10 minute read
What does NMBU do to
from TT05 English
by Tuntreet
TUNTREET What happens to the student’s economy now?
Tilde Birgitte Dalberg Journalist
Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator Astrid Kisen Translator
Tuntreet conducted a survey to see how NMBU students’ economy is affected due to the corona pandemic. Many of the answers we received were quite surprising.
There has been a lot of cases in the media about students being laid off their part time job, and henceforth are struggling. First, it was decided that these students should be offered an additional loan from the State Educational Loan Fund. After strong reactions from students all over the country who thought it was unfair to add an additional loan on students, it was decided that 30% of the loan was to be turned in to a grant.
Most people don’t notice an economical difference during this corona crisis, but 23% of the students receiving financial support are still negatively affected. Many of these students claim it is due to being laid off, having lost their job or summer job, or that whether they get a summer job or not is still uncertain. Most participants did have the summer job as an important source of income in addition to the grants and student loan. The lack of available summer jobs may have significant consequences for students.
Dette sa studentene om situasjonen: Positivt påvirket:
- Jeg mottar fortsatt støtte fra lånekassen og har de samme faste utgiftene, men bruker mindre penger på alkohol, konserter osv. - Mange fulltider på jobben som er hjemme, ekstrahjelper får mere jobb. Jobber i dagligvarehandel. - Har dratt hjem til foreldrene mine, og det er generelt veldig lite å bruke penger på. Får også mest sannsynlig jobbe som vanlig på sommerjobben min. - Var på utveksling, skolen jeg var på ville få oss hjem så de betaler de siste to måneds leie. Og flybillet hjem. - Bruker mindre på P2 i Johannes - Bruker mindre penger på sosiale aktiviteter, alkohol, og shopper ikke. Bor hjemme hos foreldre, så betaler lite for mat.
Merker ikke forskjell:
- Permittert men mindre å bruke penger på - Jobber i dagligvare, og fortsetter min vanlige turnus - Aksjene har falt en del, men de kommer seg igjen og jeg jobber egentlig mer enn normalt - Jeg har ingen jobb ved siden av studiene, derfor har jeg heller ikke blitt permittert! Jeg har derfor like dårlig rå som før :D - Får ikke muligheten til å jobbe + må holde meg hjemme - Spent på om jeg fortsatt har sommerjobben, prøver å holde av litt penger. Hjelper at samfunnet og det sosiale livet er stengt - Deltidsjobben min gir meg mulighet til å ha hjemmekontor. - Billig husleie , så stipend og litt hjelp hjemmefra får hjulene til å gå rundt. Tenker mye på de som ikke har det så lett og synes det er elendig av myndighetene å ikke hjelpe studenter som er avhengige av jobb og har blitt permitterte , men heller gi de mer gjeld.
Negativt påvirket:
- A bigger portion of my income has to go towards rent than before - Permittert fra deltidsjobb, liten mulighet for sommerjobb. - Hadde egentlig fått sommerjobb, men det ble ikke noe av. - Er permittert fra jobben. I tillegg er jeg ferdig utdannet denne våren, og hadde fått jobbtilbud til fast jobb etter studiene forrige sommer. Det blir det ikke noe av den jobben likevel. - Student i utlandet, økonomisk tap gjennom sterk valutanedgang hos norsk krone, ingen kompensasjon fra Lånekassen eller mulighet for utvidet lån - Mentalt - I have had to give up my job, and cancel my thesis research plans abroad - Utfordrende å studere på egenhånd, og har behov for fysioterapi som er stengt.
What the students say about the situation: Positive change:
-I still get money from Lånekassen and have the same expences, but save money on alchol and such.. - I get a lot of extra work in the grocery store at home. - I have gone home to my parents and don’t spend money. I also get to work as usual in my summer job. - I was sent home from exchange with two months free rent and a free plane ticket. - I spend less on P2 in Johannes - I use a lot less money on social outings, shopping and alcohol. I live at home so I don’t pay for food either.
No difference:
- I am laid off but spend less money in sum. - Business as usual at my greengrocer job - My stock has fallen a bit but they’ll get back up and I work more now. -I have not been laid off since I don’t have a job! So, same poverty as usual here :D - Can’t work + have to stay at home - Nervous about whether I have my summer job or not, but it helps that the samfunnet is closed with the money - My part time job gives me the oppurtunity to work from home - Cheap rent, stipend and some help from home make the ends meet. My thoughts go to the ones that don’t have it this easy and I think it sucks that the government won’t help out and instead indebt people more. - Dunno if I can get a job this summmer. Unsure about expences because of the stocks, it is impossble to plan ahead. - Postponed master’s thesis
Negative change:
- Laid off from work. I am done with my edu this summer and had gotten a job offer, but that’s gone as well. - Student abroad, economic losses doe to inflation, no compensation from Lånekassen or possibility to take a loan. - Mentally. - I have had to give up my job, and cancel my thesis research plans abroad - Challenging to study from home, and I need physical therapy but they are closed. - Laid off and no money, no summer job either. - Loss of income since my job is cancelled
- Vet ikke om jeg får sommerjobb. Usikkerhet rundt hvordan ting blir fremover mhp. bl.a. mulige økte utgifter som følge av dårlig kronekurs etc. Umulig å planlegge fremover. - A bigger portion of my income has to go towards rent than before - Laid off from my part-time job, can’t get a summer job.
- Har blitt permitert uten rett på dagpenger. Sommerjobben er blitt avlyst
økonomiske konsekvenser for studenter. One student is particularly worried: «up until now, it has been okay. However, I’m more worried about the summer job, as I depend on work in June to pay rent for July. Worst comes to worst, I will have to give up my accommodation and move back in with myparents.»
The struggle of finding Work AfterUniversity
The lack of a summer job isn’t the only worry students have. Finding work after a finished degree may now be challenging. One student has even lost the job offer they were given. «I will be finishing up my degree this spring, and was offered a fulltime job last summer, once my studies were finished. That isn’t happening anymore.»
Life Without Financial Support
Only one student out of the 93 participating students did not normally receive financial support for their education and has only had work as the source of income. This person says they were negatively affected by the financial crisis but did not want to elaborate on this matter. The rest of the students received support from the State Educational Loan Fund, from other support sources or from their families.
Money toSpare
Despite all the problems, there aren’t only negative financial consequences. 21% says they are affected positively by the pandemic. Some people work in supermarkets and have gotten extra shifts. Some people don’t spend as much on food, as they have gone home to their parents, don’t go out to Samfunnet anymore, and can save a good bit from not buying beer and tickets anymore. Some people are saving this money, but that isn’t always easy for everyone: “(I) save money when there aren’t any parties, but I spent that money shopping online to have some happiness these days. Don’t underestimate the excitement of waiting for a parcel to arrive!”
Only 93 students answered the poll so it does not statistically represent NMBU students
Alternative places to
study The Korona situation has not only led to changes in teaching, but also put an end to the regular reading arenas for
stressed students during the exam period. With crowded home situations, it can be difficult to focus this semester, and Tuntreet has therefore investigated alternative reading places that can be used during these Corona-times.
Tord Kristian F. Andersen Photographer & Journalist
Herman Bjørnson Hagen Photographer
Tilde Milia Skaatun Translator
Storage room
Most have a storage room available that is great for reading. Bring a candle, something green and some good reading material and you are set. Still, this place gets a minus for being a bit dark, cold and cramped. There is also the danger of interruption from people trying to pick up their stuff. Nevertheless, it is a short distance to and from, and is one of the more cozy options.
Availability: 8 Comfort: 5 Study-in-peace index: 8
The Moss Chair
If the previous alternative is too claustrophobic for you, you can go for the place without walls: Nature. There are several beautiful pieces of furniture in God’s free nature that are ready to accommodate stressed students. Unfortunately, it is not given that it comes with accompanying tables. This can create problems if your subject is characterized by more than just practicing the textual curriculum. The air is fresh, there is (often) a lot of light, but the weather can be unsafe. Still, it is a valid alternative to consider if you are an outdoors person.
Availability: 3 Comfort: 5 Study-in-peace index: 9
If you don’t mind trying life as an occupant, there are several excellent cabins and treehouses left in the woods. Here there is little disturbance and plenty of room for self-reading as well as group work. You are still close to nature such as with The Moss Chair, but it is more protected and the weather is not such a big problem. This option provides good conditions if you need an “all-nighter”, just be sure to include an external light source.
Availability: 3 Comfort: 9 Study-in-peace index: 10
If the other alternatives are too far for a school road, we can highly recommend the toilet. With bright colours, a comfortable seat and everything you need to sit for a long workday, you can be sure that you will always be motivated. However, there is a danger of disturbance such as sounds from the living room and other people who want to use the porcelain throne. Tuntreet recommend some movement from time to time, as the chair may be perceived as somewhat hard. Availability: 10 Comfort: 7 Study-in-peace index: 4
Apart from those mentioned, there are many other options. You can use one of many available benches, or maybe bring a blanket and call it a picnic. If you have a car, you can sit comfortably reading, and change the view as you get bored - your only limit is your imagination. Exam reading has never been the easiest and especially not now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t break the monotony with an alternative reading space. Good luck!