A Place to Live, Work, and Play
Stay connected with Tumwater Parks & Recreation! Contact us at tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us to be added to our email list and follow the City of Tumwater on Facebook.
Check out some of the fun we had this summer! Whether or not you participate in one of our programs this season, we hope you will get out and RECREATE!
– Tumwater Parks & Recreation Staff

Michael Althauser
Joan Cathey

Elected Officials
Debbie Sullivan
City Council
Eileen Swarthout
Kelly Von Holtz
Angela Jefferson
Peter Agabi
Tumwater Parks and Recreation Commission

Leatta Dahlhoff
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets at City Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p m. Commissioners would like to hear any suggestions that you may have. To keep in touch with current topics being considered by the Parks and Recreation Commission, contact us to be added to the list to receive monthly meeting agendas
Erin Carrier, Chair Amy Hargrove
Joel Hecker
Joe Munro
Bill Kallappa II
Mike Culley
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Shane Harrington
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Tumwater Parks & Recreation programs, please contact staff. We appreciate your input.
Tumwater City Hall
555 Israel Road SW
Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 754-4160
Administration Director – Chuck Denney cdenney@ci.tumwater.wa.us
Administrative Assistant – Stephanie Klein
Recreation Marketing Specialist – Marisa Worden
Department Assistant II – Amanda McMenamy
Golf Course
Golf Operations Manager – Tyler Trimble
Golf Superintendent – Eric Thompson
Tumwater Timberland Library
Old Town Center 215 N 2nd Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 754-4160
Tumwater Valley Golf Course 4611 Tumwater Valley Drive Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 943-9500
Recreation Manager – Todd Anderson
Recreation Supervisor – Charlie Groth
Recreation Coordinator – Josh Irwin
Recreation Coordinator – Chad Harvell
Recreation Coordinator – Ashley Degner
Volunteer Coordinator – Brianna Feller
Arts Specialist – Britt Bowman
Parks & Facilities
Parks Manager – Matt Patton
Facilities Manager – Vacant
7023 New Market Street, (360) 943-7790
The Tumwater Timberland Library is located next to City Hall and offers free story times, events, computers, meeting room and study space.
Tumwater School District
621 Linwood Avenue SW, (360) 709-7000
The City of Tumwater and the Tumwater School District share a successful working relationship and community spirit. This effort is reflected in the joint use of facilities, which sets forth the shared goals of maximizing taxpayers’ resources by jointly developing and utilizing facilities for maximum community benefit.
To provide Parks and Recreation services that are creative, beneficial, and responsive to the needs of the community thereby improving and enhancing the overall quality of life in Tumwater.
Community Involvement
Share your talents! We are always looking for new instructors with innovative program ideas. If you have a talent, specialty, or area of expertise, we invite you to teach for us. Call today to discuss how we can help you share your ta lents.
Share your ideas! Maybe you don’t have a talent you want to share with us, but perhaps you have a great idea of what you would like to see us offer. Let us know!
Helping Hands! We are always looking for volunteers who would like to improve the quality of life in our community. Anyone who likes landscaping, weeding, or planting flowers and would like to volunteer their time should contact us. Gardening not your thing? What about painting or minor construction? If you, a group you belong to, or perhaps a neighborhood group have an interest in helping us out, give us a call.
Gender Equity Policy: The City of Tumwater complies with the State of Washington’s “Fair Play in Community Sports Act” (codified as RCW 49.60.500, 505 and 35.21.910) that prohibits discrimination against any person in a community athletic program on the basis of sex. Any questions or comments should be directed to Chuck Denney, Parks and Recreation Director.

(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Tumwater Youth Program (TYP) offers evening activities for teens and pre-teens in the Tumwater community. Grade school activities are open to youth grades 2-5 and middle school activities are open to youth grades 6-8. TYP events are a place to have fun, socialize with friends, interact positively with adults, and so much more.
Fall Calendar
Grade School – Grades 2-5
Activity Nights

TYP Activity Nights include: karaoke, arts & crafts, inflatable interactive games, food, open gym & more! Open to all Thurston County youth in grades 2 - 5. Pre-registration is available but not required. Register online via www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
Time: 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Fee: $10
Activity Nights are held from 7 - 9:30 p.m.
Date: Friday, September 27
Theme: Super Hero Night
Location: Tumwater Middle School
Date: Friday, October 25
Theme: Halloween Night
Location: Tumwater Middle School
Date: Friday, November 22
Theme: Free T-Shirt Night
Sponsored by O BEE Credit Union
Location: Tumwater Middle School

Late Nights
Middle School Late Nights include: DJ, karaoke, food, open gym, inflatable activity, games, and much more! Open to Tumwater School District youth only. Tumwater youth may bring up to two guests and the guests must be pre-registered. Pre-registration forms are available at Tumwater School offices and in the Tumwater Parks and Recreation Office. Pre-registration is available but not required. Register online via www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
Time: 7 - 10 p.m.
Fee: $10 (be prepared to show I.D.)
Late Nights are held from 7 - 10 p.m.
Date: Friday, October 18
Theme: Halloween Night
Location: Tumwater Middle School
Date: Friday, November 15
Theme: Free T-Shirt Night
Sponsored by OBEE Credit Union
Location: Tumwater Middle School
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Middle School – Grades 6-8
Middle School Game Night
Come on out and join your friends for a night of fun and games! We will have video games, arts and crafts, laser tag, board games, and much more! Space is limited and Pre-registration is required. Call (360) 754-4160 for more information.
Register online via www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.

Date: Friday, November 1
Time: 7 - 10 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center, 215 N 2nd Ave SW
Min/Max: 15/30
Fee: $8

Tumwater Youth Program would not be possible without the generous support of our volunteers. We are continually seeking individuals who wantto positively impact the lives of youth in our community and welcome anyone to share their time and talent. Join us in providing this unique program!
You must successfully pass a National Background Check and attend an orientation before you can volunteer. Scan the QR code below to get the volunteer process started today! More questions?
Email Josh Irwin: jirwin@ci.tumwater.wa.us or call (360) 754-4160.

Preschool Music
Does your child like to move, sing, and dance? In this parent/child program, come and learn about music, how it nurtures creativity, improves listening, verbal skills. See what the fun is all about. Dance to music with colorful scarves and play simple instruments. There is no better time for songs, rhythm, dancing, games, and more!
My Active Alphabet
Young children learn best through play and are not always ready to “sit and do worksheets” learning. One way to make learning pre-reading skills fun is through movement and acting. In this class, youth will learn how to identify upper- and lower-case letters and the associated phonic sounds of each letter. Parent attendance strongly encouraged.
Storybook STEM
Bring your favorite children’s stories to life with Storybook STEM. (Book 1: Butterflies on the First Day of School, Book 2: King/Queen of Kindergarten) This is an interactive course where you will hear a popular children’s story read aloud. After story time, supplies will be provided to guide children through a STEM project based on the story they just heard. For each session, participants will hear two stories and complete two projects to take home after the event.
Instructor: Storybook STEM Staff
Dates: Thursday, September 12 or October 24
Sept. 12 Books: “Butterflies on the First Day of School” and “King/Queen of Kindergarten” Oct. 24 Books: “How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow” and “Little Blue Truck’s Halloween”
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 5 - 10
Min/Max: 3/8
Fee: $35 per date
Instructor: Natasha Hays
Date: Saturday, Sept. 14 - Oct. 19
Time: 10 - 10:30 a.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Ages: 3 - 5
Min/Max: 5/10
Fee: $50
Instructor: Natasha Hays
Date: Saturday, Sept. 14 - Oct. 19
Time: 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Ages: 4 ½ - 8
Min/Max: 5/10
Fee: $50


Bricks 4 Kidz Junior Robotics Class
Children as young as 6-10 years of age can have fun learning robotics! Using software while working on tablets, kids will be able to program the model builds they craft using Bricks 4 Kidz model plans and LEGO® technology to spin, walk, tumble, play music, and more. Bricks 4 Kidz robotics bridges the physical world, represented by the models and the virtual world of computers and programming software, providing a hands-on learning experience that actively involves young students in their own learning process.
All students take home a custom minifigure (kits are reused not taken home). Note: each session has different robot models and lessons so enroll in either or both!
Information Security Tech Club
In this module, students will define Cyber security, describe warnings to be aware of and practice securing their information. Students will learn how to define what malware is, the types of network attacks to be aware of and how to test a system to determine if it is safe to use or not.
Instructor: iCode School Staff
Date: Fridays, Sept. 6 - Oct. 25
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Ages: 12-18
Min/Max: 1/10
Fee: $200
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: Sept. 18 - Oct. 23 or Nov. 6 - Dec. 11
Time: 6 - 7 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Ages: 6-10
Min/Max: 6/16
Fee: $102

This course is designed to prepare 11-15 year olds for the responsibility of safely caring for infants and children. This dynamic, interactive, activity-based program provides participants with numerous hands-on learning experiences. Includes instruction in CPR, first aid techniques, problem solving methods, and supervision. Don’t forget to wear comfortable clothing!
Instructor: Paula Willadsen
Date: Saturday, October 12
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: Tumwater Fire Department Training Room, 311 Israel Rd SW
Age: 11 - 15
Min/Max: 10/20
Fee: $50
Thurston Community Media
Final Cut Pro X Beginner Video Editing
This workshop teaches Final Cut Pro X, a video editing application for Apple MacIntosh computers used by industry professionals. Students will learn effective editing techniques to create compelling video content, basic transitions, titles, filters to create a compelling short piece, and learn how to export the final project to broadcast industry standards.
Completion of this course certifies students to use TCMedia’s editing suites and laptop editing equipment.
YouTube Channel
You’ve created the next potential viral video sensation. Now what? Learn to distribute content, manage your account, and maximize your internet presence in this single-session workshop.
This workshop takes you step by step from setting up your account to distributing video content on your channel. Master the potential of a digital platform and give yourself the power to elevate your content.
DaVinci Resolve Beginner’s Video Editing
This workshop teaches DaVinci Resolve, a free video editing application used by industry professionals. Students will learn the interface of DaVinci Resolve and how to export to broadcast industry standards, along with basic effective editing techniques to create compelling video content.
Completion of this course certifies students to use TCMedia’s editing suites and laptop editing equipment.
Final Cut Pro X Intermediate Video Editing
This workshop teaches Final Cut Pro X, a video editing application for Apple MacIntosh computers used by industry professionals. Students will learn effective editing techniques to create compelling video content, basic transitions, titles, filters to create a compelling short piece, and learn how to export the final project to broadcast industry standards.
Completion of this course certifies students to use TCMedia’s editing suites and laptop editing equipment.
Location for all TCMedia Classes:
Thurston Community Media, 440 Yauger Way SW, Suite C, Olympia
Date: Thursday, September 12
Time: 6-9 p.m.
Ages: 12 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $60
Date: Saturday, October 5
Time: 12-3 p.m.
Ages: 12 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $60
Date: Thursday, October 17
Time: 6-9 p.m.
Ages: 12 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $60
Date: Thursday, November 14
Time: 6-9 p.m.
Ages: 12 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $60

Registration for Tumwater Recreational Basketball is open Tuesday, September 3 thru Friday, September 27. Boys and girls, grades 2-8, who reside within Tumwater School District boundaries are eligible for play. Practices held weeknights in local gymnasiums starting mid-October. Games scheduled for weekend play, beginning in November. Skill development, teamwork and improving your game is the focus of this league.
Register online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
For in-person registration: City Hall is open to the public Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Late registrations will be processed only if there is space available and assigned to teams/schools needing players. Registration fee includes team T-shirt. Coach’s meeting is Thursday, October 10 at in the Tumwater Middle School Cafeteria at 6 p.m. Volunteer coaches are always needed.
Registration and coach’s packets will be available on the City website and in the Parks & Recreation office in September.
Days: Practices on weeknights, games on Saturdays & some Sundays
Dates: Practices begin mid-October; Games run November thru January
Location: Tumwater School District gymnasiums
Ages: 2rd & 3rd grade (“C” Division) 4th & 5th grade (“B” Division) 6th, 7th & 8th grade ("A" Division)
Fee: $110 per player
Late Fee: $120 per player after September 27
Registrations received after September 27 will be processed only if space is available and assigned to teams/schools needing players.
Winter Youth Youth Competitive Registration opens September 3!
Tumwater Youth Competitive Basketball registration is open Tuesday, September 3 thru Friday, September 27. This league is team registration only; no individual player registrations will be accepted. League offers four divisions* of play for 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys and girls. Teams need to be comprised of players from one high school service area only. Any exceptions must be cleared through the League Coordinator at the time of registration.
Register your team online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks For in-person registration: City Hall is open to the public MondayFriday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Divisions filled on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to teams that participated last year.
Call Tumwater Parks & Recreation to request a team registration packet; available in September.
*Grade levels may need to be combined to form complete divisions if team registrations are low.

Days: Games: Mostly Saturdays with a few Sundays
Dates: November thru January
Location: Tumwater School District gymnasiums
Ages: 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade boys & girls
Fee: $600 per team for 10 -game season (No refunds after September 27).
Late Fee: $650 per team after September 27 if space is available.

(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks

Skyhawks Sports Academy Clinics
Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Designed to give each child a positive introduction into sports while fostering a lifelong love for an active, healthy lifestyle. Register online directly through Skyhawks: www.skyhawks.com.
Skyhawks Soccer Clinics
Your young athlete will gain the technical skills and sport knowledge required for their next step into soccer. Areas of focus are dribbling, passing, shooting and ball control. By the end of the program, your child will have learned new life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship, made new friends and improved their soccer skills.
Tuesdays, Oct. 8 - 29
Times: Age 4 - 7: 4:15 - 5 p.m.
Age 8 - 12: 5:15 - 6 p.m.
Saturdays, Oct. 19 - Nov. 9
Times: Age 4 - 7: 10 - 10:45 a.m. Age 8 - 12: 11 - 11:45 a.m.
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW
Min/Max: 8/24 Fee: $70 per 4-week session*
Skyhawks Flag Football Clinics
Experience the excitement of football with Skyhawks Flag Football. Using a curriculum developed by USA Football, coaches teach skills like passing, receiving, kicking and flag pulling while gaining confidence and learning life lessons in a fun, positive environment.
Skyhawks Basketball Clinics
Your young athlete will gain the technical skills and sport knowledge required for their next step into basketball. Areas of focus are dribbling, passing, shooting and ball control. By the end of the program, your child will have learned new life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship, made new friends and improved their basketball skills.

Dates: Saturdays, Oct. 19 - Nov. 9
Times: Age 4 - 7: 12 - 12:45 p.m.
Age 8 - 12: 1 - 1:45 p.m.
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW
Min/Max: 8/24
Fee: $70*
Dates: Saturday, Nov. 16 - Dec. 14 (No class 11/30)
Times: Ages 4-6: 9 - 9:45 a.m. or 9:45 -10:30 a.m.
Ages 7-9: 10:45 - 11:30 a.m.
Ages 10-12: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Min/Max: 5/8
Fee: $70*
*Please note: Fee increases $10 for registrations made within one week of session start date.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Gymnastics with Ascend
Classes held at Ascend Gymnastics of Olympia, 2643 Mottman Court SW, Olympia
Veterans Day Gymnastics Camp
Join us for a day full of games, gymnastics lessons, free time, crafts, new friends and more! Campers bring their own lunch and water bottle, and we provide snacks. No gymnastics experience required!
Instructor: Ascend Gymnastics of Olympia
Date: Monday, November 11
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Location: Ascend Gymnastics of Olympia 2643 Mottman Court SW
Age: 5-12
Min/Max: 1/4
Fee: $99
Kids Learn to Ride a Bike
In this class youth will learn the basics of balancing, pedaling, and turning a bicycle. Intercity Transit’s Walk N Roll Program will provide helmets, bikes, and welcoming bike mentors. Please wear comfortable clothes and closetoed shoes. Bring water and a snack.
Tumwater Dance Teams!
Dance Team students work on technique and learn routines in three different genres - Jazz, Pom and Hip Hop - and perform at community events and competitions. Uniform fee payable to the instructor on the first day of class. Call Tumwater Parks & Recreation to check for availability.
Midway Dance (Ages 7-10)
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Junior Dance (Ages 10-14)
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Date: Saturday, October 5
Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Historical Park, 802 Deschutes Way SW
Ages: 3 - 12
Min/Max: 1/6
Fee: $5
Instructor: Kim Griffin
Dates: Tuesdays, Ongoing
Location: Bush Middle School
Auxiliary Gym
Max: 24 Midway/28 Junior Fee: $60/month
Omnikin Ball
Are you looking to try a new sport? Look no further, we have the latest and greatest sport covered, Omnikin Ball. This competitive, interactive game is played around the world and is a favorite of both young and old alike. The goal is for your team to not let the ball hit the floor when your team color is called out at the time of service. If your team color is called and your team doesn’t keep the ball from touching the ground, then the other two teams receive a point. There are a variety of other fun games that will be played with our 48-inch Omnikin Ball. Do not forget your water bottle.
Dates: Fridays, Oct. 4 - 25 or Nov. 1 - 22
Time: 6 - 7 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary School Gym
Age: 8 - 14
Min/Max: 12/15
Fee: $60
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Intro to Golf
Are you curious about the game of Golf or returning to the game after an extended break? This 4-week Intro to Golf Series is for you! Utilizing The Golf Loft’s indoor golf simulators, each golfer will be guided by our PGA Coaches in both practice and simulated play situations. Golfers will learn the basics of how to play the game, making tee times, appropriate golf attire, and golf etiquette. Bring your golf clubs if you have them.
Ladies Learning Golf
Hey Ladies! Let’s work on your golf game in a relaxed and encouraging atmosphere! The Golf Loft’s indoor setting and small class size helps reduce the stress that can arise when learning the game and working on your swing. Our PGA Coaches use easy-to-learn methods to help you create and maintain a repeatable golf swing. From the putting green to tee box, our coaches teach you techniques to navigate playing on the course with confidence. All skill levels welcome. Bring your golf clubs if you have them.
Instructor: The Golf Loft
Date: Thursdays, Sept. 26 - Oct. 17 or Oct. 24 - Nov. 21(no class 10/31)
Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Ages: 18 and up
Location: The Golf Loft, 125 Tumwater Blvd SE Suite D121, Tumwater
Min/Max: 2/6
Fee: $225
Instructor: The Golf Loft
Date: Tuesdays, Sept. 24 - Oct. 15 or Oct. 29 - Nov. 19
Time: 4 - 5 p.m.
Ages: 18 and up
Location: The Golf Loft, 125 Tumwater Blvd SE Suite D121, Tumwater
Min/Max: 2/6 per session
Fee: $150 per session
TumWalk is Tumwater’s walking program, started to encourage active and healthy lifestyles. Participation is easy from the convenience of your own neighborhood. Walking is a great way for us all to get outside, exercise, and engage both our minds and bodies.
Register online, then download the Pacer mobile app (www. mypacer.com). You'll receive a link from us to join the TumWalk group. Then, you can take on regular challenges, achieve goals and even win prizes, all while enjoying the beneficial activity of walking! Group members who achieve (25,000 steps) receive an exclusive TumWalk headband to wear proudly. Take your walk to the next level and make your steps count! Join the TumWalk team for free. Register online today.
Dates: Sign-up now, program is ongoing Challenges: Monthly challenges offered in the Pacer app!
Ages: All Ages!
Fee: Free

Archery Tag
Don’t let kiddos have all the fun on Friday nights. Come and experience the latest sport that’s all the rage - Archery Tag, taught by our professional archery staff. Enjoy learning the skill of archery while you battle it out “Old School Warrior Style” with true bows and safe arrows for the world’s first safe archery battle. You will be taught how to shoot at targets and then get you and your friends battling it out behind bunkers with top of the line "official archery tag equipment.” The arrows “have foam tips” and easy to use bows. Don't forget a water bottle to stay hydrated.
Indoor Adult Cornhole Coed Recreation League
Join us for the fan-favorite lawn game turned league. This self-officiated recreational league will consist of 5 weeks of play, 45-minute matches (best out of 3 games). Playoff tournament will be held in week 6. Teams will play two games (up to 6 matches) per night. League champions receive t-shirts. Do you have what it takes to become the Tumwater Cornhole champion?
League meeting: Thursday, February 20 (first night of play), 5:30 - 6 p.m. at Michael T. Simmons Gym.
Wolves: Life in a Sanctuary
Join staff and volunteers for a walk through the sanctuary while having a conversation about the wolves who call Wolf Haven home and their wild and free counter parts across Washington. Fee includes 1-year membership, which includes 1-year subscription to Wolf Haven’s quarterly magazine, 5 guided sanctuary visit passes and a member window cling.
Instructor: Faye Peebles, Education Coordinator, Wolf Haven International
Date: Thursday, October 26
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Wolf Haven, 3111 Offut Lake Rd SE, Tenino
Ages: 13 and up
Min/Max: 4/12
Fee: $30
Date: Fridays, Oct. 4 - 25 or Nov. 1 - 22
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Peter G. Schmidt Elementary Gym
Age: 18 and up
Min/Max: 10/22
Fee: $60
Dates: Thursdays, Feb. 20 - Mar. 27, 2025
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Michael T. Simmons Gym
Min/Max: 6/12 teams
Fee: $80 per team (w/up to 3 players)
Registration Deadlines: February 12

Adult Enrichment classes are for ages 18 and up unless otherwise noted.
Beginning Guitar
An entry level course to introduce playing guitar. If you have never played guitar, or can play a little, come and join the fun! We explore proven techniques that will allow you to keep playing long after the class is completed: exercises, tablature, some chords and even sight reading! KZOK award winning instructor Bill Sweeney has taught guitar for all local Parks and Rec departments, SPSCC, TESC, and Pierce College.
Bring an acoustic guitar, or an electric guitar with a small practice amp. A $25.00 Diatonic Triad Book fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Guitar II
Bill Sweeney has taught guitar for local Parks and Rec departments and community colleges. This class is the result of numerous requests to continue Beginning Guitar I to its next level. Students will pursue songs by using the skills of sight-reading, chord charts and fingerpicking. You must have completed any Beginning Guitar class that uses a Diatonic Triad book. Bring your guitar and your books! Books are available at the first session for $25.00 from the instructor.
How are chords created? Why do songs only use certain chords? What can I do to play chords easier? Let's find out by creating a song together! If you have completed any Beginning Guitar course at any time or know a couple of guitar chords, this class is for you. All material provided by the instructor.
Taiko Drumming
Experience the power and excitement of traditional Japanese drumming! Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a complete beginner, you’ll learn how to play these impressive instruments and perform dynamic rhythms with the group. Our expert instructor will guide you through basic techniques, gradually building up to more complex patterns and styles. The class is a great workout, too, so come ready to stretch and move.
No prior experience is necessary, and we provide all the drums and equipment you need.
*You must have taken Beginning Taiko to register for Intermediate.
Instructor: Bill Sweeney
Date: Thursdays, Sept. 5 - Oct. 3
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Age: 14 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $109
Instructor: Bill Sweeney
Dates: Thursdays, Oct. 10 – 24
Time: 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Ages: 14 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $78
Instructor: Bill Sweeney
Date: Thursday, November 7
Time: 7:15 - 8:45 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Ages: 14 and up
Min/Max: 1/2
Fee: $48
Instructor: John Theine
Dates: Thursdays, Oct. 17 - Nov. 21 (no class October 31)
Time: 6 - 7 p.m. or 8 - 9 p.m. (Intermediate); or 7 - 8 p.m. (Beginning)*
Location: River Ridge High School, 350 River Ridge Dr. SE, Olympia, Band Room #608
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 1/5
Fee: $30
Adult Enrichment classes are for ages 18 and up unless otherwise noted.
Yes, You Can Play The Ukulele: Part 1
This popular and fun-filled introductory level class is designed to quickly get you up and running on the ukulele, whether you're brand new to the uke or you're finding it a challenge to learn it online. You'll learn how to tune and hold the uke, properly fret notes and chords, as well as a couple of simple strumming patterns. With that knowledge, along with a bit of practice time at home, and you'll be playing a few well-known songs before you know it.
No loaner instruments are available, so bring your soprano, concert, or tenor ukulele to class (no baritone ukes, please) and a ukulele (or guitar) capo.
Yes, You Can Play The Ukulele: Part 2
This class picks up where Yes, You Can Play The Ukulele Part 1 leaves off. You'll learn to play several more classic, timeless songs of different genres and eras, learn some new strum patterns to add rhythmic interest and variety to your playing, get to know some new chords, and more! No loaner instruments are available, so bring your soprano, concert, or tenor ukulele to class (no baritone ukes, please) and a ukulele (or guitar) capo.
Pre-requisite: Yes, You Can Play The Ukulele Part 1 OR know how to play at least 6 basic uke chords (major, minor, etc.) and be able to transition between them.
Ukulele Holiday Songs
Learn to play Christmas songs and carols and other fun holiday songs on the ukulele. Just bring your soprano, concert or tenor uke and get ready to add some warm ukulele cheer to the coldest time of the year. No loaner instruments are available, so bring your soprano, concert, or tenor ukulele to class (no baritone ukes, please) and a ukulele (or guitar) capo.
Pre-requisite: Yes, You Can Play The Ukulele Part 1 OR know how to play at least 6 basic uke chords (major, minor, etc.) and be able to transition between them.
Instructor: Jeff Saxon
Date: Wednesdays, Nov. 20 - Dec. 18
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St NW
Age: 18 and up
Min/Max: 1/3
Fee: $129 (includes instructional booklet)
Instructor: Jeff Saxon
Dates: Wednesdays, Sept. 11 - Oct. 9
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St. NW
Min/Max: 1/3
Fee: $129 (includes instructional booklet)
Instructor: Jeff Saxon
Dates: Wednesdays, Oct. 16 - Nov. 13
Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Location: Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St. NW
Min/Max: 1/3
Fee: $129 (includes instructional booklet)

Voice-overs: NOW is YOUR Time
In what could be the most enlightening 2 hours you’ve ever spent, this class will show you how you can actually begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films, videos, and more. Most people go about it the wrong way.
In this introductory class, you will learn about a unique, outside- thebox way to break into this creative, fulfilling, and potentially lucrative industry. Voice-overs can be managed on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own time, and with minimal overhead! Whether you choose to pursue voice-overs part-time or full-time, this could be the game changer you’ve been looking for.
Instructor: Lisa Foster
Date: Wednesday, October 23 or Monday, December 2
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: 10/23: Tumwater Fire Department Training Room; 12/2: Lacey Community Center
Age: 18 and up
Min/Max: 3/6
Fee: $49

Schmidt House Tours
Join us for a guided tour of one of Tumwater’s most iconic homes, the Schmidt House, built in 1904 for Leopold Schmidt, founder of the Olympia Brewing Company and his family. Your Tour Guide will take you through four levels of the house from the basement to the top floor. Find yourself immersed in Tumwater’s rich history. The first floor is ADA accessible, but the rest of the house requires climbing stairs.
Questions regarding location or logistics? Call (360) 890-2299 or email karen@olytumfoundation.org.
Day: Tuesday
Date: Sept. 3, 17; Oct. 1, 15, and 29; Nov. 12, 26; Dec. 10
Time: 11a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Doors open at 10:45 a.m.)
Location: Schmidt House, 330 Schmidt Place SW
Ages: 16 and up
Min/Max: 5/12 per date
Fee: FREE; pre-registration required

(360) 754-4160
Art Workshops & Events
Color Your Canvas Painting Parties
Have you wanted to paint like Bob Ross? Join us in these step-by-step painting workshops as you create your very own masterpiece to take home. No experience is required, just the desire to paint. Price includes supplies, coffee, and tea. Registration Deadline is one week prior to each workshop.
October 10 (Fall Forest)
November 14 (Autumn Church)
December 12 (Snowman Celebration)
Instructor: Tina Bryant, Bessie Mae’s Paint Parties
Date: Thursday, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, or Dec. 12
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 18 and up
Min/Max: 5/15
Fee: $45
Tumwater Arts & Ideas Lecture Series

The Tumwater Arts & Ideas Business of Art Lecture will consist of three mini-lectures with economic development professionals, artists, gallerists, and other individuals important to the Thurston County creative economy. Lectures will cover topics such as creating art, the importance of local galleries, and how cities and economic development entities can support artists and their business efforts.
The Tumwater Arts & Ideas Film in the South Sound Lecture will consist of three mini-lectures with film industry professionals and other individuals important to film makers in tour area. Lectures will cover topics such as screenwriting, production, and the efforts to support filmmaking in the South Sound.
For both lectures, light refreshments will be provided.
Pre-registration is required, and space is limited.
Dates/Topics: Thursday, November 7 - The Business of Art
Thursday, December 5 - Film in the South Sound
Time: 6 - 7 p.m. (Doors open at 5:30 p.m.)
Location: SPSCC Brewing and Distilling Campus, 4200 Capitol Blvd SE, Suite 100, Tumwater, WA 98501
Age: 18 and up (21 and up for post-event in the Cask Room)
Min/Max: 5/40
Fee: FREE; pre-registration required

(360) 754-4160
Tumwater Falls Fest
Saturday, September 28 | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls
Presented by the City of Tumwater and Olympia Tumwater Foundation Sponsored by TwinStar Credit Union with support from Intercity Transit, REI Olympia and Copper Wolf Tattoo Studio & Art Gallery
Art - Music - Food Community

Join us for a day of celebrating Tumwater Falls. Enjoy local musicians, kids' activities, and demonstrations. Shop from a variety of local artists and indulge in local food options.
Don’t forget to explore the scenic half-mile loop trail along the Deschutes River highlighted by views of the cascading waterfalls, quiet pools, and views of the Old Brew Tower. FREE event for all ages! Sponsored by TwinStar Credit Union in partnership with the Olympia Tumwater Foundation and The Copper Wolf Tattoo Studio and Art Gallery.
For a detailed event schedule and parking information, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/fallsfest .
Pre-Event: Falls Fest Art Show
Saturday, September 14 - Saturday, September 28
Be sure to stop by the Tumwater Timberland Library two weeks leading up to Falls Fest for the Falls Fest Art Show. This art show is presented in partnership with Tumwater Arts, Olympia Art League, and the Tumwater Timberland Library. Olympia Art League artists are given the summer to create art that represents the theme of waterfalls, salmon, and nature. Library patrons can vote for their favorite work of art.
Post-Event Entertainment at the Craft District
Saturday, Saturday, September 28 | 4 - 6 p.m. | Nikko and the Night Shift
Don’t let the fun end at Falls Fest! After the event, head to the Tumwater Craft District and enjoy more live entertainment from Nikko and the Night Shift along with great food and beverages from some of the finest craft producers in the Tumwater area.
More details online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/fallsfest
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks

Schilter Farm Family Pumpkin Painting

Pumpkins, paint, and refreshments are provided, you only need to bring your friends, family and a little creativity. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Reserve pumpkins (for your own little pumpkins) online! Thanks to our event sponsor, Schilter Farm!
Reserve online: www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.

The Tumwater Christmas Tree Lighting Festival is held each year on the 1st Saturday in December, at the Tumwater City Hall & Headquarters Fire Station.
This popular holiday event includes performances by local and school choirs, treats from our sponsors, holiday ornament-making, on-site food trucks (2023 featured Sweetlee's, Radio Fryer, and Ember Goods), and of course, the lighting of the tree. Take pictures with Santa in the City Hall Council Chambers throughout the event. Join us at this special event; you are sure to have a festive time!
Annual Clean-up, Drop-off Event
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Saturday, October 5
Tumwater City Hall Parking Lot
555 Israel Road SW in Tumwater
Safely discard unused prescriptions and expired medications; donate non-perishable food; recycle batteries; and shred personal, sensitive or financial documents (4 grocery bag limit).
It's fast, and it's free.
Volunteers will help unload your vehicle, there's no need to get out of your car. Just drive through and drop off.
Responsibly destroy unused prescriptions or old medications at the Tumwater Police Department’s Prescription Drop Box.
Shred personal, sensitive or financial documents to protect against identity theft at the shredding truck, sponsored by O Bee Credit Union. Please limit to 4 grocery bags.
Donate non-perishable foods and help people right here in our community.
Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/volunteer for more details!

Put your free time to good use!
Volunteers help extend the reach of City programs and provide valuable connections to the community. No minimum time commitment is required.
To learn more about Volunteer Tumwater and upcoming opportunities, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/volunteer or contact Volunteer Coordinator Brianna Feller: (360) 754-4167.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
First Tee golf sessions for spring, summer and fall are offered for youth ages 4-17 at Tumwater Valley Golf Club. To register or for additional information, please visit: www.thefirstteesouthpugetsound.org.
Kathy was nationally recognized by her peers in 2012 as one of Golf Digest’s “50 Best Women Teachers in America.” In 2008, LPGA members voted her a “Top 50 Teacher in the LPGA.”
Kathy brings to the lesson tee many innovative ways of communicating. She is dedicated to making the game rewarding, fun and accessible for everyone!
Contact Kathy to get started: kokelly2@comcast.net or (360) 701-2295.
To book your individual or group instruction, or to simply learn more about our instructors and offerings, please visit: www.thevalleygolfacademy.com or contact us directly at (360) 347-6282.

Seniors "Getting There Safely" Driving Workshop
Do you feel safe on the road? Nowadays, there are more cars on the road which means more ways for accidents to happen. With 52 years of experience, join Gerry Apple for an interactive workshop that covers areas such as texting, driving in bad weather, handling emergencies, freeways, stop positions, reference points, what to do in case of a collision and more. Guest speakers from Washington State Patrol and Operation Lifesaver (Railroad Safety) will be in attendance. At the end of the workshop, you will receive a certificate that will apply a 5-10% discount on your auto insurance over a two-year period. Students may bring their lunch or purchase from the Old Town Center if desired.
Coffee Hour with the Mayor
Instructor: Gerry Apple, WTSEA
Day: Tuesday, Sept. 24
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Age: 55 and up
Location: Old Town Center
Min/Max: 8/15
Fee: $20
Tumwater is growing and changing every day. If you want to stay updated and informed, join Mayor Debbie Sullivan for a monthly coffee hour. This program will feature upcoming projects, committee updates special guests, and City news.
This is a great opportunity to get to know your elected officials in the City of Tumwater. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Pre-registration is preferred but not required.
Date: Wednesday, October 16
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 55 and up
Fee: Free; registration encouraged
Movie Mondays at the Old Town Center
The Old Town Center is licensed to show FREE movies. Join us at 10 a.m. on the second Monday of each month for a movie. No registration required. Popcorn will be served with the movie!
September 9: "Grumpy Old Men" (PG-13) Two eccentric, next-door neighbors sustain a rancorous relationship that only a wise observer could recognize as a very special friendship. When a lonely, flamboyant widow moves in across the street from them, the male rivalry begins.

Date: Second Monday of the month
Time: 10 a.m. - noon
Age: 55 and up
Location: Old Town Center
Fee: Free
October 14: "Mrs. Doubtfire" (PG-13) An actor disguises himself as a wacky Scottish nanny to sneak back into his kids’ lives after a messy divorce, sparking mayhem, heartwarming moments, and ultimately, family reconciliation.
November 11: "Big Fish" (PG-13) A son confronts the fantastical tales of his dying father, ultimately learning the truth about love and the legacy of stories.
Active Adult Trips and Tours - Age 50 & up
Our trips and tours program for active adults 50 and up offers exercise, sightseeing, photo opportunities and a chance to meet some great people. Departure location will be from the Tumwater Library parking lot. Deadline to register is one week prior to the trip. Attend 4 trips in 2024 and receive a commemorative T-Shirt!
For special accommodations, please contact staff: tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us or call (360) 754-4160.

Bill Speidel's Underground Tour, Seattle Seattle’s most unusual attraction, a humorous stroll through intriguing subterranean storefronts and sidewalks entombed when the city rebuilt on top of itself after the Great Fire of 1889. The 75-minute guided walking tour begins beneath Doc Maynard’s Public House, then spills into historic Pioneer Square, Seattle’s birthplace, before plunging underground for an exclusive, time-capsule view of the buried city! After our tour we will have some time to explore Pike Place Market and have an independent lunch. Price includes trip management, transportation, and admission.
Boehm's Candy Factory
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 17
Time: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/9
Fee: $45
Date: Thursday, Oct. 10
Time: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Min/Max: 6/9
Fee: $98
Willy Wonka and Lucille Ball both understood the allure of a dessert assembly line; at this one, you’ll see hands dipping candies in pools of chocolate. Tour the alpine-style chalet and chapel of founder Julius Boehm, an Austrian athlete-turned-chocolatier, then get a tasting tour of the 1956 factory itself. The chocolate-making class will give you a new appreciation for the factory’s steady output of clusters and candies. Finish in the kitchen where you’ll package your goodies – over 1 ½ pounds of chocolate to take home. This tour is non-wheelchair/walker accessible, and most of the tour is walking and standing. Bring money for food at Triple XXX Root Beer Drive-In and memorabilia. Price includes trip management, transportation, tour and class.
Waterfalls Along the Columbia, Columbia River Oregon
Enjoy a relaxing day along the Columbia River Gorge as we explore the lush scenery and majestic waterfalls. After reaching the Columbia Gorge, we will cross the river into Oregon and spend the day exploring the myriad of waterfalls. We will finish our journey at Multnomah Falls, the second largest waterfall in the United States. Bring a wastefree lunch and money for dessert and memorabilia at the Lodge. Price includes trip management and transportation.
Date: Thursday, Oct. 24
Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/9
Fee: $45
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Active Adult Trips and Tours - Age 50 & up
Our trips and tours program for active adults 50 and up offer exercise, sightseeing, photo opportunities and a chance to meet some great people. Departure location will be from the Tumwater Library parking lot. Deadline to register is one week prior to the trip. Attend 4 trips in 2024 and receive a commemorative T-Shirt! For special accommodations, please contact staff: tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us or call (360) 754-4160.
Portland Holiday Market
Get in the holiday spirit with a visit to Portland's Holiday Market, a bustling hub of holiday cheer! Wander through the vibrant stalls, each adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations. You’ll find a wide array of unique gifts, from handcrafted ornaments and artisanal foods to locally made crafts and holiday décor. The market also features live music, festive performances, and sometimes even visits from Santa, adding to the merry atmosphere. Indulge in seasonal treats as you explore.
Date: Friday, Nov. 15
Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/9
Fee: $45
After the market, we'll head to Salty’s on the Columbia for a delightful lunch. Salty’s offers breathtaking views of the Columbia River. The restaurant is renowned for its fresh seafood, but they have lots of other delicious options if seafood isn’t your preference. Price includes trip management, transportation, and admission.
Kalama Antique Malls
Enjoy a visit to the charming town of Kalama, Washington, known for its vibrant antique malls. Stroll through aisles brimming with unique treasures from bygone eras. You'll find an eclectic mix of vintage furniture, retro collectibles, classic records, and much more. Each booth offers a distinct array of items, inviting you to take a step back in time and perhaps discover a hidden gem. After a morning of treasure hunting, head over to McMenamins Kalama Harbor Lodge for a delightful lunch. Nestled along the scenic Columbia River, this beautiful lodge filled with historical details provides a perfect setting to unwind. Price includes trip management, and transportation.
Bellevue Snowflake Lane Parade & Dinner
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 26
Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/9
Fee: $45
Begin your enchanting evening with a visit to Bellevue's Snowflake Lane Parade, a beloved holiday tradition that transforms the heart of downtown Bellevue into a winter wonderland. Before the parade, our group will head to one of Bellevue's renowned restaurants for a delightful dinner. The parade takes place nightly during the holiday season, featuring dazzling lights, festive music, and lively performances. As the clock strikes 7 p.m., watch as toy soldiers, drummers, dancers, and snow princesses bring the streets to life. The magical snowfall that accompanies the parade adds an extra touch of holiday magic, making it a truly unforgettable experience for all ages. Price includes trip management and transportation.
Date: Tuesday, Dec. 10
Time: 3 - 10 p.m.
Min/Max: 5/9
Fee: $45
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Collette Vacations
2025 Collette Tours Presentation
Join Collette for a presentation of some upcoming trips to Switzerland and Music Cities. Receive a detailed overview of the tours along with handouts. Leave the planning up to Collette and book that trip of your dreams now. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Collette Vacations and Tumwater Parks & Recreation have combined efforts to offer opportunities to travel in the US and abroad.
Tropical Costa Rica
Presenter: Toni Ray Ingram
Date: Date Change to Tuesday, Oct. 15
Time: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Location: Old Town Center
Age: 50 and up
Min/Max: 1/20
Fee: Free
Lush forests and stunning waterfalls, rumbling volcanoes, and endless coastlines. Costa Rica is a paradise teeming with exotic plants and incredible animals. Enjoy views of Arenal Volcano from your hotel. Explore part of the 20,000-acre nature preserve of Cano Negro by riverboat. Spend two nights in Monteverde’s lush cloud forest. Experience the forest canopy on either a hanging bridge walk or a zip lining tour. Luxuriate for two nights at a Playa Carrillo, Guanacaste resort, known for its breathtaking beauty and fine sandy beaches. To book your tour, visit https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1210191
Discover Historical Greenbrier
Date: Feb. 26 - Mar. 6, 2025
Double Occupancy: $3,149
Date: April 4 - 11, 2025
Double Occupancy: $3,999
Triple Occupancy: $3,949
Occupancy: $5,049
This grand historic tour features a two-night stay at The Greenbrier, a classic American resort in the mountains of West Virginia. Relax and unwind on the iconic property, enjoy fabulous dining and traditional pastimes and explore the storied past of this luxury escape. Enjoy a tavern meal along roads well-traveled, visit Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, step back in time at Colonial Williamsburg, explore a Smithsonian, and more. Experience the grandeur of The Greenbrier amid the West Virginia mountains and explore American history through Washington, D.C. and Virginia on a fascinating journey. To book your tour, visit https://gateway. gocollette.com/link/1212696.
Discover Switzerland
Journey through spectacular mountain scenery and picturesque cities as you experience 3 Alpine countries. Spend four nights each in the city of Bern and the charming Alpine city of Innsbruck. Ride the legendary GoldenPass Panoramic Train from Montreux to the Alpine ski resort of Gstaad. Explore Lucerne, the "Swiss Paradise on the Lake.” Visit Mozart's birthplace and the Mirabell Gardens, featured in The Sound of Music, during your time in Salzburg. The hills are alive on this enchanting journey across Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria. To book your tour, visit https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1210260.
America's Music Cities
What do New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville have in common? In a word: music. Famed for their foot-tapping, finger-clicking tunes - whether it's jazz, blues, country or good ole rock 'n' roll - this exuberant trio will be enjoyed on this 7-night adventure that delves into the South's soulstirring musical repertoire. Tour highlights are numerous. To book your tour, visit https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1210115.
Date: June 4 - 13, 2025
Double Occupancy: $4,999
Triple Occupancy: $4,949
Single Occupancy: $5,699
Date: Sept. 28 - Oct. 5, 2025
Double Occupancy: $3,799
Triple Occupancy: $3,749
Single Occupancy: $4,599
Old Town Center
Serving Seniors and Youth | 215 N 2nd Avenue SW | Tumwater WA 98512 | (360) 754-4160
Senior Programs
Tumwater Old Town Center (OTC) operates on weekdays, from 8 a.m.2:30 p.m. OTC provides seniors 55 and over, who are residents of the greater Tumwater area, with activities, lunch, coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/seniors for updated information. Participants must be fully vaccinated to attend.
Activities - All activities are free unless otherwise noted.
Senior Picnic
OTC Fall Closures: Monday, Sept. 2: Labor Day Monday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day Thursday, Nov. 28 - 29: Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, September 5 at Tumwater Historical Park. Food will be served starting at 11:30 a.m. See the monthly senior menu for more picnic details!
Monday - Friday, 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Suggested donation is between $4 - $8. Menus include a variety of meals (soups, casseroles, fruits and salads).
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 2:30pm for pinochle in the OTC lunchroom. There is always somebody looking for a game.
Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. Join us as we play this exciting game in the lunchroom.
Senior “Jam”
Do you like old time tunes? Every Tuesday from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., you’ll find a group of like-minded folks ready to sing and play. Join us in the multipurpose room.
Second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 12:15 p.m. in the lunchroom.
Prizes donated by the OTC Senior Council.
Arts & Crafts Group

Every Wednesday and Thursday, 9 - 11:30 a.m. in the multi-purpose room. Please bring your own supplies. Call Ashley Degner at (360) 252-5499 ext. 3255 for more information.
Tai Chi
Every Thursday, 9 - 10 a.m. Discover the gentle power of Tai Chi, a centuries-old practice that promotes physical and mental well-being. This class is designed specifically for seniors, focusing on slow, controlled movements that improve balance, flexibility, and strength.
Every Friday, 10:30 a.m. Join us as we play this exciting game in the lunchroom.
Food Bank
The Thurston County Food Bank will visit the OTC on the 2nd Friday of each month at 11 a.m., to drop off alreadyprepared bags of food. To be eligible for this FREE program you will need to complete an Intake Form (available in the lunchroom). Contact Ashley Degner at (360) 252-5499 ext. 3255 for further information.

Leather Crafting Group
Every Friday, 9 - 11 a.m. in the multi-purpose room. Beginners welcome. Call Britt Bowman at (360) 754-4160 for more information. Sponsored by the Tumwater Arts Program.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks
Brewmaster's House (formerly Henderson House)
The Brewmaster’s House was built in 1905 for William and Louise Naumann. Mr. Naumann was a brewmaster at the Olympia brewery just across the river.
Considered quite modern for its day, the house boasted hot and cold running water, a coal-fired boiler, and electric lights in each room. The design of the home was largely inspired by the Victorian age, but was much less elaborate than earlier Queen Anne examples.
The exterior of the home had changed over the years, but it was restored to its original appearance after the City of Tumwater acquired the house in 1977. The interior changed very little and provides a wonderful look at how Tumwater residents lived in the early 1900s. Interpretive signs give the visitor a thorough history of the house and its various owners.
Brewmaster's House is currently closed to the public.
For more information, please contact:
Karen L. Johnson, Curator, Schmidt House

Olympia Tumwater Foundation | PO Box 4098 | Tumwater WA 98501 (360) 890-2299 | karen@olytumfoundation.org | www.olytumfoundation.org

Crosby House
Come visit the Crosby House Museum, Tumwater's oldest historic home, located across from the Brewmaster's House in Tumwater's Historic District at 702 Deschutes Way SW. This charming 1860 house was built by Bing Crosby's grandfather, Nathaniel, for his new bride, Cordelia Smith. Now owned by the City of Tumwater, it is managed by Olympia Chapter #4, Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington who have completely furnished the house with period pieces. A delightful addition is a 1"-scale, fully furnished miniature replica of the house.
The Crosby House is currently closed to the public.
For tours or more information, please contact: Ann Olson, President, Olympia Chapter #4
Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington (360) 943-5209 | sandaolson@outlook.com
Historical and Pioneer Park Shelter Reservations:
• Shelters are available to reserve 365 days in advance.
• Reservations are not confirmed until completed form and fee have been received. Online reservations do not require completion of paper reservation form.
• To check availability, visit www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks.
• Large/Public Events: For all events larger than 100 people and/or open to the public, a special event permit application must be completed and approved. No person shall use a city park for a public event without a special event permit.
• Reservation fees are refundable minus a $10 cancellation fee.
• Cancellations must be made at least 14 days prior to the reservation to be eligible for a refund . Cancellations are not available through the online registration system; they must be requested by contacting office staff.
• No refunds will be made due to inclement weather.
Amenities/ Hours:
• Parking space is limited. Carpooling recommended.
• The parks can accommodate groups of up to 100 people.
• Parks are opened at sunrise and gates are locked at sunset.
• Historical Park Shelter: Accommodates 80 people. 3 power outlets, 20 amps max each, 1 group grill, and 1 water source.
• Pioneer Park Shelter: Accommodates 50 people. 2 power outlets, 20 amps max each, 1 group grill, and 1 water source.


Fall Quarter Registration
Fall registration begins on Friday, August 23. The programs in this brochure run September - November 2024.
www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks and create your customer account.
In Person:
City Hall open hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or by appointment. Please call (360) 754-4160 or email tumwaterparks@ci.tumwater.wa.us for updates
• Class sizes are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
• All classes have minimum/maximum enrollment numbers to ensure a quality experience for all participants. Classes may be cancelled (or combined) due to low enrollment.
• For classes requiring an enrollment fee, the fee must be paid prior to your name being placed on the class roster.
• The City of Tumwater requires that all Parks & Recreation program participants complete a release of liability form either in person or online.
Inclement Weather
Should school be cancelled due to poor weather, power outages or other related circumstances, all parks and recreation classes, leagues and programs scheduled at those facilities will adhere to the school cancellation policies.
Classes with insufficient enrollment will be cancelled one week before starting date unless otherwise noted.
If a class is cancelled, your registration will be refunded in full. If the participant withdraws from a class/program and requests a refund, the refund policy is as follows unless otherwise noted:
• At least 24 hours prior to the first class - 100%
• After the first class, or less than 24 hours prior to the first class - 80%
• After the second class - No refund
Thurston County Specialized Recreation Programs
Thurston Co. Recreation Services Department , in cooperation with Tumwater Parks and Recreation, provides special service programs to area residents. These programs strive to meet the needs of the developmentally and physically challenged in the Tumwater/ Thurston County area. For more information, call (360) 867-2679. For the hearing impaired, the TDD number is (360) 754-2933.
(360) 754-4160 • www.ci.tumwater.wa.us/parks