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Transportation & Engineering Water Resources & Sustainability

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July 2023

I-5 Trosper Road Capitol Boulevard Reconfiguration Project


The contractor, Active Construction, has completed installing a 16-inch ductile iron water main on Capitol Blvd that stretches from Southgate Market to Thompson’s Furniture. The work was to replace an existing 6-inch cast iron pipe on the east side of Capitol and an existing 8-inch PVC water main on the west side of Capitol. They are now installing a 16-inch ductile iron water main on Linda Street, replacing existing 8-inch asbestos concrete water main that goes to the Palermo Wellfield in preparation for future projects.

Paving on 83rd Avenue.

16-inch water main being constructed on Capitol Blvd

A closure of the northbound I-5 on/off ramps is planned for the end of July. Instead of multiple weekend closures, the Contractor and WSDOT have agreed that a single closure will minimize traffic impacts and allow the work to be completed quickly and safely. Please visit the City website to stay updated on all road closures as a result of this project.

Projects In Design

Linwood Avenue Sidewalks

Design of sidewalk and pedestrian improvements along Linwood Avenue between Susitna Lane and 2nd Avenue is underway. The project, funded in part by the Transportation Improvement Board, will be under construction by the end of 2023. The project will infill missing sidewalk segments along Linwood Avenue and adjacent side streets, replace existing 4’ sidewalks with 5’ sidewalks, replace existing curb ramps with ADA-compliant ramps, and add bulb-outs at pedestrian crossings in order to reduce crossing distance.

Israel Road/Linderson Way Water Main Project

The project was awarded to Reed Trucking & Excavating, Inc., and construction is on track to commence in late July. Construction activities in front of Tumwater High School are expected to be completed prior to the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. A separate project for pedestrian and bicycle improvements along Israel Road is under design by the City and scheduled to begin in 2024.

X Street Roundabout

The design of the new roundabout proposed at the intersection of X Street and Capitol Boulevard is complete. Construction of this project is anticipated to begin in 2025. This project also includes upgrades to the City’s water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure in addition to the undergrounding of overhead private utilities.

Message from the Chief

There are many careers that are physically and mentally challengingincluding being a firefighter. Being a firefighter and serving the community brings satisfaction when helping people on what may be the worst day of their life. Providing this service however, can take a toll and impact physical and mental well-being. The Tumwater Fire Department has joined with several other area fire departments participating in a county-wide Peer Support Team. A group of firefighters has been trained to provide support and assistance to other firefighters who may be in need of mental health assistance. This is a voluntary and confidential program with assistance from professional therapists if needed. The program is a joint labor/management initiative that will support the mental well-being of staff leading to what is hoped to be a long, productive, rewarding career as a firefighter serving our community.

Brian Hurley

Medical Services Officer

In June, crews responded to 381 EMS calls, including 41 traumatic injuries and seven cardiac arrests.

The Department had five paramedics attend Central Intravenous Line Training at Thurston County Medic One. The Department had 15 firefighters/EMTs, Firefighter/Paramedics, and officers that participated in a multi-company operational active shooter training that included multiple fire and police agencies at Black Hills High School.

Community Outreach

Crews helped celebrate the end of the school year by attending Michael T. Simmons field day. Students were able to take a tour of the engine.

The Department received a visit from a family that the crews assisted in delivering their premature baby.

Suppression Report

Training Officer

On June 28 and 30, Tumwater Fire participated in active shooter training with Tumwater Police. During this training, Police and Fire worked on unified command. Unified command is a joint command where multiple agencies join together to help solve the problem that is presented.

In the late evening on June 15, crews responded to a report of a motor vehicle accident. On scene crews were able to extract a patient from the vehicle.

During the active shooter drill, the scenario had one perpetrator and 10 patients. Police handled taking care of the perpetrator, and fire department personnel handled the patients using multi-causality incidents (MCI) protocols. We also had two dispatchers from TCOMM participate in handling dispatch and radio communications. Fire gave an overview of “stop the bleed” and how to move patients. The sooner bleeding can be stopped, the more lives can be saved. We also worked on Rescue Task Forces, which are a combination of both Police and Fire that enter an area to treat and move patients to a safer area. After we have a patient in a safe area, we work on getting patients transported to the hospital.

In the early evening on June 23, crews responded to a motor vehicle accident. All response units were on the scene to extricate patients from their vehicles. There was significant trauma to at least one patient who required transport via Airlift Northwest.

In July, The Department will train in wildland firefighting. Of most concern in the City are areas of Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). The WUI is a space where homes and businesses meet and mix with undeveloped land. Wildland fires can be fast-moving and spread rapidly. The Department utilizes specialized equipment like smaller wildland hose that allows us to move faster and get water to areas that are hard to reach.

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