August 2020 Tulsa Lawyer Magazine

Page 24

Key Advantages of Virtual Focus Groups By April J. Ferguson, M.S. & Skylar Zak | OPVEON Litigation Services, LLC

As with most other sectors in our business com- • Significant Cost Savings. We consider the submunity, the legal industry has not been immune to the stantial cost savings to be one of the greatest adeffects of COVID-19. Considering social distancing revantages of hosting focus groups online. While a traditional one-day focus group may range from quirements and concerns over continued spread of the $25,000.00 - $75,000.00 depending on the type of disease, we have been forced to be innovative and creative in our approach to litigation and the trial preparaproject, a virtual focus group can be held for a fraction process. tion of that cost. There are no travel expenses, no conference room fees, and no meal catering costs. With respect to jury research methods, many Online-research also tends to run more efficiently trial consultants have moved their practice from the traand often do not last as long as in-person research ditional in-person focus groups to a virtual environment projects. As a result, online participants can be paid and have experienced significant success in this regard. less, which has the effect of decreasing the cost of juror incentive payments. While it is understandable for attorneys and their clients to have concerns about this new process, the benefits • Convenience. Want your insurance client to attend fully outweigh the challenges. the focus group but they are under a company-wide The following is a list of the KEY ADVANTAGtravel ban? No problem. Both attorneys and clients ES associated with a Virtual Focus Group: can attend the focus group remotely. Because all presentations are pre-recorded, there is no need for

22 Tulsa Lawyer

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