Newcomb-Tulane College: The Collegian 2017

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Collegian THE

N E W C O M B -T U L A N E C O L L E G E

A N N UA L RE VI E W 2017

Letter from the Dean This past academic year has been a busy one in NewcombTulane College. One of the areas we focused on was revising our mission and values statement, available online at The new mission statement below reflects months of discussion and input from the college faculty, staff, and administrators, as well as feedback from the Dean’s Advisory Council:

As the academic home for all full-time undergraduates at Tulane, Newcomb-Tulane College educates its multifaceted student body through its commitment to academic breadth and depth, interdisciplinary exploration, engaged scholarship and research, and opportunities for service. By supporting the development of each student’s intellect and creativity both within and beyond the classroom, the College prepares its students to be leaders and citizens who think and engage critically, imaginatively, and ethically with local, national, and global communities.

Closely linked to our mission statement are our values. While the mission statement defines our aspirations as educators, our values guide both our daily work and long-term planning. This issue of The Collegian explores our values, which are, in brief: We value and support in our students: academic excellence, interdisciplinarity, creativity and innovation, diversity and inclusivity, empathy, integrity, and service. When I think of academic excellence, interdisciplinarity, creativity, and innovation, our students’ recent success in the NASA BIG Idea Challenge immediately comes to mind (page 6). Tulane’s team members drew on different academic backgrounds and experiences to develop a new and innovative solution that was radically different from any of the other competing designs. This results from an undergraduate experience that does not silo students within disciplines, but rather sees strength and value in interdisciplinary collaborations that can only be effectively supported by a single undergraduate college. Our efforts to support the values of diversity and inclusivity are anchored in our new Center for Academic Equity (page 10), which opened its doors to students this spring. For first-generation college students, students of color, LGBTQ students, and other students who encounter systemic obstacles during their college career, the Center for Academic Equity provides essential resources to ease what can be a difficult transition to college life. As Tulane is taking steps to dramatically increase diversity on campus, the Center’s programs, resources, and services are expected to be in high demand. Since Katrina, Tulane and Newcomb-Tulane College have made a commitment to public service as part of each student’s education, and our values of empathy, integrity, and service are represented in these efforts. These values also extend well beyond the local community, as students in our study abroad programs (page 9) develop them by engaging with communities worldwide. Reaching this mission and these values took time to achieve, and sometimes followed a winding path. Nonetheless these efforts were well worthwhile, since the work reflects a shared vision for Newcomb-Tulane College. As we launch our upcoming capital campaign this December to propel Tulane forward to new successes, I hope that you will see our mission and values intertwined with those goals and projects. With best wishes,

James M. MacLaren, PhD Dean, Newcomb-Tulane College 2

N E W C O M B -T U L A N E COLLEGE DEAN’S A DV I S O RY C O U N C I L 2 0 16 - 2 0 17

Jeffrey Turner, Chair Edana Desatnick, Vice Chair Suzanne and Michael Alexander J. Yasmin Alexander and John Zotos Amy and Larry Andelsman Chris Austin Kylene Beers AJ Cass Brodie Cobb Doug Ellin Gregory Giangrande Jeffrey Godsick Russell Grossman Brendan Hayes Danny Hazel Nate Hole JP Hymel Scott Intagliata Shashi and Cadambi Janardhan Joe Kaplan Scott Katzmann Danny Kaufman Gerry Keefe Roberta and Rob Kitchenoff Stuart Klabin Andrew Klein Lucy Klingenstein Jini Koh Lisa Kalin and Drew Kugler Steven Kushnick Molly and Chad Ludwig Howard Margolis Steven Moffitt Ali Nabavi Amy Pasquariello Brian Pence Jeremy Perelman Lisa Rapkin Nancy Rebold Andi and Chris Richardson John Rossi Donald Rothman Natalie Rowe Dawn Saunders Joe Schwartz Lori and Scott Seigal Larry Sibley Rebecca and J. Michael Smith Karen Sobel Richard Thal David Titlebaum Donna and Alan Weakland Elyse Weshler Katy Williamson Will Wyatt


The Collegian is published by the Newcomb-Tulane College Dean’s Office. EDITOR

Trina J. Beck A S S I S TA N T E D I T O R



Frank Aymami Trina J. Beck Keith Brannon Paula Burch-Celentano Cheryl Gerber George Harley Christiana Lederman Marc Pagani Ryan Rivet Mary Sparacello Melissa A. Weber Kristen Somody Whalen Jennifer Zdon P U B L I C AT I O N S C O O R D I N AT O R

Makenzie Kozojet C O L L E G E .T U L A N E . E D U

TA B LE O F CO N T E N T S ON THE COVER: MAKENZIE KOZOJET Makenzie Kozojet (NT ’13, G’17) is a mixed media artist who paints in layers, using image transfers on wood or canvas to combine abstract elements with realism. When replacing brushstrokes with images, she hopes to create a story or a visual puzzle that works harmoniously to intrigue viewers. As a Tulane student, Kozojet completed a bachelor of arts in painting and drawing with a minor in art history, followed by a master’s degree in liberal arts. She currently serves as publications manager with the Office of Advancement Communications and Marketing. T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017

2 Letter from the Dean

Newcomb-Tulane College Dean’s Advisory Council 2016-2017

4 One College. Five Schools. No Boundaries. 6 Academic Excellence Innovation and Collaboration Help Students Soar

8 Engagement with the Community

Transformational Experiences

10 Diversity and Inclusivity Investing in Academic Equity

12 Empowerment

Supporting Student Success

14 Lives of Meaning and Purpose Building Futures

16 Giving Back to Newcomb-Tulane College Donor Honor Roll

THIS ISSUE OF THE COLLEGIAN EXPLORES OUR VALUES: academic excellence, interdisciplinarity, creativity and innovation, diversity and inclusivity, empathy, integrity, and service.




TODAY’S COLLEGE STUDENTS are part of a world where the boundaries that we once took for granted— between nations, between academic disciplines, between social classes—are rapidly eroding. Newcomb-Tulane College is uniquely positioned to create nimble thinkers who effortlessly navigate the increasingly well-worn paths that connect the arts and the sciences, the campus and the community, the nation and the world. With access to approximately 60 undergraduate majors and the flexibility to combine degree programs from five different academic schools, Newcomb-Tulane College students actively structure their education to explore their passions along original, often unusual paths. Yet however unprecedented a student’s path may be, Newcomb-Tulane College will have their back. If they choose to pursue dual degrees in the School of Liberal Arts and the School of Science and Engineering, their academic advisor will help them sort out their degree requirements

O N E CO L L E G E . F I V E S C H O O L S .

No Boundaries. and keep them on track. If they’re feeling overwhelmed by Organic Chemistry, the Success Center’s Supplemental Instruction program can provide valuable review sessions and support—and if they’re really rethinking their premed plans, the professional success coaches can help them decide on a new trajectory. If they want to study abroad, an advisor in the Office of Study Abroad will help them through the process, and if they’re interested in applying for a national fellowship, the Honors Program staff will be there every step of the way. And if they find they need financial support to take advantage of an opportunity to do research, travel to a conference, or take an unpaid internship, the Honors Program, the Dean’s Office, and the Center for Academic Equity offer a variety of grants and awards to make sure they don’t miss out.

T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017



Innovation and Collaboration Help Students Soar Tulane University engineering students’ innovative idea for a flower-shaped, solar-powered space ferry won the top prize in NASA’s BIG Idea Challenge, a national contest to design better ways to assemble spacecraft in space. Five finalist teams from around the country presented concepts for next-generation spacecraft to top scientists at the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, in February. The challenge is part of NASA’s efforts to rapidly develop game-changing technologies for future space missions, including transit to deep-space locations such as Mars. The winning team members received paid internships at NASA in the summer of 2017. “I’m extremely proud of our students who put in so much independent effort towards making their project absolutely excellent,” said Tim Schuler, the team’s faculty adviser and senior professor of practice in engineering physics. “They were up against very stiff competition.” Dubbed “The Sunflower,” Tulane’s winning concept calls for stackable hexagon-shaped modules that unfold like origami from a rocket bay at low-Earth orbit. The identical pieces connect together via magnetic locks to assemble themselves into a one large array of solar powered ion engines that can ferry cargo into orbit around the moon. Tulane’s team included (pictured right, l. to r.) Matthew Gorban (NT ’18), Ethan Gasta (NT ’18), Otto Lyon (NT ’17), Maxwell Woody (NT ’18), graduate student John Robertson, Afsheen Sajjadi (NT ’19), and Ben Lewson (NT ’17). 6

“It was a great validation of all of the work we have been doing for the past six months,” said Lyon, team leader and a senior majoring in physics and architecture. He said the win was even more remarkable because not a single member of the team is an aerospace engineer. Team members are pursuing degrees in biomedical engineering, engineering physics, economics and other disciplines.

Newcomb-Tulane College expects undergraduates to demonstrate ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE

within a culture of interdisciplinary exploration, creativity, and innovation. The team’s interdisciplinarity was key to the win, said Matthew Escarra, assistant professor in engineering physics who advised members of the team. “The other teams represented traditional aerospace engineering at the top programs in the country,” Escarra said. “Our hybrid, cross-disciplinary team embodied the Tulane vision of finding innovative solutions from totally different and unique perspectives. It was unlike anything the judges had seen before.” N E WCO M B -T U L A N E CO L L EG E

Economics major RUOXI “ROSIE” LI (NT ’17) graduated with departmental honors for her original thesis, which examined the impact of the federal No Child Left Behind Act on high school graduation and drop-out rates. Over the course of her research, which was supported by a Dean’s Grant, she encountered unexpected, yet rewarding results. “As I read the literature and conducted data analysis, I developed more ideas and found interesting patterns,” she said. “The thrill of obtaining new insight after long and hard work is unforgettable.” Li, who was inducted into the William Wallace Peery Society as one of Newcomb-Tulane College’s top 15 graduates, was supported in her research by economics professor Douglas Harris (pictured right, with Li), founding director of the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans. Harris, who has advised the White House on education policy, noted that Li approached “a topic that could eventually be publishable in an academic journal” – a goal that Li is currently working toward. “Research is not like taking a course at all,” she added. “I had to learn to be patient and accept that, sometimes, investigative work can lead to a dead end.” Yet Li welcomes the opportunity to continue. “This project has prepared me, to an amazing extent, for future research work … (and) advancing my knowledge of economics.”

T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017





Transformational Experiences As a first-year student, Josh Kirkorsky NT ’18 (pictured left) enrolled in the Leadership, Politics, Power, and Change TIDES seminar taught by professor and associate provost Ana Lopez. As part of the course’s service learning component, Kirkorsky and his classmates volunteered for a production of a play performed by formerly incarcerated women. Kirkorsky was inspired by the women’s stories of hardship and resilience. Two years later and thousands of miles away, Kirkorsky was inspired by the stories he heard while volunteering in a Madrid soup kitchen. It was “an incredible experience,” he remembers. “I spoke with many underprivileged madrileños, and heard many different political perspectives and personal stories.”

Newcomb-Tulane College

Kirkorsky is a cell & molecular biology and Spanish double major who welcomed the opportunity to spend a semester studying abroad in Madrid. “Since Spain is such a culturallyrich country, differing in every region, my goal was to experience as much of this as I could,” he says. He visited several different cities, noting the differences in architecture, language, and culture. His travels directly connected to two of the classes he was taking: Social Changes in Contemporary Spain and Madrid: Culture and Society. He notes that the ability to directly experience the society and culture he was studying “made understanding the coursework easier and more meaningful.”

The Office of Study Abroad provides scholarships for Newcomb-Tulane College students who need financial assistance to cover the extra costs associated with studying abroad. These scholarships are made possible by donors like Ann and John Rossi, whose endowed fund made Kirkorsky’s wish to travel to Spain a reality. “Studying abroad in Madrid was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made,” he says. Yet his time in the soup kitchen was just as valuable as his time in the classroom: “I was lucky to be able to experience what I was learning about in class first-hand and practice my Spanish all while being able to meet and help others. To me, this is what Tulane’s service learning component is all about.”


and in doing so fosters the values of empathy, integrity, and a life-long commitment to service.

TULANE ALUMNI COUPLE, ANN AND JOHN ROSSI, KNOW FIRSTHAND THAT STUDYING ABROAD CAN BE AN ILLUMINATING AND LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE, AND ONE THEY WANTED TO PASS ON TO MORE TULANE UNDERGRADUATES. Ann Rossi, a native New Orleanian who earned a dual bachelor’s degree in music history and French from Newcomb College in 1978, studied abroad in France during her junior year in Paris and Dijon. She says the experience of being immersed in the language and culture of another country was incredible. “It was a very culturally-rich experience,” she says. John Rossi, who received a master’s degree in English from Tulane in 1978, didn’t study abroad during school, but travelled frequently after graduation for his careers in the oil industry and investment banking. Business took him all over Europe and Asia where he learned the vast and subtle ways that communication styles and business practices differ from country to country. The couple established an endowed fund for Newcomb-Tulane College that seeks to enrich undergraduates’ intellectual and cultural experiences abroad. Ann and John Rossi are happy their endowed fund has helped open up the world for so many young Tulanians. “You can’t have a complete education without global experience,” John says. “We’re thrilled to be a part of making that happen for students.”

T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017



Investing in Academic Equity Tayler Payton (NT ’19, pictured at right) loves to dance. But lately her dance shoes have been gathering a bit of dust. A rising junior from New Orleans who graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School, Payton is a pre-med student majoring in neuroscience and minoring in psychology. On top of her rigorous courseload, Payton spends 24 hours each week working as a front desk clerk at a local hotel to help pay for her college expenses. When she’s not working or in class, she can often be found volunteering at Ochsner Medical Center. Payton was inspired to consider neuroscience as a major after taking Dr. Melinda Fabian’s Introduction to Psychology class in her first year at Tulane. Neuroscience, she says, allows her to combine psychology and biology to better understand “how humans work, how the brain works, and why biologically we do the things we do.” For her medical career, though, she plans to shift her focus from the brain to the heart, with the goal of becoming a cardiovascular surgeon or cardiologist. She became intrigued by the heart after attending body organ demonstrations on medical school visits. When she had the opportunity to shadow a cardiologist, her interest was confirmed. “Cardiovascular issues really affect the African American population, so I find it very interesting because of that,” she adds.

Newcomb-Tulane College


knowing that both are key components of fostering the highest level of learning.

This summer, a scholarship from the new Center for Academic Equity is allowing Payton to complete Physics I and II during the summer sessions. By getting these pre-med requirements out of the way over the summer, she will have more time to dedicate to preparing for the MCATs during the upcoming school year. Without the support from CAE, Payton says, the cost of summer classes would have made it impossible for her to enroll. Payton’s dedication to the demands of school, work, volunteer commitments, and preparing for medical school leaves her little time for dance, a passion of hers from an early age. But she makes time whenever she can to go dancing with her friends—because as a future cardiologist, she knows that dancing is good for your heart.

THE CENTER FOR ACADEMIC EQUITY fosters the academic excellence of first-generation, Posse and College Track scholarship, international, and LGBTQ students, as well as students with physical challenges, and all students of color. The Center connects students with academic advisors and tutors, assists students in navigating complex issues, provides grants, fellowships, and scholarships, and works directly with academic success coaches. Through these services, the Center aims to ensure that every student has equal access to the full range of academic and co-curricular opportunities available to Newcomb-Tulane College students. Pictured at right are students who benefitted from the Center’s services in its first year. At a launch event in April, they shared their personal stories with alumni, parents, faculty, and staff.



T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017


FIRST, JESSICA TRAN (NT ’17) LEARNED HOW TO LEARN. THEN SHE LEARNED HOW TO TEACH. During Tran’s first semester at Tulane, a supplemental instruction leader helped her master the challenging concepts in CELL 1010: Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology. Her supplemental instruction leader—a fellow undergraduate—taught her how to study, providing her with tools she carried forward to the rest of her classes. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an internationally recognized academic support program that provides free twice weekly review sessions for historically difficult classes. SI is taught by undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic success in that course offering. Tran was inspired by the effectiveness of her experience. “I wanted to be that resource and support system for freshman students,” said Tran. She became a supplemental instruction leader in her sophomore year, and then in her junior year she became co-captain for the entire SI program. She managed the team of supplemental instruction leaders, imparting strategies to help these peer educators teach other students. Research has shown that supplemental instruction improves grades. At Tulane, students who attended five or more sessions for a particular course observed a 0.4 increase in their GPA. “It’s an incredible resource for students,” Tran said. Now, Tran is taking her love of knowledge to the next level. She graduated in May with a bachelor’s degree in public health and a minor in cell and molecular biology. Soon she will start at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, but first she gets to share her learning strategies through a Fulbright fellowship in Vietnam. She will teach English to medical students at University of Danang through the nationally competitive scholarship. “It’s been very rewarding to share my love of learning at Tulane,” she said. “I’m excited to bring that teaching experience to a new environment through the Fulbright.”




Supporting Student Success One Thursday evening last March, a group of Tulane students, faculty, and staff produced a variety show that emphasized the importance of building resilience. The event, Dear Tulane, Failure Happens, was a success: nearly 200 students turned up to watch performers recount times when they bounced back from failure. Many attendees reported finding the night both funny and inspiring. “As long as you’re learning from your mistakes, you’re moving forward,” said Krista Casale, a senior success coach with the Success Center, which co-sponsored the event in partnership with The Well for Health Promotion. The event is one of the many ways that the Success Center at Newcomb-Tulane College empowers students to explore their passions and supports them as they reach each academic milestone. Additional Success Center initiatives include professional success coaching, peer tutoring, and writing instruction. Tulane students are reaching out in ever larger numbers to access the services the Success Center provides. For example, success coaching has increased every year since its 2012 inception. Six professional success coaches hold one-onone meetings with undergraduate students to foster their academic, personal, and career success. In the 2016-2017 academic year, such coaching increased by 46 percent over the prior year. The coaches earn a credential through the International Coach Federation and are constantly learning innovative ways to better support students. By studying different learning theories—Bloom’s Taxonomy, Metacognition, the Study Cycle—success coaches are able to expertly guide students to adapt to the rigorous learning environment of college, which is often quite different from their high school experience. “Everyone learns differently,” says Michele Oelking, director of the Success Center. “Our job is to meet students where they are—helping them be independent learners.” T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017

With that in mind, the Success Center brought Saundra McGuire, a leading expert in learning strategies, to campus in October 2016 to demonstrate to Tulane students concrete ways to improve learning skills. The Success Center is continually expanding and trying to find new ways to help students succeed. In one new initiative, The Story of Failure Program is encouraging students to anonymously share their stories of resilience as part of “The Untold.” Also, the center is considering

Newcomb-Tulane College faculty and staff are dedicated to an undergraduate education that EMPOWERS STUDENTS TO EXPLORE THEIR PASSIONS

through scholarship, research, and artistic pursuits and supports students as they reach each academic milestone. virtual coaching and summer success coaching in an effort to reach more students. Already, the Success Center staff is being widely recognized for its many achievements. President Mike Fitts awarded the team the Presidential Staff Excellence Award in December 2016. “The students’ Success Center is a success,” said Fitts in the Tulane New Wave. “I hear about it across the country, and it’s something that I wish I had when I was in college.” 13


Building Futures Newcomb-Tulane College offers innovative career programs that encourage undergraduate students to pursue lives of meaning and purpose. “Career Wave provides students exposure to the powerful Tulane network by giving them structured opportunities throughout the school year to engage with successful alumni and parents,” says Byron Kantrow, director of Career Wave programming. The fifth annual Career Wave Signature Event in January 2017 attracted over 50 well-established alumni and parents to Tulane’s campus from around the country, and more than 1,000 undergraduates attended for a full day’s worth of panels, conversations, and networking events. The generosity of three-time Tulane parents Lisa Ehrlich Rapkin and Cory Rapkin has made Career Wave possible since its inception.

Newcomb-Tulane College encourages students in their pursuit of LIVES OF MEANING AND PURPOSE as members of the Tulane alumni community. In addition to the capstone event, industry-specific Career Wave panels and lectures were held throughout the year, geared at popular careers and majors. For example, Bill Donius (B ’81), former CEO of Pulaski Financial Corp. and author of Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius, spoke to Tulane students in October 2016. And in April a panel of Hollywood insiders, including Doug Ellin (A&S ’90), creator of Entourage, and Julie Yorn (NC ’87), Head of Production at LBI Entertainment, allowed students to glimpse life in the entertainment industry without ever leaving campus. Also exploding in popularity is the Tulane Remote Internship Program (T.R.I.P.), which wrapped up its fourth semester in spring 2017 with over 25 national companies and 40 undergraduate students taking part. The program, which allows students to intern remotely 14

during the school year, is made possible by the generosity of Nisa Geller and Jeffrey Tannenbaum (A&S ’84). T.R.I.P. features an all-expenses paid trip to the student’s selected company to meet with supervisors and get a feel for the company’s culture. “T.R.I.P. gives students exposure to industries of interest without requiring a full-time commitment, and at the same time makes them more competitive for future career opportunities by growing their resumes during the academic semesters,” says Kantrow. Internships are available in a range of fields, such as science and engineering, finance, and entertainment, and with companies based in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and other cities. Alli Robbins Allen (NC ’81) has arranged four T.R.I.P. internships at her Atlanta-based charitable giving website, PlanetGive. “As a Tulane grad, I am so proud of the caliber of students I’ve worked with,” she says. “They’re hard workers, they’re self-starters, they’re creative.” Gabrielle Gardiner (NT ’17) interned remotely in spring 2017 at New York City-based Chainlink, under CEO Kurt Maddern (B ’06). Gardiner so impressed Maddern that she was hired on full-time after graduation. And Heather Andelsman (NT ’19) jumped at the opportunity to intern for Oasis Media Group, a Los Angeles company founded by Tulane alumnus David Lonner (A&S ’84). Andelsman took a full load of classes while interning for Oasis Media Group. “Thanks to T.R.I.P., we’re not limited to what’s around us in New Orleans. We can expand our network to discover companies and places where we might want to work in the future,” she explained. Andelsman visited the Oasis Media office over spring break, using the opportunity to further immerse herself in the workplace culture. “I want to move to L.A. Being able to go there and see exactly the work I would be doing if I move there was helpful to me.” The Executive-In-Residence Program, made possible by Donna and Howard Margolis (B ’87), is the newest innovative career initiative on Tulane’s campus. In the program’s first year, two senior executives traveled monthly to Tulane’s campus to meet with students in large group formats and also held individual office hours: Curtis Colden Continued on Page 18


Tulane Takeover opened JARROD FR AN KLIN ’s eyes to the wide network of Tulanians outside the uptown campus. And it showed the Baton Rouge native the many opportunities across the nation that Tulane makes possible. “I didn’t realize how strong Tulane’s alumni base was until going to an event like that,” said Franklin (NT ’18), who made a connection at the spring 2017 event in Los Angeles that led to a summer internship with venture capital firm. He connected with recent Tulane alumnus Andrew Duplessie (NT ’16), a graduate of the A. B. Freeman School of Business. Tulane Takeover: Los Angeles occurred over spring break. That timing gave Franklin, who is captain of the Tulane football team, a career preparation experience that he normally wouldn’t have had because of his busy athletic schedule. In California, he networked with successful Tulane alumni and parents in a wide range of industries. Franklin said that he felt like their shared Tulane association gave him an advantage even before he walked in the door. “All of these employers know what it takes to be a Tulane student,” said Franklin, who is majoring in business management and minoring in public health. “It’s almost like a brotherhood or sisterhood. The name Tulane University goes a very long way.”

T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017



Newcomb-Tulane College is grateful to all of our generous donors who make the undergraduate experience at Tulane possible. The following individuals, companies, and foundations made gifts of $500 or more in fiscal year 2017. Suzanne and Michael Alexander Alliance Bernstein Holding L.P. Amy and Lawrence Andelsman Elsa Angrist Anonymous Donors Michelle and Drew Baldwin Rosemary and Christopher Barlow

Carole B. and Kenneth J. Boudreaux Foundation Carole and Kenneth Boudreaux

Community Foundation of Tampa Bay

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Hilary Feshbach

Laurence Connelley

Pollena and William Forsman

Lida and Charles Cooper

Susan and David Fox

Kevin Cross

Heather Frank

Susan Crothers-Gee and William Gee

Lauren and Jeffrey Friedman

Friezo Family Foundation

Dorothy and James Bowers

Cudd Foundation

Jorgelina and David Friezo

Alison Brod

Carol and Robert Cudd

Leslie and Jeffrey Frost

R. Lawson Bryan

Jocelyn and Richard Cunningham

Kris Fuchs

Donald Burch Lillie Burch

Jennifer Daniel and Sara Slaughter

Mary and Robert Burch

Frank Daspit

Cass Family Foundation

Kelly and George Davis

Susan and AJ Cass

Sharon Jacobs and Leonard Davis

Castaways Foundation

Dianne Chambless and Alan Goldstein

Boston Foundation

Ernst and Young Foundation

Bradley Crown

Wendy and Howard Berk

Hilary and Peter Blum

The Community Foundation of South Alabama

Friezo 2010 Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Alicia Castilla and Mark Zelek

Sherry and James Bicak

Ellen and Alan Levin Family Foundation

Pauline and John Crowley

Joseph Bavaria

Rose and George Bernstein

Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines

Jonathan Ching* Dolly Chisholm Anne Christian

Kelly Gay Beth and David Gemunder Georges Lurcy Charitable and Educational Trust Sheila and Gregory Giangrande

Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc.

The Malcolm Gibbs Foundation

Deloitte Foundation

Burdine and Lester Giese

Robert and Michelle Diener Foundation

Jill and Avie Glazer

Michelle and Robert Diener

Melissa and Mark Christian

Mary Helen and William Dillard

Coastal Law Firm APLC

Joann and David Ditta

Marilyn and Jay Cohen

Caryl and William Donnellan

Erin Collier

Aliza Edwards

Pamela and Jeffrey Godsick Alexandra and Leigh Goehring Barbara and Alan Gold Jill and Michael Goldberg Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund


and it gratifies me to support the university and sit on the Dean’s Council. From the lifelong friends and cherished relationships to my love of New Orleans, my time at Tulane has helped me grow and shaped who I am today. And my love for the school continues to grow as my daughter, Tess, enters in August in the Class of 2021. I could not be more proud and excited. — NANCY REBOLD (NC ’88), WHO WITH HER HUSBAND MATTHEW REBOLD SUPPORTS MANY TULANE INITIATIVES INCLUDING THE NEWCOMB-TULANE COLLEGE DEAN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND



Goldman, Sachs and Company

Byron Kantrow and Matthew Slosar

Danielle and Gus Gonzales

Cynthia and Joseph Kaplan

Amanda Gordon and Ben Kornblet

Jennifer Kaplan-Knepper

Peggy and Raymond Gordon Stacey and James Graves Kathryn and Albert Greenberg Alyssa and Clifford Greenberg Patricia and Kevin Grogan Elizabeth and Phillip Gross Elisabeth Cohen and Robert Grossman Davina and Russell Grossman Lee Guice Gus Gonzales Attorney at Law Alisa and Jonathan Halle Julie and Richard Harrah

Janice and Peter Katz Kathleen and Scott Katzmann Tracy and Gerald Keefe Irene Kelly Melissa Kempner Jacqueline and Michael Kempner Sonia Kenwood Rachel and John Kilpatrick Roberta and Robert Kitchenoff Barbara and Stuart Klabin Andrew Klein Elizabeth Boddiford and David Klein Benjamin Kleinman-Green

Ainsley and Brendan Hayes

Elise Dadourian-Kline and Steven Kline

Leslie and Danny Hazel

Lucy Klingenstein

Nicholas Herbst

Jini Koh

Sharmelle and David Highbloom

Julie and Colman Kraff

Michael Hogg

We support the Tulane Remote Internship Program (T.R.I.P.) because it offers undergraduates a unique opportunity to further their career prospects by using a forward-thinking tech-driven strategy that connects students on campus to employers across the country. T.R.I.P. IS A


T.R.I.P. interns, and they are great!


Carol and Steven Kushnick Mari Lanin

Donna and Howard Margolis

The NOLA Foundation

Kate and Joseph Lavelle

Thomas Marshella

Alicia and Stephen Nussdorf

Law Offices of Lawrence Andelsman P.C.

Elizabeth and David Martin

Celene and Marc Oken

Lisa Leach and Jeff Doidge

Valerie and Michael McKeever

Jeanne Olivier and Robert Dineen

Katherine Hummel

Ann Tenenbaum and Thomas Lee

Cynthia and Richard McKinney

The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation

Brett Hyman

Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc.

Claire and Wayne McVadon

Amy and Anthony Pasquariello

Hyslop Shannon Foundation

Ellen and Alan Levin

Cari and Jeffrey Miller

Emanuel Pearlman

Camellia and Steven Jacobs

Liman Video Rental Co., Inc.

Andrea and Steven Moffitt

Leigh and Brian Pence

Marvin Jacobs

Judy and Michael Liman

Hussain Moosajee

Leslie and Jeremy Perelman

Jewish Communal Fund

Janet and Larry Lipov

Morgan Stanley

Ashley and Sidney Perkins

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Stacey and Keith Locker Samantha Locker

Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust Inc.

Clara Perry and Michael Schwartz

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Mary and Robert Lupo

James Morton

Gina and James MacLaren

Marion and David Mussafer

Cynthia Smith and Gregory Petrick

Jodi Block and Barry Malkin

Ali Nabavi

Phillip and Elizabeth Gross Family Foundation

Manaaki Foundation

National Philanthropic Trust

Miriam and Michael Pinnolis

Maxine and Calvin Mar

Lori Nawn

Lucy and Richard Platek

Samantha Tenicki and Nathan Hole Robert Hornung Lynda Horowitz Carmen Hudson

Alison and Stuart Johnston Lisa and Ken Josefsberg Joseph and Sheila Thal Foundation T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017



Sharon and Richard Snowden

Make a gift to Newcomb-Tulane College at

Orin Snyder

Brigitt Rok and Alan Potamkin The Prior Family Trust Nancy and Gary Prior

Allison and David Sachs Wanda and James Satrom Dawn and Wayne Saunders Debbie and Howard Schiller

Robert & Karen Sobel Charitable Foundation

Heidi Wagman and Peter Bensinger Mary Kay and Wesley Walk Walker Family Foundation

Karen and Rob Sobel

Debra and Ian Walker

Jean Soltesz

Virginia and Robert Walther

Robert Sprain

Alan Weakland and Donna Weakland

Rebecca and Andrew Stein

Sarah Webb

Sally and Terry Schnuck

SUEZ Energy Resources NA, Inc.

Schwab Charitable Fund

Nancy and Stephen Sundheim

Nancy and Matthew Rebold

Lili and Joseph Schwartz

Danielle and Kevin Sweeney

Margaret and Julian Reynolds

Mauri Schwartz

Nisa and Jeffrey Tannenbaum

Lara and John Rich

Sandra and Alan Schwartz

Lou Ann and Sean Terry

Andi and Christopher Richardson

Elaine and William Schwartz

Lori and Richard Thal

Seattle Foundation

The Howard and Debbie Schiller Foundation

Kate and Gregory Williamson

LaVerne Thomas

John Witmeyer*

Audrey and Henry Threefoot

Karen and Charles Wolter

Diana and Mark Tipton

Women In Film

Elisabeth and Gareth Turner

Kate and Brian Worrell

Jeffrey Turner

Jason Young and Dimitri Papanagnou

Susan and David Raab Vicki Rabin and Andrew Bursten

RJKB Family Charitable Foundation Inc. RN Investments LLC Kathryn and John Roberts Shelley and Jeffrey Roberts Dennis Rocheleau Dana and Gregory Rogers Marie and John Ross

Lori and Scott Seigal Cynthia and Bruce Sewell Helene and Ronnie Sheena Hope and Jeffrey Sheffield Lindsey and David Sheinbein Arthur Shulman Wendy and Lawrence Sibley

Robin and Jack Ross

Amy and Jeffrey Silverman

Ann and John Rossi

Jennifer Simmons and Michael Dunn

Christine and Donald Rothman Natalie and Matthew Rowe David Rubin Antal Runneboom

UBS, AG United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit

Kathy Weil Robert Weissman Lauri and Paul Weitz Brenda and Andrew Werth Elyse and Marc Weshler Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Maria and Andrew Wisdom

Nell Young and Robert Young YourCause LLC

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

E. Richard Yulman

Susan Sims

Cheryl Verlander and Charles Bracht

Yasmin Alexander and John Zotos

Caren and William Skutch

Sheryl and Jeffrey Wachtel


Robin and Stuart Simon

Elisa and Paul Rusonis

Bruce Smith and Gordon Davies

Sachs Family Foundation

Christine and Charles Smith

Zissu Family Foundation

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please contact Lisa Chmiola at 504-314-2719 or with corrections or questions.

B U I L D I N G F U T U R E S Continued from Page 14

(G *95), an Emmy Award-winning producer and writer, and David Moore (B ’87 and Tulane parent), Chief Financial Officer of MidCap Financial. Meanwhile, Tulane Takeover: New York presented its second annual event over fall break, and the popular program expanded to Los Angeles in spring 2017. These events, open to all Newcomb-Tulane College students, are structured to connect students to alumni, parents, and opportunities in these cities during school breaks. Kantrow works with 18

Leonard Williams, director of the A. B. Freeman School of Business Career Center, to organize the events. Williams notes that the cooperation of Tulane’s career centers on events like these shows that “high tides raise all ships.” Newcomb-Tulane College career programming empowers undergraduates across disciplines to tap into the powerful Tulane network. For more information on Career Wave programming, visit or contact Byron Kantrow at N E WCO M B -T U L A N E CO L L EG E

TH E M AKING OF M USSAFE R Construction on the highly-anticipated Mussafer Hall is well underway on the uptown campus, with completion scheduled for summer 2018. Mussafer will bring Newcomb-Tulane College’s advising, career, and success services together under one roof for the first time. R E N D E R I N G S CO U R T E S Y O F S T U D I O W TA

T H E CO L L EG I A N 2017 1 9

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID New Orleans, LA Permit No. 665 ROBERT C. CUDD HALL TUL ANE UNIVERSIT Y 6 8 2 3 S T. C H A R L E S AV E N U E N E W O R L E A N S , L A 70118

INNOVATIVE PAVEMENT detail Makenzie Kozojet 2013, acrylic and transfers on wood 32” x 48”

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