This exhibition has been planned for a long time. Exhibition about life and energy of nature. Exhibition about the beauty we rarely see trapped in our city life. For many years I travel the most secluded spots of the planet to feel and visualize the perfect harmony I can’t stop admiring divine love that makes the world so amazing. But now…
There is a war in my country Irrational war that blasts the reality It takes you as a hostage. Everything you think and do is about the war Nowadays Ukraine defends European and human values, protects the world from chaos and destruction. Right now, Ukrainians stand at the point of bifurcation giving our lives for the beauty and life on the planet. Today I photograph the war Bombed and burned houses, suffering and pain. I am not going to exhibit those photos. You've seen enough of them recently. I will show you the beauty of the world that is worth to be protected. The world that my Ukraine fights for at this very moment.
Terra. Bifurcation exhibition is about the world we have to save. For us and future generations.
вже давно. Виставк а про красу, про життя, про енергію природи. Виставк а про прекрасне, що оточує нас. Про те, що ми рідко бачимо, затиснуті у бетонних хащах своїх міст. Багато років я досягав найвіддаленіших місць планети, щоб наповнитись досконалою гармонією, дарованою нам Творцем, вловити частинку енергії всесвіту та передати її у своїх роботах. Передати частинку божественної любові, щоб цей світ став кращим та досконалішим. Але… Зараз у мене в країні війна. Що може бути більш ірраціональним ніж війна? Війна руйнує гармонію. Війна знищує красу. Війна спотворює сприйняття. Війна змінює реальність. Війна заповнює все твоє єство, ти стаєш заручником війни. Все про що ти думаєш, все що ти робиш пов’язане з війною. Війна руйнує все живе. У цей час Україна захищає європейські цінності, цінності всього людства, рятує світ від хаосу руйнації. Саме тут
Photographer with over 40 years of experience, extreme traveler
On his own he crossed the Atacama in Western Australia. He reached several picks over 6,000 meters in the Himalayas, the Andes and Karakorum. Every expedition results in unique photographs of nature. Serhiy's works can be seen in private and corporate collections in Europe, Australia and the United States.
He is a professional manager currently working on his PhD in social systems development. He was born and lives in Kyiv.
Фотограф с 40-річним досвідом, мандрівник-екстремал. Наодинці перетнув пустелю Атак ама, Західну Австралію. Зійшов на декільк а вершин вище 6000 метрів в Гімалаях, Андах та Каракорумі. Надбанням кожної експедиції стають фотографії-свідоцва про неповторні стани природи. Роботи Сергія прикрашають приватні та корпоративні колекції у Європі, Австралії, Сполучених Штатах Америки. За фахом професійний менеджер, має п’ять вищих освіт. Працює над доктор ською дисертацією у галузі розвитку суспільних систем. Народився у Києві.
Lower Antelope canyon, Utah, USA
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Manyava Waterfall, Ukraine
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Lower Antelope canyon, Utah, USA
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Lower Antelope canyon, Utah, USA
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Scogafoss, Iceland
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Playa de Mexota, Spain
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Tres Marias, Atacama, Chile
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Playa de Gueirua, Spain
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 75x54 cm
Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Summit Ama Dablam, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Kongde Ri, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Phari Lapcha, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Ama Dablam, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Kantega, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit South Annapurna, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit K2, Karakoram, Pakistan
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Machapuchre, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Dhaulagiri, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival Paper, 29x28 cm Frame, passe-partout, glass-cover Open edition
Summit Kongde Ri, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit Ama Dablam, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit Phari Lapcha, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit Kantega, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit South Annapurna, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit Ama Dablam, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit Dhaulagiri, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit K2, Karakoram, Pakistan
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Summit Machapuchre, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 40x40 cm Framed Open edition
Snafellsjokull glacier, Iceland
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Faroe Island, Denmark
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Summit Ama Dablam, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
White box. Eternal
Dead Vlei, Namibia
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout Open edition
Summit Huandoi, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Playa de Gueirua, Spain
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 45x45 cm Frame
Open edition
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 45x45 cm Frame
Open edition
Barrica Beach, Spain
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 45x45 cm Frame Open edition
Costa Quebrada, Spain
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 45x45 cm Frame
Open edition
Summit Huan Doi, Peru
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 45x45 cm Frame
Open edition
Geituskorardrangur, Faroe
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Tres Marias, Atacama, Chile
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Hvitserkur Arch, Iceland
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Summit Huandoi, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Lagoon Jokulsarlon, Iceland
Print on Epson Enhanced Paper, 59x58 cm Frame, passe-partout
Open edition
Print size 30x10 cm
Easel stand, certificate of authenticity, craft box
Author's signature
Open edition
Print on Epson Archival or Enchanced Paper, size from 120x50 to 300x120 cm
Frame and mount upon request
Limited edition
Moravia, Czech republic
Print on Epson Archival or Enchanced Paper, size from 120x50 to 300x120 cm
Frame and mount upon request
Limited edition
Summit Gashebrum IV, Karakoram, PakistanSummit Gashebrum II, Karakoram, Pakistan
Print on Epson Archival or Enchanced Paper, size from 120x50 to 300x120 cm
Frame and mount upon request
Limited edition
Summit Chogori (K2), Karakoram, Pakistan
Print on Epson Archival or Enchanced Paper, size from 120x50 to 300x120 cm
Frame and mount upon request
Limited edition
Summit Huan Doi, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Print on Epson Archival or Enchanced Paper, size from 120x50 to 300x120 cm
Frame and mount upon request
Limited edition
Summit Kunchenjanga, Himalaya, Nepal
Print on Epson Archival or Enchanced Paper, size from 120x50 to 300x120 cm
Frame and mount upon request
Limited edition