3 minute read
Are you using your Tulsa HBA Membership discounts and opportunities to make the most of your membership?
The Tulsa HBA offers dozens of discounts and advantages that can return your membership dues investment before you ever step foot in our building. Here is just a sampling of the benefits we offer.
As a member of the Tulsa HBA, you are automatically a member of the National Association of Home Builders and have access to their Affinity Program discounts. With the negotiating power of more than 100,000 members, these discounts can help your business and personal life. The most common discount that is used is the Lowes Pro discount.

If you sign up for the Lowes Pro line of credit, you will not only save the standard 5% off your purchase, but you can reduce your overall monthly purchases by 2% on the billing cycle. All members are eligible for this savings program, so don’t shy away if you are not a builder or remodeler. There are multiple discounts available for your business operations that include UPS, Heartland Payment Systems, and T Mobile. There are also several discounts to take advantage of on your next business or personal travel. These include Hotelplanner.com, Budget, and Avis. For more information on the savings available through the NAHB Affinity Program, please visit nahb.org/nahb-community/ member-benefits/savings.
More discounts are available to you with your membership in the Oklahoma Home Builders Association. Our builders, remodelers, and subcontractors have access to an insurance program that provides a solid liability policy at reduced
OKHBA also has a rebate program for our contractors that does not require you to purchase items from a specific location but instead by product. The reporting is done quarterly through the HBA Rebate Program and several of our members are saving more than $500 per quarter. These rebates can be on top of whatever program you are already participating in. Finally, a health insurance plan is available for all our members. To qualify, you must be an HBA Member and have at least one eligible employee that is not your spouse. The Tulsa HBA staff joined this plan last March and saved more than $9,000 with slightly improved benefits for our employees. This plan is managed through Hub International as well for more information.
The final layer of discounts and advantages comes from the Tulsa HBA. You will receive an approximate 20% discount on a Home and Garden Show booth with your membership. This is a great way to showcase your business and the products it delivers at a reduced rate. We also offer a health and wellness plan through CareATC. This plan is available to any employee of a member company for only $85 per month and covers not only the employee, but each of their dependents. If you are looking for a great benefit to your employees, this program will increase your employee productivity and retention.
There are many more discounts that we offer, so I highly encourage you to schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with Blake Howard, the Director of Member Engagement, to find out how to access each of the discounts for the largest return on your membership dues investment.
That’s the Scoop for Now, Jeffrey Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Juile Rivers JRivers@TulsaHBA.com
Stacey Bayles SBayles@TulsaHBA.com
Blake Howard BHoward@TulsaHBA.com
Sarah Gentry SGentry@TulsaHBA.com
Katrina Marie Meacham KMeacham@TulsaHBA.com
Caleb Rice Caleb@TulsaHBA.com
OFFICE MANAGER Amaris Burris Aburris@TulsaHBA.com