Club, Best Buddies, Spanish Club, and Future Business Leaders of America; Cross country/track/ soccer. Community Service: I volunteered each summer at Gulf Breeze Hospital and Kids Unlimited Summer Camp, assisting health care professions and serving as a camp counselor for a group of underprivileged children, respectively. I was a peer tutor for ACT, SAT, and AP Exams and helped make dinners at my local Ronald McDonald House. I was also coordinator of my local Buddy Readers program and volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters.

“Resilient, loyal, adventurous”

International Experience: My grandmother was raised near Cambridge, England, so I explored London and Scotland as part of visits as a youth, as well as the local villages where my extended family still resides. Additionally, I have traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, to visit family and various parts of the Caribbean and Mexico. More recently, I was part of a mission trip to Grenada. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I grew up near the beach, so being outside and in the sun is where I feel at home. I play acoustic/ electric guitar and some ukulele, and I’m big into music festivals! I love being exposed to different cultures through traveling, music, and food, so I’m incredibly thankful to the Altman Program for the opportunity to really take this passion to the next level. Three Words to Describe Herself: Resilient, loyal, adventurous. Fun Fact from Annalise: My school went on lockdown one day because the famous Tiger King, Joe Exotic, was getting arrested nearby!



Anya Sastry Barrington, Illinois

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Legal Studies in Business Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Honor; Loomis Chaffee Scholar; Loomis Chaffee Ammidon Prize; Loomis Chaffee Founders Award; Academic Recognition History Department/Modern & Classical Languages Department/English Department; Tulane Weatherhead Scholar; Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award. Extra-curricular Activities: President of the Young Democrats Club; Co-Director of the Loomis Chaffee Climate Action group; Member of the Shultz Fellowship, a non-partisan think tank on campus; Member of the Longman Leadership Institute, a selective campus group dedicated to empowering girls and developing leadership skills; Summer intern for U.S. Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi; Captain of the varsity tennis team; Model UN delegate; Op-Ed staff writer for the school newspaper; Residential Assistant & Prefect at school. Community Service: I served as the National Outreach Director for U.S. Youth Climate Strike and organized climate strikes across the nation. I was chosen as a Norton Fellow and created a film documentary on the prevalent issue of environmental injustice. I also volunteered at an orphanage in Tanzania, tutored children of Syrian and Iraqi refugee families who had just come to the U.S., and taught lessons in agriculture and health at a local elementary school. International Experience: Through the LC Scholar award, I volunteered for three weeks at an orphanage in Arusha, Tanzania. I have also traveled to Lisbon, Portugal as one of my school’s delegates for the Yale Model Government Europe conference, and have traveled to India every summer for the past 15 years to visit my grandmothers. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Activism, community organizing, and getting involved in grassroots mobilizations are a big part of my life. I also love to read and could spend hours every day just reading if I had the opportunity to do so. My other hobbies include photography, videography/film-making, traveling, trying new foods, keeping up with fashion, writing/journaling, and learning about the histories of different countries and cultures!

“Passionate, independent, authentic”

Three Words to Describe Herself: Passionate, independent, authentic. Fun Fact from Anya: During my last week in Tanzania, we were driving through the desert in a bus when one of the wheels sunk into a rut in the sand. Lucky for us, our bus decided to break down next to a beautiful blue lake surrounded by blossoming trees and herds of goats. It turned out to be such a great experience!


William Shih


Wichita, Kansas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: International Relations and Marketing Target Language: Mandarin Chinese Email: Academic Achievements: National Honor Society; Chinese Honor Society; AP Scholar with Distinction. Extra-curricular Activities: I was heavily involved in the basketball program at my school, playing on the varsity basketball team for two years as well as coaching the middle school basketball team for three (it would have been four if not for COVID-19). I was a part of the Asia-Pacific honor band as the trumpet section leader. Outside of school, I did an extended internship at AnheuserBusch InBev and once served as a summer camp counselor in Washington state two years in a row.

“Spontaneous, ambitious, adventurous”

Community Service: Service was deeply engrained into my school’s curriculum and community. Over my 4 years of high school, I have accumulated over 700 hours of service. To name a few, I have volunteered at local Shanghai orphanages, ventured to the Tibetan Plateau to establish sustainable economic means in rural villages, and helped at neurological disease centers in Hainan. My proudest accomplishment, however, is founding the Li Foundation, an organization combatting the underrepresentation of advocacy for homelessness in Shanghai. Members, along with myself, have volunteered at numerous soup kitchens, organized clothing and food drives, and helped humanize the homeless population in our city. International Experience: I have lived in Shanghai, China since 2008 and have traveled to various Asian and European countries either on school-sanctioned trips, vacations, or service endeavors. Personal Interests/Hobbies: Sports-wise, I am a massive fan of Formula 1 and basketball. Other than that, I love music festivals, baking, urban exploration, atypical traveling, SCUBA diving, and discovering new music. I’ll never turn down a hot debate and consider myself a connoisseur of unorthodox memes. Three Words to Describe Himself: Spontaneous, ambitious, adventurous. Fun Fact from William: I ate Shanghai’s biggest bowl of beef noodles.



Erica Stocker San Antonio, Texas

Intended Liberal Arts and Business Majors: Spanish and Finance or Marketing Target Language: Spanish Email: Academic Achievements: AP Scholar with Honor; National Honor Society Member; National Spanish Exam Gold Medalist (x4). Extra-curricular Activities: President of the Key Crew (spirit club); President of Quiz Bowl; Student Council Representative for Wellness Council; Member of the Foreign Language Club and Model United Nations; Softball Center Fielder; H-E-B Summer Intern in the Education Initiatives/Corporate Communications Department; Babysitter. Community Service: Teen Suicide Prevention Advocate; Member of Teens Give Back; Volunteer for Under the Bridge (serving meals to homeless); Volunteer for local Battered Women’s Shelter; Spanish Tutoring for Kindergarteners. International Experience: I’ve been fortunate enough to have traveled internationally numerous times with my family (mainly to Europe) because I have relatives in Switzerland. However, as my interest in language grew, I enjoyed traveling to Spanishspeaking countries more, such as the Dominican Republic and Guatemala. My most memorable trip was a month-long homestay program in southern Spain the summer going into junior year. Aside from traveling, I also love learning about international affairs by reading the news and being a Model United Nations delegate. Personal Interests/Hobbies: I love spending time with friends and keeping busy while also allowing myself time to relax sometimes. Some of my favorite things to do include reading, trying new restaurants, going to concerts, musicals, and museums, and watching baseball and football games. Also, I enjoy not only playing music on instruments like the piano and drums, but I love listening to basically every genre, especially rap and R&B.

“Outgoing, silly, empathetic”

Three Words to Describe Herself: Outgoing, silly, empathetic. Fun Fact from Erica: I’m oddly good at wiggling my eyebrows.


Program Co-Directors

Casey Love, Ph.D.

Myke Yest, Ph.D., CFA

In addition to serving as co-director of the Altman Program, Dr. Casey Love serves as Interim Associate Dean of Global Education and Interim Director of CGE and is a Senior Professor of Practice in the Department of Political Science. She holds three degrees from Tulane: a B.A. in Latin American Studies and Political Science (1997), a M.A. in Latin American Studies (2000), and a Ph.D. in Political Science (2005).

Myke Yest, a Professor of Practice in Finance at the A.B. Freeman School of Business, teaches both graduate and undergraduate classes in such areas as Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Cases in Finance. Outside the classroom, Myke acts as program director for Tulane’s Partnership Program with CFA Institute and faculty adviser to several organizations on campus. Myke also consults for a local investment advisor firm that helps high-net worth individuals prepare for retirement. He holds a BBA in Business Management from Stetson University, an MBA from the University of South Florida, and a PhD in Finance from Tulane University, in which he focused his research on mutual fund management structures.

Dr. Love teaches courses on Mexican politics, U.S.Latin American relations, U.S. immigration policy, comparative politics, and political and economic development in the Global South, and she integrates service learning into most of her courses. She has extensive experience living, teaching, and studying in Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Vietnam, and Thailand. She is the recipient of multiple awards for teaching and service at Tulane, including the Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award (2018), School of Liberal Arts Outstanding Service Award (2016), the Center for Public Service’s Barbara E. Moely Service Learning Teaching Award (2013), and the Stone Center’s Simon Rodriguez Award for Best Undergraduate Teacher (2012). In addition to her academic pursuits, Dr. Love is the director of a 501c3-designated all female Mardi Gras performance troupe.


Having spent over 25 years in the finance industry allows Myke to integrate both practice and theory into his finance courses. His dynamic approach toward teaching has earned him numerous awards, including the Freeman School Student Government Teaching Excellence Award, the James T. Murphy Award for Teaching Excellence, and twice-winning the Howard J. Wisner “Professor of the Year” award at the Freeman School. In 2019, he was awarded the inaugural Peter R. Ricchiuti Professorship in Finance.

Program Staff

Natalia Porto

Jamie Montelepre

Natalia Porto joined the Altman Program team in April 2012 having previously worked in such institutions of Tulane as Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institutve and Center for Inter-American Policy and Research. As the Program Manager, she administers the logistical aspects of the program and is responsible for student advising and internship placement.

Jamie Montelepre joined the Altman Program in

Natalia is originally from Russia. In the last twenty years she has lived and worked in Europe, Brazil, Ecuador and the US and has been in New Orleans since 2004. She earned her Masters in Pacific and International Affairs with a regional specialization on Latin America from the University of California, San Diego.

diverse work background that includes website

October 2017. Born and raised in New Orleans, she most recently worked as an Access Coordinator for the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility at Tulane. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Drama and Communications from the University of New Orleans and is an active member of the New Orleans theater community. With a content editing and office management, she assists with the administrative operations of the program. Jamie is currently pursuing a Masters in Health and Wellness Management through the School of Professional Advancement at Tulane.


About Jeffrey Altman The Altman Program in International Studies & Business is the focus of a major gift from the Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation. The Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation has pledged $10.3 million to Tulane University to establish this dual-degree program. Similar programs are available at only a handful of select universities nationwide. “In an increasingly global business environment, international study is a must. There are very few business programs in the entire country that offer a dual degree with an international component such as this,” said Jeffrey Altman, a 1988 graduate of Tulane, founder and managing partner of Owl Creek Asset Management LP and founder and director of the Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation. “After the incredibly rewarding experiences I had as a student at Tulane, I feel fortunate to help the university develop this four-year program. Graduates will be even better prepared to excel in an increasingly interconnected world economy.” The new dual degree will require students to complete coursework in Tulane’s A.B. Freeman School of Business and its School of Liberal Arts. “This combination of disciplines with an emphasis on the understanding of foreign cultures is crucial to preparing students to excel in today’s global economy,” said Altman. Upon the creation of the program, Tulane President Emeritus Scott Cowen said, “If I were an undergraduate now, this is the course of study I would pursue. With an ever-increasing amount of economic growth coming from outside the United States, this is the best way to prepare students for the future. This is definitely a program for the 21st century, and we are most grateful to the Altman Foundation for making Tulane one of only a handful of universities in the country to offer such a unique undergraduate program.”


"This combination of disciplines with an emphasis on the understanding of foreign cultures is crucial to preparing students to excel in today’s global economy."

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