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Gingerbread House Event - Dec. 3rd

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Holiday Challenge

Holiday Challenge

Need an excuse for cookies? The TCBAis hosting another cookie event with OKCOOKIEMOMSTER. Make it a date or a family event...you will love it! Join us to make Gingerbread Houses!

Thursday - December 3rd 6:30pm - Virtually Cookie Kits - $10 Members Register at www.tulsabar.com


* Limited to 40 participants so sign up now!

(Kits include everything you need, including 3 bags of frosting in the colors of your choice)


My name is James Asbill, and it is my great privilege to have the opportunity to serve as this year’s CLE Committee Chair. I know that the past year has been full of changes and challenges to the legal profession without any comparison in recent memory. The way we do business has been fundamentally changed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is likely that we will never return fully to the way things were done before. With that in mind, it is my goal to make sure that our CLE programming adapts as well, and that we are bringing this community content that is informative, instructive, and relevant. We have an exciting slate of topics scheduled for this fall, and I am grateful to each and every individual who has volunteered their time and expertise for these presentations. If there is a topic you are interested in having a presentation on, or would be interested in presenting, please make it known to us! I want to ensure that we are providing content that is both informative and useful to our members. jasbill@tulsalawyer.com


For membership year 2019-2020, the Litigation Section Chairs Robert Mitchener, III and Robert J. Winter, both of Pray Walker, P.C., held monthly meetings providing free CLE focusing on litigation practice skills. The section received presentations from Shane Henry on Trial Techniques, Reggie Whitten on “‘Brandon’s Story & Lawyers Fighting on the Frontlines ofAddiction”, and Charlie Black with ProLegal Tech on using demonstrative aids in trial and video depositions attorneys. For the upcoming membership year, Mr. Mitchener and Mr. Winter are working to schedule virtual presentations on litigation practice skills, the anatomy of a $500 million dollar lawsuit, getting your arbitrationmojoback,andconductingvirtualdepositions, mediation, and hearings during COVID-19. This year’s Litigation Section meetings will be held virtually on the third Thursday of every month during the noon lunch hour. Please join us!


rmitchener@praywalker.com rwalker@praywalker.com

The TCBA Bankruptcy Section gathers bimonthly to hear poetry, enjoy a lunch meal (when Covid-19 restrictions allow), and discuss substantive bankruptcy issues and cases (in that order). Members are encouraged to engage both sides of their brains as we explore words and ideas that enrich our lives and practices. Our meeting schedule for the rest of the fiscal year is: 11/19, 1/21, 3/18, 5/20, and 7/15 – from noon until 1:00 p.m. on the TCBA’s virtual meeting platform. Please join us, suggest to topic for discussion, and/or be a presenter yourself. We are better if you are involved. Also, please look for (and read) the Bankruptcy Section’s Poem of the Week – included in TCBA’s weekly e-mail blast. Thank you.

Bankruptcy Section Chair Paul Thomas

(918) 581-6687 Paul.thomas2@usdoj.gov

Committee & Section News


My name is Danny Levy and I am a prosecutor with the Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office. I am excited to chair this year’s CriminalLawSection.2020hasbroughtsweepingchangestothepractice of criminal law in Tulsa County. The McGirt decision fundamentally altered the foundation of criminal law practice. COVID-19, and its associated consequences continue to present practitioners with an ever changing (and sometimes virtual) courthouse experience. My goal is to use the Criminal Law Section to tackle these challenges as we adapt to our ever changing new normal. I look forward to seeing you soon— hopefully in person! Please feel free to email me at dlevy@tulsacounty. org with any questions or suggestions.

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