25 minute read

Two beers with Anne Gladsø Wibe

Anne Gladsø Wibe

- A pessimist with grit


Guro Størdal Journalist

Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer

I apparently have a hard time sticking to one thing, both when it comes to dialect and positions!

Let’s be honest. Life is not a bed of roses, and if you take on too many positions it will be at the expense of other things.

To Anne this is an important message. But it’s also important to remember that the world doesn’t stop turning, even if you ‘re a pessimist. She is on her fifth year in Ås, and on the fourth year of her bachelor in livestock science, and during this time she’s managed to stop by committees at Samfunnet, the learned society, “Trøndernes Fagforening”, Student Council and Parliament, deputy position in AU and several other positions in other associations.

A passion for sound and music It all started in the sound-committee. This was her first committee, and she has stayed ever since. Even during a break from her studies, working full time with student politics after several positions in the student democracy. “I work with sound because I really want to, not just because it needs to be done”. She says it’s often forgotten that this is where she’s been the longest, but that’s actually just a good sign. “Nobody pays much attention to the sound before it goes bad, so the fact that no one notices me must mean I do a good job”, she laughs. time sticking to one thing, both when it comes to dialect and positions!”

Becomes a monster as a leader She started missing Trøndelag already the first semester and when TF, Trøndernes Fagforening did a show at Graskurs del 1 saying: “Do you miss Trøndelag? So do we!”, she knew she had to join. This autumn she was revue general for the TFrevue. “They weren’t the two worst weeks of my life, but top ten, maybe even top five”. It was a lot of work and she is very grateful that they were two people sharing the load, but she says that she shouldn’t be a leader. Everyone in TF did a great job, but she found it difficult allowing people to do as much as they wanted. “I become sort of like a monster. I am used to going about things a certain way, and I am bad at distributing the workload. If I have a pile of rocks that

Music has always been a huge interest, especially metal. The main reason she ended up at Ås and not Steinkjer, was that she can attend concerts in Oslo. However she also misses Trøndelag. She grew up in Namsos, “maybe best known as the birthplace of Åge”, she says with a suddenly broadened dialect. She admits being linguistically confused sometimes; “I seem to have a hard are tasks, I can easily distribute one rock to each person, but I am still left with a pile for myself. When other people come wanting more rocks, I refuse to give them away. In a way this is because I want the control, but also because I know how easy it is to take on too much, and I want to spare other people from this”.

She is familiar with the concept of taking on too much. Several positions at the same time have affected her studies, and she has failed many exams! She hopes to be able to go on to a master’s degree this autumn, but she is unsure of how realistic this is. “I think that’s because I tend to give lower priority to what affects me personally, like my studies. But after all this time I do feel guilty towards my faculty, since they are losing money from me not finishing on ordinary time”, she says.

incredulous to what other people mean anyways. The messages must be very clear, otherwise she’ll just perceive them as jokes. “I often find animals easier to be around, if they want attention or cuddles, they will lick you in the face and send a clear message. Not that I encourage others to lick me in the face!” she says. Sometimes she forgets that she is a person: “Many actually accuse me of being a vampire”, she laughs.

Low motivation and low impulse control She doesn’t know where her motivation stems from. “I am probably the person I know who is the most active with such a big lack of motivation”. She says that it is not about challenging oneself, or that it is built on grand ideas. It is more a feeling of responsibility, and after being pulled in, it’s hard not to commit oneself when you realise the amount of important stuff that needs to be done”. One of her favourite quotes is by Gunnar Haarr: “Volunteer positions are like heroin. The first shot is free, and then you’re hooked”. She also tells that a low impulse control can make things build up. “If someone asks. Can you lift this chair? I answer: Yes, of course! But then I’m forgetting that I’m already juggling a table and an elephant”. At times, it has been too much, and she has felt that things aren’t always great. “You can’t do everything well. I am able to do it OK, but not well”. She emphasizes that it’s still important to get committed, but you need to know your limits.

She says that she is bad at receiving grand words and compliments, because she feels like she doesn’t deserve it and considers it pointless information. She would rather receive constructive criticism, so she gets something to work with. However, she would make an exception if someone calls her cool or funny. “I am the funniest and coolest person that I know of, so if anyone compliments me on those matters it’s fine, because then they would be right!”, she laughs. At times she has wondered herself. “I am a very cold person, physically speaking”. She also prefers strolls in the dark, and the act of looking like a corpse. Also her general pessimism and her aversion to being happy has increased the suspicion. She also has a skull named Theodor in her room. She got it after becoming the leader of Husdyrklanen, since the logo depicts the skull of a boar. She tells us that she does a lot of weird stuff that could make people wonder. “It could have been beneficial to pause for a moment and think ‘hmm, is this normal?’, but then I wouldn’t have been me, and then I wouldn’t have been as interesting”, she says. “I am the one who has to live with me, so the most important thing is that I like myself”.

Involuntary NRK-Celebrity She isn’t really too fond of attention, but she has proven to have a talent of attracting it anyways. Among other things, she got her own news report on NRK the spring of 2019. The reason: She wears a dust mask to protect herself from pollen, something that gained reactions from many passers-by. She had already been interviewed by a couple of other newspapers, and was going on the radio, so when they came with a camera as well she thought “why not?”. In retrospect she carries a bit of regret, since it led to a lot of attention, but it has worked well. She met a mother with a stroller, and the child pointed at her and wondered why she was wearing a mask. The mother could explain

32 Utgåve 02 Årgang 75 Vampire? What other people think is of very little concern to her, and she says that she is often that it was because of allergies, and Anne could be left alone. She has later learned that The Norwegian Association for Asthma and Allergies have special masks that protect against pollen and are a bit more discreet, but to her the most important thing is that they work. Aesthetics is the last thing on her mind, if on her mind at all.

Lucky with her friends Even though she thinks she does a lot of weird stuff that makes her different, she has been lucky with her friends, and says she is surrounded by fantastic people. “I should be better at letting them now, but I’m afraid they will realize how much better than me they are”, she admits. Some of them she has gotten to know simply by approaching them and listing all the reasons why they should get acquainted, or they have worn a t-shirt from a band she likes. “It’s incredible how easy it is getting to know people if you just talk to them!”, she says.

She did it for the joke All the volunteering and the commitment have taken its toll, and she wants to be honest about this. But it has also been beneficial in the form of good friends, and that things have gotten done. She knows she can get annoyed a lot, but she tries to not let it out on other people too much. She kind of feels like she has to be cranky on behalf of everyone else, as she feels that many people are overly positive at times. The humour is still on point, despite a lot of negativity. It is mostly based on bad puns and insults. “I want my tombstone to say something like ‘she did it for the joke’”, she laughs.

Honourable Wibe I had the joy of meeting you on a warm and sunny day in the last decade, yes… more accurately the fall of 2015. We stood there as some lost Trønders on the flat Østlandet on about to start a new adventure as livestock students. Little did we know that this was the beginning of a magical friendship, to say the least.

Your heart is made of metal, a flawless style (whether you go all black or Pokémon) and a dark sense of humour that gets me chuckling every time. You are good to the bone and you seldom say no - which has resulted in your VERY active student career on the Agrarmetropole, god damn! Or as our dear Åge sings;

“You are a star, a king. You are a treasure. You are small but big, you are biggest on our planet”

I look forward to our future adventures in the ‘windy and cold’ Trøndelag.. - Old Secretary Holmen

§3 No dash without a ‘stash.

Anne the Cactus

Many Norwegians are often considered social coconuts. They have hard shells, but soft insides. Anne is no coconut. Anne is a cactus.

During your first interaction you reach out with one hand, and end up with spikes in your fingers. But just like a cactus, Anne is worth all the spikes to get to what’s on the inside.

My friendship with Anne started in the sound committee. When we met for the first time at the intern party in 2016, I was wearing a dress and Anne was wearing a beard. I had no idea back then that this bearded woman would come to mean so much to me throughout the years. Together we have worked countless sound shifts, often known as “the bearded guy who yells” and “The angry one”. When I took on the position as head of revue-sound for UKA in Ås 2018, Anne was the first I asked to be NK (Second in command). Anne made it clear that she didn’t want to. Deep down I know that she eventually accepted solely to help (read: save) me. But this didn’t come without a few spikes in my hand. Anne’s only condition was that I, during the artist reveal for miniUKA, would get down on one knee and ask her to be my NK. I “redeemed”. She said yes.

During our time as KS and NK, Anne saved my ass more times than I can count. As sound technician she did more for the UKErevue 2018 than anyone can understand. As a friend I credit her for averting my many possible mental breakdowns.

Regards - Bjørn-Eirik Roald

Anne Gladstø Wibe, it is difficult to start a text about that gal. Not everybody knows that she is actually a pretty snobbish person and feels the most at home in a dark suite in Oslo, with a pizza box from Peppes on her lap. She is also a person whose sides you will never fully understand. If it is the boar’s head in her bedroom or the joy of touching a hot pipe. The worst thing you can do in regards to Anne is to appear insecure and shifty, knowing this it’s quite incredible that we survived a year in the same office. Anne doesn’t care for gibberish and would rather not listen to long explanations for why you chose as you did, which makes it even more impressive that we survived for a whole year in the same office. At the same time, Anne is maybe the most energetic gal at this university. Because no one keeps their word like Anne does. She presents a mix of fear and safety and you never know what to expect.

-Tord Hauge

The student parliament

- the highest function of the student democracy

In the last issue you got to know the student democracy, so this time we’ll take a dive into the student parliament. This article will explain what the student parliament is and what their meetings consist of.

The morphology and function of the student parliament The student parliament is the highest function of the student democracy. The student democracy consists of all the students at NMBU, whereas the student parliament consists of 25 student representatives. These representatives are chosen during each faculty’s general assembly. The amount of student representatives at the student parliament is chosen by the size of each faculty. This means that for example REALTEK has more representatives than for example MINA. Other representatives at the student parliament are the student board, the control committee, election officials and meeting leaders. The student parliament’s main task is having the student’s best interest in mind and electing representatives for different boards and committees. All of NMBUs students can voice their opinion at the meetings, but only the representatives may vote. The student parliament will act on behalf of the students.

34 Issue 02 Year 75 A peek into a meeting The first meeting of the century was held February 10th at Adamstuen. Ås county wanted some input on how to reach the countys goals of emission cuts, and they raised this as one of the issues during the meeting. Many of the suggestions were about bicycles, such as parking spaces, free repairs and a bike road. A specific suggestion from the Student Parliament to better the availability of bicycle use, was to replace the parking spaces in the city centre with bicycle parking.

Other suggestions were to reduce food waste, either by general attitude campains, or through other stores such as Holdbart (“Long lasting”). Many students are shopping in these kind of stores, and this might be relevant for Ås city centre. A MINA representative suggested charging stations for students with electrical cars. The currents charging stations on campus are reserved for the employees.

A more specific suggestion came from a representative of the veterinary school. He thought that Ås county should consider developing nuclear plants. On one side this is a good way to reduce emission, but it is

Vegard Høgi Olsen Journalist and photographer

Tilde Milia Skaatun Translator

also widely known for its instability and massive repercussions if something were to go wrong. Yours truly acknowledges their lack of insight into Ås countys economy, but I highly doubt that they have several billion NOK to spend on nuclear plants. In addition, these sorts of projects more than ten years to finish (bloody bureaucracy).

Even student representatives need food The representatives spend their break lobbying through small talk with other representatives from other faculties, usually with a hidden agenda of fronting their issues. A good old-fashioned fight for power. Otherwise the break is spent consuming nourishment to keep you going for the 4 hours the meeting takes. A student rarely turns down free food, wether it is pizza from Babylon or a stew from SiÅs.

If you’re curious as to which cases were discussed during the meeting, all reference sheets are availiable at NMBUs homepage. The student parliament is held 3-4 times each semester. The next one will be the March 9th.

Semester kickoff with Valentourettes

Saturday February 1st, it was time anew for semester kickoff at NMBU. This time it was the good old members of «Jokke & Valentinerne” and “Jokke med Tourettes” who stopped by Ås to honour the music of Joachim Nielsen, and neither new nor old fans were left unsatisfied.

The boys are well seasoned, and this was roughly the 550th time they played the setlist with Jokke’s songs. They opened the evening with Tida er inne,Alt kan repareres, Sitter på en bombe and Aldri stol på en fyllik, and as soon as Aud. Max. started filling up properly, one could really feel the atmosphere. They started playing Hvis jeg var deg, and my notes describe it as a “hype singalong”, so you can probably imagine what it was like. After that came Suksess, En skål, Da har du driti deg ut igjen and Enda en skål for Jokke. One thing is for sure, they can’t be accused of forgetting what got them together in the first place.

Then followed my personal favorite – Her kommer vinteren, a truly impressive drum solo, and then Action and Spenn. I feel like I should get to brag a little about how they gave me a small shoutout before they began; during my interview with them a few hours earlier I asked them what their favorite song to play was, and they agreed it had to be Spenn. Then they played a few more songs before they offered their thanks and left the stage, but the students were far from done with the boys. For seven full minutes they stood their ground and called out for more, and finally Valentourettes returned to play one more track. When the singalong reverbed through all of Aud. Max. one last time, it was clear that the band had brought all of the spirit they could carry to Ås. Let’s just cross our fingers and hope it was enough to get us through another semester.

Photo: The Photo committee by Anne Guro Røsæg

Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator

Is pornography morally wrong?

Porno. Everyone has watched it, and is it really a problem? Porn can give you an opportunity to get to know your sexuality better, and leads to a normalisation of sex, which previously was taboo. On the other hand, watching porn may lead to a twisted view on sex, and can cause body image issues. Many people involved in the porn industry may be viewed as victims, as they often are people struggling financially.

A huge industry Porn sites get more visitors every month than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Every year, 13,000 porn videos are produced, and the porn industry in the USA alone, earns almost 17 billion NOK. Men between 35 and 49 years old are the most frequent viewers, and 1 in 3 viewers

are women. Between 5-8% of viewers are addicted, meaning they watch more than 11 hours a week.

Amateur porn Amateur pornos give the impression that they are like of a “real” movie. The girls are usually between 18 and 21. This is an age that sells well, as “teen” is the most searched word on the porn sites. “Hot Girls Wanted” is a Netflix show that tells the story of young girls that choose to get into the amateur porn industry. The girls tell that their biggest motivation to join the industry was the pay. “I became a porn actress to pay my bills” was a typical comment. For one sex scene, the girls earn $800 on average. Running away from home and experiencing the freedom is another reason for going into the industry. Some even say that they have a wish to become a porn star, even though it’s difficult.

“18 and abused” Abuse porn had in 2014 as much as 60 million hits a month. In this category, the girl is beaten, verbally abused, and forced to perform an aggressive “blowjob” where the end goal is her throwing up. Studies show that almost 40% of pornography online includes violence against women.

First sexual experience Youth are especially influenced by watching a lot of porn. They are on average 11 years old when they start watching porno, and more boys than girls watch porn in their early years. A lot of porn doesn’t reflect sex in real life, and this can give the youth a twisted impression of what sex is like. This effect is enhanced through porn sometimes being the only sexual education the youth

receive. An unrealistic body image might develop too, as a lot of the women in the industry have had plastic surgery done to their boobs and genitalia. The men in the industry have larger penises than the average man.

Does the mystery surrounding sex belong in the past? Through the internet, we have access to watch the kind of sex we desire, whenever we want. This may lead to sex in real life feeling less special. In the past, an erotic short story or a playboy magazine would have been enough, but this seems a bit boring in current times. Whether the constant access to watch live-sex can lead to a less romantic and mysterious sexual world, could be further discussed.

Porn also provides positive effects Statistics show that in the USA, the age of first physical sexual experience has increased, and there are less teenage pregnancies. This correlates with the increasing availability and access to porn. The number of cases of rape by force has fallen by 85% since 1980. A theory is that when people have an outlet through porn for their sexual fantasies that would otherwise be illegal, the likelihood of doing them in real life decreases. Porn has also led to the normalisation of sex and gives access to a sexual world that not everyone would have had access to in real life. It is a platform where one can discover one’s sexual desires before one decides to try them out in real life.

Respect and mutual responsibility Porn has led to more openness and consciousness around people’s own sexuality. If we search for morally correct porn that isn’t discriminating or oppressive to women, we have come a long way. We should also work towards showing the youth a sex culture consisting of mutual responsibility and respect, rather than their first meeting with sex being violent and unrealistic porn.

Sofia Basma Moen Journalist

Astrid Kisen Translator

Oda Braar Wæge Illustratør

A comment from Ås Feministiske Studenter: First and foremost, it is important to state that porn isn’t wrong or discriminating against women. There is a lot of feminist porn, where the people involved in the production are treated well before, during and after the making of the video. And they are also given a fair pay. We are not against all forms of porno but think that a lot of aspects of the porn industry is problematic. Sex work is quite risky when it comes to health, and the working conditions can potentially be very bad.

A lot of work in the porn industry can be compared to prostitution, as both making porn and prostitution is sex work. Talking about sex work is very important. Many men and women working in the industry are treated badly, receives minimal pay, and do not receive physical or mental health care. The employment rights of porn actors/actresses and prostitutes are in other words terrible.

There are several problematic aspects with the most accessible porn online (e.g. Pornhub). They are usually extremely racist, oppressive to women, and gives a twisted image of sex and intimacy. A lot of people start watching porn at a young age, and for some, porn is the only sexual education they get. By watching a lot of porn when young and suggestible, one can get an abnormal image of sex, women and pleasure.

A travel letter from far far away

Tilde Birgitte Dalberg Journalist

Astrid Kisen Translator

Can you guess where I am now?

In one of the most colourful countries in the world, where cattle aren’t fenced in, but are wandering the streets (a vegan’s dream?). The food here is so spicy that my taste buds are almost exploding. “Namasté”, is no longer exclusive to the yoga class, but instead something you say as “hello” and “goodbye”. I am of course talking about India, more exactly Udaipur.

Not alone But I’m not here alone. I’m travelling with 19 wonderful fellow students from NMBU. We are all taking the “Development Challenges in Rural India”, EDS272. The course is meant for people doing their bachelor’s degree in international Environment and Development Studies but is also open for other students as well. After a month here, our journey is coming to an end, and I feel both excited and sad. Looking back at the trip, choosing what to write about in this letter is difficult. We have experienced so much!

Where exactly was I going? We were let loose in India, with no timetable, and barely knowing where we were going. I remember walking through customs and the police asked me where I was going -I didn’t know how to pronounce the city we were going to. Slightly embarrassing to be honest, but it made the trip extra exciting.

My first days in India I arrived on New Years Eve, and don’t ask me how they celebrate it here. I was so exhausted I slept my way into the new decade… Oh well. The lectures started the morning after, and they were really interesting. We were taught by many knowledgeable guest lecturers and went on field trips to see how one works on developmental studies in practice. It was interesting, but also hard hearing about the challenges many face in rural India.

Life without a warm shower A warm shower is something I will never take for granted ever again. EVER. If I wanted a warm shower, I had to boil several pots of water, and pour it in a bucket together with cold water (it took forever). Then I had to take a bowl and scoop up water and pour it over my head. For every scoop, I felt the warm water pour down and heat up several parts of my body. It felt like being blessed. It kind of felt like I got a connection to the water. It’s hard to describe but working on something and experiencing the reward teaches you to appreciate it more.

The highlight during the trip Obviously, it wasn’t all terrible. The highlight of the trip was when we spent an entire week in the field. Here, we got to try out as scientists. We were split into groups and sent out to small villages to collect information through interviews and use it as data for our chosen project. The people here are relatively poor, and it was interesting comparing their life with how we live in Norway. What surprised me the most, was how friendly they all were. You could just walk straight into their gardens, and ask to interview them, and they said yes without hesitation. We were also invited in for meals and tea. A few times we also got gifts in the form of vegetables straight from the earth.

Farewell Soon I will be on my way home, and I’m experiencing mixed emotions. One part of me is going to miss the people here, their culture and the cattle in the streets. The other part of me CAN’T WAIT for a warm shower, a normal stomach, and my own, comfy bed. However, I don’t see this as the end of my journey. I will always bring with me the experience and knowledge I gained here. And who knows, maybe I’ll return one day?

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