Dragon Daily | April Edition

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dragonnewsledait er ly division 4 west | cnh key club


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Hello Dragons! Crazy to say that this is the last newsletter of term...last newsletter of my Key Club Journey...p much my last task as News Editor. This term wa amazing, from meeting new people to spending last year in Key Club with my closest friends... I wou have asked for anything better. Joining Key Club as a freshman was probably on the best decisions of my high school career... e though I wasn’t active in the beginning, I’m glad I my friends who pushed me to attend events. Key Club gave me the opportunity to lead more 300 members at Fall Rally South, create graphics the CNH District, meet my closest friends and serve community! Even though my journey ends here doesn’t me won’t stop helping out the community and ins those around me. Well, this is the end folks, thank the great memories... this is not a goodbye but a YOU LATER, ALLIGATORS! -Bridget Ton

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As a wee little freshman, I never expected a club to spin my whole life around. As cliche as it may sound, Key Club broke me out of my "bubble." Before Key Club was integrated into my life, I was reserved and unsure of what I wanted to do in high school. Key Club has revolutionized my life in that it provided me with a purpose and more importantly, friends. Time and time again, many have shied away from joining the biggest service club in high school and in doing so, they have missed four years of opportunity and elation. Key Club has shown me that high school is more than just academics and sports. Key Club unveils an inclusive, pleasant part of high school that is virtually unknown to any other organization and club. Thank you for this past term, Dragons. I can't wait to have one more!

Hey Division 4 West! The term is rapidly approaching its end, but it feels like just yesterday that we were sitting on the curb at the March of Dimes. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that Key Club has given me to meet new people and experience new things. Key Club really means a lot to me, because I knew from freshman year and up until now, that I wasn’t the smartest kid and definitely not the most athletic, but the one thing that did separate me from everyone else was the dedication and involvement with this amazing club. Serving as a member, on club board, and the division leadership team gave me a new perspective on how much impact we can make if we come together and work towards a common good. I would like to thank everyone who came out to a DCM or division event this term and I encourage you to continue your service and dedication!

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Key Club has allowed me to learn how to be a leader and meet many new people along the way. I wouldn't be who I am today without this club and I definitely wouldn't have the friends I do now. I'm grateful for the last 4 years this club has given me, and I thank all of you for allowing me to serve you! al


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My term as your Service Expo Coordinator is coming to an end. I remember attending my first Key Club event, Light the Night as an incoming freshman. At first I was nervous to put myself out there, but the atmosphere was filled with a bunch of compassionate key clubbers who wanted to make a difference to the world like I did. During the past few years in Key Club, I learned that sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone. Don’t cares about what other people think about you. The only person you should worry about disappointing is yourself. If you’re proud of what you’re doing, then do it! Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. Don’t be afraid of failure. I’ve messed up and embarrassed myself way too much in the past years. Key Club had help me overcome some of my fears and hesitancy. Even though this term is over for me, I still have one more year in Key Club. These lessons I’ve learned and the experiences I’ve had will be with me forever. Every smile, every laugh, every moment will never forgotten. I am happy for all Key Club has given to me and made me to the person I am today. I wouldn’t have been able to meet so many wonderful people without Key Club. Thank you for being a part of my term and thank you for being a part of Key Club International… but it’s time to say good-bye. Thank you for everything.



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Hey Dragons! It's one of ya STC's signing in for the last time!! Joining Key Club was one of the best decisions I've ever made in high school. I'm so glad to have made wonderful memories and to have met amazing individuals that I can honestly say have affected my life. Through spirit and service, I've grown so much as a person and I'm so appreciative of all the great opportunities that Key Club has given me. I want to end off the term by thanking our LTG, Frank Le, for allowing me this supa c00l position and I want to thank all the members I've met thus far. Thank you for everything Division 4 West and CATCH YA ON THE FLIPSIDE!

Key Club has been a huge factor for my life. It has allowed me to grow into a proud, hardworking and prideful human being. I was able to see how fun and important it was for the community. Such as working hard for the benefits of our community, making new friends and families, and having fun just as a whole division. I can say that Key Club has impacted not just my life, but everyone’s as well. We have surpassed many goals and brightened so many futures just by being committed into Key Club. Because of that, it was a sense of motivation to work harder and to be more involved with my community. It has also made me want to become someone bigger to spread positivity around our division. This is why I ran to become one of the five Spirit Task Coordinators for Division 4 West. I had a blast despite the failures and stress that the team has gone through. But I am thankful for them. Daisy, Velvet, Joshua, and Michelle. I couldn’t have asked for a better team. I look up to each and every one of them because of how powerful they have become from this position. Without them, who knows what would have happened to our division during Fall Rally. For the rest of the Division Leadership Team, I would like to thank every one of them because of how hardworking they were throughout this term. Especially Frank Le, our retiring LTG. He has been a hard worker, but yet a jokester in while leading our division. Despite his corny jokes and embarrassing humor, he has made our division a fun and positive place for members to have fun. Lastly, I would like to thank the members of D04W because it wouldn’t have been fun without them. I’ve had so many memories from the Spirit Nights and Fall Rally that made me proud of how impactful I have become. Thank you for letting me be one of your im 2016-2017 Division Spirit Task Coordinators. Rawr Kawaii!


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And that's a wrap for this year dragons! Thank you all for being a part of my second year in Key Club and giving me an opportunity to serve as one of your Spirit Coordinators. Although we did not win the spirit stick this year, I hope we all made memories that will stick by us throughout our remaining high school years. I had an amazing time getting to know most of you and for that, you made my experience better. Let's win that spirit stick next year!


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Key Club has made me a more social person and has enhanced my high school experience in many ways. I've learned various skills because of key club and have grown as a person. Key Club has helped me get better at meeting new people and taught me teamwork and leadership skills. I've made many new friendships and met a ton of great people. Serving as a Spirit Task Coordinator helped me get closer to members like myself and was a great experience. Though we didn't win at Fall Rally, members still showed love and passion for Divsion 4 West and I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you for everything, Division 4 West. It's been an honor serving as your Spirit Task Coordinator for the 2016-2017 term.

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Key Club changed my life because it showed me the true value of service. Within this organization, there are people who want to make a difference at in their community. Whether the difference was in their schools or in the world, there was a community of Key Clubbers who worked passionately together to achieve their goals. Thanks D04W for allowing me to serve with you in making a difference.


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Key club made my high school experience fun and interesting by providing opportunities to give back to my community and make new friends.

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Key Club has really benefitted my high school experience. Through Key Club, I was able to make new friends and also helped me learn to manage my time a lot better. In addition, Key Club has helped me learned to be more involve into school

Key Club has helped me stay more organize and motivated to help and do more for my club. From building a website till 3in the morning to hanging out with members at 5AM events. Key Club has helped me be patient and enjoy the little things. Thank you board members that never complained about the ridiculous amount of tasks we gave. Shoutout to the homies who weren't on board but helped us out. Thank you to all the members that stayed with us throughout the year. And thank you to the Pres Brianna who's been my partner in crime since 1st grade

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Being in charge of my home club has empowered me as an individual. I've love watching my fellow peers become more involved and aware of what's happening in their community. Not only have I improved as a leader, but I have become more involved with concerns on and off campus. Being surrounded by like minded students has set a tone of change and betterment in everything I do. I'd like to thank my VP Rafael for being my right hand man and the rest of my board for being there for me during this new experience. I'm excited to see what Godinez can bring during our following fol term.


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Key Club has given me a avenue to serv care, make new friends, and become better person. I'd say that Key Club wa one of the defining aspects of my hig school career, as it has provided endles opportunities to affect my peers an friends around me, and really drove me t success. Without Key Club, I wouldn't hav su been able to put myself out there uncomfortable situations because th problems I've faced in this club ha developed my critical thinking an judgement. I'm very grateful for th experience that Marina Key Club and D4W has given me... It been pretty good.



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