Tt 07 engelsk0 nett

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NR. 7 \ September 28th 2017

Tuntreet Volume 72



Ă…s students share their private-part problems




7 8 9 10

15.09 06.10 27.10 17.11

28.09 19.10 09.11 30.11


Editorial board

Editor-in-chief Even Skramstad Arntsen Journalist editor Margit Fausko Journalists Emilie Sandell Veslemøy Waage Julie Westergaard Karlsen Emilie Rui Kaja Mie Botnen Jon Eskild Mostue Sæther Mathilde Moe Strand Stine Lise Wannebo Ole-Andreas Stigsrud Albert Akoury Layout editor Ingvill Eidesen Layout Malin Sandven Runa Gjerland Julie Øvstedal Anne Tove Græsdal Våge Heidi Engeland

Even Skramstad Arntsen Editor-in-chief

Photography editor Ester Alida Vold Photography Johanne Grøndahl Klausen Sara Bagheri Ingrid Nedrebø Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Merete Guldhav Inga Elen Årvoll Eidsvik Øyvind Nyheim Sigrid Knag Coordinator of proofreading Karoline M. Birkeland Proofreading Olivia Rypdal Kjersti Rustad Kvisberg Rosanna Øien Karina Eileen Finn Jack of all trades, master of all Gunnar S. Haarr Kristian Haraldsen Nina Rosita Hansen Distribution Jonas Rudi Advertising Yngve Gorseth Tuntreet, et organ for studentsamfunnet i Ås Tuntreet, Postboks 1211 1432 Ås E-mail: Print run: 1000 NO + 300 ENG Print: BK Grafisk, Sandefjord Front page: Herman Solstad-Wiik Mid page: Johanne Grøndahl Klausen Calender: Kristian Haraldsen

Dish/Ditch Washer In between lectures, lab and recreation, it’s quite easy to forget the subtle heroes of everyday life. Rice boilers and coffee makers. The refrigerator. Tupperware with month counters on the lid. And, of course, the Rolls Royce of kitchen comfort: The Dishwasher. Dinners and social gatherings with a double-digited number of guests are easily doable. The dishes after the dinner wash themselves while you run of to catch the aerobic session of the evening. You do get a little blissful overhearing a dish washer in vigorous action. But as it’s said in Our Father: “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” The dish washer do come with a dark side. The gifts of the Washer are easily exploited. The dinner is consumed. Six sets of plates, forks, knives and cups are ready for purification. The disappointment introduces itself when you discover that the cave of the Washer is already occupied. Two massive pots take up all the space on the bottom.

Indeterminable crusts cover the bottom of the pots. Maybe you’ll find a colander hidden away as well, rubbery after being treated this way multiple times before. The rack resembles a weapon rack from the Middle Ages more than something you’d find in a modern kitchen. Kitchen knives of all shapes and sizes, Japanese names and dull edges. Once these knives were sharp as razors, and had the ability to effortlessly cut through steaks and sweet potatoes. Now you’re lucky if you manage to cut through a strawberry without making a paste. The only pizza wheel in the dorm, along with the only cheese slicer, spaghetti spoon and bread knife suffers the same fate. Plastic boards comes out of the Washer curled up like oak leaves. Non-stick frying pans turns rusty. How long will we suffer through this washing tyranny? Support the movement of dish washer segregation, only dishes and cutlery. Gather your dorm, sit down, and have a proper Dish meeting.


p. 20 Sober in Ås

p. 9

p. 17

Klovner i Kamp

Love and war in student housing

Future festival

p. 22

p. 30 Valgnemda

p. 44

p. 40


TT Taboo: STDs Translation Catharina Lundby

Rebekka Bedringås

Lish Earnest

Maren Oftebro

Sigrid Trier Kjær

Herman Solstad-Wiik


Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges Buried deep in the basement of the Samfunnet building, Rosie and Alejandro warmly welcome me into their recording studio. Over the past little while, the pair has been carefully planning and coordinating NMBU’s upcoming international student podcast. The podcast is designed to share the stories of international students and their integration here in Ås. They describe to me, with contagious enthusiasm, their hopes and dreams for the podcast: Albert Alkoury Journalist

Rosie opens by explaining the context behind the podcast. She tells me that NMBU is the university that hosts the largest proportion of international students in Norway. Yet, international and Norwegian students co-exist in hybrid, not as a mix - They live side by side, but often do not interact closely. There are barriers to integrating internationals and “I want to break down that wall!” declares Rosie.

Sigrid Knag Photographer

This conundrum has left Alejandro, himself an international student from Colombia, and Rosie, Norwegian born, asking themselves: “How do we close the gap?” to which they agreed the answer was to introduce international students as individuals. The hope is that by having students share their experiences, listeners will be encouraged to leave their comfort zone and engage not as Norwegians and foreigners, but as fellow students and human beings.

Rosie Jones is the leader of the upcoming podcast: Word of the World - NMBU International Podcast

I want to break down that wall!

Before leaving the busy hosts I ask one final question: “what message would you like this podcast to send to the students of NMBU?” Their answer highlights the passion they’ve invested into the project: • To attract a diverse audience of Norwegians as well as internationals. • To have people interact with the podcast; comment, share personal stories, and ask questions. • To fight prejudice by presenting guests for who they are as individuals; independent of their cultural background or country of origin. • To shine a spotlight on the international tapestry unique to NMBU.


Issue 07 Volume 72

The podcast will be recorded twice a month with the first episode scheduled to air towards the end of September. The podcast will be linked to on Tuntreets facebook page and at


Auditorium Aastveit – an important change Nina Rosita Hansen Journalist

Merete Guldhav Photographer

This year, Auditorium Arabidopsis in the Bio-Tech. building has been renamed, and is now called Auditorium Aastveit. This new name pays homage to two important men, who was both vital in the development of what we today know as NMBU. This winter, Are Halvor Aastveit passed away. Vice-chancellor Mari Sundli Tveit explains that he was a strong and generous leader, with a big heart for his colleagues, his students, and for NMBU as a whole. He had a PhD in statistics from the University of Oslo. In the 90s he lead the work with starting up science programmes on Master’s and PhD-levels at the Norwegian College of Agriculture. He was also in charge of the extensive merger that resulted in the Faculty of chemistry, biotechnology, and food sciences (KMB), and was the head of

this faculty the last 10 years of his academic career. Knut Aastveit, Are Halvor Aastveits father, was a professor in genetics and plant breeding at the Norwegian College of Agriculture from 1968 to 1988. Through his research and his work as a lecturer, he became central in the development of plant breeds that Norwegian food and feed production still depend on. In 2014, he received the Plantearven award for his work in the field. He was also chairman of the planning committee when the Bio-tech.

building was to be constructed in the early 2000s. In other words, Are Halvor Aastveit and Knut Aastveit have been important figures in both the academic activity in the Biotech building, and the development of the building itself. The name change was suggested by vice-chancellor Mari Sundli Tveit earlier this year, and passed by the board. To change the name of the Bio-Tech. building’s biggest auditorium in honor of the Aastveits is an important symbolic gesture.

MELD FLYTTING - BLI EN AV ÅS! Vi tar i mot nye søknader fra 12. august til 25. oktober


Lokal innflytelse ved valg 4.000,- kroner utbetalt 5 billetter til Ås kinoteater 5 billetter til Ås kulturhus Innbyggerstatus i Ås

– Jeg fisker etter enda flere innbyggere til vekstkommunen Ås! Hilsen ordfører Ola Nordal

Mer informasjon og søknadsskjema finner du på Ås kommunes hjemmeside:ås

Utgave 07 Årgang 72



From lazer guns to CV photography

– Career day has it all Julie Westergaard Karlsen Journalist

Merete Guldhav Photographer

Careers day will take place on October 11 at Samfunnet. Guro Vassend is responsible for the event, and she alone has the task of arranging the day and making sure it goes well. But she is not stressed for one reason: «The Committee has been working very hard, and that will make all the difference.» The career fund Well over 60 companies usually attend career day, and Guro makes sure that there is something for everyone, whether you study education or aquaculture. Careers day doesn›t only provide companies with a great opportunity to get to know students at NMBU, but is also a huge source of income for Samfunnet. At least 800 000 kr come flooding into its accounts, and sometimes more. 15% of the surplus revenue gets put in the Careers fund, which is invested in career measures for the students. NMBU students are well sought after, since companies pay up to 40,000 kr to come to Careers day! Hosts and banquets «Many wish to come to NMBU, og our daily activities and hosts are especially appreciated,» Guro tells us. Every company has its own host, who wishes them a warm welcome and helps them throughout the day. This role is filled by students, and the arrangement can be just as beneficial for them as for the company. «To be a host can in some cases fasttrack you to an interview, or even secure you an internship,» Guro says temptingly. Careers day is open between twelve and two for Master students, and for everyone between two and four. There are also activites in the evenings. Companies have the opportunity to invite students for teambuilding events and a banquet in order to get to know them better in a more informal setting. «To be a host can be a fast-track to a job interview or even an internship”

Help with job applications Careers day also organises various «cases,» that the students can attempt. «Many companies use case-tasks during the hiring process, so it›s a good opportunity to start practicing.» Guro explains. The Career Centre collaborate with «Næringslivutvalget», and have their own stand where they offer assistance on CV writing as well as job applications. Lazer shooting and popsicles But let us take a break from all the career measures and discuss what we really care about: stash. What is the best bait a company can turn up with? «Diplomis often bring ice cream, and AF Gruppen want to offer lazer shooting.» I can imagine there will be plenty of pens and sweeties.


Issue 07 Volume 72

These are attending Careers day:

Probea As Norges Vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) COWI Bane NOR Borregaard Statens Vegvesen Asplan Viak As Teach First Norway Hydro Diplom IS AF Gruppen Standard Norge Veidekke Entreprenør GK Plan og bygningsetaten Jotun Norsk landbruksrådgivning statsbygg WSP Norge AS Felleskjøpet Karrieresenteret Multiconsult Ø.M. Fjell ECT as NCC Statnett trainee innlandet Hafslund Oslo kommune, Vann og avløpsetaten Statistisk sentralbyrå OBOS BBL BetonmastHæhre AS/ Steen & Lund BDO AS Skanska SINTEF Statkraft Rambøll Olav Thon Gruppen Nettverk for eiendomsfag Tekna Norad - Direktoratet for utviklingssamarbeid ÅF Engineering SWECO Deloitte LO Follo


The King of “hangover food” Roys Grill, a fast food restaurant in Vestby by Plantasjen Ole-Andreas Stigsrud Journalist and photographer

You might have heard the name Roys Grill before? It is a fast food restaurant, which is very popular among NMBU students due to its good food and pleasant locale, and because Roy himself is a funny guy. He uses social media for marketing as well as he can, and is a particularly innovative person. The menu is regularly updated with exciting new dishes, and all of a sudden good offers and other upgrades are announced in order to attract new customers. Recently, the fast food restaurant has seen considerable development and growth, and Roys is easily considered the biggest opponent of Burger King and McDonald’s, especially when it comes to hangover food. Roy has constructed a nice patio outside, with plants, parasols, benches and roof. I went there myself the morning after PB’s revue; needed a trip to Roys that day, to be honest. I tried something new, and ordered one of those Philly Steaks. It was sort of an elongated cheeseburger, but with mushrooms and onion rings, and outstanding fries on the side. I’m not a big fan of salad, but it was there as well. Gotta say, Roys does wonders to a shabby morning after a party. When you’re first visiting Roy you could also stop by Holdbart and get some cheap pizza or something, it’s just nearby.

Jonas Kjosbakken, 21: Always looking forward to visit Roy. If there’s anyone who can cure both hangover and hunger, it’s Roy! 5/7

Peter Hovda, 26: Roys grill is a place for everyone. A place where the kebab swims dressing and the only place in Norway you get too much cheese on the pizza. In addition, the new patio is SUPERnice! 5/5

Roys fantastic Philly Steak

Lars Martin Hval, 23: Roys grill has good fast food. It tastes great, and looks fine. The new patio looks nice in an otherwise shabby facility. Favorite dish is Philly Steak, the juices just flow through your mouth. 17/19

This is how you get to Roys grill

Issue 07 Volume 72



Future Festival

From Ås and into the future

Campus Ås was coloured green on an otherwise perfectly ordinary Tuesday. The Future Festival drew audiences from across the country, all intrigued to learn more about the green technologies that the students at NMBU are exploring. We can’t live in traditions, we have to live in the future

Fremtidstinget consisted of Bård Vegar Solhjell, Max J. Tangen, Siri Kristiansen, Lan Marie Nguyen Berg og Tommy Haugen.

Stine Lise Wannebo Journalist Merete Guldhav Photographer

Over 500 people attended this year’s Fremtidsfestivalen, the Future Festival, on September 5, the very first of its kind. There were seven lectures in the morning, all focused on either cities, agriculture or businesses. The festival’s official slogan was “Det grønne skiftet – fra ord til handling”, which would sound something like “The green transformation – from words to action” in English. The final afternoon segment of the day took place in Aud.Max. There was free lunch as well one final guest speaker and the muchanticipated Fremtidstinget, Future Council. Conservative students Not only is Marius Holm the head of the climate charity ZERO, he is also a NMBU alumni and a former editor of Tuntreet. He entered the stage straight after lunch to talk about how society can reduce its emissions in the future. 8

Issue 07 Volume 72

- Demand makes everything cheaper. That also goes for green technology but one must to have the guts to try. I really believe that the sphere here in Ås could play a vital part in the green transformation, he said. After addressing the audience from the stage, Holm spoke about the importance of students engaging in politics and the wider community. - I would encourage students to think less conservative and to be aware that they can change NMBU and they can change Ås. We can’t live in traditions, we have to live in the future, he said backstage. The Future Council The festival’s last post was something many students had been looking forward to. The Future Council was led by Siri Kristiansen, a comedian and tv-host whose weekly appearance on the radio programme “Lørdagsrådet” has made her voice well known among the Norwegian student population. While her role as host might have been a familiar one, the topic might not have been. Four participants were invited onto the stage to discuss the green transformation:

former Minister of the Environment Bård Vegar Solhjell, Councelor for Environment and Transport Lan Marie Nguyen Berg, CEO of 7Sense Products Max J. Tangen and NMBU student Tommy Haugen. Together they were set the task of answering questions submitted by NMBU students on the topic of sustainability, green technology and the future. Knowledge for life It was with much compassion and humour that Tommy Haugen, a student of industrial economy, set about representing the interests of Tora and Thorvald. - The most important point to get across is that every little helps when it comes to living a more sustainable life, he said. It is clear to see that he likes to engage in questions and topics raised by the Future Festival and he did not hesitate to say yes when he got the chance to participate in the Future Council. - The future will have its challenges and that is why it is so important to become aware of what to expect. Today’s festival provides us with knowledge for life so that we together can meet the green transformation.

1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 3 = Festival There were five in total who planned and executed the Future Festival. There were Aksel, Ane, Anna Emelie, Oskar and Katja. They worked together to make sure that the university made the unconventional move of inviting comedian Siri Kristiansen to the stage. It should be mentioned that Katja was in fact purchased on a nearby garden centre and arrived in Ås with her head sticking out the window on the passenger side of a car. Katja, the future tree, was later decorated with little apples where the audience could write down their hopes and worries related to a green future.

700 signed up

The four students who arranged the festival in close cooperation with the university and Innovasjon Norge were Aksel Pettersen (23), Ane Magnussen (20), Anna Emelie Fagerheim (21) and Oskar Aalde (23). The latter was also the main host of the day and very pleased with how the event turned out. - It went so smooth! We did a lot of preparation – we were very aware of the damage we could do, Oskar said smiling.

The Future Festival was free for students and a complementary lunch was included. There were nearly 700 participants booked in advance and even more wanted to put their names down for a waiting list. Ane and Anna Emelie explains that the reason why they were chosen for the job of putting together the festival was because they participated in a competition last fall - and won.

Inner dictator

- It was important to us that students should be able to attend the festival, that it was free and that it was promoted to students, Aksel said. He said he was surprised that as many as seven hundred wanted to participate in the festival. In addition to being rewarded with hugs, love and appreciation, Aksel also valued the opportunity to live out his inner dictator. - We did have a lot of authority when planning the event although we cooperated closely with the university. We did a lot of the practicalities on our own, he said. - That made yesterday a long very day, making sure everything was ready before the big event, Anna Emelie added with a weary smile.


The hevy responsibility for organising backstage fell on Anna Emelie and Aksel.

Anna Emelie and Ane (f.v.) prepering the last details.

Three on Tuntreet

Students scattered in all directions once the Future Festival was over. We hurried along and managed to catch three audience members to ask them which green thoughts they would keep with them well into the future. What inspired you the most about the Future Festival?

Ina Storrønning, 24, Trondheim Bachelor in Environmental and natural resources “I really enjoyed the lecture on cities. It tacked the issues of urban living in the future and considered important matters such as temperature and public transport. They also talked about how it might be possible to utilise solar energy all year round – even in the winter. “

Helen Hoem, 26, Molde Alumni, Master in Food Science “I was inspired by how many possibilities there are aside from oil. It feels both reassuring and motivating that green technology has to be the way of the future. Petroleum will not be as valuable as it once was.”

Annbjørg Barbakken, 22, Birkeland Master in Bioinformatics “It was all very inspiring! Especially the fact that we don’t necessarily need to get rid of all plastic, we just need to invent other ways of using plastic. I thought that was very compelling.“ Issue 07 Volume 72



g n i k Ma

s d n frie

When you try to make new friends by yourself, anything can happen, - Both good and bad!

I’m a new student at Ås, and I’ll try to make new friends at a WednesdayBodega. My plan is to try out different opening lines, and see how it affects the meeting, and hopefully make some new friends. I started at the pre-party in Cafèklubben, and continued at the Bodega when that opened.


Jardar Lindås Bringedal Journalist

Merete Guldhav Photographer

Hi, is this seat taken? Do you Just sit there and wait for Hi, would you like to be my mind if I sit down? someone to sit down with you. friends? - Yeah sure, take a seat! Who are you, and Worked pretty badly for me, but you know, - Yes, absolutely There`s nothing we why are you here? - I’m Jardar (quick greeting round), and I’m attending the pre-party at Caféklubben. - I see, I was wondering who actually attends that. Well, that’s me. I was thinking I should try it out, at least now in the beginning. It’s a great way to get started. The conversation was going well. The mood felt great. The situation felt familiar, you know when you attend a pre-party at a friend’s house and you meet new people there. We recommendend it as a safe start. But not the best.

thats just me.

Maybe it`s a better idea later at night, you either choose someone you want eye contact with, or you just sit there and look really interesting. I failed both. It`s recommended if you have really high self-esteem, mixed with clear humility. Or, do you know what? I can`t say I would recommend it.

“What?! Dance with you? Do we know you?“ 10 Issue 07 Volume 72

would like more than to be your friends! - So, if you could have one wish, and one wish only, would it be to be my friend? - Yes, definitely. It’s either a great gang, or I just came up with a great icebreaker, it could be both. I got a feeling that my new friends were taking special care of me. These direct silly approaches are a nice way of breaking the ice. I think it`s a humble and interresting way to meet new people. By showing interest, you make yourself interesting. Highly recommended!

Bodega - Would you like to dance?

- What?! Dance with you? Do I even know you? Do you know who we are? Do you just come over here without even knowing who we are, and ask if we want to dance? - Will you join me soon then? - Maybe I gave them my best smile, and talked to them for a little while. Then I asked them a few more times, if they wanted to dance. A no to that, not the best start to a conversation, especially when is not followed by dancing. It’s not the best feeling, but hey, you don’t win if you don’t try, right? It’s highly recommended if you choose a table where there’s the right mood for it. If not you’re just giving them another reason to just sit at the Bodega, and not come upstairs to dance.

Nordic Games at Ås in 1991.

Pre-parties are usually a more calm arena than the party itself. You have alot more time to talk, but you probaly have to give more of yourself to get the conversation to float. Especially with - Hi! I’ll just take this seat. brand new people. It’s recommended to try out - Good! You do that. “Caféklubben‘s pre-party” to gain more friends, - Thanks, how are you? and get some challenge. Nice and calm atmo- We’re fine, are you here by yourself? Are sphere. At the Bodega the mood just keep on you new here? rising, usually until closing time. You can wan- Yes, both new and alone. But that’s not a der around as you please, and new people just problem, it just makes it more exciting. keep on entering the venue. To summarize, it’s - That’s true, it’s nice to get know new peo- no problem at all to walk around by yourself. ple. We recommend a smooth, exciting and interesting approch. Good luck! Success! Nice people, that some me the same amout of interest that I gave them. I gained some respect with my charming moves and nice smile, it seemed like they didn’t think I was fresh meat. Maybe my introduction was so full of confidence that I perceived as a veteran.

Nordic Games was founded by Georg Guttormsen in 1946. This year Nordic Games was therefore the 71st. in history, and was, as many may know, arranged here in Ås. This event gathers the four largest nordic agricultural colleges and invites them to attend sporting activities and other fun stuff the second week of September every year. It changes from year to year between Ås in Norway, Uppsala in Sweden, Copenhagen in Denmark and Helsinki in Finland, and Helsinki is our host of 2018. Georg, the legend that the GG-hall is named after, participated in over 40 events himself! Issue 07 Volume 72 11

Where do all the ducks go during the fall? There are rumors that ducks die in the pipes between the artificial ponds on campus. Tuntreet has attempted to dive after the vanished ducks, but what happens with them remains a mystery. Photo: Inga Elen Ă…rvoll Eidsvik


Kate Raworth Ståle Navrud Arild Vatn, Ebba Boye, Erik Gomez-Baggethun, Fredrik Andersen med flere

Forbereder økonomifaget oss på fremtidens utfordringer? Når: Lørdag 30. september kl 9.00 Hvor: Festsalen, Urbygningen, NMBU Pris: Ordinær kr 200, student kr 100 Følg oss! Facebook: Rethinking Economics NMBU



Food revolution in Ås? Maria Refsland Journalist

The message spread like wildfire via the Jungle Telegraph on Facebook, whispering that something big is about to be expected. “Summoning: Tor Kristian Stevik, associate professor at Industrial economy, is a hardcore idealist and businessman with a burning enthusiasm considering Norway’s centralized food system. His wish is to gather all forces working against the three superpowers and for local alternatives, to discuss and brainstorm how to engage a good movement with Ås as the starting point. As of now we’re all working on our own projects, with local focus, but how can we broaden the horizon and create a real food revolution? He (and we) believe Ås will be a good destination to light such a fire. We’ll meet tomorrow at 4 pm in TF Fløy III.”

The distance between producer and consumer has become larger and larger.

All increase in prices has been alotted middlemen, and not farmers.

This was the wording of a text from Ås Kooperativ, sent out Monday prior to the meeting to all of Ås’ organizations and engaged individuals working with food and agricultural issues. A short warning, indeed, especially considering the time schedule of most people involved, but it was a solid group of excited people who turned up in the outstanding offices of Fløy III. The participants came from Ås Kooperativ, Framtiden i våre hender, Spire, Ramme Gård, one local food network, people with odelsrett (allodial titles), BUA, Grønne studenter and Alliansen Ny Landbrukspolitikk. In addition, initiative taker Tor Kristian Stevik, programme responsible for Industrial economy at NMBU, was present. The superpowers of the large grocery chains. Tor Kristian told about his work as an enterpriser in the seafood industry, and his fight against those in control, in this case the large grocery chains. “The distance between producer and consumer has become larger and larger. For me, it turned into a system I stopped believing in.”

Enthusiastically, he told about his thoughts, using big words. “Great changes start somewhere. It can be us. It can be here.” Food enthusiasts need to fight together. This first meeting was meant as a brainstorming. Who are we who gathered here? What do we want? What do we think about today’s system? Different organizations had different perspectives on the matter. BUA and Ås Kooperativ work with selling products directly from local farmers, and function as the only middleman between farmer and customer. Ramme Gård is a producer. Spire, Grønne studenter, Alliansen Ny Landbrukspolitikk and Framtiden i våre hender work politically, with raising awareness and informing the public. What can all these achieve together? Stine, employed at Ramme Gård, conveyed the aim of this meeting well: “Each of us are on our own island, working with the same issues, but always alone. Until now, we haven’t managed to gather forces and work together, and with togetherness comes the big changes.”

Want to move large rocks with young forces. Clearly, the participants shared many of the same thoughts. Ulrikke from Ås Kooperativ pointed out that a false truth has been created in Norway that food is so expensive, while it actually isn’t. Meanwhile, all increase in prices has been alotted middlemen, and not farmers. This was followed up with the fact that alienation between consumer and product has lead to lack of willingness to pay. If we knew where our food came from, how it was made, and that it was real quality, we would want to pay more. It was made clear that the participants agree on that the food system in Norway should change, and that a second meeting should be scheduled to form a definite road ahead. Tor Kristian finished the meeting using these words: I have moved large rocks before, and I want to do it again, but this time I want to do it together with young – who indeed are the future. If you are interested in food production and food distribution issues, and wish to be part of the work that has just begun, you can contact Tor Kristian Stevik at tor.stevik@ Issue 07 Volume 72 15


Klovner i kamp kick off

the semester!

Emilie Rui Journalist

Sara Bagheri Photographer

We’re talking Dansken aka Esben Selvig, Fingern aka Thomas Gullestad and Alis aka Aslak Hartberg. Read what they have to say about the comeback, the fun in the heaviness, exhausted producers and the bursting life on tour. When I meet the clowns a few hours before kickoff, they’re all sprawled out, each on their own couch. From these couches they awoke to hear that soundcheck was on, a soundcheck they conducted dreamily and talk about as “crow-like”. I ask about the night that is about to come, if it will be a good show in Ås. 16 Issue 07 Volume 72

“I lived in Ås!”, exclaims Fingern. He finishes Dansken’s foot massage and concentrates to remember. “In Ekornveien, right by the small, yellow school. I played basket there, all alone, knew nobody. But it’s gonna be great playing here, lots of life!”. “We expect everyone to drink vinegar and go straight to the hospital”, says Dansken a little too serious. Clowns as an antidote to the dark Klovner i kamp often put humor and seriousness side by side in their music. Not like black humor, there is usually a clear distinction. But, both parts are included, and the duality is not a coincidence. “Life is a little like that. At least for the three of us. Suddenly, it can get completely dark. We can dig ourselves pretty deep down, and that’s when those songs arise where nothing is ironic and everything hurts”, tells Dansken. Alis agrees, and continues. “It’s a way of dealing, sitting in the band car and joking with the guys. It’s break-time. I used to spend a lot of time with Doktor’n, and

he’s a notorious joker at all times.” Fingern wonders how he really is. “No one knows”, finishes Alis. Durable producers wanted “We’re known for being extremely detail oriented. Sometimes that gets tiresome for everybody. Us, and the ones we work with. Preferably we want someone functioning as an editor”, tells Alis. Dansken shivers a little all over. “I think back with horror on the song processes. The guys are never happy. Think I wrote 70 verses to “Ja, vi elsker”. The thoroughly worked songs can turn out good, but it can go wrong.” They almost always get surprised about the songs that become popular. According to Fingern they’ve thrown away great first ideas with pickiness and self-doubt. Alis confirms this. “Kaninkoker 2 is the classic example. We went to our manager with version 2 because the first one was rubbish. We wanted to be cooler. He went nuts, got all red-faced. We released both, but you know, he was right. The one he liked became the hit.”

Did not think people liked Klovner Klovner started in 1994 and quit in 2006. After some detached single concerts since 2009, they’ve come further, but not quite returned. I wonder if they experience it differently now. “No, not really, because people still want to hear the old songs,” means Fingern. “Yes, but for me, Klovner was a stage left behind. It was a big step to pick it up again. We thought people didn’t like Klovner, but then they came and said Klovner is loved. Then I could stand tall on stage”, says Alis. Wondered if people who came to their concert were lost Dansken also has something to say about the case: “when we were playing our first concert after the comeback, we thought nobody would show up. It was like having a party and hoping that people would come. And then not only is the living room packed, the lawn and street are, too. Where did they all come from? Were they lost?” “And the nice thing is the people who are here today weren’t old when we released our albums. The music has grown. Siblings have played it for each other, fathers for sons. Nothing is cooler”, Alis adds. Fingern leans in with a smile. “Imagine how famous we’d become if one of us died now. We’re hoping one in the band will die soon. Gotta be Doktor’n.” The fascination of peeing in various containers The red thread through Klovner’s favourite tour stories is lots of beer turn into lots of peeing and, consequently, opportunities. “Hemsedal”, Dansken starts abruptly. “Should I say this here? We were bursting after the gig and had to get through all the audience to get to the bathroom, and we couldn’t be bothered. We were quite drunk. There was a technical storage room backstage and we found some smoke machines that pump lots of smoke onto the audience. They had these plastic containers for smoke fluids, and we peed into one of those. So I guess the next concert got yellow smoke”. Fingern hesitates before revealing part two. “We came back there five or six years later and stumbled across a container like that. That can’t possibly be the same, we thought. We unscrewed it and this unbelievably nasty ammonia smell came out. So that one definitely backfired.

Dansken continues. “Oh yes! Gotta tell one more pee-story. We had played in Trondheim during the russ celebration. We got a sixpack of Corona from backstage, drank them all, peed into the bottles and put the caps back on. We put them outside the window on first floor, and they were gone like that.” Alis comes with yet another story. “I’ve got one too! We were at a cabin once and decided not to go to the bathroom, and first we peed in all the glasses. When we were out of glasses we peed in egg cups, coffee cups, bowls, pots, and the coffee maker.” Fingern joins the game, too. “Beer results in so much pee. You know, we were in Trondheim one year, it’s so outdated, and we peed in a sixpack of- “ “Yeah, we just told that one”. “Sorry! I was texting a really important person. But yes, Corona.” Their photographer, Anton, comes in from the sideline: “By the way, you can’t just say that something’s outdated and then it is.” “Well we’ve become parents, does that help?” With this last comment from Fingern the interview comes to an end. The manager arrives to tell them that food is ready. Dansken empties the wine, Fingern opens a new beer and Alis makes a call. Only a few more quiet hours before they’re on stage in Aud. Max.

”We peed into one of those. So I guess the next concert got yellow smoke.”

Photo: Ruben Rygh


PB presents Russian Roulette

Aaaahhhhh!!! (The authors abstains from further PB-gimmicks). On Friday the 15th of September curious audience could go to Auditorium Maximum to check out the show of one of the more adventurous revue creators in Ås: Den X-Clusive Stiftelse PB. Emilie Sandell Journalist

Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer

The font of the posters reminds one of the Cyrillic alphabet and the divine red colour characterizes their hats as well the posters. PB seem a little uncertain whether they’re going Russian or North-Korean but there is no doubt that the tragicomic communism stands in the front. PB makes notorious good marketing. For recurring audiences it is known that PB has previously impressed with grand

18 Issue 07 Volume 72

scenography, intelligent writing and a couple of secret weapons. «Morna’ bloggen!» and KONSP911 is not something to be forgotten. No matter what the taste of each audience is, the journalist shows up with an objective mind. Of course she will by all means be satisfied if she sees body and she crosses both fingers and toes that she will not be disappointed when she leaves. Ambassadeur, secreteur og grandeur It is with great pleasure that PB once again initiate the revue with the traditional countdown on big screen. The hall fills up with suspension until the remarkable tapestry comes down and the “Ærwerdige Formand 479 Austad” (president) guards over the hall from a poster in dictatorial

design. Onto the stage march four PBmen with Austad on a litter. He sucks nonchalantly on his cigar, walks on the stage and greets his people. His speech is articulated – and he makes a clear attempt to mark that they have spread the “X-clusivitet”. What does this tell us? Nothing. But hey, grandeur! The secret weapon Show factor is raised when ”463 Askvig” the musically, secret weapon drives onto stage on a motorcycle. He’s accustomed to the stage and makes a good figure between the two fire extinguishers which are set of during the chorus. In the following number a feminine “Ærwerdig Formand” comes onto stage and gives all that he has. In this


number the PB-guys offers a traditional forestry-humor and it’s well received among the audience. The acting is thorough and the writing is creative. Exactly for this reason it’s easy to follow the act. The heartbreaker After a couple of one-liners in some short sketches it’s time to bring back the show factor – and this is good timing. Virgin PB-guys sings a charming song with good vocal for FFD (leader of “Foreningen Hunkatten”). Presumably the audience would have preferred that roses hadn’t been distributed and uncomfortable “pusekatter” (new members of “Foreningen Hunkatten”) who dances in front of the stage while it seems as they’re holding back. It was worth it however, to have your heart broken by a young 489 Haugland. PB plays the bass drum at the right time and don’t waste their energy on one-liners. It seems to work out for them. Now it’s time for a longer and rather comic number and it’s exciting to see how the guys handle it. A narrator like a young Attenborough speaks of a young girl. She meets three

PB-men one after the other in rising rank. Slowly it becomes clear that they are competing for the girl and they react to the others approaches as competing baboons in a nature documentary. The laughter runs easily when “747 Skistad” rattles primitively on to stage with clinking medals to frighten the competitors.

«PB is notorious for their marketing.» The winner of the night The feature which without doubt was the most awaited this night was the one that made a fool of the UKA-festival’s recruitment. Long we have oppressed our frustrations of their recruitment and marketing out of joy for UKA but former “471 Aamodt” freed us from this. In this number which was the finishing touch of the evening Aamodt was a monotonic and lamentably recruitment officer for UKA in Ås. In other words a known and ongoing figure. He presents a modified organizational chart of the many committee

chief roles that has to be occupied during the year to come while a tragicomic bass riff is playing. The laughter wouldn’t stop! The relevant of the night After a feature of thirty energetic seconds with techno music and three stupid exercises the guys took up the challenge to parody the biggest parties of the parliament election in a debate which worked like a Russian roulette. Even if the imitation of Siv Jensen was incomplete, this wasn’t noticed in the shadow of a crazy Hareide speaking in a falsetto, an absentmind Schei Grande with Pokémon Go and last but not least the sad and suicidal Gahr Støre. A red line is something very rare in the revues. PB’s red line was maybe short but this last feature won the hearts of the audience. PB delivers something we’re not used to seeing – this being a lavish acting skills and a comic presentation. It’s something else than the usual slapstick characterization which many of the other revues in Ås has. After a joke the audience chuckled well after the punchline. This is evience of a more subtle humor than what we’re used to – it’s humour which will keep the mood high.

Issue 07 Volume 72 19


Karrieredagens AF Gruppen er et av Norges ledende entreprenørog industrikonsern med virksomhet innen anlegg, bygg, eiendom, offshore, energi- og miljøteknologi. I AF har du mange muligheter! Vi rekrutterer først og fremst deg som er nyutdannet. Vi rekrutterer også mange studenter til sommerjobb, samt mulighet for masterskriving. Våre medarbeidere er svært forskjellige, men har alle én ting felles: De er nysgjerrige. De elsker gode løsninger og vanskelige utfordringer. I AF Gruppen dyrker vi nysgjerrigheten. For vi vet at de som stiller nye spørsmål som regel finner nye svar.

Sweco planlegger og former fremtidens byer og samfunn. Dette gjør vi ved å tilby tjenester av høy kvalitet innen ingeniør-, miljø- og arkitekturfag. Vi gjennomfører hvert år titusener av prosjekter i drøyt 70 land over hele verden, og bidrar med det til å realisere bærekraftige bygg, effektiv infrastruktur og tilgang til strøm og rent vann.

20 Issue 07 Volume 72


hovedsponsorer Statens vegvesen arbeider for at både gående, syklende, kjørende og kollektivreisende skal komme trygt fram. Vi planlegger, bygger, drifter og vedlikeholder riks- og fylkesveger og har tilsyn med kjøretøy og trafikanter. Som fylkeskommunenes og statens vegadministrasjon bidrar vi med faglig grunnlag for politiske beslutninger og setter dem ut i livet. Vi er en stor samfunnsaktør med 6500 engasjerte medarbeidere med bred kompetanse fordelt på Vegdirektoratet og fem regioner.

Veidekke er en av Skandinavias største entreprenører og eiendomsutviklere. Selskapet utfører alle typer bygg- og anleggsoppdrag, vedlikeholder veier og produserer asfalt, pukk og grus. Involvering og lokalkunnskap kjennetegner virksomheten. Omsetningen er nær 24 milliarder kroner (2014), og halvparten av de 7 000 medarbeiderne eier aksjer i selskapet. Veidekke er notert på Oslo Børs, og har siden starten i 1936 alltid gått med overskudd. «Veidekke – lokalt nærvær, skandinavisk styrke»

Issue 07 Volume 72 21


Love and war in shared student housing

Nina Mariann Vesseltun Journalist and photographer

Maren Oftebro Illustrator

A legendary shared household of 6 at Mølla. The author was invited to a communal household dinner one Wednesday in September, and immediately felt that this was a close-knit and welcoming group . They are prepared to share their household secrets with frustrated «roomies» all over Ås.

The Chore Challenge

Many students experience living in shared housing as a balancing act. People have different opinions of what “clean” and “tidy” mean. This shared household has taken the chore challenge to a new level, and have actually started an official household war. They have divided themselves into three teams: the Communists, the Nationalists, and the Islamists. “The problem was that no one emptied the dishwasher, and instead shoved the responsibility onto one or two people in the household” we are told by Communist-Sunniva. Sunniva and Gunnar make up the Communists, who are the most left-wing members of the household. Hilde Maria and Inga Elen are the blondest members of the household, and therefore naturally make up the Nationalists. The Islamists are made up of Hanne and Rugile, who are the least nordic looking of the group. The Islamists are currently in the lead, but tables can turn quickly. 22 Issue 07 Volume 72


«you don’t get any dinner, and that sucks.» - COMMUNIST-Gunnar Motivation in difficult times

The list of chores is just about hefty enough to encourage war; empty the dishwasher, empty the dish rack, buy toiletpaper, buy coffee and other bits and bobs. «We also have a cleaning rota, where each roommate has been given something to clean each week», says Islamist-Hanne. If someone shys away from their chores, they get a cross. If you obtain three crosses, you have to provide dessert during the next communal dinner. This is, however, a rather pleasant punishment. «The chore war motivates us to the extent of getting up at the crack of dawn to collect points for emptying the dishwasher», says Nationalist-Inga Elen. Nationalist-Hilde Maria thinks competing in teams works better than an individual battle. «When you risk losing points for your teammate, it motivates you to actually do the job on time», she explains.

Room for coziness

From time to time, the roomies call a truce in order to take care of each other and to nurture the household union. For instance, they have communal dinners twice a week. A semester based dinner plan ensures that all roomies contribute to preparing dinner. «Everyone is really flexible, so if dinner crashes with another commitment, it’s easy to reschedule», says Islamist-Rugile. If one fails to turn up to dinner, however, the punishment is harsh. «You simply don’t get dinner, and that sucks», says Communist-Gunnar. There is a bright pink bell on the table with the note «Ring for a hug». In the beginning Communist-Gunnar thought this was tacky, but now he is the one who rings it the most. On Sundays, Nationalist-Inga is in charge of a coffee-gathering. Roomies are free to invite friends over for this event. Household meetings take place during a communal dinner, to ensure a relaxed atmosphere. “This isn’t a shared household where we are scared to speak up if something is bothering us, and we try to avoid being passive-aggressive.” There is, however, nothing that suggests a bad vibe around the table, and the author can return home both happy and satisfied.

«Cheers for beautiful people!» it echoes around the table

Issue 07 Volume 72 23


Hirschtrappen The return of the pink steps Nearly 90 years have passed since the Hirsch stairs were unveiled as one of the central features of Campus Ås. Now the mighty pink steps have been unveiled for a second time.

The reconstructed Hirsch stairs were an integral part of the immatrikulation ceremony earlier this fall. Photo: Håkon Sparre/ NMBU Stine Lise Wannebo Journalist

On the sunny Friday morning of September 15, vice-chancellor Mari Sundli Tveit cut the pink ribbon to symbolise the official opening of the Hirsch stairs after two years of construction. - These stairs will definitely contribute to the value of the University Park as a cultural heritage site, the vice-chancellor said in her speech. The steps lead the way from Cirkus and down to the lawn in front of the Clock building. The Hirsch stairs were initially constructed as part of Professor Olav L. Moen’s plan of the University Park and were completed in 1930. In 1967, the concrete steps had to be demolished because of faulty foundations. Since then there has only been grass on the spot where the concrete stairs once stood.

The steps were clearly visible in front of Cirkus in this snapshot taken in the 1930s. Photo: NMBU

For decades the memory of the Hirsch stairs seemed thoroughly forgotten until student Henrik Høye Lysgaard wrote his Master thesis on the subject in 2013. Little did he know that this very paper would underpin the reconstruction that would start only two years later. The initial archaeological excavations revealed fragments of the 90-year-old stairs hidden underneath the lawn and uncovered something that was not visible on the black and white photographs. The original Hirsch stairs were dark pink. This is the reason why the steps, which are fittingly named after the statue right above, were painted in this same colour earlier this spring. The construction was completed by Askim Entrepenør AS and the project in its entity ended up costing 3,6 million NOK. 24 Issue 07 Volume 72

Vice-chancellor Mari Sundli Tveit cuts the pink ribbon. Photo: Tove Rømo Grande/NMBU


Issue 07 Volume 72 25

Photo: Johanne Grøndahl Klausen

Broderskapet Unity presents a revue in Aud. Max. 6. okt. Prepare for a big shownight!

September 2017


Think Big think Big Data Jon Eskild Mostue Sæther Journalist

Kaja Mie Botnen Illustrator

The two year Master program “Data Science” educates students who, with the help of programming and data-analysis, can benefit from the enormous amount of information available. Over the summer, one of the university’s biggest institutes has grown even larger, and gotten a new study program. Future’s Challenges In the wake of technological development and “smart cities,” what is the best way for one to understand and use such large amounts of data? “Big Data” is a data set that, according to Wikipedia, “is so big and complex that the traditional analysis programs we have cannot handle them.” The goal is, in other words, to discover patterns and trends in all of the confusion. When analyzing people’s behavior and tendency this way, one can come up with effective solutions for infrastructure and society. When it comes to banking and finance, Big Data can be used to detect scams or corruptions. It also has to do with creating models of reality, and with the help of simulations, can help predict various dynamic processes.

Highly Competent Staff NMBU has traditionally focused on nature and landscaping, agriculture and research on food and animal health. Courses within information technology has been limited, especially in comparison to renowned institutes at UiO and NTNU. In the last few years, RealTek has established programs like Math Lab in Calculus 1 and 2, and the new innovative “Fundamental Data” which is a more theoretical and technical statistics course. In record time, 20 fully financed study slots have been opened up in “Master in Data Science.” The structure of the study is made to build upon a bachelor level degree within the subject. The first year consists of fundamental classes in math, programming, statistics and data-analysis.

Specialisation is possible in machinery, biostatistics, geographic data, or neuroscience research, which finishes off with a Master’s thesis. The initiator of the new programme is section leader and professor Achim Kohler. Together with a range of researchers, or «NMBU-celebrities» such as statistics-wizz Solve Sæbø and the project manager for the agricultural robot Thorvald: Pål From, they are ready to share their knowledge. The programme will eventually be extended to a 5-year Master programme in Technology, but it is currently unknown when this will be. If you want more inforation about the course, consult NMBU’s website.

Issue 07 Volume 72 29

Tuntreet Emilie Rui Journalist

presents t e r Samfunnssty

Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer


You are more than welcome at the GA! 30th of October!

At the following GA these jobs will be possessed: Samfunnet Board: • Secoundary leader • Administration manager • Event manager • Concert manager Business Board • Leader • Careers day responsible • Economy responsable (administration responsible) • Marketing responsible Tuntreet • Editor Central board • Extern representative Valgnemnda • 2 representatives To be a part of GA all you have to do is show up. To apply for a job, send in casework for candidacy before the 19th of October to or administrasjon@ Questions about jobs can be sent to the current representative or “Valgnemnda”. You are also encouraged to come to Samfunnet the 17th of October for questions time to talk with the current representative. 30 Issue 07 Volume 72

Those finding engagement ”Valgnemnda” is always working. Through the semester they’re looking for students with engagement. Out there the potential cadidates for working at Samfunnet are and they are not always visible. GA – general assembly – is the semiannually meeting for “Studentsamfunnet”. Here there will be discussions about the running of Samfunnet, articles of associations will be determined and jobs will be possessed. Everyone who wished to make selection and all members of Samfunnet are encouraged to come to GA and vote. Door knocking at Pentagon “Valgnemnda” has this year walked some extra miles, literally, to get to those who are not very interested in GA. The four of them planned lobby work where they went around knocking on doors at Pentagon. The reason for this is first and foremost to find the less obvious candidates and see what is going on out there. Furthermore they wanted to ensure that as many as possible knows that GA is happening and that the members of Samfunnet can vote at GA. In total we are six people knocking on

doors. Confused and tired students open their doors for unexpected visitors. The first apartment to visit is international. They were spot on with Matt, an American who will stay here for another one and a half year. It couldn’t be better than this for “Valgnemnda” who are aware of the challenge with including the international students at Samfunnet . “It’s a bit difficult with the international students” Peter said just before arriving there. “It’s not because they’re not welcome but often they’re not here for long enough time to possess jobs for longer periods”. Maybe the solution is to find them in their living room. Another group that they wanted to meet is the first year students and we found a group at the top of ABC. Not surprisingly they are having a hard time to sum up all the information since semester start and it can be a lot of information at one time. It remains to see whether the people we talked with today will engage at Samfunnet but at least now they know of the opportunity. Mark the date! Monday the 30th of October from 17:00 and into the evening.


Sober in the Agrarian Metropolis Mathilde Moe Strand Journalist

How can a sober student enjoy a night out at a campus where the drinking culture is so established that beer bottles nearly grow on trees? - Delving into the art of fitting in with a diet coke in your hand and all your brain cells in tact. The campus minority Parties, alcohol and the dreaded hangover, constitute a central aspect of social life at university. Many students see it as a liberating experience to let their hair down and unwind during an otherwise stressful daily life. But there are also students, like myself, who for various reasons have chosen to abstain from alcohol. We may be a minority on campus, but we nevertheless exist. What helpful tips can be given to students who wish to remain sober, but who would still like to be the life of the party?

Maren Oftebro Illlustrator

Hanne admits that she found it difficult at the start of university. She said that “during my first year I didn’t participate in much, and it was a little lonely. But then I took matters into my own hands, and decided that I had to give it my best shot”. There is no right and wrong Abstinence may require some effort, and it may be scary at first. You don’t want to be labelled “the boring sober girl” who just stands in a corner. Hanne remaks that “It’s something you have to get used to when you don’t drink. You need to decide that it’s okay to not follow the crowd”. It’s also perfectly acceptable to not stay out all night. It’s your call!

Pimp your drink The fear of judgement is usually in your head. If people don’t ask, there is no reason why you should point out that you are sober. People might not even notice. By not drawing attention to the fact that you don’t drink, you avoid a discussion where you feel the need to justify your choice. Doing this can be tiresome and frustrating. Regardless what your reason for staying sober is, it’s your personal business. Just be yourself and dare to let yourself have fun. Spice up your soft drink with a straw and decorative umbrella, and enjoy the night for what it is. Whilst doing this you can also contemplate how to spend the money you are saving by not purchasing alcohol!

”Don’t initiate a discussion about why you don’t drink”

Attitude is everything Don’t be a party pooper. Choosing to remain sober during your studies can pose challenges, but don’t despair, you can still have a great time! It’s all in your attitude. If you have already decided that being the sober kid is going to suck, then it’s most likely going to be a self fulfilling prophecy. Attend parties with an open mind and a smile on your face, and the chances are you will be going home with one too. And hey, you might be leaving earlier than the rest, but at least you will remember your night. Apart from attitude, what other things are important when you attend a party sober? Lonely wolf? I had a chat with the conductor of the student choir “Lærken” (the Lark), Hanne Alsvik Øygarden, to find out more about just this. She refrains from drinking alcohol, but is nevertheless a leading figure in a student society where the alcohol intake can be relatively high. I want to talk to Hanne, who is a mystery to many. How can someone be the life of the party without a drop of alcohol in their system? Issue 07 Volume 72 31


Two Cold Ones

As long as it doesn’t appear in the newspaper Coffee and tea with Terje Haneborg Åsmund M. Kvifte Journalist

Ingrid Nedrebø Photographer

Lots of things are important in order for the Ås society to function smoothly. Some things are obvious, but their foundation maybe not so much. Terje Haneborg came to Ås in 2012, and has since then contributed to securing important parts of the Ås bubble: food, environment, beer and a safe Samfunnet. As for most Ås-students, the story of Terje Haneborg starts outside Ås. He’s a military kid and moved around a lot before the family settled in Tønsberg. He started at Ås in 2012, a choice he’s happy with. Quick start There’s been a lot of strange happenings during his time in Ås. He still remembers when the X-russ celebration during spring was a big deal. Samfunnet opened its doors because people were too drunk to wander around. And he understands why the celebration is no more. After all, he’s been part of Security.

Still, he wanted more responsibility as time passed by, and was a host during UKA 2016. He believes it went quite well: there were no newspaper articles, no cancelling UKA 2018, and no angry phone calls from the UKA boss. Which means the guard worked well. Samfunnet stops without bouncers As long as the system works, you don’t notice everyone who’s working their shift.

Maybe that’s why security guards have gotten an undeserved bad rumor, and it’s hard to recruit. At the first theme party this year 15 guards were missing, mainly people with social service shifts. That’s a very sad trend, and if it continues, nights will come where Samfunnet has to close because it’s lacking guards. Terje points out that Samfunnet is an important foundation for the Ås bubble, it is the core of the social association flora of the university.

He met the committee boss of Security his first Wednesday in Ås, at Graskurs part one, and signed a contract on the spot. He stayed for four years. Two days later he became a host of UKA 2012, and that was it. It started with one shift, then suddenly he was a stage security guard on a Tayo Cruz party. Big, but frightening. In front of him, three thousand hands jumped up and down, a sea of people. Afterwards, UKA gave him the training he needed to become an efficient security guard on Samfunnet for the days to come. No angry phone calls For two and a half years he was a security guards, and thriving. After UKA 2014 all the other security guards quit, and he went from being regular security guard to being one of the old and experienced in barely half a year. He remained here for two years, and was happy with this. He made some instructions and such, but it wasn’t as much hassle as it could have been – his committee bosses were very capable and knew their job. Issue 07 Volume 72 33

tWO COLD ONES The Foodman His first winter here at Ås, a girl introdused him to something that has become a big project: To hand out the food that the different grocery stores would have thrown in the trash. It was Framtiden i våre hender (The future in our hands), Spire and Bua that started the project, but it was individuals that handed out the food. This is because the rules say; if an organisation hands out food that make people sick, the resposibility lands on them, just as much as if a grocery store sold someone food that made them sick. But if you accept food from a individual person, it’s at your own risk. To organize the handout, the indiviuals that are active members of the same enviromental organization distributed the different grocery stores between them. They created a good cooperation between themselves and the old-, and new- Rema, and they also had a longterm cooperation with Kiwi. There is no longer that much food they can get for free to hand out from Kiwi, because they stopped throwing food, therefore they don’t have that much food to give away. Coop wasn’t that cooperative because of some national guidelines. Six months free hotdog-afterparty When they distributed the different grocery stores, Terje got a store in Drøbak, which he has had for three and a half years now.

34 Issue 07 Volume 72


Place in Ås Place outside of Ås Alcoholic drink Non-Alcoholic drink Music

He got this one, because he was the only one in the group that owned a car, and therefore was the only one who could get back and fourth to the Drøbak. From this store he recives food at an estimated price of 200 000 kroners pr. year, which he every Tuesday hands out at Pentagon. This saves both the student and stores for alot of money, The students don’t have to use that much money to buy food, and the store doesn’t have to pay the garbage truck to come over just as often as they did before. The different teams have also benefited well from all the free food - for instance, Lærken got enough to serve hotdogs at every afterparty for six months, the only condition was that it had to be served for free. In addition to all this, it’s also good for the environment, because it’s less foodwaste and the food isn’t packed in plastic for absolutely no reason.

My bed Tønsberg Guiness Coca-Cola Sabaton

An environmentalist with a car In the beginning it was just “for the records” individual people and not organizations that handed out food. But when Terje was the only one with a car and organized the food handouts himself, it developed to being just him as an individual that actually picked up and handed out the food. When the board of the environmental organizations comes and goes, it happens that they forget about the fact that they are the ones that coordinate these individuals that pick up food by car. For the next couple of years it won’t be a problem, but some time in the future, Terje will have graduated from Ås, and a new environmentalist (with a car) will have to take his place to save all of the students’ budget.


Beer is both food and beverage Ås is a student town were this is more «expected» than any other place, after all, we are an environmental college, where there are engaged and active students who own cars. This is a place where it`s practical to own a car if you want something that can`t be found here in town, even though thats not a lot. Since Terje came here it has opened a liquor store, and therefore the need for a car has decreased. Last year Bryggeland`s main storage moved here to Ås, and you no longer need to go to Oslo to buy ingredients to brew your own beer. Therefore we have everything we need, right here in Ås. Since Bryggeland opened here, the interest to brew your own beer has increased. It made it easier for people to try out brewing for real, insted of just using some bullshit you bought at Europris. It used to be a brewing club here in Ås, before the store opened, but after that he noticed that more people started to brew their own beer without being a member of the brewing club.

The world’s darkest stout The brewing club started to weaken and because of this , they had to move locations away from samfunnet. If brewing beer were to happen at Siås`s locations they could risk loosing their liquor license. So the brewing club had to move to Rævnehuset, where there mostly were Rævne-men who used the equipment. If the brewing club is going to brew beer with someone else, it will have to be Rævne-men, and that is usually no problem at all.

Lærken got enough hotdogs to hand out at every afterparty for six months He has been brewing beer for four years now, and for the last two and a half years with malt. His goal was to begin with to brew beer that tasted okey, men later on he has brewed some his favorite beer. He also tried to make the worlds darkest stout - a beer that was the darkest of them all. It turned out to be really good, suprisingly light to drink and really, really dark. The

reason why it turned out this way was because they read wrong in the recipe. In the recipe they used pounds and ounces, therefore they added 2 kg of black malt instead of the 20g, it was sopposed to be. Terje will miss brewing beer when he graduates from Ås. It`s a dream of his that it one day will be a brewery run by students at Samfunnet, and hopefully that it will become as one of the committees there. Then Samfunnet would be able to serve homebrewed beer to all the nerds, based on what they choose to brew. Student-run brew pub? If that doesn`t happen, it may be possible to open a student-run brew pub somewhere else. The taxes on alcohol aren`t that high, so if it`s possible to find a cheap venue where it you can get a liqour license. Anyhow, brewing is a nice hobby, and a nice conversation subject. Maybe it some day will be a beer brewing championship? But all these thing will not be available before after Terje has left Ås. Until then, he will keep on doing his great work. Ensure safe parties, beer and food to the people. Everything else will be something to deal with in the future. Issue 07 Volume 72 35


by Kristian Haraldsen

by quizmaster Hauk Liebe

1. Norwegian oak was earlier very sought after in England, what type of constructions was it especially suitable for? 2. In what Mediterranean city are most of the scenes of Kings Landing in GoT shot? 3. Why is there almost no seeds in bananas? 4. What is the highest mountain outside Asia? 5. In what country did women get the right to vote first? 6. Who established Norsk Hydro? and when? 7. How many seats did Senterpartiet win at the parliament in the election? 8. What is the new twist on the hot chocolate in the CafĂŠ Klubben? 9. What countries got one, and only one, victory in the soccer world championships for men? 10. In which order was these bands formed? AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Guns n`Roses, The Police






7 2












E a s y

9 2




3 6

7 3









4 4






5 7





















9 7




Photos: Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz og Sara Bagheri

M e d i u m



Send in the solution to within 11. oktober and you might win a lottery ticket























Tuntreet congratulate Martin Reigstad who won the crossword last edition. You will be contacted by the editorial board!


Sorting food waste Food waste has to be sorted in green waste bags now. This is a new action for all citizens in Follo, but were you aware of this? If not then it’s important that you keep on reading.

Introducing sorting of food waste

Did you know that you have to sort food waste in Ås? The company “Follo Ren”, which is responsible for handling the waste in Follo, has introduced sorting of food waste for every citizen in Follo. This means that the students living in student accommodation of SiÅs are responsible for following up this scheme too. We will try to give you the answer to which things you have to be aware of, and tips to improve waste sorting.

Green bags for food waste

The introduction of waste sorting is a relatively new measure which came into action on the 1st of September this year. “Follo Ren” has the overall responsibility for transporting, collecting and handling the waste. It is nevertheless expected that households are as helpful as possible to sort food in a sound way before it finds its way to the trash. “Follo Ren” writes on their webpage that they «for a longer period of time have worked with getting in place a more sustainable renovation solution». The objective is to reuse more of the resources found in waste, through more innovative waste sorting solutions.

38 Issue 07 Volume 72

Mathilde Moe Strand Journalist

Anne Tove Græsdal Våge Illustrator

Waste sorting begins with the use of green bags for food waste which has to be thrown out with the residual waste. In order for the process to work, it is however important that the green bags used are the ones from “Follo Ren”. This is to make it easier for the sorters to recognise the colour of the bag to then categorise the waste. Are you out of these green bags then you can get new ones by tying a trash bag or another bag to the lid of your bin. Be aware that this is not the case for residences with a common waste solution.

Definition of food waste?

It is important to be aware of what is defined as food waste when you’re sorting waste. All leftovers from for example dinner must in general be thrown out as food waste. On top of that tea bags, coffee filters, eggshells and small amounts of wipers should also be thrown out as food waste. On the other hand you shouldn’t throw out garden waste or food packed in plastic without removing the plastic first in the food waste.

The starter pack from “Follo Ren”

Most people will, or have already received a starter pack from “Follo Ren”. The starter pack will contain a basket for food waste, two packages of green bags and a brochure with information about the new solution. For more information about the food waste solution see

letter to the editor

Is anyone surprised? Text: Maria Refstad Polarization. We see it all over the western world. A large insecurity reigns, future prospects are gloomier than just a few years back. Voters run to the outer edges. We knew all this before the election. Despite this, Arbeiderpartiet (Labour) chooses an anti-popular millionaire as candidate for Prime Minister. Jonas Gahr Støre is as far away from the public as one can get, grown up in the western part of Oslo, son of a shipbroker and inheritor of his grandfather’s fortune. Sounds more like a Høyre (Conservatives) voter than an Arbeiderpartiet Prime Minister candidate. Erna Solberg easily wins the popular match, and in addition she doesn’t really get the same moral responsibility of being popular, because Høyre is not fighting distinction-Norway. They are not Arbeiderpartiet, and they don’t pretend to be. You have walk the talk, and maybe choose to be either a millionaire or leader of Arbeiderpartiet. Surely the politics of Arbeiderpartiet are slightly more left than Høyre’s, but not a lot. Neither should the importance of a person be underestimated, especially in these days were the election has been americanized with regards to Jonas vs. Erna. Would it have been possible, like with the Bondevik government, to try to make an alternative prior to the election without Høyre and Arbeiderpartiet? Is it now definite that the Prime Minister must come from one of the biggest parties? Could the red-green side have had a different candidate than Gahr Støre? In hindsight I’ll say I think the red-green would have won the election with Trygve Slagsvold Vedum as candidate for Prime Minister. Could they try that next time? Or has the americanization gone too far?

If, on top of all this, we look back at the election and how FRP (Progress Party) has been going on and on exactly the way it suits them, it’s very predictable that we ended up where we did. I’m more surprised there wasn’t a larger right-wing majority, that MDG (Green Party) and Rødt (Red Party) did not make the Election threshold, and that Arbeiderpartiet became the largest party. We know that when FRP get to talk about immigration, and make themselves the opposition and occupy the victim’s position, they win. When the left side can concentrate about themselves, talk about economic politics and what this means for “most people”, they win. When the left side can present what FRP and Høyre’s taxes and economics program actually stands for, they win. SV and Rødt did this. They understand what’s happening in the world. They understand that if the Democrats in the US switched out Hillary Clinton with Bernie Sanders, and we got to witness the epic match between Sanders and Trump, then Sanders would probably have won. The disapproval was with “the establishment”, not with the Democrats. This parallel can be drawn back to Norway. Arbeiderpartiet, here representing the Democrats, chose their Clintion, here Støre, for Prime Minister candidate. Imagine a Vedum as Prime Minister candidate for Arbeiderpartiet, isn’t it obvious for everyone except themselves that this is what people want? Maybe not so strange that Arbeiderpartiet has no contact with the public when you look at who’s making up the board. They’re a huge organization, the way up to the top is long and troublesome, probably involving aggressive elbow use. They’re millionaires, working politicians and bigwigs in the lead. How many shabby bars in the districts have they visited the last years, if ever? People don’t want the millionaire Jonas Gahr Støre. People want the ditch-digger Einar Gerhardsen. Arbeiderpartiet needs to get back to its roots and understand why they were Norway’s largest party once, before it’s too late.

Issue 07 Volume 72 39



TA B U Are some things just too awkward to ask about? Veslemøy Waage Journalist Herman Solstad-Wiik Illustrator Merete Guldhav Photographer

mild monthly outbreaks in relation to their menstruation. After all it is a virus that is difficult to get rid of, so if you’re badly affected it can become an ongoing issue.» If you actually experience the symptoms, which STD is the worst one to get? «Arguably the most bothersome STD is syphilis. It’s a disease that unfolds in multiple stages. If it doesn’t get treated at an early stage, the bacteria can spread to the brain and drive its sufferer crazy. Although the disease has nearly been eradicated from our part of the world, it is sadly on return.»

The answer is no, at least according to Ås’s own expert on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Auntie Chlamydia! Also known as Anne Bentzrød. Since we are a responsible student newspaper, we have decided This is globalisation at its best. to pass on Auntie Chlamydia’s «Naturally though, there are less dangerous knowledge to our curious readers. STDs that also aren’t particularly enjoyable. Is getting an STD really as bad as Google suggests it is? «Chlamydia is not particularly bothersome, it’s like a cold of our private area. Some people don’t even experience the symptoms. For those who do, the symptoms are usually very mild. In some unlucky cases you can experience more uncomfortable symptoms, such as a fever, pain in the private area, an inflamed pelvis amongst girls, and inflamed testicles in boys.» It actually wasn’t so bad to Google Chlamydia. «Herpes, on the other hand, can be really bothersome, even though many don’t experience significant discomfort. Some get occasional outbreaks, and if you’re unlucky these can be relatively severe. Others get 40 Issue 07 Volume 72

For instance, genital warts can somewhat resemble cauliflower, even though they usually just appear as a little bump.» How to people react upon testing positive for an STD? «I have a lot of experience with this, as I call four to five with positive results each week! Some react like: «Okaay, I sort of suspected that». Others are more surprised: «He/she said they had recently been tested, how could this have happened??!». Others become aware of the infection when they are in an established relationship. They are often quite shocked, but equally thankful that their partner has told them so that they can receive treatment. Many do find it a little upsetting to receive a positive test, as it does require some follow-up.»

It’s not like you can just pop some pills and be done with it, you have to relay the information to your partner(s). «In my experience most people decide to inform their partner themselves about the infection. You have a duty to do so if you have universally transmittable disease (such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea or Syphillis). The nurse can make the call for you, but most people decide to take matters into their own hands. You do your current and previous partners a huge favour by informing them, and avoid further risk of infection. It’s an important preventative measure.» People at least say they are going to inform… «This is based on trust. But we do inform the infected person that this is their rightful duty according to the law. If you knowingly have an STD and refrain from informing your partner(s), you actually risk imprisonment. The law is very strict on this matter.»

This is worth noting. Definitely less fun to take leave of absence from university because of a jail sentence. «It is not necessarily negative to inform a new partner of an STD at the start of a relationship. it can help to establish an open and honest dialogue about sex early on in the relationship.» But honestly, what are the chances of actually getting an STD? «We test approximately 1500 a year at the health station, and most of them are students. About 7-8% test positive. The most commonly diagnosed STD is Chlamydia, but genital warts are also prevalent.» Chlamydia is, however, not the only STD that roams Ås campus. All STDs have been diagnosed here, including HIV, gonorrhea and syfilis. «This is not necessarily amongst the student population, but there people do get infected with the more serious STDs too.» Shit, that’s really scary! «Yes, but condoms protect against most STDs. My impression is that some find using a condom more of a taboo than to get tested in hindsight.»


“Auntie Chlamydia”, Anne Bentzrød

"We test approximately 1500 a year for STDs, an about 7-8% of these tests come back positive." Auntie Chlamydia can be found at Ås health clinic, and is prepared to answer any questions or queries you may have. Due to mould, the health clinic has moved to Ås Secondary School, at Idrettsveien 21. It has opening hours on Monday from 08.30 - 11.00, Wednesdays from 14.30 – 20.00 and Thursdays from 08.30 – 13.30. You can book an appointment by calling 64 96 22 40 or by e-mailing helsestasjonen@, or simply drop by.

Entrance to the Health Clinic at Ås Secondary School

STDs in 1-2-3

EASY AS ANYTHING! There are many STDs! Most people who get them don’t experience any symptoms! They therefore only notice the infection upon getting tested. Chlamydia is the king of STDs. It is undoubtedly the most prevalent, together with Herpes. Other diseases, such as mycoplasma og gonorrhea, are not currently as frequently diagnosed, but are unfortunately becoming more prevalent. One reason why STDs are a stressful experience is that they can lead to pelvic infection in women and testicle infection in men. In particularly bad cases this can lead to infertility. The most dangerous STDs are HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis (A, B and C). The less dangerous STDs are Pubic Lice, Genital Warts og Herpes. The HPV virus is worth its own mention. It can be symptom free, lead to mild Genital Warts, or indeed cause cancer. The outcome is dependent on which type of virus you get, as well as some various other circumstances. Most people who have had unprotected sex have HPV. If you are a woman born in 1991 or later, you are encouraged to visit the Health Clinic, as you are eligible for a free vaccination until the end of 2018. In addition to the ones mentioned, there are various less known STDs. It is also likely that not all STDs are known to us yet. In summary: your private parts can, and might, be infected by various diseases. Most of us suffer from private part problems at some point in life. The key message from the health authorities is that more people need to get themselves tested, and people should be using a condom. This will ensure that more people receive adequate treatment, and that the risk of infection gets lowered. Yay! Tuntreet would also like to point out that honesty and sense of responsibility is always better than shame and blame, also in relation to STDs. It is beneficial for you, me, and the national health budget, that the nations private parts are in a good state. So invite a friend or loved one down for a test! Issue 07 Volume 72 41

Chlamydia tests and other Health Clinic stash


STD incidents at Sexy stats about the state of things Tuntreet conducted a questionnaire about STDs in the timeperiod 17.-21. September. We received 358 responses. Of the responends, 196 student society members, 148 were not society members, and 16 claimed to be Hankatter (Tomcats). Tuntreet is grateful to the respondents for sharing their stories. Confirms both national tendencies and Auntie Chlamydias predictions If you do get an STD here at Ås, it is most likely Chlamydia. Other diseases are also present, but these are much less prevalent. This corresponds with national stats. If you have gotten an STD, most people confirm that they would tell their partner, either in a sober or drunk state. Only 12 respondents (3,6%) claimed that they would lie to the nurse about telling their partner. This suggests that Ås students take responsibility and wish to avoid transmitting others. Unfortunately, 37,5% claim that they rarely or never get tested for STDs, and only 22% state that they always use a condom. Judging by statistics like this, it is not difficult to understand why STDs spread around in this Agrarian metropolis! The awkward condom More serious surveys suggests that Norwegians are generally lazy when it comes to use of condoms. We came out at the bottom, both in a Nordic and European context. So what’s the deal with condoms? In our survey, only 6,8% stated that it was embarrassing to use a condom, whilst a whopping 20.2% couldn’t understand the taboo at all. So far, so good. Self-control, on the other hand, was a major issue. 28% stated that self-control could easily fail in the heat of the moment, resulting in no condom. Tuntreets analytics believe this could occur after a hefty night at Samfunnet, where the inntake of alcohol is high and hormones are running wild. The Stereotype exists Hankatten who dislikes using a condom, has had Chlamydia, would have lied to the 42 Issue 07 Volume 72

nurse about informing his partner exists, but are fortunately not the majority. One Hankatt stated that he had had Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Public Lice, and Syphilis. Let’s hope, for his own sake and for the sake of previous partners, that he exaggerated during the survey. Our survey nevertheless confirms the rumours that exist about the disease-filled Hankattloft. Only six claimed not to have had any STDs, whilst seven admitted to have had Chlamydia and three to have had Mycoplasma (some stated both). Tuntreet therefore encourages the use of a condom when staying the night at the Hankattloft. Survey limitations Tuntreet acknowledges limitations with the methodology adopted in this survey, and reiterate that this is not to be confused with serious research. To illustrate this, one of the Hankatt respondents crossed off all three categories (“always” “rarely” “never”) in response to the question of how often he gets tested for STDs after sexual intercourse. It could be that the individual has simply lost their mind, or that they would like to mess with us at Tuntreet. Needless to say, this type of behaviour is of course not encouraged. Despite these limitations, we believe that our survey provides an adequate overview of the tendencies in Ås.

Pie chart of condom usage

Every time baby! Sometimes willpower buckels in the heat of the moment I hate condoms, the girl should go on the pill! Embarrassing, I don’t recommend it. Awkward, but you have to be responsible :) Does anyone really find it embarrassing? I only have one partner.


"Fun" facts: The Pubic Lice needs a forest! In fact it is running the risk of extinction, due to shaving and waxing of the private parts. Some forms of STDs are now becoming resistant to treatment, causing further problems. Approx. 1 of 20 sexually active under 25 have Chlamydia at any given time. So either I, Thorvald and Johannes have Chlamydia 2,5 weeks a year, or too many of us have Chlamydia unwittingly. Tuntreet reckons it’s the latter, and encourages everyone to get themelves tested at the local health clinic.

Sharing STD experiences is good!

In writing, that is.

Thanks to all respondents.

Here are some of their stories: I think I started the Mycoplasma trend at Ås. I had sex with someone from Iceland, at it was pretty awkward. That time I had a «one-night stand» with someone in my class, and was told via _mms_ that he had been infected with Chlamydia by my best friend. Chlamydia-sisters 4 life. I once tried to reject a guy by saying that I had Chlamydia. “You’re worth having klamydia for”, he said, and pulled down his boxers.

NMBU is «The Chlamydia university» for a reason. It’s not an STD, but I got scabies at Hankattloftet once. After a break and subsequently a break up with my ex , I took a Chlamydia test, and to my huge surprise it was positive. I then had four guys to call, including my ex and a guy I slept with on the first date. Extremely awkward to make the call, but I still got a second, third and fourth date ... I don’t even know how many. So my dating tip is: Tell you date that you have Chlamydia (I should also mention that it was my ex who gave it to me...cheers!) I’ve never before sent a more unifying group snap. It turns out I was infected by one of the very last ones. I got Herpes type 1 whilst I was with my first boyfriend. Both of us had only had sex with a virgin each, so we questioned each others faithfulness. We agreed that it was bad luck. Perhaps one of us was infected by drinking from someone’s glass. Oh well. It’s slightly embarrassing to bring it up with a new partner, but it’s usually okay, since I haven’t actually had an outbreak in years. I got Chlamydia after I invited a lady home to play Super Mario on my Nintendo Wii (I was Baby Mario). I was at a party in Oslo. Met a lovely girl and was with her all night. It ended in Chlamydia and Herpes :D PS: She was worth it.   I got Chlamydia by a Hankatt. Not like me. Embarrassed.

Are you out on the pull, but discover you have thrush? Has this led to a bad smell that you are self conscious about?


A heartfelt sigh

STDs refer to sexually transmitted diseases. In Norwegian the term “kjønnssykdom” (“genital disease”) is somewhat misleading. You can have genital diseases that are not transmitted sexually, and are therefore not classified as STDs. An example of this is testicular cancer, as well as infections that are transmitted sexually but that develop on other bodyparts (south as oral herpes). There is therefore less stigma attached to the term STD, according to health professionals. Despite this accorate term, the more widely used term is still «kjønnssykdom». It’s easy to find information on STDs and symptoms on the itnernet, right? Well, it depends what you’re looking for.,, and are all webpages with accurate, accessible information, and are recognised as reliable sources of information. For instance, at you can read that a symptom of Chlamydia amongst girls is «vaginal discharge». This is something which girls also have when they are healthy. and go a step further and describe it as a change in the amount, colour and consistency of vaginal discharge. These factors also vary during the course of a woman’s monthly cycle. It is therefore a widespread problem that symptoms are general, vague and therefore offer misleading information. But if you decide to get tested, everything will be alright? Medical professionals decide which diseases to test you for based on a number of factors. For isntance, in 2016 they frequently tested for Mycoplasma. Nevertheless, if you request a Mycoplasma test to be conducted now, you may be rejected. This is because medical professionals consider the risk of treating symptom free Mycoplasma as smaller than potentially creating MRSA-mycoplasma (a multiresistant version, that no longer responds to antibiotics). Mycoplasma is not particularly prevalent amongst the Norwegian population, and one is yet to prove a correlation between Mycoplasma and a pelvic infection in females. this does not, however, mean that a correlation doesn’t exist, nor does it mean that Mycoplasma should go untreated. There are all kinds of people out there, also within health care. Does your local nurse have personal affiliations that make it difficult for you to get your worries addressed? Do you have a General Practitioner who isn’t updated on the latest medical research? It is possible to trick the system if you want to get tested for more diseases, or you are not satisfied with the results. Have you had (or pretend to have had) sex which is considered to be of a high risk nature, you should have a more extensive health check. It is otherwise good to know that you should always be able to get tested for Chlamydia, and get a blood test for HIV. Do you have symptoms but they are not Chlamydia, you should be tested for further diseases.

Honesty is the best policy, and can sometimes get you laid.

Issue 07 Volume 72 43


Cheers, Anniversary revue! Julie Westergaard Karlsen Journalist

Sara Bagheri Photographer

Finally it is time for Pikekoret IVAR and Mannskoret Over Rævne’s Anniversary revue. I’ve looked forward to this for so long, not just because I had big expectations, but because the advertisement posters give me nightmares. Can you believe such pretty people become so ugly when they’re put together. IVAR and Rævne now celebrate fifty years added up, and the couple-associations are naturally celebrating this with an Anniversary revue together. Unfortunately, the intro already brings trouble in paradise, as rævnekara burn a photo of IVARs greatest love, Ivar F. Andreasen. This is along the lines of drawing a Mohammed caricature, and the next moment, war was on. The film was dramatic, action-packed, and fantastically well produced. Ivarinne and editor Margit Fausko triumphed at last, so remind me not to miss a deadline (again). Luckily, the couple came to an agreement shortly after, with the power of rock n’ roll and hairflips. Nice song, poor P Funfact: When IVAR and Rævne don’t drink, they sing. During the revue they sang old classics, but with a twist: kara stepped into Ivarinne roles, and pikene tried out being rævnekara, before they performed together a number from Ronja Røverdatter. Beautiful to listen to. After one of the most solid revue openings I have witnessed, some disappointment followed. Good imitations, but I didn’t find family P’s reunion as entertaining. Especially with the “Purk eller Skurk” opera following this. That song performance was outstanding, and especially with themes like identity, friendship, right and wrong. The audience cheered, and so did I. Shit from the trash pile Good thing the election is over: if I’d heard IVAR’s FrP-song I might have voted differently. Afterwards, I got to see the passive-aggressive side of Sylvi Listhaug, as

44 Utgave 07 Årgang 72

opposed to the otherwise only aggressive. In today’s political society you’re branded a racist for just tweeting: “Just been assaulted by mocca beans and other shit from the trash pile.” Tragic.

their experience? Personally I would pick something else out for an Anniversary revue, but the sketch is okay. They are of course right in saying that female Ås students are the prettiest in the country.

Bake cake, watch stake IVAR aims to not only entertain, but also educate, and provided a crashcourse in cake-baking. Thank goodness, because I’ve apparently been mistaken for many years: I always taste the batter, but usually don’t spit it back into the bowl. I also need to obtain new reading material immediately.

“Yuck, Johan.” The rock performance about Magne’s pizza and kebabdressing – the only thing you wish for “at nach, for lunch, on a date and in punch was extremely catchy, and I liked it until the guys started to butter themselves up with it. From my notes: “Yuck, Johan.”

“I’ve never seen anyone play less on sex.” Harry P(otar) One of my favorites was the Ås version of Potter Puppet Pal’s “The mysterious ticking noise.” Simple and nice, and for once, Gents got some time on the stage. Another favorite was Mannegruppa OTAR. Society critic and sexy, just what I want from a revue. And talking about sexy: did you catch the quick boobs in the window? Disappointed students Rævne told us the romantic nationalist fairytale about a Prince who had a penis so small that no one could measure it. Rewards were promised anyone who could, but if they failed, the punishment was sex with the King. Sad thing, that Rævne regards sex as punishment, but maybe that’s the experience with a Rævnekar? Any disappointed students want to share

Donald Dick A red thread in the revue was menstruation, which it often is when IVAR is involved. I tried to count how many times it was mentioned, but lost count quickly. Apart from “Morna Mens!” they warned about the dangers of menscup, giving me another reason not to step foot into GG: old pads, hemorrhoids and brown snails. I’ve never seen anyone play less on sex. Pikekoret IVAR aren’t the only ones who spend time at GG, Donald Dick exercises here, too. For some time I believed I was only going to see asses, but BAM suddenly we all got headon view, and before I got over the shock Huey, Dewey and Louie were on stage, too. All in all, very brave, very necessary. Happy end The whole thing was ended with a love song from the choirs to eachother, so the IFAepisode from the start luckily did not leave big scars. The audience was urged to meet at Hankattloftet for nach. I don’t remember if I ever got that far, which indicates the night was like the revue: damn good.


Issue 07 Volume 72 45


Har du hørt at...: habibi : importteater

Kyra : #ikkjefåpanikk

kultureliten : hvorfor er det ikke slampoesi og importeater i halvors ://////////////

Blåstrømpen : Hanne kommer i tuntreet?

Life but how to live : Livet du har levd farger det du ser. Tenk. Vi er alle på samme planet Sofus : Pølsemix og bayer Jynx : Nu jäklar, nu kör vi!


ÅS kommunes venner : HVA SKJER Skadeteknikern : Vannskade på Pentagon: Full student overnattet på sluket i dusjen med vannet på. Vannskade på Pentagon : Vannskade på Pentagon:Full student overnattet på sluket i dusjen med vannet på.

es k r odel! a o f g m o l a t t e a c e a ntr

46 Issue 07 Volume 72



World’s Best News Says: ‘Shed

than Negativity’; Text by Johanna Mae S. Guevara

SAIH (Norway’s Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund) and Spire Ås’ seminar on the 19th of September 2017 attracted different opinions from the students and the presenters regarding how positive news should be made more visible in mainstream media. World’s Best News― formed by SAIH (Norway’s Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund), Spire, and Changemaker― promotes that their organization focuses on global progress and spreading positivity to people. “We don’t want to replace traditional media, but mainstream media tends to highlight challenges and point out severe conflicts and seldom covers stories about positive progress,” Beathe Øgard, spokesperson of WBN and president of SAIH, explained. For her, if we are constantly bombarded with the same kind of news, it is easy to lose faith. She showed that according to a survey by the Norwegian Church Aid, 37% of teenagers to young adults are pessimistic of good changes in 10 years. “These are young people who could have believed that they can do something to change the world. Most headlines are discouraging, and it’s not that strange that many of them are cynical about how the world is going to take flight in the future,” she said. For her, World’s Best News’ main agenda is to spread positive stories to counteract fear, hopelessness, and apathy to people. Stereotyped Negative Headlines One of the audiences reasoned that one of the main reasons why people don’t read the news is that all that they can read are negative news.

Light on Positivity Rather

Draws Mix Reactions from Students

“People don’t want to read about that because everything in the media are frustrating. They mostly report on war and terrorism, wherein there could have been more possible news,” she said. Axel Støren Wedén, a journalist from Verdens Gang, settles that it’s also challenging for journalists to engage people to read about foreign affairs because people have enough problems to bother in their own lives already but they still need to cover these negative topics. “In this profession, journalists report things that are worthy of criticisms so we can make changes and make society a better place to live. We must touch these negative articles on basis of proximity and the need of the audience to be informed,” Wedén expressed. At the same time, Brenda Jimris, Best in Master Thesis 2016, argued that people must keep in mind that the media is a presentation of the end. “This means that it is the duty of the media to connect this information and disseminate the facts to the public to let them understand what is happening and to make them involved,” she explained. Media Creates Its Audience Chiara Cai, a sophomore student, raises her concerns regarding how the media sees people only as consumers. For her, journalists are trained to write stories quickly and for profit, and thereby decide on the news that are accessible to readers. This was also echoed by another student, Manqoba Nxumalo, who says that the media is forming it’s kind of audience. “It is unwittingly exposing or perpetuating the views of prejudice and the logic of the readers. The readers are seeing the world through these biased media people’s eyes and not their own perception,” he asserted. He debates that the media must be able to uncover the silent points of view in every story. Moreover, they should balance their

reports so the readers could have the chance to be objective in their analysis. Journalists’ Defense For Wedén, given that we are living in a capitalist world, newspapers and media are also businesses that needs to make money to survive. For him, it is the obligation of the media to put their readers first and cover certain topics that are trending. “People pay for journalism. It’s a two-way communication between us and them. They influence us much as we influence them. The readers contribute to all these various topics that we report on and we write accordingly to what type of audience we’re targeting to,” Wedén refuted. Similarly, Jimris defended that professional journalists are programmed in doing their jobs for the public to consume it. This is their way to influence the society to evoke reactions and form public opinions regarding different issues. “What would the world talk about if the media didn’t disseminate both types of news?” she argued. The Final Judgement Øgard and Wedén both agreed that we should stir away from seeing media as black and white or either negative news or positive news. “At a WBN’s perspective, it is also dangerous to have only a positive focus because people might think everything is okay and would not bother anymore. We have to both present challenges and tell people how things can improve,” Øgard conveyed. Likewise, Jimris echoed their statement. “There is a grey area within the media. And this is the reason it is important for us to focus on both the negative and constructive news to establish platforms of public debate. We need both of this news to avoid being a stereotypical media,” she concluded.

As readers, what do you think? Issue 07 Volume 72 47

Upcoming events


60’s galla party with Studentstorbandet


September For 105 years now, the student band “Studentstorbandet” has hosted only







unforgettable parties. September 29 will not be an exception! ! With wonderful music, you will just want to dance swing all night long in Festsalen! Put on your dancing shoes and join the party!

Sunday: Nature Trip Do you like to go for walks in nature? Join us for a scavenger hunt trip! Bring along a team and show up on Sunday, October 1 at the Samfunnet office. Maps of different posts will be handed out and there will be questions to answer at each post. There will of course a prize for the best team. Remember to dress according to the weather :)

Café Klubben







21:00 Aud. Max.



16:00 Fotballrommet




Café Klubben




Small Concert: Noe Ganske Annet

It is almost time for a small concert with the choir Noe Ganske Annet. Mark off monday October 2! They will sing a few different songs, both new and old, at 20:00 in CafeKlubben. Hope to see you there!

Political Tuesdays: Taxing Multinational Companies Are you irritated that multinational companies often avoid paying taxes that could be used for education or health? Come and hear Changemaker talk about a tax system that needs updating!


Wednesday October 4 is octoberfest, where you get to dress up in your octoberfest dress and the läderhosen you borrow from your father. There will be quite the party in AudMax! There will be long tables to enjoy the pint you receive at the door!

Aud. Max.




Revy: Broderskapet Unity On Friday, October 6 there is only one place to be! This night the Unity Blazers will come off in a show you will not soon forget! The Society Broderskapet Unity is ready to entertain.

Sunday: GG-cup, field hockey Samfunnet invites you to the field hocky cup! . Sign up a team for the competition, and the winner can call themselves the “Georg Guttormsens master in field hockey. In comparison to other sports, field hockey is a very old sport. But only since the 70’s has it become a sport that you can kick back and watch on the couch. But instead of that, grab your friends and join iun for an action-filled sunday. The perfect ending to an otherwise hectic week! There will be a prize for the winning team, and the team with the best costumes!

Small Concert: Hankattforeningen og PB Skål, Administrative Director!

Skål Honorable President! On Monday October 9 it’s going down in Samfunnet! Come and see the worst men and the best show at Samfunnet. The best (Hankattforeningen st.1902)and worst (PB). singers in Ås are coming together for an exciting show. Many months of practice lay behind this show, so come out and see it (A bit of alcohol in your bloodstream before the show starts is reccomended.)

48 Issue 07 Volume 72

Tuntreet Aud. Max.


11 14:00 Halvors’


11 21:00 Bodegaen


13 21:30 Café Klubben


15 Samfunnet



Carreer Day

Want to meet relevant companies? Over 60 companies are coming to Aud.Max on career day, and will have everything from CV photography to lazer guns. From 12-14 the room is open to masters students, and to everyone else from 14-16.

Rock Bodega

“Rock around the Clock” is what this night is all about! There will be rockrockrock all night long. Come out to play, drink, and dance! The Rock club will be playing for the dance floor so there are no excuses to not swing by Samfunnet. You will want to throw on a leather jacket and get dressed for this! The only thing to do this night is rock!

Theme Party: Stay Broke What is happening at this bodega? Do we have to do anything special? Do we have to wear something nice? We are excited to say that you only have to dress up in your “shabby, broke college kid” clothing! There will be 13 000 pils, lemon cake and spaghetti! Clear your calendar, this is a night you won’t want to miss!

Sunday: Card Games

This Sunday it is time for card games in CafeKlubben! Bring along a friend or five, or just come alone and join in on game day with the card and board game club!

Political Tuesday: Short Feminist Film Festival Ås Feminist Students is arranging a short film festival where they will feature films addressing the subject of gender. There will also be some time for discussion.




17 21:00 Bodega


18 21:00

Samfunnets “Question Hour” Are you interested in being in the Samfunnet Board? Or maybe you want to be the head editor of Tuntreet? Or what about the Career Day responsible in the Career Board? Or maybe you’re wondering what other positions are available? If so, you should come by Samfunnet’s “question hour” this Tuesday to chat with us and find out more. Aud. Max.

Normal Bodega

Are you a bit tired of having to get dressed up? Are you annoyed that you haven’t gotten the chance to go out in that new outfit you got in the last few weeks? Don’t worry, because this night you can be 100% yourself because there will be a completely normal bodega at Samfunnet.


20 21:00

Arif and Unge Ferrari There are two of the hottest rappers that Norway has to offer right now. They are both signed to the Oslo-based label “Nora Collective” and are full of creativity and originality. In October they will come to Samfunnet and play in Festsalen. In other words, the black asphalt of Oslo will clash together with the green landscape of Ås. We promise this will be amazing!

Are you going to arrange something between October 19 and November 9? Send the date, time, place, arranger and event name + 30-70 descriptive words, and even a small picture or icon to before 15.09. Preferably both in Norwegian and EnglishIssue 07 Volume 72 49


In regards to samfunnet Dear Thorvald and Tora, These past weeks have been full of everything from a sold out semester kickoff concert with Klovner i Kamp, to a completely full CaféKlubben on both political tuesdays and quiz thursdays. Fall semester has finally started and we love it. From here, things can only go one way: towards exams. since the next few months will dissappear as quickly as a bodega hookup on a thursday morning, we already need to focus on fall’s most important event. The General Assembly. At the general assembly in October, twelve different committees are elected, including Tuntreet, Samfunnet, The Carreer Committee, and the Election Committee. Come to Samfunnet’s “question hour” to have an informal chat about the different positions, or just read about them on our website (you could also do both ;)).

50 Issue 07 Volume 72

So, while the administrative president can’t think of anything else but the general assembly, the event coordinator is already working on the semester program for spring. Even though our dear events coordinator is creative beyond normal, he is still open for suggestions or wishes for the spring semester program. If you have anything to suggest, just let him know. But that’s not all, because it’s not just the events coordinator who wants input from Tora and Thorvald. The booking committee is already working on the spring semester, and is always looking for suggestiong to be sent to: Warm regards, The Marketing Officer and friends The Samfunnet committee 2017



Skaal for at tage Verden med Storm! Det er selvfølgelig vaar egen IRMA vi snakker om. Et Fartsvidunder der er raskere end Lynet, efterlater sig Lukten af svidd Gummi, samt tager Indersvingen paa samtlige. IRMA fremstaar kanskje uskyldig, dog er Hun fryktløs samt fager som faa. Skaal for vaar egen IRMA! Nu haver IRMA afsluttet Sesongen for i Aar, dette haaber vi ogsaa at Orkanen Irma haver gjort. Skaal for at det kun findes en god IRMA i Verden! Qlturell Hilsen Muskatt Margrethe, Matrise Kristin, Gambler Stine Marie samt Pusekatt Agnes

Du ser oss i gulldress, både her og der. Nå om dagen ser du kanskje også våre håpefulle, spente kandidater gjøre sprell både på dagtid og nattetid. Å bli medlem av vår skinnende forening er ingen spøk, dette har kandidatene for alvor oppdaget. Gevinsten er likevel så mangt, verdt det aller meste av anstrengelser og utfordringer. Til alle nye og gamle, studiner og studenter: nyt høstens goder, winter is coming

I skrivende stund sitter jeg og hører på ”Girls just wanna have fun”, vil bare lukke boka og dra til varmere strøk, drikke piña colada og leve solskinnsdagene som det bare blir færre og færre av. La oss ikke dvele for hardt ved de snikende høstdepresjonene. Det er tross alt bare 13 lørdager til julaften. Med høsten kommer jo også koselige stunder foran tv-peisen og en kakao++. Og hva er vel ikke bedre enn tanken på å sitte i mørket foran den litt for lite varmeeffektive peisen sammen med en middelaldrende sugardaddy som betaler når studielånet er for short? På tide å få igjen bakkekontakten snart kanskje? Ta ett glass rødt og finne veien tilbake til Sør. Prekaaas!

Quiz Answers:

Du haver kanskje hørt om Hende, Hun der tager Gatene med Storm? Hun der haver blivet internasjonalt kjent samt skapt store Overskrifter Verden over. Samtlige haver blivet kjent med Hende baade paa godt samt vondt.

Den gyldne tiden av året har kommet, og ingenting gjør vel en Alfa lykkeligere enn dette! Endelig er man ordentlig inne i de gamle gode vaner, alt er som før her i Ås. Sommerens glade ferieminner (les: jobb) er byttet ut med lukten av nytappa øl fra bodega´n, og den velkjente dagen-derpå er verre enn noen gang.

Etter en lang hvit sommer, med tørkeperiode like tørr som Sahara, er vi tilbake på Ås og klare for nye fyllekuler. Gårsdagens hodepine dundrer løs så en skulle tro man hadde blitt slått i hodet med en kjevle. De fuktige bodegakveldene kommer på rekke og rad, og skolearbeidet ligger allerede bak skjema.

1. Ships 2. Dubrovnik 3. Because it has been bred a banana almost without seeds 4. Aconcagua (6961 m, i Argentina) 5. New Zealand (1893) 6. Sam Eyde, i 1905 7. 19 8. They put in salty caramel 9. England (1966), Frankrike (1998) og Spania (2010) 10. Pink Floyd (1965), AC/DC (1973), The Police (1977), Guns n`Roses (1985)

Skaal FFD! Skaal Skriver! Skaal $paregris! Skaal Hunkatter! Skaal Qlturelle samt Xklusive! Skaal Pusekatter! Skaal Tora samt Thorvald!

Issue 07 Volume 72 51




Intimate conCafé tuesday sert: Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet



Intimate consert: Café tuesday Hankattforenin- Drink & opengen st.1902 og mic Den X-clusive Stiftelse PB


Intimate consert: Flatlusa






Careerday Rock bodega Cafévorspiel in Klubben


General assembly


Revue: Broderskapet Unity

Pizza course, Vitenparken

Deadline TT08





International quiz in Café Klubben

Theme party: Stay on social funds.

SmakÅs conferense. Consert in Ås kulturhus: Unni Wilhelmsen





Boardgames at Samfunnet. SmakÅs conferense



Samfunnet’s question hour

Cafévorspiel in Klubben







Quiz in Café Klubben



Revue: Åsblæst’n

Campfire at Frydenhaug

Deadline TT09

Beer brewing, Vitenparken. Musical in Ås kulturhus: Haunted.





Cafétuesday Games & chill

Temaquiz in Café Klubben


GG-cup, bandy

Café tuesday

Consert: Unge Ferrari + Arif

Dansecourse with Dås

Launch TT08

Cafévorspiel in Klubben



Quiz in Café Klubben


Halloween bodega Cafévorspiel in Klubben


International quiz in Café Klubben

Revue: Trøndernes Fagforening

Poker tournament at Samfunnet

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