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Street Law Giving More Time & More Opportunities

In January, the Street Law Committee moved its lesson time at KIPP High School from 8-9a to 11:45a-1:05p opening up more time with the class and twice as many students. The time also falls right before the lunch hour, allowing students to linger after lessons to wrap up group activities from the lessons just presented, ask followup questions, and engage in oneon-one mentoring with attorneys and law students. In February, the committee welcomed its newest volunteer attorney, Eric Strocen. Eric is an associate attorney with Wirth Law in Muscogee and serves as the President of the Northeastern Black Lawyers Association.


The lessons presented this winter included financial and banking basics, negotiating a lease, and moving into a rental property. Heading into Spring, our law student volunteers Cheyenne Barnard, Colten Kidd, and Victoria Goves will lead a lesson on interviewing for a job. All of these lessons include information on laws surrounding the topic. The students are actively engaged in robust conversations and then take part in an activity that will put the skills they’ve just learned to use.

The Committee would love to extend a very special thank you to McAfee & Taft for agreeing to sponsor a table for the Street Law students, who are also members of the KIPP debate team, to attend the Law Day luncheon. We are currently looking for sponsors to help cover costs for the law student volunteers to attend as well as the Tulsa County Mock Trial team winner (its always a tight race between Jenks and Owasso!) Please contact Tami Williams at 918-5845243 if you can assist.

We are looking for volunteers & sponsors for the 2023-24 school year. Contact Tami Williams for information.

Historical April

Birthday Trivia

Thomas Jefferson

April 13, 1743

Leonardo Da Vinci

April 15, 1452

Charlie Chaplin

April 16, 1889

Queen Elizabeth II

April 21, 1926

Al Pacino

April 25, 1940

William Shakespeare

April 26, 1564

Ulysses S. Grant

April 27, 1822

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