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2023 Law Day Committee Report
Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility and Collaboration
Law Day Committee Members:
Emma Arnett; Rodney Buck; Mary Bundren; Judge Daman Cantrell; Judge (Ret.) Martha Rupp Carter, Co-Chair; Mary Clement, Co-Chair; Dan Crawford; Heather Heck; Kara Pratt; Lizzie Riter; David Tracy; Tana Van Cleave; Tami Williams.
Art and Writing Contest
Entries from Tulsa County students, elementary through high school, were received and judged. Awardwinners and their parents were hosted at a reception held at the Tulsa County Bar Center on May 11, 2023.
Lynn Miller Law Day Book Club
Three attorneys and a judge led discussions of their selected books monthly from January to April of 2023. The Book Club is making plans for on-going book club discussions throughout the year.
Law Day Lunch
Law Day speaker Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr., Cherokee Nation, addressed 225 attorneys and guests on April 28, 2023. Art entries of award-winning students were on display at the event.
First Responder Will Program
Thirty-eight First Responders were provided legal services including wills, power of attorney documents by fourteen volunteer attorneys.
On May 1, 2023, 612 calls received from individuals located throughout Oklahoma from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. were addressed by 52 volunteer attorneys serving two-hour shifts. The number of calls increased 84% from 2022.
Street Law Program
In collaboration with the Street Law Committee, Gold E. Locks and the Three Bears mock trial was conducted on May 5, 2023, before Judge Ann Keele and volunteer jurors. Participating students attend KIPP high school and are in the speech and debate class of Savanna Shelby. Lawyers who coached the KIPP students are Pierre Robertson, Kara Vincent, Eric Strocen, and law student Anna Wolfe.
Law Day Committee
(Back Row): Heather Heck, Mary Bundren, Dan Crawford, Tana Van Cleave, Rodney Buck, Tami Williams
Front Row: Committee Chairs Mary Bundren and (ret.) Judge Martha Rupp Carter. Missing: David Tracy, Lizzie Riter, and Judge Cantrell.
Senior Attorneys
Left to Right:
Paul McTighe
Michael Beard
Greg Meier
Judge (Ret.) David Peterson
Craig W. Hoster
Steven A. Stecher
William R. Grimm
James C.T. Hardwick
The next Law Day Committee Meeting will be held virtually July 22nd at noon. You should join us! Contact tamiw@tulsabar.com.