Turn your students into first .me authors!
You want your students to take risks, increase their fluency, perfect their wri6en skills and s8ll remain confident? This session will show you how to help your students write a book or ebook, using random pictures. Your students will love the freedom to incorporate their crea8vity with their language skills. Par8cipants will be given lesson plans and will be able to adapt this lesson to their students’ level. Great promo8onal tool for your program! Presenter: Karine Boulle School: St. Anne’s-‐Belfield
French in my school 2010-‐2013 Students/ grade
0 2002
Why spend the .me on projects? They take a long 8me and don’t seem as efficient as a regular class!
No need to take class 8me! Build long las8ng memory! Flexible! Adaptable! Great promo8onal tools!
PICTURE BOOK Class 8me used: 2 (50 minute classes) 1 class to present the project (teacher) 1 class to PRESENT the project (student)
Everybody has access to paper and pen
Uses 21st century skills
Leaves room for more elaborate design
Simple to use
Reliable storage
Everybody’s work “looks” the same
Will s8ll be there in 10 years
Can add audio
Easily goes home
Easy to share with others
Can be seen as old fashioned!
Doesn’t always make it home!
Your choice or make it their choice!
Basic Does the job Simple therefore fast to use
Easy to use Good selec.on of op.ons (color/format) Professional look Fun for kids
Basic Does the job Simple therefore fast to use CANNOT SAVE PAGES!
Easy to use Good selec.on of op.ons (color/format) Professional look Fun for kids You can save pages and edit later
Choosing the kind of book you want is fun! Choosing your pictures well is important!
TRICK: Choose pictures from the same book/series
Include elements in a real book: This is the fun part! Book cover Copy rights Dedica8on About the author paragraph Summary of the story on the back Promo8onal comments
Students who struggle feel comfortable with this part, yet they are challenged by the paragraphs.
Include requirements regarding grammar: Make it fit your level! Preposi8ons? Par88ve? Verbs? Past tense? Future? Condi8onal?
Differen8ate! Your strong students will love the freedom they have!
S E L RU problems
1 MONTH Take stress out
PARENTS Weekend planning
S E DAT ity n u t r Oppo rove p to im
Now they are ready to hear you!
Anybody can do this! (20 points)
CORRECTIONS! (25 points)
1. Use an ar8cle 2. Genre (masculin ou féminin) 3. Singulier/Pluriel 4. Orthographe (spelling) 5. Wrong word (check the defini8on in the dic8onary) 6. Infini8f 7. Conjugaison (wrong way of conjuga8ng the verb) 8. Présent 9. Imparfait 10. Passé-‐composé 11. Dr. Mrs. Vanddertrampp 12. Verbe réfléchi (reflexive) 13. Grammaire (check your grammar rules) * à + le = au, à + la = à la, à + l’ = à l’, à + les = aux * de + le = du, de + la = de la, de + l’ = de l’, de + les = des * à + city (ex: À Paris...) * en + date (ex: En 1990...) * le + day of the week (ex: Le lundi...) * agreement of adjec8ve (ex: elle est grande) * 2 vowels in a row (je ai = j’ai) * Age: #ans (ex: j’ai 11 ans) 14. de/d’ 15. à 16. dans 17. qui/que/qu’ 18. Order of words (ex: my dad’s sister -‐-‐-‐ the sister of my dad -‐-‐-‐ la soeur de mon père)
Easy for you! Makes them think! Learning moment NO CLASS TIME!
Share the books in class:
* in partners * in front of the class * over Skype with another class/school
Give a copy to your boss!
Choose a few books to turn into movies: * Use imovies or movie maker * Make skits
Read to others:
* Younger classes to promote your program * Re8rement homes or hospital for community service
SHOW THE REAL STORY! “My Father’s Glory”
Conference slides available at: